Chapter 1-5 (Template For Final Paper)

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1 The Problem and Its Background 00

Introduction 00

Theoretical Framework 00

Conceptual Framework 00

Statement of the Problem 00

Hypotheses 00

Significance of the Study 00

Scope and Limitation of the Study 00

Definition of Terms 00

2 Review of Related Literature and Studies 00

Local Literature 00

Foreign Literature 00

Local Studies 00

Foreign Studies 00
Synthesis of Related Literature and Studies 00

3 Methodology 00

Research Design 00

Population 00

Research Instrument 00

Data Gathering Procedures 00

Statistical Treatment of Data 00

4 Presentation, Analysis and Interpretation of Data 00

Sub-problem No. 1 00

Sub-problem No. 2 00

Sub-problem No. 3 00

Sub-problem No. 4 00

Sub-problem No. 5 00

Sub-problem No. 6 00

5 Summary, Conclusion and Recommendation 00

Summary 00

Conclusion 00

Recommendation 00







The Problem and Its Background


This section discusses the rationale of the study and a

brief statement of the origin of the problem. It is an

account describing the circumstances, which suggested the

research. This includes the background of the study; a short

description of its relevance and the motivation of the

researcher in conducting the study.

Theoretical Framework

The researcher should cite a theory or concept that

would serve as the framework of the research study, and

further support the paradigm.

Conceptual Framework

The conceptual framework will be used and to be

presented through a paradigm such as the INPUT-PROCESS-

OUTPUT (IPO) model.

The Input-Process-Output (IPO) Model must be observed

the following:

(a) The columns must be of equal size.

(b) Feedback loops must be properly indicated.


Figure 1. Input-Process-Output System of the Research Study

Figure 1 shows the relationship in the Input-Process-

Output System of the research study. The system started with

the INPUT which contained the ……………………………………………………………

The PROCESS shows how the input was processed through


Lastly, the OUTPUT shows the result of the study which

is the ………………………………………………………………………………

Statement of the Problem



Research Hypothesis

This is stated in the null form. Use Hypotheses for

more than one hypothesis.


The following hypotheses raised in this study will be

tested at 0.05 levels of significance are as follows:

1. There is no significant difference/relationship


Scope and Limitation of the Study

It must discuss the “why,” “who,” “what,” “where,”

and “when” of the study, It also identifies the

constraints, limitations, and weaknesses of the study. The

scope and limitation should be discussed in separate



The study was limited to the following:

1. The Setting.
2. The Subjects.
3. The Respondents.
4. Time Frame.

Significance of the Study

It must identify the stakeholders or who will benefit

from the study and their benefits.


The results of this study will be beneficial to the


1. The University/College Administrators.

2. Personnel officers
3. Faculty members.
4. Researchers.
5. Readers.
Definition of Terms

Define the variables used in the study. Terms should

be alphabetically arranged. Acronyms and abbreviations

should be spelled out. For two or more worded terms, only

the first letter of the first word should be capitalized,

unless otherwise indicated. Sources of conceptual and

technical definitions should be properly acknowledged.


Review of Related Literature and Studies

Related Literature
Foreign Source
Local Source

Related Studies
Foreign Source
Local Source

Synthesis of Related Literature and Studies

Only studies related to the purpose or findings of the

current study should be included in the review. The

discussion of such studies should be in the form of a brief

critical analysis of the purpose, method of study, principal

findings, and conclusions. Point out how each of the studies

reviewed relates to the problem at hand. Reviewed

literature must be copyrighted within the last ten years

while five years for studies. With less than five

materials, there is no need to categorize.

The place of publication determines whether the

literature/studies cited are foreign or local


The related literature cited in this study such as of

________________ are related with the study since their

citing were on _______________., Moreover, the citations

from ______________________ are ___________________________.

It is also relevant since this proposed study also focused

on the __________________________________________.

The local literature reviewed in this study serves as

the basis of legitimacy in the proceeding of the present


The reviewed studies are relevant to the present

investigations since the focused, findings and conclusions

of ____________________________. Moreover, the studies

conducted by __________________________ are about the

_____________________________, while this paper focused on

the ________________________________________________.

This study focused mainly on ________________________.


Method of Research and Procedures

Method of Research Used

Identify the research method utilized in the study.

Discuss its appropriateness to the present study.

Acknowledge authority, source of the method used.


This study used the ……………………………………………………………………

Unstructured interviews and documentary analysis were

also utilized to establish valid and reliable data and

information provided by the respondents in the

questionnaires prepared by the researcher.

Population and Sampling

Discuss the population, sample, sampling scheme, and

sources of evidence. Present where the study was

confined/restricted to a particular place or district.

Present these in tables. Identify the sampling

technique used.


The researcher utilized the ………………………………………………………

Respondents of the Study

Present in tabular/graphical form with a textual

discussion of the demographic profile of the

respondents/subjects of the study.


The respondents of the study were the …………………………………

The following criteria were considered in determining

the target population involved in this study:

1. The first group of the respondents was the……………………

2. The second group of the respondents was the ………………

3. And etc.
Research Instrument Used

This describes the adoption, construction, validation,

and administration of the research instrument. Instruments

include tests, questionnaires, interview guides and/or

schedules, etc. Apparatus, devices and laboratory equipment

used should be described.

Upon the approval of this study, the researcher

proceeded to the validation of the questionnaire. It was

presented to several recognized experts in this field of

study for their comments and suggestions (Content

Validation). The said experts are currently active in the

field of research. A dry run of the questionnaire was

undertaken to one of the locales of the study

The final questionnaire was then re-studied and re-

examined. Items were analyzed for ambiguity, and then re-

structured and re-organized for clarity and coherence.


This study utilized the researcher-made questionnaires

as the main data-gathering instruments. The said instrument

was developed after thorough reading and examination of

related literature and studies, and several questionnaires

as the main data-gathering instrument of similar studies

were reviewed by the researcher. The items were taken from

the related literature and studies presented by the

researcher in Chapter two (2).

The questionnaire had the following parts:

Part I elicited the basic personal information on the

respondents. The data gathered from this part was used to

describe the profile of the respondents.

Part II determined the assessment of the respondents on

the ……………………………………………………………………

Part III bring out the ………………………………………………………

An unstructured interview with the respondents was

conducted to supplement the data obtained through the

questionnaire. The interviews yielded information, which

gave more insight into the actual delivery of the practices

about the above-mentioned study. The information obtained

was further analyzed and interpreted throughout the research


The data gathered from the unstructured interview was

further used to supplement the answer on (indicate what

particular sub-problem in the SOP) …………………………………………………

The documentary analysis will also be utilized to

gather the information that was not obtained through the

questionnaire. Documentary analysis is a means of gathering

data through the use of recently published books, magazines,

brochures, periodicals, journals, documents, and foreign and

local studies.

Data Gathering Procedures

The procedures followed in conducting the study should

be explained in complete detail. Techniques, devices, and

procedures that were followed should be described. This

section tells the reader what you have done and how you do


Present procedures chronologically.


The needed data in this study follows the following

gathering procedures:

1. Letter of request in the conduct the study and

administer the questionnaire with the target respondents

from the selected ……………………………………………………… (for details please

see Appendix ____).

2. Upon approval, the questionnaires were scheduled for

distribution. This was done personally by the researcher

and sought the assistance of her colleagues.

3. And etc.

Statistical Treatment of the Data

Describe briefly how the data collected are to be

processed. Provide the formula for each statistical tool

used and identify the sub-problem to which it is used.

Acknowledge authority-source cited.


The following statistical tools will be used in the

analyses and interpretation of the data:

● Sub-Problem 1 which pertains to the………………; the

…………………. will be applied.

● Sub-Problem 2 is to test if ………………….; ……………… will

be applied

● Sub-Problem 3 is about the…………; …………. Will be


● Sub-Problem 4 to determine the …………………;…………. Will

be applied

The following formula will be used

1. The weighted mean

= the computed weighted mean
= the sum of the products of the
option and the weights; and
N = the number of the subjects.

The five (5)-point Likert scale to determine the

assessment of the respondent as to the following:

Scale Range Descriptive Interprétation

5 4.20–5.00 Very Great Extent

4 3.40–4.19 Great Extent

3 2.60–3.39 Moderate Extent

2 1.80–2.59 Least Extent

1 1.00–1.79 Very Least Extent

2. The t – test will be computed using the following formula


= mean of the first group

= mean of the second group

(S1)2 = Standard deviation of the first group squared

(S2)2 =Standard deviation of the second group squared

N1 = Sample size (first group)

N2 = Sample size (second group)

The following help compute the t-test:

● The Mean (Formula)


= the arithmetic mean

ΣX = sum of the scores

N = number of the scores

● Standard Deviation(Formula)


SD = Standard Deviation

∑d2 = sum of the difference in variance squared

Presentation, Analysis, and Interpretation of Data
(Include an introductory paragraph about the chapter.)

Present only relevant data. Individual scores or raw

data should not be reported in the text. If these need to
be included at all, they should be placed in the appendix.

The textual presentation should supplement or expand

the contents of tables and charts, rather than duplicate
them. Do not expect the tables and figures to do the entire
communication for you. The analysis of data should be
objective and logical. Facts, not opinions, should prevail.
Note all relevant results, including those that run counter
to the hypotheses.

In reporting statistical tests of significance, include

information concerning the obtained magnitude or value of
the test, the degrees of freedom, the probability level, and
the direction of the effect.

Enrich the interpretation by relating findings with the

reviewed related literature and studies.
Sample of Presentation to avoid breaking the table

Option # 1
Table 00
Tittle of the table…………………………………………………………………………………………………………

Textual interpretation, analysis and as supported by related

literature and studies…………………………………………………………………………………………………

Option # 2

Textual interpretation, analysis and as supported by related

literature and studies…………………………………………………………………………………………………

Table 00
Tittle of the table…………………………………………………………………………………………………………

Continuation of textual interpretation, analysis and as

supported by related literature and studies……………………………………………

Option # 3

Textual interpretation, analysis and as supported by related

literature and studies…………………………………………………………………………………………………

Table 00
Tittle of the table…………………………………………………………………………………………………………
Summary, Conclusions, and Recommendations

This chapter contains an overview of the research and

it gives a brief restatement of the problem, the procedures,
and findings. It should not contain any new information but
should briefly recapitulate the entire content of the paper.

Presenting the Summary of Findings:

1. Follow the order of presentation of sub-
2. Include textual and numerical data
3. No inference nor interpretation
4. No elaboration
5. Only outstanding or salient data are included

Presenting the Conclusions:

1. Follow the order of presentation of sub-
2. Use brief but generalized statements derived
from the findings
3. Should not be repetitions of statements
anywhere in the body
4. Exclude numerical data
Presenting the Recommendations:
1. Measures or solutions offered should be
feasible, practical, and attainable
2. Address to persons, agencies, or offices which
are in a position to implement them
3. Identify areas for further research


The reference materials include: (Follow this
1. Appendix
2. Bibliography
3. Curriculum Vitae
4. Research Output (e.g., instructional materials,
workbook, etc.)

This includes:
1. Signed permission to conduct the study
2. Questionnaire or other research instrument used
3. Supplementary illustrative materials
4. Achievement tests, etc.

Appendices should be identified with capital letters.

1. Only the sources used in the study should be
listed in the bibliography.
2. All materials should be arranged alphabetically
within the category.
3. Refer to Campbell/Ballou/Slade, Form and
Style.8 ed. And other references on scientific


It includes the following:
1. Personal Information
2. Educational Qualifications
3. Work Experience
(The researcher may use his/her own format).

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