bài tập hình thái của cô

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Exercise 1: Write the meaning of the followig

compounds. (t làm lại rùi nè)

1. Forklift / a vehicle with two bars in the front for
moving and lifting heavy goods
2. Firefighter / a person whose job is to stop fires from
3.Underestimate/ An estimate that is too low.
4. Mass wedding / a marriage ceremony in which
several couples are married at the same time.
5. Middle class/ a social group that consists of well-
educated people, such as doctors, lawyers, and teachers,
who have good jobs and are not poor, but are not very
6. Ballroom/ a large room that is used for formal
7. Half sister/ a sister who is the daughter of only one of
your parents
8. Black collar job /// black collar jobs are the creative
types of professionals like artists, graphic designers,
and video producers.//// is used to refer to workers in
the mining or the oil industry. Sometimes, it is also used
to refer to people who are employed in black marketing
9. Bookworm/ a person who reads a lot
Exercise 2 : Indicate the meaning relation between
the parts of the following English compounds.
Complete the table given below:
1 chessboard = board for playing chess on
2 flycatcher = bird that catches flies for food
3 sunlight = light from the sun
4 daybreak = Break of a day
5 frostbite = bite from frost
6 driftwood = Wood that drifts
7 popcorn =corn that has popped
8 handshake = shake by the hand
9 brainwashing (fig) = washing of the brain
10 match maker =one who make matches
11 mince-meat =meat that has been minced
12 drinking-water = water for drinking
13 typing-paper = Paper for typing on
14 sleepwalking = walking in one’s sleep
15 sunbather = One who baths in the sun
16 homework =work done at home
17 workbench = bench for working at
18 motorcycle = cycle powered by a motor
19 silkworm = worm that produces silk
20 sawdust = dust producted by sawing
21 doorknob = knob on a door
22 tape-measure = a steel tape for measuring
23 soap-flake = small flake of soap
24 cowshed = a shed for the housing of cows
25 butterfingers = person with butter on his fingers,
person who is likely to drop things.

Exercise 3: Indicate whether each italicized and

underlined expression is a compound (Comp) or a
grammatical structure (GS). Pay no attention to
hyphens or spaces, for these are deceptive. Complete
the table given below: (dài quá t gửi hình)
1 Comp Jim’s car is a hardtop. (=a car with a metal
2 GS This jar has a rather hard top.
(=The jar has a top which is rather hard.)
3 Comp It was a jack-in-the-box. (= toy in the
shape of box
4 The plant in the box is rare.
5 A ‘hot,dog (= a hot sausage served in hot
bread roll, often with onions and mustard) is not a,hot
6 GS A ‘hot,dog is not a,hot ‘dog. (= a dog which is
7 He has a dog in the manger attitude.
8 He has a dog in the manger attitude.
9 She has a,strong ‘hold on him.
10 She has a ‘stronghold on him.
11 George found his father-in-law.
12 George found his father in trouble.
13 They bought it in the ‘black,market.
14 The electricity went off, and we caught in a
black, completely lightless, market.
15 Comp His spending money was a source of
annoyance to his father. (= the money spent by him)
16 GS His spending money was a source of
annoyance to his father. (= the way according to which
he spends his money)

Exercise 1: Write the words from which these words
are formed. 
1. Advertainment = advetising + entertainment
2. Emoticon = emotion + icon
3. Biopic = biography + picture
4. Infortainment = information + entertainment
5. Webinar = web + seminar
6. Sexploitation = sexual + exploitation
7. Sportcast = Sports+ broadcast
8. Staycation = stay + vacation
9. Singlish = sing + english
10. Medivac = medical + evacuation

Exercise 2: Give the original of each of the following

blends. Complete the table given below:  
1 smog ← smoke + fog
2 telecast ← television + broadcast 
3 electrocute ← electronic + execute
4 splatter ← splash + spatter 
5 Amerindian ← American + Indian
6 Eurasian ← Europe + Asia
7 newsboy ← Newspapers + boy
8 medicare   ← medical + care

Exercise 3: Give the blends that result from fusing

these words. Complete the table given below
1 happening + circumstances → happenstance
2 automobile + omnibus → autobus
3 escalade + elevator → escalator
4 blare or blow + spurt → blurt
5 squall + squeak → squawk

Exercise 1: Write the originals of the following
clipped words.
1. Demo - Demonstration
2. intro - Introduction
3. lab - laboratory
4. lit - literature
5. pub - public house
6. varsity - university
7. van - caravan
8. prof - professor
9. dorm - dormitory
10. fax - facsimile
11. sitcom - Situation Comedy
12. satcom - Satellite Communications
13. Amerindian
14. Incoterm
15. Copy

Exercise 2: Give the original words from which these

clipped words were formed. Complete the table
given below:
ad ← advertisement
gas ← Gasoline
taxi ←taxi cab
cab ← cabriolet
frat ← fraternity
photo ← photograph
gin ← Geneva
curio ← curiosity
wig ← periwig
bra ← brassiere
brandy ← Brandy wine
pike (road) ← turnpike
memo ← memorandum
cello ← violoncello
bus ← omnibus
coon ← racoon
Phil ←
Tom - Tommy
Al ←Albert, Alfred or Alvin
Fred - Fredy
Beth - Alizabeth

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