Ajaran-Ajaran Menyimpang Dalam Kristologi
Ajaran-Ajaran Menyimpang Dalam Kristologi
Ajaran-Ajaran Menyimpang Dalam Kristologi
Ridwanta M. Sinurat
Teachers College – UPH
Two person,
human and divine
Emphasis on integrity & separateness of Jesus’
human & divine aspects (Antiochene School)
One Person
Emphasis on Jesus’ humanity Emphasis on Jesus’ divinity
• Dipengaruhi oleh konsep Yudaisme yang percaya Allah adalah Satu,
maka Yesus dipercaya sebagai manusia biasa dan tidak memiliki
natur ilahi.
• Jesus was the Messiah, supernaturally conceived and endowed at
his baptism with divine power.
• The Ebionites rejected the virgin birth (Jesus as a man normally
born of Joseph and Mary).
Ridwanta Manogu
Heresies & Polemics
Emphasis on Jesus’ humanity
Major proponent(s):
• Arius, a presbyter in the church of Alexandria.
• Jesus is related to God as his son, but he is not fully divine.
• An attempt to defend the transcendence of God -- Arius had to
conclude that Jesus Christ the Son of God was a demi-god–and
therefore a created being.
Ridwanta Manogu
Heresies & Polemics
Emphasis on Jesus’ humanity
The polemics focussed on two Greek words:
• homoousias, the Son is of the same essence as the Father,
• homoiousias, the Son is of similar essence as the Father.
The Nicene Creed uses the word first word “homoousias” meaning
one of substance with the Father, and so we say today,
“Consubstantial with the Father.”
Heresies & Polemics
Emphasis on Jesus’ humanity
• The Shepherd of Hermas – Jesus was an ordinary man, born of Mary
and Joseph
• Jesus was human, but he became the Son of God by Adoption at
either his baptism, his resurrection, or his ascension (its inception at
the time of His baptism and was consummated in the resurrection)
• At his baptism the Spirit or Christ descended upon Jesus and at his
crucifixion the Christ departed, leaving the man Jesus to suffer
• Adoptionism denies the eternal pre-existence of Christ
Ridwanta Manogu
Heresies & Polemics
Emphasis on Jesus’ divinity
• Docetism -- Greek dokein = “to seem”) -- The Docetists said Jesus
just ‘seemed’ to be human
• Jesus is not human at all but completely divine.
• Christ did not have a real or natural body during his life on earth but
only an apparent or phantom one.
Ridwanta Manogu
Heresies & Polemics
Emphasis on Jesus’ divinity
Major proponent(s):
• Apollinaris, the Bishop of Laodicea, proposed this idea in answer to
• The divine Logos took the place of Christ’s human spirit: “The word
was made flesh – not spirit”(cf. John 1:14) → Christ had no human
spirit because the Logos replaced it.
• But if the divine Word of God took the place of the human soul,
Christ the Lord was not completely human.
• After many years of controversy, Apollinarianism was condemned
at the Council of Constantinople, A.D. 381.
Ridwanta Manogu
Heresies & Polemics
Confusing the two natures and person
Major proponent(s):
• Nestorius was originally a monk, then presbyter in Antioch, and
after 428 he became the Bishop of Constantinople.
• Theodore of Mopsuestia (350-428), Uskup di Mopsuestia
• Yesus eksis sebagai dua pribadi; manusia Yesus dan Anak Allah yang
ilahi, dan bukan sebagai satu pribadi
• Di kayu salib Yesus, sang manusia sempurna menderita dan mati,
TETAPI pribadi kedua Trinitas tidak mengalaminya, karena tersebut
Ridwanta Manogu
Heresies & Polemics
Confusing the two natures and person
• Nestorius menolak istilah "Theotokos" (Bunda Allah) untuk
Perawan Maria karena dia mengatakan bahwa hal itu menyiratkan
bahwa bayi di rahim Maria hanya memiliki satu natur, yakni natur
Ilahi. Dia mengusulkan penggunaan istilah "Christokos" (Pembawa
Kristus), untuk lebih menekankan kesatuan dua natur Yesus.
• Nestorius membuat Kristus hanya manusia yang membawa Tuhan
• Konsili Roma pada tahun 430 mengutuk Nestorianisme.
Ridwanta Manogu
Heresies & Polemics
Confusing the two natures and person
Major proponenet(s):
• Severus / Julian of Halicarnassus
• Monophysitism was born in the theological "School of Alexandria"
• Kemanusiaan Kristus secara total diserap oleh Keilahian-Nya
• Yesus Kristus, sebagai inkarnasi Anak Allah atau Firman (Logos)
Allah yang kekal, hanya memiliki satu "natur" yang bersifat ilahi
atau sintesis ilahi dan manusia.
Ridwanta Manogu