Use of SI (Metric) Units in Maritime Applications (Committee F-25 Supplement To IEEE/ASTM SI 10)
Use of SI (Metric) Units in Maritime Applications (Committee F-25 Supplement To IEEE/ASTM SI 10)
Use of SI (Metric) Units in Maritime Applications (Committee F-25 Supplement To IEEE/ASTM SI 10)
Designation: F 1332 – 99
This standard has been approved for use by agencies of the Department of Defense.
The International System of Units (SI) was developed by the General Conference on Weights and
Measures (CGPM), which is an international treaty organization. The abbreviation SI, derived from
the French “Le Système International d’Unités,” is used in all languages.
On Dec. 23, 1975, Public Law 94-168, “The Metric Conversion Act of 1975,” was signed by
President Ford, committing the United States to a coordinated voluntary conversion to the metric
system of measurement. The Act specifically defines the “metric system of measurement” as “the
International System of Units as established by the General Conference on Weights and Measures in
1960, and as interpreted or modified for the United States by the Secretary of Commerce.”
On Aug. 23, 1988, President Reagan signed into law P.L. 100-576, the Omnibus Trade and
Competitiveness Act of 1988. The Act specifies that “metric” means the modernized metric system
(SI). The Act then amended the Metric Conversion Act of 1975 to designate the metric system of
measurement as the preferred system of weights and measures for United States trade and commerce.
This practice will help obtain uniform SI practice in the marine industry by providing a technical
reference for the International System of Units (SI). The practice is not intended to cover all aspects
of SI usage, but to serve as a ready reference especially tailored to the operating needs of the industry.
For further information on SI usage and conversion factors for units not found herein, refer to
IEEE/ASTM SI 10, upon which this practice is based.2 In the event of a conflict, IEEE/ASTM SI 10
shall take precedence. (See also NIST Special Publication 811.)3 Hardware and other standards in SI
are currently being developed.
Copyright © ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959, United States.
F 1332 – 99
States by the U.S. Department of Commerce. The U.S. version TABLE 1 SI Base Units
of the defining document is published by the National Institute
of Standards and Technology as NIST Special Publication Quantity Base SI Unit Symbol
5. SI Units
5.1 SI includes two classes of units: degree Celsius is equivalent to kelvin with a different zero
5.1.1 Base units and point on the scale. Celsius temperature t equals kelvin tem-
5.1.2 Derived units. perature minus 273.15 ( t = T − T o where T = Kelvin and T o
5.2 Base Units—The International System of Units is based = 273.15).
on seven base units, listed in Table 1, which by convention are 5.5 SI Prefixes—The prefixes and symbols shown in Table 3
regarded as dimensionally independent. are used to form decimal multiples and submultiples of SI
5.3 Derived Units—Derived units are formed by the alge- units.
braic combination of base units and derived units. Derived 5.6 Selection of Prefixes:
units with special names are listed in Table 2. 5.6.1 A prefix should be selected so that the numerical value
5.4 Temperature—The SI unit of thermodynamic tempera- of the unit expressed will fall between 0.1 and 1000. An
ture is the kelvin, and this unit is properly used for expressing exception to this rule arises in the preparation of tables of
thermodynamic temperature and temperature intervals. The values of the same quantity and in discussion of such values
within a given context, when it is better to use the same unit
multiple. Also, for certain applications, one particular multiple
The U.S. edition of the English translation of the BIPM SI publication differs will customarily be used; for example, use of the millimetre for
from the translation in the BIPM SI publication only in the following usage: (1) The linear dimensions in engineering drawings.
dot is used as the decimal marker and (2) the spelling of English-language words, 5.6.2 Compound prefixes should not be used; for example,
for example, “meter,’ liter,” and “deka” are used instead of “metre,” “litre,” and
“deca” in accordance with the U.S. Government Printing Offıce Style Manual, which use GJ, not kMJ.
follows Webster’s Third New International Dictionary rather than the Oxford 5.6.3 Prefixes should preferably not be used in the denomi-
Dictionary used in many English-speaking countries. nator of compound units. Example, use V/m not mV/mm. The
The spelling of “meter” and “liter” in preference to “metre” and “litre” is
recommended by the U.S. Department of Commerce as preferred for U.S. use and
exception is the kilogram as it is the base unit: J/kg, not kJ/g.
is mandated by the Department of Commerce for use by all agencies of the Federal 5.6.4 Errors in calculation may be avoided by using powers
government. of ten with the units rather than prefixes.
F 1332 – 99
TABLE 3 SI Prefixes
F 1332 – 99
the units lb and kg for both mass and force. Whereas the word 8.4.1 At present, the period will be used for the decimal
“weight” has been commonly used when mass is intended or marker. For numbers of less than one, a zero should precede the
implied, especially in commerce and everyday life, this use decimal; for example, 0.964.
should in time disappear with growing acceptance and use of 8.4.2 Recommended international practice calls for the use
SI units, and the word mass (rather than weight) will be used of a half space to separate large numbers into groups of three.
when mass is meant. The use of weight for mass should be Do not use a comma. The digits should be separated into
avoided altogether in scientific and technical communication. groups of three counting from the decimal point toward the left
and the right, and using a small space to separate the groups. In
8. Rules for Style and Usage of SI numbers of four digits, the space is usually not necessary
8.1 Rules for Writing Unit Symbols: except to provide uniformity in tables, columns, and so forth.
8.1.1 Particular care must be taken to use the correct For example, 16 390, 1.828 8 or 1.8288, 4 536 or 4536.
symbols for units and prefixes (for example, K for kelvin, k for
kilo, M for mega, m for milli). When using systems with 9. Conversion and Rounding Methods
limited character sets, as in Telex transmission or computer 9.1 Soft Conversion—Soft conversion is the process of
printout, the standard symbols cannot be used. For these changing the non-SI measurement language to equivalent SI
purposes, refer to ISO 2955 or ANSI X3.50. units within acceptable measurement tolerances without chang-
8.1.2 Unit symbols are symbols and do not vary from ing the physical configuration. In other words, the item
singular to plural. described is the same item both before and after conversion.
8.1.3 Unit symbols should be printed in roman (upright) 9.2 Hard Conversion—Hard conversion is the change of
type, regardless of the type style used in the surrounding text.
design and use of measures to SI as if non-SI units did not
8.1.4 Unit symbols are not followed by a period except exist, namely the use of integers and round numbers, in SI, as
when used at the end of a sentence. the basis of design. Although the term is in general use, it is
8.1.5 The numerical value associated with a symbol should technically incorrect when applied to specific items because no
be separated from that symbol by a space. For example, 25.4 “conversion” takes place; rather, a new item, designed in SI
mm, not 25.4mm. The only exception to this rule is that no units (requiring a new identification), is created to replace the
space is left between the numerical value and the symbols of old item.
degree, minute, and second of plane angle and degree Celsius.
9.3 Conversion Factors—Table 6 contains conversion fac-
8.1.6 Unit symbols should be used in preference to the unit
tors for units commonly used in the marine field.
names except when a number written out in words precedes the
unit; for example “seven metres” not “seven m.” 9.4 Precision—When converting, care must be given to the
8.2 Rules for Writing Unit Names: precision desired. The number of significant digits retained in
the answer should be such that accuracy is neither sacrificed
8.2.1 The first letter of a unit name is not capitalized except
nor exaggerated. Specified quantities should first be multiplied
at the beginning of a sentence or in capitalized material such as
by the exact conversion factor and then rounded to the
a title.
appropriate number of significant digits. Do not round either
8.2.2 Plurals of unit names are formed in the ordinary
the conversion factor or the quantity before performing the
manner, except for lux, hertz, and siemens, which remain the
multiplication, as accuracy would be reduced. Use appropriate
prefixes to eliminate insignificant, leading, or trailing zeroes.
8.2.3 No space or hyphen is used between a prefix and the
unit name; for example, kilonewton. 9.5 Rounding—The rounding required by conversion and
computation in SI units should be done using the following
8.3 Product, Quotient, and Powers:
rules for the three general cases:
8.3.1 To indicate the product of units when using their
names, a space is left between the names (for example, newton 9.5.1 Where the digit immediately following the last digit to
metre). When using symbols, a centered dot should be placed be retained is less than 5, the last digit retained should not be
between the symbols (for example, N·m). changed.
8.3.2 To indicate the quotient of units when using their 9.5.2 Where the digit immediately following the last digit to
names use the word “per” (for example, metres per second). be retained is greater than 5 (or it is a 5 followed by at least one
When using unit symbols, a solidus (/) or negative exponent digit other than 0), the last digit should be increased by one.
should be used (for example, m/s or m·s−1). Do not use more 9.5.3 Where the digit immediately following the last digit to
than one solidus in the same expression. Use parentheses to be retained is exactly 5 (or it is a 5 followed by only zeroes),
avoid any ambiguity (consider m/s·A can mean m/(s·A) or the last digit retained is not changed if it is even, and if it is odd
(m/s)·A). it should be increased by one. For example, 4.365 00 becomes
8.3.3 To indicate powers when using unit names, the words 4.36 when rounded to three digits. 4.355 00 also becomes 4.36
“square,” “cubic,” “squared,” “cubed,” and so forth should be when rounded to three digits.
used (for example, square metre, second squared). When using 9.5.4 The above rules provide an additional observation
unit symbols, powers are indicated by the use of an exponent about significant digits. The least significant digit (the last digit
(for example, m3). retained in the rounding process) cannot be considered more
8.4 Numbers: precise than 0.5 of its place value.
F 1332 – 99
10. Accuracy of Conversion will change the values used, it is logical to use the dimension-
10.1 It is important, in any conversion, to determine the less ratio, that is, the Froude number. Thus, Froude number
accuracy of the original value and the repeatability of the should be used in place of speed-length ratio when designing in
converted value. Where interchangeability of converted values the SI system.
is required, IEEE/ASTM SI 10 should be consulted for exact
procedures which will establish limits to the errors resulting 12. Conversion Factors
from conversion calculations. 12.1 Table 6 and Table 7 provide conversion factors to SI
for those quantities commonly used in the marine industry.
11. Special Ratios
12.2 The maritime industry is subject to a complexity of
11.1 Two special ratios5 are used in the maritime industry. national and international laws, treaties, regulations, and long
These ratios are speed-length ratio, V/=L, and displacement- term safety and contractual obligations which in some in-
length ratio, D/(0.01 L)3 stances prevent unilateral changes from customary maritime
where: language and usage of SI basic and supplementary terms.
V = = speed in knots, Therefore, Table 6 provides, in addition to the recommended SI
L = = length in feet, and units, a number of non-SI units permitted for use until such
D = = displacement in long tons. time as the preferred SI units can be adopted without detriment.
11.2 When using SI units, the speed-length ratio should be 12.3 To convert a present unit to its equivalent SI unit or
replaced by Froude number, v / (gL) 0.5, in coherent units, unit permitted for use, multiply the present unit in column 3 by
the multiplication factor shown in column 6. To convert to
where: present units, divide the SI unit by the factor.
v = = velocity, 12.4 Conversion factors are presented for ready adaptation
g = = gravitational acceleration, and to computer readout and electronic data transmission. The
L = = the ship’s length.
factors are written as a number equal to or greater than one and
11.3 Similarly, the displacement-length ratio should be re-
less than ten with six or fewer decimal places. This number is
placed by the volumetric coefficient,6 π/L3, in coherent units,
followed by the letter E (for exponent), a plus or minus symbol,
where: and two digits which indicate the power of 10 by which the
π = the underwater volume of the hull and number must be multiplied to obtain the correct value. For
L = the ship’s length. example:
11.4 Speed-length ratio and displacement-length ratio are in 3.523 907 E 2 02 is 3.523 907 3 1022
common use because they have convenient values in their or
dimensional form. For example, V/ = L = 1 is significant from 0.035 239 07
a wave resistance viewpoint. Using SI units would cause the
numerical values of speed-length ratio to be multiplied by 1.81 Similarly:
and displacement-length ratio by 35.9.
11.5 Froude number is a factor of 0.298 times speed-length 3.386 389 E 1 03 is 3.386 389 3 103
ratio. Since using SI units in dimensional speed-length ratio
Taylor, D. W., The Speed and Power of Ships, third ed., Government Printing
Office, Washington, DC, 1943, p. 59. 13. Keywords
Panel H-2, “Explanatory Notes for Resistance and Propulsion Data Sheets,”
Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers Technical and Research Bulletin 13.1 measurement; metric; metric for maritime applications
1–13, July 1953, p. 8.
Units Permitted
ISO No.A Quantity/Areas of Use Present Units Preferred SI Units Conversion Factors
for Use with SIB
1 2 3 4 5 6
1-1.1 Plane angle:
Machine design radian radian (rad) 1.0C
Angle of entrance of hull, degree degree (°)C 1.0C
engine timing, navigationD minute degree (°) 1 min = 1.666 667 E − 02°
second degree (°) 1 s = 2.777 778 E − 04°
1-3.1 Length:
Distances nautical mileE kilometre (km) 1 nautical mile = 1.852 kmC
nautical mile 1.0C
statute mile kilometre (km) 1 statute mile = 1.609 347 km
international mile kilometre (km) 1 international mile = 1.609 344
Depth of water, length of fathomF metre (m) 1 fathom = 1.828 804 E + 00 m
cables, wires, and ropes
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TABLE 6 Continued
Units Permitted
ISO No.A Quantity/Areas of Use Present Units Preferred SI Units Conversion Factors
for Use with SIB
1 2 3 4 5 6
Deck heights, draft, main foot and inch metre (m) 1 foot = 3.048 000 E − 01 mC
hull dimensions, stability
data, location of centers of
gravity, buoyancy and
flotation, KM, KG, GM, and
Draft marks on hull foot decimetre (dm) 1 foot = 3.048 000 E + 00 dmC
Deck camber, frame foot or inch, or both millimetre (mm) 1 foot = 3.048 000 E + 02 mm
scantlings and plate 1 inch = 2.540 000 E + 01 mm
thickness, insulation
thickness, machinery
dimensions, pipe sizes
Rope and cable diameters inch millimetre (mm) 1 inch = 2.540 000 E + 01 mmC
Paint film thickness mil (10−3 inch) micrometre (µm) 1 mil = 2.540 000 E + 01 µmC
1-4.1 Area:
Deck areas, heating square yard square metre (m2) 1 yd2 = 8.361 274 E − 01 m2
surface, panelling areas, square foot square metre (m2) 1 ft2 = 9.290 304 E − 02 m2C
propeller blade area,
waterplane area, wetted hull
surface, free surface
Sectional area of stressed square inch square millimetre (mm2) 1 in.2 = 6.451 600 E + 02 mm2C
1-4.1a First moment of area:
Structure design, midship inch2 foot cubic metre (m3) 1 in.2 ft = 1.966 448 E − 04 m3
metre centimetre2 1 in.2 ft = 1.966 448 E + 00
(m·cm2) m·cm2
1-4.1b Section modulus:
Frames and associated inch3 cubic millimetre (mm3) 1 in.3 = 1.638 706 E + 04 mm3
plating inch2 foot metre centimetre2 1 in.2 ft = 1.966 448 E + 00
(m·cm2) m·cm2
1-4.1c Second moment of area:
Structure design, midship inch2 foot2 metre4(m4) 1 in.2 ft2 = 5.993 733 E − 05 m4
metre2 centimetre2 1 in.2 ft2 = 5.993 733 E − 01
(m2·cm2) m2·cm2
Frames and associated inch4 millimetre4 (mm4) 1 in.4 = 4.162 314 E + 05 mm4
1-5.1 Volume:
Freight volume ton of 40 ft3 cubic metre (m3) 1 freight ton = 1.132 674C E +
measurementG 00 m3
Gross and net tonnage ton of 100 ft3 cubic metre (m3) 1 measurement ton = 2.831 685
(measurement ton) E + 00 m3
Volume of displacement, cubic foot cubic metre (m3) 1 ft3 = 2.831 685 E − 02 m3
volume of holds, large air
Volume of large fuel tanks barrel (42 gallons) cubic metre (m3) 1 bbl = 1.589 873 E − 01 m3
Volume of small tanks and U.S. gallon (liquid) cubic metre (m3) 1 gal = 3.785 412 E − 03 m3
small air receivers U.S. gallon (liquid) litre (L) 1 gal = 3.785 412 E − 00 L
1-5.1a Specific volume:
Stowage factors for solid foot3 per ton cubic metre per kilogram 1 ft3/ton = 2.786 963 E − 05
and liquid cargo, fuel oil and (m3/kg) m3/kg
cubic metre per metric ton 1 ft3/ton = 2.786 963 E − 02
(m3/t) m3/t
Gases and vapors foot3 per pound cubic metre per kilogram 1 ft3/lb = 6.242 796 E − 02
(m3/kg) m3/kg
litre per kilogram (L/kg) 1 ft3/lb = 6.242 796 E + 01 L/kg
1-5.1b Volume flow:
Capacity of air foot3 per minute cubic metre per second 1 ft3/min = 4.719 474 E − 04
compressors, fans, large (m3/s) m3/s
cubic metre per hour 1 ft3/min = 1.699 011 E + 00
(m3/h) m3/h
Capacity of most pumps gallon per minute cubic metre per second 1 gal/min = 6.309 020 E − 05
(m3/s) m3/s
litre per second (L/s) 1 gal/min = 6.309 020 E − 02
Barrel per day barrel per day cubic metre per second 1 bbl/d = 1.840 131 E − 06 m3/s
cubic metre per day 1 bbl/d = 1.589 873 E − 01
(m3/d) m3/d
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TABLE 6 Continued
Units Permitted
ISO No.A Quantity/Areas of Use Present Units Preferred SI Units Conversion Factors
for Use with SIB
1 2 3 4 5 6
Barrel per nautical mile barrel per nmi cubic metre per metre 1 bbl/nmi = 8.584 627 E − 05
(m3/m) m3/m
cubic metre per nmi 1 bbl/nmi = 1.589 873 E − 01
(m3/nmi) m3/nmi
1-6.1 Time:
As at present day (d) day (d) 1.0C
hour (h) hour (h) 1.0C
minute (min) minute (min) 1.0C
second (s) second (s) 1.0C
1-7.1 Angular velocity:
Machine design radian per second radian per second (rad/s) 1.0C
1-7.1a Angular acceleration:
Machine design radian per second2 radian per second squared 1.0C
1-9.1 Velocity:
Ship speed knotE metre per second (m/s) 1 knot = 5.144 444 E − 01 m/s
knot 1.0C
Fluid velocity, linear foot per second metre per second (m/s) 1 ft/s = 3.048 000 E − 01 m/sC
velocity of machinery parts,
speed of cables, ropes, wires
1-10.1 Acceleration:
Machine design foot per second2 metre per second squared 1 ft/s2= 3.048 000 E − 01 m/s2C
Vibration (m/s2)
2-3.1 Frequency:
Electrical and Electronics cycle per second hertz (Hz) 1.0C
2-3.2 Rotational speed:
Rotational speed of revolutions per minute (r/min) radian per second (rad/s) 1 rpm = 1.047 198 E − 01 rad/s
r/min 1.0C
3-1.1 Mass:
Deadweight, displacement ton (long)H megagram (Mg) 1 ton = 1.016 047 E + 00 Mg
lightweight ballast, fresh
water and fuel oil capacity
metric ton (t) 1 ton = 1.016 047 E + 00 t
Lifting capacity, test load ton metric ton (t) 1 ton = 1.016 047 E + 00 t
and SWL (safe working load, pound kilogram (kg) 1 lb = 4.535 924 E − 01 kg
rated) of cranes, booms, and
General stores, pieces of pound (lb) kilogram (kg) 1 lb = 4.535 924 E − 01 kg
equipment hundred weight (cwt) kilogram (kg) 1 cwt = 5.080 235 E + 01 kg
Engineering calculations slug kilogram (kg) 1.459 390 E + 1 kg
3-1.1a Moment of mass: pound foot kilogram metre (kg·m) 1 lb-ft = 1.382 549 E − 01 kg·m
ton foot megagram metre (Mg·m) 1 ton foot = 3.096 911 E − 01
metric ton metre (t·m) 1 ton·ft = 3.096 911 E − 01 t·m
Trimming moments ton foot megagram metre (Mg·m) 1 ton foot = 3.096 911 E − 01
metric ton metre (t·m) 1 ton·ft = 3.096 911 E − 01 t·m
3-1.1b Mass flow:
Liquid flow rates ton per hour kilogram per second (kg/s) 1 ton/h = 2.822 352 E − 01 kg/s
metric ton per hour (t/h) 1 ton/h = 1.016 047 E + 00 t/h
Gas and steam flow rates pound per hour kilogram per second (kg/s) 1 lb/h = 1.259 979 E − 04 kg/s
kilogram per hour (kg/h) 1 lb/h = 4.535 924 E − 01 kg/h
3-1.1c Unit displacement:
Displacement per unit of ton per inch kilogram per metre (kg/m) 1 ton/in. = 4.000 185 E + 04
immersion kg/m
metric ton per centimetre 1 ton/in. = 4.000 185 E − 01
(t/cm) t/cm
3-1.1d Moment to change trim by ton foot per inch kilogram metre per metre 1 ton·ft/in. = 1.219 256 E + 00
a unit amount: (kg·m/m) kg·m/m
metric ton metre per 1 ton·ft/in. = 1.219 256 E − 01
centimetre (t·m/cm) t·m/cm
3-1.1e Moment to change list by ton foot per degree kilogram metre per radian 1 ton·ft/deg = 1.774 400 E + 00
a unit amount: (kg·m/rad) kg·m/rad
ton metre per degree 1 ton·ft/deg = 3.096 911 E + 01
(t·m/degree) t·m/deg
3-2.1 Density:
Density of solids pound per inch3 kilogram per cubic metre 1 lb/in.3 = 2.767 990 E + 04
(kg/m3) kg/m3
Density of solids kilogram per cubic 1 lb/in.3 = 2.767 991 E − 02
centimetre (kg/cm3) kg/cm3
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TABLE 6 Continued
Units Permitted
ISO No.A Quantity/Areas of Use Present Units Preferred SI Units Conversion Factors
for Use with SIB
1 2 3 4 5 6
Density of liquids pound per gallon kilogram per cubic metre 1 lb/gal = 1.198 264 E + 02
(kg/m3) kg/m3
kilogram per litre (kg/L) 1 lb/gal = 1.198 264 E − 01
Density of gases pound per foot3 kilogram per cubic metre 1 lb/ft3 = 1.601 846 E + 01
(kg/m3) kg/m3
3-2.1a Concentration:
Salinity grains per gallon kilogram per cubic metre 1 grain/gal = 1.711 806 E − 02
(kg/m3) kg/m3
Boiler feed water testing, grams per litre (g/L) 1 grain/gal = 1.711 806 E + 02
potable water testing g/L
3-7.1 Momentum:
Machine design pound foot per second kilogram metre per second 1 lb·ft/s = 1.382 550 E − 01
(kg·m/s) kg·m/s
3-8.1 Moment of momentum:
(Angular momentum) pound foot2 per second kilogram metre squared per 1 lb·ft2/s = 4.214 011 E − 02
machine design second (kg·m2/s) kg·m2/s
3-9.1 Moment of inertia:
Machine design pound foot2 kilogram metre2(kg·m2) 1 lb·ft2 = 4.214 011 E − 02
pound inch2 kilogram metre2(kg·m2) 1 lb·in.2 = 2.926 397 E − 04
3-10.1 Force:
Machine and structure ton-force kilonewton (kN) 1 tonf = 9.964 017 E + 00
design kN
pound-force newton (N) 1 lbf = 4.448 222 E + 00 N
3-12.1 Moment of force (torque):I
Machine and structure foot ton-force kilonewton metre (kN·m) 1 tonf·ft = 3.037 032 E + 00
design, bending moments kN·m
foot pound-force newton metre (N·m) 1 ft·lbf = 1.355 818 E + 00 N·m
inch pound-force newton metre (N·m) 1 in.·lbf = 1.129 848 E − 01
foot poundal newton metre (N·m) 1 pdl·lbf = 4.214 012 E − 02
3-13.1 Pressure:J
Normal fluid pressure, (for pound-force per inch2 kilopascal (kPa) or MPa 1 lbf/in.2 = 6.894 757 E + 00
example, compressed air, oil, kPa
Bearing pressures kilogram-force per centimetre2 kilopascal (kPa) or MPa 1 kgf/cm2 = 9.806 650 E + 01
Barometric measurements inch of mercury (60°F) kilopascal (kPa) 1 in. H2O = 3.376 850 E + 00
and pressures of small kPa
inch of mercury (ISO) kilopascal (kPa) 1 in. Hg = 3.386 39 E + 00
Differential pressures inch of water (60°F) kilopascal (kPa) 1 in. H2O = 2.488 400 E − 01
Ventilation pressures inch of water (ISO) kilopascal (kPa) 1 in. H2O = 2.490 89 E − 01
3-13.2 Stress:
Stresses in materials pound-force per inch2 megapascal (MPa) or GPa 1 lbf/in.2 = 6.894 757 E − 03
ton-force per inch2 megapascal (MPa) or GPa 1 tonf/in.2= 1.535 495 E − 04
kip per inch2 megapascal (MPa) or GPa 1 kip/in.2 = 6.894 757 E + 00
3-21.1 Dynamic viscosity:
Viscosity of liquids and centipoise (cP) millipascal second (mPa·s) 1.0C
pound force second per pascal second (Pa·s) 1 lbf·s/ft2 = 4.788 026 E + 01
square foot Pa·s
3-22.1 Kinematic viscosity:
Viscosity of liquids centistokes (cSt) square millimetre per 1.0C
second (mm2/s)
square foot per second square metre per second 1 ft2/s = 9.290 304 E − 02 m2/s
3-24.1 Energy, work:
Thermodynamics Btu kilojoule (kJ) 1 Btu = 1.055 056 E + 00 kJ
foot pound-force joule (J) or any multiple 1 ft·lbf = 1.355 818 E + 00 J
calorie (international) joule (J) or any multiple 4.186 800* E + 00 J
3-25.1 Power:
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TABLE 6 Continued
Units Permitted
ISO No.A Quantity/Areas of Use Present Units Preferred SI Units Conversion Factors
for Use with SIB
1 2 3 4 5 6
Mechanical, electrical or horsepower (SHP, BHP, etc.) kilowatt (kW) 1 hp = 7.457 000 E − 01 kW
hydraulic power of normal
Small powers foot pound force per second watt (W) 1 ft·lbf/s = 1.355 818 E + 00 W
4-1.1 Absolute temperature:
Thermodynamic degree Rankine kelvin (K) TK= TR/1.8
4-2.1 Temperature:
All measured and specified degree Fahrenheit degree Celsius (°C) t°C= (t°F − 32)/1.8
temperature or kelvin (K)
4-2.1a Temperature interval:
All temperature intervals degree Fahrenheit degree Celsius (°C) or 1°F = 5/9°CC
kelvin (K) 1°F = 5/9 KC
4-3.1 Linear expansion coefficient:
All linear expansion inch per inch per degree metre per metre per kelvin 1°F−1 = 1.8C
coefficients Fahrenheit (m/m) k−1
4-6.1 Heat, quantity of heat:
Thermodynamics, Btu joule (J) and its multiples 1 Btu = 1.055 056 E + 00 kJ
4-7.1 Heat flow rate:
Boiler and heat exchanger Btu per second watt (W) and its multiples 1 Btu/s = 1.055 056 E + 00 kW
Thermodynamics Btu per hour watt (W) 1 Btu/h = 2.930 711 E − 01 W
Refrigeration and air ton of refrigeration kilowatt (kW) 1 ton (refrigeration) = 3.516 853
conditioning E + 00 kW
4-7.1a Density of heat flow rate:
Boiler and heat exchanger Btu per foot2 hour watt per square metre 1 Btu/(ft2·h) = 3.154 591 E + 00
design (W/m2) W/m2
4-7.1b Volumetric heat release rate:
Boiler design Btu per foot2 hour watt per cubic metre (W/m3) 1 Btu/(ft3/h) = 1.034 971 E + 01
4-7.1c Fuel consumption rate:
Specific fuel consumption pound per horsepower hour kilogram per joule (kg/J) 1 lb/hph = 1.689 659 E − 07
4-9.1 Thermal conductivity:
Heat exchanger design, Btu inch per foot2 hour watt per metre °C 1 Btu·in/(ft2·h·°F) = 1.442 279 E
insulation degree Fahrenheit (W/(m·°C)) or W/(m·K) − 01 W/(m·°C)
4-10.1 Coefficient of heat transfer:
Heat exchanger design, Btu per hour-foot2 degree watt per square metre 1 Btu/(h·ft2·°F) = 5.678 263 E +
insulation Fahrenheit degree C (W/(m2·°C)) 00 W/m2·°C
or W/(m2·K)
4-14.1 Specific heat capacity:
Thermodynamics, applied Btu per pound kilojoule per kilogram kelvin 1 Btu/(lb·°F) = 4.186 800 E + 00
heat, refrigeration degree F (kJ/(kg·K))
4-18.1 Specific entropy:
Thermodynamics Btu per pound degree R kilojoule per kilogram kelvin 1 Btu/(lb·°R) = 4.186 800 E +
(kJ/(kg·K)) 00 kJ/(kg·K)C
4-20.1 Specific internal energy:
Calorific value, specific Btu per pound kilojoule per kilogram 1 Btu/lb = 2.326 000 E + 00
latent heat thermodynamics, (kJ/kg) kJ/kgC
5-1.1 Electric current: ampere ampere (A) 1.0C
5-2.1 Quantity of electricity:
Electrical charge coulomb coulomb (C) 1.0C
Battery rating ampere hour coulomb (C) 1.0C
ampere hour (A·h) 1 A·h = 3.6 E + 3CC
5-6.3 Electromotive force, potential:
Difference volt volt (V) 1.0C
5-9.1 Capacitance farad farad (F) 1.0C
5-17.1 Magnetic field intensity oersted ampere per metre (A/m) 1 oersted = 7.957 747 E + 01
5-18.2 Magnetomotive force gilbert ampere (A) 1 gilbert = 7.957 747 E − 01 A
5-19.1 Magnetic flux density gauss tesla (T) 1 gauss = 1.000 000 E − 04 TC
5-20.1 Magnetic flux maxwell weber (Wb) 1 maxwell = 1.000 000 E − 08
5-22.1 Inductance henry henry (H) 1.0C
5-24.1 Permeability gauss/oersted henry per metre (H/m) 1 gauss/oersted = 1.257 E − 06
5-33.1 Resistance ohm ohm (V) 1.0C
5-34.1 Conductance mho siemens (S) 1.0C
F 1332 – 99
TABLE 6 Continued
Units Permitted
ISO No.A Quantity/Areas of Use Present Units Preferred SI Units Conversion Factors
for Use with SIB
1 2 3 4 5 6
5-35.1 Resistivity ohm-centimetre (V·cm) ohm-metre (V·m) 1 V·cm = 1.000 000 E − 02
ohm circular-mil per foot ohm millimetre2 per metre 1 V·cmil/ft = 1.662 426 E − 03
(V·mm2/m) V·mm2/m
5-36.1 Conductivity mho per centimetre siemens per metre (S/m) 1 mho/cm = 1.000 000 E + 02
5-44.1 Electric power watt watt (W) 1.0C
6-19.1 Luminous intensity candlepower, candle candela (cd) 1 candlepower = 1 cdC
6-20.1 Luminous flux lumen lumen (lm) 1.0C
6-22.1 Luminance lambert candela per metre2 1 lambert = 3.183 099 E + 03
(cd/m2) cd/m2
6-24.1 Illuminance footcandle lux (lx) 1 footcandle = 1.076 391 E +
01 Lx
6-50.1 Activity (of a radionuclide): curie becquerel (Bq) 1 curie = 3.700 000 E + 10 BqC
Absorbed dose rad (rd) gray (Gy) 1 rad = 1.000 000 E − 02 GyC
Dose equivalent rem sievert (Sv) 1 rem = 1.000 000 E − 02 SvC
Exposure (X and gamma roentgen (R) coulomb per kilogram (C/kg) 1 R = 2.580 000 E − 04 C/kgC
ISO number is from ISO 31 classification system.
Units permitted for use with SI are in common use throughout the international maritime industry. The switch to preferred SI units should be made as conditions permit.
Indicates exact conversion value.
Minutes and seconds of plane angle may still be used for navigation purposes.
For values of nautical mile and knot, see Table 6.
Conversion based on the foot and one fathom equal to six feet.
The volume measurement for those not using the metric system is generally 40 cubic feet, however, 50 cubic feet is used occasionally. It is recommended that the cubic
metre (35.315 cubic feet) be used as the replacement unit. The conversion factor for one non-metric measurement ton (40 cubic feet) equals 1.132 67 cubic metres. One
cubic metre of 35.315 cubic feet equals 0.883 non-metric measurement tons. The conversion of tariffs filed with the Federal Maritime Commission must be accomplished
in accordance with their filing requirements.
All tonnage measurements are long tons (2240 pounds). The short ton (2000 pounds) equals 0.907 185 t.
An apparent anomaly exists in the case of the joule for work (J = N·m) and the use of N·m for torque or bending moment. These are, however, entirely different units.
In the former, the unit of work results from unit force moving through unit distance. In the latter unit force acts at right angles to the lever arm of unit length. The distinction
would be readily seen if vectors were incorporated in the unit symbols. For these reasons, it is important to express work or energy in joules and moment of force or torque
in newton metres, not joules. The use of newton metre per radian as the unit of torque in rotational dynamics will result in dimensional integrity.
It has been internationally recommended that pressure units themselves should not be modified to indicate whether pressure is “absolute” (that is above zero) or “gage”
(that is, above atmospheric pressure). If, therefore, the context leaves any doubt as to which is meant, the word “pressure” must be qualified appropriately. (For example,
“. . . at a gage pressure of 13 kPa” or “. . . at an absolute pressure of 13 kPa” or “. . . reached an absolute pressure of 13 kPa.”)
Present Units Preferred SI Units Units Permitted for Use with SI Conversion Factors
ampere ampere (A) 1.0A
ampere hour ampere hour (A·h) 1.0A
ampere hour coulomb 1 A·h = 3.6 E + 3 CA
ampere hour (A·h) 1.0A
barrel (42 gal) cubic metre (m3) 1 bbl = 1.589 873 E − 01 m3
barrel/day cubic metre per second (m3/s) 1 bbl/d = 1.840 131 E − 06 m3/s
barrel/day cu metre/day (m3/d) 1 bbl/d = 1.589 873 E − 01 m3/d
barrel/nmi cubic metre per metre (m3/m) 1 bbl/nmi = 8.584 627 E − 05 m3/m
barrel/nmi cu metre/nmi (m3/nmi) 1 bbl/nmi = 1.589 873 E − 01 m3/nmi
Btu joule (J) and its multiples 1 Btu = 1.055 056 E + 00 kJ
Btu per foot2 hour watt per square metre (W/m2) 1 Btu/(ft2·h) = 3.1544 59 E + 00 W/m2
Btu per (foot3 hour) watt per cubic metre (W/m3) 1 Btu/(ft3/h) = 1.034 971 E + 01 W/m3
Btu per hour watt (W) 1 Btu/h = 2.930 711 E − 01 W
Btu per hour-foot2 °F watt per square metre degree C 1 Btu/(h·ft2·°F) = 5.678 263 E + 00 W/m2·°C
(W/(m2·°C)) or W/(m2·K)
Btu inch per foot2 hour °F watt per metre °C (W/(m·°C)) or 1 Btu·in./(ft2·h·°F) = 1.442 279 E − 01 W/(m·°C)
Btu per pound kilojoule per kilogram (kJ/kg) 1 Btu/lb = 2.326 000 E + 00 kJ/kgA
Btu per pound °F kilojoule per (kilogram kelvin) 1 Btu/(lb·°F) = 4.186 800 E + 00 kJ/(kg·°C)A
Btu per pound °R kilojoule per kilogram 1 Btu/(lb·°R) = 4.186 800 E + 00 kJ/(kg·K)A
Btu per second watt (W) and its multiples 1 Btu/s = 1.055 056 E + 00 kW
calorie (international) joule (J) 1 calorie = 4.186 800 E + 00
candlepower, candle candela (cd) 1 candlepower = 1 cdA
centipoise (cP) millipascal second (mPa·s) 1.0A
centistokes (cSt) square millimetre per second 1.0A
coulomb coulomb (C) 1.0A
curie becquerel (Bq) 1 curie = 3.700 000 E + 10 BqA
cycle/second hertz (Hz) 1.0A
F 1332 – 99
TABLE 7 Continued
Present Units Preferred SI Units Units Permitted for Use with SI Conversion Factors
degree Fahrenheit degree Celsius (°C) or kelvin (K) 1°F = 5/9°CA
1°F = 5/9 KA
degree Rankine kelvin (K) TK = TR/1.8
farad farad (F) 1.0A
fathom metre (m) 1 fathom = 1.828 804 E + 00 m
foot metre (m) 1 foot = 3.048 000 E − 01 mA
foot millimetre (mm) 1 foot = 3.048 000 E + 02 mmA
foot decimetre (dm) 1 foot = 3.048 000 E + 00 dmA
foot2 square metre (m2) 1 ft2 = 9.290 304 E − 02 m2
foot3 cubic metre (m3) 1 ft3 = 2.831 685 E − 02 m3
footcandle lux (lx) 1 footcandle = 1.076 391 E + 01 lx
foot pound-force joule (J) or any multiple 1 ft·lbf = 1.355 818 E + 00 J
foot pound force per second watt (W) 1 ft·lbf/s = 1.355 818 E + 00 W
foot3/minute cubic metre per second (m3/s) 1 ft3/min = 4.719 474 E − 04 m3/s
liter per second (L/s) 1 ft3/min = 4.719 474 E − 01 L/s
cubic metre per hour (m3/h) 1 ft3/min = 1.699 011 E + 00 m3/h
foot3/pound cubic metre per kilogram (m3/kg) 1 ft3/lb = 6.242 796 E − 02 m3/kg
foot3/ton cubic metre per kilogram (m3/kg) 1 ft3/ton = 2.786 963 E − 05 m3/kg
foot3/ton cubic metre per metric ton 1 ft3/ton = 2.786 963 E − 02 m3/t
foot3/pound litre per kilogram (L/kg) 1 ft3/lb = 6.242 796 E + 01 L/kg
foot pound-force (torque) newton metre (N·m) 1 ft·lbf = 1.355 818 E + 00 N·m
foot pound-force (energy) joule (J) 1 ft·lbf = 1.355 818 E + 00 N·m
foot poundal newton metre (N·m) 1 pdl·ft = 4.214 012 E − 02 N·m
foot/second metre per second (m/s) 1 ft/s = 3.048 000 E − 01 m/sA
foot/second2 metre per second squared (m/s2) 1 ft/s2 = 3.048 000 E − 01 m/s2A
foot ton-force kilonewton metre (kN·m) 1 tonf·ft = 3.037 032 E + 00 kN·m
gallon U.S. (liquid) cubic metre (m3) 1 gal = 3.785 412 E − 03 m3
gallon U.S. (liquid) litre (L) 1 gal = 3.785 412 E − 00 L
gallon/minute cubic metre per second (m3/s) 1 gal/min = 6.309 020 E − 05 m3/s
gallon/minute litre per second (L/s) 1 gal/min = 6.309 020 E − 02 L/s
gauss tesla (T) 1 gauss = 1.000 000 E − 04 TA
gauss/oersted henry per metre (H/m) 1 gauss/oersted = 1.257 E − 06 H/m
gilbert ampere (A) 1 gilbert = 7.957 747 E − 01 A
grains per gallon kilogram per cubic metre (kg/m3) 1 grain/gal = 1.711 806 E − 02 kg/m3
grains per gallon grams per litre (g/L) 1 grain/gal = 1.711 806 E − 02 g/L
henry henry (H) 1.0A
horsepower (SHP, BHP, etc.) kilowatt (kW) 1 hp = 7.457 000 E − 01 kW
hundred weight (cwt) kilogram (kg) 1 cwt = 5.080 235 E + 01 kg
inch millimetre (mm) 1 in. = 2.540 000 E + 01 mmA
inch2 square millimetre (mm2) 1 in.2 = 6.451 160 E + 02 mmA
inch3 millimetre cubed (mm3) 1 in.3 = 1.638 706 E + 04 mm3
inch4 millimetre4 (mm4) 1 in.4 = 4.162 314 E + 05 mm4
inch2 foot cubic metre (m3) 1 in.2 ft = 1.966 448 E − 04 m3
inch2 foot metre centimetre2 (m·cm2) 1 in.2 ft = 1.966 448 E + 00 m·cm2
inch2 foot2 metre4(m4) 1 in.2 ft2 = 5.993 733 E − 05 m4
inch2 foot2 metre2 centimetre2 (m2·cm2) 1 in.2 ft2 = 5.993 733 E − 01 m2·cm2
inch per inch °F metre per metre·kelvin (K−1) m/(m·K) 1 in./in. °F = 1 + 00 mm · 1.8K
inch of water (60°F) kilopascal (kPa) 1 in. H2O = 2.488 400 E − 01 kPa
inch of water (ISO conv.) kilopascal (kPa) 1 in. H2O = 2.490 89 E − 01 kPa3
inch of mercury (60°F) kilopascal (kPa) 1 in. Hg = 3.376 850 E + 00 kPa
inch of mercury (ISO conv.) kilopascal (kPa) 1 in. H2O = 3.386 39 E + 00 kPa
inch pound-force newton metre (N·m) 1 lbf·in. = 1.129 848 E − 01 N·m
kilogram-force per centimetre kilopascal (kPa) or MPa 1 kgf/cm2= 9.806 650 E + 01 kPa
kip per inch2 megapascal (MPa) or GPa 1 kip/in.2= 6.894 757 E + 00 MPa
knot metre per second (m/s) 1 knot = 5.144 444 E − 01 m/s
lambert candela per metre2 (cd/m2) 1 lambert = 3.183 099 E + 03 cd/m2
lumen lumen (lm) 1.0A
maxwell weber (Wb) 1 maxwell = 1.000 000 E − 08 WbA
mho siemens (S) 1.0A
mho/centimetre siemens per metre (S/m) 1 mho/cm = 1.000 000 E + 02 S/mA
mil (10−3 inch) micrometre (µm) 1 mil - 2.540 000 E + 01 µmA
mile (international) kilometre (km) 1 international mile = 1.609 344 km
mile (nautical) kilometre (km) 1 nautical mile = 1.852 kmA
mile (statute) kilometre (km) 1 statute mile = 1.609 347 km
minute degree (°) 1 min = 1.666 667 E − 02 deg
ohm ohm (V) 1.0A
ohm-centimetre (V·cm) ohm-metre (V·m) 1 V·cm = 1.000 000 E − 02 V·mA
ohm circular-mil/foot ohm millimetre2 per metre (V·mm2/m) 1 V·cmil/ft = 1.662 426 E − 03 V·mm2/m
oersted ampere per metre (A/m) 1 oersted = 7.957 747 E + 01 A/m
pound (avoirdupois) kilogram (kg) 1 lb = 4.535 924 E − 01 kg
pound foot kilogram metre (kg·m) 1 lb-ft = 1.382 549 E − 01 kg·m
pound foot2 kilogram metre2 (kg·m2) 1 lb·ft2 = 4.214 011 E − 02 kg·m2
pound foot per second kilogram metre per second (kg·m/s) 1 lb·ft/s = 1.382 550 E − 01 kg·m/s
F 1332 – 99
TABLE 7 Continued
Present Units Preferred SI Units Units Permitted for Use with SI Conversion Factors
pound foot2 per second kilogram metre squared per second 1 lb·ft2/s = 4.214 011 E − 02 kg·m2/s
pound-force newton (N) 1 lbf = 4.448 222 E + 00 N
pound force second per square pascal second (Pa·s) 1 lbf·s/ft2 = 4.788 026 E + 01 Pa·s
pound-force per inch2 megapascal (MPa) or GPa 1 lbf/in.2= 6.894 757 E − 03 MPa
pound-force per inch2 kilopascal (kPa) 1 lbf/in.2= 6.894 757 E + 00 kPa
pound inch2 kilogram metre2 (kg·m2) 1 lb·in.2 = 2.926 397 E − 04 kg·m2
pound per foot3 kilogram per cubic metre (kg/m3) 1 lb/ft3 = 1.601 846 E + 01 kg/m3
pound per gallon kilogram per cubic metre (kg/m3) 1 lb/gal = 1.198 264 E + 02 kg/m3
pound per gallon kilogram per litre (kg/L) 1 lb/gal = 1.198 264 E − 01 kg/L
pound per horsepower hour kilogram per joule (kg/J) 1 lb/hph = 1.689 659 E − 07 kg/J
pound per hour kilogram per second (kg/s) 1 lb/h = 1.259 979 E − 04 kg/s
pound per hour kilogram per hour (kg/h) 1 lb/h = 4.535 924 E − 01 kg/h
pound per inch3 kilogram per cubic metre 1 lb/in.3 = 2.767 990 E + 04 kg/m3
pound per inch kilogram per cubic centimetre 1 lb/in.3 = 2.767 991 E − 02 kg/cm3
rad (rd) gray (Gy) 1 rad = 1.000 000 E − 02 GyA
radian/second radian per second (rad/s) 1.0A
radian/second2 radian per second squared (rad/s2) 1.0A
rem sievert (Sv) 1 rem = 1.000 000 E − 02 SvA
revolutions per minute (r/min) radian per second (rad/s) 1 r/min = 1.047 198 E − 01 rad/s
roentgen (R) coulomb/kilogram (C/kg) 1 R = 2.580 000 E − 04 C/kgA
second degree (°) 1 s = 2.777 778 E − 04 deg
square foot per second square metre per second (m2/s) 1 ft2/s = 9.290 304 E − 02 m2/sA
ton (long)B megagram (Mg) 1 ton = 1.016 047 E + 00 Mg
ton (long) metric ton (t) 1 ton = 1.016 047 E + 00 t
ton of 40 ft3 cubic metre (m3) 1 freight ton = 1.132 674 E + 00 m3
ton of 100 ft3 cubic metre (m3) 1 measurement ton = 2.831 685 E + 00 m3
ton of refrigeration kilowatt (kW) 1 ton (refrigeration) = 3.516 853 E + 00 kW
ton foot megagram metre (Mg·m) 1 ton foot = 3.096 911 E − 01 Mg·m
ton foot metric ton metre (t·m) 1 ton·ft = 3.096 911 E − 01 t·m
ton foot per inch kilogram metre per metre (kg·m/m) 1 ton·ft/in. = 1.219 256 E + 00 kg·m/m
ton foot per inch metric ton metre per metre 1 ton·ft/in. = 1.219 256 E − 04 t·m/m
ton foot per degree kilogram metre per radian (kg·m/rad) 1 ton·ft/deg = 1.774 400 E + 00 kg·m/rad
ton foot per degree ton metre per degree 1 ton·ft/deg = 3.096 911 E + 00 t·m/deg
ton-force kilonewton (kN) 1 tonf = 9.964 017 E + 00 kN
ton per hour megagram per second (Mg/s) 1 ton/h = 2.822 352 E − 04 Mg/s
ton per hour metric ton per hour (t/h) 1 ton/h = 1.016 047 E + 00 t/h
ton per inch kilogram per metre (kg/m) 1 ton/in. = 4.000 185 E + 04 kg/m
ton per inch metric ton per metre (t/m) 1 ton/in. = 4.000 185 E − 04 t/m
ton-force per inch2 megapascal (MPa) or GPa 1 tonf/in.2= 1.535 495 E − 04 MPa
volt volt (V) 1.0A
watt watt (W) 1.0A
yard2 square metre (m2) 1 yd2 = 8.361 274 E − 01 m2
Indicates exact conversion value.
Unless otherwise noted, all tons are long tons (2240 lbs).
ASTM International takes no position respecting the validity of any patent rights asserted in connection with any item mentioned
in this standard. Users of this standard are expressly advised that determination of the validity of any such patent rights, and the risk
of infringement of such rights, are entirely their own responsibility.
This standard is subject to revision at any time by the responsible technical committee and must be reviewed every five years and
if not revised, either reapproved or withdrawn. Your comments are invited either for revision of this standard or for additional standards
and should be addressed to ASTM International Headquarters. Your comments will receive careful consideration at a meeting of the
responsible technical committee, which you may attend. If you feel that your comments have not received a fair hearing you should
make your views known to the ASTM Committee on Standards, at the address shown below.
This standard is copyrighted by ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959,
United States. Individual reprints (single or multiple copies) of this standard may be obtained by contacting ASTM at the above
address or at 610-832-9585 (phone), 610-832-9555 (fax), or (e-mail); or through the ASTM website