Carle Cave Architecture: Patna University, Patna

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Carle Cave Architecture

Dr. Dilip Kumar

Assistant Professor (Guest)
Dept. of Ancient Indian History & Archaeology,
Patna University, Patna
Paper – III, B.A. 2nd Year

Directly opposite Bhaja about 3 miles north of Malavali railway station is the village of
Karla (lat. 18o 46’; long 73o 29’ E). The high hills called Valuraks in ancient days near this
village contains a dozen rock cut monasteries, a few rock cut cisterns and a Chaity griha at a
height of about 360 feet. Available evidences show to the existence of the establishment from
the first century A.D. to about the seventh century A.D. There are a chain of about 16 caves
executed out of the rocks and all of them face west. Cave 8 is the chaitygriha and one of the
grandest and the largest of all the chaityagrihas of India.

It seems that the entire monastic complex of Karla was conceived as a single design. The
caves like Kanheri caves, were caused from
from the donations and support of a group of
assorted individuals. This includes a prince of
Maharathi family; monks and nuns and lay
devotees including men and women. Persons
practically from every strata of the society
contributed towards the establishment of this
complex, thus indicating its importance in the
Buddhist world.
Chaityagriha at Karle
The inscription found here clearly speak of speak of 27 individuals from various places
like Vejamati (Banavasi, north karna district, nearly 600 km south of Karla; Sopara (nearly 100
km northwest of Karla) and unidentified towns of Umehanakata and Dhenukakata. Most of the
donors from Dhenukakata were Yavanas. The inscriptions of Usavadata and Vasisthiputra
Pulumavi are dated in his 24th year of his reign (154 A.D.). The inscriptions thus give the ancient
name of Karla as ‘Veluraka’.
The chaityagriha (Cave 8) at Karla is the biggest of its type in the whole of India. The
hall measures 37.87 m deep from door to back; 13.87 m wide and 14.02 high. A slight variation
in dimensions is noticed when one goes from the front to rear, which might have been done
intentionally to increase the depth of the hall. The chaityagriha consists of an apsidal hall with a
front verandah. The apsidal hall is divided into a nave and two aisles by two rows of pillars
which meet at the near behind the stupa in a semicircle forming the apse. The pillars are
executed with great ingenuity and vigor which reflect the sculptural art of the period. The pillar
consists of a stepped pyramidal base surmounted by a pot, octagonal shaft over it, the capital of
inverted flower vase member, a neck of closed amalaka and an inverted stepped pyramid over
which lies a dossert decorated with animal sculptures with riders. The pillars behind the stupa
which are seven in number are plain octagons without any decoration. Along of line of first pillar
of the nave and parallel to the front wall, a transverse line of four pillars are also noticed. The
roof of the aisles is flat, while the pillars of the nave support a simple architrave over which rises
a barrel a vaulted roof which ends a semi dome over the stupa in the rear. This roof is fitted with
the actual carved ribs and longitudinal rafters.

The object of worship is the stupa at the rear end of the chaityagriha. The stupa consists
of a cylindrical drum rising in two stages. A hemispherical dome rises over the drum which
supports a cubical harmika and a seven stepped inverted square pyramid over it. Over the
pyramid placed a wooden chhatri with a shaft through a hole pierced into it. The chaityagriha is
entered through a screen wall erected in front of the verandah, which inturn has three entrances,
the central one opening into the nave and the other two, into the flanking aisles. The sidewalls of
the verandah and inner face of the screen wall are extensively decorated with sculptures. The
front wall of the verandah is also profusely decorated which is executed in two parts. The lower
portion consists of a rowof railing pattern and above which is six mithuna figures rising up to the
level of lintels. The portion above the doorways is decorated with a series of miniature chaitya
window imitating the huge chaitya window.

These miniature windows are connected through a vedika and a roll cornice. This pattern
extends throughout the entire width of the façade of the hall. The huge chaitya window
mentioned above provides good light source to lit of stupa and the pillars of the grand
chaityagriha. The chaityagriha at Karla is also unique as it is one among the two chaityagrihas
in western Deccan which has huge lion pillars in front, the other.

This pillar is one of the Ashokan type with a huge sixteen sided shaft rising over a
platform. The shaft is surmounted by an inverted bell member followed by flat surface and
inverted stepped pyramidal plates. Four addorsed lions command the top of this pillar. This pillar
is located to the right of the chaityagriha. Similar pillar should have existed on its left, for which
evidence is seen in the form of ashort stump.

The centuries old Karla caves are the magnificent examples of Indian rock-cut
architecture. Built from top to buttom in the form of a ladder, the early Karla caves do not depict
the Buddha in his physical forms but rather in symbols. However, from the 7th century A.D.
when the Mahayana became more popular with their liberal thoughts, the later Karla caves do
present the Buddha in his physical form such as the Buddha preaching while seated on a lion-
supported throne, along with magnificent carving on three elephants.

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