NFPA Ratings / NFPA Diamond: (NFPA - National Fire Protection Association) Participant Guide
NFPA Ratings / NFPA Diamond: (NFPA - National Fire Protection Association) Participant Guide
NFPA Ratings / NFPA Diamond: (NFPA - National Fire Protection Association) Participant Guide
Participant Guide
This unit provides content information about the NFPA (National Fire Protection Association)
ratings and related NFPA diamond. By the end of this unit you will be able to interpret NFPA
diamonds and relate specific chemicals to NFPA hazard types and levels. This information will
prepare you to quickly identify the potential dangers associated with chemicals used in
microsystems fabrication.
NFPA Diamond
Prior knowledge of the terminology associated with hazardous materials would be beneficial.
See SCME Hazardous Materials I and II.
NFPA Standard
The NFPA ratings were developed by the U.S. National Fire Protection Association. The NFPA
diamond is a pictorial representation of these ratings as defined in the NFPA 704 standard. The
NFPA diamond is sometimes referred to as the "fire diamond". It is used by emergency personal,
employees, students, and the general public to quickly identify the potential hazards of a chemical.
In a NFPA diamond, each smaller diamond represents a particular hazard. The hazards shown are
• Flammability (red),
• Health Hazard (blue),
• Reactivity (yellow), and
• Special (white).
NFPA Ratings
NFPA Ratings
Each level represents a specific degree of hazard depending on the category. Some sections, such as
Flammability, are well defined and based on a chemical’s flashpoint. However, the Health rating
can be somewhat subjective. This could be dependent upon the manufacturer’s interpretation of the
MSDS and the concentration of a chemical. At times you might see different levels for the same
chemical. Let’s look into each section in more detail.
4 – Extremely flammable.
Will vaporize at normal pressure and normal
[Flashpoint below 73°F (23°C)]
These are some of the symbols used in the WHITE of a NFPA diamond.
What flammability rating would be given to a chemical that may ignite under most ambient
conditions and has a flashpoint less than 100 F?
What health rating would a chemical have that may cause irritation or minimal residual injury?
What reactivity rating would a chemical have that was capable of reacting violently or forming
explosive mixtures with water?
Which of the following would one NOT find in the white section of a NFPA diamond?
1. COR
2. Goggles required
3. OX
4. Reacts with bleach
The NFPA diamond is a reliable warning symbol used on labels, doors, compressed gas cylinders,
and other chemical storage devices. Variations of this diamond are found throughout laboratories,
manufacturing facilities, and microsystems fabrication facilities.
What are ways to remember the colors and their respective warning (health, fire, reactivity or
Develop a formula or system for associating the level's flashpoint temperature with its rating.
Develop a formula or system for associating the level's health or reactivity rating.
1. OSHA (
2. National Fire Protection Association (
3. The MSDS HyperGlossary ( )
The information contained herein is considered to be true and accurate; however the Southwest
Center for Microsystems Education (SCME) makes no guarantees concerning the authenticity of
any statement. SCME accepts no liability for the content of this unit, or for the consequences of
any actions taken on the basis of the information provided.
Support for this work was provided by the National Science Foundation's Advanced Technological
Education (ATE) Program.