To Keep You On The Track: Rail Service
To Keep You On The Track: Rail Service
To Keep You On The Track: Rail Service
As individual as
our customers
1 Inspection of the front nose of a
high-speed train in China
2 Examination of a shunting locomotive
after accident
Rail Service portfolio
As specialists in components and systems
for rail vehicles, we ensure safe operation,
highest availability and long service life.
Inhouse MRO
Spare Units
Non-Voith Units
Technical Support
Exchange Program
Rail Service portfolio
• From the smallest exchangeable • Individual contractual concepts • 1:1 replaceable unit in
components to complete units • Voith know-how the event of damage
• Spare-part kits benefits • Fast reaction times • Can be used with identical
• Newest technology • One central contact interfaces
• OEM quality • Reduced downtimes
• Fast delivery time • Fast delivery capability
• OEM quality
Education and Training Technical Support
Minimized Maximized
downtimes availability
Specialist for every
Service for transmissions
and complete wheelsets
Service for complete wheelsets – fast and transparent Service for gear units – test run up to completion
Everything goes hand in hand for the maintenance of complete The overhaul of a gear unit begins with tests and accurate
wheelsets: Root cause analysis by our service technicians at wear diagnosis. Based on this, the Voith specialist decides in
the customer‘s premises, report of damage and offer. Since consultation with the customer whether worn-out parts are
we have most of the spare parts in stock, the work commences refurbished or replaced. The service technician grinds parallel
immediately with the release of the order and before receipt of shafts and shafts to the target dimension, and all adjustment
the dismantled wheelset at Voith. All assembled parts are and control dimensions are checked after assembly of the
tested on the test rig and certified. Detailed reports as well as complete transmission. A customized solution with consider-
continuous exchange of information with the customer ensure able cost benefits!
maximum transparency.
Exchange transmission – the convenient solution
Fast, convenient and efficient: During maintenance of gear
units, we supply generally overhauled transmissions in advance.
The old transmission is disassembled, the exchange trans-
mission is integrated immediately – this is how the down time
of your rail vehicle is reduced to the absolute minimum. We
offer this service for all vehicle types of different manufacturers
and, in doing so, fall back on stocks of exchange transmissions
available worldwide. The number of customers convinced of
this is an ever increasing one:
3 Maintenance work on a
complete wheelset of the
Chicago Metro in the USA
Service for couplers
Service – that pays off Overhaul – with comprehensive safety test
With a unique maintenance concept, the lifetime of your couplers We recommend comprehensive refurbishment of all train
gets extended. Voith quality standards with certified processes couplers at specific intervals. In doing so, we dismantle the
and test reports form the basis for this. Maintenance and couplers completely and test the safety-related or highly
repair of Scharfenberg couplers are also possible in the stressed parts comprehensively. Overhauled couplers are
exchange service. We deploy flexible teams of specialists for equivalent to the condition of the new ones at the time of initial
fast maintenance. In this way, your vehicle gets back on track delivery and receive the Voith warranty from us. Our own
and the lifetime of your couplers gets extended. workshops for refurbishment meet the stringent quality require
ments of the rail vehicles industry in terms of their hierarchy
and equipment.
4 5
Maintenance – with the Voith warranty Spare parts – from our in-house production facilities
As a result of their exposed position in the train, train couplers For all work, you benefit from fast and reliable supply of spare
and front systems are damaged frequently. Professional and parts by a closely knit network of agencies and affiliated work-
prompt maintenance gets the trains back in service. You get shops. We produce all spare parts in our factory in accor-
the Voith warranty for all maintenance work. Our specialists dance with Voith quality standards. This is applicable both to
work depending on the type and scope of the maintenance the original Scharfenberg coupler and to couplers of other
directly at your premises or in one of our local subsidiaries manufacturers.
Specialist in complex systems
Engineering Bogie overhaul
As a former developer and manufacturer of rail vehicles, Voith Whether an entire train in our one-stop shop or a single
has the system and expert competence necessary for develop- component is delivered, with Voith you can have your whole
ing railway-specific systems and associated software solutions. bogie overhauled. Voith offers work on wheelsets, wheelset
Voith covers the entire development process from concept gear units, brake systems and all further components from
creation through system engineering, diverse simulation one source - the complete range for the undercarriage of your
techniques and design to approval of components, systems rail vehicle. With its optimized, holistic approach to bogie over-
or complex overall systems. We can therefore supply even hauls, Voith can offer reliable process procedures at the
prototypes or series production from one source. shortest possible throughput times and the highest quality
standards you have come to expect. The final verification on
Customer benefit is at the core of everything we do, whether the modern pressure rig is of course included.
for new developments, modernizations, retrofitting of subsys-
tems for increasing efficiency and improvements in eco-friend-
liness or o
ccupational safety.
6 7
Represented directly in all markets the best trained and experienced employees not only solve the
Only those who know the typical national characteristics of rail most difficult problems within a short period of time – but they
traffic from their own experience are near the customer, also eliminate the root cause.
understands his requirements and can offer optimal service.
This is why Voith is represented in all important markets Holistic solutions for maintenance
worldwide with its own subsidiaries or sales companies. Com- The better the research for the root cause in case of damage,
prehensive competence and prompt response speak for us. the better is the solution. As an OEM for key components and
systems of rail vehicles, we always have the entire system in
Your partner before and after the purchase sight. This creates synergies for optimal, fast and economic
You will find the competent service partner in us before and solutions for maintenance. Our customers benefit from con-
after the purchase of your rail vehicles. We carry out service siderably higher lifetime and availability of their vehicles.
work even on third-party brands on request. A 24-hour Hotline,
Rail Service at a glance
1. Product-oriented 3. Result-oriented
• Spare parts kits • Planning and procurement of
• Diagnoses workshop equipment
• Repairs • Customized service agreements
• Main overhauls • Manufacturer-independent service
• Special tools for rail vehicle components
• Product modernizations • Advice and implementation of
• Electronic spare parts catalogs – Damage assessments
• Maintenance, repair and overhaul training – Assessment of the condition
• Commissioning of new vehicles – Product improvements
• Inspection of vehicles in stock • Customized stock management
• Customized training
• Seminars on safety-related topics
2. Availability-oriented
• Installation & Handling of diagnostics software
for troubleshooting and fault rectification
• On-site service
• Proactive maintenance
• 24-hour Hotline & Support Center
• E-Qualification platform
• Use of RFID and QR technology
• Material planning and stocking
• Framework and delivery contracts
• Exchange program
VT2324, en, 2019-01. All data and information without obligation. Subject to change.
Voith Group
St. Poeltener Str. 43
89522 Heidenheim, Germany
Phone +49 7321 37-4181