Detailed Lesson Plan in Mapeh 10 Final

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I. Objectives:
At the end of the lesson, the students will be able to:
1. Understand the origin and cultural background of selected Philippines Festival;
2. Create the simple dance movements of festivals.
3. Appreciate the importance of Philippines Festivals

II. Subject Matter:

Topic : Philippines Festivals
Sub Topic : Ati-atihan, Masskara, Sinulog, Dinagyang, Festivals
Reference : PEH Learner’s Material, Wikipedia,
Value Focus : Appreciation of Culture,
Instructional Materials : Laptop, LCD Projector, Mini speaker, Visual aids
Multiple Intelligence : Interpersonal, Intrapersonal, Visual Intelligence

III. Teaching Procedure:

A. Preparatory Activities
1. Greetings
2. Prayer
3. Checking of Attendance
4. Checking of Orderliness
5. Checking and Passing of Assignment

Teachers Activity Students Activity

B. Development Activities
1. Review/ Recap
Before we proceed to another fun
and excitement lesson, let’s have first a
short recap from our previous lesson.
Okay class, what was our lesson last - Sir it was all about individual and dual sport.
Very good! What is individual - Sir, Individual sport is a sport in which
sport? participants compete as individual.

- Is a type of sport that are played by two people

Correct! How about the Dual sport? playing against each other?

- Sir, Badminton, table tennis, Swimming and

Exactly! Can you give me examples boxing.
of individual and Dual Sports?


2. Motivation
before anything else let’s have first - (The Students will observe)
a short video presentation, as introduction
of our topic for today.
- Sir its showed tourist destination of the
Base on the video presentation Philippines.
what have you seen? - Sir base on the presentation its featured
different foods.

- Sir what I have observed in video presentation

its featuring the rich culture and colorful
celebration of Philippines like festivals.

In connection to that video
presentation our lesson for today is all
Philippines Festivals.
4. Lesson proper 1. Understand the origin and cultural
So, our topic for today is all about background of selected Philippines
Philippines Festival and here are our Festival;
objectives. Kindly read. 2. Create and perform the simple dance
movements of festivals.
3. Appreciate the importance of
Philippines Festivals

- Sir it is an event where they celebrate

Now, what comes first to your something like their patrons.
mind when you hear the word Festival?
Correct! Another? - Sir it is an event where they show and celebrate
their tradition and beliefs.

- Festival is an event ordinarily celebrated by a

community and centering on some beliefs and
its religion or tradition.

- The origin of most early fiestas are rooted

Excellent! Now, let us define what in Christianity, dating back to the Spanish
Festival is. Kindly read. colonial period. Originally encouraged by the
Spanish to coincide with Christian holy days,
early patronal festivals became vital
instruments in spreading Christianity
throughout the country.

There are famous Festivals in the - The famous festivals in the country include
Philippines; will you give examples of Sinulog of Cebu, Dinagyang of Iloilo, Ati-atihan
Festivals in the Philippines that you Know? of kalibo, Aklan, Buyogan and Lingayan of Leyte,
Bangus of Dagupan, T’ nalak of South Cotabato,
Masskara of Bacolod City, Bambanti of Isabela,
and Kadayawan of Davao.

Great! All of your answers are

correct! Based on your answers, we will
focus more on the four (4) festivals in
Visayas, Let’s start to our very own Festival,
the Ati-atihan.

Is there anyone who knows the - Sir the meaning of Ati-atihan is “to be like
meaning of Ati-atihan? aetas” or “to believe in aetas”

That’s right! The meaning of Ati-

atihan is “To be like aetas” or “make believe
in atis”.
- Sir because the Spaniard brought Sto. Nino in
Ati-atihan is a celebration of pact the Philippines.
between Spaniard and Aetas, do you have
an idea why?

That’s correct! Spaniards brought

St. Nino in the Philippines.

They yell “Viva Sto Nino” meaning

Mabuhay Sto. Nino”.
- Sir they celebrate Ati-atihan Festival every 3rd
When and where does ati-atihan week of January in Kalibo, Aklan.
- Yes sir, According to the history, the ati-atihan
Did you know class the history of Festival place of origin is in Ibajay, Aklan. But a
our festival? How it started? priest based in Malinao town heard about the
yearly Celebration and decided to bring the ati-
atihan festival description in Malinao and

Fun facts – In every street filled

with spectators an expression is often
shouted by everyone “Hala bira” This is an
Aklan phrase meaning “pour it all” or “give
it all” - (The students will give their thoughts about the
That’s Great! To fully understanding
how fun this celebration, I prepared a video - Noted Sir!

(Video presentation)
- Sir Masskara festival is annual celebration in
Who among you here already Bacolod City.
experience the Masskara Festival? Any
knowledge about masskara festival?
- Masskara Festival is colorful, fun and
Very good! What else? excitement celebration.

- Yes Sir, Masskara mean “Mass” refer to the

Exactly! Did you know class what is masses or a lot of people and kara mean “face”.
the meaning of Masskara?
- The celebration began in 1980.
When the celebration started?
- Sir, in the midst of crisis the local government
Excellent! Any idea about the create initiative to restore the resiliency of
origin of Masskara Festival class? Bakolodnon.

Fun Facts – Bacolod city has been

dubbed the city of smile in Philippines in
2008, it ranked first in money sense
magazine list of the best places to live in the
Philippines. It has also been declared of
Department of Science and Technology a
“Center of excellence”
(Video presentation)
- Sir Dinagyang is Festival celebrated every fourth
At this moment let’s go to Iloilo the of week January in honor of the holy child.
city of love. Okay Class, when you hear the
word Dinagyang what comes first to your
mind? - Dinagyang began 1967 when a replica of the
holy child from Cebu was brought to Iloilo.
Very Good! Other answer?
- Ye sir, the name of Dinagyang mascot is Dagoy.
Very good! “Dinagyang” is Ilonggo
word that means “to Celebrate and Have
- The dinagyang Mascot it was first introduced as
Did you know class the Dinagyang the official mascot of the dinagyang in 2004 it is
has mascot? Do you know its name? portrayed as young Aeta warrior with brown
skin who is wearing a headdress with Holy Child
Very Good! Please read. designed on it. It is a symbol of friendship
between ilonggos and the tourist visiting Iloilo
to witness Dinagyang.

Fun facts - it is said that the

Dianagyang and Ati-atihan began when
then ten Chiefs of Borneo bought panay
from Aetas. This is noted in the legend of
Maragta, which details the arrival of ten
chiefs in panay to escape from the tyranny
of Datu Makatunaw of Borneo.

(Video Presentation)
- Sir The word “Sinulog” is derived from Visayan
Next Festival is the Sinulog; do you word “Sulog” this word means “Current” and
know why Sinulog is the name of Festival? Refers to the flow of the Sinulog Dance Moves.

- Sir they celebrate Sinulog Festival every 3rd

When and where does Sinulog sunday of January in Cebu.
Festival celebrate?
- Sir people shout Viva pit Senior, this greeting is
Why people shout Viva pit Senior? shortened for “Panagpit” sa senior, which term
for God, Our lord in the form of the Holy Child.

- Sir Sinulog Festival Centers Santo Nino.
Exactly! Who is the center of
Celebration in Sinulog Festival?


Fun Facts – It is said that the

celebration of Sinulog Festival began when
Magellan Presented the statue of the child
Jesus to Queen Juana of Cebu as a gift when
she was Baptized as Christian. Please watch
the video presentation.
- Can you give me some insight about the
(Video presentation) presentation you watched? (the students will
give insight)
5. Application - Yes, Sir!
To test your creativity, Let’s have
another activity. I will group you in to 3.
Base on the video presentation the student
will create simple step of festivals.

6. Generalization - Okay, Sir!

You learned something class? to
test if you really understand our lesson,
let’s have an activity.

This activity is called “Sing, Stop,

and answer”. I have here a banderitas.
Inside these Banderitas are qustions. You
will pass this to your classmate while the
music is playing. When the music stops, the
person who hold banderitas will pick one
Banderitas and answer the question inside.
Are you ready.

(Play the music)

Question: - Ati-atihan festival

1. It is known as the Mother of all
festivals in the Philippines.
- Every 4th week of January, held at kalibo, Aklan
2. When and where does Dinagyang
Festival being held.
- “Hala bira” mean “to give it all”
3. “Hala Bira” means?
- Masskara Festival
4. A festival in Bacolod?
- Sir “Sulog”
5. Cebuano word means “Current”

IV. Evaluation/Assessment:
A. Direction: In ¼ sheet of paper answer the following question.
Test I – Choose the letter of the correct answer.
1. Where is Ati-atihan Festival celebrated?
a. Cebu b. Aklan c. Bacolod
2. Known as the “Mother of all Festivals” in the Philippines.
a. Aklan b. Bacolod c. Cebu
3. Where is Sinulog Festival celebrated?
a. Iloilo b. Baguio c. Cebu
4. What is the name of Dinagyang Mascot?
a. Dagoy b. Digoy c. Dagul
5. Who is the patron saint of Ati-atihan Festival?
a. Santo Niño b. St. John c. St. Jude

Test II – Identify the following.

6. The meaning of Ati-atihan.
7. This festival shouts “Pit Senior! Senior Santo Nino! Manoy Kiloy!
8. This Festival shouts “Hala Bira” and “Viva Santo Nino”
9. What is the Meaning of “Sulog”?
10. When and where does the Dinagyang Festival celebrate?
Test III – Essay (5points)
As a Filipino what is the importance of Philippines Festivals?

IIV. Assignment
1. Watch a festival dance (Maskara, Dinagyang, Sinulog and ati-atihan).
2. Take note of the costume, movements and footwork of the dancers.
3. Group yourselves into five (5) and choose one (1) festival.
4. Each group will be given five (5) minutes presentation
5. Performance will be rated using rubrics.
Note: Students who are extremely uncomfortable with dance will be given alternative activity to do in
where they feel more comfortable.

Prepared by:

Edison C. Barrientos

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