CRAA Mini & Youth
CRAA Mini & Youth
CRAA Mini & Youth
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Availability !
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During which hours are you available for volunteer incidunt et labore et dolore magna aliquam. Ut enim
assignments? ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exerc. Irure dolor in
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! Minis are those players who are 10 years of
age or younger (born in 2001 or later for the
Tia non ob ea soluad incommod quae egen ium 2011/12 season). Mini Rugby programs are
improb fugiend. Officia deserunt mollit anim id est run by BC Rugby member clubs, who provide
Interests laborum Et harumd dereud facilis est er expedit
Circle which areas you are interested in distinct. Nam liber te conscient to factor tum poen a safe and fun environment for our youngest
volunteering: legum odioque civiuda et tam. Neque pecun modut players to learn all about rugby. Not only do
est neque nonor et imper ned libidig met, the "minis" learn the fundamental skills, they
Coach Marketing
Photography consectetur adipiscing elit dolor set ahmet lorem are provided the opportunity to make new
ipsum modut est neque nonor et imper ned met.
Coach First
friends at their "club" and while competing in
! "mini rugby jamborees".
Manager The CRAA gratefully acknowledges the Youth Rugby Players are those who are born
Fundraising support of the Province of British Columbia.
Fields between 1993 and 2000. Contact is introduced.
CAMPBELL RIVER ATHLETIC Campbell River Mini Rugby Mission rugby every player must move with and
Fun & Participation follow the play in order to be part of it and
ASSOCIATION support their team mates for the team to
Team Work
Development of Rugby Skills and Knowledge
CONTACT: ERIN YOUNG at Mini Rugby is a fun and active start to being Mini Rugby – The Start of a Long Term
250-926-9112 part of a team through the joy of rugby. By Development Model
Mini and Youth Rugby has a 2-part season. developing the principles for the love of Mini Flag Rugby is the beginning stages in a
Fall is mid September - early December and physical activity, team work, and the skills long term development model of a
Spring is late February - mid June. Practices of rugby at early ages we are aiming to successful rugby player, or for some simply
and scrimmages will likely be Sunday mid-day develop strong values and skills that can be the beginning an enjoyable and healthy
at the Sportsplex. There will be opportunities used throughout a lifetime and career. Mini active lifestyle.
for travel to mini and youth Jamborees Rugby is a non contact program which
throughout Vancouver Island. Stage 1:Active Start Boys/Girls U6
utilizes flag rugby as a means of developing
All players must register with BC Rugby physical literacy skills. Objectives: Learn fundamental movements
through our club. Information on registration through fun and games.
can be found by contacting Erin Young Although the main focus of Campbell River Physical activity is fun and becomes part
CRAA Youth/Mini Rugby Coordinator Mini Rugby is Fun & Participation we also of daily routine.
926-9112 or want kids to have the opportunity to develop Physically active families.
Our 2011/2012 Fees are: Minis - $70 Youth - strong FUNdamentals for rugby through
knowledgeable coaching and for schools to Stage 2: FUNdamentals - “KICK OFF to
$125. Fee covers Sept.1/11 - Aug.30/12.These
have the best tools available. These Rugby!” Boys/Girls 7-10 Objectives:
fees are eligible for the Children’s Fitness
knowledgeable coaching backgrounds and Develop FUNdamental movement skills –
Tax Credit.
tools allow Campbell River Mini Rugby to Agility, Balance, Coordination, Speed,
Please note that the BC Rugby Competitions Running, Kicking, Throwing, Jumping in a
teach the primary FUNdamentals of rugby,
Committee has ruled that, with immediate well structured, positive, and Fun
giving the children the opportunity to jump
effect (from 17 January 2005), the wearing of a Environment!
start a strong rugby career at higher levels.
mouth guard in an approved manner is
compulsory for all players participating in mini Stage 3:Learning to Train - “DEVELOP
Unlike some other sports rugby is a true
rugby and age grade Rugby in BC including: the Basics” Boys/Girls 10-19
team sport. In rugby at any level rarely can
• All Games (including U13, U14, U15,
one player take over or control a game, Objectives: Enhance and develop ABCs of
U16, U17, U19, U20/21 Age Grade Athleticism and overall sport skills
rugby is a true team sport and needs
Leagues) Develop core rugby skills. Intro to contact.
everyone’s participation, dedication, and
• Jamborees
team work for a team to succeed. These Integrate physical, mental, cognitive and
• Practices
requirements of rugby mean that rarely is a emotional training components.
• Summer Camps
player standing still or waiting for Develop physical literacy.
Find us on Facebook: search “Campbell something to happen or come to them, in
River Athletic Association Rugby”!