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Document Display1
Document Display1
In this Document
How to prepare the setup for legacy data conversion?
Which method should be used to convert legacy data?
How to convert with accumulated depreciation?
What about YTD_DEPRN column, how to fill it?
How do I convert legacy data into the Tax Book?
I have converted the Assets. What is next?
This document is a guide to support consultants and customers during data conversions.experience.
This outlines the preparation for and the methods to follow to to do data conversions into Fusion Assets.
Between Fusion Payables and Fusion Assets there is the interface FA_MASS_ADDITIONS. This interface is not only used to
transfer invoice lines from Payables to Assets. One can also use this interface to load legacy assets into Oracle Assets. The
distributions for the rows in table FA_MASS_ADDITIONS are stored in table FA_MASSADD_DISTRIBUTIONS. 1/6
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In the Oracle Enterprise Repository (OER) one can find File Based Data Import (FBDI) templates which are intended for the
use for Cloud/SaaS, but can also be used for On Premise, for the data of the legacy assets to be imported and posted.To find
the Fixed Asset Mass Additions Import template one can enter Search String Asset, pick Type File Based Data Import, and pick
the relevant Release and then click the search button on the left-hand side. Under the Details tab displayed one can download
the XLSM Template: FixedAssetMassAdditionsTemplate.xlsm. There are also templated available for other mass transactions
for Fusion Assets in OER.
ADFdi Template
One can also use the Additions template for the (ADF Desktop Integrator) to enter and upload the legacy assets data. ADFdi
is a Desktop Tool using Microsoft Excel to load (mass) transaction data into the application.
Oracle offers several ways to load legacy data into the Assets interface FA_MASS_ADDITIONS. One of them is the
SQL*Loader. Examples and instructions can be found in the Oracle EBS Open Interfaces Manuals. Note: SQL*Loader cannot be
used by Cloud/Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) customers.
Additions API
The Applications Programming Interface (API) can be used for On Premise to create assets and do adjustments though
PL/SQL rather than though the normal Oracle Assets interfaces or through the pages. Note: APIs cannot be used by
Cloud/Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) customers.
Fusion Assets should be set up. Use the Check Setup Diagnostics to verify the setup as explained in Diagnostics: Validations
for Fixed Assets Setup (Doc ID 1338395.1). The Diagnostics will check your Assets setup and tell you in the output if there are
any issues to be found. Oracle Support can give you advice on how to rectify the issues if there are any found.
As Oracle Assets has it's own calendar, you are not forced to convert your assets legacy data at a certain point in time. As
most legacy systems will give you complete data after closing the last period of a fiscal year, the best period to start with in
Oracle Assets is therefore the first period of the next fiscal year. (Please see the section on tax books for tax book conversion).
When you add an asset, the system creates a record in tables FA_DEPRN_SUMMARY and FA_DEPRN_DETAIL with the
DEPRN_SOURCE_CODE B respective BOOKS with the period prior to the addition, which shows that the record was not created
by a depreciation run. So when you convert with accumulated depreciation, you load with the accumulated depreciation taken
in the legacy system, which Oracle Assets then saves in the B row with the period counter for the previous period.
The assets can be either added through the FA_MASS_ADDITIONS interface or manually through the Additions pages.
The decision, which route to take, depends on the number of assets to be converted. A handful can easily be entered, but for
more assets one needs to look into the options listed above. 2/6
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There are 3 ways to load assets: you can use the ADFdi (ADF Desktop Integrator) Template/OER Templates and upload assets
via the spreadsheet into the interface, one can use the SQL*Loader and load the asset via a flat file into the interface, and one
can use the Additions API to create assets. The OER Templates were created for Cloud, but can also be used on premise. The
Fusion Assets OER Templates contain a sheet with the Instructions and CSV Generation.
The Additions API lets you create assets directly via PL/SQL rather than through the normal Oracle Assets interfaces.
With all methods you have the option to tell the system the accumulated depreciation or let the system calculate the
depreciation for you.
When loading assets into the interface with accumulated depreciation and ytd depreciation you have to be aware of the
following fields:
Amortize - Yes/No
Amortization Start Date -Date from the current open FA period
Unless you are using a depreciation method based on cost or table-based, it is very important that these columns are filled, as
the system will then know that you want the system to continue calculating depreciation based on net book value (NBV). If
you do not fill these columns, the system will calculate depreciation based on cost ignoring the accumulated depreciation
already taken in the legacy system.
Note: If you are using flat rate, table-based or formula depreciation based on cost, there is no need to load the assets as
amortized, but if STL is used, then the addition should be amortized.
In General, it does not make a difference if depreciation is calculated as cost / life or NBV / remaining life, but if transactions
were performed in the legacy system which altered the cost / life accumulated depreciation, then the system will calculate a
depreciation catchup either when an expensed adjustment is performed or, depending on the settings, in the last period of the
fiscal year. Usually the largest assets have this situation and thus the surprise can be rather unpleasant when the catchup is
White Paper - Subledger Accounting Setup for Oracle Fusion Assets (Doc ID 1396942.1) - 12. Asset Depreciation Book -
Annual Depreciation Rounding
The column YTD depreciation cannot be left at 0.00 if the column deprn_reserve is filled or the values can be equal to the
depreciation reserve/accumulated depreciation.
When posting the Mass Additions, the system creates a record in tables FA_DEPRN_SUMMARY and FA_DEPRN_DETAIL with
the DEPRN_SOURCE_CODE B respective BOOKS with the period prior to the addition, which shows that the record was not
created by a depreciation run. This record and the corresponding record in table FA_BOOKS is the basis for the calculation of
the first depreciation.
Depreciation in Oracle Assets is always calculating the yearly depreciation and then spreads it over the periods in the year.
With the last period of the fiscal year the system checks the accumulated depreciation and also takes into consideration the
year-to-date depreciation. If the ytd_deprn, which the asset was converted, does not match with the accumulated
depreciation, this can lead to unpleasant surprises at the end of the first fiscal year.
To avoid this issue it is easiest to convert into the first period of a fiscal year with the balance of the previous fiscal year from
the legacy system. This means that YTD_DEPRN and DEPRN_RESERVE can have the same amount. 3/6
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A YTD DEPRN of zero or equal to accumulated depreciation should be fine if the open FA period when the asset is added is the
first period of the fiscal year.
Initial Mass Copy copies all the assets added to your corporate book before the end of the current tax fiscal year into the open
accounting period in your tax book.
With Periodic Mass Copy Fusion Assets copies new assets and transactions you made in your corporate book during one
accounting period in the current fiscal year into the open period of your tax
book. You can run periodic mass copy on a daily basis, allowing tax books to be synchronized daily with the corporate book
Once the 'Allow Reserve Adjustments' feature is available in Fusion Assets, when setting up a tax book you should set the
open period to the last period of the previous fiscal year (so 1 period prior to the start period of the corporate book) and
depreciate it 'empty'. Why? In the tax book one will have the possibility to adjust the depreciation for a previous fiscal year. To
be able to use this functionality, the first depreciation run must be in the previous fiscal year.
So after having depreciated the last period in the fiscal year empty and having loaded the assets into the corporate book into
the first period of the new fiscal year and closed the period you can Periodic Mass Copy the converted assets into the tax
book. The accumulated depreciation is NOT copied from the corporate book. So again you now have several options on how to
1) Run the initial mass copy program, or later the Periodic Mass Copy.
2) Then use FDI or FBDI cloud sheet to update the information for these assets then run the Post Adjustments Process.
Please note that just like in the corporate book, a backdated expensed addition will generate a depreciation catchup. So you
may consider to make sure to leave the 'Copy amortized additions and adjustments as expensed' check box in the Manage
Asset Book page for the tax book unchecked if you add the assets in the corporate book amortized and you also do not want a
depreciation catchup in the tax book.
One can do the conversion, depreciate without closing the period, create the journals and then add the assets from Payables,
run depreciation to and close the period and then create the journal for the new assets from Payables. (Create Accounting)
Do the assets in Oracle Assets match the assets in the legacy system?
Do the balances match with those from the legacy system? 4/6
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Do the balances match with those converted into Oracle General Ledger?
First it is good to check the data converted. These reports are useful for this task:
Asset Additions Report- This report can be used to reconcile the balance on the cost accounts in Oracle General Ledger
with the balance in Oracle Assets. The report does NOT reflect any adjustments in the period of addition, only the data of the
original addition. The report displays among others the following two columns:
Initial Cost: This column matches the Additions column of the Cost Detail report for
your capitalized assets, and the Additions column of the CIP Detail report for your CIP
assets if the report is run for the period prior to capitalization. This column reflects the
cost of the asset in the period it was added to the system.
Initial Depreciation Reserve: The amounts in this column match the Additions column
of the Reserve Detail Report for your capitalized assets. This column reflects the
depreciation reserve of the asset in the period it was added to the system, so the reserve loaded.
Asset Register Report- One page per asset with all data available. This is tedious for thousands of assets, so not really
recommended to reconcile the complete data conversion.
The following 3 (6 respectively) reports should be used also for regular monthly reconciliation:
Cost and CIP Detail and Summary Reports, Reserve Detail and Summary Reports - These reports can be used to
check data integrity and to reconcile account/cost center balances within Oracle Assets and also with Oracle General Ledger.
Should they show a * on the right side, please contact Oracle Support and upload the report output and the corresponding
asset trace to your service request. Create Accounting needs to have been run at least in draft mode for the period for which
the report has been run and for the Reserve Detail/Summary Report depreciation also needs to have been run at least without
closing the period to obtain correct output results.
Should the reports reconcile, you can go ahead and run depreciation and create journal entries for GL. For audit purposes I
would advise to post the addition journal. You will then have to reverse the addition journal in order to avoid duplicated
balance amounts on your cost accounts.
If you let Oracle Assets calculate your accumulated depreciation, you will have to enter a manual adjustment journal in
General Ledger to correct the then too high balance on expense and reserve. You already have a converted balance on the
reserve account in General Ledger. If you added your legacy assets with reserve, then you can post and do not have to
reverse the depreciation journal, as it will only contain the current month depreciation.
So, congratulations, you have now successfully completed your legacy data conversion. Stop!This conversion was only done in
your test environment. As everything went well, you can now repeat the procedure in your production environment.