Name: Rismalina Ayunda Nim: E1D020181 Class: 3F Introduction To Literature

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Name : Rismalina Ayunda

Nim : E1D020181

Class : 3F

Introduction To Literature


1. "Literature is an expression of artistic and imaginative facts as a manifestation of human life

(and society) through language as a medium and has a positive effect on human life (humanity)."
( Mursal Esten) , Book ( Literature Introduction to Theory and History), Page 3, Release date: 28
July 2021.
2. "Literature is a person's inner expression through language by way of depiction which is a bridge
to the reality of life, the author's insight into the reality of life, the author's pure imagination
which is not related to the reality of life (recorded events) or the author's intuition desires, and
can also be a mixture of both" ( Andri Wicaksono) , Book (About Literature Orchestra Theory and
Its Learning), Page 1, Release date: 18 December 2020.
3. "Literature is an absorption word from Sanskrit, shastra which means text that contains
instructions or guidelines. Literature is formed from the word literature which has an affix and
can still be separated again. became the word su and literature. Su means good or beautiful,
while literature means writing or writing. So literature is all writings or essays that contain good
values and are written in beautiful language" (Lianawati W.S.), Book (Diving The Beauty Of
Indonesian Literature), Page 11, Release date: 11 June 2019.
4. "Literature is the result of the author's creativity that comes from human life directly through
fiction with language as the medium" (Retno Winarni), Book (Literature Creative Writing), Page
3, Release date: 13 March 2014.
5. "Literature is a form and result of creative art work whose object (or subject) is humans and
their lives by using language as a medium" (Atar Semi), Book (Literature Research Methods),
Page 8, Release date: 28 July 2021.
6. "Literature is art, therefore, these three branches of literary studies are also artistic. Literary
Theory or Literary Theory is a theory about literary works that are literary arts, Literary Criticism
is criticism of literary works that are literary arts, and Literary History is the history of literature
which is literary art as well. Meanwhile, Literary Theory is sometimes also called Critical Theory,
because to carry out Literary Criticism by applying Literary Theory, a person is required to have
the ability to think critically (critical thinking). The term Literary Study also uses the word literary
condition/nature/adjective, because Literary Study is also an art" (Budi Darma), Book (Literary
Theory) , Page 3, Release date: 15 May 2020.
7. "Literature is a spectacle or an art that can be demonstrated" (Hasanuddin WS.), Book
(LITERATURE PERFORMANCE:Reading Literature as a Spectacle Art), Page Cover, Release date:
28 July 2021.

1. Poetry: Song of the Goose (W.S Rendra)

2. Old Prose:
 Hikayat Si Miskin (Com.Birayang)
 History Malay (Datuk Bendahara, 1612)
 Fairy Tale Nyi Roro Kidul (Java)
 The story of Abdullah to Jeddah
3. New Prose:
 Romance; Expanded Screen (Sutan Takdir Alisyahbana)
 Novel; Supernova (Dewi "Dee" Lestari)
 Short story; The Collapse of Our Surau (A. A Navis)
 Criticism
 Review
 Essay

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