FS2 Episode 14 de Castro Angelica B.

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Utilizing Learning
FS2 14 Management Systems

Participate and Assist

Your guide to participate and assist:

1. Request your FS resource teacher or another teacher who uses an LMS for his/her class to give you
access and allow you to “observe” his/her virtual classroom through the LMS.

2. If possible request the teacher to demonstrate how to navigate and use the LMS.

3. Ask the teacher how you can participate or assist in tasks that the teacher is organizing in preparing in
the LMS.

4. Be guided by the TPACK infographic in this episode. The questions found there will help you notice,
analyze and reflect very well.

Level/Grade of the Class: 12

Subject: 21 Century Literature from the Philippines and the world

Lesson or Topic: Spanish Colonial Philippine Literature

Mariang Makiling
Lesson objectives/learning outcomes: Differentiate, compares and contrast the various 21 century
literary genres and the ones from the earlier genre, periods citing their elements, structures and traditions

Which LMS did the teacher use: Check one or more than were used.


/ Google Classroom
See saw
What tasks did you participate or assist in? fill out the table below.
What components or parts were present in the LMS Under these LMS components or parts, what tasks did
use by the teacher? you participate/assist in?

Classwork- where individual activities for the I was able to check the work of the students. My
students were inputted. resource teacher allowed me to grade the outputs and
return it to the learners.

Stream- where the teacher posts announcement, I assisted in the posting of announcements and
instructions and or modules. modules.

After you participated or assisted in the LMS, describe what you observed and experienced
by answering the items below.

1. Describe the structure of the LMS utilized by the teacher. How was it organized? What main
components did you find?

Google classroom was the LMS utilized by the teacher, she organized the LMS by means of
separating announcements and modules to the activities and examinations. She
inserted announcements and module in the stream, the front part of the LMS that the student
could easily noticed. In the classwork area the teacher inputted activities and supposed outputs of
the learners. There are also public and private comment sections where the students could greet
or ask the teacher or they could even paste a link of their uploaded work.

2. How was the content taught or delivered? How were the learning activities arranged? What strategies
did the teacher or you use to help students attain the objectives/outcomes?

The teacher separated the module from the activities. The stream on goggle
classroom served as the posting area for the modules and the comment section is very accessible
and it was in public that anyone even the teacher could read. The classwork area then holds all
the activities it is up to the teacher if he or she will be putting deadlines on the activities to serve
as a reminder to the students on when to pass the activities.

3. What was your experience in participating and assisting?

I must say that I had a great time assisting and participating in the class held by my resource
teacher. I was given the chance to explore such that announcing in the stream and checking the
activities of the students and giving scores to their individual outputs.
1. What do you think are the best features of the LMS that the teacher used? How did these features help
the students learn the content?

The stream and the classwork are the best features of the LMS that the teacher used. Through
these the students could just download or could easily open the modules or activities uploaded to
it without any hassle. Students could just right away read the content of the lesson right after the
teacher has uploaded it.

2. How did the teacher/or you use the LMS to implement the strategies or activities planned?

The teacher is much disciplined when it comes to posting activities and modules. As what I
have stated above, she was able to separate announcements and modules form the activities and
so the students were not confused on what to do with the content of the LMS.

3. How did this connect with what you know about LMS and TRACK?

LMS could be considered a medium for TRACK model. Just like in a usual classroom, in the
LMS pedagogical content knowledge is needed as students prior knowledge of the content must
be known in order for the teachers to determine how he or she will impose strategies in teaching
that will connect those prior knowledge to the to be inculcated knowledge. Same with
technological content knowledge, it is how the technology and the procedure in teaching
will interconnect.

4. What problem or challenges did the teacher you or the students encounter in working with
LMS? How did it they affect the teacher/learners? What part/s of the LMS do you think can still be
improved? How can this/these be improved?

The challenged that I encountered is that some students are not afraid to submit their works
late and that sometimes they just turn it without submitting anything and the teacher could not
talk directly with the students because they hold the decision whether to comment back or not.
1. How ready are you in organizing and using an LMS?

I can say that I am somewhat ready in using an LMS. I have computer and cellular phone that I
can utilize to continuously open LMS and master it even more.

2. Enumerate the knowledge, skills and attitudes you already have to organize your virtual
learning environment and use an LMS:

Content: Language Related Contents to be inputted in LMS

Grammar based topics on their platforms share using links

Pedagogical: Separating modules, activities and answer sheets

Use of LMS to interact with students

Technological: Use of goggle classroom

3. What do you still need to learn in order to use the LMS effectively?

Write Action Research Prompts

This part allows you to synthesize or put together what you noticed, analyzed and reflected on to
come up with a possible topic for an action research.


1. What problematic situation/ challenges/ area of improvement did you see while you participated and
assisted using an LMS?

In using an LMS the challenge that I have encountered was no matter how organized the LMS
was but if the students are not well oriented about it, there will always be mismanagement of
tasks and activities in the LMS.
List at least three sources that you have read about this problem or challenge.

Resource or Reference about the Topic Key points/findings in what I read

Beneficial to a wide range of organizations,
including higher education institutions and
corporations. The primary use of learning management
system to for knowledge management refers to the
gathering, sharing, organizing analysis of
an organizations knowledge in terms of
https://searchcio.techtarget.com/definition/lear resources, documents and people skills. However, the
ning-management-system specific role of the learning management system will
vary according to the organizations training strategy and

There is a variety of methodologies for the

quality evaluations of e-learning in the scientific
literature. However there are so good explanations
and detailed most of the modern LMS platform article
proposes an analysis of software. Based on the survey
of the state- of-art science research, the criteria for
analysis of the LMS platform in this paper are
summarized in three categories: learning skills tools,
communication tools and productivity tools.

On what theory/principles can this problem be anchored?

The concept that a child's environment influences his or her learning and behavior is known
as environmentalists learning theory. It was connected to this notion because if the environment
was organized and all learning tools were available to pupils, they would be able to reach their
maximum potential and talents. Student learning acquisition is aided by a conducive setting with
learning resources.

What do I hope to address-the problem/challenge/area of improvement in LMS use? What change

do you want to achieve?

I believe that in order to address the issue, the government must provide support in
the growth of schools and the provision of adequate learning tools. For the time being, I'd want to
make imaginative use of the available resources. From the technique to encourage employees to
enhance their abilities and the learning management system. Trough gamified structure and or a
point-based incentive system connect all of the online training courses and modules.


2. What strategies/solution/mean can you employ to improve the situation/solve the problem?

Further readings on the issues for more information and in-depth learning perspectives.


3. If you will conduct an action, research, what will be the title (Base this on your answers in nos. 1-3):

The effect of the efficiency with which students study using a learning management system

Check for Mastery

Direction: Read the following questions then select the letter of the correct answer.

1. Mr. Mahusay is ensuring using the polling feature of the LMS as a strategy to increase participation of
his students in their lesson on qualities of national leaders. He is utilizing his .

A. Technological Content Knowledge (TCK)

B. Pedagogical Content Knowledge (PCK)
C. Technological Pedagogical Knowledge (TPK)
D. Content Technology Knowledge (CTK)

2. Ms. Del Rosario is careful to match the learning outcomes with the content and activities she is going
to do. She also sees to it that the assessment measures the attainment of the learning outcomes. She is
using her .

A. Pedagogical Content Knowledge (PCK)

B. Pedagogy Technological Knowledge
C. Technological Pedagogical Knowledge (TPK)
D. Technological Content Knowledge (TCK)
3. Ms. Juan is utilizing the feature of the LMS to provide regular information updates on the topic she
and her students are exploring. She is using .

A. Technological Content Knowledge (TCK)

B. Pedagogical Content Knowledge (PCK)
C. Technological Pedagogical Knowledge (TPK)
D. Content Technology Knowledge (CTK)

4. All are true about learning management systems, EXCEPT

A. Has components and features that teachers can use in teaching

B. Is a platform for a virtual learning environment
C. Microsoft office is an example of this
D. Canvas is an example of this

5. Through the LMS, the teacher can do the following tasks, EXCEPT.

A. Post assignments and projects

B. Set up discussion boards
C. Make students collaborate
D. Meet students face to face

Work on my Artifacts

Attach pieces of evidence of what you accomplished in this episode.

As a future teacher, we should equip our children with the four Cs of critical
thinking, communication, cooperation, and creativity in addition to the old and still crucial in
three Rs of reading, writing and arithmetic. Educators can use LMSs to consolidate these
resources for students eliminating the need for multiple logins. Students can access
assignments a nd grades through the platforms which might help them better manage their
own learning. A learning management system as far as I'm aware, is critical for teachers in
terms of administration student records monitoring, document display, reporting, and course
content distribution.

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