Location Survey For Roads - Practical
Location Survey For Roads - Practical
Location Survey For Roads - Practical
The aim of location survey for roads is to select a route with the following points kept
in mind:
ADDITIONAL NOTES ; https://www.aboutcivil.org/location-survey-for-roads.html
Before field survey for any highway location is started, tentative decision, regarding
the design speed of the route, its cross-section, and the maximum grade must be
made. These decisions made are based on the:
RESULTING ROUTE: After comparison of the different alternative design, the route is
selected which has cheapest overall cost, considering capital investment,
maintenance, expense and saving to the road user.
The rural highway location and design process is elaborated in a flow chart given
below (which are then discussed one by one.)
The possible desk study for highway of an area include; Maps, Aerial photographs,
charts or graphs to obtains, engineering data, environmental data, social data,
economic data. Following characteristics should be learnt in the desk study of the area
for location survey for roads:
Engineering Data:
All details of the topography, soil and problems like drainage and maintenance, should
be investigated before a scientific plan programmed can be suggested. The
engineering data includes following things:
Environmental Data:
ADDITIONAL NOTES ; https://www.aboutcivil.org/location-survey-for-roads.html
Social Data:
The social data obtained may be analysed for future trends in development of an
area. It includes:
Economic Data:
The economic data is essential to study the various financial aspects like source of
income and manner in which funds for project may be mobilized for location survey for
roads. It includes:
The objective is to identify several feasible routes. Following two methods can be
employed for reconnaissance survey:
Either or both of the below methods are undertaken to identify factors such as: Terrain
and soil conditions, Serviceability, Crossing of other transportation facilities,
Directness of route, Environmentally sensitive areas etc.
In this method a field survey party inspects a fairly broad stretch of land along the
proposed alternative routes of the map in the field for location survey for roads.
Intensive reconnaissance is very important for highway location in a new country as
well as where completes abandonment and replacement of an existing road are
planned. The various steps of reconnaissance for highway location in a rural area are:
ADDITIONAL NOTES ; https://www.aboutcivil.org/location-survey-for-roads.html
After the preferred location has been established, the preliminary location survey
serves as basis for fixing the actual highway location. Economic evaluation of each
possible route is considered along with Environmental Evaluation as highway
construction has a significant impact on surroundings.
ADDITIONAL NOTES ; https://www.aboutcivil.org/location-survey-for-roads.html
Conventionally the baseline of preliminary survey i.e. P-line should follow as closely
as possible to the expected final line. The surrounding are then related to this P-line.
Elevations - At 100 ft and at breaks in the ground provide data for profile and serve as
starting point for cross-sections that covers a strip of land on each side of P-line.
1. Standard of accuracy.
2. Speed of work and instrument used.
However accurate measurements are used for checking the accuracy of final location.
The next step is to plot plan and profile of the preliminary line.
Final location is essentially fixing of the details of the projected highway. In this phase
detailed layout of the selected route is finalized which includes Horizontal/vertical
alignments, Positions of structures and drainage channels, Trial-and-error process by
the designer for engineering and aesthetic factors. It serves the dual purpose of:
The line should be established as closely as is practical to the line drawn on the
preliminary map. It should follow the major and minor control points and the alignment
that was determined in previous surveys. It is useful to make a new profile and
accurate cross-section from which excavation and embankment quantities can be
The final reconnaissance survey should have sufficient points of curvature and
tangency and benchmarks at relatively close interval to avoid missing out any details.
The position of these points should be free from disturbance by construction activities
or other reasons. Direction of all property lines, distance to property corners and
location of building, fences and other infrastructure should also be marked. It is
important to keep notes on alignment and levels i.e. notes taken in field during the final
location survey usually becomes part of permanent record.
ADDITIONAL NOTES ; https://www.aboutcivil.org/location-survey-for-roads.html
The final location survey for roads is complete when all necessary information in
available and ready for designer to use. It in insured that all information required
preparation of complete construction. All information pertaining to the following factors
must be completely available:
1. Alignment
2. Topography
3. Bench mark levels
4. Cross sections
5. Section corner ties and other land ties
6. Drainage and utilities