Name: Najma Said Salad Faculty: Computer Science Semester: One
Name: Najma Said Salad Faculty: Computer Science Semester: One
Name: Najma Said Salad Faculty: Computer Science Semester: One
Operating system (OS) is a program or set of programs, which acts as an interface between a user
of the computer & the computer hardware. The main purpose of an OS is to provide an
environment in which we can execute programs. The main goals of the OS are (i) To make the
computer system convenient to use, (ii) To make the use of computer hardware in efficient way.
Operating System is system software, which may be viewed as collection of software consisting
of procedures for operating the computer & providing an environment for execution of programs.
It’s an interface between user & computer. So an OS makes everything in the computer to work
together smoothly & efficiently.
Some examples of operating systems are UNIX, Mach, MS-DOS, MS-Windows, Windows/NT, MacOS.
An Operating System performs all the basic tasks like managing file, process, and memory. Thus
operating system acts as manager of all the resources, i.e. resource manager. Thus operating system
becomes an interface between user and machine.
1. Batch Operating System: This type of OS accepts more than one jobs and these jobs are
batched/ grouped together according to their similar requirements. This is done by computer
operator. Whenever the computer becomes available, the batched jobs are sent for execution and
gradually the output is sent back to the user.
It allowed only one program at a time.
This OS is responsible for scheduling the jobs according to priority and the resource
Examples of Batch based Operating System: Payroll System, Bank Statements etc
3. Distributed Operating Systems: In distributed system, the different machines are connected
in a network and each machine has its own processor and own local memory. In this system, the
operating systems on all the machines work together to manage the collective network resource.
4. Multiprogramming Operating System: This type of OS is used to execute more than one
jobs simultaneously by a single processor. It increases CPU utilization by organizing jobs so that
the CPU always has one job to execute.
The real time operating system can be classified into two categories: 1. hard real time system and
2. Soft real time system.