AD VD Sept interventricular
v. azigos
v. azigos v. hemiazigos
v.porta stg. stomac
Fisura ligamentului venos
Ligamentul falciform Ao abd.
Ram ant.
v. porta dr.
v.porta dr.
VCI v. azigos
VB pilor Corp pancreas
a. splenica
a colonului
v. renala stg.
mezenter Colon transvers
ascendent Colon
Chiste biliare simple
CT cu contrast –2 imagini hipodense cu densitati lichidiene, bine de
limitate fara pereti proprii
Enlarged, polycystic liver. The presence of a small amount of free
fluid within the abdomen and pelvis suggests the patient may have
experienced spontaneous rupture of one or more of these intrahepatic
Carcinom hepatocelular
Masa hiperdensa in timp arterial ce devine hipodensa in timp portal
asociata cu ascita si splenomegalie
1. Hepatocarcinom bine diferentiat- imag hipodensa in timp portal,
bine delimitata cu o cicatrice centrala
2. HCC nediferentiat – formatiunea este imprecis delimitata cu
1.HCC multifocal-multiple mase hipervascularizate ce ocupa aproape in
intregime ficatul . Dintre acestea doua sunt mai mari si prezinta zone de
necroza centrala
2.HCC cu aspect mozaicat ce contine zone de necroza si septe ce iau
contrast, dilatand caile biliare prin efectul de masa pe care il exercita
HCC infiltrativ difuz cu invazie a VP- incarcare neomogena cu contrast
a parenchimului hepatic asociata cu marirea in diametru a VP ce contine
imagini hipodense( trombi)
Carcinom fibrolaminar
Large low attenuation mass involving almost all of the
anterior segment of the right lobe of the liver and extending
minimally into the medial segment of the left lobe of the
liver. This shows minimal early peripheral enhancement.
Additionally, streaky hazy changes are noted in the adjacent
perihepatic fat. The portal veins are patent.The right hepatic
artery originates off the superior mesenteric artery.
There is no intrahepatic biliary ductal dilatation.
Increasing homogeneity of fibrolamellar carcinoma and
better scar visualization at delayed CT.
(a) Nonenhanced CT scan demonstrates a low-attenuation
mass with punctate calcifications within a central scar.
(b) Contrast-enhanced arterial-phase CT scan shows
initial heterogeneous enhancement of the mass.
(c) Contrast-enhanced equilibrium-phase CT scan shows
increasing homogeneity of the tumor with superior
visualization of the scar (arrow).
Fibrolamellar carcinoma in a 34-year-old patient with elevated levels of
A)US scan demonstrates a 15-cm echogenic intrahepatic mass with irregular
margins and a hypoechoic rim.
(b) On a contrast material–enhanced CT scan,the mass demonstrates linea
,enhancing vessels that create "compartments” within the tumor.
(c) Hepatic angiogram (arterial phase) demonstrates the large intrahepatic mass
with tortuous, irregular vessels that compartmentalize the tumor.
a, b) Contrast-enhanced CT scans (a obtained at a higher level than b)
show a 6.5-cm heterogeneous mass in the right hepatic lobe and an enlarged
lymph node adjacent and posterior to the pancreas. The lymph node
contains a central scar (arrow in b) and is compressing the inferior vena
cava. (c) Hepatic angiogram (obtained with a superior mesentery artery
injection) shows the intrahepatic vascular mass replacing the right hepatic
artery and the posterior pancreatic lymph node with an enlarged supplying
artery and neovascularity (arrowhead). The narrowing of the proximal
replaced right hepatic artery (arrow) was caused by mass effect of the
adjacent tumor and not direct arterial invasion.
Colangiocarcinom intrahepatic- imag hipodensa imprecis delimitata
in LHS asociata cu cai biliare dilatate. In imaginea tardiva obtinuta la
15 min de la injectare, formatiunea devine hiperdensa dat. retentiei
difuze a SDC in neoplasmul fibros
Metastaze de tumora carcinoida-hipervascularizate, devenind hiperdense
in faza arteriala iar in faza portala, cea mica devine izodensa iar cea mare
hipo spre izodensa
1.CT nativ –meta calcificate la un pacient cu adenocarcinom
de colon
2. Mica metastaza ce ia contrast periferic in timp arterial
Huge, extremely fatty liver. Distended gallbladder, but no evidence of
perforation. Small ascites
Very fatty liver
Fatty liver w/focal fatty change
The liver is enlarged with diffuse fatty infiltration with areas of
increased fatty infiltration and areas of decreased fatty infiltration.
The liver is cirrhotic in configuration and diffusely heterogeneous in
enhancement. There is mildly patchy enhancement involving all
hepatic lobes and segments. There is patchy dilatation of the
intrahepatic biliary ducts. The spleen is enlarged.
The hepatic contour is irregular with enlargement of the left hepatic lobe consistent with a cirrhotic
morphology. A lobulated projection off the left lobe posteriorly measuring 4 x 4.5 cm is similar in appearance
to the mass described on ultrasound. This lobulation demonstrates homogeneous density similar to the liver.
An apparent tissue plane between this lobulated projection and the posterior left hepatic lobe is noted on the
inferior images. The liver itself demonstrates moderate heterogeneity with mild dilatation of the intrahepatic
ducts confined predominantly to the left hepatic lobe.The spleen is enlarged demonstrating patchy
enhancement on the initial CT images with homogeneous enhancement on delayed scan. Definitive focal
splenic lesion is not identified. Multiple perisplenic, gastrohepatic, and mild para-esophageal varices arenoted.
The liver has a cirrhotic configuration
The portal vein is thrombosed
Ascites is present. The spleen is
enlarged Multiple varices are seen at
the gastroesophageal junction, the
gastrohepatic ligament, and the splenic
hilum. Thrombus extends approximately
6 cm into the superior mesenteric vein
and partially occludes this vessel
Cirrhosis, Large Collateral Vessels
Portal vein occlusion is present with
cavernous transformation
Congenital Hepatic AVM
Gallbladder Carcinoma
A.Longitudinal sonogram shows a well-defined mass in the gallbladder fundus (*) that produces ill-defined
posterior acoustic shadowing. Gallstones are also present.
B.Axial unenhanced computed tomographic (CT) scan shows linear tumoral calcifications in the soft-tissue
mass within the gallbladder.
Poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma in a 67-year-old man
. (a) Longitudinal sonogram shows heterogeneous, hypoechoic, diffuse thickening of the gallbladder wall.
There is peripancreatic lymphadenopathy (*) posterior to the gallbladder
(b) Axial contrast-enhanced CT scan shows diffuse gallbladder wall thickening with a hypoattenuating mass
extending into the adjacent liver parenchyma. There is a large peripancreatic lymph node (arrow).
Moderately well-differentiated adenocarcinoma in a 55-year-old man.
(a) Transverse sonogram shows a well-defined, sessile hyperechoic mass (*) along the medial gallbladder
wall with adjacent focal wall thickening (arrow) and pericholecystic fluid.
(b) Axial contrast-enhanced CT scan shows the soft-tissue mass with focal wall thickening, extension
beyond the gallbladder wall (arrow), and pericholecystic fluid.
Intrahepatic and periportal extension of adenocarcinoma in a 53-year-old woman.
(a) Axial contrast-enhanced CT scan shows intrahepatic extension of a gallbladder carcinoma,
hepatoduodenal ligament spread, and periportal lymphadenopathy (arrows). On a more superior section
(not shown), there was bile duct dilatation.
(b) ERCP image shows a focal common bile duct stricture from periductal tumor extension.
Adenocarcinoma in a 35-year-old woman.
(a, b) Axial contrast-enhanced CT scans show peripancreatic lymphadenopathy (arrow in a) and a focal
mass in the gallbladder fundus
There is a layering density present in the gallbladder with apparent discontinuation in the gallbladder wall.
Pericholecystic fluid is present with free intraperitoneal fluid around the liver also. No air is present in the
gallbladder. Wispy infiltrative changes are present in the adjacent intraperitoneal fat consistent with
Gangrenous Cholecystitis
There is distention of the gallbladder with wall thickening and irregular
mucosal pattern with surrounding inflammatory changes. Gallstones
are seen within the gallbladder.
Xanthogranulomatous cholecystitis in a 40-year-old woman with chronic right upper quadrant pain.
(a) Transverse sonogram of the gallbladder fossa shows marked heterogeneous thickening of the
gallbladder wall and narrowing of the gallbladder lumen (arrow).
(b) Axial contrast-enhanced CT scan shows gallbladder wall thickening and soft-tissue stranding in
the gallbladder fossa. The gallbladder lumen is very small (arrow).
Porcelin gallbladder
Thickened, calcified gallbladder wall, gallbladder contains
heterogeeous density material, possibly sludge or stones
Xanthogranulomatous cholecystitis in a 67-year-old woman who presented with fever, sweats, and
painless jaundice.
(a) Longitudinal US image of the right upper quadrant shows disruption of the mucosal line of the
gallbladder (arrow). The gallbladder contains echogenic material. There is pericholecystic fluid, focal
hypoattenuation in the adjacent liver, and loss of the normal plane between the gallbladder and liver.
(b) Unenhanced CT scan shows a stone impacted in the gallbladder neck, pericholecystic fluid, and
extension of the inflammatory process to the adjacent liver (black arrow) and fat (white arrow).
Xanthogranulomatous cholecystitis in a 55-year-old man who presented with right upper quadrant pain,
fever, and leukocytosis.
(a) Longitudinal US image of the gallbladder shows marked gallbladder wall thickening and prominent
hypoechoic nodules (solid arrows) in the gallbladder wall. The gallbladder mucosa is echogenic
(open arrows) and the lumen of the gallbladder compressed.
(b) Contrast-enhanced CT scan shows large hypoattenuating nodular areas in the thickening gallbladder wall
(solid arrows). There is hypoattenuation in the adjacent liver (open arrow).
Traumatism de VB
Gb laceration
Active extravasation with acute injury involving the inferior liver
margin and gallbladder
a.Dilatare de duct hepatic comun(sg alba)
si a ductului cistic(sg neagra)
Caile biliare intrahepatice periferice nu
sunt dilatate
b.dilatare de CBP
c. CT coronal- intreaga lungime a cole