Individual and Dual Sports - Prelim
Individual and Dual Sports - Prelim
Individual and Dual Sports - Prelim
Softball began in 1887 when george hancock, a
reporter for the chicago board of trade invented
“indoor baseball”. By the spring of 1889, the game
had spread outdoors. The sport became organized
in the United States in 1933 with the formation of
the Amateur Softball Association of America (ASA). EQUIPMENT AND GEAR
Baseball is thought to have originated as a game SOFTBALL EQUIPMENT
called “rounders” in England and gained popularity Batting Glove
in the United States in the early 1900s. It has gone Catcher’s Gear
by many names in the past, including “town ball”, Chin Guard
“Goal ball”, “round ball”, and simply “base”, just to Cleated Shoes
name a few. The first recorded rules were written BASEBALL EQUIPMENT
by shane Ryley Foster for a team called the Batting Helmet
knickerbockers, based in Manhattan. Baseball Bat
SKILLS Baseball Shoes
The Basics: Fundamental Baseball and Softball Skill: Glove
(hitting, catching, throwing, fielding, and baserunning) RULES OF THE GAME
The Basics: Hitting The basic rules of softball
= involves a bat, batter’s helmet, the batter’s box, and a 1) There are 9 players on a softball team.
ball. The ability to hit the ball is accomplished by 2) The playing field is divided into the infield and
executing and repeating specific steps. Play this video outfield
to view the elements and physical activity required to 3) The lines between the bases are 60' apart and
hit a ball. when joined they form a «diamond», inside the
The Basics: Catching baseline is known as the infield
= involves a fielding glove and a ball. The ability to catch 4) Outside the baseline but inside the playing field is
the ball is accomplished by executing and repeating called the outfield.Any ball going outside the 1st or
specific steps. Play this video to view the elements and 3rd base line is a foul ball ( runners can not
physical activity required to catch a ball. advance and the batter gets another try unless the
The Basics: Throwing ball was caught in the air, which translates to an
= involves gripping and releasing a ball from the hand. out)
The ability to throw the ball is accomplished by 5) An official game is 7 innings (a inning is when both
executing and repeating specific steps. Play this video teams have had their turn to bat)
to view the physical elements and physical activity 6) The visiting team bats in the first half of each
required to throw a ball. inning, called the «top of the inning;» the home
team bats in the second half of each inning, called judgment of a softball umpire is final, which requires a
the «bottom of the inning.» good one to know both the rules and the proper
7) There is no set time that an inning lasts; each half interpretation of the rules. Top umpires are sufficiently
of the inning continues until the defense patient to wait until a play is over to make the call and
accumulates three outs. If the game is tied after also decisive when signaling the verdict.
the last inning, the game goes into «extra innings,» Behind the Plate
and continues until one team holds a lead at the The home plate umpire is the head honcho with the
end of an inning. most responsibility. In addition to the fundamental
The basic rules of Baseball duties of a home plate ump -- calling balls and strikes,
1) Every match held between two teams. deciding plays at the plate, keeping track of lineups and
2) Each team contains 9 player substitutions -- the home plate ump decides when to
3) There is a catcher, a pitcher, a first baseman, a order a rain delay and whether to resume or call off the
second baseman, a shortstop, a third baseman and game. Softball umps also handle pregame coaches
three outfielders. The outfielders stay at the left conferences, take care of the game balls, and break out
field, at the right field, and at the center field. the brush to keep home plate clean.
4) There are 9 innings of a game. After 9 innings the On the Basepaths
runs are counted off the teams. The team scored An ump in the field makes sure the bases are properly
with most runs wins the game. If the score is equal placed and secure before and during the game. Besides
after 9 innings then extra innings are added until making calls at the bases, he'll help the home plate ump
the winner is found. Each team gets an equal call checked swings, keep their own record of balls,
chance of batting and fielding. strikes and number of outs. That ump has the same
5) If a team arranges and submits the batting orders authority as the home plate ump to call balks and illegal
then it can’t be changed through the game. They pitches. The best umps race to get in the proper
can substitute players but they have to bat in place position to make the call, staying low to the ground
of the replaced player. with an angle that enables them to see both the ball
6) If the batsman able to hit the ball from the pitcher and the foot of the baserunner.
then they must run to at least one base. They can Duties of a Baseball Umpire
run to many bases if they want. But they have to The Umpires
touch every base with any part of their body. If Normally Umpires work in a crew of four (one of whom
they get tagged out then they cannot cross more is known as the "Crew Chief"), taking it in turns to
bases. occupy the role of "Home Plate Umpire" for that day's
7) If the batter swings their bat and miss to hit then it game. The home plate umpire is the most important
is called a strike but the ball need to be in the official in any game. He stands just behind the catcher,
strike zone. If the batsman gets a strike for 3 times and decides whether a pitch is a strike or a ball.
then he is out. If 4 balls miss the strike zone then It is generally acknowledged that whilst the umpires are
the batsman gets an advantage of reach the first all supposed to call the same strike zone, each umpire
base. They don’t need to swing their bat. actually has his own "individual strike zone".
8) When a batsman is on a base they are permitted to
run to the next base at any point. CLIFF DIVING
9) There are 4 outs in baseball. Strike out, force out,
fly out and tag out.
Strikeout: If the batsman misses the ball three times in
Cliff diving originated during the 1700s in Hawaii.
the strike zone then it is a strikeout
King Kahekili, who was one of the last independent
Force out: If the batsman misses completing the base
kings in Hawaii, used cliff diving as an initiation
before the defensive player then it is forced out.
tactic for his warriors. He required them to follow
Fly out: When the batsman hit the bat into the air and
his example by jumping off of cliffs in an effort to
the fielder catches the ball without bouncing then it is
prove their loyalty. As time progressed, King
fly out.
Kahekili's cliff diving stunts shifted focus. It was no
Tag out: If the defensive player with the ball tags the
longer just a loyalty test for Hawaiian warriors, but
runner with the ball while running it is called tag out.
instead became so popular that people began to
practice cliff diving in competition with one
The Duties of Softball Officials
another. While the original contests were
General Duties
somewhat primitive, they eventually evolved into
Umpires are expected to enforce the rules. This wide-
sopisticated competitions with world-wide
ranging authority gives every umpire the right to eject a
recognition under the World High Diving
player or coach -- or even a spectator or media
representative -- for unsportsmanlike behavior. The
Extraordinary and Physical Control
Cliff divers are taught to extend their arms with the
palms of their hands held tightly together to protect the
face from the impact of the water. On contact with the
water, the hands enter the water first, and as the diver
is moving at a high speed, the hands create a stream of
bubbles in which the diver is surrounded as the diver's
body makes contact with the surface.
At a height of 33 ft (10 m), the diver shall strike the
water at a speed of over 30 mph (50km/h). With a dive
from 100 ft (30 m), the diver strikes the water at a
speed of over 53 mph (87km/h). These speeds
contribute to the large forces generated when the diver
enters the water. For these reasons the diver's entry
must be as precise and as efficient as possible.
In this extreme sport you don't need any special
When you learn the sport you can use glasses and
However the equipment is not used by athletes in
this discipline.
It's just your body, sailing through the air from
dizzying heights and plunging into a body of water
1. Practice diving feet first or head first at a local
swimming pool.
2. Bring a group of friends or someone experienced in
cliff diving with you.
3. Wear tight-fitted clothing.
4. Do not cliff dive under the influence of drugs or
5. Don’t feel pressured to jump.
Calculation of total score of each competition:
Five scores by five judges.
Scores based on a scale of 0 to 10 in half point
Judges score the dives without assistance.
Highest and lowest score are discarded.
Remaining three scores are added together.
This sum is multiplied by the degree of difficulty for
each dive.
Scores from all four rounds are cumulated for the
final competition result.
Balks will constitute a deduction from each judge’s
score as directed by the Head Judge.
Points will be awarded from 1st to 14th place.