Instructional Plan For Grade 10 Science

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Instructional Plan for Grade 10 Science, 2nd Quarter, Week 1-10

Elements Comprehension Skills Process Product/Performance

Learning A. cite examples of practical A. compare the relative wavelengths of A. explain the effects of A. demonstrate the generation of
Competency applications of the different different forms of electromagnetic waves; EM radiation on living electricity by movement of a
regions of EM waves, such ( S10FE-IIab-47) things and the magnet through a coil;
as the use of radio waves in B. predict the qualitative characteristics environment; (S10FE- ( S10FE-IIi53)
telecommunications; (orientation, type, and magnification) of IIef-49)
(S10FE-IIcd-48) images formed by plane and curved mirrors B. apply ray
B. identify ways in which the and lenses;( S10FE-IIg50) diagramming
properties of mirrors and techniques in
lenses determine their use in describing the
optical instruments (e.g., characteristics and
cameras and binoculars); positions of images
(S10FE-IIh52) formed by lenses;
( S10FE-IIg51)
C. explain the operation
of a simple electric
motor and generator.
( S10FE-IIj54)
Budget of Work 8 days 7 days 11 days 4 days
Learning Activity A1. Small group activity on A1. Research on the different scientists who A1. Research and
understanding the made significant contributions to the brainstorming on the
characteristics of radio waves. development of the Electromagnetic theory. negative effects of low
(Gallery Walk) – 60 minutes A2. Small group activity on the frequency waves to
a. producing and detecting Electromagnetic Theory – 60 minutes people and environment.-
radio waves a. Matching scientists with their 60 minutes
b. describing how waves are contributions A2. Video clip
generated, transmitted and b. Creating comic strips of the scientists’ presentation on the effects
received contributions of different forms of EM
c. naming the parts of the radio A3. Demonstration Activity on Reflection of radiation on living things
transmitter and receiver and its EM waves and environment.- 60
functions. A4. Lecture on the types of EM waves, minutes
A2. Small group activity on including each wave’s properties and A3. Individual Activity on
discovering infrared radiation characteristics. -60 minutes computing the amount of
and its effect. - 60 minutes A5. Small group activity on comparing the radiation humans are
A3. Create posters on the speed of EM waves through different materials exposed to .-20 minutes
practical applications A4. Lecture on the
human’s optimum range
of radiation exposure or
annual dose of radiation.
-40 minutes
A3. Class debate on the
effects of different forms
of EM radiation on living
things and


Table of Specification for Grade 3 English, 2nd Quarter, Week 1 to 3 Summative Test
Minutes Item Allocation/Placement
Learning Competencies Items
Part 1: Listening Test          
 Note significant details. (LC) 60  5 2 (1,2) 3 (3,4,5)
Part 2: Reading Comprehension            
 Distinguish text-types according to purpose and language features – Enumeration
60 5 2 (7,8) 3 (14-16)
 Clarify meaning of words using dictionaries, thesaurus (VD) 20 1 1 (6)
 Organize information from secondary sources in preparation for writing, reporting
40 3 3 (17-19)
and similar academic tasks in collaboration with others. (SS)
 Provide evidence to support opinions. (OL) 15 1 1 (20)
 Observe politeness at all times. (A) 15 1
1 (21)
 Show tactfulness when communicating with others. (A) 15 1 (22)
 Show openness to criticism. (A) 15 1 (23)
 Use a particular kind of sentence for a specific purpose and audience - asking
permission. 12 5 (9-13) 7 (24-30)
Part 3: Writing and Composition            
Scoring Rubric
1. Outlining
2. Making a graphic organizer
Plan a composition using an outline/other graphic organizers. 240 3. Content
4. Mechanics
5. Grammar
6. Diction
Total 420 30

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