SAP NoteBook

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OX15 Define Company

OX02 Define Company Code
OX14 Define Valuation Level
OX10 Defining Plant
OX09 Define Storage Location
OX08 Define Purchasing Organization
OME4 Creating Purchase Groups
OX18 Assign Plant to Company Code
OX01 Assign Purchasing Org. to Company
OMS2 Creating Material Type
OMSK Valuation Class
OMSK Account Category Reference
OBYC Account Determination
OMWD Change view Account determination for valuation class
MMNR Material Number Range
OMSF Def. Material Group
XK01 Creating Vendor
MM01 Creating Material
MMSC Extending material to storage location
ME11 Info Record
ME51N Purchase Requisition
ME41 Request for Quotation
ME47 Quotation
ME21N Purchase Order
MIGO Goods Receipt
MIRO Invoice
MR8M Cancel Invoice
MMPV Posting Period
AC03 Service Master Record
ML45 Service Condition
Ml81N Service entry sheet
MMSC Extending material to storage location
MIR7 Park Invoice
ME2O Goods issue for Subcontracting
ME47 Create Quotation
ME2N Purchasing Document Report
MKVZ Vendor Report
MMAM Changing Material Type
OMCQ Change Warning Message to Error Message
MI01 Create physical inventory document
MI02 Change physical inventory document
MI03 Display physical inventory document
MI04 Entering the Physical Inventory Count
MI05 Change count
MI06 Display count
MI07 Post inventory differences
MI08 Post Count and differences (MI04 + MI07)
MI09 Enter count without reference to a document (MI01 + MI04)
MI10 Post document, Count and Differences(MI01 + MI04 + MI07)
MI11 Recount
MI20 List of Inventory Difference
MI24 Physical Inventory Difference List
MI21 Print Physical Inventory Document
MI22 Physical Inventory Document for Material
MI23 Physical Inventory Data for Material
MIDO Physical Inventory Overview
MI12 Changes to Physical Inventory Document
ML84 Service entry sheet Report
OBC4 Field status change
SU53 Authorization
S_P00_07000139 Stock Card Report
ME5A Sales Order and PR list
MM06 Remove Deletion/Flag Indicator
MM60 Material List
MIR6 Parked Invoice Report
CL02 Material Class
MBGR Display Material Documents by Movement Type Reason
MBLB Stocks at Subcontractor
MBRL Return Delivery for Material Document
MBSM Display Cancelled Material Documents
MB02 Change Material Document
ME2B POs by Requirement Tracking Number
ME2C Purchase Orders by Material Group
ME2K Purch. Orders by Account Assignment
ME2L Purchase Orders by Vendor
ME2M Purchase Orders by Material
ME2N Purchase Orders by PO Number
ME2S Services per Purchase Order
ME3S Service List for Contract
ME2W Purchase Orders for Supplying Plant
ME27 Create Stock Transport Order
ME4B RFQs by Requirement Tracking Number
ME4C RFQs by Material Group
ME4L RFQs by Vendor
ME4M RFQs by Material
ME4N RFQs by RFQ Number
ME4S RFQs by Collective Number
ME5A Purchase Requisitions: List Display
SM20 User Log
MMH1 Create Trading Goods
MMI1 Create Operating Supplies
MMK1 Create Configurable Material
MMN1 Create Non-Stock Material
MMBE Stock Overview
MB52 List of Warehouse Stocks on Hand
MB21 Create Reservation
MBST Cancel Material Document
MMAM Change Material Type
MB5M Shelf Life List
BMBC Batch Information Cockpit
S_P00_07000140  Inventory and raw material for special stock report
KS13 Cost Centers with Description
OWD1 Rounding Profile in MRP1 View
OMRJ MIRO Number Ranges
MR11 GR/IR Clearing Account against PO
ME1X Buyer's Negotiation Sheet for Vendor
OMRDC Duplicate Invoice Check
OMBT Maintain Number Ranges for Physical Inventory Documents

SCC1 For Transporting data from one server to other

OMWN Account Grouping
CMOD Change the field name
SE16N Table Description
OMJJ Creating Movement Type
OBYC-------GBB To Add General Modifier
WE (50) Document Type for Goods Receipt
WA (49) Document Type for Goods Receipt
WI Document Type for Goods Receipt
OMS3 Create Industry Sector
ME29N Release code for PO
ME55 Release code for PR
MM17 Mass Change
IH09 Search Materials by Description
CT04 Create Characteristics
CL04 Create Classes
101 Goods receipt for purchase order
103 Goods receipt for purchase order to GR blocked stock
105 Release from the GR blocked stock for the purchase order
121 Subsequent adjustment for subcontracting
122 Return deliveries to vendor
124 Return delivery to vendor from GR blocked stock
161 Returns for purchase order
201 Goods issue for a cost center
221 Goods issue for a project
MB21 Reservation
MB25 Reservation List
301 Plant to plant transfer in one step
303 Plant to plant transfer in two steps – stock removal
305 Plant to plant transfer in two steps – putaway
309 Transfer postings from material to material
311 Transfer of storage location to storage location in one step
313 Transfer of storage location to storage location in two steps – stock removal
315 Transfer of storage location to storage location in two steps – putaway
561 Initial entry of stock balances – unrestricted-use stock
563 Initial entry of stock balances – quality inspection
565 Initial entry of stock balances – blocked stock
OX15 Create Company
OX02 Create Company Code
OX10 Create Plant
OX09 Create Storage Location
OX08 Create Purchasing Organization
OME4 Create Purchasing Group
OX18 Assign Plant to Company Code
OX01 Assign Purchasing Organization to Company Code
OX17 Assign Purchasing Organization to Plant
MM01 Create Material
MM02 Change Material
MM03 Display Material
MB51 Material Document List
MMDE Delete All Materials
MMNR Define Material Master Number Ranges
XK01 Create Vendor
XK02 Change Vendor
XK03 Display Vendor
ML33 Create Vendor Conditions
ME11 Maintain Purchasing Info Record
ME01 Maintain Source List
ME51N Create Purchase Requisition
ME52N Change Purchase Requisition
ME53N Display Purchase Requisition
ME41 Create RFQ/Quotation
ME42 Change RFQ/Quotation
ME43 Display RFQ/Quotation
ME31L Create Scheduling Agreement
ME32L Change Scheduling Agreement
ME33L Display Scheduling Agreement
MEQ1 Create Quota Arrangement
MEQ2 Change Quota Arrangement
MEQ3 Display Quota Arrangement
ME21N Create Purchase Order
ME22N Change Purchase Order
ME23N Display Purchase Order
ME29N Release Purchase Order (Individual)
ME59N Automatic generation of Purchase Order
MIGO Post Goods Movement
MB1A Goods Withdrawal
MB1B Transfer Posting
MB1C Post Other Goods Receipts
MB01 Post Goods Receipt for Purchase Order
OMJJ Customizing: Define New Movement Types
MIRO Enter Incoming Invoice
MIRA Fast Invoice Entry
MR8M Cancel Invoice Document
MRBR Release Blocked Invoices
OMR6 Tolerance limits: Invoice Verification
MIR5 Display List of Invoice Documents
MIR6 Invoice Overview
MIR7 Park Invoice
MRIS Settle Invoicing Plan
AC02 Service Master
ML81N Create Service Entry Sheet
MRRL Evaluated Receipt Settlement
MMB1 Create Semi Finished Product
MMF1 Create Finished Product
MMG1 Create Returnable Packaging
MB5T Stock in Transit
MD03 MRP Run
QA07 Deadline Monitoring of Batches
MB5B Opening & Closing Stock Report
MSC1N Create Batch With Material
C201 Create Recipe
OMCV Enabling Classification in MIGO
OLME PO Header Texts Addition
OLME Environmnet Data ---> PO Messages ----> Warning ---> Error
OMRM Message Control by User
Invoice Check Fie IMG->Logistic General->Business Partner->Vendor-> Control->Define Transaction-Dependent Screen Layout
OLMB Set Delivery Indicator in Goods Receipt
Goods Issue
Physical Inventory
saction-Dependent Screen Layout
MvT Description
101 Goods receipt for purchase order into warehouse/stores
102 Goods receipt for purchase order into warehouse - Reversal
103 Goods receipt for purchase order into GR blocked stock
104 Goods receipt for purchase order into GR blocked stock - Reversal
105 Release GR blocked stock for warehouse
106 Release GR blocked stock for warehouse - Reversal
107 Goods receipt to valuated blocked stock
108 Goods receipt to valuated blocked stock - Reversal
109 Goods receipt from valuated blocked stock
110 Goods receipt from valuated blocked stock - Reversal
122 Return delivery to vendor
123 Reversal of ret. delivery
124 Return delivery from GR blocked stock
125 Return delivery from GR blocked stock - Reversal
161 Returns for purchase order
201 Consumption for cost center from warehouse
201 K Consumption for cost center from consignment stores
201 P Consumption for cost center from pipeline
202 Consumption for cost center from warehouse - Reversal
202 K Consumption for cost center from consignment - Reversal
202 P Consumption for cost center from pipeline - Reversal
221 Consumption for project from warehouse
221 K Consumption for project from consignment
221 Q Consumption for project from project
222 Consumption for project from warehouse - Reversal
222 K Consumption for project from consignment - Reversal
222 Q Consumption for project from project - Reversal
231 Consumption for sales order from warehouse
231 E Consumption for sales order from unrestr. sales order stock
231 K Consumption for sales order from consignment stores
231 Q Consumption for sales order from unrestricted project stock
232 Consumption for sales order from warehouse - Reversal
232 E Consumption for sales order from unr. sales order - Reversal
232 K Consumption for sales order from consignment - Reversal
232 Q Consumption for sales order from unrestr. project - Reversal
241 Consumption for asset from warehouse
241 K Consumption for asset from consignment
242 Consumption for asset from warehouse - Reversal
242 K Consumption for asset from consignment - Reversal
251 Consumption for sales from warehouse
251 K Consumption for sales from consignment stores
252 Consumption for sales from warehouse - Reversal
252 K Consumption for sales from consignment - Reversal
261 Consumption for order from warehouse
261 E Consumption for order from unrestricted sales order stock
261 K Consumption for order from consignment
261 P Consumption for order from pipeline
261 Q Consumption for order from unrestricted project stock
261 W Consumption for order from consignment at customer
262 Consumption for order from warehouse - Reversal
262 E Consumption for order from unrestr. sales order - Reversal
262 K Consumption for order from consignment - Reversal
262 P Consumption for order from pipeline - Reversal
262 Q Consumption for order from unrestricted project - Reversal
262 W Consumption for order from consignment at customer -Reversal
281 Consumption for network from warehouse
281 E Consumption for network from unrestricted sales order
281 K Consumption for network from consignment
281 P Consumption for network from pipeline
281 Q Consumption for network from unrestricted project
282 Consumption for network from warehouse - Reversal
282 E Consumption for network from unrestr. sales order - Reversal
282 K Consumption for network from consignment - Reversal
282 P Consumption for network from pipeline - Reversal
282 Q Consumption for network from unrestricted project - Reversal
291 Consumption for all account assignments from warehouse
291 E Consumption for all accnt assgmts from unrestr. sales order
291 K Consumption for all accnt assgmts from consignment stores
291 P Consumption for all accnt assgmts from pipeline
291 Q Consumption for all accnt assgmts from unrestricted project
291 W Consumption for all accnt assigmts from customer consignment
292 Consumption for all accnt assigmts from warehouse - Reversal
292 E Consumption for all acc. assgmts from unr. sales or. - Reversal
292 K Consumption for all acc. assgmts from consignment - Reversal
292 P Consumption for all accnt assgmts from pipeline - Reversal
292 Q Consumption for all acct assgmts from unrestr. proj. - Reversal
292 W Consump. for all accnt assigmts from cstmr consgmt - Reversal
331 Withdrawal for sampling from quality inspection
331 E Withdrawal for sampling from QI sales order
331 K Withdrawal for sampling from QI consignment
331 Q Withdrawal for sampling from QI project
331 V Withdrawal for sampling from QI return. pack. st. at cust.
331 W Withdrawal for sampling from QI consigment st. at customer
332 Withdrawal for sampling from quality inspection
332 E Withdrawal for sampling from QI sales order - Reversal
332 K Withdrawal for sampling from QI consgmt - Reversal
332 Q Withdrawal for sampling from QI project - Reversal
332 V Withdrawal for sampling from QI ret. pack st. at cust. - Reversal
332 W Withdrawal for sampling from QI csgmt stock at cust. - Reversal
333 Withdrawal for sampling from unrestricted-use stock
333 E Withdrawal for sampling from unrestricted sales order
333 K Withdrawal for sampling from unrestricted consignment
333 Q Withdrawal for sampling from unrestricted project
333 V Withdrawal for sampling from unrestr. ret.pack. st. at cust.
333 W Withdrawal for sampling from unrestr. csgmt st. at customer
334 Withdrawal for sampling from unrestr.-use stock - Reversal
334 E Withdrawal for sampling from unrestr. sales order - Reversal
334 K Withdrawal for sampling from unrestricted consgmt - Reversal
334 Q Withdrawal for sampling from unrestricted project - Reversal
334 V Withdrawal for sampling from at cust. - Reversal
334 W Withdrawal for sampling from unr. csgmt st. at cust. - Reversal
335 Withdrawal for sampling from blocked stock
335 E Withdrawal for sampling from blkd sales order - Reversal
335 K Withdrawal for sampling from blocked consignment
335 Q Withdrawal for sampling from blocked project
335 V Withdrawal for sampling from blkd ret. pack. st. at customer
335 W Withdrawal for sampling from blocked csgmt stock at customer
336 Withdrawal for sampling from blocked stock - Reversal
336 E Withdrawal for sampling from blocked sales order - Reversal
336 K Withdrawal for sampling from blocked consignment - Reversal
336 Q Withdrawal for sampling from blocked project - Reversal
336 V Withdrawal for sampling from blkd cust. - rev
336 W Withdrawal for sampling from blkd csgmt st. at cust. - rev.
351 Transfer posting to stock in transit from unrestricted-use
351 K Transfer posting to stock in transit from unrestricted-use
352 Trfr pstng to stock in transit from unrestr.-use - reversal
451 Customer returns
452 Returns from customer - reversal
501 Receipt w/o purchase order into unrestricted-use stock
501 E Receipt w/o purchase order into unrestr. sales order stock
501 K Receipt w/o purchase order into unrestricted consignment
501 M Receipt w/o purchase order into unrestricted RTP
501 Q Receipt w/o purchase order into unrestricted project
502 Receipt w/o purchase order into unr.-use stock - reversal
502 E Receipt w/o purch. order into unrestr. sales ord. - reversal
502 K Receipt w/o purchase order into unrestr. consgmt - reversal
502 M Receipt w/o purchase order into unrestricted RTP - reversal
502 Q Receipt w/o purchase order into unrestr. project - reversal
503 Receipt w/o purchase order into quality inspection stock
503 E Receipt w/o purchase order into QI sales order stock
503 K Receipt w/o purchase order into QI consignment
503 Q Receipt w/o purchase order into QI project
504 Receipt w/o purchase order into QI stock - reversal
504 E Receipt w/o purchase order into QI sales order - reversal
504 K Receipt w/o purchase order into QI consignment - reversal
504 Q Receipt w/o purchase order into QI project - reversal
505 Receipt w/o purchase order into blocked stock
505 E Receipt w/o purchase order into blocked sales order stock
505 K Receipt w/o purchase order into blocked consignment
505 Q Receipt w/o purchase order into blocked project stock
506 Receipt w/o purchase order into blocked stock - reversal
506 E Receipt w/o purchase order into blkd sales order - reversal
506 K Receipt w/o purchase order into blocked consgmt - reversal
506 Q Receipt w/o purchase order into blocked project - reversal
511 Receipt of delivery without charge
511 M Receipt of delivery without charge RTP
512 Receipt of delivery without charge - reversal
512 M Receipt of delivery without charge RTP - reversal
521 Receipt w/o production order into unrestr.-use stock
521 E Receipt w/o production order into unrestricted sales order
521 Q Receipt w/o production order into unrestricted project
522 Receipt w/o prod. order into unrestr.-use st. - reversal
522 E Receipt w/o prod. order into unrestr. sales order - reversal
522 Q Receipt w/o production order into unrestr. project - revers.
523 Receipt w/o production order into quality inspection stock
523 E Receipt w/o production order into QI sales order stock
523 Q Receipt w/o production order into QI project
524 Receipt w/o prod. order into qual. inspec. stock - reversal
524 E Receipt w/o prod. order into QI sales order stock - reversal
524 Q Receipt w/o production order into QI project - reversal
525 Receipt w/o production order into blocked stock
525 E Receipt w/o production order into blocked sales order stock
525 Q Receipt w/o production order into blocked project
526 Receipt w/o production order into blocked stock - reversal
526 E Receipt w/o prod. order into blkd sales order st. - reversal
526 Q Receipt w/o production order into blocked project - reversal
531 Receipt of by-product into unrestricted-use stock
531 E Receipt of by-product into unrestr. sales order stock
531 Q Receipt of by-product into unrestricted project
532 Receipt of by-product into unrestricted-use stock - reversal
532 E Receipt of by-product into unrestr. sales order - reversal
532 Q Receipt of by-product into unrestricted project - reversal
551 Withdrawal for scrapping from unrestricted-use stock
551 E Withdrawal for scrapping from unrestricted sales order stock
551 K Withdrawal for scrapping from unrestricted consignment
551 O Withdrawal for scrapping from unrestr.- use SC stock
551 Q Withdrawal for scrapping from unrestricted project
551 V Withdrawal for scrapping from unrestr.-use empties at cust.
551 W Withdrawal for scrapping from unrestr.-use customer consgmt
552 Withdrawal for scrapping from unrestr.-use stock - reversal
552 E Withdrawal for scrapp. from unrestr. sales order - reversal
552 K Withdrawal for scrapping from unrestr. consgmt - reversal
552 O Withdrawal for scrapping from unrestr. SC - reversal
552 Q Withdrawal for scrapping from unrest. project - reversal
552 V Withdrawal for scrapp. from unrestr. empties at cust. - rev.
552 W Withdrawal for scrapp. fr. unrestr. cust. consgmt - reversal
553 Withdrawal for scrapping from quality inspection stock
553 E Withdrawal for scrapping from QI sales order stock
553 K Withdrawal for scrapping from QI consignment
553 O Withdrawal for scrapping from QI SC stock
553 Q Withdrawal for scrapping from QI project
553 V Withdrawal for scrapping from QI empties at customer
553 W Withdrawal for scrapping from QI customer consignment
554 Withdrawal for scrapping from quality inspection - reversal
554 E Withdrawal for scrapping from QI sales order - reversal
554 K Withdrawal for scrapping from QI consignment - reversal
554 O Withdrawal for scrapping from QI SC stock
554 Q Withdrawal for scrapping from QI project - reversal
554 V Withdrawal for scrapping from QI empties at customer
554 W Withdrawal for scrapping from QI customer consignment
555 Withdrawal for scrapping from blocked stock
555 E Withdrawal for scrapping from blocked sales order stock
555 K Withdrawal for scrapping from blocked consignment
555 Q Withdrawal for scrapping from blocked project stock
556 Withdrawal for scrapping from blocked stock - reversal
556 E Withdrawal for scrapping from blocked sales order - reversal
556 K Withdrawal for scrapping from blocked consignment - reversal
556 Q Withdrawal for scrapping from blocked project st. - reversal
557 Issue from stock in transit (adjustment posting)
557 E Issue from sales order stock in transit (adjustment posting)
557 Q Issue from project stock in transit (adjustment posting)
558 Receipt into stock in transit (adjustment posting)
558 E Receipt into sales order stock in transit (adjustment postg)
558 Q Receipt into project stock in transit (adjustment posting)
561 Receipt per initial entry of stock balances into unr.-use
561 E Receipt per init. entry of stck balances to unr. sales ord.
561 K Receipt per init. entry of stock balances to unr. consgmt
561 M Receipt per initial entry of stock balances to unrestr. RTP
561 O Rcpt per init. entry of stck balances to unr. stck w. subc.
561 Q Receipt per initial entry of stock balances to unrestr.proj.
561 V Rcpt per init. entry of st. bal. to unr. ret. pack. at cust.
561 W Rcpt per init. entry of st. bal. to unr. consgmt at customer
562 Receipt per init. entry of st. bal. to unrestr. - reversal
562 E Rcpt per init. entry of st. bal. to unr. sales ord. - rev.
562 K Receipt per init. entry of st. bal. to unr. consgmt - rev.
562 M Receipt per init. entry of st. bal. to unr. consgmt - rev.
562 O Rcpt per init. entry of st. bal. to unr. st. w. subc. -rev.
562 Q Receipt per init. entry of st. bal. to unrestr. proj. - rev.
562 V Rcpt per init. entry of cust. - rev.
562 W Rcpt per init. entry of st. bal. to cust. - rev.
563 Receipt per init. entry of stock balances into qual. inspec.
563 E Receipt per init. entry of stock balances to QI sales order
563 K Receipt per init. entry of stock balances to QI consignment
563 O Receipt per init. entry of st. bal. to QI st. w. subcontrac.
563 Q Receipt per initial entry of stock balances to QI project
563 V Receipt per init. entry of st. bal. to QI ret. pck. at cust.
563 W Receipt per init. entry of st. bal. to QI consgmt at custom.
564 Receipt per init. entry of stock balances to QI - reversal
564 E Receipt per init. entry of st. bal. to QI sales order - rev.
564 K Receipt per init. entry of st. bal. to QI consgmt - reversal
564 O Rcpt per init. entry of st. bal. to QI st. w. subc. - rev.
564 Q Receipt per initial entry of stock bal. to QI project - rev.
564 V Rcpt per init.entry of st.bal. to QI re.pck. at cust. - rev.
564 W Rcpt per init.entry of st. bal. to QI cust. - rev.
565 Receipt per init. entry of st. balances into blocked stock
565 E Receipt per init. entry of st. balances to blkd sales order
565 K Receipt per init. entry of st. bal. to blocked consignment
565 Q Receipt per initial entry of stock bal. to blocked project
566 Receipt per init. entry of stock balances to blocked - rev.
566 E Receipt per init. entry of st. bal. to blkd sales or. - rev.
566 K Receipt per init. entry of st. bal. to blkd consgmt - rev.
566 Q Receipt per initial entry of stock bal. to blkd proj. - rev.
571 Receipt for assembly order to unrestricted-use stock
571 E Receipt for assembly order to unrestr. sales order
571 Q Receipt for assembly order to unrestricted project
572 Receipt for assembly order to unr.-use stock - reversal
572 E Receipt for assembly order to unr. sales order - reversal
572 Q Receipt for assembly order to unrestr. proj. - reversal
573 Receipt for assembly order to quality inspection
573 E Receipt for assembly order to QI sales order
573 Q Receipt for assembly order to QI project
574 Receipt for assembly order to qual. insp. - reversal
574 E Receipt for assembly order to QI sales order - reversal
574 Q Receipt for assembly order to QI project - reversal
575 Receipt for assembly order to blocked stock
575 E Receipt for assembly order to blocked sales order
575 Q Receipt for assembly order to blocked project
576 Receipt for assembly order to blocked stock - reversal
576 E Receipt for assembly order to blocked sales order - reversal
576 Q Receipt for assembly order to blocked project - reversal
581 Receipt by-product from network
581 E Receipt by-product to unrestricted sales order from network
581 Q Receipt by-product to unrestricted project from network
582 Receipt by-product from network - reversal
582 E Receipt by-product to unrestr. sales order from netw. - rev.
582 Q Receipt by-product to unrestr. project from network - rev.
Z01 Material on Loan
Z01 E Receipt w/o purchase order into unrestr. sales order stock
Z01 K Receipt w/o purchase order into unrestricted consignment
Z01 M Receipt w/o purchase order into unrestricted RTP
Z01 Q Receipt w/o purchase order into unrestricted project
Z02 Material on Loan - Reversal
Z02 E Receipt w/o purch. order into unrestr. sales ord. - reversal
Z02 K Receipt w/o purchase order into unrestr. consgmt - reversal
Z02 M Receipt w/o purchase order into unrestricted RTP - reversal
Z02 Q Receipt w/o purchase order into unrestr. project - reversal
Z03 Caustic Soda Recover
Z03 E Receipt w/o purchase order into unrestr. sales order stock
Z03 K Receipt w/o purchase order into unrestricted consignment
Z03 M Receipt w/o purchase order into unrestricted RTP
Z03 Q Receipt w/o purchase order into unrestricted project
Z04 Caustic Soda Recover-Reversal
Z04 E Receipt w/o purch. order into unrestr. sales ord. - reversal
Z04 K Receipt w/o purchase order into unrestr. consgmt - reversal
Z04 M Receipt w/o purchase order into unrestricted RTP - reversal
Z04 Q Receipt w/o purchase order into unrestr. project - reversal
Y41 To Give Loan
GBB Description
AUA For order settlement
AUF for goods receipt for orders
AUI subsequent adjustment of actual price from cost center directly to material
BSA for initial entry of stock balances
INV for expenditure/income from inventory differences
VAX for goods issues for sales orders without account assignment object
VAY for goods issues for sales orders with account assignment object
VBO for consumption from stock of material provided to vendor
VBR for internal goods issues
VKA for sales order account assignment
VKP for project account assignment
VNG for scrapping/destruction
VQP for samples withdrawl without account assignment
VQY for samples withdrawl with account assignment
ZOB for goods receipt without purchase order
ZOF for goods receipt without production order
Independent Transaction Keys Description
AUM Expense/Revenue from Stock Transfer
BSV Change In Stock Account
BSX Inventory Posting
DIF Materials Management Small Differences
FRL External Activity
FR1 Freight Clearing
FR3 Custom Clearing
KDM Materials Management Exchange Rate Differences
KDR MM Exchange Rate Rounding Differences
PRD Cost (Price) Differences
UMB Gain/Loss from Re-Valuation
WRX GR/IR Clearing
ZAG Agent Clearing
ZBK Bank Clearing
ZEX Ex- Work Clearing
ZIN Insurance Clearing
ZLF Local Freight Clearing
ZOT Loading/Unloading Charges
ZSH Shipping Clearing
ZTX Input Tax
Class type 001: Class ZC10 created


class for batch

Material Doc

Number Range for PR

Doc type for PR

Material 1300000015

RESERVATION 0000077612 posted


Front Cut Version-Duvet Cover
Reverse Cut Version-Duvet Cover


Transfer of storage location to storage location in two steps – stock removal
Transfer of storage location to storage location in two steps – putaway


Company Code GTM0
Valuation Area Plant
Plant ENG1
ENG2 Factory Calendar Maintained
Purchasing Org CLO1
Storage Location ENS1 For Plant ENG2
Purchasing Group EN1
Material Type health & Safety YALI
tools & Fittings ZALI
Number Range 1300000000 1399999999

Material 1300000000
Vendor 110000013

Account category referenc ZTF1 PO

Valuation calss ZCL1
Material1300000001 subcontracting po

maintenance service master

Dyes & Chemical

Electrical parts
General Items
stitching accessories

PO 4300000026 4300000028
material doc 5000000525
invoice 5105609216
goods issue no 4900002681

ZC10 ZC11

material Batch Management is active



6000000000 6999999999


Material 2400000013


4900002738 MOVEMENT TYPE 311



Material #s
PO 4300000037
Material doc 5000000541
Material document (return delivery) 5000000542
Invoice Document 5105609218

Account Determination obyc


sales order num 30000021




Material 1700000001
Material 1500000000
Material 1900000000
Material 1400000000
Material 2200000000
Material 1800000000

material doc5000000527,5000000528 return doc 5000000529

Pure Yarn Material 300000011

Pure Grey Material 1
Standard PO 9000000000
Material Doc 5000000033

Activity Number 3000

Service PO semi dull (0.8 den) A- Grade 200000002

For cost center OBYC
Valuation class
Procurement Process T-C0DES
Purchase Requisition ME51N
Request for Quotation ME41
Change RFQ ME42
Maintain Quotation ME47
Price Camparison ME49
Purchase Order ME21N
RFQ Print View after PO ZRFQ
Camparison Chart Print View ZCS
Dispatch Advice after PO ZDA
Gate Entry Pass ZGP
Goods Receipt MIGO
MIGO 103 Movement Type ZIGP
MIGO 105 Movement Type ZGRN
Reservation (201) MB21
Reservation Print View ZSTRV
MIGO Goods Issue Movement Type 201
Print View ZSTRV
Park Invoice MIR7
Cancel Invoice MR8M
Change Price MR21
Vendor Line Item display Report FBL1N
G/L report FBL3N

Stock Overview MMBE

Remove from Storage Location 313
Place in Storage Location 315

Document type for Credit Memo KG

Document type for Subsequent Credit and Debit RE

Release Strategy of PO ( Table Name) CEKKO

Release Strategy of PR ( Table Name) CEBAN

Number Ranges for Materials MMNR

Log ON Screen
Menue Bar
Tool Bar
Title Bar
Application Bar
Sales Tax Registration Number # STRN

Grey, Size Beam and Process fabric = collective check 2

lot size
schedule margin key = number of days ka gap, scheduling
Backflush = automatically store sy issuance ho jaegi
Prod schd profile = profile k pechy order type assign hoti hy

Posted Invoice is always Reversed

Parked Invoice is always Deleted

We have to create Material Number Ranges first then Material Gr

Process complete ho gya hy matlab k MIRO post ho gai hy.. Hmy pta chalta hy k 2 packets khrab nikaly hain jinhe hm ny wapas
es k lye hm pehle MIGO ma ja kr Return delivery krengy.. Vendor ki liability kam krny k lye Credit Memo krty hain
For Movement Type 105 = 122 sy return delivery hogi
For Movement Type 103 = 124 sy return delivery hogi
Price difference G/L py charge hota hy
Material is charged on Subsequent Credit and subsequent debit
Subsequent Credit = Vendor Debit

Financial Entry for MIGO:

Stock/Store = Debit
GR/IR = Credit

Financial Entry for MIRO:

GR/IR = Debit
Vendor = Credit

Financial Entry For Sub-contracting PO:

Finished Material = Debit
Weaving Charges = Debit
Consumption Account = Debit
Changes In Inventory = Credit
GR/IR Clearing Account = Credit
Stock Components = Credit

Financial Entry for Subsequent Debit: Kam Charge kr dia

Vendor = Credit
Stock = Debit

Financial Entry for Subsequent Credit: Ziada charge kr dia

Vendor = Debit
Stock = Credit

Financial Entry for Credit Memo: vendor ki liability

Vendor = Debit
GR/IR = Credit
Price Difference = Credit
Inquirey VA11 ZYWR
Quotation VA21
Sale Order VA01
BOM Creation CS01
Routing CA01
Cost Estimate VA02
Run MRP MD50
MRP Order Report MD4C PR # 10851780
Collective Conversion of Planned Order CO41
Individual Conversion of Planned Order CO40
Production Order Report COOIS
Release Production Order CO02
Manually Creating Production Order (Material Based) CO01
Manually Creating Production Order (Sale Order Based) CO08
Production Order Confirmation CO11N
25000019 11000000001511
95000017 62000000000024

PO# 4500001650 MIGO:5000443998
Work Center

WARP_D 350
SIZNG_01 150
LD400_01 11

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