Pokemon RPG

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Pokémon: The RPG

Gotta Catch 'Em All!

Character and Pokémon Generation

Creating a Trainer:

First, determine your character concept. Are you an up-and-coming Pokémon trainer, seeking
induction to the Elite Four, an electric-specializing son of a Power Plant worker, or an introverted
Psychic, making his way in the world? A good way of making a character concept is to just come up
with a few word descriptions then, throughout the campaign, develop the character over time.
A beginning character has 10 points to spend on himself. These points are used on Merits,
defining traits of your character that comes into play in different ways. Below are a list of different
Merits and their effects, but feel free to cook up some on your own.

Ace – 2 Points - You are an Ace, someone who has the amazing ability to excel at a Skill Merit.
You must first have at least one rank in a Skill Merit to take this, and you may repeat this Merit, taking
a different Skill Merit as the focus if the Ace Merit. The benefits are below.
• Ace Breeder – You have excelled at breeding Pokemon. Any Pokemon that hatch under your
care gain your Breeder Rank as a bonus to all stats.
• Ace Coordinater – You have made coordination into even more of an art than it already was.
When Coordinating a Pokemon event, you may count 9s as Critical Performances as well.
• Ace Explorer – Survival is paramount, and you have mastered it.
• Ace Mechanic – Y
• Ace Negotiator – You are an ace at Socialization.
• Ace Nurse – You are a master of medicine. When using the Medicine skill to administer first
aid to a Pokemon, add 5 to the number of damage healed for every rank you have in
Medicine instead of the 2 points of damage healed as per normal.
• Ace Ranger – You are a master of the talents needed for Ranging.
• Ace Scientist – You are a master of Pokemon Study.
• Ace Thief – You are a master of Thievery, and probably a shoe-in for Team Member of the
Psychic – 20 Points – Your character has a secret, yet terrifying power – being a psychic. You
have the ability to perform psychokinesis, telekinesis, telepathy, and other psychic powers. You can
also communicate with certain Pokémon. Sabrina, the psychic gym leader of Saffron City, is the
paragon for psychic characters. This Merit is not repeatable. The Gamemaster should be open to the
idea of Psychic characters in the game but by no means allow the character to break his game. For
example, don’t let your psychic characters just control gym leader’s minds into giving him badges.
Non-Psychic NPCs can withstand attacks from Psychics through determination and an iron will.
Species Specialty – 5 Points – Ever since the day you got him, you share a certain friendship
with one of your captured Pokémon. This Pokémon may be the first one you got or one you got while
on the road. Ash, with his Pikachu, is a great example of a Species specialist. When using your
Specialized Pokémon, that Pokémon gains a +10 to all stats. This Merit costs 5 Character Points and is
repeatable. When you select this Merit a second time, pick a different Species. This merit does not
carry on through evolutions unless 2 Merit points are spent on Evolution Specialty. Example: Ash’s
Pikachu gives in and evolves into a Raichu. Unless Ash spends two Character Points to upgrade his
Species Specialty (Pikachu) to a Species Specialty (Raichu), the Raichu will not benefit from Species
Type Specialty – 10 Points – Your character feels a particular connection to Pokémon of a
certain type. He may be a trainer under a certain gym leader or just someone with connections to that
element. Brock, a Rock specialist, and Misty, a water specialist, are examples of these kinds of
characters. When using a Pokémon that shares the same type as your Specialty, that Pokémon gains a
+10 to Atk/Def or S.Atk/S.Def, which is chosen when this Merit is selected. This Merit is repeatable.
When selected more than once, select a different type. You cannot pick the same Type twice.

Skills – All skills cost 2 Merit Points per rank. A Skill is done as a roll of 1d10+ the amount of ranks
you have in that skill + any abilities your Pokémon that can help you. For example, to crack open a
basic lock is DC 15. Having a Magnemite or it's evolutions on your team would allow you to add your
Magnemite's Special Attack Modifier to your Thievery roll.
Art – Art is a subject that means non-performing art (performances are covered under
Coordinating). This includes painting, drawing, photography and other similar fields.
Breeding – Pokémon Breeding is knowledge of when this Pokémon breeds with this Pokémon,
this Pokémon is produced with these characteristics. Breeders strive to create perfect examples of
Pokémon species. It is said that Pokémon professors contract Pokémon breeders for starters to give
away. Brock is an example of a Pokémon Breeder.
Coordination – Coordination is the act of competing and winning Pokémon Contests. A contest
requires synchronicity between a coordinator and a Pokémon, achieving the best possible show for a
panel of judges.
Machines – The Machines merit deals with the operation, repair, and upkeep of the advanced
technology of the Pokémon world. Team Rocket grunts, while stationed in many a lab, often gain
Merit in Machines, just in case something goes wrong.
Medical – The Medical skill is a broad categorization of know-hows around a Pokémon Center,
improv First Aid, and curing ailments. Nurse Joy would be an example of a character based around the
Medical skill. Medical is considered a Merit Skill.
Pokémon Study – Pokémon Study is also a broad categorization of a skill. It can represent
Professor Oak’s professional and formal knowledge of all things Pokémon or perhaps Ash’s nitty and
gritty understanding out in the world. Oak is probably the definition of a Character with Pokémon
Study but other characters qualify as well, such as Tracy Sketchum. While he does not have the
professionalism of Professor Oak, he has a great understanding of Pokémon habits, skill, and habitats to
further his career in Pokémon sketching. Same goes for Todd, a Pokémon photographer.
Ranging – Ranging is the main skill of a Pokemon Ranger. It is used to help learn about nature
and allows you to use various Ranger only tools to temporarily turn a Pokemon to your side instead of
just capturing them.
Socialization – Socialization is a skill all about dealing with other people. James of Team
Rocket is a master of socialization. This is a skill about talking to people, persuading, lying, and when
worst comes to worst, intimidating them.
Survival – Survival is the knowledge of surviving outside of civilization and away from the
cities’ influence. Brock, a wonderful cook and well-to-do outdoorsman, would be an expert in this
Merit, investing more points into it. Ash, though living outside for most of his life, would have a few
points invested in Survival, but no where near Brock’s expertise. Survival can be used
Thievery – Thievery is a key skill for Team Members, responding to picking pockets, opening
locks, dodging traps and the like. Most Teams, especially Team Rocket and Team Plasma, are known
for using this skill.
With that, a Trainer is created and ready to play in the Pokémon RPG. Now all that’s left is filling out
the details: their name, their hometown, their personality, and the rest.

Creating a Pokémon:

Generally, the first Pokémon generated will be a starting basic Pokémon at level 5, so we’ll use that as
an example. (Baby and second stage and beyond evolved Pokémon will be covered in the Advanced
Ruling section.)
A Pokémon is made up of 5 stats, 6 superlative stats, and a level. The first 5 stats of a Pokémon
are as follows:
• Attack (Atk) – Represents the offensives capabilities of a Pokémon.
• Defense (Def) – Represents the physical hardiness of a Pokémon.
• Special Attack (S.Atk) – Represents the affinity for elemental attacks.
• Special Defense (S.Def) – Represents the resistance against elemental attacks.
• Speed – How quick a Pokémon can react within battle.

When a Pokémon is generated, that Pokémon gets a +10 to two stats to represent their
uniqueness. These 2 bonuses should be relevant to the Pokémon and represent their natural proficiency.
It gets 10 per level to spend on stats otherwise. As such, your first Pokémon will have 50 points to
spend, then his two +10 Unique bonuses. Note that Baby Pokémon (such as Smoochum or Pichu) does
not have their Unique Bonuses yet.

The six superlative stats and the formulas to acquire them are:
• Hit Points (HP) – Atk + Def – The amount of abuse a Pokémon can take in a battle.
• Power Pool (PP) – S. Atk + S. Def + Spd – The amount of abuse a Pokémon can dish out
• Accuracy (Acc) – Atk + Spd – The ability of a Pokémon to hit an opponent.
• Special Accuracy (S.Acc) – S.Atk + Spd – The ability of a Pokémon to aim an elemental attack.
• Evasion (Eva) – Def + Spd – The ability of a Pokémon to dodge a physical attack.
• Special Evasion (S.Eva) - S.Def + Spd – The ability of a Pokémon to dodge an elemental
For all stats except HP and PP, a Pokémon has a second number called a Modifier. A Modifier is the
score divided by 10, and if used for rolls, such as Attack and Damage rolls.
Eugene, a starting trainer from Cerulean City, decides that he wants a Meowth as his first Pokémon.
Since it’s his starter Pokémon, it begins at level 5 with 50 points to spend. It is determined that Meowth
is physically strong and quick, giving a +10 to the Attack and Speed stats. After distributing the 50
stats, Meowth looks like this:

Attack: 20 (Mod 2)
Defense: 10 (Mod 1)
Special Attack: 10 (Mod 1)
Special Defense: 10 (Mod 1)
Speed: 20 (Mod 2)

Meowth needs a Hit Point value, a Power Pool to draw attacks from, Accuracies, and Evasions. Eugene
calculates it up like so:
20 (Atk) + 10 (Def) = 30. Meowth’s HP is 30.
10 (S.Atk) + 10 (S.Def) + 20 (Spd) = 40. Mewoth’s Power Pool is 40.
20 (Atk) + 20 (Spd) = 40. (Mod 4) Meowth adds a 4 to all physical attack rolls for accuracy.
10 (S.Atk) + 20 (Spd) = 30. (Mod 3) Meowth adds a 3 to all special attack rolls for accuracy.
10 (Def) + 20 (Spd) = 30. (Mod 3) Meowth adds a 3 to all physical defense rolls for evasion.
10 (S.Def) + 20 (Spd) = 30. (Mod 3) Meowth adds a 3 to all special defense rolls to evasion.

After that, choose your Pokémon’s attacks and special abilities. The move list for each Pokémon is
drawn directly from the games themselves (Generation IV). By using a website like Bulbapedia, a
Pokedex or some other source, you can easily look up the attacks each Pokémon can learn and at what

Looking up Meowth’s move set, Eugene sees that he starts with Scratch and Growl. Since both moves
have an Accuracy of 100, he calculates their Kickback (100-Acc = Kickback), which is 0. Since both
are Normal type moves, he takes his Accuracy number and subtracts the Kickback number to get their
Move Accuracy (40 – 0 = 40, so the modifier for each is 4). He then takes the Power and adds that to
his attack and divides the result by 10 to get his Move Power score. For Scratch this is 6 (20 + 40 = 60),
and for Growl this is 2 (0 +20 = 20). Scratch is an Attack move, and Growl is a Stat move (it attacks

A Pokémon can know up to 4 moves at any point in time.

And that’s generating a Pokémon!

Battling and Catching Pokémon

Battling Pokémon
More often than not, Pokémon trainers are included in events called simply “battles” where two
trainers pit their respective Pokémon against each other one at a time. The object of the battle is to
knock out the opponent’s Pokémon one at a time until said opponent runs out of Pokémon to send out.
At the beginning of the battle, each trainer (usually in secret) decides which Pokémon to call
out. Then in the first turn, they decide on their attacks to use. The roll a Speed check to see who goes
first. A Speed check is 1d10 + Speed Mod. This is done each turn, and moves that lower Speed can
make it possible to make a Pokémon more likely to go later in the order.
When the attack is declared, roll 1d10 and add either the Accuracy or S. Accuracy Modifier based on
the move's element, and subtracts the move's Kickback number from the result. The opponent rolls
1d10 and adds either Evasion or S. Evasion based on what the attack was. If the Accuracy roll is higher
than the Evasion roll, the attack hits.
If a 10 is rolled on the attack’s accuracy roll, the attack rolls a critical. Both the attacker and the
defender roll again just like a normal attack. If the second attack hits, then the defending Pokémon will
take twice the resulting damage after types are taken into consideration. If the defending Pokémon
beats the attacker’s second roll, then the hit is a normal hit.
In the rare occurrence that another 10 is rolled on the second attack, repeat the process,
increasing the multiplier by 1 each time (so the first 10 prompts a check for double, the second for
triple, the third for quadruple, etc.)
If the defender rolls a 10 on their defense roll, a counter attack is announced. The defender can
make a free attack against the Pokémon that attacked him, just like a normal turn. After the counter
attack is resolved, turns go as normal. This free attack, as the result of a counter critical, can be used in
other ways too. You make a check for your status as normal for an attack.
When an attack hits an enemy, the power of the attack comes into play. You take the power of
the attack and add the respective attack stat (Attack for physical attacks, Special Attack for special
attacks) and then divide the result by 10 and add it together to a 1d10 roll (so 1d10 +
The defending Pokémon takes 1d10 + his Defense Modifier and subtracts it from the attacker’s power.

If the attacking Pokémon is using an attack that harbors the defending Pokémon’s weakness type, refer
to the chart near the back page. Occasionally, a type of attack called a Status attack is implemented in
battle. These attacks attack a Pokémon’s stats or status, hindering them beyond practical use.
In a status attack, it is usually coupled with an Affliction number, which represents its accuracy and
overall potency. If this is used, the attacker rolls 6 on a 1d10. If he rolls equal to or below the Accuracy
number, it connects and the defender suffers its effects. More on this later.

Eugene encounters Noah, a bug trainer that hails from Viridian City. Eugene chooses Meowth (with the
stats above) and Noah chooses his Caterpie with the following stats:

Caterpie, level 5.
HP: 30 PP: 40
Attack: 10
Defense: 20
Special Attacks: 10
Special Defense: 10
Speed: 20
Move List:
Tackle - 5 power - 1 pp.
String Shot - 6 Affliction -5 Spd (in relation to defense rolls) - 5 pp.
(For this particular battle, Meowth and Caterpie have the same Speed stat. To determine turn order,
Eugene and Noah roll a 1d10, saying that natural wins. Eugene wins with a 7, so Meowth goes first.
Eugene elects to use Meowth’s Scratch attack against Caterpie. He rolls a 1d10 and gets a 9, adds his
physical Accuracy Modifier (a +4), and subtracts Scratch's Kickback (0 for Scratch), and gets 13. Noah
responds and rolls a 1d10 and gets a 3 which, with Caterpie’s physical evasion Modifier (a +4), equals
7. Meowth connects his scratch attack against Caterpie.

Meowth’s Scratch attack has a power of 5. Coupled with his Attack of 20 (so, his +2 Attack modifier),
his attack’s total power is 7! He rolls 1d10, and gets a 7, making the total 14.
Caterpie’s Defense of 20 (so, +2) and rolls 1d10, and gets 7 as well. Caterpie's result is 9, and subtracts
that from Meowth's 15. Caterpie takes 5 damage.

On his next turn, Noah orders Caterpie to use his String Shot attack. Caterpie attacks Meowth as
normal, but if the attack hits Meowth instead loses 10 points of Speed until First Aid is used on him or
he is taken back to a Pokemon Center.

After the attack is resolved, the defending Pokémon deducts the damage dealt from its current Hit Point
total. After both Pokémon’s turns have been resolved and completed, each Pokémon deducts the PP
used for each attack in their round from their Power Pool total.

Caterpie’s HP drops from 30 to 25 due to Meowth’s Scratch attack. After Caterpie’s attack, each attack
is accounted for in their Power Pool total.
Meowth used a simple scratch so his PP drops from 40 to 39. Caterpie, having attempted a String Shot,
deducts 5 from his PP, dropping it from 40 to 35. The next turn begins.
The battle continues until all of the Pokémon on one side is knocked out. Once a Pokémon’s Power
Pool total drops to 0 (or otherwise unable to use attacks), it is reduced to using the move
Struggle. This move cannot be used until a Pokémon has no PP.

Struggle – Physical Attack

5 Kickback – 1 power – 0 pp
“Your Pokémon flails about the battlefield in absolute frustration, desperate to sneak a shot in.”

Afflictions and Status Attacks

Certain attacks do not deal direct damage to a Pokémon’s Hit Points.
Some Pokémon like to undermine and destroy a Pokémon’s defenses and attacks before commencing
the real battle.
A Status attack does not work like a regular attack. A Status attack is coupled with an Affliction
number, usually noted by a number and “Aff” next to it. When the Status attack is used, the attacker
rolls a 1d10 and refers to his affliction number. If he rolled equal to or lower than the number,
the attack hits and the defender suffers the consequences.
There are many different status afflictions in the game that can be done to Pokémon.
Burned: When a Pokémon is burned, it is singed by a Pokémon’s vicious fire attack. At the end of each
turn, the burnt Pokémon takes damage equal to half of the attacker’s Special Attack Modifier, minimum
1 point of damage. They do not take damage at the end of a counter critical turn. A Burn can usually be
healed by a Burn Heal Potion.
Growlithe successfully burns Jigglypuff with a flamethrower attack. If Growlithe has a Special Attack
stat of 20, Jigglypuff would take 1 damage at the end of each of her turns.
Confusion: A confused Pokémon is thrown about the battlefield, sometimes knocking itself around
instead of the opponent! At the beginning of the confused Pokémon’s turn, roll 1d10. 1-
5 means that the Pokémon acts normally. A 6 -8 means the Pokémon hits itself. A 9-10 means the
Pokémon is no longer under the effects of confusion. For a counter critical, they automatically pass
confusion to make an attack.
Frozen: One of the more powerful afflictions in the game, freezing attacks are devastating. If a
Pokémon is frozen, it cannot act on its turn. If the frozen Pokémon is attacked, it does not add its
Speed stat to its defense rolls. If a frozen Pokémon is hit with a Fire type attack, then it is automatically
unfrozen. On its turn, the Pokémon can roll a 1d10 and on a roll of 1 unthaws. Freezing can be healed
by a Freeze Heal.
Paralysis: When a Pokémon is paralyzed by some sort of electric or ghost, it can freeze up during
certain attacks. At the beginning of the paralyzed Pokémon’s turn, roll 1d10. If a 1-7 is rolled, it can
act normally. If an 8-10 is rolled, it sacrifices the rest of its turn. For a counter critical, they
automatically pass paralysis to make an attack.
Poisoned: The injection of a Pokémon’s deadly venom can spell doom for opposing Pokémon. At the
end of each turn, the poisoned Pokémon takes damage equal to half of the attacker’s Special Attack
Modifier. They do not take damage at the end of a counter critical turn. Poison can usually be healed by
an Antidote.
Badly Poisoned: There’s poisoned. Then there’s REALLY poisoned. When a Pokémon is badly
poisoned, it takes damage equal to the attacker’s Special Attack Modifier. They do not take damage at
the end of a counter critical turn. Every subsequent turn, the damage increases by half the attacker's
Special Attack Modifier (rounded down), and so on in increments.
Arbok’s poison fangs sunk deep into Scyther’s shoulder, badly poisoning him. Arbok’s Special Attack
stat, 50, means that Scyther takes 5 damage at the end of each turn. That increases to 7 damage at
the end of his next turn, then 9, then 11, then 13, etc.
Sleep: Sometimes you just want to take a nap. When a Pokémon is asleep, roll a 1d10 at the beginning
of its turn. On a 1-5, the sleeping Pokémon wakes up and can use its turn. On a roll of 6-10, the
sleeping Pokémon stays asleep and sacrifices its turn. When being attacked, sleeping Pokémon use
their Defense Modifier instead of their Evasion Modifier for Evasion rolls (or their Special equivalents
if the case may be).
Catching Pokémon

One aspect of the Pokémon universe is the capture and acquisition of Pokémon into your party.
Generally, weakening the Pokémon with attacks and status afflictions makes it easier to catch. A
Pokeball is a one-time use item, so if it is thrown, it is gone, regardless of the outcome.
When a Trainer decides to attempt capture, plug in the values in the following formula.
R= X + HP + Defense - Status
Ball Value
X represents the catch rate for a Pokémon, which is predetermined. Catch rates usually vary from 1-100
with 100 being absolutely uncatchable. The lower the rate, the easier it is to catch. The average is
usually 30. For example, a Magikarp would be a 20, but Mewtwo would be 100.
The HP value is determined by the amount of Hit Points the defending Pokémon has. If the Pokémon is
at or below the HP value on the right, use that number. Refer to the follow chart for the number to plug

HP Catch Modifier Value

Full 20
¾ 10
½ -10
¼ -20
The Status affect on the defending Pokémon also comes into play when determining the probability of
capture. If the defending Pokémon is under the effects of the following status effects, factor this into
the formula.
Effect Catch Modifier
Burn -10
Freeze -20
Paralysis -10
Poisoned -10
Badly -15
Sleep -20
The Ball Value is determined by the type of ball being used to capture the defending Pokémon.

Ball Type Catch Modifier Value and Notes

Pokeball 1.1
Great Ball 1.3
Ultra Ball 1.5
Master Ball N/A always catches
Level Ball 1.1 + .1 for every 5 levels you have above the other Pokémon
Net Ball 1.1, 1.6 against Water and Bug types
Dusk Ball 1.1, 1.5 against Pokémon at night or in caves
Heal Ball 1.1, but instantly heals the Pokémon caught.
Speed Ball 1.1, +.1 for each point of Speed modifier the Pokémon has
Premiere Ball 1.1
Park Ball 1.1
Moon Ball 1.1, 1.6 against special Pokémon
Heavy Ball 1.1, 1.6 against heavy Pokémon.

After plugging in all of the numbers, you get what is called the Resistance Number. Take the resistance
number that you end up with and subtract it from 100. You must roll that number (rounded down) or
below on a 1d100 to confirm capture.
While exploring the fields west of Vermillion City, Eugene happens upon a Drowzee and seeing the
fresh opportunity, releases Meowth.

After a few moments of battling, Eugene pulls a Pokeball (a ball value of 1.1) and throws it at the
Drowzee. The math goes like this:
Drowzee has a catch rate of 15. Easy enough, but no piece of cake. Meowth has worn down this
Pokémon beyond all recognition, bringing it down to 1/4th of its Hit Point Total. Drowzee has a defense
stat of 40 and no statuses. So it looks like this:
37= 15 + -20 + 40 - 0
Subtracting 37 from 100, we get 63. Eugene must roll a 63 or lower on a 1d100 to capture the
Character And Pokémon Advancement

At the end of every battle, Pokémon gain 5 experience points for every Pokémon they knock out
plus the difference of the other Pokémon's level against your Pokémon's level. So a Level 9 defeating a
Level 9 would gain 5 experience, but a Level 9 defeating a Level 8 only gains 4 experience.
Every 10 points that is gained this way signals a Pokémon’s “level up.” When a Pokémon levels up,
recalculate the superlative stats using the same formulas and the new stats, distrubiting 10 points
among the 5 core stats. Check the Pokémon’s move set and replace attacks as necessary.
Whenever a trainer does something Merit Worthy, he gains a Merit Point. This could be
capturing a new Pokémon with a Capture Chance of less than 50%, or saving someone, or doing
something really amazing! Capturing a Legendary Pokémon or a Psuedolegendary should be worth
more than 1 Merit Point as well (we suggest 5 for a Legendary and 4 for a Psuedolegendary), and
helping a Pokémon evolve should net him 2 Merit Points.

Evolution has a very special place in the Pokémon universe. It is the reflection of a Pokémon’s
inner strength and the trainer’s determination as well. When a Pokémon hits the prerequisite level for
evolution, it advances to the next stage in its evolution chain by one stage.
Usually, when a Pokémon evolves, it gains stat bonuses to reflect the uniqueness of that
evolutionary stage (similar to a basic Pokémon). It gets +20 to two stats and RARELY -20 to another
for a second stage evolution. A third stage evolution would get a +30 to two stages and RARELY a -30
to another. A Charmander to a Charmeleon, for example, would get a +20 to Attack and Special Attack
upon evolution. A Charmelon to a Charizard, however, would get a +30 to Special Attack and
Special Defense, but a -30 to Speed. (Note: When a baby evolution evolves into the basic stage of the
evolutionary chain, it gets a +10 to two stats, as baby Pokémon do not start with the two +10 bonuses.)
Once a Pokémon has evolved to the next stage, you use their move list from that point on. A Pokémon
can never be devolved back to a previous stage (unless someone absolutely mystical happens).

When a Pokémon uses a special attack with a move against a Pokémon that is weak against that move’s
type, it is considered super effective. When a special move I used in battle, refer to the chart below and
make the following adjustments:
Super Effective: When a move is super effective, that attack’s power is multiplied by 2. So a super
effective ember attack would have a power of 8.
Not Very Effective: When a move is not very effective, that attack’s power is multiplied by .5. So an
ineffective ember attack would have a power of 2.
Immune: When a Pokémon is hit by a move type it is immune to, the attack deals absolutely no
Pokemon Moves

Move Type Cat PWR KBK PP TM/HM Effect Affl

Acrobatics FLYING Physical 5 0 6 - Stronger when the user does not have a held item. -
Aerial Ace FLYING Physical 6 ∞ 5 TM40 Cannot miss, regardless of Accuracy or Evasiveness. -
Aqua Jet WATER Physical 4 0 5 - User goes first. -
Aqua Tail WATER Physical 9 1 10 - -
Arm Thrust FIGHTING Physical 1 0 5 - Hits 2-5 times in one turn. -
Power doubles if opponent already took damage in the same
Assurance DARK Physical 5 0 10 -

Astonish GHOST Physical 3 0 6 - May cause flinching. 3

Attack Order BUG Physical 9 0 6 - High Critical-Hit ratio. -
Avalanche ICE Physical 6 0 10 TM72 Power doubles if user took damage first. -
Barrage NORMAL Physical 1 2 5 - Hits 2-5 times in one turn. -
Beat Up DARK Physical - 0 3 - Each Pokemon in your party attacks. -
User takes damage for two turns and strikes back double on
Bide NORMAL Physical - - 10 -
Damages opponent for 2-5 turns, opponent cannot
Bind NORMAL Physical 1 2 5 -

Bite DARK Physical 6 0 4 - May cause flinching. 3

Blaze Kick FIRE Physical 8 1 10 - High Critical-Hit ratio. May cause a burn. 1
Body Slam NORMAL Physical 8 0 6 - May cause paralysis. 3
Bolt Strike ELECTRIC Physical 13 2 20 - May paralyze the target. 2
Bone Club GROUND Physical 6 2 5 - May cause flinching. 1
Bone Rush GROUND Physical 2 1 10 - Hits 2-5 times in one turn. -
Bonemerang GROUND Physical 5 1 10 - Hits twice. -
Flies up on the first turn, hits on the 2nd. May cause
Bounce FLYING Physical 8 2 20 -

Brave Bird FLYING Physical 12 0 6 - User receives recoil damage. -

Brick Break FIGHTING Physical 7 0 3 TM31 Breaks through Reflect and Light Screen barriers. -
Bug Bite BUG Physical 6 0 5 - Receives the effect from the opponent's held berry. -
Bulldoze GROUND Physical 6 0 5 - May lower the target's Speed by one level. 9
Bullet Punch STEEL Physical 4 0 6 - User goes first. -
Bullet Seed GRASS Physical 2 0 6 TM09 Hits 2-5 times in one turn. -
Chip Away NORMAL Physical 7 0 5 - Ignores the target's stat changes. -
In battles, the opponent switches. In the wild, the Pokemon
Circle Throw FIGHTING Physical 6 1 10 -
Damages opponent for 2-5 turns, opponent cannot
Clamp WATER Physical 3 3 10 -

Close Combat FIGHTING Physical 12 0 20 - Decreases user's Defense and Special Defense by one stage. -
Comet Punch NORMAL Physical 2 2 6 - Hits 2-5 times in one turn. -
Constrict NORMAL Physical 1 0 3 - May lower opponent's Speed by one stage. 1
When hit by a Physical Attack, user strikes back with 2x
Counter FIGHTING Physical - 0 5 -
Covet NORMAL Physical 6 0 2 - Opponent's item is stolen by the user. -
Crabhammer WATER Physical 9 1 10 - High Critical-Hit ratio. -
Cross Chop FIGHTING Physical 10 2 20 - High Critical-Hit ratio. -
Cross Poison POISON Physical 7 0 5 - Likely to land a Critical Hit, may poison opponent. 1
Crunch DARK Physical 8 0 6 - May decrease opponent's Defense by one stage. 2
Crush Claw NORMAL Physical 7 1 10 - May decrease opponent's Defense by one stage. 5
Crush Grip NORMAL Physical - 0 20 - More powerful when opponent has higher HP. -
Cut NORMAL Physical 5 1 3 HM01 -
Digs down first turn, attacks in the 2nd. Acts like an Escape
Dig GROUND Physical 8 0 10 TM28
Rope on the field.

Dive WATER Physical 8 0 10 - Dives down for the first turn, attacks on the second turn. -
Dizzy Punch NORMAL Physical 7 0 10 - May cause confusion. 2
Double Hit NORMAL Physical 3 1 10 - Hits twice. -
Double Kick FIGHTING Physical 3 0 3 - Hits twice. -
User receives recoil damage equal to 1/8th the damage
Double-Edge NORMAL Physical 12 0 6 -

Doubleslap NORMAL Physical 1 2 10 - Hits 2-5 times in one turn. -

Dragon Claw DRAGON Physical 8 0 6 TM02 -
Dragon Rush DRAGON Physical 10 3 10 - May cause flinching. 2
In battles, the opponent switches. In the wild, the Pokemon
Dragon Tail DRAGON Physical 6 1 10 -

Drain Punch FIGHTING Physical 7 0 10 TM60 User recovers half of the damage inflicted on opponent. -
Drill Peck FLYING Physical 8 0 5 - -
Drill Run GROUND Physical 8 1 10 - High Critical-Hit ratio. -
Dual Chop DRAGON Physical 4 1 6 - Hits twice in one turn. -
Dynamicpunch FIGHTING Physical 10 5 20 - Causes confusion, if it hits. -
Earthquake GROUND Physical 10 0 10 TM26 Power is doubled if opponent is underground from using Dig. -
Egg Bomb NORMAL Physical 10 3 10 - -
Endeavor NORMAL Physical - 0 20 - Reduces opponent's HP to same as user's. -
Explosion NORMAL Physical 25 0 20 TM64 User faints. -
Extremespeed NORMAL Physical 8 0 20 - User attacks first. -
Facade NORMAL Physical 7 0 5 TM42 Stronger if user is Burned, Poisoned, or Paralyzed. -
Faint Attack DARK Physical 6 ∞ 5 - Cannot miss, regardless of Accuracy or Evasiveness. -
Fake Out NORMAL Physical 4 0 10 - Can only be used in first turn. User goes first, foe flinches. -
False Swipe NORMAL Physical 4 0 2 TM54 Always leaves opponent with at least 1 HP. -
Only hits if opponent uses Protect or Detect in the same
Feint NORMAL Physical 3 0 10 -

Fire Fang FIRE Physical 6 1 6 - May cause a burn or flinching. 1

Fire Punch FIRE Physical 7 0 6 - May cause a burn. 1
Fissure GROUND Physical - 7 5 - An instant 1-hit KO, if it hits. -
Flail NORMAL Physical - 0 6 - The lower the user's HP, the higher the power. -
Flame Charge FIRE Physical 5 0 5 - Inflicts damage and raises the user's Speed by one stage. -
Flame Wheel FIRE Physical 6 0 4 - May cause a burn. 1
Flare Blitz FIRE Physical 12 0 6 - User receives recoil damage. -
Fling DARK Physical - 0 10 TM56 Power depends on held item. -
Fly FLYING Physical 9 1 6 HM02 Flies up on the first turn, attacks on the second turn. -
Pokemon waits on the first turn, attacks on the second. If
Focus Punch FIGHTING Physical 15 0 5 TM01 the Pokemon is hit between this, the Pokemon flinches -
instead of attacking.
Force Palm FIGHTING Physical 6 0 10 - May cause paralysis. 3
Foul Play DARK Physical 9 0 6 - Uses the opponent's Attack stat. -
Charges for a turn before attacking. May paralyze the
Freeze Shock ICE Physical 14 1 20 -

Frustration NORMAL Physical - 0 5 TM21 Power raises with the more the user dislikes its trainer. -
Fury Attack NORMAL Physical 1 2 5 - Hits 2-5 times in one turn. -
Fury Cutter BUG Physical 2 1 5 - Power increases with each consecutive hit. -
Fury Swipes NORMAL Physical 1 2 6 - Hits 2-5 times in one turn. -
Fusion Bolt ELECTRIC Physical 10 0 20 - Power increases if Fusion Flare is used in the same turn. -
Gear Grind STEEL Physical 5 2 6 - Hits twice in one turn. -
Giga Impact NORMAL Physical 15 1 20 TM68 User cannot move in the following turn. -
Guillotine NORMAL Physical - 7 20 - An instant 1-hit KO, if it hits. -
Gunk Shot POISON Physical 12 3 20 - May cause poison. -
Gyro Ball STEEL Physical - 0 20 TM74 The slower the opponent, the stronger the attack. -
Hammer Arm FIGHTING Physical 10 1 10 - Decreases the user's Speed by one stage. -
Head Charge NORMAL Physical 12 0 6 - User receives 1/4 the damage it inflicts in recoil. -
Head Smash ROCK Physical 15 2 20 - User receives recoil damage. -
Headbutt NORMAL Physical 7 0 6 - May cause flinching. 3
Heart Stamp PSYCHIC Physical 6 0 4 - May make the target flinch. 3
Heat Crash FIRE Physical - 0 10 - The heavier the user, the stronger the attack. -
Heavy Slam STEEL Physical - 0 10 - The heavier the user, the stronger the attack. -
Hi Jump Kick FIGHTING Physical 13 1 10 - If it misses, the user loses half their HP. -
Horn Attack NORMAL Physical 6 0 4 - -
Horn Drill NORMAL Physical - 7 20 - An instant 1-hit KO, if it hits. -
Horn Leech GRASS Physical 7 0 10 - Heals the user by half the damage inflicted. -
Hyper Fang NORMAL Physical 8 1 6 - May cause flinching. 1
Ice Ball ICE Physical 3 1 5 - An attack lasting for 5 turns that grows in power. -
Ice Fang ICE Physical 6 1 6 - May cause freezing and flinching. 1
Ice Punch ICE Physical 7 0 6 - May cause freezing. 1
Ice Shard ICE Physical 4 0 3 - User attacks first. -
Icicle Crash ICE Physical 8 1 10 - May make the target flinch. 3
Icicle Spear ICE Physical 2 0 3 - Hits 2-5 times in one turn. -
Iron Head STEEL Physical 8 0 6 - May cause flinching. 3
Iron Tail STEEL Physical 10 3 6 TM23 May decrease opponent's Defense by one stage. 3
Jump Kick FIGHTING Physical 8 1 4 - If it misses, the user loses half their HP. -
Karate Chop FIGHTING Physical 5 0 4 - High Critical-Hit ratio. -
Opponent cannot use its hold item for the duration of the
Knock Off DARK Physical 2 0 5 -

Last Resort NORMAL Physical 14 0 20 - Can only be used after all other moves are used. -
Leaf Blade GRASS Physical 9 0 6 - High Critcal-Hit ratio. -
Leech Life BUG Physical 2 0 6 - User recovers half of the damage inflicted on the opponent. -
Lick GHOST Physical 2 0 3 - May cause paralysis. 3
Low Sweep FIGHTING Physical 6 0 5 - Lowers the target's Speed by one level. -
Mach Punch FIGHTING Physical 4 0 3 - User goes first. -
Magnet Bomb STEEL Physical 6 ∞ 5 - Cannot miss, regardless of Accuracy or Evasiveness. -
Magnitude GROUND Physical - 0 3 - Hits with random power. -
Mega Kick NORMAL Physical 12 3 20 - -
Mega Punch NORMAL Physical 8 2 5 - -
Megahorn BUG Physical 12 2 10 - -
Metal Burst STEEL Physical - 0 10 - Deals damage equal to 1.5x opponent's attack. -
Metal Claw STEEL Physical 5 1 3 - May increase the user's Attack by one stage. 1
Meteor Mash STEEL Physical 10 2 10 - May increase user's Attack by one stage. 2
Natural Gift NORMAL Physical - 0 6 TM83 The type and power depends on the user's held berry. -
Needle Arm GRASS Physical 6 0 6 - May cause flinching. 3
Night Slash DARK Physical 7 0 6 - High Critical-Hit ratio. -
Outrage DRAGON Physical 12 0 6 - User attacks for 2-3 turns and then becomes confused. -
Pay Day NORMAL Physical 4 0 5 - A small amount of money is gained after the battle resolves. -
Payback DARK Physical 5 0 10 TM66 Power doubles if the user was attacked first. -
Peck FLYING Physical 3 0 3 - -
Pin Missile BUG Physical 1 2 5 - Hits 2-5 times in one turn. -
If the opponent is holding a berry, its effect is stolen by
Pluck FLYING Physical 6 0 5 TM88

Poison Fang POISON Physical 5 0 6 - May cause poison that gets worse each turn. 3
Poison Jab POISON Physical 8 0 5 TM84 May poison the opponent. 3
Poison Sting POISON Physical 1 0 3 - May poison the opponent. 3
Poison Tail POISON Physical 5 0 5 - High Critical-Hit ratio. May poison the opponent. 1
Pound NORMAL Physical 4 0 3 - -
Power Whip GRASS Physical 12 2 10 - -
Present NORMAL Physical - 1 6 - Either deals damage or heals. -
Psycho Cut PSYCHIC Physical 7 0 5 - High Critical-Hit ratio. -
Punishment DARK Physical - 0 20 - Power depends on opponent's stats. -
Pursuit DARK Physical 4 0 5 - Double power if the opponent is switching out. -
Quick Attack NORMAL Physical 4 0 3 - User goes first. -
Rage NORMAL Physical 2 0 5 - Increases user's Attack by one stage when hit. -
Rapid Spin NORMAL Physical 2 0 1 - Removes the effects of trap moves -
Razor Leaf GRASS Physical 5 1 4 - High Critical-Hit ratio. -
Razor Shell WATER Physical 7 1 10 - May lower the target's Defense by one level. 5
Inflicts double damage if a teammate fainted on the last
Retaliate NORMAL Physical 7 0 20 -

Return NORMAL Physical - 0 5 TM27 Power increases with user's Happiness. -

Revenge FIGHTING Physical 6 0 10 - Power increases if user was hit first. -
Reversal FIGHTING Physical - 0 6 - The lower the user's HP, the higher the power. -
Rock Blast ROCK Physical 2 1 10 - Hits 2-5 times in one turn. -
Rock Climb NORMAL Physical 9 2 5 HM08 May cause confusion. 2
Rock Slide ROCK Physical 7 1 10 TM80 May cause flinching, if it hits. 3
Rock Smash FIGHTING Physical 4 0 6 HM06 Likely to decrease the opponent's Defense by one stage. 5
Rock Throw ROCK Physical 5 1 6 - -
Rock Tomb ROCK Physical 5 2 10 TM39 Decreases the opponent's Speed by one stage, if it hits. -
Rock Wrecker ROCK Physical 15 1 20 - The user cannot move in the following turn. -
Rolling Kick FIGHTING Physical 6 2 6 - May cause flinching. 3
Rollout ROCK Physical 3 1 5 - An attack lasting for 5 turns that grows in power. -
Sacred Fire FIRE Physical 10 1 20 - Likely to cause a burn. 5
Sacred Sword FIGHTING Physical 9 0 5 - Ignores the target's stat changes. -
Damages opponent for 2-5 turns, opponent cannot
Sand Tomb GROUND Physical 3 2 6 -

Scratch NORMAL Physical 4 0 3 - -

Secret Power NORMAL Physical 7 0 5 TM43 Effects of the attack vary with the location. 3
Seed Bomb GRASS Physical 8 0 6 - -
Seismic Toss FIGHTING Physical - 0 20 - Inflicts damage equal to user's level. -
Selfdestruct NORMAL Physical 20 0 20 - User faints. -
Shadow Claw GHOST Physical 7 0 6 TM65 High Critical-Hit ratio. -
Shadow Force GHOST Physical 12 0 20 - Disappears on the 1st turn, attacks on the 2nd turn. -
Shadow Punch GHOST Physical 6 ∞ 5 - Cannot miss, regardless of Accuracy and Evasiveness. -
Shadow Sneak GHOST Physical 4 0 3 - User goes first. -
Increases user's Defense one stage in the 1st turn, attacks in
Skull Bash NORMAL Physical 10 0 6 -
the 2nd turn.
User cannot move in the 1st turn, attacks 2nd turn. May
Sky Attack FLYING Physical 14 1 20 -
cause flinching.
Tosses the target into the air on first turn; Drops them on
Sky Drop FLYING Physical 6 0 10 -
the second.

Sky Uppercut FIGHTING Physical 8 1 6 - Hits the opponent, even during Fly. -
Slam NORMAL Physical 8 3 5 - -
Slash NORMAL Physical 7 0 5 - High Critical-Hit ratio. -
Smack Down ROCK Physical 5 0 6 - Makes Flying-type pokemon vulnerable to Ground moves. -
Spark ELECTRIC Physical 6 0 5 - May cause paralysis. 3
Spike Cannon NORMAL Physical 2 0 6 - Hits 2-5 times in one turn. -
Steamroller BUG Physical 6 0 5 - May make the target flinch. 3
Steel Wing STEEL Physical 7 1 4 TM47 May increases user's Defense by one stage. 1
Stomp NORMAL Physical 6 0 5 - May cause flinching. 3
Stone Edge ROCK Physical 10 2 20 TM71 High Critical-Hit ratio. -
Storm Throw FIGHTING Physical 4 0 10 - Always results in a critical hit. -
Strength NORMAL Physical 8 0 6 HM04 -
Struggle NORMAL Physical 5 0 - - Only usable when all PP are gone. Hurts the user. -
Submission FIGHTING Physical 8 2 4 - User receives recoil damage. -
User goes first, but won't work if opponent doesn't use an
Sucker Punch DARK Physical 8 0 20 -
attacking move.
Super Fang NORMAL Physical - 1 10 - Always takes off half of the opponent's HP. -
Superpower FIGHTING Physical 12 0 20 - Decreases user's Attack and Defense by one stage each. -
Tackle NORMAL Physical 5 0 3 - -
Tail Slap NORMAL Physical 2 2 10 - Hits 2-5 times in one turn. -
Take Down NORMAL Physical 9 2 5 - User receives recoil damage. -
Thief DARK Physical 4 0 10 TM46 May steal opponent's held item. 4
Thrash NORMAL Physical 12 0 10 - User attacks for 2-3 turns but then becomes confused. -
Thunder Fang ELECTRIC Physical 6 1 6 - May cause paralysis and flinching. 1
Thunderpunch ELECTRIC Physical 7 0 6 - May cause paralysis. 1
Triple Kick FIGHTING Physical 1 1 10 - Hits 3 times, growing in power each with each hit. -
U-turn BUG Physical 7 0 5 TM89 User switches out immediately after attacking. -
V-Create FIRE Physical 18 1 20 - Lowers the user's Defense, Special Defense and Speed. -
Vicegrip NORMAL Physical 5 0 3 - -
Vine Whip GRASS Physical 3 0 6 - -
Vital Throw FIGHTING Physical 7 ∞ 10 - User attacks last, but cannot miss. -
Volt Tackle ELECTRIC Physical 12 0 6 - User receives recoil damage. -
Power doubles if used on a sleeping opponent, but wakes it
Wake-up Slap FIGHTING Physical 6 0 10 -

Waterfall WATER Physical 8 0 6 HM07 May cause flinching. 2

Wild Charge ELECTRIC Physical 9 0 6 - User receives 1/4 the damage it inflicts in recoil. -
Wing Attack FLYING Physical 6 0 3 - -
Wood Hammer GRASS Physical 12 0 6 - User receives recoil damage. -
Damages opponent for 2-5 turns, opponent cannot
Wrap NORMAL Physical 1 1 5 -

X-Scissor BUG Physical 8 0 6 TM81 -

Zen Headbutt PSYCHIC Physical 8 1 6 -


Name Type Cat. Power Kick. PP Effect Affl.
Acid Armor POISON Status - - 1 - Increases user's Defense by two stages. -
Acupressure NORMAL Status - - 3 - Randomly raises one of the user's stats by two stages. -
After You NORMAL Status - - 6 - Gives target priority in the next turn -
Agility PSYCHIC Status - - 3 - Raises the user's Speed by two stages. -
Ally Switch PSYCHIC Status - - 6 - User switches with opposite teammate. -
Amnesia PSYCHIC Status - - 5 - Raises user's Special Defense by two stages. -
Aqua Ring WATER Status - - 5 - Restores a little HP each turn. -
Aromatherapy GRASS Status - - 20 - Cures all status problems in your party. -
In a Double Battle, user randomly attacks with a partner's
Assist NORMAL Status - - 5 -
If opponent is the opposite gender, it's less likely to
Attract NORMAL Status - 0 6 TM45

Autotomize STEEL Status - - 6 - Decreases user's weight and raises Speed by two stages. -
Name Type Cat. Power Kick. PP Effect Affl.
Barrier PSYCHIC Status - - 3 - Raises user's Defense by two stages. -
User switches out and gives stat changes to the incoming
Baton Pass NORMAL Status - - 1 -
User loses 50% of its max HP, but Attack raises to
Belly Drum NORMAL Status - - 10 -

Bestow NORMAL Status - - 6 - Gives the user's held item to the target. -
Block NORMAL Status - - 20 - Opponent cannot flee or switch. -
Bulk Up FIGHTING Status - - 5 TM08 Increases user's Attack and Defense by one stage. -
Increases user's Special Attack and Special Defense by one
Calm Mind PSYCHIC Status - - 5 TM04

Camouflage NORMAL Status - - 5 - Changes user's type according to the location. -

Foe with opposite gender has its Sp. Attack lowered by 2
Captivate NORMAL Status - 0 5 TM78

Charge ELECTRIC Status - - 5 - Power of your Electric-type attacks increase next turn. -
Charm NORMAL Status - 0 5 - Lowers opponent's Attack by two stages. -
Coil POISON Status - - 5 - Raises the user's Attack, Defense and Accuracy. -
Confuse Ray GHOST Status - 0 10 - Confuses opponent. -
Conversion NORMAL Status - - 3 - Changes user's type to a type of one of its own moves. -
User changes type to become resistant to opponent's last
Conversion 2 NORMAL Status - - 3 -

Copycat NORMAL Status - - 5 - Copies opponent's last move. -

Cosmic Power PSYCHIC Status - - 5 - Increase user's Defense and Special Defense by one stage. -
Cotton Guard GRASS Status - - 10 - Raises the user's Defense by three stages. -
Cotton Spore GRASS Status - 0 1 - Sharply reduces opponent's Speed. -
Ghosts - Lose 50% of max HP, opponent loses 25% of max
HP at the end of each turn. Non-Ghosts - Raises user's
Curse - Status - - 10 -
Attack and Defense one stage each, but lowers Speed by
one stage.
Dark Void DARK Status - 2 10 - Puts all Pokemon on the field to sleep. -
Increases user's Defense and Special Defense by one stage
Defend Order BUG Status - - 10 -
Increases user's Defense by one stage. Rollout is now
Defense Curl NORMAL Status - - 1 -

Defog FLYING Status - - 6 - Lowers opponent's Evasiveness by one stage. -

Destiny Bond GHOST Status - - 20 - If the user faints, the opponent also faints. -
Opponent's attack doesn't affect you, but may fail if used
Detect FIGHTING Status - - 20 -

Disable NORMAL Status - 0 20 - Opponent can't use its last attack for a few turns. -
Double Team NORMAL Status - - 6 TM32 Increases user's Evasiveness by one stage. -
Dragon Dance DRAGON Status - - 5 - Increases user's Attack and Speed by one stage each. -
Embargo DARK Status - 0 6 TM63 Opponent cannot use hold items. -
Encore NORMAL Status - 0 20 - Forces opponent to keep using its last more for 2-6 turns. -
Always left with at least 1 HP, but may fail if used in a
Endure NORMAL Status - - 10 TM58

Entrainment NORMAL Status - 0 6 - Makes target's ability same as user's. -

Name Type Cat. Power Kick. PP Effect Affl.
Fake Tears DARK Status - 0 5 - Decreases opponent's Special Defense by two stages. -
Featherdance FLYING Status - 0 6 - Decreases opponent't Attack by two stages. -
Flash NORMAL Status - 0 5 TM70 Decreases opponent's Accuracy by one stage. -
Confuses opponent, but raises its Special Attack by two
Flatter DARK Status - 0 6 -

Focus Energy NORMAL Status - - 3 - Increases Critical-Hit ratio by one stage -

Follow Me NORMAL Status - - 5 - In Double Battle, the user takes all the attacks. -
Resets opponent's Evasiveness, Normal-type and Fighting-
Foresight NORMAL Status - - 1 - type attacks can now hit Ghosts, and Ghost-type attacks -
hit Normal.
Gastro Acid POISON Status - 0 10 - Cancels out the effect of the opponent's Ability. -
Glare NORMAL Status - 1 3 - Causes paralysis, if it hits. -
Grasswhistle GRASS Status - 5 6 - Puts opponent to sleep, if it hits. -
Prevents moves like Fly and Bounce and the Ability
Gravity PSYCHIC Status - - 20 -
Levitate for 5 turns.

Growl NORMAL Status - 0 1 - Decreases opponent's Attack by one stage. -

Growth NORMAL Status - - 1 - Increases user's Attack and Special Attack. -
If the users faints after using this move, the PP for the
Grudge GHOST Status - - 20 -
opponent's last move is depleted.

Guard Split PSYCHIC Status - - 10 - Averages Defense and Special Defense with the target. -
Guard Swap PSYCHIC Status - - 10 - User and opponent swap Defense and Special Defense. -
Hail ICE Status - - 10 TM07 Non-Ice types are damaged for 5 turns. -
Harden NORMAL Status - - 3 - Increases the user's Defense by one stage. -
Haze ICE Status - - 3 - Resets all stat changes. -
Heal Bell NORMAL Status - - 5 - Heals the user's party's status conditions. -
Heal Block PSYCHIC Status - - 6 - Prevents the opponent from restoring HP for 5 turns. -
Heal Order BUG Status - - 10 - Recovers half of the user's max HP. -
Heal Pulse PSYCHIC Status - - 10 - Restores half the target's max HP. -
The user faints and the next Pokemon released is fully
Healing Wish PSYCHIC Status - - 10 -

Heart Swap PSYCHIC Status - - 10 - Stat changes are swapped with the opponent. -
Helping Hand NORMAL Status - - 5 - In Double Battles, boosts the power of the partner's move. -
Hone Claws DARK Status - - 6 - Raises Attack and Accuracy. -
Howl NORMAL Status - - 1 - Increases the user's Attack by one stage. -
Hypnosis PSYCHIC Status - 4 5 - Put opponent to sleep, if it hits. -
Imprison PSYCHIC Status - - 10 - Opponent is unable to use moves that the user also knows. -
Ingrain GRASS Status - - 5 - User restores HP each turn. User cannot escape/switch. -
Iron Defense STEEL Status - - 6 - Increases the user's Defense by two stages. -
Kinesis PSYCHIC Status - 2 6 - Decreases opponent's Accuracy by one stage, if it hits. -
Leech Seed GRASS Status - 1 10 - User steals HP from opponent each turn. -
Leer NORMAL Status - 0 3 - Decreases opponent's Defense by one stage. -
User's party receives 1/2 damage from Sp. Attacks for 5
Light Screen PSYCHIC Status - - 3 TM16
Name Type Cat. Power Kick. PP Effect Affl.
Lock-on NORMAL Status - - 20 - The next move the user uses is guaranteed to hit. -
Lovely Kiss NORMAL Status - 3 10 - Puts the opponent to sleep, if it hits. -
Low Kick FIGHTING Status - 0 5 - The heavier the opponent, the stronger the attack. -
Lucky Chant NORMAL Status - - 3 - Opponent cannot land Critical Hits for 5 turns. -
The user faints but the next Pokemon released is fully
Lunar Dance PSYCHIC Status - - 10 -

Magic Coat PSYCHIC Status - - 6 - Any special move is reflected back to the attacker. -
Magic Room PSYCHIC Status - - 10 - Suppresses the effects of held items for five turns. -
Magnet Rise ELECTRIC Status - - 10 - User becomes immune to Ground-type moves for 5 turns. -
Me First NORMAL Status - - 5 - User goes first with the opponent's attack at 1.5x power. -
Mean Look NORMAL Status - - 20 - Opponent cannot escape/switch. -
Meditate PSYCHIC Status - - 1 - Increases user's Attack by one stage. -
User faints, opponent's Attack is dropped to the lowest
Memento DARK Status - 0 10 -

Metal Sound STEEL Status - 2 1 - Decreases opponent's Special Defense by two stages. -
Metronome NORMAL Status - - 10 - User performs any move in the game at random. -
Milk Drink NORMAL Status - - 10 - User recoves 50% of its maximum HP. -
Replaces this move with the opponent's last move, for the
Mimic NORMAL Status - - 10 -

Mind Reader PSYCHIC Status - - 20 - User's next attack is guaranteed to hit. -

Minimize NORMAL Status - - 5 - Increases user's Evasiveness by one stage. -
Resets opponent's Evasiveness, removes Dark's Psychic
Miracle Eye PSYCHIC Status - - 1 -

Mirror Move FLYING Status - - 5 - User performs the opponent's last move. -
Mist ICE Status - - 3 - User's stats cannot be changed for a period of time. -
Moonlight NORMAL Status - - 20 - User recovers HP. Amount varies with the weather. -
Morning Sun NORMAL Status - - 20 - User recovers HP. Amount varies with the weather. -
Mud Sport GROUND Status - - 6 - Weakens the power of Electric-type moves. -
Nasty Plot DARK Status - - 5 - Increases the user's Special Attack by two stages. -
Nature Power NORMAL Status - - 5 - Uses a certain move based on the current location. -
Resets opponent's Evasiveness, Normal-type and Fighting-
Odor Sleuth NORMAL Status - - 1 - type attacks can now hit Ghosts, and Ghost-type attacks -
hit Normal.
The user's and opponent's HP becomes the average of
Pain Split NORMAL Status - - 5 -
Any Pokemon in play when this attack is used faints in 3
Perish Song NORMAL Status - - 20 -

Poison Gas POISON Status - 2 1 - Poisons the opponent, if it hits. -

Poisonpowder POISON Status - 3 3 - Poisons the opponent, if it hits. -
Power Split PSYCHIC Status - - 10 - Averages Attack and Special Attack with the target. -
Power Swap PSYCHIC Status - - 10 - User and opponent swap Attack and Special Attack. -
Power Trick PSYCHIC Status - - 10 - User's own Attack and Defense switch. -
Protect NORMAL Status - - 10 TM17 User is not affected by opponent's move. -
Psych Up NORMAL Status - - 10 TM77 Copies the opponent's stat changes. -
Name Type Cat. Power Kick. PP Effect Affl.
Psycho Shift PSYCHIC Status - 1 10 - Gives the opponent the user's status condition, if it hits. -
Quash DARK Status - 0 6 - Makes the target act last this turn. -
Quick Guard FIGHTING Status - - 6 - Fast moves won't damage the user or its teammates. -
Raises the user's Special Attack, Special Defense and
Quiver Dance BUG Status - - 5 -

Rage Powder BUG Status - - 5 - Forces attacks to hit this Pokemon, not team-mates. -
Rain Dance WATER Status - - 20 TM18 Causes the weather to change to rain for 5 turns. -
Recover NORMAL Status - - 10 - User recovers 50% of its max HP. -
Recycle NORMAL Status - - 10 TM67 User's used hold item is restored. -
User's party receives 1/2 damage from Ph. Attacks for 5
Reflect PSYCHIC Status - - 5 TM33

Reflect Type NORMAL Status - - 6 - User becomes the target's type. -

Refresh NORMAL Status - - 5 - Cures paralysis, poison, and burns. -
Rest PSYCHIC Status - - 10 TM44 User sleeps for 2 turns, but user is fully healed. -
In battles, the opponent switches. In the wild, the
Roar NORMAL Status - 0 5 TM05
Pokemon runs.

Rock Polish ROCK Status - - 5 TM69 Increases the user's Speed by two stages. -
Role Play PSYCHIC Status - - 6 - User copies the opponent's Ability. -
User recovers 50% of its max HP. Flying-type users are not
Roost FLYING Status - - 10 TM51 immune to Ground-type moves immediately following this -
Safeguard NORMAL Status - - 5 TM20 The user's party is protected from status conditions. -
Sand-attack GROUND Status - 0 6 - Decreases the opponent's Accuracy by one stage. -
Non Rock, Ground and Steel types are damaged for 5
Sandstorm ROCK Status - - 10 TM37

Scary Face NORMAL Status - 0 10 - Sharply lowers opponent's Speed. -

Screech NORMAL Status - 2 1 - Decreases the opponent's Defense by two stages, if it hits. -
Sharpen NORMAL Status - - 3 - Increases the user's Attack by one stage. -
Sharply raises user's Attack, Special Attack and Speed but
Shell Smash NORMAL Status - - 6 -
lowers Defense and Special Defense.

Shift Gear STEEL Status - - 10 - Raises Attack and sharply raises Speed. -
Simple Beam NORMAL Status - 0 6 - Changes target's ability to Simple. -
Sing NORMAL Status - 5 6 - Puts the opponent to sleep, if it hits. -
Sketch NORMAL Status - - 50 - Permanently copies the opponent's last move. -
Skill Swap PSYCHIC Status - - 10 TM48 The user swaps Abilities with the opponent. -
Slack Off NORMAL Status - - 10 - User recovers 50% of its max HP. -
Sleep Powder GRASS Status - 3 6 - Puts the opponent to sleep, if it hits. -
Sleep Talk NORMAL Status - - 10 TM82 User performs one of its own moves while sleeping. -
Smokescreen NORMAL Status - 0 5 - Decreases the opponent's Accuracy by one stage. -
Snatch DARK Status - - 10 TM49 User steals the effects of the opponent's next move. -
Soak WATER Status - 0 5 - Changes the target's type to water. -
Softboiled NORMAL Status - - 10 - User recovers 50% of its max HP. -
Spider Web BUG Status - - 10 - Opponent cannot escape/switch. -
Name Type Cat. Power Kick. PP Effect Affl.
Spikes GROUND Status - - 5 - Hurts opponents when they switch into battle. -
Spite GHOST Status - 0 10 - The opponent's last move loses 2-5 PP. -
Splash NORMAL Status - - 1 - Doesn't do ANYTHING. -
Spore GRASS Status - 0 6 - Puts the opponent to sleep. -
Stealth Rock ROCK Status - - 5 TM76 Damages opponent when they switch into battle. -
Temporarily increases user's Defense by one stage. To be
Stockpile NORMAL Status - - 5 -
used with Spit Up and Swallow.

String Shot BUG Status - 1 1 - Decreases opponent's Speed by one stage. -

Stun Spore GRASS Status - 3 3 - Causes paralysis, if it hits. -
User loses 1/4 of its max HP, but can take hits without
Substitute NORMAL Status - - 10 TM90
losing HP for awhile.

Sunny Day FIRE Status - - 20 TM11 Changes the weather to sunny. -

Supersonic NORMAL Status - 5 5 - Causes confusion, if it hits. -
Opponent becomes confused, but its Attack is raised by 2
Swagger NORMAL Status - 1 6 TM87
The more times the user has performed Stockpile, the
Swallow NORMAL Status - - 10 -
more HP is recovered.

Sweet Kiss NORMAL Status - 3 10 - Causes confusion, if it hits. -

Sweet Scent NORMAL Status - - 5 - Decreases opponent's Evasiveness by one stage. -
Switcheroo DARK Status - 0 6 - Swaps held items with the opponent. -
Swords Dance NORMAL Status - - 3 TM75 Increases the user's Attack by two stages. -
Synthesis GRASS Status - - 20 - User recovers HP. Amount varies with the weather. -
Tail Glow BUG Status - - 5 - Drastically increases user's Special Attack. -
Tail Whip NORMAL Status - 0 3 - Decreases opponent's Defense by one stage. -
The user's party's Speed is increased by one stage for 5
Tailwind FLYING Status - - 3 -

Taunt DARK Status - 0 5 TM12 Opponent can only use moves that attack. -
Teeter Dance NORMAL Status - 0 5 - All Pokemon on the field become confused. -
Ignores opponent's evasion for 3 turns, add Ground
Telekinesis PSYCHIC Status - - 6 -

Teleport PSYCHIC Status - - 5 - Allows user to switch out. In the wild, the battle ends. -
Thunder Wave ELECTRIC Status - 0 5 TM73 Causes paralysis. -
Decreases the opponent's Attack and Defense by one stage
Tickle NORMAL Status - 0 5 -

Torment DARK Status - 0 6 TM41 Opponent cannot use the same move in a row. -
Toxic POISON Status - 1 10 TM06 Causes poison that increases damage each turn. -
Toxic Spikes POISON Status - - 20 - Hurts opponents when they switch into battle. -
Transform NORMAL Status - - 10 - User takes on the form and attacks of the opponent. -
Trick PSYCHIC Status - 0 10 - Swaps held items with the opponent. -
Trick Room PSYCHIC Status - - 20 TM92 Slower Pokemon move first in the turn for 5 turns. -
Twineedle BUG Status 2 0 5 - Hits twice. May cause poison. 2
Water Sport WATER Status - - 6 - Reduces the PWR of Fire moves by half against this enemy. -
In battles, the opponent switches. In the wild, the
Whirlwind NORMAL Status - 0 5 -
Pokemon runs.
Name Type Cat. Power Kick. PP Effect Affl.
Wide Guard ROCK Status - - 10 - Protects the user's team from multi-target attacks. -
Will-o-wisp FIRE Status - 3 6 TM61 Causes a burn, if it hits. -
Wish NORMAL Status - - 10 - The user recovers (Sp. Atk) HP in the following turn. -
Withdraw WATER Status - - 1 - Increases the user's Defense by 10 points. -
Swaps every Pokemon's Defense and Special Defense for 5
Wonder Room PSYCHIC Status - - 10 -

Work Up NORMAL Status - - 3 - Raises the user's Attack and Special Attack one step. -
Worry Seed GRASS Status - 0 10 - Changes the opponent's Ability to Insomnia. -
Yawn NORMAL Status - - 10 - Puts the opponent to sleep in the following turn. -

Name Type Cat. Power Acc. PP Effect Prob.
Absorb GRASS Special 2 0 4 - User recovers half of the HP inflicted on opponent. -
May lower opponent's Defense or Special Defense one
Acid POISON Special 4 0 3 -

Acid Spray POISON Special 4 0 5 - Decreases opponent's Special Defense by two stages. -
Aeroblast FLYING Special 10 1 20 - High Critical-Hit ratio. -
Air Cutter FLYING Special 5 1 4 - High Critical-Hit ratio. -
Air Slash FLYING Special 7 1 5 - May cause flinching. 3
Ancientpower ROCK Special 6 0 20 - Might raise all of the user's stats by one stage. 1
Aura Sphere FIGHTING Special 9 ∞ 5 - Cannot miss, regardless of Accuracy or Evasiveness. -
Aurora Beam ICE Special 6 0 5 - Might lower opponent's Attack. 1
Blast Burn FIRE Special 15 1 20 - User cannot move next turn. -
Blizzard ICE Special 12 3 20 TM14 May cause freezing. 1
Blue Flare FIRE Special 13 2 20 - May burn the target. 2
Brine WATER Special 6 0 10 TM55 Power doubles if opponent's HP is less than 50%. -
Bubble WATER Special 2 0 3 - May lower opponent's Speed by one stage. 1
Bubblebeam WATER Special 6 0 5 - May lower opponent's Speed by one stage. 1
Bug Buzz BUG Special 9 0 10 - May lower opponent's Special Defense by one stage. 1
Charge Beam ELECTRIC Special 5 1 10 TM57 Likely to lower opponent's Special Attack by one stage. 7
Chatter FLYING Special 6 0 5 - Likely to confuse the opponent. 5
Clear Smog POISON Special 5 - 6 - Removes all of the target's stat changes. -
Confusion PSYCHIC Special 5 0 4 - May confuse opponent. 1
Dark Pulse DARK Special 8 0 6 TM79 May cause flinching. 2
Discharge ELECTRIC Special 8 0 6 - May cause paralysis. 3
Doom Desire STEEL Special 14 0 20 - Damage occurs 2 turns later. -
Draco Meteor DRAGON Special 14 1 20 - Decreases user's Special Attack by 2 stages. -
Dragon Pulse DRAGON Special 9 0 10 TM59 -
Dragon Rage DRAGON Special - 0 10 - Always inflicts 40 HP. -
Dragonbreath DRAGON Special 6 0 5 - May cause paralysis. -
Name Type Cat. Power Acc. PP Effect Prob.
Can only be used on a sleeping target. User recovers half
Dream Eater PSYCHIC Special 10 0 6 TM85
of the damage inflicted on opponent.

Earth Power GROUND Special 9 0 10 - May decrease opponent's Special Defense by on stage. 1
Power increases each turn if multiple Pokemon in the
Echoed Voice NORMAL Special 4 0 6 -
team also use it.

Electro Ball ELECTRIC Special - 0 10 - The faster the user, the stronger the attack. -
Electroweb ELECTRIC Special 5 1 5 - Lowers the target's Speed by one level. 10
Ember FIRE Special 4 0 4 - May cause a burn. 2
Energy Ball GRASS Special 8 0 10 TM53 May decrease opponent's Special Defense by one stage. -
Eruption FIRE Special 15 0 20 - Stronger when the user's HP is higher. -
Extrasensory PSYCHIC Special 8 0 3 - May cause flinching. 2
Fiery Dance FIRE Special 8 0 10 - May raise the user's Special Attack by one level. 5
Inflicts damage equal to the user's remaining HP. User
Final Gambit FIGHTING Special - 0 20 -

Fire Blast FIRE Special 12 2 20 TM38 May cause a burn. 2

Added effects appear if preceded by Grass Pledge or
Fire Pledge FIRE Special 5 0 10 -
succeeded by Water Pledge.
Damages opponent for 2-5 turns, opponent cannot
Fire Spin FIRE Special 3 2 6 -

Flame Burst FIRE Special 7 0 6 - May also injure nearby Pokemon. -

Flamethrower FIRE Special 9 0 6 TM35 May cause a burn. 2
May decrease opponent's Sp. Attack or Sp. Defense by
Flash Cannon STEEL Special 8 0 10 TM91
one stage.

Focus Blast FIGHTING Special 12 3 20 TM52 May decrease opponent's Special Defense by one stage. 2
Frenzy Plant GRASS Special 15 1 20 - User cannot move in the following turn. -
Frost Breath ICE Special 4 1 10 - Always results in a critical hit. 10
Fusion Flare FIRE Special 10 0 20 - Power increases if Fusion Bolt is used in the same turn. -
Future Sight PSYCHIC Special 10 0 10 - Damage occurs 2 turns later. -
User recovers 50% of the damage inflicted on the
Giga Drain GRASS Special 7 0 10 TM19

Glaciate ICE Special 6 1 10 - Lowers the target's Speed. 10

Grass Knot GRASS Special - 0 5 TM86 The heavier the opponent, the stronger the attack. -
Added effects appear if preceded by Water Pledge or
Grass Pledge GRASS Special 5 0 10 -
succeeded by Fire Pledge.

Gust FLYING Special 4 0 3 - -

Heat Wave FIRE Special 10 1 10 - May cause a burn. 1
Hex GHOST Special 5 0 10 - Inflicts more damage if the target has a status condition. -
Hidden Power NORMAL Special - 0 6 TM10 Type and power depends on user's IV's. -
Hurricane FLYING Special 12 3 10 - May confuse the target. 3
Hydro Cannon WATER Special 15 1 20 - User cannot move in the following turn. -
Hydro Pump WATER Special 12 2 20 - -
Hyper Beam NORMAL Special 15 1 20 TM15 User cannot move on the following turn. -
Hyper Voice NORMAL Special 9 0 10 - -
Ice Beam ICE Special 9 0 10 TM13 May cause freezing. 1
Name Type Cat. Power Acc. PP Effect Prob.
Charges for a turn before attacking. May burn the
Ice Burn ICE Special 14 1 20 -

Icy Wind ICE Special 5 1 6 - Decreases opponent's Speed by one stage. -

Incinerate FIRE Special 3 0 6 - Destroys the target's held berry. -
Inferno FIRE Special 10 5 5 - Burns the target, if it hits. -
Judgment NORMAL Special 10 0 10 - Type depends on the Arceus Plate being held. -
Lava Plume FIRE Special 8 0 6 - May cause a burn. 3
Leaf Storm GRASS Special 14 1 20 - Decreases user's Special Attack by two stages. -
Leaf Tornado GRASS Special 6 1 10 - May lower the target's Accuracy by one level. 5
Luster Purge PSYCHIC Special 7 0 20 - May decrease opponent's Special Defense by one stage. -
Magical Leaf GRASS Special 6 ∞ 5 - Cannot miss, regardless of Accuracy or Evasiveness. -
Magma Storm FIRE Special 12 2 20 - Opponent cannot escape/switch. -
User recovers 1/2 of the damage inflicted onto the
Mega Drain GRASS Special 4 0 6 -
When hit by a Special Attack, user strikes back with 2x
Mirror Coat PSYCHIC Special - 0 5 -

Mirror Shot STEEL Special 6 1 10 - May decrease opponent's Accuracy by one stage. -
Likely to decrease opponent's Special Attack by one
Mist Ball PSYCHIC Special 7 0 20 -

Mud Bomb GROUND Special 6 1 10 - May decrease opponent's Accuracy by one stage. 3
Mud Shot GROUND Special 5 1 6 - Decreases opponent's Speed by one stage. 10
Mud-Slap GROUND Special 2 0 10 - Lowers opponent's accuracy by one stage 10
Muddy Water WATER Special 9 1 10 - May decrease opponent's Accuracy by one stage. 3
Night Daze DARK Special 8 1 10 - May lower the target's Accuracy by one level. 4
Night Shade GHOST Special - 0 6 - Inflicts damage equal to user's level. -
The sleeping opponent loses 25% of its max HP each
Nightmare GHOST Special - 0 6 -

Octazooka WATER Special 6 2 10 - Likely to decrease opponent's Accuracy by one stage. 5

Ominous Wind GHOST Special 6 0 20 - May increase all stats of the user by one stage each. 1
Overheat FIRE Special 14 1 20 TM50 Decreases user's Special Attack by two stages. -
Petal Dance GRASS Special 12 0 10 - User attacks for 2-3 turns but then becomes confused. -
Powder Snow ICE Special 4 0 5 - May cause freezing. 1
Power Gem ROCK Special 7 0 5 - -
Psybeam PSYCHIC Special 6 0 5 - May confuse the opponent. 1
May decreases the opponent's Special Defense by one
Psychic PSYCHIC Special 9 0 10 TM29

Psycho Boost PSYCHIC Special 14 1 20 - Decreases user's Special Attack by two stages. -
Inflicts damage based on the target's Defense, not
Psyshock PSYCHIC Special 8 0 10 -
Special Defense.
Inflicts damage based on the target's Defense, not
Psystrike PSYCHIC Special 10 0 10 -
Special Defense.

Psywave PSYCHIC Special - 2 6 - Inflicts damage 50-150% of user's level. -

Immobile on the first turn, attacks on the second turn.
Razor Wind NORMAL Special 8 0 10 -
High Critical-Hit ratio.
Name Type Cat. Power Acc. PP Effect Prob.
Relic Song NORMAL Special 7 0 10 - May put the target to sleep. 1
Roar of Time DRAGON Special 15 1 20 - The user cannot move in the following turn. -
Power increases each turn if multiple Pokemon in the
Round NORMAL Special 6 0 6 -
team also use it.

Scald WATER Special 8 0 6 - May burn the target. 3

Searing Shot FIRE Special 10 0 20 - May burn the target. 3
Inflicts damage based on the target's Defense, not
Secret Sword FIGHTING Special 8 0 10 -
Special Defense.
May decrease the opponent's Special Defense by one
Seed Flare GRASS Special 12 2 20 -

Shadow Ball GHOST Special 8 0 6 TM30 May decrease opponent's Special Defense. 2
Sheer Cold ICE Special - 7 20 - An instant 1-hit KO, if it hits. -
Shock Wave ELECTRIC Special 6 ∞ 5 TM34 Cannot miss, regardless of Accuracy and Evasiveness. -
Signal Beam BUG Special 7 0 6 - May cause confusion. 1
Silver Wind BUG Special 6 0 20 TM62 May increase all of the user's stats by one stage each. 1
Sludge POISON Special 6 0 5 - May poison the opponent. 3
Sludge Bomb POISON Special 9 0 10 TM36 May poison the opponent. 3
Sludge Wave POISON Special 9 0 10 - May poison the target. 1
Power increases when used on a paralyzed opponent,
Smellingsalt NORMAL Special 6 0 10 -
but cures it.

Smog POISON Special 2 3 5 - May poison the opponent. 4

Snarl DARK Special 5 1 6 - Lowers the target's Special Attack by one level. -
Snore NORMAL Special 4 0 6 - Can only be used while the user is sleeping. -
User cannot move in the 1st turn, attacks in the 2nd
Solarbeam GRASS Special 12 0 10 TM22

Sonicboom NORMAL Special - 1 5 - Always inflicts 20 HP. -

Spacial Rend DRAGON Special 10 1 20 - High Critical-Hit ratio. -
Power depends on how many times the user performed
Spit Up NORMAL Special - 0 10 -

Stored Power PSYCHIC Special 2 0 10 - Power rises the more the user's stats have been raised. -
Struggle Bug BUG Special 3 0 5 - Lowers the target's Special Attack by one level. -
Surf WATER Special 9 0 6 HM03 -
Swift NORMAL Special 6 ∞ 5 - Cannot miss, regardless of Accuracy and Evasiveness. -
Synchronoise PSYCHIC Special 7 0 6 - Hits any Pokemon that shares a type with the user. -
If the user is holding a plate, the damage inflicted will
Techno Blast NORMAL Special 8 0 20 -
match it.

Thunder ELECTRIC Special 12 3 10 TM25 May cause paralysis. 3

Thunderbolt ELECTRIC Special 9 0 6 TM24 May cause paralysis. 1
Thundershock ELECTRIC Special 4 0 3 - May cause paralysis. 1
Tri Attack NORMAL Special 8 0 10 - May cause paralysis, freezing, or a burn 2
Trump Card NORMAL Special - 0 20 - The lower the PP, the higher the power. -
May cause flinching. 2x damage against an opponent
Twister DRAGON Special 4 0 5 -
using Fly.

Uproar NORMAL Special 9 0 10 - User attacks for 3 turns and prevents sleep. -
Name Type Cat. Power Acc. PP Effect Prob.
Vacuum Wave FIGHTING Special 4 0 3 - User goes first. -
Venoshock POISON Special 6 0 10 - Inflicts double damage if the target is poisoned. -
Volt Switch ELECTRIC Special 7 0 5 - User must switch out after attacking. -
Water Gun WATER Special 4 0 4 - -
Added effects appear if preceded by Fire Pledge or
Water Pledge WATER Special 5 0 10 -
succeeded by Grass Pledge.

Water Pulse WATER Special 6 0 5 TM03 May cause confusion. 2

Water Spout WATER Special 15 0 20 - The higher the user's HP, the higher the damage caused. -
Weather Ball NORMAL Special 5 0 10 - Move's power and type changes with the weather. -
Damages opponent for 2-5 turns, opponent cannot
Whirlpool WATER Special 3 2 6 HM05

Wring Out NORMAL Special 12 0 20 - The higher the opponent's HP, the higher the damage. -
Zap Cannon ELECTRIC Special 12 5 20 - Guaranteed to paralyze target, if it hits. -
Game Master Rules
Random Encounters:
Roll 1d10 and consult the table below to find out the proper number to add to the party's average level
of Pokémon. This system was created so the image below doesn't happen quite as much, or as
Result Level
1 -3
2 -2
3-4 -1
5-6 +0
7-8 +1
9 +2
10 +3
Roll 1d% to find out what Pokémon they run into below. You may substitute one you'd prefer in it's
place, or find a way to roll randomly that you like. This current table only has Pokémon from
Generation I, but you may use Pokémon of any generation.
On a 99-100, pick another area to choose from.
17 Common (1-70%)
Caterpie, Metapod, Weedle, Kakuna, Pidgey, Rattata, Spearow, Ekans, Sandshrew, Nidoran (F/M), Oddish, Diglett, Mankey,
Abra, Bellsprout, Exeggcute
13 Uncommon (71-90%)
Bulbasaur, Butterfree, Beedrill, Raticate, Pikachu, Jigglypuff, Venonat, Machop, Weepinbell, Ponyta, Doduo, Lickitung,
9 Rare (91-98%)
Pidgeotto, Farfetch'd, Chansey, Tangela, Kangaskhan, Scyther, Pinsir, Ditto, Snorlax
12 Common (1-70%)
Rattata, Pidgey, Ekans, Sandshrew, Jigglypuff, Zubat, Venonat, Diglett, Machop, Geodude, Magnemite, Voltorb
5 Uncommon (71-90%)
Charmander, Graveler, Onix, Cubone, Rhyhorn
6 Rare (91-98%)
Charmeleon, Clefairy, Hitmonlee, Hitmonchan, Kabuto, Aerodactyl
11 Common (1-70%)
Charmander, Rattata, Ekans, Pikachu, Meowth, Zubat, Machop, Grimer, Drowzee, Voltorb, Koffing
0 Uncommon (71-90%)
Beedrill, Vulpix, Jigglypuff, Growlithe, Abra, Machoke, Magnemite, Gastly, Electabuzz, Eevee
8 Rare (91-98%)
Muk, Hitmonlee, Hitmonchan, Chansey, Mr. Mime, Jynx, Ditto, Porygon
8 Common (1-70%)
Psyduck, Poliwag, Tentacool, Shelder, Krabby, Horsea, Goldeen, Magikarp
5 Uncommon (71-90%)
Squirtle, Poliwhirl, Slowpoke, Seel, Staryu
8 Rare (91-98%)
Wartortle, Tentacruel, Slowbro, Dewgong, Gyarados, Lapras, Omanyte, Dratini

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