Tomahawk Spring/Summer Edition

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New Ordeal Members

Congrats to the following Scouts and adults

for completng their Ordeal ceremonies:
Cameron Bradley
John Gura
Kevin Jones
Ross Keyser
Mathew Parise
Koen Rodabaugh
Simeon Temple
Nicholas Tharrington
Charles Venable
Jackson Venable
Mathew Wilford
Joseph Yeakey
Leter from Chapter Chief
Hello all new Arrowmen! I would like to congratulate all of you on being elected to the Order
of the Arrow and I am so happy that you decided to go through your Ordeal and become a
part of the OA. The Order of the Arrow is a unique opportunity for you to further your
leadership skills and to partcipate in the BSA in another excitng way. We have meetngs on
the frst Thursday of every month at 7 at the LDS Church on Jenkins Road in Wake Forest. At
meetngs we plan for upcoming events and discuss ofcial business, but we always have fun,
so I hope to see you there!
Steven Yeakey
Thomas Travers
Grant Radding
Brian Burch
Billy Bardes
Emmanuel Amerson
Zachary Carter
Wesley Carter
Ethan Black
David Mendenhall
New Brotherhood Members
Congrats to the following Scouts and adults for completng their
Brotherhood Trail:
Carlton Brown
Richard Browning
Joe Buhr
Mike Buhr
Sean Deuger
Theresa Deuger
Andres Gandica
John Hobson
Gregory Lanzon
Isaac Lanzon
Kelly McClendon
Wyat Mote
Mathew Shore
John Tsikerdanos
Michael Tsikerdanos
Ben Wester
Video: htps://
Pow Wow
Pow Wow is the Lodges opening event for the new year. It bring us new Ordeal candidates,
new Brotherhood members and lots of cheerful spirit. This year our Pow Wow theme was
Fiesta in preparaton for Conclave. We had our new candidates going through their
Ordeal, Pow Wow was held in the dance arbor, quest event style games were held in the
feld and a ferce taco brawl was fought by our lodge leadership. If you missed Conclave,
dont frown, it was all caught on flm. Feel free to see what you missed on the Natonal OA
YouTube page or this link:
Youve heard it once, youve heard it twice Youve heard it a thousand tmes!

Conclave was held this year by Klahican lodge and they did a fantastc job at it.
From giant games of Jenga to dinosaur blow ups they had it all! Our lodge came
in frst place at the quest games and collected the most amount of canned food.
We brought more spirit then we knew what to do with.
A highlight video was made for this event and will be posted on the Natonal OA
YouTube page in the coming month, keep an eye out for it.

There arent too many weekends at Camp Durant where we have such great
weather as we did this weekend, May 16-18. The sun was shinning, a nice breezy
wind, awesome temperatures and not a cloud to be seen. We enjoyed the best
weather for setng up cots and cleaning for Summer Camp. Our new members
were hard at work this weekend giving cheerful service to our camp. A large
number of projects were completed thanks to everyone who partcipated.
Photos from the event can be found on the Lodge Facebook page.
June 12, cookout at Anderson Point.
No meetng in July
Aug. 7, next chapter meetng
Sept. 4, chapter meetng
Sept. 19-21, Fall Fellowship
Oct. 17-19, Fall Gathering
Pow Wow was great. The Arrowmen had a fun tme and not a whole lot of
work. We had 15 Scouts pass their Ordeal and several achieve Brotherhood.
Our theme was Fiesta and I thought we did a wonderful job to promotng
spirit. Over all we had a great tme with good weather. Conclave was at a small
Lodge, but they did a wonderful job. The Jenga blocks were new and something
we will have in future events. Our lodge won the Quest games and we raised
the largest pound count for the food drive. Camping was good and everyone
had a great tme. Spring inductons produced 9 new Ordeal members and 15
new Brotherhood members. Overall we all had a good tme.
A major component of the OA is the Lodge campouts that happen throughout the year. These
campouts are where prospectve Arrowmen go through their Ordeal to become members of
the OA and where current Arrowmen enjoy service, fellowship, and fun. So far we have been
to Spring Powwow, Conclave, and Spring Inductons. At Powwow and Spring Inductons, we
had Arrowmen serve as Elangomats to help the inductees through their Ordeal while other
Arrowmen simply enjoyed the weekend with friends by partcipatng in the service projects
and watching ceremonies and the shows. At Conclave, the largest weekend outng of the year,
Arrowmen were allowed to freely explore and enjoy what Camp Bowers had to ofer and
everyone found something fun to do between OAX, the blood bus, or giant Jenga. Afer lunch,
the whole secton gathered for Quest for the Golden Arrow where Occoneechee took home
the crown once again. That night, Klahican Lodge treated the secton to a great show which
was followed by a fun tme at Cardinaval with fried food, ice cream, and other fun actvites.
This fall, we will be going to Fall Fellowship to put more potental Arrowmen through their
Ordeal to be followed by Occoneechee Council's frst Council Camporee in more than 2 years!
If you have any questons about anything, contact me at!

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