Assessment Diagnosis Planning Nursing Intervention Rationale Evaluation
Assessment Diagnosis Planning Nursing Intervention Rationale Evaluation
Assessment Diagnosis Planning Nursing Intervention Rationale Evaluation
The mother stated that lately, her daughter is experiencing severe nausea and vomited 3 – 4 times almost every day
accompanied by lightheadedness, cramping of legs and a feeling of irregular heartbeat. The mother also informed the
nurse that her daughter is having dysuria for a week, flank pain, spotting and loss of appetite. During interview, the
mother additionally stated that her daughter has been emotionally upset since the boy who got her pregnant disclaims the
baby but still has the conviction to take care of herself and her present condition. On assessment of the client, she is
coherent, states her pain is 7 on a scale of 1 – 10, and minimal blood on her vaginal pad. Her Temperature is 38 oC, Pulse
115 bpm, Respiration 20 cpm, BP 140/100. LMP is March 1, 2019, height 4’11” and weights 40 kgs. Laboratory results
are as follows:
Hgb – 9 gm/dl (12 – 15.5 gm/dl)
Hct – 51.4% (36% – 48%)
WBC in U/A – 12,000 mcL (4,500 – 11,000 mcL)
Na – 114 mmol/L (135 – 145)
K – 2.5 mmol/L (3.5 – 5.0)
Subjective: Acute Pain related to Short Term: Independent: 2 hours after
The mother inflammation of the After 2 hrs of - Perform an Pain associated the nursing
informed the nurse urinary tract as nursing extensive with UTI is intervention,
that her daughter is evidence by High intervention the Assessment described as the patient was
having dysuria for a WBC in UA patient will report of the burning on able to
week and flank pain =12,000 mcL, pain satisfactory pain client’s urination, flank verbalize that
scale of 7/10 dysuria control at a level description of pain, lower her pain
Objective: and flank pain of 2/10 from the pain, such as abdominal or decreases to
- Pain scale of pain scale. quality, suprapubic pain. 2/10.
7/10 nature, and In comparison,
- High WBC in severity of some clients with The Goal is
UA =12,000 Long Term: pain. recurrent met.
mcL After completing infections are
- light fever of 38 the nursing asymptomatic.
celcius intervention the This information
patient will report will help in
absence of pain. determining the
choice of
- Administer analgesic
analgesics medications can
(e.g., help relieve
acetaminophe bladder
n) as irritability,
indicated by spasm, and pain.
the physician.
Administer IV If the patient
therapy as per cannot tolerate
doctors order solid foods IV
therapy will the
one to provide
vitamins, and
nutrients that will
support a healthy
Ascertain healthy Nitrogen balance
body weight for age can be determined
and height. Refer to by experts such as
a dietitian for a dietician as a
complete nutrition measure of the
assessment and patient's nutritional
methods for status. Protein
nutritional support. malnutrition may
result from a
negative nitrogen
balance. The
dietician can also
determine the
patient's daily
requirements in
order to promote
nutritional intake
and a healthy
EDITED as of 11/12/21 after the presentation of NCP from Ma’am Sherryl
1. Compute for the AOG (date of consultation – April 24, 2019)
2. Compute for the EDC –(December 8, 2019)
3. Compute for the BMI – 17.8 (underweight)