204.4128.29 - DmView-9.0 - Installation Manual
204.4128.29 - DmView-9.0 - Installation Manual
204.4128.29 - DmView-9.0 - Installation Manual
204.4128.29 rev. 29 Jan/2015
Although every precaution has been taken in the preparation of this document, the Company takes no
responsibility for possible errors or omissions, and it will accept no obligation for damages resulting from
the use of the information contained in this manual. The specifications provided in this manual are subject
to changes without notice, and they will not be recognized as any kind of contract.
oE-mail: support@datacom.ind.br
oE-mail: contact.dmview@datacom.ind.br
oE-mail: sales@datacom.ind.br
o www.datacom.ind.br/en
Command or button – Whenever a software command, button or menu is mentioned, this indication
will be in italic.
#Terminal screen messages and commands are shown as unformatted text,
coming after a # (hash) key.
This formatting indicates that the text contained herein is very important and that there is risk of damage. It
should be carefully read and it may avoid major difficulties.
After installing the DmView, you will find the manuals in folder \DmView\Enterprise\doc. If you need any of
these manuals separately, they may also be requested to the support area.
6. Dmview Install......................................................................................................35
6.1. Installing DmView (Windows).....................................................................................35
6.1.1. Enterprise Server......................................................................................................................37
6.1.2. Enterprise Console...................................................................................................................47
6.1.3. Poller Server.............................................................................................................................50
6.1.4. Web Server...............................................................................................................................53
6.1.5. Database Server.......................................................................................................................57
6.2. Installing DmView (Unix)............................................................................................61
6.2.1. Requirements...........................................................................................................................61
6.2.2. Installing MongoDB..................................................................................................................61
6.2.3. Installing Apllication Server – Wildfly.......................................................................................61
6.2.4. Installing DmView.....................................................................................................................61
6.3. Upgrading DmView (Windows/Unix)..........................................................................72
6.4. DmView Settings.........................................................................................................74
6.4.1. Directory Hierarchy..................................................................................................................74
Table 1: Directories Description........................................................................................74
6.4.2. About Window.........................................................................................................................74
6.4.3. DmView Licenses......................................................................................................................76
6.4.4. Nms.conf Files..........................................................................................................................78
6.4.5. Starting DmView Services (Windows Version).........................................................................82
6.4.6. Starting DmView Services (Unix Version).................................................................................82
6.4.7. Pseudo Service.........................................................................................................................83
7. Complementary Configurations............................................................................85
7.1. Adjusting the shrink script..........................................................................................85
7.1.1. Windows...................................................................................................................................85
7.1.2. Solaris/Linux.............................................................................................................................87
7.2. PCGAGETv1 & PCGAGETv2.........................................................................................88
7.2.1. Version 1...................................................................................................................................88
7.2.2. Version 2..................................................................................................................................89
7.3. Scheduled Polling........................................................................................................90
7.4. Configuring Distributed Poller.....................................................................................91
1.1.Introducing DmView
DmView is an Integrated Network and Element Management System developed to supervise and
configure Datacom devices, making available functions for supervision, failure, configuration, performance,
inventory, and safety management. The system can either be integrated to other management platforms or
operate independently. It is also possible to use different management architectures, from the field
operation via notebook to a centralized project with redundant application servers and multiple terminal
servers for remote access.
The system allows the access to its functionalities through a user friendly and easy-to-use Graphic
Interface. It allows the simultaneous access of multiple users in distinct management stations, allowing
different operators to manage the same network of Datacom devices. The system users operate with
distinct access levels, and it is possible to restrict the operation by type of device or location. Among the
main DmView functionalities, we have:
• Viewing and monitoring of managed devices, their interfaces, and CPUs, allowing the
identification of the operating status and active alarms.
• Receiving and addressing the events generated by the devices with automatic notification of
failure occurrence and the option to perform a specific action when a certain event is received.
• Full configuration of Datacom devices, including identification and location data records.
• Tools used to locate devices and their interfaces, including localization by operating status,
location, customer, etc.
• Viewing of Datacom devices through topological maps, making it easier to create locations and
• Tools used for the provision of point-to-point circuits between different elements, allowing the
creation, change and location of circuits in the network.
• Reports via Web interface, which can be exported to the following formats HTML, PDF, XLS,
XLSX, and CSV, and be sent via email and added to Favorites.
• Support to different operating systems (Microsoft Windows and Linux CentOS) and database
• Enterprise Server: Is the unrestricted version; It is the most complete DmView management
solution that can be provided, including all the available tools/options on the system.
• Enterprise Console: Install only the administration console; is used for communication between
console and server. This option applies for when there is a server and you want to administrate it
through others machines, so you install the console mode.
• Web Server: This option is only for web view, where it is possible generates reports with
information about devices, circuits, links, users, etc. This mode is intended for those customers
who preferred install in separated environments the Enterprise Server and the Web server or
didn’t choose the web package at the moment of Enterprise Server installation.
• Database Server: to configure just the user database install this version and you may choose
among the options: database creation (Create), tablespaces creation, administration users and
DmView database (Setup and Create) or the update of the existing database (Update).
All these versions are found in a single installer, simply select the desired option at installation as will be
shown in the following sections.
This chapter will help you install the DmView in computers that use operating systems Linux CentOS,
Windows 7, Windows Server 2008 and Windows Server 2012.
There are six steps to be followed during the installation process, which will be detailed in the next
• Complementary software;
• Installing DmView;
• DmView licenses;
• Starting DmView;
• Mongo DB;
After these steps are followed, DmView will be ready to be run in the computer where it has been installed.
• Server:
• Console:
o Windows 7 64 bits;
o Windows Server 2008/2012 64 bits;
* Xming is homologated as a remote access software via Windows to Linux console server.
• Processor
◦ 8 GB RAM;
• HD:
◦ 200 GB;
• Database
o Oracle Express Edition 11g. (XE) 64 bits (not included in DmView installation);
• Java
o SUN JDK 1.7.0_80 (from version 6.7 on Java already comes on-board in DmView
installation, therefore, a separate installation is not required);
• MongoDB
• WildFly
According to the number of elements to be managed and the number of simultaneous accesses to the
software, there is a minimum hardware specification where DmView will be installed. This calculation is
done by analyzing the models of devices that will be managed, the number of accesses, the number of
devices, the desired conditions of availability/redundancy. Contact Datacom so an analysis of the entire
environment can be done and hardware can be specified to support it.
For installation on Windows 7 it is recommended to disable the user account control option. To do it,
simply access the:
It is also recommended to run the installer with administration permissions. To do so, click with the right
hand button on the executable and select: “Run as administrator”.
2.2.Complementary Software
Apart from the software from the previous section, DmView requires others for the correct
installation/usage. They should be installed before installing the DmView:
• Microsoft SNMP Agent (This item is an option if the service used for the traps is the Java version);
• Web Browser;
• Microsoft Terminal Service/Remote Desktop (optional tool, useful to export DmView server
screens to desktops of operators).
1.Click on the Start Button in the taskbar and select Settings/Control Panel;
4.In Windows Components, select Management and Monitoring Tools. Click on Details and select
Simple Network Management Protocol;
7.For the next step, you just have to click on End in Windows Components.
o http://windows.microsoft.com/en-us/internet-explorer/download-ie
o http://www.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/new/
In the Windows XP/2003 version or later, the Remote Desktop comes already installed by default when
installing the operating system. In Windows XP only one user can connect to the computer remotely at a
time and Windows 2003 comes with a free license for 2 simultaneous users. In order to increase the
number of simultaneous accesses to the server, in Windows 2003 it is necessary to purchase licenses
from Microsoft.
MongoDB is a document database that provides high performance, high availability, and easy scalability.
DmView is supported in virtual environments such as VMWare and VirtualBox, and the memory,
processing, and disk settings should be allocated to this virtual machine, as recommended by DATACOM
upon a previous analysis that will take into account the number of elements to be managed, the device
models, DmView additional options that will be installed/licensed, the number of simultaneous users, high
availability/redundancy, etc.
For DmView to work, to have access to the devices, database, application servers, and terminal servers, it
is necessary to release Firewall ports. Look at the example in the figure below and the firewall ports that
must be released.
EFM/Nx2M circuit
importation, in-
ventory and circuit
merge services.
9 9990 Wildfly tcp The 9990 port is
used to
automatic circuit
11 8082 Provisioning tcp Perform configura-
tions on equip-
ment and
automatic circuit
12 1099 JMX tcp Monitoring the ap-
plication memory
allocation, threads
usage, input and
output operations,
CPU consumption
and processing
time for requests.
13 5557 JMX tcp Monitoring the ap-
plication memory
allocation, threads
usage, input and
output operations,
CPU consumption
and processing
time for requests.
14 5554 Poller (Datacom tcp Monitor, configure
DmView supports the use of three databases: Oracle Standard/Enterprise 10g/11g and Oracle 10/11
Express Edition (XE). We will see in the next topics the recommended databases and how to install them.
Request the Oracle Installation Guide in Windows or in Linux for Datacom (support@datacom.ind.br).
The Oracle Standard/Enterprise Edition 11g 64 bits database is recommended for high volumes of data,
which requires high processing and memory capacity or when redundancy and high environment
availability are required.
The Oracle Standard Edition is licensed by processor and does not have memory and disk limit. With
Oracle Standard Edition it is possible to create a RAC (Real Application Cluster) of up to two instances to
work with storage, thus creating a redundant and high availability environment. Another limitation of Oracle
Standard Edition license concerns the number of physical processors in the server, which should be a
maximum of 4 processors. For servers with more than 4 processors, the Enterprise license should be
For environments with more than two RAC instances, it is necessary to have the Oracle Enterprise Edition
license, which also counts with other options such as the Dataguard, a disaster recovery tool used to make
online replication of different websites.
One of the pre-requirements to install DmView on Windows is to use SUN JDK 1.7.0_80. Java already
comes in DmView installation; therefore, no further installation is required.
If there is another Java version installed in the machine, it will be ignored by DmView, which uses Jdk
This section describes the procedures for installing Oracle XE in Windows environment as well as the
initial settings that must be performed in the SGBD so that it is suitable for use as a database server for
system Manager. If you want to install the Oracle Standard, please contact the Datacom support.
The installation must be made with the local user server.
2.Then in the Install Wizard welcome window click "Next" to start the procedure.
3. In the License Agreement window, select “I accept the terms in the license agreement” and then click
4.In the Choose Destination Location window, either accept the default or click Browse to select a different
installation directory. (Do not select a directory that has spaces in its name.) Then click Next.
5. In the Specify Database Passwords window, enter and confirm the password ‘nms’ to use for the SYS
and SYSTEM database accounts. Then click Next.
6. In the Summary window, review the installation settings, and if you are satisfied, click Install. Otherwise,
click Back and modify the settings as necessary.
This chapter guides the steps to install MongoDB. It is recommended install on the same server as Oracle
database, and that the system has at least 3 GB free disk space.
Figure 7. Welc
ome screen
To install in a different partition of C:\ you must choose the Custom option.
To create backup of database in mongodb you should use mongodump command. This command will
dump all data of your server into dump directory. There are many options available by which you can limit
the amount of data or create backup of your remote server.
The command will connect to the server running at localhost machine at port 27017 and backup all server
data to /bin/dump/ directory. Access the C:\ProgramFiles\MongoDB\Server\3.0\bin directory and type the
following command:
This command will backup only specified database at specified path. However, there are lists of available
options that can be used with the mongodump command.
mongodump --host
This commmand will backup all data- mongodump --host localhost
HOST_NAME --port
bases of specified mongod instance. --port 27017
--out BACKUP_DIRECTORY god, and save the result in another direct- /data/db/ --out /data/backup/
mongodump --collection COLLEC- This command will backup only specified mongodump --collection mycol
TION --db DB_NAME collection of specified database. --db test
To restore backup data mongodb's mongorestore command is used. This command restores all data from
the backup directory.
o In the Windows command prompt, run “java –version” to get the version currently used;
o If your version is lower than 1.7, or the command does not return anything, install a new
version of java on the machine;
o The Installer is always available on the Oracle website. Choose the version for Windows
o At the end of the installation, open a new cmd window and run "java -version" to confirm
the installation.
The Application Server - WildFly must be installed before installing DmView and is recommended to do on
the same machine where the DmView will be installed.
The WildFly may be installed in a simplified way, just unzipping the file at C:\
1- Access the address http://localhost:9990/ and enter with the user/pass: admin/nms;
2- Click on menu “Configuration (1) > Datasources (2)” and after on “Add (3)”, as the image below:
b. Inventory:
- Name: inventory-ds
- JNDI: java:/jdbc/inventory-ds
- Driver: oracle
c. Profiles:
- Name: profiles-ds
- JNDI: java:/jdbc/profiles-ds
- Driver: oracle
- Connection URL: connection String to the database. If Oracle is XE and is in the same
machine of WildFly: jdbc:oracle:thin:@localhost:1521:XE. If Oracle is standard and is in
the same machine of WildFly: jdbc:oracle:thin:@localhost:1521:datacom. If Oracle is in
another machine you need to change the “localhost” by your IP.
- Username: Username used by your DmView to connect to the database, the default is
- Password: Password used by your DmView to connect to the database, the default is
- Security Domain: Don’t need to be filled, can stay empty.
d. Nes:
- Name: nes-ds
- JNDI: java:/jdbc/nes-ds
- Driver: oracle
- Connection URL: connection String to the database. If Oracle is XE and is in the same
machine of WildFly: jdbc:oracle:thin:@localhost:1521:XE. If Oracle is standard and is in
the same machine of WildFly: jdbc:oracle:thin:@localhost:1521:datacom. If Oracle is in
another machine you need to change the “localhost” by your IP.
- Username: Username used by your DmView to connect to the database, the default is
- Password: Password used by your DmView to connect to the database, the default is
- Security Domain: Don’t need to be filled, can stay empty.
e. Status:
- Name: status-ds
- JNDI: java:/jdbc/status-ds
- Driver: oracle
- Connection URL: connection String to the database. If Oracle is XE and is in the same
machine of WildFly: jdbc:oracle:thin:@localhost:1521:XE. If Oracle is standard and is in
the same machine of WildFly: jdbc:oracle:thin:@localhost:1521:datacom. If Oracle is in
another machine you need to change the “localhost” by your IP.
- Username: Username used by your DmView to connect to the database, the default is
- Password: Password used by your DmView to connect to the database, the default is
- Security Domain: Don’t need to be filled, can stay empty.
5- Select each one of the Datasources added and click on “Enable”, all Datasources must be
8- Select the Deployment was created and click on “En/Disable” to activate. In the end of the
processing, the deployment should appear Enabled.
• /etc/init.d/nms.as stop
• rm -r /opt/wildfly-8.1.0.Final
Remove the JBOSS_HOME environment variable from bashrc/bash_profile located in the user home
directory (if any, the variable must be filed within one of these files):
• vi .bashrc
• vi .bash_profile
• source .bashrc
• source .bash_profile
The installation file has its name comprised of the product code “010.0001.83”, the “DmView-Enterprise-
9.0.0-0”, the operation system supported by installation file “windows” and the build or creation date of this
installer “20151215172549”.
The installation checks will be made for the Java and Microsoft SNMP Agent, since, as said in sections 2.1
and 2.2 of this manual, they are pre-requirements for the DmView installation. If any software program
required is not installed, or if it is installed with another version than the specified, the DmView installation
will be stopped.
After reading the license term, the path where the Management Software is installed must be specified.
Then, it will be provided the types of installation, Enterprise Server, Enterprise Console and Database
Server. Each type will be explained next.
The selection of this option must be based on the function that the station where DmView is being installed
will run Application Server, Application Console or Database Server only.
Enterprise Server: Server mode, allows the administration console installation, all services necessary for
the DmView operation, web reports portal and the database creation.
Enterprise Console: DmView Administration Console. This is used when there is a server and you want
to manage it from other machines, so if you install DmView in console mode. This option is not installed
any service in the operating system, only the login.
Poller Server: Poller server creates another poller service instance in a different machine.
Web server: DmView Reports Portal, it must be selected to install. This installer option may be posterior
installed on another server.
Database Server: It must be selected to configure/create the database which will be used by DmView.
Oracle must be previously installed. This installer option may be posterior executed on another server.
After selecting the install type Enterprise Server and click "next", the options in the figure below will be
displayed. Click "next" to install all the options. If you want to install the database on another server, clear
the "Database Server" now and install then the other server with the database only through the "Database
Server" option.
AS Home: It must be filled with the path to the directory where the Application Server – WildFly was
installed. By default, the folder is usually located directory “C:\wildfly-8.1.0.Final”. If there is a previously
configured WildFly installation it is possible to reset the password of the default user "Admin" to its default
value "nms" by selecting the "Yes" button. If it is not necessary to reconfigure the user's password, select
AS Port: This field comes filled with the Wildfly default port, 8081. In case the user already has another
service in this port, this is the moment to change to another value. When the type of installation is ‘Update’
it will be filled here with the actual port in use by wildfly.
Create: Creates a dmview schema and import an empty database on local Oracle Database. It is
necessary that Oracle has already been installed and system tablespaces created. "Setup and Create"
must be already been run before. It must be run locally on the server running the Oracle.
Setup and Create: Creates the DmView system tablespaces, configure the system parameters, creates
the DmView schema and imports a DmView empty database (without data). In case this option be chosen,
in the next screen it will be presented the directory where is the “Table space folder”, which comes with
“C:\oraclexe\app\oracle\oradata\xe” by default, the Oracle 11 tablespace folder directory. It must be run
locally on the server running the Oracle.
Update: It updates a DmView schema on installed Oracle local machine. It is necessary that Oracle has
already been installed and system tablespaces created. "Setup and Create" must be already been run
before. It must be run locally on the server running the Oracle.
Database URL: Must be filled with the oracle database connection string. Must be always localhost
because this option can only be executed locally.
Database password: Password that will be attributed to database schema user used on DmView.
A confirmation message informing that the operation in the database will be irreversibly appears. If you are
not sure, perform a database backup before proceeding. After be sure the operation can be done, click
The Mongo Database must be installed before you begin installing DmView because the configuration
window "Mongo Database Parameters" is displayed if, and only if, during installation "Database Server"
module has been selected. By configuring the "Mongo Database Parameters" you can indicate to DmView
where your configuration files are.
Mongo Database Folder: directory where the Mongo Database was installed. By default, this field is
already prefilled with the default directory, but the installation was carried out in this field other directory
should be changed (Select is always the full path to the bin directory of MongoDB installation).
Hostname: The server IP where MongoDB has been set (default localhost).
Port: The default port 27017 is used by MongoDB. It can be changed by the user in the mongo.conf
configuration file located in the "conf" folder DmView installation.
Schema: The user configured MongoDB database. By default comes filled with the value "nms". It can be
changed by the user in the mongo.conf configuration file located in the "conf" folder DmView installation.
Database Password: MongoDB database user password. By default comes filled with the value "nms". It
can be changed by user in the mongo.conf configuration file located in the "conf" folder DmView
Retype Password: MongoDB database user password confirmation. By default comes filled with the
value "nms". It can be changed by the user in the mongo.conf configuration file located in the "conf" folder
DmView installation.
Configuration DmView shortcuts. They can be created for all users or only to the user who is performing
the installation. Type
Currently, DmView only supports the Oracle database (11g XE, STD or ENT), so select next to confirm the
database. The database may have been previously installed to the DmView Enterprise Server installation
as it will use the same database server that was configured in the DmView Enterprise Server installation. Servers
In this part of the installation, must be configured the parameters for the console connection to the DmView
application server (Nms Services), database server (Database URL), web report server (Web Server URL)
and Application Server - WildFly (AS Address).
Database password: Password that will be attributed to database schema user used on DmView.
NMS Services: It must be filled with the DmView server IP which you want to connect.
Web Server: Must be filled with the access address to DmView report portal. If the server was installed
with all options, the Web Server IP is the same of NMS Service.
AS Address: Must be filled with the access address to Application Server. By default the port is 8081.
From this point on, the installation proceeds like the Enterprise Server mode.
6.1.3.Poller Server
Poller: Installs only a Poller Instance. Choose this option if you already have DmView installed and want a
new instance running in another machine. Servers
In this part of the installation, must be configured the parameters for the console connection to the DmView
application server (Nms Services), database server (Database URL), web report server (Web Server URL)
and Application Server - WildFly (AS Address).
Database password: Password that will be attributed to database schema user used on DmView.
NMS Services: It must be filled with the DmView server IP which you want to connect.
AS Address: Must be filled with the access address to Application Server. By default the port is 8081.
From this point on, the installation proceeds like the Enterprise Server mode.
6.1.4.Web Server
This option is only for web view, where it is possible generates reports with information about devices,
circuits, links, users, etc. This mode is intended for those customers who preferred install in separated
environments the Enterprise Server and the Web server or didn’t choose the web package at the moment
of Enterprise Server installation.
The "Install Type" "Web Server", all modules to be installed are of system and binding.
Currently, DmView only supports the Oracle database (11g XE, STD or ENT), so select next to confirm the
database. The database may have been previously installed to the DmView Enterprise Server installation
as it will use the same database server that was configured in the DmView Enterprise Server installation.
In this part of the installation, must be configured the parameters for the Web Server connection to the
DmView application server (Nms Services), database server (Database URL) and server Application
Server - WildFly (AS Address).
At the moment of this installation is important that the data will be specified at database are according to
the information where is installed the Enterprise server. The IP application server DmView and Application
Server - WildFly are specified in Nms Services and AS Address fields respectively.
From this point on, the installation proceeds like the Enterprise Server mode.
Important to note that when there is already a database and the user options for Create or Setup and
Create mode, to have one more database in system, the new database credentials must be different from
the old to not delete existing information. Parameters
The Oracle database must be installed before you begin installing DmView because the configuration
window "Database Parameters" is displayed during the installation of "install type" "Database Server". By
setting the "Database Parameters", you can create the tablespaces and the DmView schema in Oracle
(Setup and Create), create only the DmView schema in Oracle (Create) or upgrade from an old version of
schema DmView Oracle (Update). We recommend the "Create" option, "Setup and Create" and "Update"
to run locally on the server itself (localhost) that is installed Oracle.
Create: Creates a dmview schema and import an empty database on local Oracle Database. It is
necessary that Oracle has already been installed and system tablespaces created. "Setup and Create"
must be already been run before.
Setup and Create: Creates the DmView system tablespaces, configure the system parameters, creates
the DmView schema and imports a DmView empty database (without data). In case this option be chosen,
in the next screen it will be presented the directory where is the “Table space folder”, which comes with
“C:\oraclexe\app\oracle\oradata\xe” by default, the Oracle 11 tablespace folder directory.
Update: when you select the Update mode, the database connection address (Database URL), Schema
and database password must be according to base data which you wish to do update. When you select
this option, the configured database schema will be updated to the version of the new installer.
Database URL: Must be filled with the oracle database connection string. Must be always localhost
because this option may only be locally executed.
Database password: Password that will be attributed to database schema user used on DmView.
OBS: We recommend that the options of creating and updating of the database to run locally on
the server that has the database installed.
From this point on, the installation proceeds like the Enterprise Server mode.
• To run DmView installation, use Java 7 for running the installer.
• MongoDB zip archive;
• Application Server – Wildfly zip archive.
6.2.2.Installing MongoDB
This installation is made via a zip file that contains all the content for MongoDB configuration. Follow these
• From the terminal (console), extract the contents of the zip file from the command:
◦ tar -zxvf mongodb-linux-x86_64-3.0.5.tgz
• Copy the extracted folder to the directory where the MongoDB will run, and set execute
permissions on the folder:
◦ mkdir -p /opt/mongodb
◦ cp -R -n mongodb-linux-x86_64-3.0.5/ /opt/mongodb
• Ensure that the binary files of bin folder are present in the PATH environment variable. To keep
the variable constantly updated, it is recommended to add the following line in the system file
◦ export PATH=<mongodb-install-directory>/bin:$PATH
• Before starting MongoDB for the first time, create a directory to be used for writing the MongoDB
process. By default, the directory used by the process is /data/db.
◦ mkdir -p /data/db
• Ensure that the user who is performing the MongoDB configuration has read and write
permissions to the directory.
• Check MongoDB startup process by running the command:
◦ mongod
This installation is made via a zip file that contains all the content for the Application Server – Wildfly
configuration. Follow these steps:
• From the terminal (console), extract the contents of the zip file from the command:
◦ unzip wildfly-8.1.0.Final.zip
• Copy the extracted folder to the directory where the Application Server - Wildfly will run, and set
execute permissions on the folder:
◦ mkdir -p /opt/wildfly-8.1.0.Final
◦ cp -R -n wildfly-8.1.0.Final/ /opt/wildfly-8.1.0.Final
◦ chmod -R +x /opt/wildfly-8.1.0.Final
Done. The other settings are made by DmView installer, so follow to the next section.
6.2.4.Installing DmView
The DmView license agreement will appear, press "Enter" to continue until the end of the contract.
The directory where DmView will be installed are displayed, press "Enter" to keep the suggested directory
or enter the path to the desired directory, then type "1" to continue.
The first option type Enterprise Server will be presented, type "Y" to accept or "N" to move to next option.
The other installation types are: Enterprise Console, Web Server and Database Server, type "1" to accept.
• Enterprise Server: server mode allows the installation of the management console, all
necessary services for DmView operation, web portal reports and database creation.
• Enterprise Console: This is the DmView console installation for consoles machine or user
desktop. When the Enterprise Server option is selected, the console is installed automatically.
• Web Server: DmView Portal reports should be selected if you want to install it. Can be installed
later on another server.
• Poller Server: If you have already installed DmView and would like to have one more instance
installed on another machine, it should select this option.
After accepting the Enterprise Server mode, the modules database server, web server and application
server will be available for selection and installation. Enter "Y" for each module and type "1" to continue.
Message will be displayed to select the database type being used. The only available option should be
"Oracle". Enter 0 to continue.
the Application Server configuration will be displayed. First indicate the address where the Application
Server is installed, by default the value comes to "/opt/wildfly-8.1.0.Final" folder. If there is a previously
configured WildFly installation it is possible to reset the password for the default user "Admin" to its default
value "nms" by typing 1 for "Yes". If it is not necessary to reconfigure the user's password, type 0 for "No".
1. Create - If there are already tablespaces created, ie, a DmView database previously existed on this
Oracle server.
2. Setup and Create - Being made a new installation of DmView and on this server has never existed a
DmView database. Tablespaces used by DmView will be created automatically.
Choose one of the options above, according to your need and type the corresponding number: "0", "1" or
The default connection URL of the database will be displayed "jdbc:oracle:thin:localhost:1521:xe” type
"Enter" to accept, or enter the URL of the desired bank. Remember to enter the database instance
correctly, it can be xe (when Oracle XE) or the name of the Oracle instance configured (ex: datacom) if
Standard or Enterprise. Note: For "Create" or "Setup and Create" target, the database server must
necessarily be localhost.
The default Oracle Schema name will appear as "nms", type "Enter" to accept or enter the name if you
want to change the schema name. Enter and repeat the password to be used. Type "1" to continue.
The Oracle 11g XE tablespace folder will be displayed as the default value, type "Enter" to accept or enter
the correct path. Oracle XE 11, for example, has a different default folder, as shown in the screen example
above (/u01/app/oracle/oradata/xe). Type "1" to continue.
The message "This operation may cause irreversible data loss appears. Proceed anyway?" will be shown,
due to an operation being done in the database that can overwrite existing data. If the settings have been
made correctly, enter "0" then "1" to continue.
The Mongo Database must be installed before you begin installing DmView because the configuration
window "Mongo Database Parameters" is displayed during installation if the "Database Server" module
was selected. By configuring the "Mongo Database Parameters" you indicate to the DmView where to find
its configuration files.
Type 1 after finishing the Mongo setup to begin the installation of DmView. The installation process will
start, showing the log of each operation being performed.
After the installation, the message "BUILD SUCCESSFUL" should appear indicating that the installation
was completed successfully.
After the start of the Wildfly service, DmView services can be started. To do this, run the command:
"/etc/init.d/nms.allservices start".
After clicking next, proceed as in the previous installations, the screens are the same. Remember that the
Application Server - Wildfly is also upgraded.
To database, three options will be available: “Create”, “Setup and Create” and “Update”. Choose
“Update” option to do not loose your data.
If the database is installed on another machine, we recommend that the installer to run locally so that
updating the database is made, that is, do not update the base carried out using a "Database URL" from a
remote server.
6.4.1.Directory Hierarchy
DmView is comprised of the following directory hierarchy:
Directory Description
/activemq Binaries and message server settings.
/apacheds Binaries and NTP server settings.
6.4.2.About Window
The About window in the DmView can be accessed in two different ways:
1- Without logging in to DmView, access: Start:Programs:DmView:DmView-Enterprise:DmView About.
2- After logging in to DmView, access: Help:About.
The About window shows system information such as the operating system version that is installed, the
Java version, the installation directory of DmView, and the process number.
In Version we have the information regarding the DmView version that is being used, as well as SW-
Version, Build-On, Database Version, and License (Demo or Enterprise).
The Managed Devices box shows the number of devices that are added to DmView and the maximum
number of devices that the license provided supports.
The Save Info and Feature Details buttons are used in the DmView licensing and will be presented as
The Contact tab shows the contacts for suggestions, support, and sales.
6.4.3.DmView Licenses
After installation, DmView is made available with a license for up to 15 network elements and 5 remote
accesses through DmView Console. The Provisioning functionality is not available.
For the consoles to be used, the license is not required.
To manage the Provisioning functionality in DmView, increase the number of elements to be managed and
increase the number of remote accesses, a license should be generated for this purpose. To do so, the
following steps are required:
• Save the file containing the license data and send it to DATACOM.
The number of elements to be managed, the number of remote accesses, and the Provisioning function-
ality should be previously negotiated with DATACOM Sales Department.
Obs.: A specific license is not required to DM4100 line devices, the default license is enough.
•LicenseType: this specifies whether the application is the DmView or Console server [enterprise-
server / enterprise-console].
The next section is Server NMS.
#Server NMS
nms.poller.scheduled.cron.expression=0 */6 * * *
#Trap/Event Configuration
• UseTrapd: Indicates which traps service will be used by DmView. NMSTrapD is the java service
NMS TrapD.
#Server Database
•JdbcUrl: URL that describes the location of the database to be used. If the database were Oracle the
value would be:
#Fault Systems
•KeepAlive: This enables an internal service that sends a trap to the upper level fault system every
“KeepAliveRate” seconds informing which DmView services are operating correctly. Use it together
with “KeepAliveRate” [disable/enable].
•IntegratedFaultSystems: Name(s) or IP(s) and TCP port of high level fault systems to where DmView
should send the traps received [e.g.:|162|192.168.1|162]
•KeepAliveRate: Time in seconds between each DmView sent trap informing its correct operation.
Use it together with “KeepAlive”.
Web Section
•Server WWW: Base https address for the NMS Apache Tomcat service.
# <> C3P0 Connection pool configuration <>
# in milliseconds
# in milliseconds
# in seconds
# Enable database connection leak handling/detection
# in seconds
# enable to debug abandoned open connections
Then, the section referring to provisioning and Nx2M/EFM circuit importation services (change these
values only if you have knowledge of these features, otherwise contact our support).
# Provisioning database related configuration
# Connection pool configuration properties.
•nms.as.base.url: Application Server - WildFly URL. If it has been installed on another port or on
another server, this parameter should be modified.
•importation.uri: URL used to contact the importation deployment of WildFly.
•provisioning.uri: URL used to contact the provisioning service. By default it must contain the
DmView server IP and port 8082.
•nms.discovery.url: URL used to contact the discovery deployment of WildFly.
•license.uri: URL used to contact the license deployment of WildFly.
•merge.uri: URL used to contact the merge deployment of WildFly.
•nms.profiles.uri: URL used to contact the profiles deployment of WildFly.
•nms.nes.uri: URL used to contact nes deployment of WildFly.
•nms.status.uri: URL used to contact satus deployment of WildFly.
# LDAP Conf
In case of LDAP be enabled, the ladp.conf file must be also modified, according to the fields below,
defining the LDAP server configuration. You can find this file at DmView/conf folder.
# LDAP Conf
url="LDAP server URL"
userDn="Folder path containing the Dn user"
password="Dn userpass"
identifierAttribute="user unic Id Identification Atribute"
#NES Device Cache configuration
# Status Device Cache configuration
NOTE: The default browser configuration, which opens DmView web reports, should be done by editing
file getWin32Browser.bat located in \bin do DmView folder.
Simply add the installation path of the desired browser as follows:
echo off
echo %ProgramFiles%/Internet Explorer/iexplore
• NMS Apache DS: When started it makes the machine an NTP server to be configured in the
devices. Simply add in the device configuration the IP of DmView server as being an NTP server.
• NMS Apache Tomcat: this is the Web Server used to make an interface between the user’s Web
browser and DmView, so as the reports can be generated.
• NMS Event and NMS External Trapd for Win32: services used to receive traps from elements.
• NMS Probe: service that makes the collection of performance data from the devices.
• NMS TrapD: Service used to receive traps. The option for using the NMS External Trapd for
Win32 or the NMS Trap should be configured in the nms.conf.
• NMS XML-RPC: this service allows the integration of other systems with DmView through the
interface of commands and XML-RPC protocol.
Note: The “NMS Application Server” (Service used by WildFly) must be manually started through
the Windows Services window and before the DmView services. See more details in the 4 section.
• /etc/init.d/nms.<service> <command>
in which:
• <command> can be replaced with: start, stop, and status* (*the latter is not available in all
To start the rmi service as root, you should type:
• /etc/init.d/nms.rmi start
It’s important to emphasize that it is NEVER necessary to put an “&” at the end of the command since the
prompt is released as soon as the service goes up.
6.4.7.Pseudo Service
A pseudo service was created (as this is a service that takes care of other services) called nms.allservices,
whose objective is to start and stop the most commonly used services in the operators. It can also be used
to inform the running status of all DmView services.
Today the most common services are:
• JMS.
• Poller.
• Events.
• Provisioning
• Traps.
• Web.
• /etc/init.d/nms.allservices start
• /etc/init.d/nms.allservices stop
• /etc/init.d/nms.allservices status
Access the Windows task scheduler in Start → Accessories → System Tools → Task Scheduler. Create a
new task, and give it a name.
Access the “Triggers” tab and set the date and time for the task to be run. In the figure below, the script is
scheduled to be run every Monday at 11 p.m.
After selecting the file, click on the OK button to end the scheduling. To check the final result in the task
scheduler main window, it is possible to see the scheduling in the schedulers library.
To set the shrink script in solaris/unix systems, we recommend you use crontab. Crontab is divided into
four different types of runners, where the following is determined in each category:
Type Description
After choosing how the shrink will be run, simply move the script to the desired cron folder. After that,
select the time for the backup to be run with the vi /etc/crontab command, and then select the time the
script should be run, which should be set as follows:
To use the PCGAGETv1 and PCGAGETv2 command it is necessary that Java is previously installed in the
machine or server (in any operating system).
To check the syntax of the commands, simply run command:
• pcgagetv1.jar -X ou pcgagetv1.jar -h ou pcgagetv1.jar -help ou pcgagetv1.jar –help.
• The same parameters to show the syntax in protocol v1 will also work for pcgagetv2.jar.
7.2.1.Version 1
Syntax for command PCGAGETv1:
java -jar pcgagetv1.jar [NXE1] <SERIAL> <IP> <USER> <PASSWORD> <SLOT> <PORT> <COMMAND>
• [NXE1] = OPTIONAL. In NxE1 devices it has 4 bytes and in the rest 1 byte (for instance,
devices DM705, DM706C, DM704, and DM991C). This parameter should be used when
making requests in order to pre-establish the size of the DEV field.
• <SERIAL> = Serial number of GET target deice.
Example of command PCGAGETv1:
# java -jar pcgagetv1.jar nxe1 8821107 nms nms 0 0 8001
7.2.2. Version 2
Syntax for command PCGAGETv2:
java -jar pcgagetv2.jar <TYPEREQUEST> <IP> <USER> <PASSWORD> <SLOT> <PORT>
• <TYPEREQUEST> = Refers to the type of action the Manager wants to make for a certain
request, and it can be either: info, status, config, test, performance, action.
Example of command PCGAGETv2:
# java -jar pcgagetv2.jar status nms nms 0 0 11022
7.3.Scheduled Polling
The polling, process responsible for collecting the network devices data, has now the flexibility of
scheduling configuration. In previous DmView releases, it was possible to configure an interval between
pollings (example: each 6 hours); now it is possible to configure specific dates and times (example: every
day beginning at 01:00 a.m,). The configuration model is the same of Cron software of Linux. Cron format
for defining the scheduled polling frequency.
The pattern is a list of five single space-separated fields: minute, hour, day, month, weekday. Month and
weekday names can be given as the first three letters of the English names.
Example patterns:
The scheduled poller settings are held in hazelcast.conf file located in the DmView conf folder. This file
contains the following information:
• hazelcast.jmx=false
• hazelcast.group.name=nms
• hazelcast.group.password=nms
Cluster credentials (do not have relation with the database credentials).
• hazelcast.network.port=5701
Port’s configuration that will be used by Hazelcast to communicate with the cluster.
• hazelcast.network.outbound.ports=38001-38010
Outbound ports that will be used (also to communicate with the cluster).
• hazelcast.network.join.tcp-ip.members=
• hazelcast.network.join.tcp-ip.connection-timeout-seconds=10
Cluster members configuration (IPv4 address) and timeout to be used during the negotiation of a new
node to cluster input. In the members option, all the machines that will be cluster members must be spe-
cified. For this, you must put all IP addresses and their ports (<IP>: <port>), separated by commas (eg, a
valid value for this field is considering three machines with addresses, 1.1. 1.2 and would
It is highly recommended that ALL hazelcast.conf files of the machines which will be part of the
cluster have the same configuration". That will avoid problems such as:
a. It was added a setting parameter at nms.conf file present in the DmView installation
root folder, called nms.poller.distributed.enabled which value will be true or false.
c. Edit the hazelcast.conf file located at conf folder of the DmView installation, updating it
with the information from others servers configured as Slave, as elucidated above.
d. Start the service NMS Poller. In the DmView logs folder, inside the poller will be created
a file called hazelcast.log. This file contains all the information about the connected in-
stances at the server. On every fail or new connection this file is updated with the follow-
ing information:
Members [1] {
Member []:5701 this
e. With the arrival of new poller instances, this message is increased. Example:
Members [3] {
Member []:5701