Key Word: Speaking Ability, Descriptive Text

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Astutik, Putri Endah 2021: An Analysis of Student’s Speaking Ability In

Descriptive Text At Eighth Grade of Madrasah Tsanawiah (MTs) Al
Ma’arif Merangin Academic Year 2020/2021. Thesis of English
Education Program, Language and Art Department STKIP YPM
Bangko.The fisrt advisors Dr. Yesi Elfisa, S.Pd.I. M.Pd, and second
advisor A. Eki Kurniawan. S. Pd, M.Pd.

The purpose of this research was to describe the students speaking

ability in using descriptive text at eight grade of Madrasah Tsanawiah
(MTs) Al Ma’arif Merangin Academic Year 2020/2021.The problem of
students was The problem in this thesis the researcher found some facts
contained in class VIII in the speaking ability. Students were shy and lack
confidence, moreover the students did not participate the active during the
lesson in speaking class, students have a probelm in pronunciation, many
students who don’t like learning English especially about descriptive text,
many students are not interested talking English.
The method was used a descriptive quantitative method. The
population of this research was eight grade of Madrasah Tsanawiah
(MTs) Al Ma’arif Merangin Academic Year 2021/2022 and based on the
students this grade consist of 43 students, the sample for the researcher
was 43 students at eight grade of Madrasah Tsanawiah (MTs) Al Ma’arif
Meranginits mean that all of students were sample. To collecting the data,
the researcher was used test. The test was speaking test. For researcher
instrument on the researcher used test, observation and documentation.
Based on the result of the research, it was found that the highest
total score was in aspect of grammar, with total score was 109. The
second highest total score was in aspect vocabulary, with total score 99.
The third highest total score was aspect fluency, with total score was 94.
And the first lowest total score was aspect pronunciation, with total score
was 88. In conclusion the average of students speaking ability in
descriptive text was 74 from a total score of 1850. it can be conclude that
the students of MTs Al Ma’arif Merangin class VIII have reach the KKM
because the KKM for English for MTs Al Ma’arif Merangin was 70.
Because the students average grade was more than 70 so the students
speaking ability in descriptive text at eight grade of Madrasah Tsanawiah
(MTs) Al Ma’arif Merangin Academic Year 2020/2021 was good.
Key word : Speaking Ability, Descriptive Text

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