A Review On Edible Straw Mushrooms: A Source of High Nutritional Supplement, Biologically Active Diverse Structural Polysaccharides
A Review On Edible Straw Mushrooms: A Source of High Nutritional Supplement, Biologically Active Diverse Structural Polysaccharides
A Review On Edible Straw Mushrooms: A Source of High Nutritional Supplement, Biologically Active Diverse Structural Polysaccharides
Department of Chemistry, Ghatal Rabindra Satabarsiki Mahavidyalaya, Paschim Medinipur-721212, West Bengal, India.
Abstract: Mushrooms have been used as nutritious healthy foods climate. Fungi and bacteria have better ability to adapt the
throughout the world. In modern medicine, mushrooms represent changed environmental conditions as compared to green plants.
an importantsource that has high proportion of polysaccharides This is the advantages of cultivating mushrooms as an
showing considerable antitumor and immunomodulating
alternative crop. Among fungi currently cultivated worldwide,
properties. These polysaccharides are mostly glucans with different
Volvariella spp, occurs in both tropical and subtropical regions,
glycosidic linkages, such as (1→3),(1→6)-β-glucan, (1→3)-α-
glucans, and some heteroglycans.These are also used as food
ideal for growing in rural areas as they require a relatively low
additives and dietary supplements. Some of the commonly available cost. V. diplasia is generally available in the market during the
edible mushrooms of the genus Volvariella, namely Volvariella months of June-July when the temperature remains around 30-
diplasia,Volvariella bombycina and Volvariella volvacea are 35ºC. However, unlike V. volvacea, its cultivation is facilitated
commonly known as straw mushroom. These possess excellent at somewhat lower temperature (26-30ºC) (Ahlawat&Singh,
nutritional value with more protein than any other vegetables. A 2016).V.diplasia is white straw mushroom whereas V.
diversity of structures has been proposed for several bombycinaexists as yellow fruit bodies with silky appearance,
polysaccharides isolated from different straw mushrooms in
and hence commonly called as silver silk straw mushroom
different extraction medium. They exhibit different medicinal
(Ahlawat&Singh, 2016). These are considered as quite favourite
properties. This paper reviews the structural elucidation,
nutritional composition and bioactivity of these polysaccharides
food item for the local people.
and recycling of agricultural wastes and environmental potential of Mushroom polysaccharides are source of physiologically
these mushrooms. beneficial and nontoxic medicines (Wasser& Weis, 1999).These
polysaccharides showed immunomodulatory and anti-cancer
Keywords: Medicinal properties, Nutritional composition, activity (Moradali&Hedjaroude, 2007). Edible mushrooms,V.
Polysaccharides, Straw mushrooms, Volvariella. volvacea, V. diplasia and V. bombycina belonging to the
Pluteaceac family have high nutritive value. Polysaccharides of
I. INTRODUCTION these straw mushrooms exhibit different biological
Changes of global climate have a high impact on the activities(Cheung,1996;Kishida&Misaki,1989;Ooi,2001;Chiu&P
traditional cereal based food resources due to increase in ang,1995;Mohanty&Chaudhury,2002;Sze&Liu,2004;Chiu&Cha
temperature and carbon-di-oxide concentration, lack of water ng,1995).
and cultivable land and low productivity. Developing countries Owing to its unique ability to decompose agricultural waste,
like India with its high population has to handle the very basic Volvariella spp. can play an important role in waste management
problem of inadequate food supplies, decreasing quality of and in the control of air pollution as well (Pinedo-
health and balancing the ecosystem under the changing of Rivilla&Collado, 2009). It can absorb toxins directly into their
tissues especially heavy metals (Prakash,2017;Ali &Sajad,2013;
Dey&Bandyopadhyay,1995).The present review analyses the
Corresponding Author
nutritional composition, structural features and medicinal palmitoleic acid 0.62%, stearic acid 3.47%, oleic acid 12.74%
properties of different polysaccharides of straw mushrooms. and linoleic acid 69.91%)(Huang&Chang,1989).Saturated fatty
acids present in animal fats are harmful to our health,
II. NUTRITIONAL COMPOSITION unsaturated fatty acids on the other hand are very much essential
Mushroomsare important sources of carbohydrates, fiber, parts of our diet (Holman, 1976).These mushrooms being rich in
mineralsand proteins, (Senatore, 1990; Adewusi&Oke, 1993) unsaturated fatty acids and linoleic acids are considered as
where the amino acids are comparable to animal proteins healthy foods.
(Aletor, 1995).Proteins in mushrooms find its position in
between animal proteins and vegetable proteins (Kurtzman, Table 2. Composition of EAAa of edible straw mushrooms
1976; Purkayastha&Nayak, 1981). Water is the main component
V. bombycina
Amino acids
of Mushrooms (~90%). The remaining parts containprotein (10-
V. volvacea
Hen’s Egge
V. diplasia
40%), fat (2-8% ), carbohydrate (3-28%), fiber(3-32%), ash (8-
10%) and minerals likecalcium, magnesium, iron, potassium,
phosphorous,copper, zinc etc.(Breene,1990).Edible mushrooms
contain different bioactive molecules including nucleotides,
terpenoids, glycoproteins and polysaccharides. Ergosterol,
Valine 5.4 9.7 3.58 7.3 3.5
(Huang&Chang, 1985) provitaminD2 is also present in
Leucine 4.5 5.0 5.01 8.8 6.6
mushroom. Nutritional composition (Lee & Chang, 1975; Chang
Isoleucine 3.4 7.8 5.41 6.6 2.8
&Hayes, 2013; Jagadeesh &Ayyappan, 2010) of different straw
Threonine 3.5 6.0 4.65 5.1 3.5
mushrooms is given in Table 1.
Methionine 1.1 1.2 0.122 3.1 2.5c
Lysine 7.1 6.1 5.41 6.4 5.8
Table 1. Nutritional composition of edible straw mushrooms shown
Phenylalanine 2.6 7.0 6.02 5.8 6.3d
in percentage
Tryptophan 1.5 1.5 ND 1.6 1.1
Parameter V. volvacea V. diplasia V. bombycina
(Lee& (Chang & (Jagadeesh& Histidine 3.8 4.2 ---- 2.4 1.9
Chang,1975) Hayes,2013) Ayyappan,2010) Cysteine --- --- 1.91 -- ---
Tyrosine --- --- 4.58 -- ---
Carbohydrate 50.90 57.40 38.90 b b
Protein 30.10 28.50 28.30 Total EAAs 32.9 48.5 36.692 47.1 32.8
Lipid/Fats 6.40 2.60 2.72 Data given: Amino acids (g) per 100 g of sample
Ash 12.60 11.50 10.90 ND: Not determined
bExcluding arginine and cystine, cIncluding methionine and cystine,
Fiber 11.90 17.40 24.60 dIncluding tyrosine and phenyl alanine
These mushrooms possess all nine aminoacids (leucine, lysine, eFor comparison, fData FAO/WHO(1990)
tryptophane, methionine, threonine, histidine, valine, Isoleucine,
and phenylalanine) which are essential to make the proteins that Table 3. Comparative vitamin and minerals composition (dry weight
operate different functions of our bodies (Chang& basis) of edible straw mushrooms
V. bombycina
V. volvacea
V. diplasia
Singh, 2016)
, 2013)
Institute of Science, BHU Varanasi, India
Journal of Scientific Research, Volume 64, Issue 2, 2020
fiber content is 11.90%, 17.40% and 24.60% in V.volvacea, V. Smith degradation is a chemical analysis that degrades a
diplasia and V. bombycinarespectively (Table1).Mushrooms polysaccharide to oligosaccharides and modified polysaccharide.
contain necessary vitamins like vitamin C, thiamine, riboflavin, This method is utilized to identify the repeating unit by
niacin and biotin. These three mushrooms are important source elimination of few residues selectively.
of vitamins and minerals.(Ahlawat&Singh, 2016;Chang&Hayes, 2) NMR Analysis
2013) (Table 3). Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) is the most powerful
and non-destructive technique for determination of structure of
III. PROCEDURES: EXTRACTION AND PURIFICATION polysaccharides that include monosaccharide unit identification,
Mushroom polysaccharides can be extracted from cell wall interpretation of α or β anomeric configuration, mode of linkages
of fungi. Cell walls of mushrooms (fungi) are rich source of two and sequence of monosaccharide units of sugar in the repeating
important types of polysaccharides namely chitin (or cellulose) unit of the polysaccharide.The protons of anomeric region
& α,β-glucans and glycoproteins (Ruiz-Herrera,1956).The appear in a clearly different region than that of the other protons
extraction method is largely dependent on the structure of cell in the spectrum. More over the higher splitting constant value of
walls.The fruit bodies or cultured mycelia release the doublets clearly indicate β- anomers, whereas the lower
polysaccharides upon extraction with hot water (Mizuno, 1996). values correspond to α-anomers.The one bond 13C-1H couplings
Water-soluble polysaccharides are obtained mainly through hot constant are useful for the determination of anomeric
water extraction, but polysaccharides insoluble in water could be configuration of sugar residues (Bock&Thøgersen, 1983;
obtained throughextraction with hot alkali (using 5% NaOH). Bock&Pedersen, 1984; Perlin&Casu, 1969).
Impurities from the extracted polysaccharides may be Complete structural elucidation requires both 1D ( 1H and 13C
separated through different techniques e.g.repeatedprecipitation NMR) and 2D (DQF-COSY, COSY, TOCSY, NOESY,
from ethanol &AcOH, Size exclusion chromatography (SEC), ROESY, HSQC and HMBC) NMR techniques for
affinity chromatography and cation and anion ion-exchange polysaccharide (Bock&Pedersen, 1974; Agarwal, 1992; Gruter&
chromatography (Zhang&Wang,2007) etc.Water-soluble Vliegenthart,1993;Kalsi,2005).COSY(Correlation spectroscopy)
polysaccharides can be dialyzed through DEAE cellulose bag identifies pairs of protons, which are coupled to each other.
(Sigma-Aldrich) so as to exclude materials of low molecular COSY or DQF-COSY (Double quantum filtered correlation
weight (preserving MW>12,400). spectroscopy) gives information about the protons of an
A. Structural Analysis individual sugar residue through a three-bond coupling. A
1) Chemical methods TOCSY (Total correlation spectroscopy) spectrum correlates
Sugar composition is identified by chromatographic studies protons with same spin system through short range as well as
with the hydrolyzed product.TFA has been used to degrade long range couplings. It is necessary to identify individual
polysaccharide (glycosidic linkages) as TFA is volatile. monosaccharide residue. The NOESY (Nuclear overhauser
Absolute configuration (D or L) of these monosaccharides are enhancement spectroscopy) spectrum gives information not
identified through reacting with optically active 2-octanol or 2- through bond couplings but through space. NOESY experiments
butanol in acid medium by the method based on Gerwig et.al give information on linkages and sequence of sugar residues in a
(Gerwig&Vliegenthart, 1978;Gerwig&Vliegenthart, 1979). polysaccharide. ROESY (Rotating frame overhauser
One of the most important chemical methods that identify the enhancement spectroscopy) is used to determine signalsof
mode of linkages of every monosaccharide units in a protons which are near in space but not linked by chemical
polysaccharide is methylation analysis. Even though NMR bonds closely. ROESY experiment is necessary when NOESY
spectroscopy can provide such information nondestructively, signals are weak as they are close to the transitions between
methylation, alone or being supported by NMR data is an negative and positive. In HSQC (Heteronuclear single quantum
authoritative method in structural analysis of carbohydrate coherence) NMR spectrum all signals correlate directly between
(Purdie&Irvine, 1903; Haworth, 1915; Ciucanu&Kerek, 1984). a proton and a carbon. An HMBC (Heteromultiple bond
Polysaccharides have the potential to react with oxidizing coherence spectroscopy) experiment provides coupling with
agents such as HIO4 or NaIO4 due to the presence of free high sensitivity between carbon and proton (two or three
hydroxyl groups. Non-terminal units e.g. (1→2) and (1→4)- bonds)in long range. HMBC experiments set up correlation of
linked hexopyranose units consume one equivalent of periodate multiple bonds through glycosidic linkages and gives necessary
per mole yielding a dialdehyde. Whereas branching at the information on sequence and linkage of sugar residues jointly
position of C-2 or C-4 or hexopyranose unit with (1→3)-linked with NOESY in a polysaccharide.
remain unchanged by this reaction due to absence of adjacent –
OH groups. So the periodate oxidation study further supports the IV. STRUCTURAL FEATURES AND BIOLOGICAL ACTIVITY
linkages of sugar units as determined by methylation The enzyme, endo-α-mannanase (Khowala & Sengupta, 1985)
experiments. purified from the culture filtrate of V. volvacea through the
Institute of Science, BHU Varanasi, India
Journal of Scientific Research, Volume 64, Issue 2, 2020
(1→6)-α-D- Mannose
Mannose. with (1→2)
V. bombycina
Structural features
branching and
Fungi source
Main chain
process of precipitation from acetone, ion-exchange and
-mannosyl group
GPC(Bio-gel P-300) showed maximum activity at pH 5.0 at
The mannogalactan,(Misaki&Kinoshita,1986) was isolated
from the cold aqueous extract of V. volvacea, had a molecular
weight of 4 x 105 Da composed of an α-(1→6)-D-galactose
V. volvacea
glucosewith (1→6)
glucosyl groups.
→6) α-D-Galp (1→6) α-D-Galp (1→6) α-D-Galp (1→
β-D-Glcp β-D-Glcp
glucosewith(1→6) branching
(1→6)-β-D- glucose
(1→6)-β-D- glucosyl
D- glucose,(1→4,6)-α-D-
1 1
V. diplasia
↓ ↓
( Ratio 1:2)
6 6
Institute of Science, BHU Varanasi, India
Journal of Scientific Research, Volume 64, Issue 2, 2020
(1→3)-,(1→6)-, (1→3,4)-linked
and terminal β-D-glucose along
(1→3)-,(1→6)-,(1→3) β-D-
with (1→2,6)-linked α-D-
glucose(1→2,)- α-D-galactose
galactose and terminal α-D-
(1→6)-α-DMannosyl group
Volvarin, a novel ribosome inactivating protein, isolated from
Somatic hybrid of
Table 5. Structural features of polysaccharides from different hybrid
V. volvacea&
straw mushrooms
Structural features
Fungi source
Main chain
V.volvacea (Yao&Ooi, 1998) has been found to inhibit the
protein synthesis in reticulocyte lysate system of rabbit with an
IC50 value of 0.5 nM.
with (1→2)-branching
180. These can also reduce blood pressure (Ooi, 2001), exhibits
a cardiovascular response (Chiu&Pang, 1995) and affect the
biosorptions (Dey&Bandyopadhyay,1995; Mohanty&Chaudhury
, 2002) of heavy metal ions.
The aqueous extract of mushroom Volvariella diplasia was
composed of mannogalactosyl glucose (Fr.I, Fig-3)
glucosyl group
(1→3)- β-D-
D-glucose with
Institute of Science, BHU Varanasi, India
Journal of Scientific Research, Volume 64, Issue 2, 2020
Hybrid of V.
respectively. the immune system (Nandan
A heteroglycan was purified from hot aqueous extract of and used as antioxidant &Islam,
Fruiting body
V.bombycina mushroom (Das&Islam,2008).It was consisted of materials 2011)
mannose, glucose and galactose (Table 4, Fig-6).Mushroom
contains some bioactive secondary metabolites; ergosta-4, 6, This polysaccharide showed
Pflo Vv1a
8(14), 22-tetraene-3-one, indole-3-carbox aldehyde, indazole and strong immune enhancing Sarkar&
ergosterol peroxide in liquid culture (Xu&Yoo, 2010). activity Islam
Table 6.Biological activity of different straw mushrooms and their 2012
Fungi source
An extracellular polysaccharide Cheung,
ions Chaudhury,
2002 α-D- Galp
Stimulated the proliferative Sze& 1
activity and Th1 cytokinesof Liu,2004 ↓
ratssplenocytes 2
→4) β-D-Glcp (1→3) α-L-Fucp (1→
Antioxidant activity and protective Lee&Jang,2
effect of mushroom 004
Polysaccharide showed antioxidant Badalyan& Fig-5: The repeating unit of polysaccharide isolated from alkali
extract of V.diplasia
activity Garibyan
Polysaccharide showed Ghosh,
macrophage, splenocytethymocyte 2017 ↓
activation 4
Xu&Yoo,20 →6)-β-D-Glcp-(1→6)-α-D-Manp-(1→6)-α-D-Glcp-(1→
Isodeoxyhelicobasidin,anovel 09
V. bombycina
Glucan showed the Islam,
splenocytes,thymocytesand 2010 Fungal phyto remediation (Prakash, 2017; Ali&Sajad, 2013)
macrophages, ormycoremediation is another system of bioremediation where
soil and water can be decontaminated from harmful materials
Institute of Science, BHU Varanasi, India
Journal of Scientific Research, Volume 64, Issue 2, 2020
using the natural degradative abilities of certain fungi. The soil lignocellolostic waste is an evolving process for development of
of industrial areas is contaminated with pollutants like heavy protein rich foods froma renewable source that will help
metals (Dey&Bandyopadhyay,1995), PCB (Polychlorinated maintaining security of food for the common people in
biphenols), pesticides and other radioactive wastes. Mushrooms developing countries (Sanchez & Esqueda, 2002).It was
can absorb toxins directly into their tissues especially heavy observed that V. volvacea can produce different cellulolytic
metals when these are growing in polluted environment. enzymes which are not recognized as lignin-degrading enzymes
The up taking (Purkayastha&Mitra,1992) of a few metals by (Buswell & Yu, 1996).
V. volvacea during submerged growth of the organism. V.
volvacea was observed to uptakesome metal ions likeHg2+, Cu2 , CONCLUSION
Co2+., Cd2+ and Pb2+sufficiently below their respective lethal Straw mushrooms areconsidered as excellentnatural foodwith
concentrations. The maximum and minimum uptake of Pb2+ and a potential to maintain good health and improving human
Cd2+ was 100 micrograms g-1 and 2.93 micrograms g- immune system and are recognized as rich sources of several
1respectively by sporocarps when spawned substrate was treated bioactive components exhibiting antibacterial, anticancer,
with different metal salts separately. The bio-effectiveness of antioxidant, antitumor, cytotoxic, anti-HIV and
sporocarp production was significantly decreased by Co2+. hypocholesterolemic activities. The -glucans have maximum
Cd2+was considered toxic to mycelia, whereas sporocarps were bioactivity in these mushroom polysaccharides. At par
affected by Co2+. Among these above mentioned metal nutritional attributes and production of enzymes, it is better
ions,mycelia and sporocarps were found to uptake maximim choice for cultivation of straw mushrooms (Volvariella species)
amount of Cu2, and Pb2+ respectively. Mushrooms are used in at Industrial scale for food security in developing countries and
many countries forthe detoxification of PCB (Polychlorinated control the air pollution associated with burning agriculture
Table7. The uptakes of different metals by fungal species wastes into the environment. Several Volvariella spp. identified
(phytoremediation) so far have been found to effectively remove heavy metal
contamination. The ‘mycoremediation’ process is a novel
Fungi source Metals (uptaking) References
technology that is advanced, eco-friendly and economic as well.
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Ni Ralegankar,2013
Thus, it seems to be economically, nutritionally
V.diplasia Cd,Cu, Ni,Pb Lamrood& pharmaceutically and environmentally very important and useful
Ralegankar,2013 species.
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Institute of Science, BHU Varanasi, India