ICS OPS Description2012
ICS OPS Description2012
ICS OPS Description2012
Operational Description
2) ICS Structure 7
4) Incident Complex 15
5) Area Command 16
1) ICS Organization 19
2) Operations Section 24
3) Planning Section 31
4) Logistics Section 37
6) Intelligence/Investigations Function 46
The system has considerable internal flexibility; it can grow or shrink to meet the
changing needs of the incident or event. ICS has been tested in more than 30 years of
applications, in emergency and non emergency situations ranging from small to large
incidents, by all levels of government as well as the private sector.
In 2002 the Canadian Interagency Forest Fire Centre (CIFFC) and member agencies
implemented the Incident Command System (ICS) Canadian Version. Several ICS
documents and a complete training curriculum were developed and adopted by wildland
fire agencies across the country. The CIFFC documentation focused on the
organizational structure and processes for managing wildland fires. Through this
document, the use of the ICS has been expanded beyond wildland fire response, to
provide a system that will enable organizations to manage any incident or event,
regardless of cause, size, location or complexity.
The system allows response organizations to utilize only those aspects that are
practically suited to a given incident. While the full expansion of the ICS structure may
appear complex, this would occur only during complex incidents, and would serve to
maintain the optimum span of control by injecting appropriate supervisory levels.
Incidents typically begin and end locally, and are managed on a daily basis at the lowest
possible geographical, organizational, and jurisdictional level. However, there are
instances in which successful incident management operations depend on the
involvement of multiple jurisdictions, levels of government, functional agencies, and/or
The ICS framework forms the basis for interoperability and compatibility that will, in turn,
enable a diverse set of public and private organizations to conduct well-integrated and
effective incident response operations.
Most incidents are managed locally and are typically handled at a local level by
emergency response personnel within a single jurisdiction. The majority of responses
need go no further. In other instances, incidents that begin with a single response
within a single jurisdiction rapidly expand to multidisciplinary, multi- jurisdictional levels
requiring significant additional resources and operational support. ICS provides a
flexible core mechanism for coordinated and collaborative incident management,
whether for incidents where additional resources are required or are provided from
different organizations within a single jurisdiction or outside the jurisdiction, or for
complex incidents with national, provincial or territorial implications (such as an
emerging infectious disease or a bioterrorism attack). When a single incident covers a
large geographical area, multiple local emergency management and incident response
agencies may be required. The responding “agencies” are defined as the governmental
agencies, though in certain circumstances nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) and
private-sector organizations may be included. Effective cross-jurisdictional coordination
using processes and systems is absolutely critical in this situation.
ICS is based on a series of proven management features tested and proven effective in
industry, various levels of government and response agencies. Each of the following
ICS features contributes to the strength and efficiency of the overall system.
ICS establishes common terminology that allows diverse incident management and
support organizations to work together across a wide variety of incident management
functions and hazard scenarios. This common terminology covers the following:
The ICS organizational structure develops in a modular fashion based on the size and
complexity of the incident, as well as the specifics of the hazard environment created by
the incident. When needed, separate functional elements can be established, each of
which may be further subdivided to enhance internal organizational management and
external coordination. Responsibility for the establishment and expansion of the ICS
modular organization ultimately rests with Incident Command, which bases the ICS
organization on the requirements of the situation. As incident complexity increases, the
organization expands from the top down as functional responsibilities are delegated.
Concurrently with structural expansion, the number of management and supervisory
positions expands to address the requirements of the incident adequately.
Centralized, coordinated incident action planning should guide all response activities.
An Incident Action Plan (IAP) provides a concise, coherent means of capturing and
communicating the overall incident priorities, objectives, strategies, and tactics in the
context of both operational and support activities.
Every incident must have an action plan. However, not all incidents require written
plans. The need for written plans and attachments is based on the requirements of the
incident and the decision of the Incident Commander (IC) or Unified Command (UC).
Most initial response operations are not captured with a formal IAP. However, if an
incident is likely to extend beyond one operational period, become more complex, or
involve multiple jurisdictions and/or agencies, preparing a written IAP will become
increasingly important to maintain effective, efficient, and safe operations.
Span of control is key to effective and efficient incident management. Supervisors must
be able to adequately supervise and control their subordinates, as well as communicate
with and manage all resources under their supervision. The type of incident, nature of
the task, hazards and safety factors, and distances between personnel and resources
all influence span-of-control considerations.
Incident communications are facilitated through the development and use of a common
communications plan and interoperable communications processes and architectures.
The ICS 205 form is available to assist in developing a common communications plan.
This integrated approach links the operational and support units of the various agencies
involved and is necessary to maintain communications connectivity and discipline and
to enable common situational awareness and interaction. Preparedness planning
should address the equipment, systems, and protocols necessary to achieve integrated
voice and data communications.
The command function must be clearly established from the beginning of incident
operations. The agency with primary jurisdictional authority over the incident
designates the individual at the scene responsible for establishing command. When
command is transferred, the process must include a briefing that captures all essential
information for continuing safe and effective operations.
Chain of command refers to the orderly line of authority within the ranks of the incident
management organization. Unity of command means that all individuals have a
designated supervisor to whom they report at the scene of the incident. These
principles clarify reporting relationships and eliminate the confusion caused by multiple,
conflicting directives. Incident managers at all levels must be able to direct the actions
of all personnel under their supervision.
1.13 Dispatch/Deployment
All incidents or events involve similar management tasks. The problem must be
identified and assessed, a plan to deal with the problem developed and implemented,
and the necessary resources acquired and paid for.
ICS provides the structure for effectively managing the following common incident tasks;
Most incidents or events require a division of labour to accomplish these tasks. The
organization of the Incident Command system is built around five major management
Sets objectives and priorities, has overall responsibility at the
incident or event
Conducts tactical operations to carry out the plan develops the
tactical objectives, organization, and directs all resources
Develops the action plan to accomplish the objectives, collects and
evaluates information. Maintains resource status
Provides support to meet incident needs, provides resources and
all other services needed to support the incident
Finance / Administration
Monitors costs related to incident, provides accounting,
procurement, time recording, and cost analyses.
There is no correlation between the organization of ICS and the administrative structure
of any single agency or jurisdiction. This is deliberate, because confusion over different
position titles and management structures caused significant problems with incident
management in the past.
The designated IC will develop the incident objectives on which subsequent incident
action planning will be based. The IC will approve the IAP and all requests pertaining to
ordering and releasing incident resources.
Under UC, the IAP is assembled by the Planning Section and is approved by the UC. A
single individual, the Operations Section Chief, directs the tactical implementation of the
IAP. The Operations Section Chief will usually come from the organization with the
greatest jurisdictional involvement. UC participants will agree on the designation of the
Operations Section Chief.
UC works best when the participating members of the UC co-locate at the ICP and
observe the following practices:
Select an Operations Section Chief for each operational period.
Keep each other informed of specific requirements.
Establish consolidated incident objectives, priorities, and strategies.
Establish a single system for ordering resources.
Develop a consolidated written or oral IAP to be evaluated and updated at
regular intervals.
Establish procedures for joint decision making and documentation.
General Staff
The General Staff is responsible for the functional aspects of the incident command
structure. The General Staff typically consists of the Operations, Planning, Logistics,
and Finance/Administration Section Chiefs. The Section Chiefs may have one or more
deputies assigned, with the assignment of deputies from other agencies encouraged in
the case of multi-jurisdictional incidents.
This Section is responsible for all tactical activities focused on reducing the immediate
hazard, saving lives and property, establishing situational control, and restoring normal
operations. Lifesaving and responder safety will always be the highest priorities and the
first objectives in the IAP.
The Logistics Section is responsible for all service support requirements needed to
facilitate effective and efficient incident management, including ordering resources from
off-incident locations. This Section also provides facilities, security (of the incident
command facilities and personnel), transportation, supplies, equipment maintenance
and fuel, food services, communications and information technology support, and
emergency responder medical services, including inoculations, as required.
Incident management organizations must also establish a system for the collection,
analysis, and sharing of information developed during intelligence/investigation efforts.
The collection, analysis, and sharing of incident-related intelligence are important
elements of ICS. Normally, operational information and situational intelligence are
management functions located in the Planning Section. ICS allows for organizational
flexibility, so the Intelligence/Investigations Function can be embedded in several
different places within the organizational structure. In some circumstances, intelligence
and investigations may be added as a sixth functional area.
An Incident Complex refers to two or more individual incidents located in the same
general area that are assigned to a single IC or a UC. When an Incident Complex is
established over several individual incidents, the general guideline is that the previously
identified incidents become Branches within the Operations Section of the IMT. This
provides greater potential for future expansion if required. Each Branch thus has the
increased flexibility to establish Divisions or Groups. Additionally, because Divisions
and Groups may already have been established at each of the incidents, the same
basic structure can be propagated. If any of the incidents within a complex has the
potential to become a large-scale incident, it is best to establish it as a separate incident
with its own ICS organization.
A complex may be managed under a single IC or a UC. The following are additional
considerations for the use of a complex:
The incidents are close enough to be managed by the same IMT.
A combined management approach could achieve some staff or logistical
support economies.
The number of overall incidents within the jurisdiction requires consolidations
wherever possible to conserve staff and reduce costs.
A single Incident Command can adequately provide Planning, Logistics, and
Finance/Administration activities to the complex.
Area Commands are particularly relevant to incidents that are typically not site specific,
are not immediately identifiable, are geographically dispersed, and evolve over longer
periods of time (e.g., public health emergencies, earthquakes, tornadoes, civil
disturbances, and any geographic area where several IMTs are being used and these
incidents are all requesting similar resources). Incidents such as these require a
coordinated intergovernmental, NGO, and private-sector response, with large-scale
coordination typically conducted at a higher jurisdictional level. Area Command is also
used when a number of incidents of the same type in the same area are competing for
the same resources, such as multiple hazardous material incidents, spills, or fires.
When incidents are of different types and/or do not have similar resource demands,
they are usually handled as separate incidents or are coordinated through an
Emergency Operations Centre (EOC) or Emergency Coordination Centre (ECC) . If the
incidents under the authority of the Area Command span multiple jurisdictions, a Unified
Area Command should be established (see Figure 8). This allows each jurisdiction to
have appropriate representation in the Area Command.
Area Commander/
Unified Area
The dotted line connecting the EOC/ECC with the Agency administrators/Executives
and Area Commander/Unified Area Command represents the coordination and
communication link between an EOC/ECC and the Command structure.
ICS is used for a broad spectrum of incidents, from routine to complex, both naturally
occurring and human caused, by all levels of government—federal, provincial, territorial,
municipal, First Nations, and other local—as well as nongovernmental organizations
(NGOs) and the private sector. It is the combination of facilities, equipment, personnel,
procedures, and communications operating within a common organizational structure,
designed to aid in incident management activities.
Some of the more important “transitional steps” that are necessary to apply ICS in the
incident scene environment include the following:
The major elements of ICS are organized into the following 10 areas:
1. ICS Organization
2. The Operations Section
3. The Planning Section
4. The Logistics Section
5. The Finance/Administration Section
6. Establishing an Area Command
7. Facilities and Locations
8. The Planning Process and the IAP
9. ICS Forms
10. Summary of Major ICS Positions
The Incident Command System comprises five major functional areas: Command,
Operations, Planning, Logistics, and Finance/Administration. (A sixth functional area,
Intelligence/Investigations, may be established if required.)
The use of deputies and assistants is a vital part of both the organizational structure and
the modular concept. The IC may have one or more deputies, who may be from the
same or an assisting agency. Deputies may also be used at Section and Branch levels
of the organization. A deputy, whether at the Command, Section, or Branch level, must
be fully qualified to assume the position.
Assistants are used as subordinates to the Command Staff, which includes the
Information Officer, Safety Officer, and Liaison Officer. They have a level of technical
capability, qualifications, and responsibility subordinate to the primary positions.
The modular concept described above is based on the following considerations:
For reference, Table 2 describes the distinctive title assigned to each element of the
ICS organization at each corresponding level, as well as the leadership title
corresponding to each individual element.
Figure 5. Example of the Role of Safety Officer and Assistant Safety Officers in
ICS in a Multi-branch Incident
Incident operations can be organized and executed in many ways. The specific method
selected will depend on the type of incident, the agencies involved, and the objectives
and strategies of the incident management effort. The following discussion presents
several different methods of organizing tactical operations in response to an incident. In
some cases, the approach will be strictly functional. In other cases, a method will be
selected to accommodate jurisdictional boundaries. In still others, a mix of functional
and geographical approaches may be appropriate. While ICS organizational
management is directly correlated with the size and complexity of the incident, the need
to maintain a manageable span of control for all resources means that the number of
subordinate units or single resources is what drives the functions of ICS. ICS offers
extensive flexibility in determining the appropriate approach using the factors described
The Operations Section Chief (OSC) directly manages all incident tactical activities and
implements the IAP. The OSC may have one or more deputies, preferably from other
agencies in multijurisdictional incidents. An OSC should be designated for each
operational period and will have direct involvement in the development of the IAP for the
next operational period of responsibility.
The type of incident, nature of the task, hazards and safety factors, and distances
between personnel and resources all have an influence on span-of-control
Branch I Branch II
Operations Section
Chief (Fire)
Deputy Deputy
(Law) (EMS)
Section Chief
Deputy Deputy
(if required) (if required)
Divisions and Groups are established when the number of resources exceeds the
Operations Section Chief’s manageable span of control. Divisions separate physical or
geographical areas of operation within the incident area. Groups separate functional
areas of operation for the incident.
The use of the two terms is necessary, because Division always refers to a
geographical assignment and Group always refers to a functional assignment. Both
Divisions and Groups may be used in a single incident. Maintaining proper coordination
is vital to the success of these operations.
On some large incidents, such as wildland fires, with challenging or difficult terrain and
limited access, Divisions may be further sub-divided into Sectors.
The Operations Section Chief may establish an Air Operations Branch and designate its
director, when the complexity of air operations requires additional support and effort or
when the incident requires mixing tactical and logistical utilization of helicopters and
other aircraft. Aviation safety is a paramount concern in complex operations, and a
designated Air Operations Branch ensures the safe and efficient use of aviation
resources. Figure 11 shows a typical fully expanded organizational structure for air
Whenever helicopters and fixed-wing aircraft must operate simultaneously within the
incident airspace, an Air Tactical Group Supervisor should be designated. This
individual coordinates all airborne activity with the assistance of a helicopter coordinator
and a fixed-wing coordinator. When only one helicopter is used, however, the
helicopter may be directly under the control of the Operations Section Chief.
The Air Support Group establishes and operates bases for rotary-wing air assets and
maintains required liaison with off-incident fixed-wing bases. The Air Support Group is
responsible for all timekeeping for aviation resources assigned to the incident.
Section Chief
Air Operations
Branch Director
Planning Section
Resource Unit
Situation Unit
Demobilization Unit
Documentation Unit
Technical Specialist(s)
The Planning Section Chief oversees all incident-related data gathering and analysis
regarding incident operations and assigned resources, conducts Planning Meetings,
and prepares the IAP for each operational period. This individual will normally come
from the jurisdiction with primary incident responsibility and may have one or more
deputies from other participating jurisdictions.
3.2.1. Responsibilities
The Resources Unit makes certain that all assigned personnel and resources have
checked in at the incident. Resources consist of personnel, teams, crews, aircraft, and
equipment available for assignment to or employment during an incident. The
Resources Unit maintains a system for keeping track of the current location and status
of all assigned resources and maintains a master list of all resources committed to
incident operations.
The Situation Unit collects, processes, and organizes ongoing situation information;
prepares situation summaries; and develops projections and forecasts of future events
related to the incident. The Situation Unit prepares maps and also gathers and
disseminates information and intelligence for use in the IAP. This Unit should be
prepared to provide timely situation reports as scheduled or at the request of the
Planning Section Chief or IC. This Unit may also require the expertise of technical
The Documentation Unit maintains accurate and complete incident files, including a
complete record of the major steps taken to resolve the incident; provides duplication
services to incident personnel; and files, maintains, and stores incident files for legal,
analytical, and historical purposes. This Unit compiles and publishes the IAP and
maintains the files and records that are developed as part of the overall IAP and
planning function.
The Demobilization Unit develops an Incident Demobilization Plan that includes specific
instructions for all personnel and resources that will require demobilization. This Unit
should begin its work early in the incident, creating rosters of personnel and resources,
and obtaining any missing information as check-in proceeds. Note that many municipal
provided resources are local, and as such do not require specific demobilization
instructions. Once the Incident Demobilization Plan has been approved, the
Demobilization Unit ensures that it is distributed both at the incident and elsewhere as
ICS is designed to function in a wide variety of incident scenarios that require the use of
technical specialists. These personnel have special skills and are activated only when
needed. Specialists may serve anywhere within the organization, including the
Command Staff. No specific incident qualifications are prescribed or required, as
technical specialists normally perform the same duties during an incident that they
perform in their everyday jobs, and they are typically certified in their fields or
Technical specialists are most often assigned to the specific area (Section, Branch,
Unit, Division, etc.) where their services are needed and performed. In some situations
they may be assigned to a separate Unit within the Planning Section, much like a talent
pool, and assigned out to various jobs on a temporary basis. For example, a tactical
specialist may be sent to the Operations Section to assist with tactical matters, a
financial specialist may be sent to the Finance/Administration Section to assist with
fiscal matters, or a legal specialist or legal counsel may be assigned directly to the
Command Staff to advise the IC/UC on legal matters, such as emergency
proclamations, legality of evacuation orders, isolation and quarantine, and legal rights
and restrictions pertaining to media access. Generally, if the expertise is needed for
only a short period and involves only one individual, that individual should be assigned
to the Situation Unit. If the expertise will be required on a long-term basis and requires
several persons, it is advisable to establish a separate Technical Unit in the Planning
Agricultural specialist
Chemical or radiological decontamination specialist
Communication specialist
Cultural resource specialist
Data management specialist
Emergency medical services specialist
Environmental impact specialist
Explosives specialist
Faith community representative
Fire Behaviour Analyst
Flood control specialist
Forensic pathologist
Hazardous materials technician
Homeland security specialist
Industrial hygienist
Intelligence specialist
Law enforcement specialist
Legal counsel
Mass care specialist
Military specialist
Mortuary affairs specialist
Numerical modeler
Occupational safety and health specialist
Public health specialist
Public relations specialist
The IAP should incorporate changes in strategies and tactics based on lessons learned
during earlier operational periods. A written IAP is especially important when:
The Logistics Section provides for all the support needs for the incident, such as
ordering resources and providing facilities, transportation, supplies, equipment
maintenance and fuel, food service, communications, and medical services for incident
The Logistics Section is led by a Section Chief, who may also have one or more
deputies. Having a deputy is encouraged when all designated Units are established at
an incident site. When the incident is very large or requires a number of facilities with
large numbers of equipment, the Logistics Section can be divided into Branches. This
helps with span of control by providing more effective supervision and coordination
among the individual Units. Conversely, in smaller incidents or when fewer resources
are needed, a Branch configuration may be used to combine the task assignments of
individual Units. Figure 13 provides an example of the Logistics Section organized with
Service and Support Branches.
The Supply Unit orders, receives, processes, stores, inventories, and distributes all
incident-related resources and supplies.
Once established, the Supply Unit also has the basic responsibility for all off-incident
ordering, including the following:
All tactical and support resources (including personnel).
All expendable and nonexpendable supplies required for incident support.
The Supply Unit provides the support required to receive, process, store, and distribute
all supply orders. The Unit also handles tool operations, which includes storing,
disbursing, and servicing tools and portable, nonexpendable equipment. Additionally,
the Supply Unit assists in projecting resource needs based on information provided in
the IAP.
The Facilities Unit sets up, maintains, and demobilizes all facilities used in support of
incident operations. The Unit also provides facility maintenance and law
enforcement/security services required for incident support.
The Facilities Unit sets up the Incident Command Post (ICP), Incident Base, and Camps
(including trailers or other forms of shelter for use in and around the incident area); it
also provides the services associated with maintaining those functions. The Incident
Base and Camps may be established in areas having existing structures, which are
used in whole or in part. The Facilities Unit also provides and sets up necessary
personnel support facilities, including areas for the following:
Food and hydration service.
Sanitation and showers.
This Unit also orders, through Supply, such additional support items as portable toilets,
shower facilities, and lighting units.
In addition to its primary functions of maintaining and servicing vehicles and mobile
equipment, the Ground Support Unit maintains a transportation pool for major incidents.
This pool consists of vehicles (e.g., staff cars, buses, or pickups) that are suitable for
transporting personnel. The Ground Support Unit also provides to the Resources Unit
up-to-date information on the location and status of transportation vehicles assigned to
the Ground Support Unit.
The Communications Unit develops the Communications Plan (ICS 205), to make the
most effective use of the communications equipment and facilities assigned to the
incident. Additionally, this Unit installs and tests all communications equipment,
supervises and operates the incident communications centre, distributes and recovers
communications equipment assigned to incident personnel, and maintains and repairs
communications equipment on site.
The Communications Unit Leader should attend all incident Planning Meetings to
ensure that the communication systems available for the incident can support tactical
operations planned for the next operational period.
The Food Unit determines food and hydration requirements of the responders, and has
the responsibility for planning menus, ordering food, providing cooking facilities, cooking
and serving food, maintaining food service areas, and managing food security and
Efficient food service is important, but it is especially important for any extended
incident. The Food Unit must be able to anticipate incident needs, such as the number
of people who will need to be fed and whether the type, location, or complexity of the
incident predicates special food requirements. The Unit must supply food needs for the
Feeding affected non response persons (e.g., victims, evacuees, persons at shelters) is
a critical operational activity that will normally be incorporated into the IAP. Feeding
activities will normally be conducted by members of appropriate NGOs, such as the Red
Cross or similar entities. Services provided by appropriate NGOs would not fall within
the Food Unit but in a separate functional assignment that should be communicated and
coordinated with the IC and Operations Section Chief to ensure operational continuity.
The Food Unit must interact closely with the following elements:
Planning Section, to determine the number of personnel who must be fed.
Facilities Unit, to arrange food service areas.
Supply Unit, to order food, unless provided under contract or agreement.
Ground Support Unit, to obtain ground transportation.
Air Operations Branch Director, to deliver food to remote locations.
Careful planning and monitoring is required to ensure food safety before and during
food service operations, including the assignment, as indicated, of public health
professionals with expertise in environmental health and food safety.
The Medical Unit is responsible for the effective and efficient provision of medical
services to incident personnel, and reports directly to the Logistics Section Chief. The
primary responsibilities of the Medical Unit include the following:
Develop procedures for handling any major medical emergency involving incident
Develop the Incident Medical Plan (for incident personnel).
Provide continuity of medical care, including vaccinations, vector control,
occupational health, prophylaxis, and mental health services for incident
Provide transportation for injured incident personnel.
Coordinate and establish the routine rest and rehabilitation of incident
Ensure that injured incident personnel are tracked as they move from their origin
to a care facility and from there to final disposition.
Assist in processing all paperwork related to injuries or deaths of incident-
assigned personnel.
Coordinate personnel and mortuary affairs for incident personnel fatalities.
The Medical Unit Leader will develop a Medical Plan, which will, in turn, form part of the
IAP. The Medical Plan should provide specific information on medical assistance
Patient care and medical services for those who are not emergency
management/response personnel (e.g., incident victims) are critical operational
activities. These activities are incorporated into the IAP as key considerations and
should be staffed accordingly with appropriate professional personnel.
The Finance/Administration Section Chief will determine, given current and anticipated
future requirements, the need for establishing specific subordinate units. Because of
the specialized nature of finance functions, the Section Chief should come from the
agency that has the greatest requirement for this support. The Finance/Administration
Section Chief may also have one or more deputies. The Finance/Administration Section
Chief will determine, given current and anticipated future requirements, the need for
establishing specific subordinate units. Because of the specialized nature of finance
functions, the Section Chief should come from the agency that has the greatest
requirement for this support. The Finance/Administration Section Chief may also have
one or more deputies.
Finance and
Administration Section
The Time Unit is responsible primarily for ensuring proper daily recording of personnel
time, in accordance with the policies of the relevant agencies. The Time Unit also
ensures that the Logistics Section records or captures equipment-use time.
The Procurement Unit administers all financial matters pertaining to vendor contracts.
This Unit coordinates with local jurisdictions to identify sources for equipment, prepares
and signs equipment rental agreements, and processes all administrative requirements
associated with equipment rental and supply contracts. In some cases, the Supply Unit
in the Logistics Section will be responsible for certain procurement activities. The
Procurement Unit will also work closely with local cost authorities.
Under ICS, a single Unit handles injury compensation and claims. Depending on the
incident, the specific activities are varied and may not always be accomplished by the
The Cost Unit provides cost analysis data for the incident. This Unit must ensure that
equipment and personnel for which payment is required are properly identified, obtain
and record all cost data, and analyze and prepare estimates of incident costs. The Cost
Unit also provides input on cost estimates for resource use to the Planning Section.
The Cost Unit must maintain accurate information on the actual costs of all assigned
Incident management organizations must also establish a system for the collection,
analysis, and sharing of information developed during intelligence/investigation efforts.
Some incidents require intelligence and investigative information, which is defined in
either of two ways. First, it is defined as information that leads to the detection,
prevention, apprehension, and prosecution of criminal activities or the individuals
involved, including terrorist incidents. Second, it is defined as information that leads to
determination of the cause, projection of spread, assessment of impact, or selection of
countermeasures for a given incident (regardless of the source) such as public health
events, disease outbreaks, or fires with unknown origins.
Within the Planning Section: This is the traditional placement for this function
and is appropriate for incidents with little or no investigative information
requirements nor a significant amount of specialized information.
Within the Operations Section: This option may be appropriate for incidents
that require a high degree of linkage and coordination between the investigative
information and the operational tactics that are being employed.
Within the Command Staff: This option may be appropriate for incidents with
little need for tactical information or classified intelligence and where supporting
Agency Representatives are providing real-time information to the IC/UC.
Other Groups may be created to handle the following responsibilities: ensuring that
missing or unidentified persons and human remains are investigated and identified
expeditiously and that required notifications are made in a timely manner.
The Area Command does not have operational responsibilities. For the incidents under
its authority, the Area Command:
Develops broad objectives for the impacted area(s).
Coordinates the development of individual incident objectives and strategies.
(Re)allocates resources as the established priorities change.
Ensures that incidents are properly managed.
Ensures effective communications.
Ensures that incident management objectives are met and do not conflict with
each other or with agency policies.
Identifies critical resource needs and reports them to the established EOCs.
Ensures that short-term “emergency” recovery is coordinated to assist in the
transition to full recovery operations.
The function of Area Command is to develop broad objectives for the impacted area
and to coordinate the development of individual incident objectives and strategies.
Additionally, the Area Commander will set priorities for the use of critical resources
allocated to the incident.
The Area Command organization operates under the same basic principles as ICS.
Typically, an Area Command will comprise the following key personnel, all of whom
must possess appropriate qualifications and certifications:
Several kinds and types of facilities may be established in and around the incident area.
The requirements of the incident and the desires of the IC/UC will determine the specific
kinds and locations of facilities and may consist of the following designated facilities,
among others.
The ICP signifies the location of the tactical-level, on-scene incident command
organization. It typically comprises the Incident Command and the Command and
General Staffs, but may include other designated incident personnel from Federal,
Provincial, Territorial, First Nations and local municipalities and agencies, as well as
NGOs and the private sector. Typically, the ICP is located at or in the immediate vicinity
of the incident site and is the location for the conduct of direct, on-scene control of
tactical operations. Incident planning is conducted at the ICP; an incident
communications centre also would normally be established at this location. The ICP
may be co-located with the Incident Base, if the communications requirements can be
An Incident Base is the location at which primary support activities are conducted. A
single Incident Base is established to house equipment and personnel support
operations. The Incident Base should be designed to be able to support operations at
multiple incident sites.
Camps are separate from the Incident Base and are located as satellites to the Incident
Base, where they can best support incident operations. Camps provide support, such
as food, sleeping areas, and sanitation. Camps may also provide minor maintenance
and servicing of equipment. Camps may be relocated to meet changing operational
Staging Areas are established for the temporary location of available resources.
Staging Areas will be established by the Operations Section Chief to enable positioning
of and accounting for resources not immediately assigned. A Staging Area can be any
location in which personnel, supplies, and equipment can be temporarily housed or
parked while awaiting operational assignment. Staging Areas may include temporary
feeding, fuelling, and sanitation services. The Operations Section Chief assigns a
ICS provides for standard map symbols for incident facilities and locations.
9.1 Overview
Sound, timely planning provides the foundation for effective incident management. The
planning process described below represents a template for strategic, operational, and
tactical planning that includes all steps that an IC/UC and other members of the
Command and General Staffs should take to develop and disseminate an IAP. The
planning process may begin with the scheduling of a planned event, the identification of
a credible threat, or the initial response to an actual or impending event. The process
continues with the implementation of the formalized steps and the staffing required to
develop a written IAP.
A clear, concise IAP template is essential to guide the initial incident management
decision process and the continuing collective planning activities of IMTs. The planning
process should provide the following:
Current information that accurately describes the incident situation and resource
Predictions of the probable course of events.
Alternative strategies to attain critical incident objectives.
An accurate, realistic IAP for the next operational period.
The primary phases of the planning process are essentially the same for the IC who
develops the initial plan, for the IC and Operations Section Chief revising the initial plan
for extended operations, and for the IMT developing a formal IAP. During the initial
stages of incident management, planners should develop a simple plan that can be
communicated through concise oral briefings. Frequently, this plan must be developed
very quickly and with incomplete situation information. As the incident management
effort evolves, additional lead time, staff, information systems, and technologies enable
more detailed planning and cataloguing of events and lessons learned.
The five primary phases in the planning process are to understand the situation;
establish incident objectives and strategy; develop the plan; prepare and
disseminate the plan; and execute, evaluate, and revise the plan.
Reasonable alternative strategies that will accomplish overall incident objectives are
identified, analyzed, and evaluated to determine the most appropriate strategy for the
situation at hand. Evaluation criteria include public health and safety factors, estimated
costs, and various environmental, legal, and political considerations.
Before the formal Planning Meetings, each member of the Command and General
Staffs is responsible for gathering certain information to support the proposed plan. Specify operations facilities and reporting locations and plot on map
The Operations Section Chief, in conjunction with the Planning and Logistics Section
Set the deadline for completing IAP attachments (see Table 4).
Obtain plan attachments and review them for completeness and approvals.
Before completing the plan, the Planning Section Chief should review the
Division and Group tactical work assignments for any changes due to lack of
resource availability. The Resources Unit may then transfer Division/Group
assignment information, including alternatives from the Operational Planning
Worksheet (ICS 215), onto the Division Assignment Lists (ICS 204).
Determine the number of IAPs required.
Arrange with the Documentation Unit to reproduce the IAP.
Review the IAP to ensure it is up to date and complete prior to the operations
briefing and plan distribution.
Provide the IAP briefing plan, as required, and distribute the plan prior to
beginning of the new operational period.
**The ICS 201 Forms are the initial summary forms provided at the start of an incident.
The information they provide can help craft an IAP, but the ICS 201 Forms may not be
included in the formal written IAP.
This section describes some common ICS Forms. The individual forms may be tailored
to meet an agency’s needs. More importantly, even though the format is flexible, the
form number and purpose of the specific type of form (e.g., Assignment List (ICS 204)
defines the assignments for a Division or Group) must remain intact in order to maintain
consistency and facilitate immediate identification and interoperability, and for ease of
The following provides brief descriptions of selected ICS Forms. This list is not all
inclusive; other forms are available online, commercially, and in a variety of formats.
Most often used by the initial IC, this four-section document (often produced as four
pages) allows for the capture of vital incident information prior to the implementation of
the formal planning process. ICS 201 allows for a concise and complete transition of
command briefing to an incoming new IC. In addition, this form may serve as the full
extent of incident command and control documentation if the situation is resolved by the
initial response resources and organization. This form is designed to be transferred
easily to the members of the Command and General Staffs as they arrive and begin
work. It is not included as a part of the formal written IAP.
ICS 206 presents the incident’s Medical Plan to care for responder medical
ICS 211 documents the check-in process. Check-in recorders report check-in
information to the Resources Unit.
ICS 215 is used in the incident Planning Meeting to develop tactical assignments and
resources needed to achieve incident objectives and strategies.
This section lists the primary functions of each major ICS position.
For the purposes of ICS, the following terms and definitions apply:
Agency Dispatch: The agency or jurisdictional facility from which resources are sent
to incidents.
Assistant: Title for subordinates of principal Command Staff positions. The title
indicates a level of technical capability, qualifications, and responsibility subordinate to
the primary positions. Assistants may also be assigned to Unit Leaders.
Available Resource: Resource assigned to an incident, checked in, and available for a
mission assignment, normally located in a Staging Area.
Camp: A geographical site within the general incident area (separate from the Incident
Base) that is equipped and staffed to provide sleeping, food, water, and sanitary
services to incident personnel.
Chain of Command: The orderly line of authority within the ranks of the incident
management organization.
Check-In: The process through which resources first report to an incident. All
responders, regardless of agency affiliation, must report in to receive an assignment in
accordance with the procedures established by the Incident Commander.
Command Staff: The staff who report directly to the Incident Commander, including
the Information Officer, Safety Officer, Liaison Officer, and other positions as required.
They may have an assistant or assistants, as needed.
Complex: Two or more individual incidents located in the same general area and
assigned to a single Incident Commander or to Unified Command.
Demobilization: The orderly, safe, and efficient return of an incident resource to its
original location and status.
Deputy: A fully qualified individual who, in the absence of a superior, can be delegated
the authority to manage a functional operation or to perform a specific task. In some
cases a deputy can act as relief for a superior, and therefore must be fully qualified in
the position. Deputies generally can be assigned to the Incident Commander, General
Staff, and Branch Directors.
Director: The Incident Command System title for individuals responsible for
supervision of a Branch.
Division: The organizational level having responsibility for operations within a defined
geographic area. Divisions are established when the number of resources exceeds the
manageable span of control of the Section Chief. See Group.
Function: One of the five major activities in the Incident Command System:
Command, Operations, Planning, Logistics, and Finance/Administration. A sixth
function, Intelligence/Investigations, may be established, if required, to meet incident
management needs. The term function is also used when describing the activity
involved (e.g., the planning function).
Hazard: Something that is potentially dangerous or harmful, often the root cause of an
unwanted outcome.
Incident Action Plan: An oral or written plan containing general objectives reflecting
the overall strategy for managing an incident. It may include the identification of
operational resources and assignments. It may also include attachments that provide
direction and important information for management of the incident during one or more
operational periods.
Incident Commander (IC): The individual responsible for all incident activities,
including the development of strategies and tactics and the ordering and release of
resources. The IC has overall authority and responsibility for conducting incident
operations and is responsible for the management of all incident operations at the
incident site.
Incident Command Post (ICP): The field location where the primary functions are
performed. The ICP may be co-located with the Incident Base or other incident
Information Management: The collection, organization, and control over the structure,
processing, and delivery of information from one or more sources and distribution to one
or more audiences who have a stake in that information.
Job Aid: Checklist or other visual aid intended to ensure that specific steps of
completing a task or assignment are accomplished.
Jurisdictional Agency: The agency having jurisdiction and responsibility for a specific
geographical area, or a mandated function.
Key Resource: Any publicly or privately controlled resource essential to the minimal
operations of the economy and government.
Liaison Officer: A member of the Command Staff responsible for coordinating with
representatives from cooperating and assisting agencies or organizations.
Logistics: The process and procedure for providing resources and other services to
support incident management.
Mitigation: Activities providing a critical foundation in the effort to reduce the loss of life
and property from natural and/or manmade disasters by avoiding or lessening the
impact of a disaster and providing value to the public by creating safer communities.
Mitigation seeks to fix the cycle of disaster damage, reconstruction, and repeated
damage. These activities or actions, in most cases, will have a long-term sustained
Officer: The Incident Command System title for a person responsible for one of the
Command Staff positions of Safety, Liaison, and Information.
Operational Period: The time scheduled for executing a given set of operation actions,
as specified in the Incident Action Plan. Operational periods can be of various lengths,
although usually they last 12 to 24 hours.
Operations Section: The Incident Command System (ICS) Section responsible for all
tactical incident operations and implementation of the Incident Action Plan. In ICS, the
Operations Section normally includes subordinate Branches, Divisions, and/or Groups.
Planned Event: A scheduled non emergency activity (e.g., sporting event, concert,
parade, etc.).
Planning Meeting: A meeting held as needed before and throughout the duration of an
incident to select specific strategies and tactics for incident control operations and for
service and support planning. For larger incidents, the Planning Meeting is a major
element in the development of the Incident Action Plan.
Planning Section: The Incident Command System Section responsible for the
collection, evaluation, and dissemination of operational information related to the
incident, and for the preparation and documentation of the Incident Action Plan. This
Section also maintains information on the current and forecasted situation and on the
status of resources assigned to the incident.
Portability: An approach that facilitates the interaction of systems that are normally
distinct. Portability of radio technologies, protocols, and frequencies among emergency
management/response personnel will allow for the successful and efficient integration,
transport, and deployment of communications systems when necessary. Portability
includes the standardized assignment of radio channels across jurisdictions, which
allows responders to participate in an incident outside their jurisdiction and still use
familiar equipment.
Private Sector: Organizations and individuals that are not part of any governmental
structure. The private sector includes for-profit and not-for-profit organizations, formal
and informal structures, commerce, and industry.
Information Officer: A member of the Command Staff responsible for interfacing with
the public and media and/or with other agencies with incident-related information
Resources: Personnel and major items of equipment, supplies, and facilities available
or potentially available for assignment to incident operations and for which status is
maintained. Resources are described by kind and type and may be used in operational
support or supervisory capacities at an incident or at an Emergency Operations Centre.
Safety Officer: A member of the Command Staff responsible for monitoring incident
operations and advising the Incident Commander on all matters relating to operational
safety, including the health and safety of emergency responder personnel.
Section: The Incident Command System organizational level having responsibility for a
major functional area of incident management (e.g., Operations, Planning, Logistics,
Finance/Administration, and Intelligence/Investigations (if established)). The Section is
organizationally situated between the Branch and the Incident Command.
Sector: On some large incidents, such as wildland fires, with challenging or difficult
terrain and limited access, a Division Supervisor’s ability to provide adequate tactical
supervision may be exceeded. Divisions may be further sub-divided into Sectors. A
Sector is a geographic area within a Division.
Staging Area: Temporary location for available resources. A Staging Area can be any
location in which personnel, supplies, and equipment can be temporarily housed or
parked while awaiting operational assignment.
Status Report: Information specifically related to the status of resources (e.g., the
availability or assignment of resources).
Strike Team: A set number of resources of the same kind and type that have an
established minimum number of personnel, common communications, and a leader.
Supervisor: The Incident Command System title for an individual responsible for a
Division or Group.
Technical Specialist: Person with special skills that can be used anywhere within the
Incident Command System organization. No minimum qualifications are prescribed, as
technical specialists normally perform the same duties during an incident that they
perform in their everyday jobs, and they are typically certified in their fields or
Technology Support: Assistance that facilitates incident operations and sustains the
research and development programs that underpin the long-term investment in the
Tools: Those instruments and capabilities that allow for the professional performance
of tasks, such as information systems, agreements, doctrine, capabilities, and legislative
Unified Command (UC): An Incident Command System application used when more
than one agency has incident jurisdiction or when incidents cross political jurisdictions.
Agencies work together through the designated members of the UC, often the senior
persons from agencies and/or disciplines participating in the UC, to establish a common
set of objectives and strategies and a single Incident Action Plan.
Unit: The organizational element with functional responsibility for a specific incident
planning, logistics, or finance/administration activity.
Unit Leader: The individual in charge of managing Units within an Incident Command
System (ICS) functional Section. The Unit can be staffed by a number of support
personnel providing a wide range of services. Some of the support positions are pre-
established within ICS (e.g., Base/Camp Manager), but many others will be assigned as
technical specialists.