WPT For Vehicular Applications-Overview and Challenges
WPT For Vehicular Applications-Overview and Challenges
WPT For Vehicular Applications-Overview and Challenges
1, MARCH 2018 3
Abstract— More than a century-old gasoline internal com- lifetime [8]. Today, EV batteries rely on lithium-ion chem-
bustion engine is a major contributor to greenhouse gases. istry using a scarce and moderately costly material, lithium
Electric vehicles (EVs) have the potential to achieve eco-friendly (U.S. $20/kg) [9]. In addition, batteries take a long time to
transportation. However, the major limitation in achieving this
vision is the battery technology. It suffers from drawbacks such charge (slow charger takes 6–8 h). Some researchers reported
as high cost, rare material, low energy density, and large weight. fast battery charging techniques to reduce the charging time
The problems related to battery technology can be addressed to 20–30 min [8], [10]. However, the peak power and cost
by dynamically charging the EV while on the move. In-motion of fast charging systems are high even if energy storage with
charging can reduce the battery storage requirement, which future advanced charging methods are used. Still, the charging
could significantly extend the driving range of an EV. This
paper reviews recent advances in stationary and dynamic wireless time is long compared to refueling a car with gasoline. Another
charging of EVs. A comprehensive review of charging pad, power solution proposed by better place is “hot swapping” technique,
electronics configurations, compensation networks, controls, and in which the batteries are replaced at charging station with
standards is presented. fully charged batteries, a concept adopted and then dropped
Index Terms— Coils, compensation, electric vehicle (EV), by Tesla [10].
inductive dynamic charging, shielding, standards, stationary The current charging technology for EV consists of plug-
charging, wireless power transfer (WPT). ging the cable from ac utility to charge the onboard batteries
using an onboard charger [3]. The problem with the conductive
I. I NTRODUCTION charging of EV is that it requires heavy gauge cables to
connect to EV which are difficult to handle, has tripping
I N THE United States transportation industry consumed
nearly 28% of energy in 2014 [1], predominantly using
gasoline. Gasoline accounts for 56% of total U.S. trans-
hazards, and are prone to vandalism [7], [8]. An alternative
technology to charge an EV, referred to as wireless power
portation energy use in 2014 [1]. Extensive use of gasoline transfer (WPT), or inductive power transfer (IPT) has been
leads to the emission of harmful gases into an environment investigated [11]–[14]. The advantages of wireless charg-
already suffering from the emission of greenhouse gases. ing are aesthetics, safety, convenience, and fully automated
Therefore, to alleviate dependence on conventional energy charging process [6]. Wireless charging can be classified into
source and to minimize its harmful effects on the environment, stationary, quasi-stationary, and dynamic: stationary wireless
there is a need for alternative solutions such as electric charging is suitable for public charging stations, homes, and
vehicles (EVs or battery EVs) and plug-in hybrid electric workplace. Quasi-stationary charging is an extension of sta-
vehicles (PHEVs) [1]–[4]. The total number of EVs sold from tionary charging, but the primary pads may be located at traffic
1999 to 2015 is approximately ∼2.1 million [4]–[6], with a lights, layby’s, and rest areas along highways. The range anx-
projected growth of 6 million by 2020 [5], [6]. The biggest iety problem of a BEV can be solved with dynamic wireless
impediment to the commercialization of battery EV (BEV) charging (DWC) [7], [13], [15]. Theoretically, DWC does not
is the energy storage system, which should be sufficient for have any battery on EV instead they have Ultracapacitor; the
the driving range of an EV and possess sufficient power for power required for EV is transferred to it through a power rail
grading, passing, and maneuvering of EVs [2]. in the road [16]–[19].
Typically, batteries are bulky, heavy, and low in energy History of WPT extends from the pioneering work of Hertz
density, require long charging time and have a short to present time. Fig. 1 shows the historical development for
WPT. In the late eighteenth century, Prof. Heinrich Hertz
Manuscript received July 16, 2017; revised October 16, 2017; accepted
November 19, 2017. Date of publication December 6, 2017; date of current demonstrated electromagnetic wave propagation in free space
version February 5, 2018. (Corresponding author: Devendra Patil.) with a spark gap to generate high-frequency power and to
D. Patil, B. Fahimi, and P. T. Balsara are with the Erik Jonsson School of detect it at the receiving end [20]. In 1890, Nikola Tesla
Engineering, The University of Texas at Dallas, Richardson, TX 75080 USA
(e-mail: drp140230@utdallas.edu). conducted his experiments on the transmission of power by
M. K. Mcdonough is with the Sandia National Laboratories, Albuquerque, radio waves. His first effort to transmit power was at Colorado
NM 87185 USA. Springs, CO, USA, in 1899 [20]. He built a massive coil in
J. M. Miller is with J-N-J Miller Design Services PLLC, Longview,
TX 75601 USA (e-mail: jmmiller35@aol.com). his laboratory having a copper ball positioned on a tower.
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TTE.2017.2780627 The Tesla coil was resonated at a frequency of 150 kHz when
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supplied with 300 kW [21]. However, there is no evidence of Overall WPT can be applied in various applications and
its successful demonstration. In the 1960s, William C. Brown the frequency of operation for different methods of power
demonstrated a far-field (radiative) method of WPT [22]. The transfer over a wide range. Fig. 2 gives an overview of
development of klystron and magnetron tubes and parabolic different techniques for WPT depending on the frequency of
antennas made possible to demonstrate microwave technol- operation.
ogy [23]. Further, in 1964 using the invention of the rectenna, Recent advances in technology have made stationary charg-
which could efficiently convert microwaves to dc power, with ing commercially feasible. The history of stationary charging
its demonstration of microwave beaming, a helicopter was started in 1997/1998 when IPT—Charge Technology—
powered wirelessly from the ground [22], [23]. In the 1970s, demonstrated an EV with wireless charging at Rotorua
concept of solar power satellite to harvest energy from sunlight Geothermal Park in New Zealand and the first bus charged
using the solar cells in space, then beaming it down to earth wirelessly at bus stops in Genoa and Turin in 2002. The
using microwaves to rectenna, was conceived by Glaser [24]. major companies working on stationary WPT are WiTricity,
Later, in 1975, Brown demonstrated short-range transmis- Qualcomm, Conductix-Wampfler, Momentum Dynamics, and
sion of 475 W of microwaves at 54% dc-to-dc efficiency. Bombardier [26]–[31]. WiTricity is a spin-off from the MIT.
Following this, Brown and Robert Dickinson at the NASA’s They have developed transmitter and receiver that oper-
Jet Propulsion Laboratory transmitted 30-kW dc output power ate on strongly coupled magnetic resonance [27]. WiTricity
over a distance of 1.5 km using 2.38-GHz microwaves from has reported system efficiency of around 90% for 3.3-kW
a 26-m dish to a 7.3 m × 3.5 m rectenna array with 80% power rating operating at 145 kHz with lateral misalignment
efficiency [22], [23]. In 2007, a group of researchers from of ±20- and ±10-cm bumper to bumper [27].
Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) repeated Tesla’s Qualcomm’s Halo collaborated with the University of
experiment based on coupled-mode theory using magnetic Auckland to patent “Double D” polarized magnetic pads
resonance with an efficiency of 40% over a distance of capable of delivering twice the power rating with a higher
2 m using coupling coils with a radius of 30 cm [25]. efficiency as compared to circular pads operating at 20-kHz
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mounted WPT receiver coil does not reduce the vehicle ground
clearance so that obstacles or road debris do not inadver-
tently damage the coil. The primary or ground assembly coil
may be surface mounted as shown in Fig. 5 for residential
garages, but should be embedded in public spaces or on
highways [42]. SAE J2954/1 system specifies the nominal
frequency of 85 kHz. While the system can employ fre-
quency tuning to the range of 81.38–90 kHz, the available
spectrum space internationally agreed upon and one having
minimal coexistence issues with other services [42]. SAE
J2954/1 standard also reports on the interoperability per-
Fig. 5. Definition of ground clearance as specified in [41]. formance requirements such as compatible communication
method, FOD, living object detection (LOD), compliance
with electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) requirements, and
network to compensate the reactive power requirement of the EMF protection requirements [42]. The communication can
coupler coils. Coupler secondary voltage is passed through the be dedicated short-range communications (DSRC), or other
compensation network and rectified by the secondary rectifier. private and secure communications including near-field com-
The compensation network is designed to resonate within the munications. Initial positioning of the vehicle may be a mag-
allocated frequency band (81.38–90 kHz), generally at its netic beacon or radio frequency identification. Furthermore,
center around 85 kHz and to have coupling coefficient and the leakage EMF must comply with International Commission
loading variability adjustment to improve the power transfer on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection (ICNIRP) 2010 as stated
efficiency [42]. The control is achieved by primary side in SAE J2954/1 while the IEEE C95.1-2345-2014 [42]–[51]
control or secondary side control [37]. offers more insights into physiological effects such as nerve
excitation (<100 kHz) and tissue heating (>100 kHz).
Practical high PFC circuits for low THD rely on accurate
B. Design Considerations for WPT
zero-crossing detection methods and high-frequency operation
The recently published SAE J2954/1 standard reports dif- (70–115 kHz). Most commonly used PFC configuration is
ferent requirements of the WPT for EVs [42]. Fig. 4 shows the interleaved boost PFC circuit for EV chargers [8]. ORNL
various components of a wireless charging system for an reported on a silicon carbide-based full bridge ac–dc converter
EV and the corresponding standard for each section. The for PFC [48]. Bosshard et al. [49] evaluated different coil
front-end PF correction (PFC) should have PF greater than structures to demonstrate that the main factor necessary for
0.95 (PF > 0.95), and the total harmonic distortion (THD) high magnetic coupling is the large coil area [45], [46].
should be less than 5% [8], [42]. These levels were formerly Furthermore, they assessed different coil geometries, conclud-
specified in SAE J2894/1 Power Quality Requirements for ing that circular coil geometry has higher coupling coefficient
Plug-in EV Chargers but transferred to J2954/1 by agreement k than square or rectangular geometries. For high quality factor
with SAE for WPT chargers. The WPT charger should be Q and coupling coefficient, closely spaced coils with an inner
able to match the battery charging requirement of different radius of at least half of the outer coil radius is preferred.
EVs such as sedans, SUVs, and pickups. Transmitter and A η-α-Pareto optimization considering the losses in different
receiver coils should be compatible with various charging components of the system was performed, to achieve effi-
power levels through sensing electronics and appropriate con- ciency of ∼96.5% at 52-mm air gap with 100-kHz switching
trols. The distance between the primary coil and a secondary frequency [49], [50].
coil, the magnetic gap, is classified into three Z-classes with
values reported in Table IV and the definition of coil ground
clearance in Fig. 5 [42]. SAE J2954/1 also reports the mis- C. International Standard
alignment tolerance for various directions and positions, and Currently, there exist many standards related to WPT
the details are given in Table V. Vehicle ground clearances are implementation. SAE J2954/1,/2 addresses issues related to
load dependent, and range from 16 cm for small passenger alignment method, interoperability, the frequency of opera-
vehicles to >20 cm for SUVs. It is important that the vehicle tion and power level. Aspects of safety, obstacle detection,
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M AJOR S TANDARDS FOR WPT [42], [51]–[54]
Fig. 7. (a) EMF region top view and (b) EMF region front view [42].
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as transmitter or receiver structure. The third coil improves E. Performance Comparison of Couplers
the efficiency of the system, the energy efficiency resilience Different coil structures shown in Fig. 15 were simulated
to load variations, and reduces EMF emissions due to coil in ANSYS and compared to assess the relative benefits of the
misalignments [69]. However, if the source coil is placed close geometry. For a fair comparison among various coil structures,
to the transmitter coil, the efficiency of the system degrades the diameter of circular coil and the diagonal length of the
slowly when the load resistance diverges from optimal load rectangular coil were kept the same. The simulated coils
resistance. Moreover, the coefficient of coupling is improved were compared for coefficient of coupling for variation in
by the addition of a coil on the receiver side referred to as an misalignment, as shown in Fig. 16(a). From the simulation
intermediate coil. The advantages are an increase in power results and the stated coil dimensions in Fig. 16, it can be
transfer distance and an overall increase in efficiency. The concluded that BP has the highest coefficient of coupling and
addition of a coil induces bifurcation phenomenon, therefore misalignment tolerance. However, the coefficient of coupling
a complicated design procedure must be followed to avoid decreases with the addition of aluminum shielding, as depicted
bifurcation. In addition, for a wide variation in load resistance, in Fig. 16(b).
bifurcation can lead to instability in the system [70]. In [70], From the above comparison of couplers, it can be concluded
the four-coil method as shown in Fig. 13(b), transmitter and that circular coil has a better performance with shielding as
receiver each have additional coils referred to as source and its coefficient of coupling is not affected much since the flux
load coils. The addition of coils improves the coefficient pattern is single sided. For a double-sided flux pattern such
of coupling compared to three-coil configuration. In [71], as the BP shielding has adverse effects. Shielding blocks
two coils are added on the primary-side coil as shown in the path of the flux on one side, which leads to losses in
Fig. 13(c) to boost the coefficient of coupling even further shielding. It also results in a subsequent decrease in the
where this double boosting effect improves performance over coefficient of coupling (Table VIII). Table VIII summarizes
the conventional four-coil method. Zhang et al. [72] proposed the comparisons of magnetic couplers for various parameters.
an integrated magnetic inductor in DD coil to form magnetic Out of many couplers BP and circular pad are the most popular
integrated compensation circuit. The proposed structure has choices [49], [50]. Circular pad has high coupling coef-
the advantage of compactness as the inductor is integrated. ficient with shielding due to single sided flux and ease
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Fig. 16. Comparison of different coils for misalignment. (a) Without shielding. (b) With aluminum shielding.
of implementation. However, BP benefits from high However, the segmented structure has issues regarding con-
misalignment tolerance as compared to circular with high cou- trol complexity, complex power supply architecture and high
pling coefficient. Furthermore, EMF exposure is also less [61]. maintenance cost, especially when embedded in a roadway.
In 2011, ORNL commenced work on a segmented DWPT that
F. Power Rail and Pickup for DWPT employed many circular coils in a series track having a pitch
The charging of EV on the move is referred to variously factor of 0.7 [36]. ORNL integrated their WPT system into
as DWPT, Road-powered transmitter implementation as seg- different commercial EVs including Chevy Volt, Toyota Prius
mented IPT tracks or long power rail [34], [35]. The segmented plug-in, Scion IQ, and Toyota RAV4 with maximum power
IPT has a short power pad with individual power supply output of 6.6 kW with 85% efficiency at 162-mm air gap [36].
for each pad. These power pads are energized only when a Further development led to increased system power to 20 kW
WPT-compliant EV is moving over the top of it [34], [56]. for the same ground clearance of 162-mm air gap with an
Researchers from Auckland University are working on the efficiency of 92%–93% [36].
segmented IPT system [82]. Multiple ground pads are laid Another implementation, and one pioneered by KAIST was
on the road at a specified distance; the particular pad is turned to lay a long power supply rail on the roadway [34], [35]. The
ON as EV is passing over. This method has the advantage power rail is energized full time during operation irrespective
of low weight, low EMF and compact structure from an of the presence of the EV. The basic power rail consisted of
implementation point of view [82]. The magnetic coupler for two wires without any magnetic material. Due to the absence
stationary charging can also be used for dynamic charging. of magnetic material, the lateral misalignment tolerance of the
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C OMPARISON OF D IFFERENT PAD S TRUCTURES [49], [50], [46], [56]–[68]
Fig. 17. Different types of power rail. (a) E-type. (b) U-type. (c) I–type. (d) S-type. (e) Ultraslim S–type. (f) Cross-segmented (X-rail) [34], [35], [82]–[84].
system is poor [34], [35]. The performance of the power rail is W-type power rail, and I type pick-up coil. The W-type power
increased by adding magnetic material with different shapes, supply rail had many W-shaped magnetic core structures
i.e., E-type, W-type, U-type, I-type, S-type, ultraslim S-type arranged at particular intervals. W shape has an advantage
and cross-segment (X) type [34], [35]. In 2009, KAIST tested compared to U-shape regarding reduced magnetic resistance
its first generation prototype of OLEV with E-shaped magnetic by a factor of three compared to U-shaped [34], [35].
structure with the power rail for a golf cart application, Therefore, the power output of a system for each pickup is
as shown in Fig. 17(a) [35]. The first generation OLEV had improved from 6 to 15 kW. Other advantages include high
mechanically controlled the pickup to align to power supply coefficient of coupling, no aluminum shielding requirement,
rail with an air gap of 1 cm. The second generation (2G) and reduced width of the power supply rail to 70 cm. The
OLEV employed U-shaped power rail configuration, as shown overall efficiency of the system is improved to 83% at 20-cm
in Fig. 17(b). The air gap of 2G OLEV was 17 cm with an air gap. In order to reduce the cost and time of manufacturing
efficiency of 72%. The advantages of U-shaped power rail for the power supply rail, modular I type magnetic core struc-
are higher efficiency for larger air gap, lower EMF due to ture [Fig. 17(c)] for power supply rail is employed [34], [35].
return path for power supply rail being close to the sending The main advantage of I types structure is reduced the cost
rail [34], [35], [83]. The third-generation (3G) OLEV adopted of the system by 20% as compared to W-type power rail.
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C ONFIGURATIONS [34], [35], [82]–[84]
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Fig. 18. (a) E-type pickup. (b) U-type pickup. (c) S-type pickup. (d) Flat pickup wound on flat E-core. (e) Quadrature pick-up design 1. (f) Quadrature
pick-up design [63], [83], [85], [86].
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Fig. 22. Basic compensation network. (a) Current source S–S compensation. (b) Current source S–P compensation. (c) Current source P–S compensation.
(d) Current source P–P compensation. (e) Voltage source S–S compensation. (f) Voltage source S–P compensation. (g) Voltage source P–S compensation.
(h) Voltage source P–P compensation [55], [101].
1)maximize the power transfer; in increased semiconductor losses and conduction losses, espe-
2)minimize VA rating of power supply; cially in the inverter diodes. Generally, the primary resonance
3)minimize VA rating of power supply; cancels the primary leakage inductance, thereby increasing PF
4)constant voltage (CV) or constant current (CC) output, to near unity, with the secondary coil also operated at or near
depending on the application; the same resonant frequency [104].
5) high efficiency; Wireless charging in EVs is subject to various parameter
6) bifurcation tolerant; changes such as those caused by air gap variation, mis-
7) high misalignment tolerant. alignment, and load resistance [55]. To maximize power
The basic requirement of a compensation network is to transfer, different compensation networks are selected to
minimize the (VA rating of the power supply by provid- match voltage or current source of the primary to volt-
ing the reactive power required to establish and sustain the age or current source of the secondary loading according
magnetic field [95], [97]. To maximize the power received to the type of output filter. It is also intended to keep the
on the secondary side, leakage inductance is canceled on output voltage constant or output current constant to satisfy
both primary and secondary sides to attain maximum power battery charging needs [95], [98]. In most cases, the end
transfer [97]–[104]. Typically, compensation components such load for WPT is a battery, which requires charging current
as metalized film capacitors have very low dissipation and to be constant at low states of charge (SOCs) until SOC
introduce minimal impact on the efficiency of the system. reaches approximately 85% and then switches to constant
However, inadequate or mistuned compensation results in a voltage charging [99], [102], [103]. Other consideration for
higher reactive current that leads to increased VA rating of the choosing compensation network is that it should be bifur-
power supply [97]–[104]. The flow of reactive current results cation tolerant. Bifurcation depends on load quality factor,
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A. Series–Series (S–S)
Fig. 22 shows the series–series (S–S) compensation net-
work. The main advantage of the S–S configuration is that
the value of primary capacitance does not depend on the
variation of coupling coefficient [99], [103]. This property
of series compensation is especially useful in segmented
DWPT applications, where the coupling coefficient varies
with movement of the EV. The major drawback occurs at
light load condition, and when the receiver is not present
and the equivalent impedance seen is zero at the primary
resonance frequency with only the parasitic impedance of the
capacitor and inductor limiting the current [101], [103], [104].
Therefore, the voltage transferred to the secondary is very
high. This makes the terminal voltage across the load very
high, leading to an unsafe condition. The desired requirements
for a compensation network are high efficiency and high PF.
These two variables are of particular importance to study
because of the fact that they can potentially fluctuate with
the coupling coefficient and load variation [95]. The PF for a
compensation network is defined as the ratio of active power to
apparent power supplied by a voltage source. The PF is unity
(at resonance frequency) for S–S compensation, as shown Fig. 23. (a) Effect of misalignment on efficiency. (b) Effect of load resistance
in Fig. 23(b). The efficiency of S–S is high, even for a low on PF.
coupling coefficient, as shown in Fig. 23(a).
at the resonance frequency [99], [103]. Therefore, a current
B. Series–Parallel (S–P) limiting control must still be performed on the primary side.
From the transferred impedance (Table XII), it can be In addition, the transferred impedance to the primary is
concluded that regardless of the load, there will be some proportional to the square of the mutual inductance. Therefore,
impedance transferred to the primary. If the receiver or load with variation in mutual inductance, the PF of the converter
is not present, the primary side will still have a short circuit and the dynamics of the system will change. This makes
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Fig. 24. (a) Series–parallel–series compensation. (b) LCL with partial series compensation. (c) LCL compensation. (d) LCC-series compensation.
(e) LCC–LCC compensation [74], [107], [108].
C. Parallel–Series (P–S)
The transferred impedance in P–S and S–S configuration
This configuration suffers from the low PF, a high load voltage
is the same [99]. The main advantages are high efficiency
of the parallel secondary and large current source requirements
and high PF at relatively low mutual inductance and a rel-
of the parallel primary [95], [104]. This configuration is not
atively large range of variation of load and mutual induc-
widely studied because of these disadvantages [103], [104].
tance [90], [94], [99]. The PF in P–S is not at unity under
Sallan et al. [97] reported a detailed optimal sizing of
low mutual inductance as it appears in Fig. 23(b). One major
200-kW IPT for different compensation networks. Table XIII
drawback is it requires current source input to avoid any
summarizes the performance comparison for basic compen-
instantaneous change in voltage [99]. To solve this problem,
sation networks. S–S compensation requires the least amount
an inductor is added to create LCL resonant tank. This
of copper among all [103]. This is a direct saving in cost
configuration is called the P–S compensating technique and
for the system. S–S and S–P compensations are suitable for
is the focus of some researchers [99].
high power from an economic point of view. P–S or P–P
compensations are typically used for high-power current
D. Parallel–Parallel (P–P) source driven cables that run over a long distance [105].
In a P–P compensation, the transferred impedance to Table XIII summarize the comparisons of basic compensation
the primary side is the same as in S–P compensation. network.
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scheme is that output power can be maintained constant for In the literature, double-sided LCC compensation is most
high misalignment. popular as it can reduce the current stress in the inverter;
2) LCL Compensation: An LCL compensation network it has high misalignment tolerance and load independence
with an additional inductor and capacitor is illustrated characteristics [74], [109].
in Fig. 24(b). This configuration is formed by the addition
of inductor to parallel resonance network [102]. This con- V. P OWER E LECTRONICS FOR WPT
figuration has a current source input, which can be easily Power electronics plays a critical role in the wireless charg-
controlled by a full-bridge converter for variations in the ing systems for EVs. Performance of the power converter is
coupling coefficient and load conditions [102]. Also, the VA crucial for maximizing the system efficiency. Fig. 25 illustrates
rating is reduced. The secondary side of LCL compensation various power electronic stages for a wireless charging of
can be either a parallel compensation or series compensation. an EV. A typical WPT system includes a front-end ac–dc
Parallel compensation is widely used due to its robustness converter to correct the PF at the utility connection of the
to load variation [74], [108]. The drawback of the parallel system in order to meet low THD as specified by the
tuned system is in the transferred impedance on the primary IEEE-1547, the IEC1000-3-2, and the U.S. National Electric
side which consists of both real and imaginary parts of the Code 625 and 626 [110], [111]. The second stage is a full-
load. Due to this, there is some additional current flowthrough bridge inverter to convert a constant dc voltage into high-
primary without contributing to real part of the load. Also, frequency bipolar voltage pulses with adjustable duty cycle
a large dc inductor is required to ensure continuous conduction to the compensation circuit. The secondary side consists of a
through the rectifier. This increases the cost and loss in compensating network and rectifier to convert high-frequency
the system [109]. Series-tuned pickup requires large bridge ac voltage into dc voltage. Different compensation networks
rectifier capacitor to ensure continuous conduction and the can be used, depending on the application, to keep either
pick-up voltage increases to a high value at large power output current or output voltage constant. After rectification
levels [109]. an optional dc–dc converter may be employed for additional
The configuration in Fig. 24(c) is the LCL resonant network, voltage regulation. The primary function is to charge the
which overcomes the problems associated with S–P compen- battery under CV or CC control and as noted earlier, while
sation [108]. The advantages are lower losses in the rectifier, the secondary function is to match the load impedance with
pickup winding; efficiency of the system is high as compared source impedance for optimum power transfer [114], [115].
to parallel pickup. Further, to compensate the nonlinear effect The full bridge inverter may be voltage-fed or current-fed
of the rectifier, a series capacitor is added which ensures soft depending on the application and the input source. Some
switching of the rectifier diodes. researchers are working on current-fed converter for WPT
3) LCC Compensation: LCL compensation requires two application [116]–[119]. A typical current-fed converter for
identical inductors. Therefore, the size of the inductor is WPT application is shown in Fig. 26. A parallel resonance
large; in order to reduce the size and cost of the sys- is employed for a transmitter with the advantage of lower
tem, LCC compensation networks are reported in [74], circulating current from the power electronics circuit, as par-
[108], and [109]. Moreover, by tuning LCC compensa- allel capacitor forms a low impedance path for the circulating
tion, zero current switching (ZCS) can be achieved. Also, current. However, the voltage stress on the switches increases
LCC pickup can compensate the reactive power at the with power [116]–[119]. The WPT architecture cited in [116]
secondary side to form a unity PF pickup. Other advan- is a current-fed design. A CCL transmitter and LC receiver are
tages are: independence of the coupling coefficient and load employed for compensation. In general, current-fed inverters
conditions, with ensured zero voltage switching (ZVS) for have advantages such as lower current stress, short circuit
MOSFETs [74], [109]. protection, and higher reliability [120]. However, a large dc
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Fig. 30. Parallel LCL-T topology for high-power IPT system as in [129].
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tolerance of up to 310 mm at a coefficient of coupling The basic control strategies to control the H-bridge inverter
of 0.18 with just ∼1% drop in efficiency. In addition to are phase shift control and frequency control. In phase shift
misalignment tolerance, the ZVS of the full bridge is ensured control, the phase shift of the leg of full-bridge converter is
by tuning the parameters of compensation network. A control controlled to vary the voltage applied to the coupling coil
technique to improve the efficiency of the WPT system by with a constant frequency. However, inductive operation of
5%–7% via searching for the optimal value of switching the circuit requires judicious selection of switching frequency
frequency and phase shift was reported in [115]. Overall for relative to the loaded resonant point due to pole splitting [85],
high-power application, double-sided LCC compensation is [152], [153]. Soft switching remains an option but may have
network is reported to have tolerance to misalignment. Also additional concerns [85]. A 6-kW WPT system with phase
it does not require additional power electronics or auxiliary controlled full bridge is reported in [45]. The control provides
coils [147], [108]. For somewhat lower power application, flexibility for the selection of operating frequency and benefits
misalignment compensation by changing frequency and phase from its resemblance to a power transmission network. How-
shift is very effective method, as it does not requires any ever, control is complicated and the conduction angle must
additional components [115]. be calculated offline and stored in the controller for operation
at different power levels. In frequency control, the switching
VII. C ONTROL OF WPT frequency of the full-bridge converter is varied above the
Different techniques are reported in the literature to con- resonance frequency, in the inductive region of operation.
trol the power flow and to maintain the SOC of the If the switching frequency is increased, the input impedance of
battery [148]–[150]. These techniques can be classified as the compensating circuit increases [152], [153]. This leads to
primary-side control, secondary-side control or dual-sided con- a decrease in the input current and output power. The problem
trol [45]. In primary-side control, the battery SOC information with variable frequency controller is uncertainty in behav-
is transmitted from the secondary side to the primary side by ior self-sustained oscillating control, the switching frequency
a communication link [45]. Secondary-side control requires and over bifurcation region when present [108], [148]–[152].
active rectification and is used in an application where multiple In phase shift of the full-bridge converter are changed simul-
pick-up coils are connected. In dual-sided control, full-bridge taneously to control the output power [108], [148], [153].
and active rectifiers are both controlled simultaneously to In this control, zero crossing of primary coil current is
control the power flow to the load [148]. A phasor modeling sensed to trigger the gating signal for a full-bridge converter.
concept was developed in [45] to have a resemblance of a The advantages of dual control are its ZCS turn-ON and
power transmission line. The control technique was able to ZVS turn-OFF. Inductive operation is ensured for all oper-
control reactive power using a voltage control method. This ating frequencies [108], [148]. Phase shift control can be
control method does not require any active control on the categorized into symmetric voltage cancellation (SVC), asym-
secondary side. However, control is complicated and needs a metric duty cycle (ADC), and asymmetric voltage cancella-
lookup table to implement [45]. Typically, primary-side control tion (AVC) [157]. An ADC method was proposed to improve
has the advantage of minimum interaction with secondary- the ZVS range for a wide load range. The problem with ADC
side electronics. Therefore, a vehicle will only have lower is that it generates higher THD in the primary track current
power electronics, which has cost benefits. Miller et al. [151] and higher EMI, as compared to SVC. AVC methods, which
investigated a grid side power regulation method to reduce have the advantages of wide ZVS range for load and reduced
the complexity of control on the primary and secondary sides EMI, are reported in [157]–[161]. The detailed comparison of
power electronics. However, at no-load and in the absence of the various control techniques is compiled in Table XVIII. For
the secondary coil, the current in the primary coil increases to stationary WPT, dual-side control with closed-loop communi-
a very large value. cation is the most popular control method. However, some
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Fig. 44. Variation in terminal resistance with output for different battery
Fig. 45. (a) First approach, (b) second approach, (c) third approach,
voltages. (d) preregulation approach.
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