RPH Minggu 41 Bi 3J-23.11

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Duration:1 hour

Subject : English Class:3 Jasmin Time:2.30-3.30p.m.

Theme : World of self,

Focus skill: Listening CCE: Language Date:23.11.2021
family and friends
Teaching aids:
Flashcards, worksheet, CD audio.
Language/Grammar focus:
21st Century Skills/Strategy/Activity:
Communication, collaboration. Y
Comparatives: Short adjectives; Statements
The World Around Us
M 1.2 Understand meaning in a variety of familiar

C 1.1 Recognise and reproduce target language sounds

1.2.2 Understand with support specific information 1.1.1 Recognise and reproduce with support a range of
and details of short simple texts
target language phonemes
M At the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to listen to the song and identify at least five out of seven animals correctly.
C At the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to sing the song and name at least five out of seven animals correctly.

I. PRE-LESSON 1. Play a mime or guessing game to review animal vocabulary. re

1. Activity 1:
 Use animal flashcards to further review animal words pupils know and to then introduce new
animal vocabulary.
 Present the adjectives strong and fast by miming them. Say I’m strong. Repeat this sentence
and pupils repeat. Repeat steps with the adjective fast.
 Stick the flashcards of cheetah and rat on the board, say the words and encourage pupils to
repeat after you.
 Play a guessing game as a class. Say: This animal is tall/small/thin etc. Pupils guess: It’s the
giraffe/rat etc. Have pupils play the game in pairs.
2. Activity 2:
 Direct pupils’ attention to the pictures of the animals and ask pupils to identify them.
 Distribute worksheet. Play CD track 49. Pupils listen and match the lines that mention the
animals to the corresponding pictures of the animals.
 Check answers as a class. When pupils feel comfortable, invite them to sing the song.
3. Activity 3:
 Give out the animal flashcards, one per pupil. Pupils listen to the song again and identify their
partner from the comparisons in the song (e.g. Pupil with lion flashcard + pupil with tiger
flashcard; horse + cheetah). Partners join together and try to remember the adjective used to
compare the animals in the song, e.g. horse + cheetah: fast.
1. Pupils refer to their textbook page 95
2. Pupils and watch and listen about animals in the world.
3. Pupils answer the questions.
4. pupils upload their answer via gc.
III. POST LESSON 1. Guide pupils to complete their learning diaries.

Lesson postpone:
M a. ___ out of ___ pupils
a. Course c. CRK
b. Sick leave d. Meeting
C a. ___ out of ___ pupils
Other :

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