8th Grade MS Studies Week 2
8th Grade MS Studies Week 2
8th Grade MS Studies Week 2
01/16/2022 - 01/22/2022
Mr. Salber
8th Grade Mississippi Studies 8th Grade Mississippi Studies 8th Grade Mississippi Studies 8th Grade Mississippi Studies 8th Grade Mississippi Studies
Examine major aspects of the Examine major aspects of the Examine major aspects of the
development of the United development of the United development of the United Evaluate the economic
States from Exploration to States from Exploration to States from Exploration to characteristics of modern
1754. 1754. 1754. Mississippi.
MS.1.1 Identify the physical MS.1.1 Identify the physical MS.1.1 Identify the physical MS.9.1 Describe Mississippi’s
features of Mississippi, features of Mississippi, features of Mississippi, modern economy.
including landforms and soil including landforms and soil including landforms and soil MS.9.2 Analyze the economic
regions regions regions development of major
MS.1.2 Differentiate between MS.1.2 Differentiate between MS.1.2 Differentiate between industries in Mississippi
various geographic regions. various geographic regions. various geographic regions. MS.9.3 Trace Mississippi’s
MS.1.3 Identify and assess MS.1.3 Identify and assess MS.1.3 Identify and assess global economic
the geographic and physical the geographic and physical the geographic and physical relationships.
features that set Mississippi features that set Mississippi features that set Mississippi MS.9.4 Analyze the current
apart from other states. apart from other states. apart from other states. trends and historic record of
MS.1.4 Explain how the MS.1.4 Explain how the MS.1.4 Explain how the poverty and wealth
features of Mississippi features of Mississippi features of Mississippi distribution in Mississippi.
contribute to the social and contribute to the social and contribute to the social and Direct Instruction
economic development of the economic development of the economic development of the
This week we will begin
state. state. state.
Chapter 2 talking about
MS.1.5 Evaluate the effects MS.1.5 Evaluate the effects MS.1.5 Evaluate the effects
Native Americans and early
of geographic features of geographic features of geographic features
settlements in Mississippi.
(Mississippi River, Gulf (Mississippi River, Gulf (Mississippi River, Gulf
Coast) on technological and Coast) on technological and Coast) on technological and
What Native American tribes
economic development in economic development in economic development in
do you know who lived in
Mississippi. Mississippi. Mississippi.
MS.1.6 Assess the political, MS.1.6 Assess the political, MS.1.6 Assess the political,
economic, and social effects economic, and social effects economic, and social effects Guided Practice
of geographic processes of geographic processes of geographic processes Who Were the Choctaw?
(Great Flood of 1927, (Great Flood of 1927, (Great Flood of 1927, European Contact
Hurricanes Camille and Hurricanes Camille and Hurricanes Camille and American Government & the
Katrina) on technological and Katrina) on technological and Katrina) on technological and Trail of Tears
economic development in economic development in economic development in
Mississippi. Mississippi. Mississippi. What was the effect of the
Indian Removal Act of 1830?
Direct Instruction Guided Practice Direct Instruction Who benefited from the
Indian Removal Act?
Review Board games - Review Chapter 1 Quiz What was the purpose of the
Split class in two groups to Chapter 1: Study Guide The Indian Removal Act?
have students play their Geography of Mississippi Notes
board games Jackson is the capital of MS
Independent Practice MS has 82 counties
1. If you were to ask a person
You and your group chapter-1-pretest-get-out-a/
for a precise location, what
members are employees at
type of geographical term
a toy and board game http://www.wayne.k12.ms.us/
would they use? Absolute
company and have been olc/205/page/43900
hired to create a traditional 2. The Waterways
board game in the style of Experiment Station in
Life, Candyland, or Chutes- Vicksburg was created
And-Ladders. The game is because of what natural
intended to help young disaster in Mississippi? Great
people learn about Flood of 1927
Mississippi Geography. 3. This disaster has been
Geography includes considered the worst natural
Location, Region, disaster in America’s history.
Movement, Place, and Hurricane Katrina
Human Interaction with the 4. Which region has the
Environment. This would highest point in Mississippi?
also include key events like Tombigbee Region
floods and hurricanes, as 5. Which region has a deep
well as key monuments history with the Chickasaw
Indians? Pontotoc Ridge
and lifestyles.
6. Which region has the least
Your game should feature
fertile soil in Mississippi?
questions about the
geography along with event 7. Which region has the Free
cards that reflect actual State of Jones located in it?
events, such as, Piney Woods
“Hurricane! Its 1969 and 8. Which region extends from
Camille is coming. Leave the state line of Tennessee to
for high ground, lose a the state line of Louisiana?
turn!” Or, “Teddy Roosevelt Loess Bluffs
refuses to shoot a cub on 9. Which region is viewed as
his hunting trip to the most fertile soil in
Mississippi. Move forward Mississippi? Delta
3 spaces.”