Garrett & Rudin, AI Bill of Rights v.4
Garrett & Rudin, AI Bill of Rights v.4
Garrett & Rudin, AI Bill of Rights v.4
Today, as data-driven technologies have been implemented across a wide range of human
activities, new warnings have been issued from a wide range of sources, academic, public policy,
and government, regarding the dangers posed by artificial intelligence to society, democracy, and
individual rights. The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) has described more detailed views
concerning unfair and deceptive practices that rely on AI and impact consumers, and the FTC has
taken action against a series of corporations regarding different types of algorithms.1 Several
pieces of legislation that would regulate algorithms have been introduced in Congress, none of
which has been enacted, but meanwhile, states have been active in considering and also adopting
legislation regarding uses of AI. The White House Office of Science and Technology Policy
(OSTP) has called for an “AI Bill of Rights.”2
Our statement responds to the OSTP call for submissions on that topic and we focus
specifically on uses of AI in the criminal system.3 We write to reflect our own views as
researchers, respectively, in law, scientific evidence, and constitutional law more broadly, and in
artificial intelligence, machine learning, and computer science more broadly. We write to
emphasize two basic points, that (1) artificial intelligence (AI) need not be black box and non-
transparent in the ways in which it affects criminal procedure rights, and in fact, nothing will be
lost by requiring such transparency through regulation; and (2) while more rights protections and
regulations should be considered, far more can and should be done to apply and robustly protect
the existing Bill of Rights in the U.S. Constitution as it should apply to uses by government of AI
in the criminal system, particularly when AI is used to provide evidence regarding criminal
First, particularly in criminal cases in which life and liberty may be at stake, there should
be a presumption that uses of AI directed towards providing evidence against criminal defendants,
including by the federal government, such be fully interpretable and transparent. The burden to
justify “black box” uses of AI in court should be a high one, given our commitment to public
* L. Neil Williams, Jr. Professor of Law, Duke University School of Law and Director, Wilson Center for Science
and Justice.
* Professor of Computer Science, Electrical and Computer Engineering, Statistical Science, Mathematics, and
Biostatistics & Bioinformatics, Duke University.
The views expressed here reflect only those of the authors and not those of any institution to which they belong, such
as Duke University.
Elisa Jillson, Aiming for truth, fairness, and equity in your company’s use of AI, Federal Trade Commission, April
19, 2021, at
companys-use-ai (providing an overview of relevant legal rules, including the FTC Act, prior FTC approaches and
noting recent enforcement actions).
Eric Lander and Alondra Nelson, Americans Need a Bill of Rights for an AI-Powered World, Wired, October 8,
Federal Register, Notice of Request for Information (RFI) on Public and Private Sector Uses of Biometric
Technologies (2021),
judicial proceedings and defense rights of access. There is no evidence that performance and
efficiency depend on keeping the operation of AI secret from the public and unintelligible to users.
That fundamental point, that AI can and should be open, for inspection, vetting, and explanation,
is a simple one and it can be more forcefully insisted on at the federal level.
Second, we do not disagree that existing rights need to be at times reinterpreted for the AI
era. However, we want to be sure that there is also a strong commitment to enforce existing
constitutional criminal procedure rights, particularly given how difficult it is to amend the U.S.
Constitution, but also given the unfortunate reality that those constitutional rights have been
unevenly enforced in criminal cases, given the challenges that largely indigent defendants face in
obtaining adequate discovery and the pressures to plead guilty and waive trial rights. The federal
government in particular, should lead by example, it its use of AI technologies, to vigorously
protect constitutional rights of criminal defendants. In some settings, the federal government has
already done so, but in others, the federal government has not taken individual rights concerns
sufficiently seriously. We discuss below uses of AI that do not implicate constitutional criminal
procedure rights to the same degree, and also highlight how crucial it is to focus on the uses to
which AI is put during criminal investigations.
I. What is AI?
“Artificial intelligence” simply means that machines perform tasks that are typically
performed by humans. Machine learning is a subfield of AI, and it heavily overlaps with predictive
statistics. We should think of machine learning as a kind of pattern-mining, where algorithms are
looking for patterns in data that can be useful. The data is supplied to the machine, which relies
on past patterns to develop methods for making recommendations for what to do next. For
instance, when predicting whether someone might have a drug overdose, patterns in their medical
record and twitter feed, as well as those of others, might help us predict that outcome. These
patterns can help human decision makers because no human can calculate patterns from large
databases in their heads. Individual people may in fact be biased or place undue weight on
information that is not particularly predictive. If we want humans to make better data-driven
decisions, machine learning can help with that.
Simply put, machine learning methods can extract patterns from large databases that
humans cannot. However, humans have a broader systems-level way of thinking about problems
that is absent in AI.
The usefulness of AI as a tool in part depends on what data we feed to it. Just like a saw
may perform irregularly if we feed it rotten wood, AI will perform poorly if we supply it with
incomplete or irrelevant or biased data. If in the past, police often decided to arrest people simply
based on their race, then relying on that policing data, AI will predict future arrests based on those
same baked-in prejudices. If wealthier people have more access to certain medical services, then
AI may recommend that medical support based on their past usage, and ignore others who may be
in greater need of care.
II. Black Box Models Are Not More Accurate Than Interpretable "Glass Box" Models
First, what is black box AI? A black box predictive model is a formula that is too
complicated for any human to understand or it is deemed by the designer to be proprietary, which
means no one can understand its inner workings, because those inner workings are not shared or
are not designed to be share-able. These models can cause problems for high stakes decisions like
criminal risk scoring, where someone could get denied parole and they and their defense lawyer,
the parole officers, and the public, are not able to figure out why the person did or did not get a
high-risk score.
There is a common misconception that black box AI must be more accurate than any model
a human could understand. That is just not true.4Models that are interpretable to humans can
perform just as well as models that are not. This has been shown to be true across fields, including
computer vision.5 And recidivism risk scoring.6 The ways in which AI affects rights and interests
need not be hidden or secret. AI need not be a black box to attain the accuracy of a black box.
In fact, Black Box AI tends to lead to less accurate decision-making, because such models
are harder to troubleshoot and use in practice. Typographical errors in the input to black box
recidivism prediction models has led to catastrophic errors in decision making, deeply affecting
people's lives.7 This type of poor decision-making is a direct result of unnecessary secrecy,
weighted in favor of companies that sell black box models to the justice system, rather than
weighted towards those individuals in the justice system subjected to the decisions made from
these models.
We now have far greater appreciation for the fact that AI can affect people’s lives in all
sorts of important ways. These include applications in our criminal system. AI is already used in
a host of criminal investigation, pretrial, and sentencing-related settings. For example, algorithms
are used for risk scoring, in order to predict the risk that someone will commit a crime if they are
released on bail, or given parole. Many states mandate that risk scores be used in various decisions,
always to inform a judicial or other officials’ discretion, to be sure (and there are real questions
concerning variability with which judges and others to incorporate quantitative information into
their decision-making). Another high-profile example is the use of facial recognition technology
as a forensic tool and for surveillance.
We emphasize throughout that the particular use of AI is important and can greatly alter
the accuracy, privacy, and fairness interests at stake, as well as the fair trial rights involved. Thus,
using AI to search for a missing person feared to have been kidnapped raises far fewer questions
Cynthia Rudin, Stop Explaining Black Box Machine Learning Models for High Stakes Decisions and use
Interpretable Models Instead, Nature Machine Intelligence, 2019.
Chaofan Chen, Oscar Li, Chaofan Tao, Alina Barnett, Jonathan Su, Cynthia Rudin, This Looks Like That: Deep
Learning for Interpretable Image Recognition, NeurIPS, 2019.
Jiaming Zeng, Berk Ustun, and Cynthia Rudin, Interpretable Classification Models for Recidivism Prediction,
Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, 2017.
Cynthia Rudin, Caroline Wang and Beau Coker, The Age of Secrecy and Unfairness in Recidivism Prediction,
Harvard Data Science Review, 2020.
than using AI to identify a culprit from a surveillance video. Any use of AI that results in evidence
introduced during a criminal investigation, or in court, will generally raise far more constitutional
concerns than a use of AI that is not used to prosecute a person.
The due process protections in criminal cases include assurances that all material and
exculpatory evidence of innocence be disclosed to criminal defendants.9 Defendants have a right
to effective assistance of counsel; defense counsel, in our view, cannot meaningfully defend a
person without information about what AI evidence is bring introduced in a case.10 The Equal
Protection Clause protects against purposeful discrimination of protected groups, including based
on race. The federal government can insist that AI be carefully vetted to assure against
discriminatory impacts on minority groups. Further authority under civil rights legislation can
assure that federal grant recipients do the same. Further, the defense cannot meaningfully defend
a person without knowing whether the AI formula was calculated without error; in the case of risk
scoring, there has been much evidence of typographical errors or other types of data errors
influencing the scores11. In some cases, it has been reported that the wrong score is being computed
for all defendants: in the case of COMPAS in Broward County, FL, it was reported that the wrong
scoring model had been used for years: the COMPAS parole score was used to determine pretrial
risk, rather than the COMPAS pretrial score that was designed for this purpose.12,13
Danielle Keats Citron & Frank Pasquale, The Scored Society: Due Process for Automated Predictions, 89 Wash. L.
Rev. 1, 10-16 (2014).
Brady v. Maryland, 373 U.S. 83 (1963). Regarding questions whether machine-generated results are themselves
“testimonial” under the Sixth Amendment Confrontation Clause, see Andrea Roth, Machine Testimony, 126 Yale
L.J. 1972, 2039 (2017).
Strickland v. Washington, 466 U.S. 668 (1984).
Cynthia Rudin, Caroline Wang and Beau Coker, The Age of Secrecy and Unfairness in Recidivism Prediction,
Harvard Data Science Review, 2020.
How We Analyzed the COMPAS Recidivism Algorithm, Propublica, Jeff Larson, Surya Mattu, Lauren Kirchner
and Julia Angwin, May 23, 2016
Jackson, E., & Mendoza, C. (2020). Setting the Record Straight: What the COMPAS Core Risk and Need
Assessment Is and Is Not. Harvard Data Science Review, 2(1).
We emphasize the importance of affirmatively adopting policies to ensure that these
constitutional rights are protected, however, because in practice, many are not meaningfully
enforced. Discovery in criminal cases is typically quite limited, making it difficult for defendants
to be aware that there is even an issue that exculpatory evidence may not have been disclosed. A
criminal defendant may not be aware that AI was used to generate leads or evidence. Nor are
evidentiary rights clearly defined in pretrial settings, or in sentencing proceedings in many
jurisdictions. In general, expert evidence admissibility decisions have also been quite deferential
in criminal cases; the National Academy of Sciences itself has explained that scientific safeguards
must be put into place by government, given the limited ability of defendants to challenge even
wholly unscientific expert evidence in criminal cases.14 That report highlighted how courts have
routinely found admissible a range of forensic evidence of reliability that simply has not been
established, where: “With the exception of nuclear DNA analysis, however, no forensic method
has been rigorously shown to have the capacity to consistently, and with a high degree of certainty,
demonstrate a connection between evidence and a specific individual or source.”15 Further, a
criminal defendant, if indigent, may often be denied funds to retain an expert to examine AI
technology used by a prosecution expert.16 The defendant may have no way to independently
verify the work done, using AI, by government investigators.
Courts have tended to narrowly view defense requests for discovery regarding evidentiary
uses of AI, as well as forensic evidence more broadly, in criminal cases. They have tended to more
expansively view discovery requests only when errors have come to light and the judges have
realized that there were important reasons why that evidence could have resulted in exculpatory
information. Often those revelations occur years after a conviction and when it is too late to
adequately provide relief. 17 Further, typographical errors or other data errors that could occur in a
defendant's record could easily influence a proprietary risk score calculation without detection,
and, as we will discuss shortly, courts have upheld the rights of companies to protect such
We know that humans can be biased, too punitive, too lenient, or inconsistent, and AI has
the potential, if used consistent with principles of transparency, interpretability, and fairness, to
improve on existing outcomes. In some settings, AI has the potential to better protect people’s
rights. For example, judicial officers for decades have often followed cash-bail schedules (short
cheat sheets, basically) quite robotically. If the person is arrested for a given charge, then bail is
set at some cash level, say $2,000 or $10,000, if the judge mechanically follows the schedule. The
person’s individual situation does not matter, apart from the arrest charges. The resulting jail
See Comm. on Identifying the Needs of the Forensic Sci. Cmty. & Nat’l Res. Council, Strengthening Forensic
Science in the United States: A Path Forward 87 (2009) [hereinafter NAS Report]; Peter J. Neufeld, The (Near)
Irrelevance of Daubert to Criminal Justice: And Some Suggestions for Reform, 95 AM . J. PUB . HEALTH S107, S110
NAS Report, supra, at 7.
See Paul C. Giannelli & Sarah Antonucci, Forensic Experts and Ineffective Assistance of Counsel, 48 No. 6 CRIM
L. BULLETIN 8 (2012).
NAS Report, supra, at 44-45 (describing audits and quality control failures at labs around the country).
Rebecca Wexler. When a Computer Program Keeps You in Jail, N.Y. Times, June 13, 2017.
detentions are often wholly unnecessary and even counterproductive regarding public safety
(pretrial detention can be crimogenic).19 We need to give judges better tools to make these
decisions. So far, risk scoring has been used, although not always carefully considered by judges.
AI has the potential at least, to introduce better approaches.
The black box problem in AI has become pressing in the area of risk assessment, however,
as entire judicial systems have risk assessment schemes, but often without disclosing how they
were created or what their basis was. While the types of information used in a risk tool may be
made public, often the underlying methods, validation data, and studies are not. Most crucially,
sometimes the assumptions behind how a person’s a level of risk gets categorized as “high” or
“low” are not explained or justified. Concerns regarding transparency, interpretability, and fairness
persist in those settings.
The most prominent legal challenge to a black box risk assessment program was brought
in Wisconsin, where a defendant argued that it violated his due process and equal protection rights
to base his sentence on an algorithm, marketed by a private company (called Northpointe), whose
operation and validating information was not disclosed to him. In the State v. Loomis case, the
Wisconsin Supreme Court dismissed these due process claims, emphasizing that judges have
discretion when they consider the risk instrument.20 The Court did say that sentencing judges must
be given written warnings about the risk tool, including cautioning judges that it relies on group
data; those warnings do not open the black box in any way, however, or give judges any tools with
which to judge the operation or accuracy of the AI for the individual person whose case is in front
of them. Nor does it address the issue of possible typographical errors. And still, the defendant has
no ability to view the formula or check its correctness or assess its applicability.
The federal government has put advance thought into ensuring more open uses of AI, when
in the First Step Act, Congress legislated the use of risk assessments regarding federal prisoners.
The Act called for a panel of researchers to vet the research design for this new risk assessment
instrument, annual validation, and even “a requirement that [BOP staff] demonstrate competence
in administering the System, including interrater reliability, on a biannual basis”21 The legislative
text was noteworthy in its embrace of a more open approach.
Unfortunately, after enactment, when First Step Act resulted in the development of the
PATTERN risk assessment, the developers of the PATTERN, as well as the Department of Justice,
in approving the risk instrument, did not explain the key choices: the selection of risk thresholds,
or the validation data, which itself was not shared with other researchers. One problem was that
the Act itself did not provide guidance on what should be deemed high, medium, low, or minimal
risk. The Act provided even less information about how the dynamic or treatment related “needs”
items should be operationalized, resulting in real concerns with the PATTERN instruments
definitions of such items. The authors of the PATTERN have not shared annual data regarding
Paul Heaton, Sandra Mayson & Megan Stevenson, The Downstream Consequences of Misdemeanor Pretrial
Detention, 69 STAN . L. REV . 711, 747 (2017); Will Dobbie et al., The Effects of Pre-Trial Detention on Conviction,
Future Crime, and Employment: Evidence from Randomly Assigned Judges, 108 Am. Econ. Rev. 201, 224–26
State v. Loomis, 881 N.W.2d 749, 767 (Wis. 2016).
Brandon Garrett and Megan Stevenson, Open Risk Assessment, 38 BEHAVIORAL SCIENCES AND LAW 279
the performance of the risk instrument, either. Only very general information has been reported,
including that errors in the design were uncovered and supposedly corrected.22
Second, a wide range of AI is now used in forensics, to conduct analyses on physical and
biometric evidence from crime scenes. In forensics, we traditionally often had people who look
at patterns and called a “match,” or a source identification, whether it was fingerprints, or firearms,
or bitemarks. We know that they get it wrong and innocent people have been convicted based on
those mistakes. AI may be able to improve on this pattern recognition work. Replacing humans
with machines may not be bad if humans are comparatively more error prone. We need to be sure,
though, that the machines work better and that they work fairly - or that they work at all.
To return to facial recognition technology, across the country, driver’s license photos are
being fed into the federal face recognition system, along with other photos, such as images
captured from airport cameras and the like.23 None of us agreed to have our faces included. We
are part of an omnipresent lineup, and it is one maintained (in one such effort) by the federal
government. The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) maintains the FACE system of facial
recognition. Its use raises privacy implications. It also raises accuracy questions. How likely is
it that we will be misidentified? If a person is charged with a crime based on a “hit” using the
federal FACE database, what can we say about how good the match is?
The FBI has been unwilling to share how the FACE algorithm works, what data it was
trained on, and nor has the FBI detailed how the algorithm has been tested and how accurate it is.
The GAO has repeatedly issued reports, given the FACE database use of large amounts of private
biometric information, calling on the FBI to conduct such testing of false and negative positive
rates.24 The FBI has responded that its policy “policy prohibits photos being provided as positive
identification and photos cannot serve as the sole basis for law enforcement action,” and that
ongoing work is being done to improve the accuracy of the system, including based on NIST
U.S. Department of Justice, Office of Justice Programs, 2020 Review and Revalidation of the First Step Act Risk
Assessment Tool, at
Statement of Kimberly J. Del Greco, Criminal Justice Information Services Division Federal Bureau of Investigation
Before The Committee on Oversight and Reform U.S. House of Representatives at a Hearing Concerning “The Use
of Facial Recognition Technology by Government Entities and the Need For Oversight Of Government Use of This
Technology Upon Civilians” 4 (2019) (“The FACE Services Unit performs facial recognition searches of FBI
databases (e.g., FBI’s NGI-IPS), other federal databases (e.g., Department of State’s Visa Photo File, Department of
Defense’s Automated Biometric Identification System, Department of State’s Passport Photo File), and State photo
repositories (e.g., select State Departments of Motor Vehicles, criminal mugshots, corrections photos, etc.)”), at
U.S. Government Accountability Office, Face Recognition Technology: DOJ and FBI Have Taken Some Actions
in Response to GAO Recommendations to Ensure Privacy and Accuracy, But Additional Work Remains (2019), at (“First, GAO found that the FBI conducted limited assessments of the
accuracy of face recognition searches prior to accepting and deploying its face recognition system. The face
recognition system automatically generates a list of photos containing the requested number of best matched photos.
The FBI assessed accuracy when users requested a list of 50 possible matches, but did not test other list sizes. GAO
recommended accuracy testing on different list sizes. Second, GAO found that FBI had not assessed the accuracy of
face recognition systems operated by external partners, such as state or federal agencies, and recommended it take
steps to determine whether external partner systems are sufficiently accurate for FBI's use. The FBI has not taken
action to address these recommendations.”).
evaluations.25 Hopefully federal and local law enforcement adhere to that restriction, and can
improve the system, but it also begs the question whether such evidence should be used for
preliminary criminal identification purposes, or as part (but not the sole) basis for a criminal
prosecution, absent publicly-available information about its accuracy and operation.
If a facial recognition algorithm is used purely for an investigative purpose not designed to
develop evidence against a suspect, such as to scan public places to search for a victim of human
trafficking, then the same rights are not implicated. It is far more tolerable to use a tool that with
less-clear evidence of reliability, purely as a way to generate leads to locate a missing person. The
privacy rights of that missing person are not of salient concern. If a missing person is ultimately
found based on those leads, then it is not relevant whether the system generated false leads or not,
and nor do we typically need courtroom disclosure of how the system worked. However, the same
system should not be used, without evidence of its reliability, to generate evidence linking a person
to a crime. In the same way, police may rely on an anonymous tip of unknown reliability, to
potentially generate leads in an investigation. If those tips help police locate a missing person or
stolen property, then they reliability is corroborated, and there is little reason to inquire further into
the source of the information. However, police cannot normally introduce statements by an
anonymous tipster in court as evidence to support in a criminal prosecution.
Grieco, supra, at 3-4. See also P. Jonathon Phillips, Amy N. Yates, Ying Hu, Carina A. Hahn, Eilidh Noyes, Kelsey
Jackson, Jacqueline G. Cavazos, Géraldine Jeckeln, Rajeev Ranjan, Swami Sankaranarayanan, Jun-Cheng Chen,
Carlos D. Castillo, Rama Chellappa, David White, Alice J. O’Toole, Face recognition accuracy of forensic examiners,
superrecognizers, and face recognition algorithms, 115 PNAS 6171 (2018), at
Facial Recognition Technology: Current and Planned Uses by Federal Agencies (2021), at (noting “18 of the 24 surveyed agencies reported using an FRT system,
for one or more purposes”).
Dr. Charles Romine, Facial Recognition Technology (FRT), Testimony, Committee on Homeland Security, U.S.
House of Representatives (2020) (noting “There, false positive differentials are much larger than for false negatives
and exist across many, but not all, algorithms tested. Across demographics, false positives rates often vary by factors
of 10 to beyond 100 times. False negatives tend to be more algorithm-specific, and often vary by factors below 3.”).
should not use AI or any other technique in order to identify suspects criminal investigations if we
do not know how good it is for achieving the purpose to which it is put.
This is an area where the federal government needs to lead in showing that use of AI
robustly protects constitutional rights. Instead, the federal government is showing how readily it
will permit defendant rights to be sacrificed in the name of expediency and profit by companies.
We note that our comments on surveillance to identify criminal suspects does not pertain
to applications such as school security, where the goal is to eliminate a possible immediate threat.
This is a separate topic than identifying suspects for criminal prosecution; they should not be
confused or linked. For instance, it is possible to design security systems that require only
biometric information from individuals who were previously identified as possible threats.28
It is noteworthy that the FTC has issued business guidance and begun enforcement
regarding uses of AI in private industry, regarding non-transparent and misleading uses of AI and
biased uses of AI, where they implicate consumer rights, under the FTC Act mandate to prevent
unfair and deceptive practices. Each of those subjects should be also, as described, be the subject
of federal efforts to prevent harms to the government’s own uses of AI in criminal cases. Similar
efforts should be aimed at ensuring that government agencies do not violate constitutional criminal
procedure rights, through non-transparent and unfair AI practices. We note that the U.S. House of
Representatives has considered a “Justice in Forensic Algorithms Act” which would ensure that
any algorithms used in criminal cases be unrestricted by any claim of proprietary or trade secrets
protection, and vetted by NIST. Congressman Dwight Evans, D-PA, said: “Opening the secrets of
these algorithms to people accused of crimes is just common sense and a matter of basic fairness
and justice. People’s freedom from unjust imprisonment is at stake, and that’s far more important
than any company’s claim of ‘trade secrets.’”29 Even absent such legislation, such an approach
should be adopted by the federal government. Basic transparency standards and testing
requirements should be follow by law enforcement and courts if they use AI tools in criminal cases.
Cynthia Rudin and Shawn Bushway, A Truth Serum for your Personal Perspective on Facial Recognition
Software in Law Enforcement, Translational Criminology (2021).
Reps. Takano and Evans Reintroduce the Justice in Forensic Algorithms Act to Protect Defendants’ Due Process
Rights in the Criminal Justice System (2021),
limited pretrial discovery, inadequate defense resources, and a tradition of deferential gatekeeping
regarding expert evidence. We ask that Office of Science and Technology Policy attend to these
basic principles of open AI and careful and robust adherence to existing constitutional criminal
procedure rights, as it conducts the important work of development of a broader AI Bill of Rights.