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Sapgaon Rural Water Supply Scheme Village: Sapgaon, Taluka: Shahapur, District: Thane

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Sapgaon Rural Water Supply Scheme

Village: Sapgaon, Taluka: Shahapur, District: Thane

Assessment Report

April 2017

Technology and Development Solutions Cell (TDSC)

Centre for Technology Alternatives for Rural Areas (CTARA)
Indian Institute of Technology Bombay
Powai, Mumbai

Vaishali Bharambe
Project Engineer TDSC IITB

Anuradha Giri

Bharat Chaudhari
M Tech student, VJTI

Yatin Diwakar
Project Manager TDSC IITB

Prof. Puru Kulkarni

IIT Bombay

Prof. Om Damani
IIT Bombay

Technology and Development Solutions Cell (TDSC)

Centre for Technology Alternatives for Rural Areas
Indian Institute of Technology Bombay
Powai, Mumbai 400076
Maharashtra, India.
Telephone: (022) 25764809
Telefax: (022) 25767874

Executive Summary .......................................................................................................................... iv
1. Introduction .............................................................................................................................. 1
1.1. Background ................................................................................................................................... 1
1.2. Objectives of technical audit......................................................................................................... 1
1.3. Scheme description....................................................................................................................... 1
1.4. Site visit details ............................................................................................................................. 2
2. DPR Assessment ....................................................................................................................... 3
2.1. Scheme overview .......................................................................................................................... 3
2.2. List of document in DPR ................................................................................................................ 3
3. Scheme Assets and Attributes ................................................................................................. 4
3.1. Design verification ........................................................................................................................ 4
3.2. Physical assets verification............................................................................................................ 5
105000 Liter .......................................................................................................................................... 5
3.3. Assets summary ............................................................................................................................ 6
3.4. Scheme operations ....................................................................................................................... 9
3.5. Financial status of scheme .......................................................................................................... 10
4. Scheme Findings ..................................................................................................................... 12
4.1. Documentation ........................................................................................................................... 12
4.2. Design.......................................................................................................................................... 12
4.3. Assets .......................................................................................................................................... 12
4.4. Coverage ..................................................................................................................................... 13
4.5. Financials ..................................................................................................................................... 13
4.6. Other ........................................................................................................................................... 13
5. Success Indicator .................................................................................................................... 14
6. Recommendations ................................................................................................................. 14
6.1. Scheme specific ........................................................................................................................... 14
6.2. General........................................................................................................................................ 15

Executive Summary
Sapgaon, a village in Shahapur taluka of Thane district has a rural water supply scheme which
includes an old jackwell at the bank of Bhatsa River, rising main, pumping machinery, pump house,
two ESRs and distribution network. The scheme was completed in 2016 and was designed for 15
years capacity. The habitations served by this scheme are Sapgaon and Sherepada.

Findings and recommendations of this scheme are as follows

 Assets in poor condition

o Old jackwell used in scheme is completely deteriorated and cracked, construction of new
jackwell is needed.
 Non-compliance with DPR
o Staging height of new ESR is 9 meters whereas staging height in DPR is 12 meters.
o Scheme design consist of one ESR in practice old ESR is also used to serve some area of
village. No standby pumps are provided for pumping water in both ESR.
o Laying of distribution line deviates largely on-field from that suggested in DPR.
Drawings and design documents related to change in design of distribution network are not
available in DPR.
o Area along main Kinhavali main road is considered in design for laying pipes of distribution
network, but pipes are not laid in this area.
o 2-3 additional sub-distribution lines (not in DPR) running from Govind nagar main
distribution line are laid by Gram Pancahyat.
 Sub-optimal operations
o Scheme operations such as pumping hours, supply hours are completely deviated from
scheme design consideration. In this scheme pumps are operated for about 18 hours daily
instead of 8 hours per day as per DPR. The scheme supplies 0.45 MLD (using the two ESRs)
instead of 0.24 MLD as mentioned in the DPR.
o Parshuram Nagar which is located on high elevation has problem of low pressure, water
hardly reaches to that area. A separate valve on this sub line can be installed to control
pressure and supply enough water to this area.
 Incomplete expenditure records and unsustainable financial status
o Expenditure records in measurement book added to only 50% of the scheme budget.
Records of several complete assets were not found.
o Scheme is financially unsustainable, actual expenditure of scheme is around Rs.10,000,00
whereas actually recovery from scheme is Rs 2,60,000 considering 100% recovery from
 Success indicator score for this scheme is 58.3, which shows scheme will succeed if some
improvements are made in implementation, by adherence to DPR and operations are carried
out as per a schedule, which needs to be prepared

1. Introduction
1.1. Background
Thane Zilla Parishad empaneled Technology and Development Cell (TDSC) as the third-party
evaluator in Thane district to improve Rural Water Supply Schemes (RWSS). The broad aim
behind third-party technical evaluation of RWSS is improving sustainability, efficiency and
equitability of these schemes. The technical evaluation is done in two phases. First evaluation is
done after 30% work completion and the second after 70% work completion. Thane Zilla Parishad
has given 23 ongoing schemes under National Rural Drinking Water Program (NRDWP) for third-
party evaluation. TDSC is assessing these schemes through design verification physical asset
verification, performance and adherence of scheme to design as per Detailed Project Report
(DPR). Sapgaon Rural Water Supply Scheme is a complete scheme. Detailed study of the Sapgaon
RWSS is presented in this report.

1.2. Objectives of technical audit

The objectives of the technical audit are as follows:
 Assessment of Detailed Project Report (DPR)to know design details of assets proposed in the
scheme and to check whether supporting documents are prepared or not.
 To verify the design of key assets of scheme given in DPR is appropriate or not.
 Physical verification of assets to know whether the scheme has been implemented according to
design mentioned in the DPR.
 Checking the performance of the scheme for judging the sustainability of the scheme.
 Summarize findings and propose recommendations.

1.3. Scheme description

Sapgaon village is situated in Shahapur Taluka of Thane District. It is at distance of 4 km from
Shahapur and 59 km toward east from Thane District. Average rainfall of this area is 2663
mm.This scheme was sanctioned in year 2015-16.This scheme is designed for 15 years for
population of 5286.

Figure 1: Google earth image showing Sapgaon village

Details of the scheme which has been taken from the Detailed project report (DPR) mentioned
in the following table.

Table 1: Scheme details

Scheme Name Sapgaon Rural water supply scheme
Taluka and District Shahapur and Thane
Sanction Year 2015-2016
Source Bhatsa River
Villages and Habitations covered Sapgaon & Sherpada
Scheme capacity 0.243 MLD
Technical approval date 25/06/2014 Administrative approval Date 10/11/2014
Work Order date 10/03/2015 Time limit 18 months
Total Budget estimate Rs1,22,78,526 Budget spent
Implementation agency VWSC
(GP/ZillaParishad/MJP/ VWSC)

1.4. Site visit details

Physical verification of all assets of scheme is done by site visit. Activities carried out and
purpose of site visits are mention in following table.
Table 2: Site visit details
Sr. Visit Dates Purpose Findings
1 21/02/2017 Preliminary visit Source and Jack well visited, meet
Gramsevak and operators
2 22/02/2017 Service level Assessment Assessment of Distribution System,
distribution network shown by operators

2. DPR Assessment
2.1. Scheme overview
In Sapgaon, water supply scheme was constructed by MJP in 1988. From this old scheme, water
did not reach to Katkarwadi, Sherepada and Dalvipada. Water supplied by this scheme was not
sufficient for villagers as population has increased. Old jackwell, one pumping machinery and old
rising main upto old ESR is used in new scheme.

The new pipe water supply scheme is based on surface water. Jackwell at the Bhatsa River is the
source of Scheme. According to DPR jackwell is to be fed by trench gallery. Two 10 HP
submersible (out of two, one is standby) pumps are used to pump water from Jackwell to
Elevated service reservoirs (ESR). There are two ESRs, one from old scheme of 25,000 liters
capacity is to be used to serve zone 1 near to jackwell and other is new one constructed in
Trimbak nagar having capacity of about 1,05,000 liters is to serve zone 2 and zone 3. Water is to
be pumped through 110 mm diameter HDPE pipe 12.5 kg/sqm having length of about 1550
meters from jackwell to new ESR. Water is to be distributed to village from ESRs by gravity. From
old ESR water is distributed to zone 1 (Pandurang Nagar) and from new ESR water distributed to
zone 2 & zone 3 (Trimbak Nagar, Katkaripada, sherepada& Dalvi pada)

Figure 2: Schematic layout of the scheme

2.2. List of document in DPR

In order to check official procedure for demanding the scheme, utility of material and source
sustainability, the following documents were verified
Table 3: Document assessed
Document Present in Remarks
Demand letter YES Not signed by 40% villagers

GSDA permission/authorization YES New jack well is suggested
Yield Test NA Surface source
Material test report YES Compressive strength of concrete report
provided and ultimate stress and
elongation test of pipe provided but type
of material not mention.
Water quality test No
Budget Estimate YES
Distribution system Summary/ YES BRANCH version 3.0 output is provided
software program I/O
Key plan YES
Survey map NO

3. Scheme Assets and Attributes

This section details the verification of design given in DPR and physical asset verification on
ground against that given in DPR. Data collected on operation and financial status of the scheme
is also presented

3.1. Design verification

The first step of technical audit is design verification of different assets of the scheme. Hydraulic
design of various assets is given in the DPR; through design verification it is verified whether the
given design details of various assets are correct or not.
Table 4: Assets design details
Designing Dimensions/ From DPR From Remarks
component Material design
Population year2030 5286 5286 Average of incremental increase
forecasting method and geometric method
Demand 40 liter per capita 0.243 MLD 0.243 MLD
Raw water BHP 10 HP 10 HP Static head could not be
Pumping Standby 1 verified because pump level
machinery Head 32.95 m 32.95 m could not be measured
Pump flow rate 6.305 lps 6.305 lps
Raw Rising main Diameter 85.400 mm 90 mm During calculation, internal dia
are used but these are not
properly calculated
Storage tank Volume 105000 Liters 125000 Non-revenue water isnot taken
Liters into consideration
Distribution main 50 mm-2595 m Laying of distribution line is
65 mm-4752 m totally different from design
80 mm-552 m document
100mm-185 m
3.2. Physical assets verification
Physical verification of assets includes checking performance and adherence of the scheme to
the design mentioned in DPR. Physical assets to be verified are the source, rising main, pumping
machinery, pump house, ESRs, and distribution network. The physical assets were verified
through on-site inspections.
Table 5: Physical assets detail
Asset name Dimensions/Materi From DPR/ From Field visit Remarks
al Structural
Trench Gallery Length No trench gallery is seen,
Diameter but contractor said it is
Pipe material there old trench gallery
used in scheme
Source Diameter 6m 4.30 m Old scheme Jackwell is
(Jack well) Depth 10 m 5.30 m used, which is too old
Water column 3.75 m and cracks are seen on
Pumping BHP 10 12.5, 7.5 2 pumps are used for two
machinery Pump type Submersible Submersible rising main, No stand by
Pump flow rate 6.306 L/s pump. 7.5 BHP pump
Pressure gauge 1 0 from old scheme
Diameter (mm) 110 - 1550 110 - 1270
Length (m) - 65 – 300
Rising main Diameter 110 mm 110 mm Length measured is not
Material HDPE (110 mm) HDPE (110 mm) For the old ESR, PVC
PVC (65 mm) rising main used.
Valves Sluice valves – 2 Sluice valves – 2
Air valves - 6 Air valves - 0
Old ESR Length x width - -
New ESR Depth + Free board - - Stair case is damaged,
Volume - - capacity not measured,
Staging height - - but according to
contractor capacity is
25000 Lit
New ESR Diameter 5.60 m
Depth + Free board 4.3 + 0.3 m
Volume 105000 Liter 105363 Liter
Staging height 12 m 9m
Distribution Diameter (mm) – 100 – 185 100 – 913 Length of distribution
network Length (m) 80 – 552 80 – 1520 network laid in ground is

65 – 4752 65 – 1660 approximately 89%,
50 – 2595 50 – 2747 diameter lower than
40 – 320 lowest diameter in DPR is
G.I medium G.I medium used.
class class
Valves Sluice valves – 6 Sluice valves -15
Air valves - 2 Air valves - 0

3.3. Assets summary

 Trench gallery – On the field trench gallery not visible, because of high water level in the Bhatsa
River. According to the contractor trench gallery is there from the old scheme.
 Jack-Well – Old Jack well is used for the new scheme, which is deteriorated, cracks are seen
from the outside.

Figure 3: Source Bhatsa River and Jackwell

 Pumping Machinery – According to contractor 12.5 HP pump inserted in the Jack well which is
used for pumping water to New ESR & 7.5 HP pump from the old scheme is used for pumping
water to Old ESR. No stand by pumps in field, but DPR suggested one stand by pump of 12.5 Hp
for pumping water from jackwell to new ESR.
 Pump house –Pump house 3m * 3m is built near the jack well. It has an electric connection with
paneling but electric wires are not properly placed.

Figure 4: Pump house outside and inside view

 Rising main – Separate rising main for old ESR and New ESR. For old ESR PVC pipe used for rising
main from the old Scheme. HDPE pipe having 110 mm diameter of 1550 meter length of PE-
100class rising main runs from jackwell to new ESR. Both rising mains are of G.I material upto
pump house. Rising mains are resting on temporary support as seen in Figure 3
 ESRs–Old ESR is near to the Jack well, this was repaired. The stair for old ESR is in deteriorated
condition, not safe for use. The New ESR is 1.5 Km far from the Jackwell and has a capacity of
105000 liters. There is no overflow pipe & wash out valve in both ESRs. Staging height of new
ESR is changed from 12 m to 9 m.

Figure 5: Elevated service reservoir

Parshuram New ESR
nagar and
A Old ESR Sherepada
Pump village area
S house

I Jackwell
V Trimbak
E nagar
Village area Valve
Rising main
Distribution line
Govind nagar
Figure 6: Existing scheme diagram

 Distribution main –
Distribution network from old ESR is divided into two zones; each zone is served for about 2.30
hours and then tank is filled in 2 hours.
Two distribution main lines emerge from new ESR; one directly goes to main village area and
then it is divided in three sub lines. Each sub line has valve, water is supplied to this zone from 7
am to 10.30 pm. Second distribution line is divided into four branches, one goes toward
sherepada other to dalvipada third to Trimbaknagar and last one to Govindnagar.

Figure 7: Distribution system diagram

3.4. Scheme operations

 This scheme was completed in March 2016. Now scheme has come to hand over phase.
 Old ESR is filled in 2 hours and new ESR takes 3.30 Hours to fill completely. From both tanks,
inflow and outflows take place continuously. Pump for old ESR start from 7.am to 2.00 pm and
pump for new ESR starts from morning 7.00 am to 2.30 pm. In evening pump for new is again
started to fill the tank.
 Distribution network from old ESR is divided into two zones each zone is served for about 2.30
hours and then tank get filled in 2 hours.
 Two distribution main line emerges from new ESR one directly goes to main village area then it
divided in three sub line each sub line has valve, water is supplied to this zone from 7 am to
10.30 pm. Second distribution line divided into four branches one goes toward Sherepada other
to Dalvipada third to Trimbak nagar and last one to Govind nagar. Water supplied to
Trimbaknagar from 10.30 am to 11.30 am. Sherepada and Dalvipada gets water from 1.30 pm to
3.00 pm. Govind nagar again divided into two branches these branches are supplied water from
11.30 am to 1.30 pm.
 Total quantity of water delivered from scheme is calculated below

Table 6 Total quantity of water delivered from scheme
ESR Capacity of ESR Time to fill Flow rate Pumping hours Total quantity of
(liters) (hours) (lph) water supplied (liters)

Old ESR 25,000 2 12,500 7 87,500

New ESR 1,13,000 3.30 32,285 11.30 3,64,820

Total 4,52,320

Table 7: Flow measurement

Sr. no Location Name Size of Time Flow (lps) Water
utensil (seconds) available in 60
(liters) min (lit)
1 Jay Malhar Balanarayan 9 42 0.2142 771
Mandir (Old ESR)
2 Jay Malhar Ragunath 5 33 0.1515 545
Mandir (Old ESR) Andale
3 Aanad wadi (Old Maya Dongare 8 31 0.258 930
4 Trimbak Nagar MangiSavarle 12 45 0.266 960
5 Trimbak Nagar Ravindra 5 27 0.185 670
6 Village area from Shivram Hari 4 16 0.25 900
new ESR

Flow rates are measured mostly at tail end houses. In many areas, we could not measure the flow
because of electricity failure. From above table, we come to know that per capita supply is more
than 100 lpcd in every area.

3.5. Financial status of scheme

Total budget of each asset mentioned in DPR and actual budget spend on each asset recorded in
MB mentioned in following table

Table 8: Utilization of budget
No. Asset Total Budget of Expenditure from Remark
an Asset(Rs.) MB records (Rs.)
1. Pump house 1,10,394 ---- Not found in MB record
2. Pumping machinery 9,31,765 1,35,491 Cost of one pump and MSEB
connection not part of
3. Rising main 15,72,290 13,60,575

4. Tanks (ESR) 19,58,471 19,37,185

5. Distribution system 60,42,023 41,86,765

6. Disinfection arrangements 30,000 ---- Not found in MB record
7. Trial run 2,24,404 ---- Not found in MB record
8. Miscellaneous 3,95,356 ---- Not found in MB record
Total 1,12,64,703 56,82,831

This scheme is completed about a year ago but we found MB record which show total budget
spent is 50%. Physical completion of scheme is approximately 100%

Financial sustainability of scheme is an important aspect. Following table gives idea about
expenditure and cost recovery of scheme.
Table 9: Annual charges
Sr From DPR Actual
no Heads (Rs) (Rs)
i Annual M&R charges 2,41,216 5,27,767
ii Annual repairs 4,69,587 4,69,587
1 Total annual burden 7,10,803 9,97,354
i Taxable houses 672 360
ii Revenue from general cess 0 0
iii Revenue from household
connections 7,25,760 2,59,200
2 Total revenue 7,25,760 2,59,200

Actual hours of pumping and capacity of pump is considering while calculating actual annual M&R
charges as electricity charges is most important expenditure. Pumping hours are large in this
scheme so annual burden increases. Number of taxable houses and revenue details are collected
from Gram panchayat. This scheme is financially unsustainable as number of household
connection is very less as compare to consider household connection and tariff charges are very

4. Scheme Findings
4.1. Documentation
 Technical sanction letter is not available in DPR
 Design document of changed distribution line is not available in DPR.

4.2. Design
 Design of old rising main was not verified.
 Pumping machinery for old ESR was not designed.
 In ESR capacity of new ESR non-revenue water is not taken into consideration, but old ESR of
25,000 liters is present hence okay.

4.3. Assets
 Jack well is deteriorated; cracks are seen on the wall of Jack well.
 Wash out valve & over Flow valve not present in the both the ESR.
 Rising main is resting on temporary supports.
 Chamber is not provided anywhere for valves, if chamber is present, they are in broken
 We could not verify distribution network as survey map is not available. Design document and
drawing in villages show different picture than actual network on field.
 We did not find any air valve on rising main and distribution line whereas estimate and MB
records mention 7 air valves on rising main and 6 air valves on distribution main.
 Staging height of new ESR changed from 12 m to 9 m, in DPR 12-meter height of ESR is
suggested but in field we find 9-meter staging height.
 In many households, connections are without tap so there is a huge loss of water once their
demand is fulfilled. This leads to excess pumping and contributes to make scheme unviable.

Figure 8: household connections without tap

4.4. Coverage
 All the habitations are covered in the scheme; 86%houses have household connections.
 Parshuram Nagar which is located on high elevation has problem of low pressure, water hardly
reached to that area.
 2-3 sub distribution line running from Govind nagar main distribution lines are laid by Gram
 Area along main Kinhavali main road is considered in designed but pipes are not laid in this area.

4.5. Financials
 Expenditure records in measurement book added to only 50% of the scheme budget. Records of
several complete assets were not found
 Scheme is financially unsustainable, actual expenditure of scheme is around Rs. 10,000,00
whereas actually recovery from scheme is Rs. 2,60,000 considering 100% recovery from scheme.

4.6. Other
 TCL is added into the jackwell according to operator, no record maintained.
 The document which we gave Gramsevak, in that he mentioned VWSC was not changed, but
TDSC found totally different names from document which is attach in appendix. Charges for
MSEB connection provided for in DPR is Rs. 7,50,000 but there was a prior connection for old
scheme, so new connection was not required and pump house is close to the village.
 Commercial water connection has to pay same cost as household connection.

5. Success Indicator
Based on field verification and success indicator methodology developed at TDSC, CTARA, IIT
Bombay, success indicator score has been calculated as detailed in Appendix. For the Sapgaon RWS
scheme, the success indicator score in 4 categories and final score is as given in table below.

Table 10: Final Success Indicator score

Sr Stages Marks
no obtain
1 Planning & Design 68.5
2 Implementation 55.5
3 Operation and 52.2
4 Exit and Handover NA
Final Score 58.7
This success indicator score reflects that the scheme is likely do well if certain improvements are
done in completed. The major concerns are highlighted in the next section along with
recommendations for improving sustainability of scheme.

6. Recommendations
6.1. Scheme specific
 New jackwell is required.
 Proper concrete block construction is required to support rising main near jackwell.
 Air valve should be provided on rising main and distribution main.
 Construct chamber around operation valves to avoid damage.
 Wash out valves and overflow pipe which is connected to outflow pipe should be provided at
both ESRs.

Design and operations

 Every household connection should have tap and a fine for noncompliance.
 New design and diagram according to which distribution network laid should make available so
we can verify network.
 Sub line of distribution network which runs toward Parshuram nagar should have separate valve
on Parshuram nagar subline to control pressure for distribution to Parshuram nagar.
 Pressure gauge and air valves should be installed on rising main.
 To reduce pumping hours, proper zoning of village is needed to be done.

 Cost for commercial connection should be increased and household connection cost also needs
to be increased than current cost as water provided is above the norms.

6.2. General
 Survey map which showing nodes, its elevation and length between connective node, pipe
inventory map which showing existing and newly proposed pipe in village and map showing
valve locations in distribution network and key locations in village and habitations should be
marked in these maps. These maps help contractor in laying of distribution network and auditor
during verification of network
 Bulk water meter should be installed in the scheme so quantity of water supplied can be
 Pump operating schedule, valve operating schedule and supply schedule should be available in

Prepared by
Prof. Om
Vaishali Bharambe Damani
Project Engineer TDSC, IIT
TDSC, IIT Bombay Bombay
Checked by


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