Science 6 Module 7 (Moodle)

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SCIENCE 6 You will show me the path of

LIFE: in our presence is fullness

of joy; at your right hand there
A Modular Approach are pleasures for ever more.
Psalm 16:11

LIFE (Learning Design)

L – Look Straight
This is the first part of the learners’ flight in learning. The
learners will connect to God in this step. The different
competences are introduced, faith and learning are
blended that connects to a higher learning.

I – Investigate More
This is the second step where prior knowledge and
review are given that will allow integration of previous and
new lesson. Content of the lesson is presented, activities are
carried out bit by bit. Carry out some principles of life in this

F – Firm Up
This is the third step. This part allows the learners to
master the competences through the activities and skills
provided for them.

E – Exhibit Results
This is the highest part of learning where the learners
will demonstrate their learning in real-life. Rubrics is
provided to assess for excellent learning product. Prayer is
NAME:____________________________________________ GRADE: 6

SCIENCE 1st Quarter

Topic: Separating Mixtures


Time with God (3R’s)

“God’s Love”

“For I am sure that neither death nor life, nor angels nor rulers, nor things present nor things to
come, nor powers, nor height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to
separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord.” - Romans 8:38-39
We may feel at times that God has departed from us, but that is when we have to believe
his Word rather than our feelings. What does God’s Word say about these things? Today’s
passage gives a list of all the things that cannot separate us from God’s love. The list does
not specifically include every possible agent that could potentially separate us from the love
of our Father, but it is made exhaustive by adding “anything else in all creation” to the things
that cannot separate us from the persevering love of the Lord. This is extremely comforting,
for “anything else in all creation” includes everything that is not God Himself. Mark this well:
there is nothing that can divorce God’s people from His love.
Many Christians will accept that nothing outside of ourselves can separate us from God’s
love, but they live with the constant fear that they might jump out of the Lord’s saving hand.
But we are a part of creation, and if nothing in creation can separate us from God’s love,
then we cannot separate ourselves from His love. His love for His people does not wax and
wane. If He loves us in Christ, He loves us forever.
If nothing can separate us from the love of God, then how can you show your love to Him in

Most Essential Learning Competency:

Pupils must have:
…. created a list of solution using substances found in your kitchen and tell its
Learning Targets:
a. I can identify ways of separating mixtures
b. I can tell the benefits of separating mixtures in daily lives.
Faith to Live by: “Orderliness is next to Godliness”
You have made some mixtures in our previous lessons. You learn that the components
of a mixture keep their own identity when they combine. Therefore, they usually can be
easily separated again. Their different physical properties are used to separate them. In this
module, you will learn the ways on how to separate the different kinds of mixture and the
benefits of separating certain mixtures.

WARM-UP What will you do or use to separate these following mixtures? Put
your answer inside the box below each picture.
1. Oil and water 2. Iron Filings and sand 3. Beads 4. Books 5. Sand and pebbles


We’ll see if you still remember our lesson on previous weeks. Give (1) example in each
of the following:
1. Colloids –
2. Suspension –
3. Solution –
4. Solute –
5. Solvent –

Before we go to our lesson proper, let us have first an activity.

Activity #1 Separating Mixtures into Individual Components
Materials: Fine screen sand oil
water pebbles cups
1. Mix the sand and the pebbles in a cup, shake it.
• Use your hand to separate the pebbles from the sand
• Use fine screen to separate the pebbles from the sand
What is the easiest method to separate mixture of sand and pebbles? Why?

2. Place the oil and water in a cup then put it in a cooler or refrigerator. After 5
minutes, see what changes happened to the mixture?
Describing Ways of Separating Mixtures
There are several ways of separating mixtures:
1. Hand Picking or Manual Separation
How would you separate the mixture of beads in the picture below into the different
This method involves simply picking out all the unwanted substances
by hand and separating them from useful ones. The separated
substances may be an impurity that has to throw away or maybe that
both the separated substances are useful. For example – if you
separate black grapes from green ones from a mixture of the two.
It is done to mixtures whose components differ in sizes. Rocks can be
separated from salt by hand picking with the use of fingers or even tweezers. But this method
can be tiresome and would take too much time. It is also done in separating rough or coarse
components. For instance, the sorting of beads with different color. Thus, this is useful when
the particles are large enough to be seen clearly.
2. Filtration
The most common method of
separating a liquid from an insoluble
solid is the filtration. Take, for example,
the mixture of sand and water.
Filtration is used here to remove solid
particles from the liquid. Various
filtering agents are normally used like
filtering paper or other materials.
The clear liquid that has passed through the filter
paper is called the filtrate and the particles that are
left behind on the filter paper are called the
residue. Have you ever noticed how, when people
have to work in dusty or smoky environments, they
wear dust masks or smoke masks? Why do you think
that is necessary?
A fire fighter wears a mask to filter out the
smoke. The diagram shows how a gas mask works. Layers of very fine
filters trap harmful substances and dust or smoke particles, so that only
clean air is let through.

3. Sifting or Sieving
Can you think of a practical way to sort stones or pebbles from sand? Do you think picking
the pebbles out by hand would work? How would you separate the pebbles from the sand
in this pile?
When we have large quantities of materials to sort
and the different particles have different sizes, we
can sieve the mixture. It is done to separate mixtures
that contain substances mostly of different sizes. The
mixture is passed through the pores of the sieve. All
the smaller substances pass through easily while the bigger components of the mixture are

4. Evaporation
It is the process by which water (and other liquids) changes from liquid state to a vapour or
gas state. Evaporation is great for separating a mixture (solution) of a soluble solid and a
solvent. The process involves heating the solution until the solvent evaporate (turns into gas)
leaving behind the solid residue. Below is the example involving a mixture of salt and water.

To get the salt back from

the salt water, the solution is
heated to boiling point. As it
boils, the water escapes as
vapour (gas). After some
time, all the water
evaporates, leaving a layer
of salt at the bottom of the beaker.
South Africa gets it salt from inland salt pans,
coastal salt pans and seawater. A salt pan is a
shallow dam in the ground where salt
water evaporates to leave a layer of dry salt.
When sea water is allowed to stand in shallow
a man collecting the dried salt
pans, the water gets heated by sunlight and
an aerial view of salt pans
slowly turns into water vapour, through evaporation. Once the water
has evaporated completely, the solid salt is left behind.

5. Magnetic Separation
Magnetism is ideal for
separating mixtures of two
solids with one part having
magnetic properties. Some
metals like iron, nickel and
cobalt have magnetic
properties while gold, silver
and aluminium do not.
Magnetic elements are
attracted to a magnet. It works like this:
Let us take a mixture of sand and iron filing for example. To separate this, spread out the
mixture on a flat surface. Run a magnet bar over the surface. You will notice that the
magnetic elements (iron filings) will be attracted to the magnet over it. After a number of
runs, all the sand will be free from any iron filing.
When one substance in the mixture has some magnetic properties then this method is quite
useful. Strong magnets are commonly used to separate magnetic elements.
6. Distillation
This method is the best way for separating a solution of two miscible liquids. (Miscible liquids
are liquids that dissolve in each other). This fractional method takes advantage of the
different boiling points of the two liquids. Example: To separate ethanol from a solution of
water and ethanol, it would work like this:
In a mixture of two miscible liquids
(like water and ethanol) one
liquid will have a lower boiling
point (ethanol). In a similar set-up
like a simple distillation, the heat is
applied to the solution to raise its
temperature to the boiling point
of the ethanol. This will turn the
ethanol in the mixture into gas.
Unlike in the simple distillation set-
up, there is a fraction column between the boiling beaker and the condensing unit. This
column is made up of layers of glass or beads. The column helps the rising gas to slowly
condense and re-evaporate several times, before it is collected into the beaker. In the end,
the water is separated from the ethanol. Fractional distillation takes a bit more time that the
simple distillation.

7. Freezing or Cooling

When mixture of oil and water is placed inside a refrigerator or cooler, the
oil will solidify first. The water will remain for a longer period of time. It is
because the oil has a higher freezing point. With the components in
different states, you will be able to separate the components easily.
Through this the process of freezing or cooling, the components of liquid
mixtures can be separated.

8. Decantation
It is a process for the separation of mixtures by removing the layer of liquid from which
precipitate has settled. Usually a small amount of solution will be left in the container, so care
must be taken to prevent a small amount of precipitate from flowing with the solution out of
the container. It is frequently used to purify a liquid by separating it from a suspension of
insoluble particles. For example, to obtain simple clear water from muddy water: Muddy
water is left on a container until the mud settles and then the clear water is poured into
another container.

Decanting is the process used to

separate the liquid from the denser
solids by simply pouring the liquid
pout from the beaker.

Sedimentation is a process by which

heavier impurities present in liquid
normally water settle down at the
bottom of the container containing
the mixture. The process takes some
amount of time.
Describing the benefits of Separating Mixtures in daily Activities
Children who play with their toys everyday don’t realize that they too are separating
mixtures. With the use of manual separation, they are able to separate the toys they like to
play with and to keep away those that they dislike.
It is necessary to be aware of the process of
separating mixtures. This would help us in our daily
activities. It would allow us to enjoy with our
everyday lives. We just have to make sure that we
use the proper ways of separating mixtures and not
to use any method that would hinder anything that
we want to attain or accomplish.

Order Necessary for a Happy Home—God is displeased with disorder,

slackness, and a lack of thoroughness in anyone. Let the homemakers
resolve to live on a wiser plan. Let it be your first aim to make a pleasant
home. Be sure to provide the facilities that will lighten labor and promote
health. – The Adventist Home, EGW writings

Here are some of the Benefits of Separating Mixtures in our Daily Activities:

1. Segregation of non-biodegradable to biodegradable wastes

By means of separating mixtures, people can

distinguish biodegradable from non-biodegradable.
Recyclable materials can be source of income from

2. Separating sand from rocks in construction

By means of sieving, rocks on sand can be separated which

is essential in building infrastructures and houses.

3. Have a drinking water

To have a drinking water you may use either of the following

process, filtration evaporation and distillation. Different water
companies have separate modern way of water treatment to
make it potable.

Test 1 Identify how each mixture can be separated. Write manual separation, Filtration,
Sifting/Sieving, Decantation, Magnetic separation, evaporation, distillation or
_________________1. Screws and paper cuttings _________________6. Cans and bottles
_________________2. Iron fillings in sand _________________7. Rice and palay
_________________3. Pebbles and soil _________________8. Fruit cocktail
_________________4. Salt and water _________________9. Water from the well
_________________5. Oil and water _________________10. Muddy water

Test 2 Draw how each individual benefits from separating mixtures.

Mother Student


In waste segregation some techniques in separating mixtures are being used thus making it
important in the community.

Perfomance Task: Separate the materials that are still useful from the things you are using
anymore. You will recycle it into a new product which can be a benefit for you. You can
make any recyclable product that you like. Make only (1) product. You must pass it along
with this module.
Here are some of the products you can make:
This are just examples, use your creativity to have a unique product

Student’s total score:

Orderliness and being organized is important as opposed to chaos and disorder. God
Himself is a God of order, and from a practical viewpoint, it makes things simpler and
smoother for us and others. Creation itself is a turning of chaos into order. So, as His stewards
and children, we are called to be orderly as well, and not disorganized or messy.

✓ What I realized about this lesson is?

✓ How cleanliness and orderliness affects our home?

Point System
Content: 5
Organization of thoughts: 3
Grammar and Spelling: 2
Total Points: 10

Dear God,
Thank you for reminding me to keep things in our life in order.
Thank you for your everlasting love that nothing can separate us
from it.
Help us to know you more.
In Jesus name, Amen.

Bible (NIV), Google, SCIENCE 6, Anna Lorraine P. Gumatay, Vicarish Publication and trading,

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