Engineering Physics Lab Manual: Academic Year
Engineering Physics Lab Manual: Academic Year
Engineering Physics Lab Manual: Academic Year
Laboratory: - Physics
Department: - Applied Science
Laboratory Manual
Engineering Physics
It is my great pleasure to present this laboratory manual for first year engineering
students for the subject of Engineering Physics keeping in view the vast coverage
required for visualization of concepts of basic Physics with simple language.
As a student, many of you may be wondering with some of the questions in your mind
regarding the subject and exactly what has been tried is to answer through this manual.
As you may be aware that MGM has already been awarded with ISO 9000 certification
and it is our endure to technically equip our students taking the advantage of the
procedural aspects of ISO 9000 Certification.
Faculty members are also advised that covering these aspects in initial stage itself, will
greatly relieve them in future, as much of the load will be taken care by the enthusiasm
and energy of the students once they are conceptually clear.
Dr. H. H. Shinde
This manual is intended for the first year students of engineering branches in the subject
of Engineering Physics. This manual typically contains practical / Lab sessions related
Physics covering various aspects related the subject to enhanced understanding.
Although , as per the syllabus , only diagrams , circuits are prescribed , we have made
the efforts to cover various aspects of EP subject covering electronic aspects ,
Construction and working Laurent’s half shade polarimeter ,applications of
interference, diode characteristics will be complete in itself to make it meaningful ,
elaborative understandable concepts and conceptual visualization .
Students are advised to thoroughly go through this manual rather than only topics
mentioned in the syllabus as practical aspects are the key to understanding and
conceptual visualization of theoretical aspects covered in the books.
1. Make entry in the Log Book as soon as you enter the Laboratory.
2. All the student should sit according to their roll numbers starting from their left to
3. All the students are supposed to enter the terminal number in the log book.
5. All the students are expected to get non-programmable calculators / log tables.
1. Submission related to whatever lab work has been completed should be done
3) To determine the specific rotation of sugar using Laurent’s half shade Polarimeter.
7) To study bending losses occur in optical fibre and measure losses in dBm of fibre
optic cable at 650nm wavelength.
9) To study the variation of counter rate with applied voltage and thereby determine
the Plateau, the operating voltage and the slope of Plateau.
10) To determine the wavelength of LASER source.
Apparatus: Cathode ray tube, wooden stand with graduated scale to mount Cathode ray tube, power
supply, magnetometer, bar magnets.
Theory: An electron is deflected in electric and magnetic fields. However the deflection depends upon
charge ‘e’, mass ‘m’ and velocity ‘v’ of the electron. By arranging crossed electric and magnetic fields,
the electrostatic deflection is counter balanced by magnetic deflection. This condition enables one to
determine the specific charge ‘e/m’
Procedure: The experimental set up is shown in the figure. The cathode ray tube (C.R.T.) is mounted on
a centimetre marked wooden frame having platform length parallel to flight of electron beam. In the
region of deflecting plates CD, the frame carries cross arms on either side on which two bar magnets with
opposite poles facing each other can be placed and suitably displaced.
Thus C.R.T. is placed in magnetic meridian and bar magnet N-S in East-West direction. The
power supply provides necessary voltages to C.R.T. The deflecting voltage between plates CD is
measured by an inbuilt voltmeter. The screen S of C.R.T. has ‘cm’ marks to measure deflection. Line of
flight of electron beam represents X-direction while vertical deflection on fluorescent screen represents
Set up the apparatus as described above, switch on the power pack, allow warm-up time, use X and Y
deflection knobs to get a point spot at the origin on the fluorescent screen. Note the un-deflected position
of spot.
Now place the bar magnets with opposite poles facing each other on East-West arms on
both sides at an identical distance of ‘5 cm’. Note down the deflection (y cm) on the screen. Now adjust
the Y-deflection voltage so that the deflected spot returns back to its initial position i.e. the un-deflected
position of the spot. Note the deflecting voltage ‘V’ volt.
Calculations: Formula-
Result : Hence the specific charge e/m of an electron is found out to be ..................... emu / gm .
1. Write important parts of cathode Ray Tube.
2. Describe working of cathode Ray Tube.
3. Write function of deflecting plates in CRT.
4. What is the experimental arrangement for the determination of specific charge ‘e/m’ ?
Aim: To determine radius of curvature of a Plano convex lens using Newton’s ring method.
Apparatus : Travelling microscope sodium lamp, Plano convex lens , optically plane glass plate
inclined at 450 in wooden box, magnifying lens.
Theory : Circular interference fringes produce by enclosing a thin air film of varying thickness
between the surface of the Plano convex lens of large radius of curvature and a plane glass plate
are known as Newton’s ring.
Microscope (M)
Plano-convex Lens
Figure 1: Newton’s ring apparatus
Procedure: Calculate the least count of travelling microscope using following formula.
RESULT :Hence by Newton’s rings experiment radius of curvature of a Plano convex lens
is calculated and is found out to be (R)
1.Define interference phenomenon.
2.Give theory of formation of Newton’s rings.
3.What will be the nature of Newton’s rings if sodium source is replaced by whitelightmerqury source ?
4.State any four applications of Interference in Science and Engineering.
5.Choose the correct option of the following
(i)A phase difference pi between two interfering beam is equal to path difference
a)twice the wavelengthb)equal to wavelengthc)half of wavelength d)none of them
(ii). Newton’s rings illustrate the phenomenon of
a) Interference b)Diffractionc) Polarization d) Dispersion
Aim: To determine the specific rotation of sugar using Laurent’z half shade polarimeter.
Theory : If is the optical rotation produced by ‘l’ decimetres of a solution and c is the
concentration in gm/cc, then specific rotation S can be given as ,
S = / lc
Procedure : Find out the least count of analyser scale using following formula
Place the polarimeter tube so that the aperture of the tube is in the front of light. Look
through the eye-piece so that the two halves of the half shade device are clearly visible . Fill the
polarimeter tube with distilled water taking care of that either there is no air bubble in the tube or
if it is there, it remains at the centre part of the tube.
Place the tube in the polarimeter and observe through the eyepiece-E . In general we find
two semi circles of different colours. By rotating the analyser eyepiece system, the colour pair
gets changed. Let us select a pair of different colour, say red and blue. By rotating the analyser
scale, the colour pair can be interchange. By rotating the analyser scale, the two colours can be
mixed so that circular field of view appears gray instead of two semicircle of red and blue.
Record the reading of analyser scale at this position.
Prepare a sugar solution by dissolving 10 gm., 8gm, 6gm, and 4gm of sugar in 100ml of
distilled water separately. Fill the polarimeter tube with 10gm concentration of sugar solution.
Adjust the analyser scale until the field of view appears gray. Note down the analyser reading .
Repeat the same procedure for other sugar concentrations i.e. 8gm,6gm,and 4gm. Adjust the
analyser scale until the field of view appears gray every time.
Calculate the values of angle of rotation for different sugar concentrations with respect
to distilled water. Plot the graph of angle of rotation against mass of sugar n. Graph is straight
line, find out its slope.
Observation table:
Sr.No. Mass of sugar in water (m) Analyser reading Angle of rotation ()
1 Distilled water
2 10gm sugar in 100ml water
3 8gm sugar in 100ml water
4 6gm sugar in 100ml water
5 4gm sugar in 100ml water
Result :Hence Specific rotation of sugar using Laurent’z half shade polarimeter is calculated
as, S = __________0/gm cc
1.What is a Polarimeter ?
2.What are quarter wave plate and half wave plate?
3.Define Specific rotation.
4.What is optical activity ?
5.Optically active substances are those which
a)rotate the plane of polarization b)cause double refraction
c)polarise light d)none of the above
Plano-convex Lens
Figure 1: Newton’s ring apparatus
Procedure: Calculate the least count of travelling microscope using following formula.
Where , R = 330mm
RESULT :Hence by Newton’s rings experiment wavelength is calculated and is found out to
be ( ) =..................A0.
1.What are the necessary condition for obtaining interference fringes?
2.Explain howNewton’s rings are formed.
3.How do you obtain circular rings in the Newton’s rings experiment?
4.What do you mean by constructive and destructive interference of light ?
5.Choose the correct option of the following
(i) Interference of waves have been observed with………………….
a)light wavesb)sound wavesc)water wavesd) all
(ii) Newton’s rings illustrate the phenomenon of
a) Interference b)Diffraction c) Polarization d) Dispersion
Procedure : Find out the least count of travelling microscope using following formula.
To determine the fringe width ( ) :
Sr. Order of M.S.R. V.S.R. V.S.R. L.C. A+B fringe width
No fringe (A) (B) Width for 5 friges
( )
1 02
2 04
3 06
4 08
5 10
Where , = 5890 A0
ᵦ= fringe width
t = thickness of given wire
L = distance between tied end and thin wire
RESULT:The thickness of thin wire using air wedge method is calculated and found out to
1. When the length of the air-wedge is increased, what happened to the fringes?
2. What is interference of light waves?
3. What are the conditions necessary for obtaining interfer-ence fringes?
4. Two independent non-coherent sources of light cannot produce an interference
pattern. Why?
AIM: To study the forward and reverse bias characteristics of a semiconductor diode
APPARATUS: D.C. Power supply, circuit board, voltmeter, ammeter, semiconductor diode
PROCEDURE: Connect the circuit as shown in the diagram. Initially, the connections are made for
forward bias. The positive terminal of the low voltage power pack is connected in series with the
milliammeter to the semiconductor diode. Apply a very small voltage, e.g. 0.1V to the semiconductor
diode and note the reading of milliammeter. Increase the applied voltage gradually and note the
corresponding forward current.
The characteristics for the reverse bias conditions are plotted in a similar way but the positive of the
power pack is connected to the diode in the reverse direction of conduction. Compared to forward
bias, the value of reverse bias voltage is greater. The conduction current is quite small of the order of
GRAPH: Plot the characteristics of the semiconductor diode on graph paper. Theforward and
reverse bias characteristics are on the same graph paper.
1.Take a graph sheet and divide it into 4 equal parts. Mark origin at the center of
thegraph sheet.
2. Now mark +ve x-axis as Vf,-ve x-axis as Vr , +ve y-axis as If, -ve y-axis as Ir.
3. Mark the readings tabulated for diode forward biased condition in first Quadrantand
diode reverse biased condition in third Quadrant for semiconductor diode
AIM: To study bending losses occur in optical fibre and measure losses in dBm of fibre optic cable at
650nm wavelength.
1. Connect the power cords of both Rx and Tx unit to AC mains.
2. Short M1 terminals (+ve and –ve terminals) of 650nm LED on the Tx unit with patch cords.
Connect the +ve terminal of 650nm LED to +ve terminal of milliammeter and –ve terminal of
650nm LED to –ve terminal of poss
3. Relieve all the twists and stain in the fibre cable (1m/3m/5m) ensure that it is as straight as
4. Connect one end of the cable to the 650nm LED (Fibre connector) adapter of the Tx unit and
the other end to the PIN diode FC adapter of Rx unit.
5. Move the switch ‘S1’ on Rx unit towards 650nm LED.
6. Switch ‘ON’ both the Tx and Rx units.
7. Set the power adjustable pot Po such that the optical power meter reads 5μw i.e., -23dB. Note
this as Po1in table.
8. Wing one turn of the fiber on the mandrel , hold it firmly and note the reading of the optical
power meter as PO2 in table.
9. Now the loss due to bending is Po1-Po2 .
10. Repeat the experiment for different Po values say -20dB,18dB respectively.
11. Similarly repeat the steps 1 to 10 for 3mtr & 5mtr cable.
12. Convert the all power meter readings in μW to dBm using formula. Given below
SI NO. Power Meter Power Meter Power Meter Power Meter Losses in dB
Reading Reading Reading Reading Po1-Po2
Po1 in μW Po2 in μW Po1 in dB Po2 in dB
Result: Bending losses occurred in optical fibre studied and measured losses in dBm of fibre
optic cable at 650nm wavelength is found to be ………………….
1. Optical fibre made up with ……………………….materials.
a)semiconductors b) metals c) conductors d) dielectrics
APPARATUS: Circuit board, milliammeter, power cords, fibre optic cable at 650nm wavelength etc.
THEORY:Numerical aperture of any optical system is a measure of how much light can be
collected by the optical system. It is the product of refractive index of the incident
medium and sine of the maximum ray angle.
NA=i.sinӨmax (ni for air is 1)
DIAGRAM: The experimental set up for numerical aperture measurement system is as shown in
below figure .
1. Connect one end of the cable one to the 660nm L.E.D. FO connector of Tx Unit
and other end to the NA jig as shown in the above figure.
2. Plug the AC mains Turn the Po knob to clockwise direction to set maximum P0.
The light intensity should increase at the end of the fiber on the NA Jig.
3. Hold the white scale-screen, provided in the Kit vertically at a distance of 15mm(L) from
the emitting fiber end and view the red spot on the screen (A dark room is necessary to
facilitate a good contrast).
Now measure the maximum diameter(W) of the spot.
4. Compute NA from the formula NA = sinӨmax = W / (4L²+W²)½,
NA = sinӨmax = W / (4L²+W²)½
Result : Hence the the numerical aperture of the optical fibers available is calculated and found
to be as ---------------
1. Describe the structure of optical fibre.
2. Write a short note on acceptance angle in optical fibre.
3. Explain the term numerical aperture.
4. Write the application of fibre optics in industry.
5. Numerical aperture represents………………………capacity of a optical fibre.
a) light gathering b)light dissipation c)heat dissipation d)magnetic lines gathering
Make the connection between counting system to G M detector. Also connect the main chord from the
counting system to 230V A.C. Power
Place a Gamma or Beta source facing the end window of the detector, in the source holder of G.M. stand or
optical bench at about 2 cms (for Gamma source) or 4 cms ( for beta source) approximately, from the end
window of the detector.( For Beta source ensure that count rate is less than 200 CPS at 500V).
Now power up the unit and select menu options to PROGRAM on the keypad of the G.M. counting system
and select 30sec. preset time typically ( it can be in the range of 30 to 60 sec.)
Now press-‘START’ button to record the counts and gradually increase the HV by rotating the HV knob till
such time, the unit just starts counting. Now, press “STOP” button.
Now take a fresh reading at this point (STARTING VOLTAGE) and record the observations
Also record for each HV setting, corresponding background counts without keeping the source.
Continue to take these reading in steps of 30V and for the same preset time, keep observing counts amd
tabulate the data, with and without source.
Initially within 2 to 3 readings, counts will steeply increase and thereafter remain constant with marginal
increase ( may be within 10%). After few readings, one will find a steep increase as one enters the discharge
region Take ust one or two readings in this region and reduce the HV bias to 0 Volts It is important to note that
operating the G.M. detector in discharge region for longer time can reduce the life of tube or can result into
permanent damage of the detector.
Now tabulate the readings and plot a graph of voltage against counts (corrected counts).
Identify from the graph / tabulated data
i. Starting voltage
ii. Lower threshold voltage (V1)
iii. Upper threshold voltage (V2). It is called Breakdown threshold voltage
iv. Discharge region
Calculate plateau, percentage slope and plateau length, operating voltage, etc
Where, N1 and N2 are the count rates at the lower and the upper limits of the plateau and V1 and
V2 are the corresponding voltage
GRAPH: Plot of counts vs EHT
CONCLUSION: From the plateau, it can be noticed that mid-point of the characteristics of the GM tube is
defined as operating voltage and is to be used for counting applications. The tube is operated at this voltage
when used in Radiation Monitors for measurements.
1 Why is Argon gas used in a G M. counter?
2 What is the dead time of gm tube?
3 A G.M. counter is used for?
4 What is the difference between dosimeter and GM tube?
APPARATUS: LASER source (diode Laser, 5 mW power), diffraction grating of various orders, stand, etc.
PROCEDURE: Keep the laser source and stand for grating as shown in the diagram. Focus the laser beam so
as to get a fine spot on the screen.
1.What do you mean by LASERs ?
2.Define spontaneous emission and stimulated emission.
3.How does metastable state act in laser media?
4.What are different uses to which laser beams are put?
5.Which of the following is not a laser property ?
a)Coherence b)Highly directional c)Extreme brightness d)Divergence
3) To determine the specific rotation of sugar using Laurent’s half shade Polarimeter.
7) To study bending losses occur in optical fibre and measure losses in dBm of fibre
optic cable at 650nm wavelength.
9) To study the variation of counter rate with applied voltage and thereby determine the
Plateau, the operating voltage and the slope of Plateau.
PROCEDURE: Connections are made as per the circuit diagram. Pour some oil in the copper
vessel. Fix the diode to the bakelite lid such that it is reversed biased. Bakelite lid is fixed to the
copper vessel, a hole is provided on the lid through which the thermometer is inserted into the vessel.
With the help of heater, heat the copper vessel till temperature reaches upto 80 0 C, apply suitable
voltage say 1.5V (which is kept constant) & note the corresponding current with every 5 0C fall of
temperature, till the temperature reaches the room temperature.
A graph is plotted between (2.303 log10 Is) and 1/T (K) is a straight line. Slope is measured by
taking the values of two points where each one of them intersects on the straight line as shown in the
The Energygap Eg = Slope ˟Boltzmann’s constant
Boltzmann’s constant = 1.38 ˟10 J/K
= × . × × ′
. × −
Depending upon the doping level of the diode the energy gap may vary between 0.5ev to 0.7ev.
NOTE: Do not allow the temperature to rise beyond 1000C. If you switch off the heater
at 800C it will keep on rising for few minutes and may go upto 85/90 degrees before
RESULT: The the energy gap of a semiconductor diode is determined and found to be
1. What is energy forbidden gap?
2. How energy bands are form in solids/
3. What is Fermi energy?
4. How the conductivity of semiconductor varies with temperature.
5. What is p-type and n-type semiconductor?