Revision Test (1) 1718: I. Decide If The Following Statements Are TRUE (T) or FALSE (F)

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I. Decide if the following statements are TRUE (T) or FALSE (F)

F 1. Semantics is a branch of linguistics dealing with the forms of words.
T 2. Speaker meaning is sometimes distinct from linguistic meaning.
T 3. Many different referring expressions may be used to enable the listener to identify the same
F 4. Reference, extension and prototype all focus on the relationship inside the language.
T 5. Homophones are words which have the same sound form but which have different meanings
and written forms.
T 6. Sometimes synonyms can have either positive or negative connotations.
F 7. THEIR and THERE are homographs.
T 8. The same sentence can be realized by different utterances.
F 9. A sentence which expresses the proposition as another sentence is an entailment of that
F 10. The semantic structure of a simple declarative sentence reveals two major roles: subject and
F 11. Polysemy takes place when a word has many unrelated meanings.
F 12. The predicate “give” is a two-place predicate.
T 13. The sense relation found in SPRING/SUMMER/AUTUMN/WINTER is multiple
T 14. Hyponymy is a sense relation between predicates in which the meaning of one predicate is
included in the meaning of the other. For example, the meaning of FISH include the meaning of
F 15. A stereotype of a predicate is a typical member of its extension.
F 16. An analytic sentence is one which may be either true or false depending on the way the world
T 17. There are some phrases, in particular indefinite noun phrases, which can be used in two
ways, either as referring expressions, or as predicating expressions.
T 18. If a referring expression is a deictic term, it helps to identify the referent through its spacial,
temporal relationship with the situation of utterance.
T 19. The two sentences (a) A cat is chasing a rat and (b) A rat is being chased by a cat have
different propositions.
F 20. The affected participant is the person deliberately carrying out the action described.

II. Choose the correct answer A, B, C, or D to each question.

1. Which of the following is not about sentence (or word) meaning?
XA. It is what a speaker means when he or she uses a piece of language.
B. It is what a sentence or a word means.
C. It is what it counts as the equivalent of in the language concerned.
D. It is the answer to the question “What does X mean?”
2. …………….. is any expression used in an utterance to refer to something or someone, i.e., used
with a particular referent in mind.
A. The predicator of a simple declarative sentence. C. A synonym
X B. A referring expression D. The extension of a
3. Donald Trump and The President of the USA in 2017 refer to the same…………………….
A. sense X B. referent C. proposition D. idea
4. The two sentences (a) The weather is fine and (b) Is the weather fine? are said……………
XA. to have the same proposition B. to be contradictory
C. to be paraphrases of each other D. to entail each other
5. “Jill” in the sentence Jill liked the present plays the role of……………………………..
A. affected B. agent XC. experiencer D. beneficiary
6. The word BANK (the edge of a river) and BANK (a finacial institution) are……………
XA. homonyms B. antonyms C. synonyms D. homographs
7. DEAD and ALIVE are……………………..
A. gradable antonyms B. relational antonyms
C. scalar X D. complementary antonyms
8. Propositions……………………………………
XA. can be true or false B. can be grammatical or not
C. can be in a particular regional accent D. can be in a particular language.
9. Bachelors are married men is an example of……………………………….
A. analytic B. synthetic XC. contradictory D. expressive
10. In which of the following sentences does the predicate “gift” function as a predicator?
A. John gave Mary a gift XB. This watch is a gift
C. The gift is precious D. Mary liked his generous gift.

III. Identify the thematic roles (participant roles) of each of the underlined noun phrases in
the sentences below:
1. Mary put the new book on the shelf. Agent- THEME- location
2. Charles built Emily a bookcase.Agent- Bene-aff
3. We removed the stones from the stove. Agent- THE- source
4. The climbers finally reached the summit of the mountain. agnet- goal-loc
5. Mary cut the cake with a knife. Agent- affe- Inss

IV. Disambiguate the following ambiguous sentences by giving each one two paraphrases
which are not paraphrases of each other.
1. The boy looked at the dog with one eye.
2. He fed her cat food.
3. The burglar watched the millionnaire walk upstairs through the keyhole of the mansion door.
4. My friend and I are getting married this summer.
5. Visiting relatives can be boring.

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