Combat+Cheat+Sheet Rev1

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Character Cheat Sheet

On Your Turn: Armor Class (AC) Combat Modifiers

•  One Action
10 + Dexterity Modifer + Armor
•  One Bonus Action Melee Attack D20 + Strength Modifier + Proficiency
•  Movement Rule is:
If the aggressor meets your AC, it beats Ranged Attack D20 + Dexterity Modifier + Proficiency
On Anyone’s Turn your AC Spell Attack D20 + Spellcasting Modifier* + Proficiency
•  One Reaction Spell Save 8 + Spellcasting Modifier* + Proficiency
Spellcasting Modifier:
Charisma Bards, Paladins, Sorcerers, Warlocks
An Action Can Be Intelligence Rogues, Wizards
Attack Make on melee or ranged attack Wisdom Druids, Rangers
Cast a Spell Cast a known spell, depending on the casting time
specified Bonus Action (1/turn): Free Actions (can do 1 per turn):
•  Offhand attack •  Draw/sheathe a weapon
Dash Take a second movement •  Cast a bonus action spell •  Open/close doors
Disengage Your movement doesn’t provoke attacks of oppor- •  Class Actions such as: •  Take a potion from your backpack
tunity ▶▶ Barbarian: Enter/Exit Rage •  Grab/move/place items
▶▶ Bard: Give Bardic Inspiration •  Hand an item to another player
Dodge Until your next turn, all attacks against you, from ▶▶ Druid: Enter/Exit Wild Shape •  Interact with most items
attackers you can see, are at disadvantage ▶▶ Fighter: Second Wind
Help • Provide a creature with advantage on the next ▶▶ Monk: Unarmed Strike Reaction (1/round):
skill check ▶▶ Rogue: Dash, Disengage or Hide •  Attack of opportunity
▶▶ Sorcerer: Convert between spell •  Make one melee attack as a creature
• Provide a friendly creature advantage on their slots and sorcery points leaves your reach
first attack against an enemy within 5 ft of you. •  Perform a readied action
Hide Make a Stealth check in an attempt to hide Movement: •  Cast a reaction spell
Ready Prepare an action to use as your reaction when a •  Move up to your full movement speed
in increments of 5 ft (including diago-
certain triggering action happens (ie, the enemies nally). This can be split to perform an
are within hitting distance) attack.
Search •  Perform a Wisdom (Perception) or Intelligence (Investi- •  Stand Up (takes half of max movement)
gation) check to find something. •  Notable Rules:
Use an Ob- Interact with an object (drink a potion, items that •  You cannot end your turn within an-
other creature’s square
ject specify you must use your action, take a second ▶▶ If you (or an enemy) leave a crea-
free action) ture’s reach, you provoke an attack of
Grapple/ Attempt to grapple/shove a creature no larger than opportunity.
Shove one size bigger than you

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