Introduction To Verilog: Dr. Ahmad Almulhem

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Introduction to Verilog

Dr. Ahmad Almulhem

edited from

1. In order to write an Verilog HDL description of any circuit you will need to write a module which is
the fundamental descriptive unit in Verilog. A module is a set of text describing your circuit and is
enclosed by the keywords module and endmodule.

2. As the program describes a physical circuit you will need to specify the inputs, the outputs, the behavior
of the circuit and how the gates are wired. To accomplish this, you need the keywords input, output,
and wire to define the inputs, outputs and the wiring between the gates, respectively.

3. There are multiple ways to model a circuit

• gate-level modeling,
• data ow modeling,
• behavioral modeling,
• or a combination of the above.

4. A simple program modeling a circuit (see Figure 2) at the gate-level, is provided below.

Program 1 Simple program in Verilog modeling a circuit at the gate-level

module simple_circuit(output D,E, input A,B,C);
wire w1;

and G1(w1,A,B);
not G2(E,C);
or G3(D,w1,E);
endmodule // no semi-colon

5. As seen above the outputs come first in the port list followed by the inputs.

6. Single line comments begin with //

G3 D

C G2 E

Figure 2: Simple Circuit

7. Multi-line comments are enclosed by /* */

8. Verilog is case sensitive.

9. A simple program modeling a circuit using data ow, is provided below.

Program 2 Simple program in Verilog modeling a circuit using data ow

module simple_circuit(output D,E, input A,B,C);

assign D = (A & B) | ~C;

assign E = ~C;


10. You can identifiers describing multiple bits known as vectors. For example you may write Program 2

Program 3 Simple program in Verilog modeling a circuit using data ow using vectors
module simple_circuit(output [1:0] Y, input [0:2] X);

assign Y[1] = (X[0] & X[1]) | ~X[2];

assign Y[0] = ~X[2];


In this example, we have the input as three bits representing A, B, C and we have denoted them
as [0:2] X which means we have three bits with the index 0 representing the MSB. We could have
specified it as [2:0] X in which case the index 2 represents the MSB.

11. Given an identifier [7:0] X you can assign it values by

assign [7:0] X = 8’b00101011;
where the 8’b specifies that we are defining an 8-bit binary number and 00101011 is that 8-bit binary
number. You can also assign parts of the number as
assign [2:0] X = 3’b101;
which assigns only the last three bits of X.
Verilog - Behavioral Modeling
1. always and reg
1. Behavioral modeling use the keyword always.

2. Target output is of type reg. Unlike a wire, reg is updated only when a
new value is assigned. In other words, it is not continuously updated as
wire data types.
3. always may be followed by an event control expression.

4. always is followed by the symbol @ followed by a list of variables. Each

time there is a change in those variables, the always block is executed.

5. There is no semicolon at the end of the always block.

6. The list of variables are separated by logical operator or and not bitwise
OR operator ”—”.

7. Below is an example of an always block.

always @(A or B)

3.2.2 if-else Statements

if-else statements provide means for a conditional output based on the argu-
ments of the if statement.

3.2.3 case Statements

case Statements provide an easy way to represent a multi-branch conditional

1. The first statement that makes a match is executed.

2. Unspecified bit patterns could be treated using default keyword.


output out;
input s,A,B;
reg out;


if (s) out = A; //if select is 1 then out is A

else out = B; //else output is B


Program 1 four-to-one line multiplexer

module mux_4x1_example(
output reg out,
input [1:0] s, // select is represented by 2 bits
input in_0, in_1, in_2, in_3

always @(in_0, in_1, in_2, in_3, s)

case (s) //no semi-colon
2’b00: out = in_0; //if s is 00 then output is in_0
2’b01: out = in_1; //else if s is 01 then out is in_1
2’b10: out = in_2; //else if s is 10 then out is in_2
2’b11: out = in_3; //else if s is 11 then out is in_3
endcase //case statement ends with endcase

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