FM Lab Manual

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Fluid Mechanics and Machines Laboratory Dept.

of Mechanical Engineering


Subject Code :10MEL57 IA Marks :25
Hours/Week :03 Exam Hours :03
Total Hours :42 Exam Marks :50

1. Determination of coefficient of friction of flow in a pipe.

2. Determination of minor losses in flow through pipes.

3. Determination of force developed by impact of jets on vanes.

4. Calibration of flow measuring devices

a. Orifice Plate meter
b. Nozzle
c. Venturimeter
d. V-notch
18 Hours

5. Performance testing of Turbines
a. Pelton wheel
b. Francis Turbine
c. Kaplan Turbines

6. Performance testing of Pumps

a. Single stage / Multi stage centrifugal pumps
b. Reciprocating pump

7. Performance test of a two stage Reciprocating Air Compressor.

8. Performance test on an Air Blower.

24 Hours

Scheme for Examination:

One Question from Part A - 15 Marks (05 Write-up + 10)

One Question from Part B - 25 Marks (05 Write-up + 20)
Viva-Voce - 10 Marks

Total - 50 Marks
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Fluid Mechanics and Machines Laboratory Dept. of Mechanical Engineering


Expt Title of the Experiment Page No


01 Friction of flow in a pipe 3-5

02 Minor losses in pipes. 6-8

03 Orificemeter 9-12

04 Flow nozzle 13-15

05 Venturimeter 16-19

06 Notch Apparatus 20-23

07 Pelton wheel Turbine 24-27

08 Francis Turbine 28-32

Single stage centrifugal pump test

09 33-36

10 Reciprocating pump test rig 37-41

Two stage Reciprocating Air

11 42-45

12 Viva Questions 46-49

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Fluid Mechanics and Machines Laboratory Dept. of Mechanical Engineering

Experiment No.1

AIM: To determine the co-efficient of friction in pipe flow.

APPARATUS: Pipe lines of different diameters of GI, PVC, measuring tank, U-tube
manometer, Stop Clock etc.
THEORY: When a liquid flows through a pipe, the velocity of the liquid layer adjacent
to the pipe wall is zero. The velocity of liquid goes on increasing from the wall and thus
velocity gradient and hence shear stresses are produced in the whole liquid due to viscosity.
This viscous action causes loss of energy, which is usually known as “frictional loss”.

1. Fill-in the sump tank with clean water.
2. Keep the delivery valve closed.
3. Connect the power cable to 1 Ph, 220V, 10 amps with earth connection.
4. Switch-ON the pump & open the delivery valve.
5. Open the corresponding ball valve of the pipeline.
6. Adjust the flow through the control valve of the pump.
7. Open the corresponding ball valves
8. Note down the differential head reading in the Manometer. (Expel if any air is there
by opening the drain cocks provided with the Manometer)
9. Operate the Butterfly Valve to note down the collecting tank reading against the
known time and keep it open when the readings are not taken.
10. Change the flow rate and repeat the experiment for different diameter of pipes.

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Fluid Mechanics and Machines Laboratory Dept. of Mechanical Engineering


Sl Dia of Trial Difference Rise of Time Discharge Velocity Friction Average

No the No in Head Water take „Q‟ in m/sec „f‟ „f‟
pipe „hf‟ „R‟ in „t‟ in m3/sec
mm m of Sec
of H 2O
Hg H x 12.6
1 1” G I 2
Pipe 3
2 ¾” G I 2
Pipe 3
1 0.1 m
3 ½” G I 2
Pipe 3
4 1” PVC 2
Pipe 3

Observations & Calculations :

Area of measuring tank A = ______ m2
Length of the pipe L = _______ m
Diameter of the pipe d = ______ mm
Discharge Q= Ax R m3/sec
Where A = Area of the measuring tank in m2
R = Rise of water in tank= 0.1 m
t = time taken for collecting 0.1m rise of water in sec

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Fluid Mechanics and Machines Laboratory Dept. of Mechanical Engineering

Velocity V = Q / a m/s

Where a = area of the pipe in which fluid is flowing= π d2/ 4 m2

Co- efficient of friction, f = 2ghfd / 4Lv2

Where g = acceleration due to gravity = 9.81 m/s2
hf = Loss of head due to fittings= H x 12.6 m of water
d = diameter of the pipe in m
L = length of the pipe
V = velocity in m/s

(i) Friction in 1‟ GI pipe is ___________________
(ii) Friction in ¾‟ GI pipe is ___________________
(iii) Friction in ½‟ GI pipe is ___________________
(iv) Friction in 1‟ PVC pipe is __________________

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Fluid Mechanics and Machines Laboratory Dept. of Mechanical Engineering

Experiment No.2


AIM: To determine head loss due to friction in Pipe fittings and hence to determine the
“Head Loss Co-efficient”.

APPARATUS: Pipe lines in three different branches containing the fittings- Bends
( 450, 900), Elbow (450, 900),Wheel Valve, Non-Return Valve, Gate Valve, Contraction
Valve, Expansion Valve, Collar, Union etc…. measuring tank, U-tube manometer, Stop
Clock etc.

THEORY: The loss of head due to friction in the pipe is known as „Major losses‟, while
loss of energy due to change in velocity of the flowing fluid in magnitude or direction is
called „Minor loses‟. The minor loss of energy includes the loss of head due to sudden
enlargement, sudden contraction, loss of head at the entrance of the pipe, due to bend in pipe
and due to various pipe fittings.

1. Fill-in the sump tank with clean water.
2. Keep the delivery valve closed.
3. Connect the power cable to 1 Ph, 220V, 10 amps with earth connection.
4. Switch-ON the pump & open the delivery valve.
5. Open the corresponding ball valve of the pipeline.
6. Adjust the flow through the control valve of the pump.
7. Open the corresponding ball valves.
8. Note down the differential head reading in the Manometer. (Expel if any air is there
by opening the drain cocks provided with the Manometer)
9. Operate the Butterfly Valve to note down the collecting tank reading against the
known time and keep it open when the readings are not taken.
10. Change the flow rate and repeat the experiment for different pipe fittings.

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Fig. 2.1 Minor losses in pipes


Sl Type of Difference in Rise of Time Discharge Velocity Frictional

No “Fitting” Head „hf‟ Water take „Q‟ in m/sec Co-efficient
mm of m of H2O „R‟ in „t‟ in 3
m /sec „k‟
Hg H x 12.6 m Sec
„H‟ 1000
1 Elbow( 450)
2 Elbow ( 900)
3 Bend ( 450)
4 Bend ( 900)
5 Contraction
Valve 0.1 m
6 Expansion
(dia 16mm)
7 Collar
8 Union

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Observations & Calculations :

Area of measuring tank A = ________ m2
Diameter of the pipe d = __________ mm
Discharge Q= Ax R m3/sec
Where A = Area of the measuring tank in m2
R = Rise of water in tank= 0.1 m
t = time taken for collecting 0.1m rise of water in sec

Velocity V = Q / a m/s

Where a = area of the pipe in which fluid is flowing= πd2/ 4 m2

Frictional losses due to pipe fitting, k = _ hf ____

Where g = acceleration due to gravity = 9.81 m/s2
hf = Loss of head due to fittings= H x 12.6 m of water
d = diameter of the pipe in m
V = velocity in m/s

RESULT: Minor losses in different pipe fittings are calculated and tabulated.

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Fluid Mechanics and Machines Laboratory Dept. of Mechanical Engineering

Experiment No.3

AIM: To determine the Co-efficient of discharge (Cd) of the given Orifice meter/Plate.

APPARATUS: Orifice Plate, measuring tank, pipeline connected to Orifice plate, U-tube
manometer, Stop Clock etc.

THEORY: An “Orifice meter” is a simple device used for measuring the discharge
through pipes. Orifice meter works on the principle that, “by reducing the cross sectional area
of the flow passage, a pressure difference between the two sections is developed and
measurement of the pressure difference enables the determination of the discharge through
pipes. However an orifice meter is cheaper instrument for discharge measurement through
pipes and its installation requires a smaller length as compared with Venturimeter. As such,
where the space is limited, the orifice meter may be used for the measurement of discharge
through pipes. An “Orifice meter” consists of a flat circular plate with a circular hole called
orifice, which is concentric with pipe axis. The thickness of the plate is less than or equal to
0.05 times the diameter of the pipe.

Fig. 3.1 Orifice meter

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1. Fill-in the sump tank with clean water.
2. Keep the delivery valve closed.
3. Connect the power cable to 1 Ph, 220V, 10 amps with earth connection.
4. Switch-ON the pump & open the delivery valve.
5. Open the corresponding ball valve of the Orifice meter pipeline.
6. Adjust the flow through the control valve of the pump.
7. Open the corresponding ball valves fitted to the Orifice tappings.
8. Note down the differential head reading in the Manometer. (Expel if any air is there
by opening the drain cocks provided with the Manometer)
9. Operate the Butterfly Valve to note down the collecting tank reading against the
known time and keep it open when the readings are not taken.
10. Change the flow rate and repeat the experiment.
11. Plot the graph of Qact vs Qth


Fig. 3.2 Orificemeter experimental setup

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Sl Difference in Rise of Time Actual Theoretical Co-efficient

No Head „h‟ Water take Discharge Discharge of
mm of m of H2O „R‟ in „t‟ in „Qact‟ in „Qth‟ in Discharge
Hg H x 12.6 3 3 Cd = Qact
m Sec m /sec m /sec
„H‟ 1000 Qth
3 0.1 m

Observations & Calculations:

Area of measuring tank A = _______ m2
Diameter of the Orifice meter d = _______mm
Diameter of the inlet pipe of Orifice meter D = _______mm

(i) Actual Discharge Qact = A x R m3/sec

Where A = Area of the measuring tank in m2
R = Rise of water in tank= 0.1 m
t = time taken for collecting 0.1m rise of water in sec

(ii) Theoretical Discharge Qth = a1.a2.√2gh m3/sec

√(a12- a22)

Where a1 = Area of inlet pipe of the Orifice meter = π D2/ 4 m2

a2 = Area of the Orifice meter = π d2/ 4 m2

h = Loss of Head = H x 12.6 m of H2O

g = acceleration due to gravity = 9.81 m/s2
H = Differential head in mm of Hg

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(iii) Co-efficient of Discharge Cd = Qact / Qth

RESULT: Co-efficient of Discharge (Cd) of the given Orifice plate is

(i) Calculated ____________

(ii) Graphical ____________

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Fluid Mechanics and Machines Laboratory Dept. of Mechanical Engineering

Experiment No.4

AIM: To determine the Co-efficient of discharge (Cd) of the given Nozzle.

APPARATUS: Nozzle, measuring tank, pipe line connected to Nozzle,

U-tube manometer, Stop Clock etc.

THEORY: A Nozzle is a device used for increasing the velocity of a steadily flowing
stream of fluid. The fluid enters the nozzle at low velocity and high pressure. As the fluid
flows through the nozzle, it expands to a lower pressure. With the fall in pressure, velocity
increases from the entrance to the exit of the nozzle.
Nozzles are used in engineering practice for creation of jets and streams for all
purposes as well as for fluid flow measurements. When placed in or at the end of a pipe line
as measuring devices, they are called as flow nozzles.

Fig. 4.1 Flow Nozzle

1. Fill-in the sump tank with clean water.
2. Keep the delivery valve closed.
3. Connect the power cable to 1 Ph, 220V, 10 amps with earth connection.
4. Switch-ON the pump & open the delivery valve.

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5. Open the corresponding ball valve of the Nozzle pipeline.

6. Adjust the flow through the control valve of the pump.
7. Open the corresponding ball valves fitted to the tapings.
8. Note down the differential head reading in the Manometer. (Expel if any air is there
by opening the drain cocks provided with the Manometer)
9. Operate the Butterfly Valve to note down the collecting tank reading against the
known time and keep it open when the readings are not taken.
10. Change the flow rate and repeat the experiment.
11. Plot the graph of Qact vs Qth


Sl Difference in Rise of Time Actual Theoretical Co-efficient

No Head „h‟ Water take Discharge Discharge of
mm of m of H2O „R‟ in „t‟ in „Qact‟ in „Qth‟ in Discharge
Hg H x 12.6 m Sec m3/sec m3/sec Cd = Qact
„H‟ 1000 Qth
3 0.1 m

Observations & Calculations :

Area of measuring tank A = _______ m2
Diameter of the Nozzle at throat d = _______mm
Diameter of the Nozzle at inlet D = _______mm

(i) Actual Discharge Qact = A x R m3/sec

Where A = Area of the measuring tank in m2
R = Rise of water in tank= 0.1 m
t = time taken for collecting 0.1m rise of water in sec
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(ii) Theoretical Discharge Qth = a1.a2.√2gh m3/sec

√(a12- a22)

Where a1 = Area of inlet of the Venturi meter = πD2/ 4 m2

a2 = Area of the Venturi throat = πd2/ 4 m2

h = Loss of Head = H x 12.6 m of H2O

g = acceleration due to gravity = 9.81 m/s2
H = Differential head in mm of Hg

(iii) Co-efficient of Discharge Cd = Qact / Qth

RESULT: Co-efficient of Discharge (Cd) of the given Nozzle is

(i) Calculated ____________
(ii) Graphical ____________

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Fluid Mechanics and Machines Laboratory Dept. of Mechanical Engineering

Experiment No.5

AIM: To determine the Co-efficient of discharge (Cd) of the given Venturimeter.

APPARATUS: Venturimeter, measuring tank, pipe line connected to Venturimeter,

U-tube manometer, Stop Clock etc.
THEORY: A Venturi meter is a device used for measuring the rate of flow through pipes.
The basic principle on which a venturimeter works is that by reducing the cross sectional
area of the flow passage, a pressure difference is created between the inlet and throat and the
measurement of the pressure difference enables the determination of the discharge through
pipes. A Venturi consist of
(i) An inlet section followed by a convergent Cone.
(ii) A cylindrical throat (iii) A gradually divergent Cone.
The inlet section of the Venturimeter is of the same diameter as that of the pipe,
which is followed by a convergent cone. The convergent cone is a short pipe, which tapers
from the original size of the pipe to that of the throat of the venturimeter. The throat of the
venturimeter is a short parallel tube has its cross-sectional area smaller than that of the pipe
(Usually 0.5 times). The divergent cone of the venturimeter is gradually diverging pipe with
its cross-sectional area increasing from that of the throat to the original size of the pipe.

Fig. 5.1 Venturimeter

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1. Fill-in the sump tank with clean water.
2. Keep the delivery valve closed.
3. Connect the power cable to 1 Ph, 220V, 10 amps with earth connection.
4. Switch-ON the pump & open the delivery valve.
5. Open the corresponding ball valve of the Venturi meter pipeline.
6. Adjust the flow through the control valve of the pump.
7. Open the corresponding ball valves fitted to the Venturi tappings.
8. Note down the differential head reading in the Manometer. (Expel if any air is there
by opening the drain cocks provided with the Manometer)
9. Operate the Butterfly Valve to note down the collecting tank reading against the
known time and keep it open when the readings are not taken.
10. Change the flow rate and repeat the experiment.
11. Plot the graph of Qact vs Qth


Fig. 5.2 Venturimeter experimental setup

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Sl Difference in Rise of Time Actual Theoretical Co-efficient

No Head „h‟ Water take Discharge Discharge of
mm of m of H2O „R‟ in „t‟ in „Qact‟ in „Qth‟ in Discharge
Hg H x 12.6 m 3 3 Cd = Qact
Sec m /sec m /sec
„H‟ 1000 Qth
3 0.1 m

Observations & Calculations :

Area of measuring tank A = _______ m2
Diameter of the Venturi throat d = _______mm
Diameter of the inlet of Venturi meter D = _______mm

(i) Actual Discharge Qact = A x R m3/sec

Where A = Area of the measuring tank in m2
R = Rise of water in tank= 0.1 m
t = time taken for collecting 0.1m rise of water in sec

(ii) Theoretical Discharge Qth = a1.a2.√2gh m3/sec

√(a12- a22)

Where a1 = Area of inlet of the Venturi meter = πD2/ 4 m2

a2 = Area of the Venturi throat = πd2/ 4 m2

h = Loss of Head = H x 12.6 m of H2O

g = acceleration due to gravity = 9.81 m/s2
H = Differential head in mm of Hg

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(iii) Co-efficient of Discharge Cd = Qact / Qth

RESULT: Co-efficient of Discharge (Cd) of the given Venturimeter is

(i) Calculated ____________
(ii) Graphical ____________

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Fluid Mechanics and Machines Laboratory Dept. of Mechanical Engineering

Experiment No.6

AIM: To determine the Co-efficient of discharge (Cd) of the given Notches.

APPARATUS: An approach Channel with baffle plate, measuring tank, a surface level
gauge/point gauge, Stop Clock etc.

THEORY: A “Notch” is a device used for measuring the rate of flow of liquid flowing
through a small channel or a tank. It may be defined as an opening in the side of a tank or
small channel in such a way that the liquid surface in the tank or channel is below the top
edge or the opening. Notches may be of rectangular, triangular and trapezoidal, of stepped

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1. Fill-in the sump tank with clean water.
2. Keep the delivery valve closed.
3. Connect the power cable to 1 Ph, 220V, 10 amps with earth connection.
4. Switch-ON the pump & open the delivery valve.
5. Allow the water to flow through the channel till water just touches the sill of the
6. Operate the point gauge and make point of the gauge to just touch the water surface
and note don the initial reading (or) adjust the scale to read “Zero”.
7. Operate the flow control Valve & vary the discharge in steps. At each step adjust the
point gauge to touch the water surface and note down the final reading..
8. Collect the water discharged from the notch in a measuring tank and note down the
time taken for 0.1m rise of water level in the tank.
9. Change the notch (from rectangular to triangular or vice versa as the case may be)
and repeat the experiment.
10. Plot the graph of Qact vs Qth


Fig. 6.1 Experimental Setup of Notches

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Head Rise Time Actual Theoretical Co-efficient

Sl Type of over of take Discharge Discharge of Avg
No Notch the Water „t‟ „Qact‟ in „Qth‟ in Discharge
Notch „R‟in in m3/sec m3/sec Cd = Qact
„H‟ m Sec Qth
mm m
3 0.1 m
2 Notch

Observations & Calculations :

Area of measuring tank A = _______ m2
Angle for V-notch Ө = _________
Width of the Rectangular Notch b = _______mm

(i) Actual Discharge Qact = A x R m3/sec

Where A = Area of the measuring tank in m2
R = Rise of water in tank= 0.1 m
t = time taken for collecting 0.1m rise of water in sec

(ii) Theoretical Discharge __

(a) For Triangular –notch Qth = ( 8/15) Tan (Ө/2) √ 2g (H)5/2 m3/sec
H = Head over notch in m
g = acceleration due to gravity = 9.81 m/s2
(b) For Rectangular –notch Qth = ( 2/3) b √ 2g (H)3/2 m3/sec

(iii) Co-efficient of Discharge Cd = Qact / Qth

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RESULT: Co-efficient of Discharge (Cd) of the given

(i) Triangular Notch is_____________.
(ii) Rectangular Notch is ____________.

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Experiment No.7

AIM: To Study the performance of a Pelton wheel turbine (Mechanical Loading) and to
draw its main & operating characteristics.

APPARATUS: Pelton wheel turbine Unit with Centrifugal Pump, Pressure gauges,
Vacuum gauge, rectangular notch, Stop Clock etc.
THEORY: Hydraulic or Water turbines are the machines which uses the Energy of Water
(Hydro power) and convert it into Mechanical Energy. Thus the turbines become the Prime
mover to run the Electrical Generators to produce the electricity Viz., Hydro Electric Power.
The Turbines are classified as Impulse and Reaction types. Examples of reaction turbines are
Francis turbine and Kaplan turbine.
The Pelton turbine is suited for operating under high heads. It consists of a runner,
which is a circular disc with a number of buckets evenly spaced round its periphery. The
buckets have a shape of double semi-ellipsoidal cups. The jet of water impinges on the
splitter, which divides the jet into two equal portions, each of which after flowing round the
smooth inner surface of the bucket leaves it at its outer edge. In order to control the quantity
of water striking the runner, the penstock is provided with a spear or needle mechanism.
DESCRIPTION: The actual experiment facility consist of multi-stage Centrifugal Pump
set, turbine unit, Sump tank, Collecting tank, Triangular Notch arranged in such a way that
the whole unit works as recirculating water system. The loading of the turbine is achieved by
mechanical load. The provision for measurement of turbine speed (digital RPM indicator),
Head on turbine (Pressure gauge) are built in on the control panel.

Fig. 7.1 Pelton wheel

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1. Fill-in the sump tank with clean water.
2. Keep the delivery valve closed.
3. Connect the power cable to 3 Ph, 440V, 20A, 50 Hz AC supply.
4. Switch-„ON‟ the pump so that centrifugal pump supplies the required load & quantity
of water from the sump.
5. Adjust the Spear mechanism & measure the discharge-using Notch at „NO‟ load condition.
6. Note down the pressure head through the turbine with the help of Pressure Gauge.
7. Measure the speed of the Pelton turbine by using digital RPM indicator.
8. Load the turbine in steps (i.e. by means of rope brake drum) and keep the “Speed
constant” by adjusting the Spear mechanism.
9. For different loads, note down the difference in pressure head.
10. Repeat the experiment for “Constant Head” by adjusting butterfly valve.


Fig. 7.2 Pelton wheel turbine test rig

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TABULAR COLUMN: (For Constant Head)

Sl Turbine Head on Head on Load Torque Discharge HPhyd BHP EfficiUnit Unit Unit Specific
Speed Turbine Notch in Kg Kg-m „Q‟ in in in ency
Speed power Discharge Speed
„N‟rpm „h‟ m3/sec HP Qu Ns
„P‟ mm m F1 F2 ( F1 ~ F2) r η in Nu Pu m3/sec
H % rpm HP
kg/c m
m2 of
1 2
2 2
3 2
4 2
5 2

TABULAR COLUMN: (For Constant Speed)

Sl Turbine Head on Head on Load Torque Disc HPhyd BHP Effic Unit Unit Unit Specific
No Speed Kg-m harge in Speed power Discharge
Turbine Notch in Kg in iency Speed
„N‟rpm „Q‟ HP Nu Pu
„h‟ ( F1 ~ F2) r
HP η in rpm
m3/sec Ns
mm m /sec
H m F1 F2
kg/c m of
m2 H2O
1 650
2 650
3 650
4 650
5 650

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Observations & Formulae used :

Diameter of Brake Drum d = 300 mm
Radius of Brake Drum r = 150 mm = 0.015m
Head on turbine H = 10 (P + Pv /760) m of H2O
Where P = Pressure gauge reading in Kg/cm2
Pv = Vacuum gauge reading in mm of Hg
Co-efficient of Discharge for V-Notch Cd = 0.69
Specific weight of water W = 1000 kg/m3

BHP = (2 π NT / 4500) hp, where Torque T= (F1~ F2) r kg-m

Discharge Q = (8/15) Cd Tan Ө √ 2g h5/2 m3/sec

h = Head on notch = in m
g = acceleration due to gravity = 9.81 m/s2
Hydraulic input HP input = WQH/75 HP
Unit Quantities:
Unit Speed Nu = N/√H rpm
Unit power Pu = BHP / (H)3/2 HP
Unit Discharge Qu = Q /√H m3/sec
Specific Speed Ns = (N√BHP) / H5/4

Turbine efficiency η = (BHP/ HP input) x 100 %

Graphs to be drawn:
(i) For Constant Speed (Operating) Characteristics – Unit speed V/S Unit head, Unit
discharge, Efficiency
(ii) For Constant Head (Main) Characteristics - Unit speed V/S Unit head, Unit
discharge, Efficiency.

RESULT: The main and operating characteristics of a Pelton turbine are studies and

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Experiment No.8

AIM: To Study the performance of a Francis turbine (Electrical Loading) and to draw its
main & operating characteristics.

APPARATUS: Francis turbine Unit with Centrifugal Pump, Pressure gauges, Vacuum
gauge, rectangular notch, Stop Clock etc.
THEORY: Hydraulic or Water turbines are the machines which uses the Energy of Water
(Hydro power) and convert it into Mechanical Energy. Thus the turbines become the Prime
mover to run the Electrical Generators to produce the electricity Viz., Hydro Electric Power.
The Turbines are classified as Impulse and Reaction types. Examples of reaction turbines are
Francis turbine and Kaplan turbine.
The Francis turbine is a mixed flow type of reaction turbine, in which water enters the
runner radially at its outer periphery and leaves axially at its Centre. The water from penstock
enters a scroll casing (spiral casing), which completely surrounds the runner. The purpose of
the casing is to provide an even distribution of water around the circumference of the turbine
DESCRIPTION: The actual experiment facility consist of Centrifugal Pump set, turbine
unit, Sump tank, Collecting tank, Rectangular Notch arranged in such a way that the whole
unit works as recirculating water system. The loading of the turbine is achieved by electrical
load. The provision for measurement of turbine speed (digital RPM indicator), Head on
turbine (Pressure gauge) are built in on the control panel.

Fig. 8.1 Vertical Francis turbine

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Fig. 8.2 Guide Vanes at Minimum Flow Setting Fig. 8.3 Guide Vanes Maximum Flow

1. Fill-in the sump tank with clean water.
2. Keep the delivery valve closed.
3. Connect the power cable to 3 Ph, 440V, 20A, 50 Hz AC supply.
4. Switch-„ON‟ the pump so that centrifugal pump supplies the required load & quantity
of water from the sump.
5. Adjust the Butterfly Valve & measure the discharge-using Notch at „NO‟ load condition.
6. Note down the pressure head through the turbine with the help of Pressure Gauge.
7. Measure the speed of the Francis turbine by using digital RPM indicator.
8. Load the turbine in steps (i.e. by switching ON the Bulbs in order) and keep the
“Speed constant” by adjusting the Butterfly Valve mechanism.
9. For different loads, note down the difference in pressure head.
10. Repeat the experiment for “Constant Head” by adjusting butterfly valve.

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Fig. 8.4 Francis Turbine Experimental Set up

TABULAR COLUMN: (For Constant Head)

Sl Turbine Head Head on Load Load Time Disch BHP Unit Unit Specific
HP Effic Unit Speed
No Notch on taken Speed Discharge
on W arge in iency power
„N‟rpm Turbine „h‟ Generator
in „t‟ „Q‟ Nu Qu Ns
HP Pu 3
Watt in in rpm
m /sec
„P‟ H mm
m V I sec m3/sec Input Elect η in %
kg/c m rical
m2 of

1 2 400
2 2 600
3 2 800
4 2 1000
5 2 1200

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TABULAR COLUMN: (For Constant Speed)

Sl Turbine Head on Head Load Load Time Disch HP BHP Effici Unit Unit Unit Specific
No Speed Turbine on taken arge in Discharge Speed
on W ency Speed power
„N‟rpm Generator in „t‟ „Q‟ HP Nu Qu Ns
„h‟ Pu
Watt in sec in
rpm m3/sec
H mm
m V I
Input Elect η in HP
cm2 m rical %
1 1350 400
2 1350 600
3 1350 800
4 1350 1000
5 1350 1200

Observations & Formulae used :

Co-efficient of Discharge for Venturimeter Cd = 0.65
Width of rectangular notch b = 250 mm
Head on turbine H = 10 (P + Pv /760) m of H2O
Where P = Pressure gauge reading in Kg/cm2
Pv = Vacuum gauge reading in mm of Hg
Specific weight of water W = 1000 kg/m3
No of revolutions of Energy meter, n = 5
Energy meter Constant E = 750 KW-hr
Discharge Q = (2/3) Cd b √ 2g h3/2
h = Head on notch= in m
g = acceleration due to gravity = 9.81 m/s2
Hydraulic input HP input = WQH/75 HP
HP Electrical = (n/ E) (3600/t) (1000/736) HP
Where t = time taken for 5 rev of Energy meter in sec
BHP = HP Electrical / 0.75

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Unit Quantities:
Unit Speed Nu = N/√H rpm
Unit power Pu= BHP / (H) 3/2 HP
Unit Discharge Qu= Q /√H m3/sec
Specific Speed Ns = (N√BHP) / H5/4

Turbine efficiency η = (BHP/ HP input) x 100 %

Graphs to be drawn:
(i) For Constant Speed (Operating) Characteristics – Unit speed V/S Unit head,
Unit discharge, Efficiency
(ii) For Constant Head (Main) Characteristics - Unit speed V/S Unit head, Unit
discharge, Efficiency.

RESULT: The main and operating characteristics of a Francis turbine are studies and

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Experiment No.9

AIM: To Conduct the performance test on centrifugal pump and to determine its efficiency.

APPARATUS: Centrifugal Pump unit, Voltmeter, Ammeter, Stop Clock etc.

THEORY: Pump is a mechanical device which converts mechanical energy supplied to it

from some external source into Hydraulic energy, thus resulting in the flow of liquid form
lower potential to higher potential. The pumps are mainly classified into Rotodynamic,
Reciprocating (Positive displacement) pumps.
The basic Principle on which a Centrifugal pump works is that when a certain mass of
liquid is made to rotate by an external force, it is thrown away from the central axis of
rotation & a centrifugal head is impressed which enables it to rise to a higher level. Now, if
more liquid is constantly made available at the Centre of rotation, a continuous supply of
liquid at a higher level may be ensured. Since in these pumps the lifting of the liquid is due to
centrifugal action, these pumps are called as “Centrifugal Pumps”.

Fig. 9.1 Centrifugal pump

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1. Fill-in the sump tank with clean water.
2. Keep the delivery valve closed.
3. Connect the power cable to 1 Ph, 220V, 15A, 50 Hz AC supply.
4. Priming is done in the centrifugal pump to drive away the air present in the casing &
in the section pipe.
5. Switch-„ON‟ the pump. Adjust the speed as required.
6. Note down the delivery pressure and vacuum pressure.
7. Meanwhile note down the time taken for 0.1m rise of water in the measuring tank.
8. By noting down the different reading, using suitable formulae, data is obtained and
9. Before switching OFF the pump, make the speed control knob „zero‟.


Fig. 9.2 Centrifugal pump test rig

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TABULAR COLUMN: (For Constant Speed)

Sl speed
Pressure Head Discharge
„Q‟ in
„I‟ in
balance Output Input Output ηPump ηOverall
No rpm
„H‟ m3/sec ampere in sec
in „f‟ in Pump electrical
m of
Disch Vacuum
volt kg % %
„P‟ HP Watt HP Watt HP Watt
kg/cm2 mm

Observations & Formulae used :

Head H = 10 (P + Pv /760) m of H2O,
Where P = Pressure gauge reading in Kg/cm2
PV = Vacuum gauge reading in mm of Hg
Discharge Q =A x R m3/sec
Where A = Area of the measuring tank in m2 = 0.25 m2
R = Rise of water in tank= 0.1 m
t = time taken for collecting 0.1m rise of water in sec
Input motor = 2 π NT/ 4500 HP
Where N = Speed of pump in RPM,
T =( F1 ~ F2) r kg-m.,
F1 & F2 are the Spring Balance readings in kgf
r = torque arm distance = 0.1 m
Output Pump = WQH/75 HP

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Where W = Specific weight of water = 1000 kg /m3

Output electrical = (V.I / 736) HP

Η Pump = (Output Pump / Input motor) x 100
Η Overall = (Output Pump / Output electrical) x 100

Graphs to be drawn:
(i) For Constant Speed - Efficiency of the pump V/S Delivery head (η v/s H)
(ii) Discharge V/S Delivery head (Q v/s H)

RESULT: The performance of the centrifugal pump is tested and the efficiencies are
calculated and tabulated.

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Experiment No.10

AIM: To Conduct the performance test on Reciprocating pump and to determine its

APPARATUS: Reciprocating Pump unit, Voltmeter, Ammeter, Stop Clock etc.

THEORY: In general, a pump may be defined as mechanical device when connected in a

pipe line, can convert the mechanical energy into hydraulic energy, thus resulting in the flow
of liquid from lower potential to higher potential.
Pumps are of major concern to most engineers and technicians. The types of pumps
vary in principle and design. The selection of the pump for any particular application is to be
done by understanding their characteristics. The most commonly used pumps for domestic,
agricultural and industrial are Centrifugal, reciprocating, axial flow (stage pumps), air jet,
diaphragm and turbine pumps. Most of these pumps fall mainly into a class namely
rotodynamic, reciprocating (positive displacement) and fluid operated pumps.
Reciprocating pump is based purely on mechanical concepts, since the liquid is
displaced by a piston (plunger) moving in a cylinder. They discharge a definite quantity of
liquid irrespective of the head on the pump i.e., positive displacement. However, in a single
acting pump, water is sucked into the cylinder in the suction stroke and delivered out of the
cylinder in the delivery stroke that is the discharge only on alternate strokes, where as in
double acting pump there is suction and delivery in each stroke that is the discharge is

Reciprocating pump is a positive displacement pump. The given pump is single

acting single cylinder pump with air vessel. It can be used for less discharge at higher heads.
Priming is not required because it is a positive displacement pump. Reciprocating pumps are
used in pumping water in hilly areas. Reciprocating pumps has lower efficiency compared to
centrifugal pumps.

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CONSTRUCTION: The Main Parts of Reciprocating Pump are:

Fig. 10.1 Parts of a Reciprocating Pump

1. CYLINDER: It is made of cast iron or steel alloy. The piston reciprocates inside the
cylinder. The movement of piston is obtained by a connecting rod which connects
piston and rotating crank.
2. SUCTION PIPE: It connects the source of water and cylinder, the water is sucked.
3. DELIVERY PIPE: Water sucked by pump is discharged into delivery pipe.
4. SUCTION VALVE: It adjusts the flow from the suction pipe into delivery pipe.
5. DELIVERY VALVE: It admits the flow from the cylinder in to delivery pipe.
6. AIR VESSEL: It is a cast iron closed chamber having an opening at its pass through
which the water flows into vessel.

1. Fill-in the sump tank with clean water.
2. Keep the delivery valve closed.
3. Connect the power cable to 1 Ph, 220V, 15A, 50 Hz AC supply.
4. Priming is done in the centrifugal pump to drive away the air present in the casing &
in the section pipe.
5. Switch-„ON‟ the pump. Adjust the speed as required.
6. Note down the delivery pressure and vacuum pressure.
7. Meanwhile note down the time taken for 0.1m rise of water in the measuring tank.

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8. By noting down the different reading, using suitable formulae, data is obtained and
9. Before switching OFF the pump, make the speed control knob „zero‟.


Fig. 10.2 Reciprocating pump experimental set up

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TABULAR COLUMN: (For Constant Speed)

ηPump ηOverall
Sl Head Discharge Voltage Current Time Spring
Pressure „Q‟ in „V‟ in „I‟ in „t‟ in balance Output Input Output
No Speed „H‟ volt amper sec reading
m3/sec „f‟ in Pump motor electrical
„N‟ Disch Vacuu
m e
kg % %
rpm arge m of
„P‟ „Pv‟ H2O HP Watt HP Watt HP Watt
of Hg

Observations & Formulae used :

Head H = 10 (P + Pv /760) m of H2O,
Where P = Pressure gauge reading in Kg/cm2
PV = Vacuum gauge reading in mm of Hg
Discharge Q= Ax R m3/sec
Where A = Area of the measuring tank in m2 = 0.25 m2
R = Rise of water in tank= 0.1 m
t = time taken for collecting 0.1m rise of water in sec
Input motor = 2 π NT/ 4500 HP
Where N = Speed of pump in RPM,
T = ( F1 ~ F2) r kg-m.,
F1 & F2 are the Spring Balance readings in kgf
r = torque arm distance = 0.1 m

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Output Pump = WQH/75 HP

Where W = Specific weight of water = 1000 kg /m3

Output electrical = (V.I / 736) HP

Η Pump = (Output Pump / Input motor) x 100
Η Overall= (Output Pump / Output electrical) x 100

Graphs to be drawn:
(i) For Constant Speed - Efficiency of the pump V/S Delivery head (η v/s H )
(ii) Discharge V/S Delivery head ( Q v/s H )

RESULT: The performance of the Reciprocating pump is tested and the efficiencies are
calculated and tabulated.

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Experiment No.11


AIM: To Study the performance of the two stage Reciprocating Air-Compressor.

APPARATUS: Air Compressor test rig unit.

THEORY: A COMPRESSOR is a device, which sucks in air at atmospheric pressure &
increases its pressure by compressing it. If the air is compressed in a single cylinder it is
called as a Single Stage Compressor. If the air is compressed in two or more cylinders it is
called as a Multi Stage Compressor.
In a Two Stage Compressor the air is sucked from atmosphere & compressed in the first
cylinder called the low-pressure cylinder. The compressed air then passes through an inter
cooler where its temperature is reduced. The air is then passed into the second cylinder where
it is further compressed. The air further goes to the air reservoir where it is stored.

Fig. 11.1 Single acting two stage Reciprocating air compressor

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Fig. 11.2 Cut section of Single acting two stage Reciprocating air compressor

1. Release the air fully from the tank, if it is previously pressured.
2. Check Zero level in the pressure gauge. Keep the delivery valve closed.
3. Connect the power cable to 3 Ph, 440V, 20A, 50 Hz AC supply.
4. Switch-„ON‟ the mains.
5. Keep the outlet valve closed.
6. Switch-„ON‟ the starter & allow the motor to run at full speed.
7. As the pressure in the reservoir tank increases, set the pressure by operating delivery
valve to 2, 4,6 & 8…. kg/cm2 and note down the readings of P1 (pressure after L P
Cylinder), P2 (pressure after H P Cylinder), P3 (Delivery Pressure) and Temperatures
T2, T3, T4, voltage, current, Speed, Manometer reading etc.
8. Repeat the experiment for different delivery pressures and tabulate the readings.
9. After switching OFF the compressor, release the air present in the storage tank.

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Mercury Pressure Pressure Delivery Room Interme Temp. Voltage Current Speed Volume Isothermal Isother
Sl Pressure
manom after L P after H P diate after mal
No Temp „V‟ „N‟ of air work done, volume,
Cylinder Cylinder Temp HP „I‟ Efficien
eter P3
reading Kg/cm2 0 Cylinder
rpm compressed
Qsw cy
P1 T1 C 0 Volt ampere
Qa Wiso
T2 C
T3 C0
m3/min ηiso
hw KW

1 1

2 2

3 4

4 6

5 8

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Observations & Formulae used :

a. Orifice Diameter do = ______ mm = ______m
b. L P Cylinder diameter DL = ______ mm = _______m
c. H P Cylinder diameter DH = ______ mm = _______ m
d. Stroke Length L = _______ mm = ______ m
e. Co-efficient of discharge for Orifice Cd = 0.65

f. Motor Efficiency ηm = 85 % = 0.85

g. Transmission Efficiency ηT = 90 % = 0.9

h. Power factor Cos φ = 0.8

i. Density of air ρ = 1.2 kg/m


j. Density of water ρ w = 1000 kg/m3

(a) Area of Orifice Ao = π d2/4 m2

(b) Head of air ha = (hw x ρ )/ρ

w a m of air

(c) Volume of air compressed Qa = (Ao Cd √ 2g ha) x 60 m3/min

(d) Swept volume Qsw = π (DL)2 L N / 4 m3/min

(e) Volumetric Efficiency ηV = Qa/ Qsw

(f) Isothermal work done Wiso = ρ Q ln (P /P )
a a 3 1 KW

(g) Power input to compressor IHP = (√ 3 VI Cos φ ηm ηV) / 1000 KW

(h) Isothermal Efficiency ηiso = Wiso / IHP

RESULT: The performance of the Air compressor is tested and its isothermal efficiency
and volumetric efficiency is calculated and tabulated.

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1. Define fluid.
2. Differentiate between fluid and solid.
3. Define Specific volume
4. Define Specific gravity.
5. Define Viscosity.
6. Define Compressibility.
7. Define vapour pressure.
8. Define Capillarity.
9. Define Surface tension.
10. Differentiate between Absolute and gauge pressures.
11. Mention two pressure measuring instruments.
12. What is piezometer?
13. How manometers are classified.
14. What is pitot static tube?
15. Write down the units for dynamic and kinematic viscosity.
16. State Newton‟s law of viscosity.
17. Differentiate between Newtonian and non-Newtonian fluid.
18. Differentiate between ideal and real fluid.
19. What is ideal plastic fluid?
20. Define velocity gradient.
21. What is the difference weight density and mass density?
22. What is the difference between dynamic and kinematic viscosity?
23. Differentiate between specific weight and specific volume.
24. Define relative density.
25. What is vacuum pressure?
26. What is absolute zero pressure?
27. Write down the value of atmospheric pressure head in terms of water and Hg.
28. Define steady flow.
29. Define uniform flow.
30. Differentiate between laminar and turbulent flow.
31. How will you classify the flow as laminar and turbulent?
32. Differentiate between compressible and incompressible flow.
33. Differentiate between rotational and ir-rotational flow.
34. Define stream function.
35. Define velocity potential function.
36. Write down continuity equation for compressible and incompressible fluid.
37. Write down continuity equation in three dimensions.
38. Write down Euler‟s equation of motion.
39. Write down Bernoulli‟s equation of motion for ideal and real fluid.
40. State the assumptions made in Bernoulli‟s equation of motion.
41. Mention the applications of Bernoulli‟s equation of motion.
42. Mention few discharge measuring devices
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43. Draw the venturimeter and mention the parts.

44. Why the divergent cone is longer than convergent cone in venturimeter?
45. Compare the merits and demerits of venturimeter with orifice meter.
46. Why Cd value is high in venturimeter than orifice meter?
47. What is the difference between Pitot tube and Pitot static tube?
48. What is orifice plate?
49. What do you mean by vena contracta?
50. Define coefficient of discharge.
51. Define coefficient of velocity.
52. Define coefficient of contraction.
53. State Buckingham‟s Pi Theorem.
54. What is dimensional homogeneity?
55. What is dimensionless number?
56. Mention the methods for dimensional analysis.
57. Mention few important dimensionless numbers.
58. Mention the type of forces acting in moving fluid.
59. Define Reynolds‟s number.
60. What is the difference between model and prototype?
61. Mention two applications of similarity laws
62. Define geometric similarity.
63. Define kinematic similarity.
64. Define dynamic similarity.
65. What is the difference between fluid kinematics and fluid dynamics?
66. Write down Hagen Poiseulle's equation
67. Sketch the velocity distribution for laminar flow between parallel plates.
68. Sketch the shear stress distribution for laminar flow between parallel plates
69. Differentiate between Hydraulic Gradient line and Total Energy line.
70. Write down Darcy -Weisback's equation.
71. Mention the application of moody diagram.
72. What is the difference between friction factor and coefficient of friction?
73. What do you mean by major energy loss?
74. List down the type of minor energy losses.
75. Define drag force.
76. Define lift force.
77. What are the classifications of turbine?
78. Define impulse turbine.
79. Define reaction turbine.
80. Differentiate between impulse and reaction turbine.
81. What is the function of draft tube?
82. Define specific speed of turbine.
83. What are the main parameters in designing a Pelton wheel turbine?
84. What is breaking jet in Pelton wheel turbine?
85. What is the function of casing in Pelton Turbine?
86. Draw a simple sketch of Pelton wheel bucket.
87. What is the function of surge tank fixed to penstock in Pelton turbine?

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88. How the inlet discharge is controlled in Pelton turbine?

89. What is water hammer?
90. What do you mean by head race?
91. What do you mean by tail race?
92. What is speed ratio?
93. What is flow ratio?
94. What is the difference between propeller and Kaplan turbine?
95. Mention the parts of Kaplan turbine.
96. Differentiate between inward and outward flow reaction turbine.
97. What is the difference between Francis turbine and Modern Francis turbine?
98. What is the difference between outward and inward flow turbine?
99. What is mixed flow reaction turbine? Give an example.
100. Why draft tube is not required in impulse turbine?
101. How turbines are classified based on head. Give example.
102. How turbines are classified based on flow. Give example
103. How turbines are classified based on working principle. Give example.
104. What does velocity triangle indicates?
105. Draw the velocity triangle for radial flow reaction turbine.
106. Draw the velocity triangle for tangential flow turbine.
107. Mention the type of characteristic curves for turbines.
108. How performance characteristic curves are drawn for turbine.
109. Mention the types of efficiencies calculated for turbine.
110. Define Hydraulic efficiency
111. Define Mechanical efficiency.
112. Define overall efficiency.
113. Define pump.
114. How pumps are classified?
115. Differentiate pump and turbine.
116. Define Rotodynamic pump.
117. Define Positive displacement pump.
118. Differentiate between Rotodynamic and positive displacement pump.
119. Define cavitation in pump.
120. What is the need for priming in pump?
121. Give examples for Rotodynamic pump
122. Give examples for Positive displacement pump.
123. Mention the parts of centrifugal pump.
124. Mention the type of casing used in centrifugal pump.
125. Why the foot valve is fitted with strainer?
126. Why the foot valve is a non-return type valve?
127. Differentiate between volute casing and vortex casing.
128. What is the function of volute casing?
129. What is the function of guide vanes?
130. Why the vanes are curved radially backward?
131. What do you mean by relative velocity?
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132. What is whirl velocity?

133. What do you mean by absolute velocity?
134. What is the function of impeller?
135. Mention the types of impeller used.
136. Mention the types of efficiencies calculated for pump.
137. Define Hydraulic efficiency
138. Define Mechanical efficiency.
139. Define overall efficiency
140. Define specific speed of pump.
141. Mention the type of characteristic curves for pump
142. How performance characteristic curves are drawn for pump.
143. Mention the parts of reciprocating pump.
144. What is the function of air vessel?
145. What is slip of reciprocating pump?
146. What is negative slip?
147. What is the condition for occurrence of negative slip?
148. What does indicator diagram indicates?
149. What is the difference between actual and ideal indicator diagram?
150. Briefly explain Gear pump.
151. Differentiate between internal gear pump and external gear pump.
152. Briefly explain vane pump.
153. What is rotary pump?
154. Draw the velocity triangle for centrifugal pump.
155. Draw the indicator diagram for reciprocating pump.
156. What is the amount of work saved by air vessel?
157. Mention the merits and demerits of centrifugal pump.
158. Mention the merits and demerits of reciprocating pump.
159. What is separation in reciprocating pump?
160. How separation occurs in reciprocating pump?
161. Write down the equation for loss of head due to acceleration in reciprocating pump
162. Write down the equation for loss of head due to friction in reciprocating pump.
163. Differentiate single acting and double acting reciprocating pump.

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