Pokémon in 5th Edition - The Homebrewery

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The key takeaways are that Pokémon 5e aims to translate the Pokémon universe and gameplay into a tabletop roleplaying system using existing 5e D&D rules. Players take on the role of Pokémon trainers who battle and bond with Pokémon, rather than focusing on combat themselves.

In Pokémon 5e, players take on the role of Pokémon trainers rather than powerful adventurers. Their survival depends on the status of the Pokémon under their command rather than their own combat abilities. The focus shifts from player combat to Pokémon battling and bonding.

The main components of creating a Pokémon trainer character are choosing a race, taking the Pokémon Trainer class, selecting starter Pokémon, and outfitting themselves with Pokéballs and supplies for their Pokémon journey.

Pokémon in 5th Edition

How to run your own Pokémon role-playing game using existing 5e rules.

Based on the orginal game by Satoshi Taijiri
© Game Freak © Nintendo Company Inc.
We do not claim ownership of anything related to Pokémon or Dungeons and Dragons.
No profits are made from the release of this supplement 0
Images in this supplement come from FreePNG.com
Pokémon images in Stat Block section come from bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net
Inspiration and Ideas from: Pokémon Tabletop United, Pokérole, Sakutian from trulyoutofcharacter.wordpress.com

Special Thanks
To JaggedSun for his orignial draft of this document

Pokémon 5e

okémon 5e is very different than any other D&D
game you have played before. No longer is your Table Of Contents
PC a powerhouse with a slew of dangerous 1. Creating a Pokémon Trainer
spells and deadly weapons. You are now a a. Pokémon Trainer Class
Pokémon trainer – a mortal in control of your b. Starter Pokémon
Pokémon with an iron fist or a gentle heart. As c. Pokémon Control
such, player characters have normal abilities d. Specializations
and skills, but your focus is not in hand to hand e. Trainer Paths
combat. Your ability to stay in the game is dependent on the
status of the Pokémon in your control. Although the threat of 2. Catching Pokémon
death is still very real, the battling and utility in the game is
mostly transferred to your Pokémon. 3. Pokémon Care
a. Active Pokémon
This guide is an overview of special rules/changes in order to b. Healing
run an effective Pokémon role-playing game using existing 5e c. Nature
D&D rules. It is intended as a suppliment to the core
rulebooks of 5e Dungeons and Dragons. 4. Battling Pokémon
a. Combat
b. Switching Pokémon
c. Attacks of Opportunity
d. Moves and Move Power

5. Types
a. Dual Typing
b. Multiple Resistances and Vulnerabilities

6. Bond System
a. Pokémon and DEath
b. Manipulating Bond Levels
c. Benefits and Detriments of Bond Levels

7. Pokémon and Character Advancement

a. Pokémon Experience
b. Pokémon Advancement
c. Evolution
d. Character Advancement

8. Other Changes
a. New Status Effects
b. Trainer Death Saving Throws
c. Challenge Rating
d. Pokémon Armor Class

9. Running a Game
a. Building Encounters
b. Starting Past Level 1

10. Additional Items

a. Pokéballs
b. Miscellaneous
c. X-Items
d. Vitamins
e. Evolutionary Stones
f. TMs/HMs
g. Berries
h. Held Items
i. Basic Restoratives

11. Feats

12. Appendix
a. Experience by CR/Level
b. Character Sheets

1. Creating a Pokémon Trainer
You want to be the very best – that no one ever was? Follow Pokéslots Prof Max
these guidelines to create your Pokémon Trainer! Any Level Bonus Features Pokéslots CR
existing 5e race from the PHB can be chosen, but players A Trainer can carry any number of Pokémon in their pack.
1st +2 Starter Pokémon, 3 1/2
must play the class of Pokémon Trainer. However, a trainer can only use a number of Pokémon each Specialization
day equal to their availiable Pokéslots. For each Pokeslot you
have you must pick a single Pokémon to use that day. Once 2nd +2 Trainer Path Feature, 3 1
Class Features all of your chosen Pokémon for a day have fainted or been Control Upgrade
killed you can no longer send out any Pokémon during that 3rd +2 Control Upgrade 3 3
The Pokémon Trainer class has the following features:
day. You can change the list of prepared Pokémon when you
4th +2 Ability Score 3 5
finish a long rest. Trainers gain an additional Pokéslot at
Hit Points levels 5, 10, and 15.
Improvement, Control
Hit Dice: 1d6 per level Upgrade
Hit Points at 1st Level: 6 + your Constitution modifier 5th +3 Trainer Path Feature, 4 5
Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d6 + your Constitution Pokéslot
modifier. 6th +3 Trainer Orders, Control 4 6
Proficiencies Upgrade
The Pokémon Trainer
Armor: None 7th +3 Specialization 4 6
Weapons: None
8th +3 Ability Score 4 8
Tools: Pokéballs Improvement, Control
Saving Throws: Charisma Upgrade
Skills: Choose two from Animal Handling, Insight, 9th +4 Trainer Path Feature 4 8
Intimidation, Investigation, Medicine, Nature, Perception,
10th +4 Pokéslot, Control 5 9
Persuasion, Sleight of Hand, Stealth, Survival. Upgrade
Equipment 11th +4 Trainer's Resolve 5 9
You start with the following equipment, in addition to the
equipment granted by your background: 12th +4 Ability Score 5 11
Improvement, Control
• 5 Pokéballs Upgrade
• 1 potion 13th +5 Pokémon Tracker 5 11
• (a) a dungeoneer’s pack, (b) explorer’s pack, (c) scholar's
14th +5 Control Upgrade 5 12
pack, or (d) burglar's pack
• A Pokédex 15th +5 Trainer Path Feature, 6 12
• A starter Pokémon Pokéslot
• $1000 + $10 x 4d4 16th +5 Ability Score 6 12
Trainer License and Bonds 17th +6 Control Upgrade 6 13
Only licensed trainers are permitted to capture Pokémon. 18th +6 Specialization 6 13
Their trainer license allows trainers to gain access to special
services at Pokémon centers and to purchase goods at the 19th +6 Ability Score 6 13
Poké Mart. Trainers can lose their license for attacking other Improvement
trainers or their Pokémon, or failing to take care of their own 20th +6 Control Upgrade, Master 6 15
Pokémon. Losing your license is also tied to how much your Trainer
Pokémon trust you and your skills as a Pokémon trainer. If
your Pokémon distrust you enough they may leave your side.
If such a thing happens too often, you may be required to turn
in your license. How much your Pokémon trust you is shown
by their bond level. You can read more about the bond system
in chapter 6.

Starter Pokémon
A trainer must begin with any single unevolved Pokémon of
CR 1/2 or lower. This Pokémon starts at Bond Level +1
(reference section 6 for information on the Bond System).

Pokédex Pokémon Tracker
A hand-held computer with an advanced camera and image
recognition software. A trainer can use an action to identify a At level 13, you have already spent countless hours in the
conscious Pokémon within 60 feet using the Pokédex's wild, searching for Pokémon high and low. Once per long
scanner. Doing so registers the Pokémon on the Pokédex, rest, you may make a DC 15 WIS check to search for
and reveals the Pokémon's base CR, that particular Pokémon in the nearby area. On a success you learn a list of
Pokémon's level, and some brief facts about the species. wild Pokémon can be found in the nearby area.

Trainer Orders Master Trainer

At 6th level you have a basic understanding of how to work You have finally achieved the title of Master Trainer. Your
with your Pokémon as a team. As a bonus action if you can Pokémon are at peak fighting performance. When you or
see your Pokémon, are within 30 ft of your Pokémon, and your Pokémon fail a saving throw, you may choose to succeed
your Pokémon can hear you, you can give your Pokémon one instead. This feature can be used twice per long rest.
of the following Trainer Orders. You can use Trainer Orders a
number of times each day equal to your charisma modifier
(minimum one). At the end of a long rest you regain all uses
Pokémon Control
of Trainer Orders. The stronger the Pokémon, the more difficult they are to
control. The type of Pokémon you can control in the game
Attack Order: Choose one target your Pokémon can attack. depends on the level of your character. Pokémon with a
You point out the target's weaknesses allowing your active higher CR than can be controlled can still be caught, but will
Pokémon to have advantage on their next melee attack if not leave its Pokéball until the trainer is powerful enough to
that attack is against the target. control them. The maximum Pokémon CR that you can
Defend Order: If your Pokémon is vunerable to any damage control increases as you level up as shown in the table above.
type, you can remove one of those vunerabilities from your
Pokémon until after it takes damage once.
Dodge Order: The next time your Pokémon is forced to
make a saving throw they must roll an additional 1d6 and
add the number rolled to their result. This bonus can stack.

Trainer's Resolve
By the time you reach 11th level, you have had your fair share
of experience in difficult battles and have emerged victorious
and strong. You are now immune to fear, and may choose a
second saving throw to become proficient in.

Specializations Psychic
You gain the ability to use the Message cantrip, ignoring
Players may choose a specialization from the following list, components. Add a +1 bonus to all skill checks made by any
granting them bonuses depending on the type of Pokémon of your psychic Pokémon.
they train. Specializations that give a bonus to skill checks
can be chosen again for an additional +1 bonus for each time Swimmer:
it is chosen. Gain a swim speed equal to your movement speed. Add a +1
bonus to all skill checks made by any of your water Pokémon.

Bird Keeper Ruin Maniac

You gain proficiency in Perception. Add a +1 bonus to all skill You gain proficiency in History. Add a +1 bonus to all skill
checks made by any of your bird Pokémon. checks made by any of your steel Pokémon.

Bug Maniac Punk

You gain Proficiency in Nature. Add a +1 bonus to all skill You gain proficiency in Intimidation. Add a +1 bonus to all
checks made by any of your bug Pokémon. skill checks made by any of your dark Pokémon.

Picnicker Traveler
You gain proficiency in Survival. Add a +1 bonus to all skill You gain proficiency in two languages of your choice. Add a
checks made by any of your ground Pokémon. +1 bonus to all skill checks made by any of your ice Pokémon.

Dragon Tamer Fairy Tale Expert

Increase your Wisdom by +1. Add a +1 bonus to all skill You gain proficiency in Religion. Add a +1 bonus to all skill
checks made by any of your dragon Pokémon. checks made by any of your fairy Pokémon.

Rocker Ninja
Increase your Intelligence by +1. Add a +1 bonus to all skill You gain proficiency in Stealth. Add a +1 bonus to all skill
checks made by any of your electric Pokémon. checks made by any of your poison Pokémon.

Pyromaniac Actor
Increase your Charisma by +1. Add a +1 bonus to all skill You gain proficiency in Performance and Deception.
checks made by any of your fire Pokémon.
Gardener You are surprisingly adept at riding your bike. You own a
You gain proficiency in Nature. Add a +1 bonus to all skill foldable trick bike which you can unfold as an action to
checks made by any of your grass Pokémon. perform trick maneuvers or gain a burst of speed. When
using the bike for tricks you gain a +2 to Acrobatics checks
Martial Artist and a +10 feet to your horizontal jumps. If you are biking on a
Increase your Strength, Constitution, or Dexterity by +1. Add smooth surface (such as concrete) your movement speed
a +1 bonus to all skill checks made by any of your fighting becomes 80 feet. If you are biking on a difficult surface (such
Pokémon. as a forest trail) your movement speed becomes 40 feet.

Hiker PokéFan
Increase your Strength, Constitution, or Dexterity by +1. Add You can use your Pokédex as a bonus action instead of a
a +1 bonus to all skill checks made by any of your rock regular action. Your Pokédex also has a range of 100 feet.
Sailor Increase your Intelligence by +1. Add a +2 bonus to all skill
Increase your Strength, Constitution, or Dexterity by +1. Add checks made by any of your artificial or fossil Pokémon.
a +1 bonus to all skill checks made by any of your water
Pokémon. Cool Trainer
Increase your Constitution score by +1. Add a +1 bonus to all
Mystic skill checks made by any of your normal Pokémon.
You gain proficiency in Arcana. Add a +1 bonus to all skill
checks made by any of your ghost Pokémon. Rich Trainer
Choose a TM to add to your inventory.
Increase your Strength, Dexterity, Constitution, or Charisma Grunt
by +1. You gain proficiency in the Investigation skill. The first time any of your Pokémon drop to Bond Level -3,
they stay at Bond Level -2 instead.
Pokémon Collector Doctor
Once per long rest as an action you can choose one Pokémon You can use Basic Restorative items and Berries as a bonus
to look for. You know if that Pokémon can be found within a 5 action twice per long rest
mile radius and the general direction to travel to increase
your chances of finding that Pokémon. Burglar
You gain proficiency in Stealth and Slight of Hand
When haggling for prices on buying or selling items you get a Bodybuilder
+5 to any Charisma checks. You gain proficiency in Acrobatics and Athletics

Musician Poké Maniac

When you gain a new Pokémon without an established You gain proficiency in History and Insight
nature you can roll twice for its nature choosing one of the
results to take. Camper
You gain proficiency in Nature and Survival
If you spend at least 1 minute observing or interacting with Medium
another creature outside combat, you can learn certain You gain proficiency in Medicine and Religion
information about is capabilities compared to your own. The
DM tells you if the creature is your equal, superior, or inferior Hex Maniac
in regard to two of the following characteristics of your You gain proficiency in Arcana and Intimidation
choice: Strength score, Dexterity score, Consitution score,
Armor Class, Current hit pionts, total levels. You can use this Beauty
specialization an amount of times equal to your Intelligence You gain proficiency in Persuasion and Animal Handling
score per long rest (minimum one).
Lone Wolf You can recall your Pokemon to their Pokeball from a range
You gain darkvision. With it you can see in dim light within 60 of 120 feet. However, when you send out a new Pokemon
feet of you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it they must still be within 60 ft of your person.
were dim light. You can't discern color in darkness, only
shades of gray.
When you switch out your Pokemon that Pokemon may
Firebreather immediately move as far as their movement speed.
You learn the Dancing Lights cantrip

You learn the Druidcraft cantrip

Aroma Lady
You learn the Virtue cantrip

You learn the Light cantrip

You learn the Friends cantrip

You learn the Guidance cantrip

You gain proficiency with three tool sets of your choice

Your land movement speed increases by 15 ft

The care and attention you show to your Pokémon is
Trainer Paths Hobbyist returned in kind. When you reach level 15, your Pokémon
You think being a trainer requires being good at a little bit of have advantage on saving throws against negative status
There are many ways and reasons to train Pokémon, ranging
everything. You can choose two of your skill proficiencies. effects.
from a desire for adventure to a wish to learn more about
them. At the 2nd level choose one of the following paths: Your proficiency bonus is doubled for any ability check you
make that uses either of the chosen proficiencies. In addition,
if your Pokémon are proficient in either of those skills, they
Ace Trainer too double their proficiency bonus to those ability checks.
Your goal is to become one of the strongest trainers in the
world, and so you excel in battle. All of your Pokémon gain a Versatile:
+1 bonus to their attack and damage rolls. At level 5, you gain a number of skill dice (d6) equal to your
Wisdom modifier. These dice may be added to a single skill
Battle Master: check or saving throw. You can assign any amount of the dice
When you reach level 5, you gain a number of battle dice (d6) to any of your Pokémon at the end of each of your long rests.
equal to your Wisdom modifier. These die can be added to a You may assign your full pool of dice each day. Each day
single attack or damage roll. You can assign any amount of when you assign your skill dice for the day, any previous day's
the dice to any of your Pokémon at the end of each of your assignments are removed.
long rests. You may assign your full pool of dice each day.
Each day when you assign your battle dice for the day, any Tinkerer:
previous day's assignments are removed. At level 9 during each long rest, providing you have enough
raw materials at your disposal, you can attempt a tinker's
Rapid Switching: tools check to craft any item under "Pokéballs", "X-Items", or
When you reach level 9, you can switch Pokémon as a bonus "Other Held Items" in Section 10. Attempting the check costs
action. you in resources equal to half the cost of the attempted item.
The DC for these checks is equal to 10 + item's cost/$250
Tactical Mastery: (rounded down). You gain proficiency in tinker's tools.
Certain trainers choose to excel in one arena, utilizing it to its
fullest potential. When you reach level 15, increase all of your Multitalented:
Pokémon’s speed by 10. Then, choose to increase their either At level 15, Whenever you capture or collect a new Pokémon,
all of their STR, DEX, CON, INT, WIS, or CHA by one. You choose two of its ability scores to increase by 1. When you
must choose one ability score to apply to all of your gain this ability, this bonus applies retroactively to Pokémon
Pokémon. This increase will also apply to all Pokémon you you have already caught.
catch in the future.
You have a nurturing touch and a skill for mentoring
Pokémon to bring out the best in them. You gain proficiency
in the Medicine skill. Every time you use an item or ability to
heal a Pokémon, that Pokémon regains addtional hit points
equal to your Wisdom modifier (minimum one).

You excel at creating meals for your Pokémon, seemingly out
of nothing. At level 5, you are frequently prepared with some
sort of edible treat, granting 2d4+2 hit points when given. You
can give the treat to a creature as a bonus action and other
can administer it as an action. You can use this feature twice
per long rest.

Warning Words
At level 9th you can call out in battle, warning your Pokémon
of incoming threats. When one of your Pokémon would suffer
damage, you may use your reaction to reduce the incoming
damage by 2d6. At level 15 the amount you can reduce the
damage by changes to 3d6. You may use this ability a number
of times equal to your Wisdom modifier per day (minimum

Loyal to a Fault:

Poké Breeder Pokémon Collector
Your dream is to care for Pokémon, giving them an Your fascination with all the different types of Pokémon of the
environment where they can live and grow as well as guiding world drives your need to collect them all. Gain proficiency in
the trainers that use them. When you choose this path your the Animal Handling skill or another skill of your choice if
can add half your Charisma modifer (round down, minimum you already have proficiency in Animal Handling. Your
one) to any skill check that does not already benefit from your proficiency bonus for your Animal Handling skill is doubled.
proficiency bonus.
Gotta Catch ‘Em All:
Frying Pan as a Drying Pan At level 5, you are extremely practiced in the art of Pokémon
Your knowledge of Pokémon anatomy makes you particularly collecting. Add +5 to all future attempts to catch a Pokémon.
skilled at healing. At level 5, you can cure one status effect
affecting any Pokémon as an action. You can use this feature Careful Catching:
twice per day. At level 9, any Pokémon you catch instantly are healed of
their status ailments and have full health. Additionally you
Cheerleader: may choose to catch any Pokémon as if it is at one third of its
You have the ability to inspire those around you. At level 9, total health.
once per long rest, you may use an action to boost all allied
Pokémon with inspiring words. Until your next turn, you may Disciplined Creatures:
add your Charisma modifier to your choice of all allied attack At level 15, you have trained your Pokémon hold onto their
rolls, damage rolls, or AC. last bit of strength. When your Pokémon are brough to 0 HP,
you can choose to bring it to 1 HP instead. You can only use
Rally this ability once per Pokémon per long rest.
When you reach level 15 in this path you can bolster the
resolve of your Pokémon. As a bonus action choose one
Pokémon to recieve 1d8 + your Charisma modifier (minimum
one) temporary hit points. You may use this ability an number
of times equal to your Charisma modifier per long rest
(minimum one).

You wish to learn more about Pokémon and the secrets that
they hold within. Due to your heightened understanding of
your Pokémon, you may increase any skill check your
Pokémon makes by either your Wisdom or Intelligence
modifier (minimum one). You must choose which ability score
to use for this effect at the time you choose this path.

A keen mind allows you to discern details about a Pokémon
others might overlook. At level 5, you can make a DC 12
Investigation check as a bonus action to determine the name
of all Pokémon’s abilities and identify the name of one
random move it knows.

Evolutionary Expert:
At level 9, your understanding of the secrets behind Pokémon
evolution allows you influence the process. Your Pokémon
gain 1 additional ability score point to put to any ability when
they evolve. Additionally you may ignore the restriction of
placing only 3 points in a single ability score when evolving.

At level 15, you are an expert in your field. Once per short
rest, as a free action choose a Pokémon and make a DC 12
intelligence check. On a success, you identify the Pokémon's
remaining HP and its AC. In addition, you learn that target's
weak spots, granting your Pokémon +4 to all attack rolls
against the Pokémon.

Pokémon Ranger Be The Very Best:
At level 5, you become keenly aware of how to channel your
Your bond with the wild shows in your bond with your Pokémon's type in battle. If one of your Pokmeon of your
Pokémon. When you choose this Path gain proficiency in the expert type hits a damaging move you can cause that move to
Nature and Survial skills. In addition, you may use the Help deal maximum damage on that move's damage dice. You can
action as a bonus action. use this feature a number of times equal to your Wisdom
modifier per long rest (minimum one).
Capture Styler
As a Pokémon Ranger you a use a special tool to capture I'm Gonna Have My Own Gym:
Pokémon called a Capture Styler. At level 5 if you have run all At level 9, your knowledge of your type extends beyond how
the way around a Pokémon and enclosed them in a shape your Pokémon fights. Whenever a Pokémon of your chosen
made by your travel path you gain a +8 to capturing that type is your Active Pokémon that Pokémon can gain
Pokémon. advantage on a skill check. You can give your Pokémon this
advantage a number of times equal to your Wisdom modifier
Bestial Fury per long rest (minimum one).
At 9th level, you can unleash the primal animal within your
Pokémon. As an action you can command your Pokémon to Type Resistance:
srike out in a flurry of attacks. That Pokémon can use a At level 15, you are so familiar with your type that what was
single target move with a Move Time of 1 action and a range once a glaring weakness is now easily overcome. Choose one
of melee an amount of times equal to your Wisdom modifier type that your expert type is vunerable to. Pokémon you own
while only using one PP and only one action. If you command of your expert type are no longer vunerable to that type
a Pokémon to strike out in this way, that Pokémon cannot because of your expert type's vunerabilities. If your Pokémon
have moved during this turn and cannot move during the rest would carry that vunerability because of its secondary typing,
of this turn. You can use this ability once per long rest. that secondary typing still causes it to be vunerable.

Dominate Pokémon Athlete

At level 15 once per long rest as a bonus action you may force
an enemy Pokémon you can see with 60 feet to make a You're able to teach your Pokémon the art of physical
Wisdom saving throw against a DC of 8 + your proficiency exercise. Your Pokémon gain the ability to use the Dodge and
modifier + your Charisma modifier. If you or your allies are Dash actions on their turns as bonus actions. You can have
fighting the Pokémon it has advantage on the saving throw. your Pokémon use these actions as a bonus a number of
On a failure, that Pokémon follows your commands until the times equal to your Strength modifier (minimum one) per
end of your next turn. short rest.

A strong body is nothing without a strong mind. At level 5 you
can use your reaction to cause one of your Pokémon to reroll
a saving throw that they fail. If you do so, they must use the
new roll. You can use this feature a number of times equal to
your Strength modifier per long rest (minimum one).

Strength of Body
At level 9 you are the pinnacle of physique, strength, and
power. Therefore, so are your Pokémon. When you capture a
Pokémon you may choose to raise its Strength, Dexterity OR
Constitution by 2. When you gain this ability, this bonus
applies retroactively to Pokémon you have already caught.

Mastery of Self
At level 15 your Pokémon become as tough and strong as you
are. Once per round, your Pokémon can add your Strength
modifier to any damage they deal with a move with a range of
Type Expert Melee.
You've dedicated your Pokémon journey to the study and
training of only one type of Pokémon. When you choose this
trainer path at level 2, choose a single type called your expert
type. Your Pokémon that use a move of that type gain a bonus
to the attack and damage roll equal to your trainer Wisdom
modifier (minimum one).

2. Catching Pokémon
Catching Pokémon, much like in the original game, is crucial
to your success as a Pokémon trainer. There are several rules Throw Pokéball
to follow when catching Pokémon:

• As previously stated, a trainer can carry a number of • Casting Time: 1 action

Pokémon in their pack equal to the Trainer’s Intelligence • Range: 60 feet
modifier + their proficiency bonus + two, with a minmum • Components: Pokéball
of three.
You hurl a Pokéball at a wild Pokémon in attempt
• If a trainer’s capicity is full, any caught Pokémon are to capture it. Make a catch check by rolling a d20
instantly transferred to the trainer’s PC, and can be and adding your choice of your Wisdom or
collected after visiting a Pokécenter. Charisma modifier to the roll. If you are proficient
• A Pokéball is destroyed on a failed catch attempt. in Pokéballs you may add your profciency bonus to
• A caught Pokémon retains its level, all status effects, and the check. You have advantage on the check if the
current HP at the time of the catch. Pokémon is poisoned, restrained, asleep, burned,
• It is impossible for a Trainer to catch a Pokémon whose confused, or frozen.
level is greater than their current level.
• A caught Pokémon is given the minimum amount of The DC to catch a Pokémon is equal to: 10 +
experience for that Pokémon’s level to start. Pokémon’s CR (rounded down) + Pokémon level +
• A fainted or dead Pokémon cannot be caught.
Fraction HP remaining multiplied by 10 (rounded
• If you catch a Pokémon instead of causing it to faint you
do not gain experience from that Pokémon Note: Bonuses are added to your throw, depending
There may be Pokémon in the wild that are friendly and on which type of Pokéball you use. See the item list
happy to join you in your adventures. For those that need a for the different types of Pokéballs.
little more coaxing, the mechanics of catching a Pokémon are
much like casting a spell that everyone knows.

For Example
You are a Level 5 Trainer and want to capture a level 3 Pikachu (CR 1/2). The DM knows you have knocked its health down to 10/15,
and your Bellsprout has poisoned it. The DM would calculate your DC to capture it as:
Starting value: 10
+ Pokémon CR: 1/2 rounded down = 0
+ Pokémon Level: 3
+ Fraction HP remaining times 10: 100/15 = 6.66 rounded down = 6
= 19
You would have to roll a total of 19 or higher on your capture check to capture the Pikachu with a regular Pokéball, and you have
advantage because the Pikachu is poisoned!

Note: It is at the discretion of the DM to reveal any information regarding the DC to capture Pokémon, but the player should at
least know whether or not the chance is impossible due to level constraints.

3. Pokémon Care
Active Pokémon Pokémon Nature
Each Pokémon has their own personality - their own wants,
At each short or long rest, a trainer must choose an Active
needs, likes and dislikes. Taking care of your Pokémon
Pokémon. This Pokémon stays outside their Pokéball and
means building a trusting relationship with them and
roams around with the trainer to socialize and help with skill
accepting them for who they are. As such, any Pokémon you
checks. In battle, they are the first one to fight until switched
come into contact with has its own Nature that effects their
out. At the end of battle, they resume status as the Active
ability scores and sticks with them for their entire life. When
Pokémon. A trainer can switch out their Active Pokémon at
a trainer catches a Pokémon, roll on the table below to
any time, except immediately before entering a battle. If this
determine their nature. When you choose your starter, you
Pokémon faints, the trainer must choose a new Active
may choose which nature they have.
Pokémon at that time.
Pokémon, like trainers, are proficient in various skills.
Outside of battle, a Pokémon may “help” their trainers, d20 Nature Effect
granting advantage on one of the trainer’s skill checks as long
1 Reckless +2 Strength, -2 Dexterity
as the Pokémon is proficient in that skill.
For example: Ash has chosen Pikachu as his active 2 Rash +2 Strength, -2 Constitution
Pokémon. Pikachu is proficient in History and Performance. 3 Adamant +2 Strength, -2 Intelligence
If Ash has to use either of this skills, he is given advantage on
the roll. 4 Quirky +2 Intelligence, -2 Charisma
5 Skittish +2 Dexterity, -2 Strength
Healing 6 Hasty +2 Dexterity, -2 Constitution
There are three ways to heal your Pokémon. 7 Naughty +2 Dexterity, -2 Charisma

• Bring them to a Pokécenter.

8 Naive +2 Intelligence, -2 Wisdom
• Take a long or short rest 9 Relaxed +2 Constitution, -2 Dexterity
• Give them potions or food. 10 Modest +2 Intelligence, -2 Constitution
Pokécenters: 11 Grumpy +2 Constitution, -2 Charisma
Pokécenters are small hospital-like facilities that can heal 12 Brave +2 Constitution, -2 Strength
your Pokémon to full health and cure all their statuses in less 13 Careful +2 Wisdom, -2 Dexterity
than 30 minutes – for a small fee. Healing a Pokémon at a
Pokécenter has a wide range of cost, usually around $100 to
14 Curious +2 Wisdom, -2 Intelligence
$1000. Pokécenters can be found across the world in 15 Quiet +2 Wisdom, -2 Charisma
abundance. Pokémon can recover their hit die only at
16 Gentle +2 Charisma, -2 Strength
17 Sassy +2 Charisma, -2 Wisdom
Rests: 18 Jolly +2 Charisma, -2 Intelligence
Long rests take at least six hours and refresh all Pokémon 19 Hardy No Change
health, statuses, and PP. Pokémon do not recover hit die long
20 Nimble No Change
Short rests can be as little as a half an hour and recover an
amount of health equal to the number rolled on a Pokémon’s
hit dice plus their CON modifier (as per normal D&D rules).
Pokémon Gender
All non-artifical Pokémon have a gender. A Pokémon's gender
PP and hit die are not recovered on short rests. Short rests
can determine how certain moves, abilities, and even
do not heal status conditions.
evolutions affects them. When a trainer catches a non-
artifical Pokémon, roll 1d20. On 1 to 10 that Pokémon is a
Potions/Food: boy, on 11 to 20 that Pokémon is a girl.
Perishable items that can be given to a Pokémon as an action
to instantly restore hit points, heal status effects, or
temporarily increase abilities. These items cannot be given to
Pokémon within Pokéballs with limited exceptions (such as
revives). Potions and similar health restoring items can be
used to bring a Pokémon from 0 HP to higher HP.

4. Battling
Being a master of your Pokémon in battle is core to being a
Pokémon trainer. Pokémon have their own set of moves,
Switching Pokémon
stats, and levels to gain. • A Trainer may take the "switch" action to recall one of
their Pokémon within line of sight from up to 60 feet away

Combat and realease a new Pokémon within line of sight up to 60

feet away
Combat in Pokémon 5e is similar to D&D 5e, with a few • Changing out a Pokémon before it has fainted takes up an
exceptions: entire action, but changing out a Pokémon when it faints
can be done immediately and out of turn as a free action.
• At the start of a battle, you make one initiative for both you • If a Pokémon is switched out as a free action as a result of
and your Pokémon using your trainers initiative bonus. that Pokémon fainting, the new Pokémon must be placed
• Only one Pokémon of yours may be on the battlefield at in the same space as the fainted Pokémon.
any one time. • Alternatively, when a trainer's Pokémon faints they can
• On your turn, both your trainer and your active Pokémon recall the fainted Pokémon immediately and then wait
have a movement up to their speed. However, you only until their turn to take an action to release a new
have one action and bonus action between the two of you. Pokémon within 60 feet from their person.
A Pokémon Trainer’s job on their turn is to assist their • When a Pokémon is switched out it has to take a moment
Pokémon in battle by interacting with the environment, to take stablize itself after its recent reconstitution. A
providing potions or boosts, commanding their Pokémon Pokémon that has been switched cannot move, take any
to attack, or attempting to run away. actions, take a reaction, or take a bonus action during the
• You MUST have a Pokémon in the battle at all times. If current turn.
you have no remaining Pokémon (based on Pokéslots), you • Switching out a Pokémon does not provoke a attack of
lose the battle. oppurtunity on either the trainer or the Pokémon

Moves/Move Powers Attacks of Opportunity

Your Pokémon have several moves to choose from in battle, If a Pokémon leaves the melee range of another creature
and can learn more as they advance levels or are given TMs without using the Disengage action, or when not returning to
and HMs. Moves in Pokémon 5e work similarly to spells in a Pokéball, the opponent may use a melee move that has a
5e D&D. Instead of a single character having a set amount of move time of 1 action immediately as a reaction targeting the
spell slots each move has a set amount of Power Points fleeing Pokémon. The move costs the normal amount of PP.
(PP). PPt determines how many times the move can be used,
one use per one PP. Refilling PP can be done by visiting a
Pokécenter, or using an item such as Ether. Trainers in Battle
Each move has a Move Power – the focused ability of that
In Pokémon battles, a trainer's main job is to interact with
move. Move Powers can be any of the six main ability scores ,
the environment, issue commands, and keep their Pokémon
and determine which ability to use for attack, damage, and
in the fight by administering boosts or potions. There are
saving throw DC.
strict laws governing the world of Pokémon and any trainer
Attack Roll Bonus = Move Power Mod + Proficiency Mod vs. trainer combat is strictly prohibited, the penalty being the
Damage Bonus = Move Power Mod loss of one's Trainer License. As such, trainers may not target
Saving Throw DC = 8 + Proficiency Mod + Move Power Mod other trainers in officially sanctioned Pokémon battles. All is
fair in wild Pokémon encounters, however.
As shown in the calculations above, all Pokémon are
proficient in all moves they know. As a single Pokémon can
have many moves that use many different Move Powers, it
can be difficult to keep track of the different attack bonuses,
damage bonuses and saving throw. It might be helpful to
write down those numbers next to each of your Pokémon's
Similar to spells in 5e D&D, if a Pokémon is uses the
Ready Action to ready a move that Pokémon uses the PP
immediately. This means that if the triggering event doesn't
occur for that Pokémon's move before that Pokmeon's next
turn they use the move's PP without ever executing that

5. Types
Pokémon 5e replaces the standard 5e damage types
(bludgeoning, slashing, force, thunder, etc.) with ones more
typical to the Pokémon universe. These types are fire, water,
ice, grass, ground, rock, electric, fighting, ghost, psychic,
poison, bug, flying, dragon, dark, steel, fairy and normal. With It is quite possible that a Pokémon gains a resistance or
these new types come new vulnerabilities and resistances as vulnerability from both of its types. In this case the damage
seen in the chart below. If a Pokémon resists a type, that type from that move only gets halved or doubled once, not twice.
is "not very effective" (minus sign). If a Pokmeon is vulnerable For example, Geodude is a rock/groud type and gains
to a type, that type is "super effective" (plus sign). vunerability to the water type from both its rock and ground
typing. If a water type move was to do a base of 6 damage to
Geodude he would take 12 damage, not 24.
Dual Typing
Many Pokémon have two distinct types rather then just one.
To calculate the vulnerabilities and resistances of a multi-
typed Pokémon multiply the values in the column of their If a Pokemon is immune to a certain type (X symbol below) it
first type to the row of their second type. For example a does not take damage from moves of that type. However, it
normal and psychic type Pokémon would be neutral to still suffers other negative effects from those moves. For
fighting damage, resistant to psychic, vulnerable against bug, example a Ghastly would not take damage from Pound but
immune to ghost, and vulnerable against dark. could still be put to sleep by Sing.

6. Bond System
The bond between trainer and Pokémon is the heart and soul Bonding
of any respectable trainer's abilities.
Bonding with your Pokémon is an important part of any
trainer’s routine. Bonding with a Pokémon can take the form
The Basics of practicing, eating together, playing games, or simply just
enjoying one another’s company. When you choose to Bond
In addtional to the rest of their stats, each Pokémon has a
with a Pokémon, you can make your choice of Animal
Bond Level between -4 and 2. Usually the trainer of a certain
Handling, Persuasion, or Nature skill check. The DC of this
Pokémon dictates how that Pokémon moves and acts, but
skill check is equal to 17 + the Pokémons current Bond level.
with a sufficently low Bond Level the Dungeon Master may
On a success your Pokémon gains one bond level.
intercede and control how a Pokémon acts. A Pokémon with
It is suggested that you make no more then one bond check
a Bond Level below 0 will begin to act out, sometimes
per long rest, but the frequency of bond checks will depend
disobeying the trainer or even leaving the party all together.
on you, your DM, and your game.
On the other hand a Pokémon with a high enough Bond
Level will gain benefits.
When a Pokémon is captured from the wild their Bond Other Ways Of Changing Bonds
Level begins at 0. A Pokémon's bond level is specific to that If a Pokémon is deposited in a PC for longer than 4 months,
Trainer/Pokémon pair. A Pokémon has a different bond level they lose a bond level. If you and your Pokémon work
for each trainer it pairs with. If a Pokémon is ever returned to together to win a particularly difficult or meaningful battle
their original owner, they reset to the Bond Level they you may gain a Bond level.
previous had with that trainer. A trainer and Pokémon's Bond levels ebb and flow and
many different events can cause a Pokémon to lose a bond
Pokémon and Death level. Anything from the tragic death of a loved one to a solid
high five can change the pair's bond. It's up to the DM what
There are a few rules in Pokémon 5e that are different from ultimately changes a bond level, but the rules here hopefully
regular 5e when dealing with the death of Pokémon give some guidelines.

• When your Pokémon reaches 0 HP, it faints and you may

replace it with another available Pokémon in your Benefits and Detriments
inventory immediately as a free action.
• While the Pokémon is inside its Pokéball it does not have of Bond levels
to make death saving throws. The following table describes the effects of each Bond level:
• Additonally Pokémon can avoid normal 5e instant death
from taking negative damage equal to their maximum Level Effect
health if the Pokémon is recalled to a Pokéball upon -4 Your Pokémon no longer wishes to travel by your
taking that damage. side. If this Pokémon's Bond Level stays at -4 for 24
• A Pokémon inside its Pokéball stabilizes at 0 HP after 10 consecutive hours, it leaves its trainer never to retun
minutes of uninterrupted time inside the ball. -3 This Pokémon has the effect of Bond Level -1 and
• If a Pokémon at 0 HP stays out in the field and it has not has a chance to disobey it's trainer. Each time this
been stabilized or its trainer cannot recall it, it must begin Pokémon executes a move roll a d20. On a roll of
making death saving throws as normal. 10 or less that move has no effect

Regardless, a Pokémon that faints may lose faith in their

-2 This Pokémon has the effect of Bond Level -1 and
has a chance to disobey it's trainer. At the beginning
trainer and lose bond levels. of every battle roll 1d4. On a roll of 1 this Pokémon
suffers the effects of Bond Level -3.
Manipulating Bond -1 This Pokémon gives a -2 to initiative rolls while it is
an Active Pokémon
Levels 0 A caught Pokémon starts at this Bond Level
As you learn and grow with yor Pokémon their bond level will
+1 This Pokémon gives a +2 to initiative rolls while it is
fluctuate up and down. There are many ways to gain and lose an Active Pokémon
Bond Levels, but below are some of the most common.
+2 This Pokémon gains the benefits of Bond Level 1
and +5 temporary HP at the end of each long rest
Fainted Pokémon and Bond Levels
+3 This Pokémon gians the benefits of Bond Level 1,
When your Pokémon faints roll a d20. On a roll of 8 or lower +10 temporary HP at the end of each long rest, and
your Pokémon loses one Bond level. If enough of your +2 to all its saving throws
Pokémon faint that you run out of Pokéslots, you "white out".
When you white out you must roll a DC 12 Charisma saving
throw for each of your fainted Pokémon. If you fail the saving
throw that Pokémon loses a bond level.

7. Pokémon and Character
Your Pokémon may replace any one move it knows with a Your Pokémon gains 1 AC.
Pokémon Experience move from any of the moves listed at levels lower than your
Experience points are rewarded to Pokémon for successfully
Pokémon's current level. True Essence:
defeating other Pokémon, or given out at the DM’s discretion At level 20 your Pokémon is at its pinnacle. When this
when the player’s complete a particularly difficult challenge
or trainer battle. Experience can be distributed to a player’s
Pokémon Advancement Pokémon deals damage with a move of its primary type (the
type listed first on its stat block) that move deals an
Pokémon in any amount, but only Pokémon that took part in Just like PCs, Pokémon roll a hit die (determined in their stat
additional 1d12 damage of that type.
the fight can be given the experience rewarded for that fight. block) and add their CON modifier to determine the increase
See the Running a Game section for more information on in their maximum HP at each level (minimum one total HP
experience. Pokémon recieve benefits when they reach a new increase). The Pokémon recieves the maximum HP
level as detailed in the table on the right. immediantly but will not gain that effective HP until it rests
The following is a table containing the total experience a or is healed. Every Pokémon levels as outlined below:
Pokémon needs at each level to level up:
Level Experience Needed
Pokémon Leveling
1st 0
Level Proficiency Bonus Features
2nd 300
1st +2
3rd 800
2nd +2 New Moves
4th 2,200
3rd +2 New Moves
5th 6,000
4th +2 Ability Score Improvement
6th 10,000
5th +3 AC Up, Switch Moves
7th 15,000
6th +3 New Moves
8th 21,000
7th +3 AC Up
9th 28,000
8th +3 Ability Score Improvement
10th 37,000
9th +4 New Moves
11th 47,000
10th +4 Switch Moves
12th 58,000
11th +4 AC Up
13th 70,000
12th +4 Ability Score Improvement
14th 84,000
13th +5 New Moves
15th 100,000
14th +5 Switch Moves
16th 118,000
15th +5 AC Up
17th 138,000
16th +5 Ability Score Improvement
18th 160,000
17th +6 New Moves
19th 184,000
18th +6 Switch Moves
20th 210,000
19th +6 Ability Score Improvement
New Moves: 20th +6 New Moves, True Essence
Your Pokémon may learn a new move on the list of moves for
this level. Pokémon cannot know more than 4 moves at one
time. If your Pokémon already knows 4 moves, it can replace
a move it knows with a move from the move list for this level.
When a Pokémon learns a new move, that move has one Ability Score Increase:
fourth (rounded up, minimum one) of its maximum PP. The Your Pokémon can gain two points to spend on increasing
newly learned move can be brought to full PP on a rest as their abilities (to a maximum of 20) OR can select a Feat (see
normal. section 11 for a list of Feats).

Switch Moves AC Up:

Character Level Total Pokémon Levels Needed Character Level Pokémon Registered
Evolution 2nd 3 2nd 15
Pokémon can evolve into a new form once they hit a certain 3rd 5 3rd 35
level as determined in their stat block. When a Pokémon
evolves, the following occurs: 4th 7 4th 55
5th 10 5th 80
• It keeps its current ability scores, but gains 5 points to
distribute towards any of those scores. No more than 3 of 6th 18 6th 100
these points may be put into a single stat 7th 24 7th 120
• It gains an HP equal to its level
8th 27 8th 140
• It acquires the hit dice of its evolved form for this level up
and for furture rolls. 9th 30 9th 165
• It acquires the AC of its evolved form regardless of any AC 10th 33 10th 185
Ups from previous levels.
• The Pokémon might gain new proficiencies and new 11th 46 11th 210
vulnerabilities/resistances. 12th 50 12th 230
• It keeps the known moves it had at the time of evolution,
13th 55 13th 250
but must learn all future moves from its new move list.
• If the Pokémon would receive other benefits at this level, it 14th 60 14th 270
receives the benefits after it has evolved 15th 65 15th 295
• Evolution can be delayed at the player’s discretion, but
16th 78 16th 315
once the decision has been made, the Pokémon cannot
evolve until gaining an additional level. 17th 83 17th 340
18th 87 18th 360
Character Advancement 19th 92 19th 380
There are two options a DM can use for player character
20th 100 20th 400
leveling, neither of which use experience points like Pokémon
For example, Ash is currently level 9 and owns five Pikachu at
Option 1: levels 11, 6, 8, 7 and 3. He only has 4 Pokéslots at this level,
The level of a character is determined by total levels of the so his total Pokémon levels for the purpose of leveling his PC
character’s X highest leveled Pokémon, where X is the PC’s
is 8 + 7 + 11 + 6 = 32. If he were to level his Pikachu 6 to
current number of Pokéslots. The following table can be used
as a guideline for PC leveling. Pikachu 7, then his PC would reach 10th level because his
new total would be 8 + 7 + 11 +7 = 33. Because at 10th level,
he receives another Pokéslot, his total for leveling changes to
8 + 7 + 11 + 7 + 3 = 36.

The highest level Pokémon a trainer owns do not need to be

carried by that trainer in order to level up.
It is important to note that Pokémon captured at a high
level are typically not as strong as those caught at a lower
level and trained up to that point. Capturing higher leveled
Pokémon may be beneficial for a player seeking to level up
quickly, but a trainer with 3 recently captured Charizards is
weaker than a trainer who has cared for 3 Charmanders
through their evolutions.

Option 2:
The level of the trainer is based upon how many Pokémon
the trainer has registered in their Pokédex. Alternatively, the
DM can choose to allow trainers to register a Pokémon by
reading a certain book, finding an artifact, speaking to a
professor, etc. The following table can be used as a reference
for levels based on number of Pokémon in a Pokédex.

8. Other Changes
New Status Effects Trainer Death Saving Throws and
In addition to effects such as grappled, restrained, etc.,
Pokémon 5e adds or modifies several status effects. If an Death is not as common in the Pokémon world as it is in 5e
effect listed here has the same name as an effect from 5e D&D. If you would like trainers to die less often, consider
D&D, use the effect listed here. If a Pokémon faints with one using this rule set. If a trainer is reduced to 0 HP they make
of these status conditions its condition is healed when that death saving throws as normal. However, they only need two
Pokémon revives. successes to stabilize at 0 HP. Additonally, any medicine
check to stabilize a trainer has advantage. A DC 15 medicine
Poisoned: check can be performed on an 0 HP stable trainer to bring
A poisoned creature has disadvantage on all ability checks them to conciousness at 1 HP. An unconscious trainer's
and saving throws, and takes 1d6 poison damage at the Pokémon will continue to follow the trainer's last command
beginning of each of its turns until it faints or is cured of its to its best ability unless such a command puts the Pokémon
poison. Poison and Steel type Pokémon cannot be poisoned. in mortal peril. In general a Pokémon with a higher bond level
is more likely to act in line with its trainer's wishes while its
Frozen: trainer is unconscious.
A frozen creature is incapacitated and restrained. It can
attempt to break free of the ice with a DC 12 STR save at the Challenge Rating (CR)
end of each of its turns. Ice type Pokémon cannot be frozen.
CR works slightly different in Pokémon 5e. Each Pokémon is
given a “Base CR”. This is the challenge rating of the
Confused: Pokémon at the lowest level it can be found. Think of CR as a
A confused creature is effected by confusion for three rounds.
number that signifies the strength of the species, not the
During this time, it loses its ability to take reactions and
specific Pokémon. For example, a level 1 Pidgey (Base CR
moves at half speed. It must roll a d20 at the beginning of
1/8) is not as strong as a level 1 Bulbasaur (Base CR 1/2).
each of its turns. On a result of 7 or lower, the creature hurts
This CR gives a way to compare Pokémon, and serves as a
itself for 1d6 damage and end it's turn. At the end of each of
guideline for giving out experience points for defeating
it's turns while confused the creature can make a DC 16
Pokémon. This CR is only a rough estimate of the Pokémon's
Wisdom saving throw to end the confusion (even if the
power. A particular Pokémon may situtationally become more
creature skipped its turn because of confusion).
powerful then its CR may signify.
A burnt creature deals half damage on all moves that use Mounts
STR or DEX as their MOVE stat, and takes 1d6 fire damage Any large or bigger Pokémon can be mounted. When a
at the beginning of each of its turns until it faints or is cured trainer mounts an active Pokémon in battle that trainer
of its burns. Fire type Pokémon cannot be burned. forfeits their movement and moves along with that
Pokémon's movement.
A creature that is asleep is incapacitated, automatically fails Pokémon Armor Class
all STR and DEX saves, and falls prone. A sleeping creature
can make a DC 14 CON save at the beginning of each of its A Pokémon's armor class is not based off its Dexterity score
turns to attempt to wake up. or any man-made armor it wears. Rather, each Pokémon has
a base AC specific to its species, notated on each Pokémon's
Flinched: stat block. The AC of each Pokémon can be modified by feats,
A flinched Pokémon has disadvantage on any attack roll it moves, and other effects.
makes until the end of its turn. If a flinched Pokémon
executes a move that requires a saving throw from the target,
any targets have advantage on the roll.

A paralyzed creature is incapacitated, cannot move or speak,
fails any DEX or STR saving throws, and attacks against it
have advantage. A creature can make a DC 12 CON save at
the end of each of its turns to escape paralysis. Electric type
Pokémon cannot be paralyzed.

9. Running a Game
Building Encounters Starting Past Level 1
There will be essentially two types of encounters in Pokémon You may want to start a game with trainers higher than level
5e: Wild Pokémon encounters and Trainer Battles. 1. If this is the case, make sure you follow these additional
Wild Pokémon: • If using Option 1 for character advancement, The total
As a DM, you have a responsibility to continually introduce levels of a trainer’s Pokémon cannot exceed the minimum
your players to new Pokémon of various levels throughout the level as shown in the experience chart.
campaign. Your trainers will want to go out into the • None of the trainer’s Pokémon can have a CR above what
wilderness to gain experience fighting as well as catching they can control based on their level.
new Pokémon. It is important to remember that Pokémon of
• One of the trainer’s Pokémon must be of a CR ½ or lower
higher levels cannot be caught until the trainer has also
as their starter.
reached that level, and higher leveled Pokémon help players
progress through their levels without having to do much Experience Points
training. As such, capture-focused expeditions should contain
several Pokémon of lower levels, while battle-focused See the Appendix for an example table on rewarding
encounters should contain high level Pokémon to present a experience for defeating Pokémon based on CR and level.
challenge to the player.
Because of trainer's unique ability to capture the creatures
they are fighting it can be difficult to build wild Pokémon
encounters. A wild Pokémon of medium levels that
challenges your players can easily be caught and provide a
significant and untimely boost to that player's power. This is
not nessecarily a bad thing, but rather a unique circumstance
that a DM using this system should be aware of. Consdier
using a swarm of Weedle instead of a Beedrill or perhaps
givng wild Pokémon certain bonuses that disappear when
they are captured by a trainer.

Trainer Battles
Often in a campaign, your players will come across other
trainers that will want to engage in a Pokémon battle.
Combat for these fights are similar to wild Pokémon
encounters with a few differences:

• Another trainer’s Pokémon cannot be caught by any

• Multiple trainers can participate in a single battle
• Trainer battles do not have to have the same number of
trainers or Pokémon participating on both sides, but
official trainer battles should have those numbers set up
before the battle begins
• Pokémon belonging to a trainer act on that trainer's turn
rather then on their own turn
• In an official trainer battle there must always be a target
to attack. If one side of a battle has no target to attack for
a whole round, that side wins

Trainer combat and wild encounters can be quite similar

when following the rules outlined in this supplement.
Consider giving certain important or powerful NPC trainers
special abilities or more powerful Pokémon to make their
fights stand out. Never forget that the bond between trainer
and Pokémon is of upmost importance in Pokémon D&D.
Trainers in battle should be willing and ready to act in battle
as best they can to support their Pokémon.
Experience for Pokémon encounters should be given out at
the discretion of the DM, based on participation in the fight
by each PC, or distributed equally among all players.

10. Items
Items from the 5e PHB can be used as normal though disallowing some items (such as powerful magic items) might be
appropriate for the setting. The following items are added and are specific to the Pokémon universe.

The essential inventory item for any Pokémon trainer, the Pokéball allows you to catch wild Pokémon and gives them a place to be
safe, warm, and ready for battle.

Item Effect Cost

Pokéball +0 to Capture Rolls $250
Great Ball +5 to Capture Rolls $450
Ultra Ball +10 to Capture Rolls $700
Hyper Ball +15 to Capture Rolls $1000
Giga Ball +20 to Capture Rolls $1500
Level Ball +5 to Capture Rolls if active Pokémon is a higher level than target. $300
Dive Ball +10 to Capture while catching a Pokémon in a large body of water $400
Moon Ball +15 to Capture Rolls against members of Nidoran, Jigglypuff, Clefairy, Skitty, or Munna evolutions $400
Friend Ball +0 to Capture Rolls. Sets Bond level to +1 after catch $400
Repeat Ball +10 to Capture Rolls against a target that is the same species as your Active Pokémon $400
Heavy Ball +15 to Capture Rolls against Pokémon of size large or bigger $800
Fast Ball +15 to Capture Rolls against Pokémon with movement speed higher than 30 feet $800
Dusk Ball +10 to Capture Rolls against Pokémon in caves or at night $400
Timer Ball +20 to Capture Rolls against Pokémon who have been in battle for 8 rounds or more $1300
Nest Ball +5 to Capture Rolls against Pokémon of level 3 or lower $300
Net Ball +10 to Capture Rolls against Bug or Water Pokémon $400
Quick Ball +5 to Capture Rolls on the first round of combat $300
Love Ball +10 to Capture Rolls if your active Pokémon is at bond level 2 or higher $400
Master Ball Automatic Success on Capture Roll Not Sold

Item Effect Cost
Pokédex Used to register Pokémon (See Below) $10,000
XP Share Half of experience from combat can be distributed to carried Pokémon that did not fight in the battle $7,500

X – Items
The following items are boosts that a trainer can use to increase their Pokémon’s effectiveness in battle.

Item Effect Cost

X Attack Adds +2 to the Attack roll of a Pokémon for 1 minute $500
X Defend Adds +2 to the AC of a Pokémon for 1 minute $700
X Special Increases your save DC by +2 for 1 minute $700
X Sp. Defense Boost saving throws this Pokémon rolls by +2 for 1 minute $350
X Speed Increases walking, flying, or swimming movement speed by 10 feet for 1 minute $350
Dire Hit Critical hits on attacks made by the Pokémon occur on rolls of 19 and 20 for 1 minute. $400
X Accuracy Grants advantage on next attack roll. $350
Guard Spec Prevents status ailments for 1 minute. $700

Vitamins are rare and expensive items that can be used to permanently increase the stats of your Pokémon. You cannot increase
your Pokémon's stats above 20 by using vitamins. No one type of vitamin can be used on a single Pokémon more then 2 times.

Item Effect Cost

HP Up Increase maximum HP by the maximum roll of one of your hit dice. $4900
Protein Increase STR by 1 $4900
Iron Increase DEX by 1 $4900
Calcium Increases CON by 1 $4900
Zinc Increase WIS by 1 $4900
Carbos Increase CHA by 1 $4900
PP Up Increase the PP of one of your moves by 2. $8800

Evolutionary Items
Some Pokémon can only evolve when coming into contact with certain evolutionary stones. The following can be found at most
major stores:

Item Effect Cost

Fire Stone Evolves Vulpix, Growlith, Pansear and Eevee. $3000
Leaf Stone Evolves Gloom, Weepinbell, Nuzleaf, Pansage, and Exeggcute. $3000
Moon Stone Evolves Nidorina, Nidorino, Clefairy, Skitty, Munna and Jigglypuff. $3000
Thunder Stone Evolves Pikachu, Eletrik and Eevee $3000
Water Stone Evolves Poliwhirl, Shellder, Eevee, Lombre, Panpour and Staryu. $3000
Sun Stone Evolves Gloom, Sunkern, Cottonee, Petlil, and Helioptile $3000
Shiny Stone Evolves Roselia, Togetic, Minccino, and Floette $3000
Dusk Stone Evolves Misdreavus, Murkrow, Lampent, and Doublade $3000
Dawn Stone Evolves Snorunt and Kirlia $3000
Ice Stone Evolves Alolan Vulpix and Alolan Sandshrew $3000
King's Rock Evolves Slowpoke and Poliwhirl $3000
Dragon Scale Evolves Seadra $3000
Metal Coat Evolves Onix and Scyther $3000
Up Grade Evolves Porygon and Porygon2 $3000
Reaper Cloth Evolves Dusclops $3000
The tables below contain a list of moves that can be taught to your Pokémon, even if they do not learn them in their natural
progression of leveling. A TM is a one use item that can be used to teach your Pokémon a move. Each Pokémon has a list of TMs
that they can learn notated on their stat block. When a Pokémon learns a TM, that move starts with one fourth (rounded up,
minimum one) of its maximum PP. That move can be brought to pull PP on a rest as normal. Note :If a TM move is replaced, it can
only be relearned by purchasing another TM.

TM Cost TM Cost TM Cost
01 – Work Up $1600 02 - Dragon Claw $2800 03 - Psyshock $2400
04 – Calm Mind $3600 05 - Roar $2400 06 - Toxic $1600
07 – Hail $2400 08 - Bulk Up $1600 09 - Venoshock $2800
10 – Hidden Power $2800 11 - Sunny Day $2800 12 - Taunt $1600
13 – Ice Beam $3200 14 - Blizzard $4000 15 - Hyper Beam $3200
16 – Light Screen $2800 17 - Protect $3200 18 - Rain Dance $2800
19 – Roost $2800 20 - Safeguard $2800 21 - Frustration $2400
22 - Solar Beam $2800
23 – Smack Down $2400 24 - Thunderbolt $2400 25 - Thunder $3200
26 – Earthquake $3200 27 - Return $2400 28 - Leech Life $3200
29 – Psychic $3200 30 - Shadowball $2400 31 - Brick Break $2000
32 – Double Team $2400 33 - Reflect $2400 34 - Sludge Wave $2800
35 – Flamethrower $3200 36 - Sludge Bomb $3200 37 - Sandstorm $2000
38 – Fire Blast $3200 39 - Rock Tomb $2000 40 - Aerial Ace $2400
41 – Torment $1200 42 - Facade $2000 43 - Flame Charge $2800
44 – Rest $2000 45 - Attract $1600 46 - Thief $2000
47 – Low Sweep $2000 48 - Round $2800 49 - Echoed voice $3200
50 – Overheat $3200 51 - Steel Wing $2400 52 - Focus Blast $3200
53 – Energy Ball $2800 54 - False Swipe $1200 55 - Scald $2800
56 – Fling $2400 57 - Charge Beam $2400 58 - Sky Drop $2400
59 – Brutal Swing $2400 60 - Quash $1200 61 - Will-O-Wisp $2000
62 – Acrobatics $3200 63 - Embargo $2800 64 - Explosion $3200
65 – Shadow Claw $2000 66 - Payback $2000 67 - Smart Strike $2400
68 – Giga Impact $3600 69 - Rock Polish $1600 70 - Aurora Veil $3200
71 – Stone Edge $3200 72 - Volt Switch $2800 73 - Thunder Wave $1200
74 – Gyro Ball $2800 75 - Swords Dance $2800 76 - Fly $2800
77 – Psych Up $1600 78 - Bulldoze $1600 79 - Frost Breath $2800
80 – Rock Slide $2400 81 - X-Scissor $2400 82 - Dragon Tail $2400
83 – Infestation $3200 84 - Poison Jab $2400 85 - Dream Eater $2400
86 – Grass Knot $2800 87 - Swagger $1600 88 - Sleep Talk $1200
89 – U-turn $2800 90 - Substitute $2800 91 - Flash Cannon $2400
92 – Trick Room $3200 93 - Wild Charge $2800 94 - Surf $3200
95 – Snarl $2000 96 - Nature Power $2800 97 - Dark Pulse $3600
98 – Waterfall $2400 99 - Dazzling Gleam $2800 100 - Confide $1600

Berries and Held Items
Pokémon may be given a single item to hold with varying effects. Some effects are triggered by events as an immediate free action,
others may have static effects that are always in place. The following is a list of items that can be held and their effects. Each
Pokémon may only have one held item at a time.

Item Effect Cost
Oran Berry Restores 10 HP. Activated when a Pokémon drops below 50% HP $200
Sitrus Berry Restores 30 HP. Activated when a Pokémon drops below 50% HP $550
Leppa Berry Restores 5 PP. Activated when a move is depleted of PP $1000
Lum Berry Cures any status condition. Activated when a effected with any status $500
Chesto Berry Cures Sleep. Activated when put to sleep. $200
Rawst Berry Cures Burn. Activated when burnt $200
Aspear Berry Cures Frozen. Activated when frozen $200
Cheri Berry Cures Paralysis. Activated when paralyzed $200
Pecha Berry Cures Poison. Activated when poisoned $200
Persim Berry Cures Confusion. Activated when confused $200

Other Held Items

Item Effect Cost
Black Belt Fighting type moves do an additonal 1d4 damage of that type. $4400
Black Glasses Dark type moves do an additonal 1d4 damage of that type. $4400
Charcoal Fire type moves do an additonal 1d4 damage of that type. $4400
Dragon Fang Dragon type moves do an additonal 1d4 damage of that type. $4400
Focus Band This creature is immune to the flinched status $1200
Focus Sash This Pokémon gains the benefits of the Sturdy ability $3000
Hard Stone Rock type moves do an additonal 1d4 damage of that type. $4400
King's Rock On natural attack rolls of 19 or 20, the target flinches $3000
Leftovers Restores 1d4 HP after each turn of the holder $5000
Lucky Egg XP from battle for this Pokémon is increased by 10% $5000
Magnet Electric type moves do an additonal 1d4 damage of that type. $4400
Metal Coat Steel type moves do an additonal 1d4 damage of that type. $4400
Miracle Seed Grass type moves do an additonal 1d4 damage of that type. $4400
Mystic Water Water type moves do an additonal 1d4 damage of that type. $4400
Never Melt Ice Ice type moves do an additonal 1d4 damage of that type. $4400
Pixie Plate Fairy type moves do an additonal 1d4 damage of that type. $4400
Poison Barb Poison type moves do an additonal 1d4 damage of that type. $4400
Quick Claw Increase initiatvie rolls of this Pokemon's trainer by +3 while this Pokémon is active. $1000
Scope Lens Cirtical hits occur on natural attack rolls of 19 and 20. $1500
Sharp Beak Flying type moves do an additonal 1d4 damage of that type. $4400
Silk Scarf Normal type moves do an additonal 1d4 damage of that type. $4400
Silver Powder Bug type moves do an additonal 1d4 damage of that type. $4400
Spell Tag Ghost type moves do an additonal 1d4 damage of that type. $4400
Twisted Spoon Psychic type moves do an additonal 1d4 damage of that type. $4400
Basic Restoratives
The following items are given to your Pokémon to restore HP, revive, or cure status ailments. A master trainer is always prepared
with a slew of restoratives.

Item Effect Cost

Potion Restores 2d4+2 HP $200
Super Potion Restores 6d4+6 HP $380
Hyper Restores 10d4+10 HP $700
Antidote Cures Poison $200
Paralyze Cures Paralysis $200
Burn Heal Cures Burn $200
Ice Heal Cures Frozen $200
Full Heal Cures all Status Effects $850
Revive Revives fainted Pokémon on the field or in their Pokéball with 2d4+2 HP. That Pokémon does not $2000
need to make a bond check for this fainting.
Max Revive Revives fainted Pokémon on the field or in their Pokéball with 6d4+6 HP. That Pokémon does not $4000
need to make a bond check for this fainting.
Ether Restores 5 PP to a single move $700
Max Ether Restores 5 PP to all moves $2200
Elixer Restores 10 PP to a single move $1000
Max Elixer Restores 10 PP to all moves $3500
Candy Bar Restores 5 HP $150
Soda Pop Restores 10 HP $275
Berry Juice Restores 20 HP $500
Lemonade Restores 30 HP $650
MooMoo Restores 50 HP $1050
11. Feats
Any feature not related to combat from the 5e PHB can be Natural Healer
selected for trainers. The following features can be selected As an action, your Pokémon can restore hit points to a
by your Pokémon instead of taking the Ability Score Increase creature equal to 1d6 + the creature's level. The creature can't
given during the leveling process. regain hit points from this feat again until it finishes a short
or long rest.
Extra Move:
Your Pokémon can know one more move (Ex: five total moves Natural Mount
instead of four). You may later take this feat again to gain the While this Pokémon is mounted if the creature mounting it is
ablity to know one more move. attacked, it can force the attack to target to target itself
instead. Addtionally, if this Pokémon or it's mounter are
Extra AC: forced to make a Dexterity saving throw that would result in
Your Pokémon’s AC increases by 2. This bonus is included half damage on success it can deploy additiona defenses.
through a Pokémon’s evolutions and is separate from any AC This Pokémon can choose either itself or its mounter to take
Ups obtained through leveling. This feat can only be taken no damage if it succeeds on the saving throw, and only half
once. damage if it fails.

Tireless: Gifted
Your Pokémon endures hours of rigorous training which keep This Pokémon can choose one stat to have its maximum
it in battle longer than the average Pokémon. Gain +1 PP for increased to 22. When you gain this feat the stat does not
every move. increase but instead gains the ability to be increased to 22.

Terrain Adept Persuasive

Your Pokémon is especially skilled when fighting on a If this Pokémon is your Active Pokémon when you attempt to
specific terrain. Choose one of the following terrains when catch a Pokémon, this Pokémon may attempt to may a
selecting this feature. Your Pokémon gains +4 to attack rolls Persuasion skill check against a DC of 12 + the opposing
when in this terrain. Terrains: Coastal, Swamp, Forest, Artic, Pokémon's CHA modifier. On a success your catch check
Desert, Grassland, Hill, Mountain, Underwater. gains a bonus + 6.

Loyal Combo Master

When your Pokémon would lose a Bond Level, roll a d20. On Your Pokémon is an expert in combining strikes against a foe.
a result of 12 or higher, they do no lose that Bond Level. When this feature is selected, add +3 to damage rolls from
attacks that hit more than once. (Fury Swipes, Double Slap,
Ambidextrous etc.)
Your Pokémon can hold an addtional held item.
Smooth Façade
Prodigy Your Pokémon is hardened, shrugging pain off like it is
If this Pokémon is not currently counting towards your level nothing. When suffering from a negative status ailment other
advancement as per option 1 in the trainer advancement than sleep, your Pokémon gains +3 to their AC.
section, all experience points gained by this Pokémon are
doubled. Resilient
Choose one ability score. This Pokémon increases the
Scholar chosen ability score by 1 and gains proficiency in the saving
When this Pokémon is taught a TM, it does not consume the throw of that ability.
This Pokémon's hit point maxium increases by an amount
equal to twice its level when it gains this feat. Whenever this
Pokémon gains a level thereafter, its hit point maxium
increase by an additoinal 2 hit points.

This Pokémon's gains proficiency in 3 skills of your choice.
This feat cannot be taken more than once by the same

Choose one move this Pokémon knows. That move gains +2
maximum PP

12. Appendix
Pokémon Experience Rewarded By Level & CR, Option 1: Fast Leveling
Level :::: CR 1/8 1/4 1/2 1 2 3 4 5 6
1 25 50 100 200 450 700 1,100 1,800 2,300
2 50 100 200 450 700 1,100 1,800 2,300 2,900
3 100 200 450 700 1,100 1,800 2,300 2,900 3,900
4 200 450 700 1,100 1,800 2,300 2,900 3,900 5,000
5 450 700 1,100 1,800 2,300 2,900 3,900 5,000 6,100
6 700 1,100 1,800 2,300 2,900 3,900 5,000 6,100 7,200
7 1,100 1,800 2,300 2,900 3,900 5,000 6,100 7,200 8,400
8 1,800 2,300 2,900 3,900 5,000 6,100 7,200 8,400 9,800
9 2,300 2,900 3,900 5,000 6,100 7,200 8,400 9,800 11,200
10 2,900 3,900 5,000 6,100 7,200 8,400 9,800 11,200 12,600
11 3,900 5,000 6,100 7,200 8,400 9,800 11,200 12,600 14,000
12 5,000 6,100 7,200 8,400 9,800 11,200 12,600 14,000 14,750
13 6,100 7,200 8,400 9,800 11,200 12,600 14,000 14,750 15,500
14 7,200 8,400 9,800 11,200 12,600 14,000 14,750 15,500 16,500
15 8,400 9,800 11,200 12,600 14,000 14,750 15,500 16,500 18,000
16 9,800 11,200 12,600 14,000 14,750 15,500 16,500 18,000 19,500
17 11,200 12,600 14,000 14,750 15,500 16,500 18,000 19,500 21,000
18 12,600 14,000 14,750 15,500 16,500 18,000 19,500 21,000 23,000
19 14,000 14,750 15,500 16,500 18,000 19,500 21,000 23,000 25,000
20 14,750 15,500 16,500 18,000 19,500 21,000 23,000 25,000 27,000

Level :::: CR 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
1 2,900 - - - - - - - -
2 3,900 - - - - - - - -
3 5,000 - - - - - - - -
4 6,100 - - - - - - - -
5 7,200 8,400 9,800 11,200 12,600 - - - -
6 8,400 9,800 11,200 12,600 14,000 - - - -
7 9,800 11,200 12,600 14,000 14,750 - - - -
8 11,200 12,600 14,000 14,750 15,500 - - - -
9 12,600 14,000 14,750 15,500 16,500 - - - -
10 14,000 14,750 15,500 16,500 18,000 19,500 21,000 23,000 -
11 14,750 15,500 16,500 18,000 19,500 21,000 23,000 25,000 -
12 15,500 16,500 18,000 19,500 21,000 23,000 25,000 27,000 -
13 16,500 18,000 19,500 21,000 23,000 25,000 27,000 29,500 -
14 18,000 19,500 21,000 23,000 25,000 27,000 29,500 32,000 -
15 19,500 21,000 23,000 25,000 27,000 29,500 32,000 35,000 38,000
16 21,000 23,000 25,000 27,000 29,500 32,000 35,000 38,000 41,000
17 23,000 25,000 27,000 29,500 32,000 35,000 38,000 41,000 45,000
18 25,000 27,000 29,500 32,000 35,000 38,000 41,000 45,000 50,000
19 27,000 29,500 32,000 35,000 38,000 41,000 45,000 50,000 55,000
20 29,500 32,000 35,000 38,000 41,000 45,000 50,000 55,000 60,000
Pokémon Experience Rewarded By Level & CR, Option 2:Slow Leveling
Level :::: CR 1/8 1/4 1/2 1 2 3 4 5 6
1 25 45 80 150 240 370 530 730 960
2 50 90 150 250 390 560 760 1010 1290
3 90 160 270 410 590 800 1060 1360 1690
4 170 280 430 620 850 1120 1430 1780 2170
5 300 450 650 890 1180 1510 1870 2280 2730
6 480 680 940 1240 1580 1970 2400 2870 3380
7 720 990 1300 1670 2080 2530 3020 3560 4130
8 1040 1370 1760 2190 2660 3180 3750 4340 4980
9 1450 1850 2300 2800 3350 3940 4570 5240 5930
10 1950 2420 2950 3530 4150 4810 5510 6250 7010
11 2550 3110 3710 4370 5070 5800 6580 7380 8210
12 3270 3910 4600 5330 6110 6920 7770 8640 9530
13 4120 4840 5610 6430 7290 8170 9090 10040 11000
14 5100 5910 6770 7670 8610 9570 10560 11570 12600
15 6220 7130 8070 9060 10080 11120 12180 13260 14360
16 7500 8500 9530 10610 11700 12830 13960 15110 16270
17 8950 10040 11160 12320 13500 14700 15910 17120 18340
18 10570 11750 12970 14210 15470 16740 18020 19310 20580
19 12370 13650 14960 16290 17630 18970 20320 21670 23000
20 14370 15750 17140 18550 19970 21390 22810 24210 25600

Level :::: CR 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
1 1230 1530 1860 2220 2620 3030 3470 3940 4420
2 1610 1960 2340 2750 3190 3660 4140 4650 5170
3 2060 2460 2900 3360 3850 4360 4890 5440 6010
4 2590 3050 3540 4050 4590 5150 5730 6320 6930
5 3210 3720 4270 4830 5420 6030 6660 7300 7940
6 3920 4490 5090 5710 6350 7010 7680 8360 9050
7 4730 5360 6010 6680 7380 8080 8800 9520 10250
8 5640 6330 7040 7760 8510 9260 10030 10790 11560
9 6660 7410 8170 8960 9750 10550 11360 12170 12970
10 7800 8600 9430 10260 11110 11960 12810 13650 14500
11 9060 9920 10800 11690 12590 13480 14370 15260 16140
12 10450 11370 12310 13250 14190 15130 16060 16980 17890
13 11970 12960 13950 14940 15930 16910 17880 18840 19780
14 13640 14680 15720 16760 17800 18820 19830 20820 21780
15 15450 16550 17650 18730 19810 20870 21910 22930 23920
16 17420 18580 19720 20850 21970 23060 24140 25180 26200
17 19550 20760 21950 23120 24280 25410 26510 27580 28620
18 21850 23110 24340 25560 26750 27900 29030 30120 31180
19 24320 25620 26900 28150 29370 30560 31710 32820 33890
20 26970 28320 29630 30920 32170 33380 34550 35670 36750
Character Sheets
Editable PDF: https://www.dropbox.com/s/ivudszf3oweu512/Pokémon%20Char%20Sheet%20Editable.pdf?dl=0

Move List
Please see the Move List document for a full list of moves Pokémon can learn.

Pokémon Stats
Please see the Pokémon Stats document for a full list of moves Pokémon can learn.

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