English: Comsats University Islamabad
English: Comsats University Islamabad
English: Comsats University Islamabad
Technology in today's evolved world serves to link individuals all over the world and to
assist them accomplish their work more effectively rather than being alone. Technology
allows us to bridge the distance between us and our loved ones who live thousands of
miles away. So, how can this possibly make us feel isolated?
We humans invented cellphones, computers, iPads, and other devices so that we may
communicate with people all over the globe via social media platforms such as
Facebook, Twitter, and Snapchat. However, people are becoming increasingly
reliant on technology. Rather of meeting in person, they prefer to interact via text.
Despite the fact that technology is supporting our social lives, it is also taking over our
environment and interfering with genuine social interaction.
The bulk of study on the subject shows that technological advancements, particularly
those that improve communication, contribute to increased emotions of connectivity
and a reduction in feelings of isolation, loneliness, and despair.
Technology has connected people in times of isolation, as during the coronavirus.
People went to their devices to continue their schooling and job while the globe was
quarantined, as well as to acquire the most up-to-date information about the epidemic.
The internet is the primary source of publicized ideas. I believe that in this modern day,
one should have a wealth of information and views in order to analyze and influence
others around them. You can share any advice, suggestions, or interests over the
internet. It makes life easy for us. Even the most enigmatic information may be
accessed on the internet.
The internet and phones discourage youngsters from having face-to-face interactions.
A "text" is the simplest form of communication ever devised, because it decreases, if
not completely eliminates, the need to physically meet another person in order to
We may also create friends on social media, and we can feel assured without any
reservations. When you're online, you have complete control over how you show
yourself and how you express yourself. Because I am an introvert, I am unable to
communicate my feelings in a face-to-face discussion; but, when I am online, I use my
social media accounts to share various views and facts.
Facebook allows me to interact with folks from all around the world. It's a place where I
can express myself and have others from all around the globe remark on my ideas,
which helps me develop. Because of sophisticated technology, I can spend a whole day
at home playing video games, video chatting with my pals, or learning about a subject of
my choice.
To make life simpler for people, there is also online learning, where we may study at
home while sitting in our own room, rather than going to school. People like me who are
unable to open up to the general public may enroll in an online course, where we can
talk with our friends without having to meet them in person and email our professor
without having to meet them.
True, technology diminishes the value of those around us. We can communicate with
those who are far away, but we have begun to forget about those who are close to us.
The technical gadgets were created to assist people in discussing their opinions,
thoughts, and ideas, but they are being misused in the wrong way.
According to Nilles' book "The Bottom Line," published in 2012, social media sites are
undermining the value of social interaction and isolating us in today's environment. We
prefer online messaging to face-to-face communication because it is more comfortable
and allows us to express ourselves more clearly.
In our own home, we've noticed that our children and adolescents feel at ease
conversing with distant cousins and family members. When it comes to meeting with
them, however, they are bashful and uneasy since they have become accustomed to
emotional rather than physical presence.
In conclusion, everything has its own set of constraints. It's up to us to figure out how to
use them in a useful way without abusing them. Technology should be limited as well;
after all, there is still the actual world to contend with. We constantly want to be seen
and appreciated by those around us, but the problem is that we are unable to do so.
How can we expect others to talk to us if we are unwilling to interact with them?