IELTS Recent Mock Tests: Listening Practice Test 6
IELTS Recent Mock Tests: Listening Practice Test 6
IELTS Recent Mock Tests: Listening Practice Test 6
Volume 3
Listening Practice Test 6
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Example Answer
• Factility available: 1
• Shopping: at the 4
$980 a month
• Rent:
(including the maintenance lees of the 7 )
• Postcode: GA58ER
• Address: 8 10
Questions 11-15
Choose the correct letter, A, B or C.
C Visitors are allowed to see the animals until the late night.
A Photo-taking
B Shouting
C Feeding
A Gift shop
B Photo shop
C Reception desk
Questions 16-20
Label the map below.
Pye-dog zone
Rest area
Kangaroo visiting site
Photo shop
Questions 21-24
Choose the correct letter, A, B or C.
B Teachers and the students have benefitted from the field trips.
24 Who did obtain the special experience from the field trip carried out by the
A students
B teachers
C researchers
Questions 25-26
Choose TWO letters, A-E.
A air pollution
B soil erosion
C overgrazing
D forest exploitation
E water pollution
Questions 27-28
Choose TWO letters, A-E.
Which TWO benefits of this activity to the students are mentioned by the
Questions 29-30
Choose TWO letters, A-E.
What TWO things will the woman do in the rest of the time when no activities are
going on?
B study in library
Questions 31-40
Complete the notes below.
Potential applications
• discovering 33
At present
Other applications
Internship opportunity
• To get it, the students can participate in the 40 organised by the company
every year.
11 B 12 C
13 C 14 A
15 B 16 G
17 B 18 A
19 F
22 C 23 B
24 A 26
27 29
A,B 30
35 traffic 36 toys
37 animals 38 camera
39 efficient 40 competitions
AGENT : Hello, thank you for calling Iris Rentals. How can I help you?
CLIENT : Yes, hello there. I’m ringing just to make enquiries about renting a new property and
I came across a listing on your website that I’m interested in.
AGENT: Oh yes.
AGENT : Okay, Mary. I’m just searching our system for the property details. Is there any
information in particular that you were wanting?
AGENT : No, the house doesn’t have a gym, however the house has a large Q1 swimming
pool, which will be great for exercise and really refreshing during summer.
CLIENT : Oh wow, that sounds lovely. What is the general layout of the house?
AGENT : This house is rather unusual as the living room is located upstairs with the
bedrooms, and downstairs at ground oor is the Q2 dining room, which has a lovely view out
over the swimming pool.
CLIENT : Does the house come with a car parking space on the street?
AGENT : Oh, there’s no need for that. The house comes with a big Q3 garage where you can
park your cars and there’s also a lot of room for storage. It’s attached to the house through a
door in the kitchen.
CLIENT : Oh, that’s perfect, it’ll make it far easier to cany my food shopping into the house.
AGENT : Oh yes, absolutely. You actually don’t even need to take your car to do the shopping
as the Q4 local supermarket is just down the street. You can walk the distance easily.
CLIENT : Really? How convenient! Is there anywhere near to the house where I can take my
children to play?
AGENT : Unfortunately there aren’t any playgrounds nearby, but there is a Q5 park near the
supermarket that would be great for taking your children for a walk. It would also be a great
place for you to meet your neighbours.
CLIENT : Yes, that’s true, I love taking long walks in the park. I’m sure there will be a
Access for more practices page 10
playground at the local school anyway.
AGENT : Yes, absolutely. The community has its own Q6 primary school and there is a
secondary school in the neighbouring community, so there are plenty of resources nearby for
your children’s education.
CLIENT : OK, great. What are the rental costs for the property?
AGENT : The monthly rent is $980, which is very reasonable considering the size of the
house and the amenities that it has to offer.
AGENT : The bills are not included in that gure, but it does include any maintenance fees for
the Q7 garden.
CLIENT : That sounds like a very reasonable price. We were hoping to move in on the 20th of
April. Will the house be vacant for that date?
AGENT : The current tenants of the property are due to leave on the 20th, but the cleaners
will need a few days to make sure that the house is clean and tidy. This would make the house
officially available on the Q8 23rd April.
CLIENT : Well everything about the house sounds perfect... exactly what I’m looking for.
What date would it be possible to view the property?
AGENT : I have arranged for the tenant to leave the property on Friday so I can show the
house to prospective renters. Would you be able to make that day?
CLIENT : Yes, I’m sure I could come on my lunch break. Would 1 o’clock be OK?
AGENT: I’m afraid that I have a meeting at 12.30, so I won’t be able to make that time. I have
available appointments at 10.15 and 3.
CLIENT : OK, in that case can we schedule the appointment for Q9 10.15?
AGENT : No problem, I’ll book it into my schedule. If you wouldn’t mind arriving 5 minutes
early that would be great, just so we can get started on time.
AGENT: The postcode is GA58ER and the house is number 8 on Q10 Spring Street. It’s the
second right off of Bath Street.
CLIENT : Nope.. .thank you for your help. AGENT : No problem. See you on Friday. Bye!
With this huge improvement to our facilities, we also found it necessary to change our
regulations, which we put into action in June. We now allow visitors access to the zoo during
weekdays and, as some of our newly added animals are nocturnal, Q12 guests may also now
visit the animals late at night. Unfortunately some visitors had started feeding the animals
during these late night viewing times, which disrupted their feeding pattern and as a result we
had to ban food in the viewing areas.
One of our most exciting additions to the zoo is our native kangaroo, who we have named
Frisbee. For a fee of just $5, visitors can have their photo taken with him and have it printed
onto a selection of items such as key rings and mugs. At first, visitors were also allowed to feed
Frisbee items that we provided, such as carrots and leaves, Q13 however some guests started
feeding him hamburgers and chips so we were forced to forbid visitors from feeding him. As
kangaroos are such calm animals, Frisbee isn’t disturbed by the noises and shouting of
visitors at the zoo, which has helped him to settle in at his new home very quickly.
The pye-dog zone has been permanently closed throughout the winter period to allow the dogs
to hibernate as they would in their natural habitat. We were very excited to be reopening the
zone, Q14 however unfortunately we have been forced to close it temporarily as the result of a
broken fence, which will take about one week to fix. We were intending to renovate the zone
with the other constructions that we were undertaking, but unfortunately we did not have
sufficient funds. We understand that this temporary closure may disappoint our visitors, and
so we have decided to offer a discounted price on our tickets for the next week. If you ask at
the reception desk, Q15 they will happily direct you to the photo shop where you can purchase
the ticket. The ticket will also entitle you to a 10% discount off any item in our gift shop where
we sell a range of items including postcards and fluffy toys.
Now we’re currently standing at the gate, which is marked with the arrow on the map. Now if
any of you need to visit the toilets before we get started, they’re right here to our left. Q16 Out
to the east, just across the grass, there is the bird hide where we have over one hundred
JONES: Hello, Mr Thompson. May I speak to you for a minute?
JONES: I’m Alexandra Jones. I’m studying Sustainability here at the university and I heard
about the summer course that you offer every year. I was considering joining the course and
wanted to ask you some questions about it.
MR THOMPSON: Yes, absolutely. We have seen great results. Last year we planted a small
field of trees and we have been measuring their oxygen outputs to see the benefits that they
have provided to the environment. Q21 Since we were regulated by law last month, we are
now able to hugely enhance our efforts. Our current goal is to introduce a lot more tree species
to the plot so that we can establish a complex habitat and compare the benefits of each
species. In order to do this we need to get a lot more students involved in the project, so I am
very pleased to hear about your interest.
JONES: Well, the project sounds fascinating. I would definitely like to be involved,
MR THOMPSON: Absolutely. Over the years we have received funding from private investors
and from selling shares, Q22 but the biggest improvement in our research came from a
government fund that we received in the first year. This has greatly improved the organisation
and we have since won prizes for our research.
MR THOMPSON: Yes, it is of the utmost importance to our organisation that we find a way to
repair the terrible damage that has been done to the environment by the human species. This is
no small undertaking and our resources still need management, Q23 but from reports taken of
our studies we have found that teachers and students have greatly benefitted from field trips to
the tree plantation.
JONES: Yes, I visited the plantation myself on a field trip two years ago and I found myself
greatly impressed by it.
MR THOMPSON: We have received a lot of feedback from visiting groups telling us how
impressed teachers, researchers and students alike have been during their visits. Q24 Due to
the educational facilities that we have carefully structured, I know that the visits are useful and
engaging for students and that their experience is particularly special.
JONES: So what is the particular focus of the organisation and the reports that it provides?
MR THOMPSON: Q25 I am personally very interested in soil erosion, so I knew that I definitely
wanted to focus some of the report on this area. Before I set up the organisation, I looked
up information on what areas were currently being researched and I found that there were
already studies into air pollution and water pollution. I obviously wanted to find a unique area to
research and so these were no good. I was tempted to look into the background of overgrazing,
Q26 but the impacts of forest exploitation are far more devastating and very little research has
been carried out on this subject, so I decided that this should also form some focus for
the report.
JONES: Yes, that makes sense. What have you found to be the greatest benefits of the
activities carried out by the organisation?
MR THOMPSON: I have found that the greatest benefits are not the ones that anyone can learn
from a book, like how to collect data, but more importantly are life lessons that one can gain
only from experience. Q27 Students who have partaken in the summer course have massively
enhanced their confidence, which will prove invaluable for the rest of their lifetime. The people
who partake in the summer course already know the importance of environmental protection,
so it is not important that we spend time teaching them this. Students instead benefit from
learning the importance of punctuality, Q28 as each day they have to wake up early to
make sure that they are not late for their practical experience sessions.
JONES: If I decide to attend the summer course, what will I be doing for the rest of the time
when no activities are going on?
MR THOMPSON: Well, we unfortunately don’t yet have a library on site, so you would be
unable to read reference books although you are obviously welcome to bring some books of
your own with you. We offer a range of fun hobbies, such as games and painting, for students
JONES: Well, the course sounds fantastic. I would definitely like to participate during the
summer. Thank you so much for your help.
MR THOMPSON: No problem at all, here is a form with all of the details. I look forward to
seeing you there.
Good morning. In the last few lectures I’ve been talking about the history of technology in the
modern world. But today I want to use Roberts as our case study, which is a company that
develops complex camera technology for a range of industries and disciplines. Since the
camera was invented in 1816, it has changed and improved dramatically with cameras now in
existence that can fit on the head of a pin. The company has been founded on a series of
principals by which the company operates in its day-to-day business, the most important
of these being to enhance the Q31 present development of camera technology.
Roberts has a philosophy pioneering and innovation, having been responsible for the invention
of numerous technologies since it was founded by Dwayne Roberts in 1957. It has achieved
many of its aims over the years, but its principal and founding aim persists through time, which
is to explore Q32 new facts and imagine the unimaginable.
The cameras produced by Roberts have a multitude of potential applications that are currently
being explored. One of these is an anti-gravity camera that they aim to attach to a space
satellite from where it will record live, high-definition video and provide fascinating new views
of planet earth. It could also prove useful in exploring Q33 other planets by providing
researchers with never before seen images of the universe. Roberts are also experimenting
with attaching the cameras to small drones that will fly through the rainforest in search of
plants that could be used to develop Q34 future medicine. The camera also has the potential to
be used on the roads. As it is 20% cheaper than the speed cameras that are currently in
operation, this means that more of them could be distributed across the road network where
they can control Q35 traffic by making sure that all cars abide by the speed regulations.
Despite this diverse range of potential applications, the cameras are presently used for very
different, more domestic purposes. Roberts’ cameras are presently used as nanny-cams, which
allow parents to watch their nannies to ensure that they are responsibly attending to the
children that they have been employed to care for. These cameras give parents peace of mind
and more control over their child’s welfare whilst they are at work or otherwise occupied. The
highest sales of the company are in Q36 toys that have the cameras hidden within them.
This clever idea means that the cameras are camouflaged from view and do not look out of
Roberts are also developing a model of this tiny camera for use during medical procedures and
operations. The camera will be used during non-invasive keyhole surgeries to enable the
surgeon to see what they are doing inside the body without having to make a large incision.
This innovative application for the camera could make surgeries a lot faster and the saved time
and energy will also make it far more Q39 efficient. As the patient will no longer have to
undergo a large incision for their surgery, it also means that their recovery will be much faster
with a greatly reduced chance of post-op infection.
If any of you have an interest in working in this field of technological invention, Roberts is a very
diverse and fast-growing company that would be a fantastic internship opportunity. Every year
they organise a series of Q40 competitions where entrants stand the chance of winning a
place in their internship programme, so I would suggest that all of you enter.
That wraps up the lecture for today. Please remember that attendance is mandatory... [fade