Course Curriculum For First Professional Bams (Prescribed by Ncism)

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शास्त्रं ज्योत िः प्रकाशार्थं दशशनं बुद्धिरात्मनिः|

(Applicable from 2021-22 batch onwards for 5 years or until further
notification by NCISM, whichever is earlier)

NEW DELHI-110058
I professional Ayurvedcharya

Subject Code: AyUG KS

Kriya Sharir


Total number of Teaching hours: 600

Lecture hours (LH) - Theory

150 Hours
Paper I 75 Hours 150 Hours
Paper II 75 Hours
Non-Lecture hours (NLH) – Theory
Paper I 25 Hours 50 Hours 250 Hours
Paper II 25 Hours (NLH)
Non-Lecture hours (NLH) - Practical 200 Hours

Examination (Papers & Mark Distribution)

Practical Component Marks

Item Theory Component Marks
Practical IA
Paper I 100
100 70 30
Paper II 100
Sub-Total 200 200
Total marks 400

2 Kriya Sharir, I BAMS(Ayurvedacharya), NCISM


Kriya Sharir (Human Physiology) is an important subject of the BAMS program for the undergraduate
students of Ayurveda. The term sharir means ‘in the sharir’ or ‘related to the sharir’ thus Sharir Kriya deals with
the study of the human body concerning its physiological norms i.e., the functioning of the human body in its
normal state. This subject refers to the physiology and biochemistry of contemporary medical science.

The swasthya of an individual is based on 3 pillars of the body i.e., dosha, dhatu & mala. Kriya Sharir
subject mainly deals with these 3 pillars. The basic concepts, knowledge, and applicability of Tridosha (Vata, Pitta,
Kapha), Sapta Dhatus (Rasa, Rakta, Mamsa, Meda, Asthi, Majja, Shukra), and Trimala (Mutra, Purish, Sweda) are
very important in the critical understanding of the disease. Kriya Sharir also deals with Prakriti, Strotas, Kostha,
Agni, Oja, Mana, Aahar (Basic principles of food), shatkriyakal, the system-wise study of contemporary science,
senses function and dysfunction, etc. All these fundamental topics are essential for the proper understanding of
etiopathogenesis, diagnosis of disease, and its management which will be covered in para-clinical and clinical
New curriculum of Kriya Sharir is designed considering cognitive, affective, and psychomotor domains.
There are group discussions, workshops, field visits, and activities beyond the textbook during the practical hours
like preparation of charts, models, seminar presentations by students. Kriya Sharir subject also deals with teaching-
learning methods like role play, flipped the classroom, etc. Some assessment methods like OSPE, PBL, DOPS,
CBD, skill assessment, etc are incorporated. The main aim of the curriculum is to highlight the basic knowledge
and to give a new scientific approach to undergraduate students to develop their skills of Ayurveda and make them
competent to apply in clinical practice and research.

3 Kriya Sharir, I BAMS(Ayurvedacharya), NCISM

Course Code and Name of Course .............................................................................................................................5
AyUG KS ...................................................................................................................................................................5
Kriya Sharir (Human Physiology) .............................................................................................................................5
Table 1- Course learning outcomes and matched PO. ...............................................................................................5
Table 2 : Contents of Course AyUG KS ....................................................................................................................7
Paper I – AyUG-KS ...............................................................................................................................................7
Paper II – AyUG-KS ..............................................................................................................................................9
Table 3: Learning objectives (Theory) of Course AyUG-KS ..................................................................................12
PAPER I ...............................................................................................................................................................12
PAPER II..............................................................................................................................................................37
List of Practicals.......................................................................................................................................................53
Table 4: Learning objectives (Practical) of AyUG- KS ...........................................................................................54
Table 5: Non-Lecture Activities Course AyUG- KS ...............................................................................................61
Table 6: Assessment Summary ................................................................................................................................63
6 A- Number of papers and Marks Distribution ......................................................................................................63
6 B - Scheme of Assessment (formative and Summative) .......................................................................................63
6 C - Calculation Method for Internal assessment Marks (30 Marks) .....................................................................63
6 D - Evaluation Methods for Periodical Assessment..............................................................................................64
6 E- Paper Layout ....................................................................................................................................................64
Paper-I ......................................................................................................................................................................64
6 F- Disribution of Theory Exam .............................................................................................................................65
Paper I ......................................................................................................................................................................65
Paper II .....................................................................................................................................................................66
6 G- Question paper blue print .................................................................................................................................67
Paper I ......................................................................................................................................................................67
Paper II .....................................................................................................................................................................68
6 H Distribution of Practical Exam ..........................................................................................................................69
7. References / Resourses.........................................................................................................................................71

4 Kriya Sharir, I BAMS(Ayurvedacharya), NCISM

Course Code and Name of Course

Course code Name of Course

AyUG KS Kriya Sharir (Human Physiology)

AyUG KS Course
Table 1- Course learning outcomes and matched PO.

SR1 A1 B1
CO Course learning Outcomes (CO) AyUG KS Course learning
No At the end of the course AyUG-KS, the student should be able to- Outcomes
matched with
CO 1 Explain all basic principles & concepts of Kriya Sharir along with PO1, PO2
essentials of contemporary human physiology and biochemistry related
to all organ systems.
CO 2 Demonstrate and communicate normal and abnormal variables PO2, PO3
pertaining to Kriya Sharir such as Sara, Agni, Koshtha, Srotas etc.
CO 3 Differentiate between Prakriti and Vikriti in the individuals after PO1, PO2, PO3,
carrying out relevant clinical examinations. PO5
CO 4 Carry out clinical examination and experiments using equipments with PO4
interpretation of their results
CO 5 Differentiate the strengths & limitations of Ayurved and contemporary PO2
CO 6 Present a short project work / research activity covering the role of PO5, PO6, PO7,
Kriya Sharir in preventive and promotive healthcare. PO8, PO9
CO 7 Show a sense of curiosity and questioning attitude towards the life PO2, PO5, PO6,
processes and to display compassion and ethical behaviour PO7, PO9
CO 8 Effectively communicate verbally and in writing preferably using PO8, PO9
Ayurvedic terminology along with contemporary terminology among
peers, teachers and community

5 Kriya Sharir, I BAMS(Ayurvedacharya), NCISM

6 Kriya Sharir, I BAMS(Ayurvedacharya), NCISM
Table 2 : Contents of Course AyUG KS

Paper I – AyUG-KS

Sr A2 B2 C2 D2 E2
No List of Topics AyUG-KS Term Marks Lecture Non-
hours Lecture
Paper I
PART-A (Marks-60)
1 Sharir: Definition and synonyms of term Kriya, Sharir &
Shaarir. Description of Sharir Dosha and Manasa Dosha.
I 2 1
Mutual relationship between Triguna-Tridosha &
2 Basic principles of Ayurveda:
Dosha dhatu mala mulam hi shariram. Description of basics of I 2 1
3. Tridosha: General description of Tridosha. Inter relationship
between Ritu-Dosha-Rasa- Guna. Biological rhythms of
Tridosha on the basis of day-night-age-season and food
intake. Role of Dosha in the formation of Prakriti of an I 3 0
individual and in maintaining of health. Prakrita and Vaikrita

4. Vata Dosha: Vyutpatti (derivation), Nirukti (etymology) of

the term Vata, general locations, general properties and
general functions of Vata, five types of Vata (Prana, Udana, I 6 2
Samana, Vyana, Apana) with their specific locations, specific
properties, and specific functions.
5. Pitta Dosha: Vyutpatti, Nirukti of the term Pitta, general
locations, general properties and general functions of Pitta,
five types of Pitta (Pachaka, Ranjaka, Alochaka, Bhrajaka,
I 5 1
Sadhaka) with their specific locations, specific properties,
and specific functions. Similarities and differences between
Agni and Pitta. 26
6. Kapha Dosha: Vyutpatti, Nirukti of the term Kapha, general
locations, general properties and general functions of Kapha,
five types of Kapha (Bodhaka, Avalambaka, Kledaka, II 4 1
Tarpaka, Śleshaka) with their specific locations, specific
properties, and specific functions.
7. Dosha Vriddhi-Kshaya: Etiological factors responsible
for Dosha Vriddhi, Dosha Kshaya and their manifestations. II 1 1

8. Kriyakala: Concept of Kriyakala, applied physiology of

diseases produced due the vitiation of vata, pitta and kapha. II 1 1

9 Prakriti:
Deha- Prakriti: Vyutpatti, Nirukti, various definitions and
synonyms for the term “Prakriti‟. Intra-uterine and extra-
II 7 3
uterine factors influencing Deha-Prakriti, classification and
characteristic features of each kind of Deha-Prakriti.
Manasa- Prakriti: Introduction and types of Manasa- Prakriti
10. Ahara: Definition, classification and significance of Ahara, III 3 1

7 Kriya Sharir, I BAMS(Ayurvedacharya), NCISM

Ahara-vidhi-vidhana, Ashta Aharavidhi Viseshayatana,
Ahara Parinamkar Bhava.
11. Agni: Definition and importance, synonyms, classification,
location, properties and functions of Agni and functions of III 26 4 1
Jatharagni, Bhutagni, and Dhatvagni.
12. Aharapaka (Process of digestion): Description of
Annavaha Srotas and their Mula. Description of
Avasthapaka (Madhura, Amla and Katu). Description of
Nishthapaka (Vipaka) and its classification. Role of Grahani
& Pittadhara Kala. Separation of Sara and Kitta. Absorption III 7 2
of Sara. Genesis of Vata-Pitta-Kapha during Aharapaka
process. Definition of the term Koshtha. Classification of
Koshtha and the characteristics of each type of Koshtha.

PART-B (Marks-40)
1 Physiology Homeostasis: Definition and mechanisms of
maintenance of homeostasis. Cell physiology. Membrane
physiology. Transportation of various substances across
cell membrane. Resting membrane potential and action I 5 1
potential. Acid-base balance, water and electrolyte balance.
Study of basic components of food.

2 Physiology of Respiratory system: functional anatomy of

respiratory system. Definition of ventilation, mechanism of
respiration, exchange and transport of gases, neural and
II 5 2
chemical control of respiration, artificial respiration,
asphyxia, hypoxia. Introduction to Pulmonary Function
3 Physiology of Gastrointestinal system: Functional
anatomy of gastro-intestinal tract, mechanism of secretion
and composition of different digestive juices. Functions of
salivary glands, stomach, liver, pancreas, small intestine
and large intestine in the process of digestion and
absorption. Movements of the gut (deglutition, peristalsis, II 7 2
defecation) and their control. Enteric nervous system.
Digestion and metabolism of proteins, fats and
carbohydrates. Vitamins & Minerals- sources, daily
requirement, functions, manifestations of hypo and
4 Physiology of Nervous System: General introduction to
nervous system, neurons, mechanism of propagation of
nerve impulse, physiology of CNS, PNS, ANS; physiology of
sensory and motor nervous system, Functions of different
III 7 3
parts of brain and physiology of special senses, intelligence,
memory, learning and motivation. Physiology of sleep and
dreams, EEG. Physiology of speech and articulation.
Physiology of temperature regulation.
5 Physiology of Endocrine glands: General introduction to
endocrine system, classification and characteristics of
III 6 2
hormones, physiology of all endocrine glands, their
functions and their effects.

8 Kriya Sharir, I BAMS(Ayurvedacharya), NCISM

Paper II – AyUG-KS

A2 B2 C2 D2 E2
List of Topics Term Marks Lecture Non-
Paper I I hours Lecture
PART-A (Marks-60)
1 Dhatu: Etymology, derivation, definition, general
introduction of term Dhatu, different theories related to I 2 1
Dhatuposhana (Dhatuposhana Nyaya)
2 Rasa Dhatu: Etymology, derivation, location, properties,
functions and Praman of Rasa-dhatu. Physiology of Rasavaha
Srotas, Formation of Rasa Dhatu from Aahara Rasa,
circulation of Rasa (Rasa-Samvahana), role of Vyana Vayu
and Samana Vayu in Rasa Samvahana. Description of
I 4 1
functioning of Hridaya. Ashtavidha Sara, characteristics of
Tvakasara Purusha, conceptual study of Aashraya-Aashrayi
Bhaava and its relation to Rasa and Kapha. Manifestations of
kshaya and Vriddhi of Rasa

3. Rakta Dhatu: Etymology, derivation, synonyms, location,

properties, functions and Praman of Rakta Dhatu.
Panchabhautikatva of Rakta Dhatu, physiology of Raktavaha
Srotas, formation of Raktadhatu, Ranjana of Rasa by Ranjaka
Pitta, features of Shuddha Rakta, specific functions of Rakta, I 3 1
characteristics of Raktasara Purusha, manifestations of Kshaya
and Vriddhi of Raktadhatu, mutual interdependence of Rakta
and Pitta.

4. Mamsa Dhatu: Etymology, derivation, synonyms, location,

properties and functions of Mamsa Dhatu, physiology of
Mamsavaha Srotas, formation of Mamsa Dhatu,
characteristics of Mamsasara Purusha, manifestations of
I 2 1
Kshaya and Vriddhi of Mamsa Dhatu, Concept of Peshi.

5. Meda Dhatu: Etymology, derivation, location, properties,

functions and Praman of Meda Dhatu, physiology of
Medovaha Srotas, formation of Medo Dhatu, characteristics of
I 3 1
Medasara Purusha and manifestations of Kshaya and Vriddhi
of Meda.

6. Asthi Dhatu: Etymology, derivation, synonyms, location,

properties, functions of Asthi Dhatu. Number of Asthi.
Physiology of Asthivaha Srotas and formation of Asthi Dhatu,
characteristics of Asthisara Purusha, mutual interdependence II 2 1
of Vata and Asthi Dhatu, manifestations of Kshaya and
Vriddhi of Asthi Dhatu.
7. Majja Dhatu : Etymology, derivation, types, location,
properties, functions and Praman of Majjaa Dhatu,
physiology of Majjavaha Srotas, formation of Majja Dhatu, II 3 1
characteristics of Majja Sara Purusha, relation of Kapha, Pitta,
Rakta and Majja, manifestations of Kshaya and Vriddhi of

9 Kriya Sharir, I BAMS(Ayurvedacharya), NCISM

Majja Dhatu.
8. Shukra Dhatu: Etymology, derivation, location, properties,
functions and Praman of Shukra Dhatu, physiology of
Shukraravaha Srotas and formation of Shukra Dhatu. Features II 3 1
of Shuddha Shukra, characteristics of Shukra-Sara Purusha,
manifestations of Kshaya and Vriddhi of Shukra Dhatu.
9 Concept of Ashraya-Ashrayi bhava i.e. inter-relationship
among Dosha, Dhatu Mala and Srotas. Applied physiology of
diseases asserting saptadhatu enlisted under dhatu pradoshaj
II 1 1
10. Ojas: Etymological derivation, definition, formation, location,
properties, Praman, classification and functions of Ojas.
Description of Vyadhikshamatva. Bala Vriddhikara Bhava. II 3 1
Classification of Bala. Etiological factors and manifestations
of Ojavisramsa, Vyapat and Kshaya.
11. Upadhatu: General introduction, etymological derivation and
definition of the term Upadhatu. Formation, nourishment,
properties, location and functions of each Upadhatu.
Stanya: Characteristic features and methods of assessing
Shuddha and Dushita Stanya, manifestations of Vriddhi and
Kshaya of Stanya. II 6 1
Artava: Characteristic features of Shuddha and Dushita
Artava. Differences between Raja and Artava, physiology of
Artavavaha Srotas.
Tvak: classification, thickness of layer and functions.
12. Mala: Etymological derivation and definition of the term
Mala. Aharamala: Enumeration and description of the process
of formation of Aharamala.
Purisha: Etymological derivation, definition, formation,
properties, quantity and functions of Purisha. Physiology of
Purishavaha Srotas, manifestations of Vriddhi and Kshhaya of
Mutra: Etymological derivation, definition, formation,
properties, quantity and functions of Mutra. Physiology of
III 6 2
Mutravaha Srotas, physiology of urine formation in Ayurveda,
manifestations of Vriddhi and Kshhaya of Mutra.
Sveda: Etymological derivation, definition, formation and
functions of Sveda. Manifestations of Vriddhi and Kshaya of
Sveda. Discription of Svedvaha Srotas
Dhatumala: Brief description of each type of Dhatumala.

13 Indriya vidnyan: Physiological description of

Panchagyaanendriya and physiology of perception of Shabda,
Sparsha, Rupa, Rasa and Gandha. Physiological description of III 1 1
14 Manas: Properties, functions and objects of Manas.
III 2 1
Physiology of Manovaha Srotas.
15 Atma: Properties of Atma. difference between Paramatma and
Jivatma; Characteristic features of existence of Atma in living III 2 0
16 Nidra & Swapna: Nidrotpatti, types of Nidra, physiological
and clinical significance of Nidra; Svapnotpatti and types of III 2 0

10 Kriya Sharir, I BAMS(Ayurvedacharya), NCISM

PART-B (Marks-40)
1 Haemopoetic system: composition, functions of blood and
blood cells, Haemopoiesis (stages and development of RBCs,
and WBCs and platelets), composition and functions of bone
marrow, structure, types and functions of haemoglobin,
mechanism of blood clotting, anticoagulants, physiological
I 5 2
basis of blood groups, plasma proteins, introduction to
anaemia and jaundice.

2 Immunity: classification of immunity: Innate, acquired and

artificial. Different mechanisms involved in immunity: 18
Humoral (B-cell mediated) and T-Cell mediated immunity. I 2 0

3 Physiology of cardio-vascular system: Functional anatomy

of cardiovascular system. Cardiac cycle. Heart sounds.
Regulation of cardiac output and venous return. Physiological
basis of ECG. Heart-rate and its regulation. Arterial pulse.
I 5 2
Systemic arterial blood pressure and its control.

4 Muscle physiology: comparison of physiology of skeletal

muscles, cardiac muscles and smooth muscles. Physiology of
muscle contraction.
II 2 0

5 Adipose tissue: lipoproteins like VLDL, LDL and HDL
triglycerides. Functions of skin, sweat glands and sebaceous
II 2 1

6 Physiology of male and female reproductive systems:

Description of ovulation, spermatogenesis, oogenesis,
menstrual cycle.
II 5 2

7 Physiology of Excretion: functional anatomy of urinary tract,

functions of kidney. Mechanism of formation of urine, control
of micturition. Formation of faeces and mechanism of III 4 2

8 Special Senses, Sleep and Dreams: Physiology of special

senses. physiology of sleep and dreams III 5 1

11 Kriya Sharir, I BAMS(Ayurvedacharya), NCISM

Table 3: Learning objectives (Theory) of Course AyUG-KS

A3 B3 C3 D3 E3 F3 G3 H3 I3 J3
Course Learning Objective Domain/sub Must to Level T-L method Assessment Formative Term Integration
outcome (At the end of the /summative
session, the Students
know/ Does/
should be able to) desirable Shows
to how/
know/Nice Knows
to know how/
Paper I (Part A) (60 Hours)
Topic 1 – Sharir (human body) (3 hr) [Lecture: 2 hours, non-lecture: 1 hour]
CO 1 Explain the definition Cognitive Mk K Lecture Written/ F&S I
and synonyms of the (recall, (MCQ, MEQ,
term kriya, sharira and comprehension)
shaarira Viva voce

CO 2 Enlist the sharira Cognitive Mk K Lecture Written/ F&S I

dosha and manasa (recall, Discussion Viva voce
dosha and comprehension)
CO 1 Explain mutual Cognitive Mk Kh Lecture Written/ F&S I
relationship between (comprehension) Discussion Viva voce
panchmahabhuta and
Topic 2 – Basic Principles of Kriya Sharir (3 hr) [Lecture: 2 hours, non-lecture: 1 hour]
CO 1 Express critical view of Cognitive Dk Kh Discussion Written F I
why dosha- dhatu- (recall)
mala are described in
specific numbers.
CO 1 Explain the principle of Cognitive Mk Kh Lecture Written F&S I
“dosha-dhatu-mala (recall) Discussion
mulam hi shariram”.
CO 1 Discuss term Cognitive Dk Kh Discussion Viva voce F I
homeostasis in dosha- (comprehension)
12 Kriya Sharir, I BAMS(Ayurvedacharya), NCISM
CO 1 Explain role of srotas Cognitive Mk Kh Lecture Written/ F&S I
in the body. (comprehension) Discussion Viva voce
CO 1 Explain the basic Cognitive Mk Kh Lecture Written/ F&S I Rachana
concept of srotas and (comprehension) Discussion Viva voce sharir
classify different srotas Flipped
based on Rachana classroom
(morphological), kriya
(functions) and guna
CO 1 Describe the Cognitive Mk Kh Discussion Written/ F&S I
significance of the (comprehension) Viva voce
knowledge of srotas in
kriya sharira
CO 1 Compare mula sthana Cognitive Dk Kh Model Viva voce F&S I
of srotas described in (application) Discussion
samhitas in view of Tutorial
kriya sharir and Assignment
contemporary medical
CO 1 Find out similarities Cognitive Nk Kh Discussion Short notes F I
and differences (application) Self-learning
between srotas and Think-Pair-
system of Share
contemporary science.
CO 1 Document observations Cognitive Nk Kh Discussion Short notes F I
on correlation of (application) Self-learning
anyone environmental Think-Pair-
global change and Share
physiological variation
as per Ayurved,
contemporary sciences.
CO 1 Recognize the Cognitive Nk Kh Lecture Written F I
contribution of (recall) Discussion
Ayurveda in the (comprehension)
formation of four basic
principles of Bioethics
mentioned in
contemporary science.
Topic 3 – Tridosha (Three humors of the body) (3 hr) [Lecture: 3 hours, non-lecture: 0 hours]
CO 1 Describe utpatti Cognitive Mk K Lecture Written/ F&S I

13 Kriya Sharir, I BAMS(Ayurvedacharya), NCISM

(prasad & malabhuta), (recall) Viva voce
locations of dosha.
CO 1 State biological Cognitive Mk Kh Lecture Written/ F&S I
rhythms or circadian (comprehension) discussion Viva voce
cycle of tridosha based Seminar
on day-night-age-
season food intake and
relation to the
CO 1 Explain the applied Cognitive Mk Kh Lecture Written/ F&S I
role of dosha in (comprehension) discussion Viva voce
maintaining health and Seminar
State of equilibrium
and recognize the role
of dosha in the
formation of prakriti of
an individual
CO 1 State importance of Cognitive Nk Kh Discussion Viva voce S I
dosha in lifestyle (application) PBL
management and
mutual relationship
between ritu-kala-
CO 1 Interpret gurvadi guna Cognitive Nk Kh Discussion Written F I Padartha
of dosha in term of (application) PBL/CBD Vijnana.
applied physiology and Kayachikitsa
clinical aspect in
different chapters of
CO 1 Interpret sama & niram Cognitive Dk Kh Discussion Written F I
lakshana of dosha (comprehension)
CO 1 Discuss the evidences Cognitive Nk Kh Discussion Self- SA I
of functional (application) Think-Pair- assessment
significance of vata, Share
pitta and kapha in
perspective of nervous,
endocrine, immune or
any other system.
CO 1 Discuss how to Cognitive Dk Kh Discussion Viva voce S I
examine vruddhi- (comprehension) PBL
kshaya of dosha
CO 1 State materialism and Cognitive Mk Kh Discussion Viva voce F I

14 Kriya Sharir, I BAMS(Ayurvedacharya), NCISM

immaterialism of (comprehension)
Topic 4 – Vata dosha (8 hr) [Lecture: 6 hours, non-lecture: 2 hours]
CO 1 Define the vyutpatti Cognitive (Recall) Mk K Lecture Written/ F&S I
and nirukti of vata. Viva voce
CO 1 Describe guna and Cognitive Mk Kh Lecture Written/ F&S I
general locations of (Comprehension) Discussion Viva voce
vata dosha.
CO 1 Describe general Cognitive Mk Kh/Sh Lecture Written/ F&S I Rognidan
properties & functions (Comprehension) Discussion Viva voce Vikriti
of vata dosha and Vidnyan
demonstrate the normal
guan, karma of vata
dosha in a healthy
CO 1 Enlist five types of Cognitive (Recall Mk Kh Lecture Written/ F&S I
vata and describe & Confusion Viva voce
prana, udana vata with Comprehension) technique Skill
their specific locations, Demonstration assessment
properties and Chart, Model
CO 1 Explain the term Cognitive Mk Kh Lecture Written/ F&S I
nishwas, ucchwas, (Comprehension) Viva voce
shwasan & describe the
role of prana vayu &
udana vayu in shwasan
CO 1 Describe shwasan Cognitive Mk Kh Lecture Written/ F&S I
prakriya according to (Comprehension) Discussion Viva voce
sharangadhar. Model, Video
CO 1 Describe clinical Cognitive Nk Sh Demonstration Self- SA I Sanskrit
importance of (Application) Discussion assessment
classification of swara Assignment
and vyanjana PBL/CBL
according to their
uccharana sthan.
CO 1 Describe the formation Cognitive Dk Kh Lecture Written/ F&S I
and articulation of (Comprehension) A/V aids. Viva voce
shabda (words) and
explain the bio-
physiology of

15 Kriya Sharir, I BAMS(Ayurvedacharya), NCISM

induction of vaak and
role of udaan vaayu in
CO 1 Explain role of Cognitive Nk Sh Demonstration Self- SA I Swasthavrutta
pranayama, puraka, (Analysis) Discussion assessment
rechaka and kumbhaka Assignment
in samyaka shwasana, PBL/CBL
swara/ ghosha utpatti
CO 1 Describe samana with Cognitive Mk Kh Lecture Written/ F&S I
their specific locations, (Comprehension) Discussion Viva voce
properties and Confusion
functions. technique
Chart, Model
CO 1 Describe vyana vata Cognitive Mk Kh Lecture Written/ F&S I
with their specific (Comprehension) Discussion Viva voce
locations, properties Confusion
and functions. technique
Chart, Model
CO 1 Describe role of vyana Cognitive Mk Kh Lecture Written/ F&S I
vayu & samana vayu in (Comprehension) Discussion Viva voce
the process of rasa- Seminar
CO 1 Review the Cognitive Dk K Discussion Written/ F I
contribution of vyan (Comprehension) Viva voce
and saman vayu in the
process of cardiac
CO 1 Interprete microbiota, Cognitive Nk K Discussion Self- SA I
gut brain axis for (Comprehension) assessment
understanding enteric
nervous system in
perspective of vata,
saman vayu.

CO 1 Describe Apana vata Cognitive Mk Kh Lecture Written/ F&S I

with their specific (Comprehension) Discussion Viva voce
locations, properties Confusion
and functions. technique

16 Kriya Sharir, I BAMS(Ayurvedacharya), NCISM

CO 1 Document & discuss Cognitive Nk K Discussion Self- SA I
your observations on (Comprehension) assessment
correlation of functions
of apana vayu with
which type of nervous
system & why?

CO 1 Illustrate gati Cognitive Dk Kh Illustration Self- SA I

(directions) of types of (analysis) assessment
vata by using lebel Peer
diagramme. evaluation.
CO3 Explain difference Cognitive MK Kh Chalk-board Written/ F&S I
between kshaya & (Comprehension) Presentation Viva voce
vriddhi lakshana of Symposium
vata Dosha Discussion
CO5 Interpret which type of Cognitive Dk Sh Demonstration Written/ F&S I
vata dosha gets vitiated (Application) Discussion Viva voce
and in which clinical PBL
condition the use of
proper aahar dravya is
prevalent as per
kshaya, vriddhi of vata
CO 1 Recite and to explain Cognitive (Recall) Dk Sh Discussion Written/ F&S I Sanskrit
the important verses of Recitation Viva voce Samhita
vata dosha. (ex-
sthana, karma, types,
vriddhi and kshaya)

Topic 5 – Pitta dosha (6 hr) [Lecture: 5 hours, non-lecture: 1 hour]

CO 1 Define the vyutpatti Cognitive (Recall) Mk Kh Lecture Written/ F&S II
and nirukti of pitta. Viva voce

CO 1 Describe guna and Cognitive Mk Kh Lecture Written/ F&S II

general locations of (Comprehension) Discussion Viva voce
pitta dosha. Demonstration Skill
CO 1 Describe general Cognitive (Recall Mk Kh Lecture Written/ F&S II Rognidan

17 Kriya Sharir, I BAMS(Ayurvedacharya), NCISM

properties & functions & Discussion Viva voce Vikriti
of pitta dosha and Comprehension) Seminar Vidnyan
explain the normal
guna, karma of pitta
dosha in a healthy

CO 1 Enlist five types of Cognitive Recall Mk Kh Lecture Written/ F&S II

pitta dosha and Discussion Viva voce
describe pachaka with Demonstration
their specific locations,
properties and
CO 1 Record your opinions Cognitive Nk Kh Group Self- SA II
about functions of (Comprehension) discussion assessment
pachak pitta and
digestive enzymes
CO 1 Describe ranjaka pitta Cognitive Mk Kh Lecture Written/ F&S II
with their specific (Comprehension) Discussion Viva voce
locations, properties Demonstration
and functions.
CO 1 Describe role of Cognitive Dk Kh Lecture Written/ F&S II
ranjaka pitta in (Comprehension) Viva voce
rasaranjan process as
per different
CO 1 Interprete stages of Cognitive Mk Kh Lecture Written/ F&S II
erythropoiesis and role (Comprehension) Discussion Viva voce
of intrinsic factor, Seminar
vit. B12 etc in
CO 1 Describe alochaka, Cognitive Mk Kh Lecture Written/ F&S II
bhrajaka, sadhaka pitta (Comprehension) Discussion Viva voce
with their specific Demonstration
locations, properties
and functions.
CO 1 Discuss rhodopsin and Cognitive (Recall) Nk Kh Self study Self- SA II
iodopsin along with assessment
alochaka pitta and note

18 Kriya Sharir, I BAMS(Ayurvedacharya), NCISM

CO 1 Elaborate the functions Cognitive Nk Kh Self study Self- SA II
of bhrajaka pitta in (Comprehension) assessment
term physiology.
CO 1 Describe the role of Attitude Nk Sh Discussion Self- SA II
sadhaka pitta in (Imitation) Demonstration assessment
sadhana, concentration
and observe changes
upon heart rate and
respiratory rate
CO 1 Find out similarities Cognitive Nk Kh Self study Self- SA II
and differences (Analysis) assessment
between fuctions of
sadhaka pitta and
CO 1 Explain difference Cognitive Mk Kh Lecture Written/ F&S II
between kshaya & (Comprehension) Discussion Viva voce
vriddhi lakshana of
pitta Dosha
CO 5 Interpret which type of Cognitive Dk Sh Demonstration Written/ F&S II Swasthavrutta
pitta dosha gets (Application) Discussion Viva voce
vitiated and in which PBL
clinical condition the
use of proper aahar
dravya is prevalent as
per kshaya, vriddhi of
pitta dosha.
CO 1 Distinguish the Cognitive Mk Kh Lecture Written/ S II
similarities & (Comprehension) Discussion Viva voce
differences between PBL
agni and pitta in terms Seminar
of their guna with
examples in
CO 1 Make inferences and Cognitive Nk Sh Demonstration Self- SA II
find evidences / (Analysis) Discussion assessment
examples in daily Assignment
regimen to support PBL/CBL
generalization of agni
& pitta statement.
CO 1 Recite and explain the Cognitive (Recall) Dk Kh Discussion Written/ F&S II
important verses of Recitation Viva voce
pitta dosha. (ex-

19 Kriya Sharir, I BAMS(Ayurvedacharya), NCISM

sthana, karma, types,
vriddhi and kshaya)

Topic 6 – Kapha dosha (5 hr) [Lecture: 4 hours, non-lecture: 1 hour]

CO 1 Define the vyutpatti Cognitive (Recall Mk Kh Lecture Written/ F&S II
and nirukti of kapha Comprehension) Discussion Viva voce
CO 1 Describe general Cognitive (Recall) Mk Kh Lecture Written/ F&S II
properties & functions (Application) Discussion Viva voce
of kapha dosha and Demonstration Skill
demonstrate the normal assessment
guan, karma of kapha
dosha in a healthy
CO 1 Enlist five types of Cognitive (Recall) Mk Knows Lecture Written/ F&S II
kapha dosha & Discussion Viva voce
describe bodhaka
kapha kledaka,
tarpaka with their
specific locations,
properties and
CO 1 Identify the role of Cognitive Dk Kh Lecture Written/ F&S II
saliva in taste (Comprehension) Discussion Viva voce
perception and also in
other way.
CO 1 Describe role of Cognitive Dk Kh Lecture Written/ F&S II
kledaka kapha in (Comprehension) Discussion Viva voce
lubricating and
protective properties of
CO 1 Describe the role of Cognitive Dk Kh Lecture Written/ F&S II
tarpaka kapha in (Comprehension) Discussion Viva voce
protects the sensory
CO 1 Describe avalambaka, Cognitive (Recall) Mk Knows Lecture Written/ F&S II
sleshaka with their Discussion Viva voce
specific locations,
properties and
CO 1 Describe the role of Cognitive Dk Kh Lecture Written/ F&S II

20 Kriya Sharir, I BAMS(Ayurvedacharya), NCISM

avalambaka in heart (Comprehension) Discussion Viva voce
protection and sleshaka
kapha in arthritis.
CO 1 Explain difference Cognitive Mk Kh Lecture Written/ F&S II
between kshaya & (Comprehension) Discussion Viva voce
vriddhi lakshana of
kapha Dosha

CO 1 State importance of Cognitive Nk Kh Lecture Self- SA II Kayachikitsa

prakrit shleshmik bala / (Application) Discussion assessment
veerya & vikrit
shleshmik mala & find
out significance of
above cognitive in
applied aspect
CO 5 Interpret which type of Cognitive Nk Sh Demonstration Viva voce F&S II Swasthavrutta
kapha dosha gets (Application) Discussion
vitiated and in which PBL
clinical condition the
use of proper aahar
dravya is prevalent as
per kshaya, vriddhi of
kapha dosha.
CO 1 Recite and explain the Cognitive (Recall Dk Sh Discussion Written/ F&S II
important verses of & Recitation Viva voce
kapha dosha. Comprehension)
(ex- sthana, karma,
vriddhi and kshaya)
CO 1 Describe neural & Cognitive Nk Kh Self study Self- SA II
chemical (Comprehension) assessment
communication system
of body
Topic 7 – Dosha Vriddhi-Kshaya (Hyper and hypo state of dosha) (2 hr) [Lecture: 1 hour, non-lecture: 1 hour]
CO 1 Describe etiological Cognitive Mk Kh Lecture Written/ F&S II Dravyaguna
factors causing (Comprehension) Discussion Viva voce
tridosha vriddhi &
kshaya on the basis of
dravya, guna, karma,
aahaar & vihara.
CO 1 Describe, observe and Cognitive Nk Sh Demonstration Self- SA II
interpret individual (Comprehension Discussion assessment

21 Kriya Sharir, I BAMS(Ayurvedacharya), NCISM

causes and symptoms Application) PBL
of panchavidha
vataprakopa. (Ashtanga
Hridaya nidana sthana
CO 1 Describe vriddhi- Cognitive Mk Kh Lecture Written/ F&S II
kshaya lakshana of (Comprehension) Discussion Viva voce
vata dosha
CO 1 Describe vriddhi & Cognitive Mk Kh Lecture Written/ F&S II
kshaya lakshana of (Comprehension) Discussion Viva voce
pitta and kapha dosha
CO 1 Enumerate the Cognitive Nk K Lecture Self- SA II
nanatmaj vyadhi of (Recall) assessment
Topic 8 – Kriyakala (Treatment as per prevalent kala) (2 hr) [Lecture: 1 hour, non-lecture: 1 hour]
CO 1 Explain the Concept of Cognitive Mk Kh Lecture Written/ F&S II Rognidan
kriyakala & enumerate (Recall) Discussion Viva voce Vikriti
stages of kriyakala. (Comprehension) Vidnyan
CO 1 Describe the stages Cognitive Mk Kh Lecture Written/ F&S II
sanchaya, prakopa, (Comprehension) Discussion Viva voce
prasara of kriyakala.
CO 1 Describe the stages Cognitive Mk Kh Lecture Written/ F&S II
sthansanshraya, (Comprehension) Discussion Viva voce
vyaktavastha &
bhedavastha of
CO 1 Describe the applied Cognitive Nk Sh Lecture Self- SA II
physiology of diseases (Comprehension) Discussion assessment
produced due the
vitiation of vata, pitta
and kapha.
CO 1 Describe ideas given Cognitive Nk Kh Group Self- SA II
in the shat-kriyakala (Comprehension) discussion assessment
about preventive
Topic 9 – Prakriti (Deha- Prakriti, Manasa- Prakriti) (Body constitution, personality, temperament of individuals) (10 hr)
[Lecture: 7 hours, non-lecture: 3 hours]
CO 1 Define the term Cognitive Mk K Lecture Written/ F&S II
prakriti and describe (recall) Discussion Viva voce
etymology & different

22 Kriya Sharir, I BAMS(Ayurvedacharya), NCISM

meanings of the term
CO 1 Describe the role of Cognitive Mk Kh Lecture Written/ F&S II
different matrijadi (Comprehension) Discussion Viva voce
bhava (genetic, intra- Symposium
uterine and extra-
uterine factors)
influencing prakriti
according to Charaka
and Sushruta
CO 1 Describe the Cognitive Mk Kh Lecture Written/ F&S II
classification of (Comprehension) Discussion Viva voce
different prakriti
according to various
CO 1 Enumerate types of Cognitive (Recall) Mk Kh Lecture Written/ F&S II
deha prakriti and Discussion Viva voce
classify deha prakriti Model
into eka-doshaja, Demonstration
CO 1 Describe the guna Cognitive Mk Sh Lecture Written/ F&S II
(attributes) of vata (Comprehension) Discussion Viva voce
prakriti according to Model
Charaka Samhita Demonstration
CO 1 Describe the guna Cognitive Mk Sh Discussion Written/ F&S II
(attributes) of pitta (Comprehension) Role play Viva voce
prakriti according to real life
Charaka Samhita experience
CO 1 Describe the guna Cognitive Mk Sh Lecture Written/ F&S II
(attributes) of kapha (Comprehension) Discussion Viva voce
prakriti according to video show
Charaka Samhita Simulation
CO 1 Describe guna of vata, Cognitive Mk Sh Discussion Written/ F&S II
pitta & kapha prakriti (Comprehension) Model Viva voce
according to Vagbhata Demonstration
(abhiruchi) & Sushruta Team project
samhita (anukatva) work, Tutorial
CO 1 Describe the guna Cognitive Nk Sh Discussion SA SA II
(attributes) of vata, (Comprehension)
pitta & kapha prakriti
according to
23 Kriya Sharir, I BAMS(Ayurvedacharya), NCISM
CO 1 Describe the Cognitive Mk Kh Lecture Written/ F&S II
relationship between (Comprehension) Discussion Viva voce
individual prakriti &
agni, koshtha.
CO 1 Describe classification Cognitive Mk Kh Lecture Written/ F&S II
of bhautik prakriti and (Comprehension) Discussion Viva voce
characteristic features
of the individuals
belonging to each kind
of bhautik prakriti.
CO 1 Describe classification Cognitive Mk Kh Lecture Written/ F&S II
of manas prakriti and (Comprehension) Discussion Viva voce
characteristic features
of the satvic prakriti.
CO 1 Describe the Cognitive Mk Kh Lecture Written/ F&S II
characteristic features (Comprehension) Discussion Viva voce
of rajasic & tamasic
manas prakriti.
CO 1 Describe classification Cognitive Mk Kh Lecture Written F&S II
of and characteristic (Comprehension) Discussion
features of the
individuals belonging
to each kind of jatyadi-
CO 1 Similarities and Cognitive Dk Kh Discussion Written F II Kayachikitsa
difference between the (Comprehension) Team project
sharirik & manas work
prakriti descriptions
given in various
CO 1 Significance of the Cognitive Mk Kh Discussion Written F&S II
Cognitive of prakriti in (Comprehension) Self-learning Role play
clinical aspect and Buzz group
kalpana in ahara and
vihara of each type of
CO 1 Appreciate the use of Cognitive Mk Sh Discussion Written/ F&S II
various validated tools (Application) Tutorial, Viva voce
for assessing Demonstration

24 Kriya Sharir, I BAMS(Ayurvedacharya), NCISM

Ayurvedic concept of
human constitution
questionnaire) to
evaluate prakriti- Ex-
CCRAS portal
CO 1 Describe the relevance Cognitive Dk Kh Tutorial, Viva voce SA II Kayachikitsa
of desha-kala-ritu- (Application/ Discussion Seli-
vaya-ahara-vihara- Analysis) assessment
satmya, aushadha of
parents especially of
mother on prakriti of
CO 1 Appreciate the Cognitive Nk Kh Discussion Seli- SA II
application of recent (Application/ assessment
advances in the domain Analysis)
of research related to
prakriti (genetic,
physiological basis)
CO 1 Recite and explain the Cognitive (Recall Dk Kh Discussion Written/ F&S II
important verses of & Recitation Viva voce
vata, pitta & kapha Comprehension)
doshaja prakriti.
CO 1 Observe distinguish Cognitive Nk Sh Team project Team TA II
features of individuals (Application) work assessment
of three contrasting
prakriti types vata,
pitta and kapha by
IGIB. Link:
CO 1 Observe standardized Cognitive Nk Sh Team project Team TA II
prakriti assessment tool (Application) work assessment
by CCRAS. Link:
CO 1 Compare human Cognitive Nk Kh Group Self- SA II
constitution (prakriti) (Comprehension) discussion assessment
& genomic
CO 1 Record the known Cognitive Dk Kh Real life Demonstrati SA II
physiological variation (Application) experience on

25 Kriya Sharir, I BAMS(Ayurvedacharya), NCISM

of your friends in Role play
different rutu as per
different prakriti.
CO 1 Discuss correlation of Cognitive Nk Kh Group Self- SA II
genotype and (Comprehension) discussion assessment
phenotype with
CO 1 Trace interrelationship Cognitive Nk Kh Discussion Self- SA II
between aging and (Comprehension) assessment
CO 1 Point out Cognitive Nk Kh Survey Self- SA II
hematological (Analysis) assessment
difference as per
different prakriti.
CO 1 Discuss manas prakruti Cognitive Dk Kh Role pay Self- SA II
and personality. (Comprehension) assessment
CO 1 Role of prakriti Cognitive Nk Kh Group Self- SA II
(Ayurgenomics) in the (Comprehension) discussion assessment
concept of personalised Seminar
CO 1 Explore thes Cognitive Nk Kh Online Self- SA II
Immunophenotyping & (Comprehension) material assessment
human dosha prakriti.
Topic 10 – Ahara (Diet and nutrition in Ayurveda) (4 hr) [Lecture: 3 hours, non-lecture: 1 hour]
CO 1 Describe the Nirukti Cognitive (Recall) Mk K Lecture Written/ F&S III
(etymology)& Discussion Viva voce
paribhasa (definition)
of ahar.
CO 1 Describe the Bheda Cognitive (Recall) Mk Kh Lecture Written/ F&S III
(classification) and Discussion Viva voce
upayogita (importance)
of ahara.
CO 1 Define, enlist and Cognitive Mk Kh Lecture Written/ F&S III
describe- the types of (Comprehension) Discussion Viva voce
ahara in detail with Tutorial

26 Kriya Sharir, I BAMS(Ayurvedacharya), NCISM

CO 1 Define, enlist and Cognitive Mk Kh Lecture Written/ F&S III Swathavritta
describe ashta ahara- (Comprehension) Discussion Viva voce
vidhi-viseshayatana (8 Seminar
factors to be considered
while preparing and
processing the food) in
detail with examples
CO 1 Describe ahara vidhi Cognitive Mk Kh Lecture Written/ F&S III
vidhana (rules for (Comprehension) Discussion Viva voce
consuming the food) in
detail with examples.
CO 1 Explains the role of Cognitive Dk Kh Lecture Written/ F&S III
ahara vidhi vidhana in (Comprehension) Discussion Viva voce
the context of present- Real life
day lifestyle, cooking experience
habits and eating Evidance
behaviour. based learning

CO 1 Define, enlist and Cognitive Mk Kh Lecture Written/ F&S III

describe ahara (Comprehension) Discussion Viva voce
parinamkara bhava
(factors responsible for
proper digestion) and
the importance of each
of these factors in the
process of digestion
CO 1 Explain the concept of Cognitive Dk Sh Lecture Written/ SA III Swathavritta
viruddha ahara (application) Discussion Viva voce
(incompatible diet) and Observation
its relevance in present-
day food processing
methods and dietary
consumption behaviour
in individuals.
CO 1 Explain the role of Cognitive Nk Sh Lecture Self SA III
ahara in today's aspect (application) Discussion assessment
related to anupana
habits etc.
CO 1 Explain the role in Cognitive Nk Sh Lecture Self-notes SA III
today’s lifestyle of (application) Discussion
food, compatible food, Assignment
the proper time for

27 Kriya Sharir, I BAMS(Ayurvedacharya), NCISM

food taking, practice
regarding food intake
etc. in individual’s
CO 1 Explain dietary Cognitive Nk Kh Lecture Self SA III
guidelines, how to eat (application) Discussion assessment
food in Ayuvedic view.
Topic 11 – Agni (The digestive fire of the body) (5 hr) [Lecture: 4 hours, non-lecture: 1 hour]
CO 1 Describe different Cognitive Mk Kh Lecture Written/ F&S III
meanings of agni in (Comprehension) Discussion Viva voce
different contexts and
define agni in the
context of kriya sharir.
CO 1 State the importance of Cognitive Mk Kh Lecture Written/ F&S III
agni in maintaining the (Comprehension) Discussion Viva voce
different aspects of
human physiology
CO 1 Enumerate and explain Cognitive Mk Kh Lecture Written/ F&S III
the different synonyms (Comprehension) Discussion Viva voce
of agni regarding kriya
CO 1 Enumerate and define Cognitive Mk Kh Lecture Written/ F&S III
various classifications (Comprehension) Discussion Viva voce
of agni concerning
their locations and
functions in the body
CO 1 Describe the Cognitive Mk Kh Lecture Written/ F&S III Kayachikitsa
physiological roles of (Comprehension) Discussion Viva voce
jatharagni, bhutagni
and dhatvagni and
explain the differences
and similarities
between the three.
CO 1 Classify and explain Cognitive Mk Kh Lecture Written/ F&S III Rognidan
the features of four (Comprehension) Discussion Viva voce
functional / abnormal
states of jatharagni:
samagni, vishamagni,
mandagni & tikshnagni
and explain evaluation
process of jarana-

28 Kriya Sharir, I BAMS(Ayurvedacharya), NCISM

CO 1 Enumerate the factors Cognitive Dk Kh Lecture Viva voce F III
affecting the normal (Comprehension) Discussion
functioning of Agni
and the symptoms of
improper functioning
of agni seen in certain
clinical conditions
CO 1 Enumerate and discuss Cognitive Nk Kh Lecture Self SA III
different entities in the (Comprehension) Discussion assessment
body that can represent Debate
different forms of agni
from the contemporary
physiology and
(hormones, enzymes
etc) point of view

CO 1 Record the opinions Cognitive Nk Sh Team project Team TA III

among your friends on (Application) work assessment
the concept of free
radicals & antioxidant
CO 1 Identify digestive and Cognitive Nk Sh Group Self SA III
metabolic functions of (Application) discussion Assessment
Agni & its clinical
CO 1 Distinguish the Cognitive Mk Kh Lecture Written/ S III
similarities & (Comprehension) Discussion Viva voce
differences between PBL
agni and pitta in terms
of their guna with
examples in
compendia. (mentioned
in pitta also)
Topic-12. Annapachana / Aahara-paka (Digestion and metabolism in Ayurveda) (9 hr) [Lecture: 7 hours, non-lecture: 2 hours]
CO 1 Describe the annavaha Cognitive Mk Kh Lecture Written/ F&S III
srotas along with its (Comprehension) Discussion Viva voce
mula sthana
CO 1 Enumerate and Cognitive Mk Kh Lecture Written/ F&S III
describe different (Comprehension) Discussion Viva voce
organs of annavaha

29 Kriya Sharir, I BAMS(Ayurvedacharya), NCISM

srotas and their
important functions.
according to Ayurveda
and contemporary
CO 1 Describe three stages Cognitive Mk Kh Lecture Written/ F&S III
of digestion: madhura, (Comprehension) Discussion Viva voce
amla and katu Tutorial
avasthapaka in detail
CO 1 Describe the process of Cognitive Mk Kh Lecture Written/ F&S III
udeerana (increase/ (Comprehension) Discussion Viva voce
release) of vata, pitta,
kapha during
CO 1 Describe the formation Cognitive Mk Kh Lecture Written/ F&S III Rognidan
of prakrit and vaikrit (Comprehension) Discussion Viva voce
dosha (prasadbhuta,
malabhuta dosha) and
their role.
CO 1 Describe the definition Cognitive Mk Kh Lecture Written/ F&S III
of vipaka (nisthapaka) (Comprehension) Discussion Viva voce
and classification of
CO 1 Describe how to Cognitive Dk Sh Lecture Written/ F&S III
identify vipak of aahar (application) Discussion Viva voce
as per their effect on
the body.
CO 1 Describe the Cognitive Mk K Lecture Written/ F&S III
similarities and (Comprehension) Discussion Viva voce
differences between
avasthapaka and

CO 1 Explain the role of Cognitive Mk Kh Lecture Written/ F&S III

different sub-types of (Comprehension) Discussion Viva voce
dosha in the process of
digestion: bodhaka
kapha, prana vayu,
kledaka kapha, samana
vayu, pachaka pitta,
apana vayu etc.

30 Kriya Sharir, I BAMS(Ayurvedacharya), NCISM

CO 1 Describe the process of Cognitive Mk Kh Lecture Written/ F&S III
separation of saara and (Comprehension) Discussion Viva voce
CO 1 State the application of Cognitive Nk Kh Lecture Self- SA III
the theory of pilu-paka (Comprehension) Discussion assessment
and pithara paka in
CO 1 Explain the role of Cognitive Dk Kh Lecture Written/ F&S III
grahani & pittadhara (Comprehension) Discussion Viva voce
kala & describe
possible relation
between pittadhara and
majjadhara kala.
CO 1 State the importance of Cognitive Mk Kh Lecture Written/ F&S III
pachaka pitta and (Comprehension) Discussion Viva voce
jatharagni in the
process of digestion
CO 1 Explain the role of Cognitive Mk Kh Lecture Written/ F&S III
bhutagni and dhatvagni (Comprehension) Discussion Viva voce
in ahara parinaman
CO 1 Describe the process of Cognitive Mk Kh Lecture Written/ F&S III
formation of ahara- (Comprehension) Discussion Viva voce
rasa and absorption of
sara bhaga / anna-
CO 1 Draw parallels between Cognitive Dk Kh Lecture Written/ F&S III
the different types of (Comprehension) Discussion Viva voce
agni and various
digestive enzymes and
CO 1 Define ahara gati, Cognitive Mk Kh Lecture Written/ F&S III
abhyavaharana shakti, (Comprehension) Discussion Viva voce
pachana, vivechana,
munchana and
CO 1 Discuss applied clinical Cognitive Dk Kh Lecture Viva voce F&S III
aspect of annavaha (Comprehension) Discussion CBD
srotas: arochaka,
ajirna, atisara,
grahani, chardi,
parinama shula etc

31 Kriya Sharir, I BAMS(Ayurvedacharya), NCISM

CO 1 Define different Cognitive Mk Kh Lecture Written/ F&S III
meanings of the term (Comprehension) Discussion Viva voce
koshtha and explain the
term in the context of
kriya sharira
CO 1 Enumerate the different Cognitive Mk Kh Lecture Written/ F&S III Panchakarma
types of koshtha (Comprehension) Discussion Viva voce
according to the
predominance of dosha
(krura-mridu and
CO 1 State clinical Cognitive Dk Kh Lecture Written/ F&S III
significance of koshtha (Comprehension) Discussion Viva voce
and the process of DOPS
evaluating koshtha in
an individual.

Part B ( 40 Hours) –
Topic 1 - Physiology Homeostasis (6 hr) [Lecture: 5 hours, non-lecture: 1 hour]

CO 1 Define homeostasis and Cognitive (Recall/ Mk Kh Lecture Written/ F&S I

describe mechanisms of Comprehension) Discussion Viva voce
maintenance of
CO 1 Distinguish between the Cognitive (Recall/ Mk Kh Lecture Written/ F&S I
shell temperature and Comprehension) Discussion Viva voce
core temperature
CO 1 Define the terms Cell Cognitive (Recall/ Mk Kh Lecture Written/ F&S I
death, Cell degeneration, Comprehension) Discussion Viva voce
Cell aging. Describe
animal tissue.
CO 1 Describe mechanism of Cognitive (Recall/ Mk Kh Lecture Written/ F&S I
positive and negative Comprehension) Discussion Viva voce
feedback system with at
least two examples.
CO 1 Describe the structure Cognitive Mk Kh Lecture Written/ F&S I
and function of cell, cell (Comprehension) Discussion Viva voce
membrane, cytoplasmic

32 Kriya Sharir, I BAMS(Ayurvedacharya), NCISM

organelles, genetic
material (DNA & RNA.)
CO 1 Explain the process of Cognitive Mk Kh Lecture Written/ F&S I
DNA replication & (Comprehension) Discussion Viva voce
inhibitors of replication.
CO 1 Describe the acid-base Cognitive Mk Kh Lecture Written/ F&S I
balance, water and (Comprehension) Discussion Viva voce
electrolyte balance.

CO 1 Describe the concept of Cognitive Mk Kh Lecture Written/ F&S I

pH & buffer systems in (Comprehension) Discussion Viva voce
the body and Na-K pump
CO 1 Describe and discuss Cognitive Dk Kh Lecture Written/ F&S I
transport mechanisms (Comprehension) Discussion Viva voce
across cell membranes.
(Active & facilitated)
CO 1 Describe and discuss the Cognitive Mk Kh Lecture Written/ F&S I
molecular basis of (Comprehension) Discussion Viva voce
resting membrane
potential and action
Topic 2 - Physiology of respiratory system: (7 hr) [Lecture: 5 hours, non-lecture: 2 hours]

CO 1 Describe divisions of the Cognitive Mk Kh Lecture Written/ F&S I

respiratory system based (Comprehension) Discussion Viva voce
on its functions.
CO 1 Describe pulmonary Cognitive Mk Kh Lecture Written/ F&S I
circulation. (Comprehension) Discussion Viva voce
CO 1 Describe the mechanics Cognitive Mk Kh Lecture Written/ F&S I
of normal respiration, (Comprehension) Discussion Viva voce
pressure changes during
CO 1 Describe the lung Cognitive Mk Kh Lecture Written/ F&S I
volume and capacities, (Comprehension) Discussion Viva voce
compliance, diffusion of
CO 1 Describe and discuss the Cognitive Mk Kh Lecture Written/ F&S I
exchange and transport (Comprehension) Discussion Viva voce
of gases - Oxygen and Seminar
Carbon dioxide

33 Kriya Sharir, I BAMS(Ayurvedacharya), NCISM

CO 1 Describe the neural and Cognitive Mk Kh Lecture Written/ F&S I
chemical control of (Comprehension) Discussion Viva voce
CO 1 Describe physiological Cognitive Dk Kh Lecture Written/ F&S I
situations that affect (Comprehension) Discussion Viva voce
respiration and discuss
artificial respiration,
dyspnoea, asphyxia,
hypoxia, cynosis.
CO 1 Describe Haldane effect Cognitive Nk Kh Lecture Written/ F&S I
& Kussmaul breathing. (Comprehension) Discussion Viva voce

CO 1 Describe basic of Cognitive Nk Kh Lecture Written/ F&S I

pulmonary function tests. (Comprehension) Discussion Viva voce

Topic 3 - Physiology of Gastrointestinal system (9 hr) [Lecture: 7 hours, non-lecture: 2 hours]

CO 1 Describe enzyme and its Cognitive Mk Kh Lecture Written/ F&S II
fuctions in metabolism (Comprehension) Discussion Viva voce
CO 1 Describe functional Cognitive Mk Kh Lecture Written/ F&S II
anatomy and physiology (Comprehension) Discussion Viva voce
of the digestive system
CO 1 Describe the functions of Cognitive Mk Kh Lecture Written/ F&S II
salivary glands, stomach, (Comprehension) Discussion Viva voce
liver, gall bladder
pancreas, small intestine,
large intestine in the
process of digestion and
CO 1 Describe the mechanism Cognitive Mk Kh Lecture Written/ F&S II
of secretion,composition, (Comprehension) Discussion Viva voce
functions, and regulation
of saliva, gastric,
pancreatic, intestinal
juices and bile secretion
CO 1 Describe GIT Cognitive Mk Kh Lecture Written/ F&S II
movements deglutition, (Comprehension) Discussion Viva voce
peristalsis, defecation
and control
CO 1 Describe the major Cognitive Mk Kh Lecture Written/ F&S II
components of food, the (Comprehension) Discussion Viva voce
process of digestion and Seminar

34 Kriya Sharir, I BAMS(Ayurvedacharya), NCISM

metabolism of proteins,
fats and carbohydrates
CO 1 Describe the Cognitive Mk Kh Lecture Written/ F&S II
physiological role of (Comprehension) Discussion Viva voce
CO 1 Describe the Gut-Brain Cognitive Dk Kh Lecture Written/ F&S II
Axis and enteric nervous (Comprehension) Discussion Viva voce
system, and its function
CO 1 Discuss the physiology Cognitive Mk Kh Lecture Written/ F&S II
aspects of gastro- (Comprehension) Discussion Viva voce
oesophageal reflux
disease, vomiting,
diarrhoea, constipation
Topic 4 - Physiology of Nervous System (10 hr) [Lecture: 7 hours, non-lecture: 3 hours]
CO 1 Describe organization of Cognitive Mk Kh Lecture Written/ F&S III
nervous system. (Comprehension) Discussion Viva voce
CO 1 Describe the mechanism Cognitive Mk Kh Lecture Written/ F&S III
of propagation of nerve (Comprehension) Discussion Viva voce
CO 1 Describe the functions & Cognitive Mk Kh Lecture Written/ F&S III
properties of synapse, (Comprehension) Discussion Viva voce
reflex, receptors
CO 1 Describe the functional Cognitive Mk Kh Lecture Written/ F&S III
anatomy of the central (Comprehension) Discussion Viva voce
nervous system (CNS) Seminar
and peripheral nervous
system (PNS)
CO 1 Describe the physiology Cognitive Mk Kh Lecture Written/ F&S III
of autonomous nervous (Comprehension) Discussion Viva voce
system (ANS)
CO 1 Describe the physiology Cognitive Mk Kh Lecture Written/ F&S III
of sensory (general (Comprehension) Discussion Viva voce
sensations) and motor
nervous system
CO 1 Describe and discuss Cognitive Dk Kh Lecture Written/ F&S III
spinal cord, its functions, (Comprehension) Discussion Viva voce
lesion & sensory
CO 1 Describe and discuss Cognitive Nk Kh Lecture Written/ F&S III
functions of the cerebral (Comprehension) Discussion Viva voce
cortex, basal ganglia,

35 Kriya Sharir, I BAMS(Ayurvedacharya), NCISM

thalamus, hypothalamus
cerebellum, mid brain,
pons and medulla
CO 1 Describe and discuss the Cognitive Mk Kh Lecture Written/ F&S III
physiological basis of (Comprehension) Discussion Viva voce
intelligence, memory,
learning and motivation.
CO 1 Describe the physiology Cognitive Mk Kh Lecture Written/ F&S III
of cranial nerves (Comprehension) Discussion Viva voce

CO 1 Describe physiology of Cognitive Mk Kh Lecture Written/ F&S III

speech and articulation. (Comprehension) Discussion Viva voce
CO 1 Describe physiology of Cognitive Mk Kh Lecture Written/ F&S III
temperature regulation. (Comprehension) Discussion Viva voce
CO 1 Describe the physiology Cognitive Nk Kh Lecture Written/ F&S III
of pain (Comprehension) Discussion Viva voce

Topic 5 - Physiology of Endocrine glands (8 hr) [Lecture: 6 hours, non-lecture: 2 hours]

CO 1 Enlists and describe Cognitive Mk Kh Lecture Written/ F&S III
hormones & endocrine (Comprehension) Discussion Viva voce
glands based on
synthesis, secretion,
transport, physiological
actions, regulation.

CO 1 Describe hormones Cognitive Mk Kh Lecture Written/ F&S III

secreted by anterior & (Comprehension) Discussion Viva voce
posterior pituitary gland,
their functions, disorders
of pituitary gland (hyper
& hypo activity)
CO 1 Describe hormones Cognitive Mk Kh Lecture Written/ F&S III
secreted by the Thyroid (Comprehension) Discussion Viva voce
gland, their functions & Seminar
disorders of Thyroid and
parathyroid gland (hyper
and hypoactivity)
CO 1 Describe hormones Cognitive Nk Kh Lecture Written/ F&S III
secreted by Pancreas, (Comprehension) Discussion Viva voce

36 Kriya Sharir, I BAMS(Ayurvedacharya), NCISM

their functions &
disorders of Pancreas
(hyper and hypoactivity)
CO 1 Describe hormones Cognitive Mk Kh Lecture Written/ F&S III
secreted by Adrenal (Comprehension) Discussion Viva voce
cortex gland, their
functions & disorders of
Adrenal cortex gland
(hyper and hypoactivity)
CO 1 Describe hormones Cognitive Mk Kh Lecture Written/ F&S III
secreted by Adrenal (Comprehension) Discussion Viva voce
medulla gland, their
functions & disorders of
Adrenal medulla (hyper
and hypoactivity)
CO 1 Enlist other Glands and Cognitive Mk Kh Lecture Written/ F&S III
their functions (Comprehension) Discussion Viva voce
CO 1 Describe the synthesis Cognitive Mk Kh Lecture Written/ F&S III
and functions of local (Comprehension) Discussion Viva voce
A3 B3 C3 D3 E3 F3 G3 H3 I3 J3
Course Learning Objective Domain/sub Must to Level T-L method Assessment Formative Term Integration
outcome (At the end of the /summative
session, the students
know/ Does/
should be able to) desirable Shows
to how/
know/Nice Knows
to know how/

Paper II ( 60 Hours )
Topic-1. Introduction to Dhatu (3 hr) [Lecture: 2 hours, non-lecture: 1 hour]

CO 1 Explain the etymology, Cognitive Mk Kh Lecture Written/ F&S I Sanskrit

derivation, definition, (Recall) Discussion Viva voce Samhita/
synonyms and general

37 Kriya Sharir, I BAMS(Ayurvedacharya), NCISM

introduction of the term Rognidan
dhatu. Vikriti

CO 1 Explain the difference Cognitive Mk Kh Lecture Written/ F&S I

between dhatu and (Comprehension) Discussion Viva voce
CO 1 Explain different theories Cognitive Mk Kh Lecture Written / F&S I
related to dhatuposhana (Comprehension) Discussion Viva voce
Nyaya (nourishment of Seminar
different dhatus).
CO 1 Explain the applicability Cognitive Mk Kh Lecture Written/ F&S I
of nyaya in the different (Comprehension) Discussion Viva voce
physiological Jigsaw
CO 1 Describe utpatti & Cognitive Mk Kh Lecture Written/ F&S I
poshana of dhatu. (Comprehension) Discussion Viva voce
CO 1 Compile various Cognitive Dk Sh Assignment Self- SA I
terminologies related to (Comprehension) Tutorial assessment
dhau gati and dhatu

CO 1 Mention your opinion Cognitive Nk Kh Group Self- SA I

about nyaya concept on (Application) discussion assessment
the basis of different Buzz group
metabolic pathways,
transformation, transport
of substances through
cell membrane.
CO 1 Discuss theory of tissues Cognitive Nk Kh Group Self- SA I
formation and Application) discussion assessment
differentiation in context Homework
with physiological based
changes of aging. assignment
CO 1 Discuss stem cells along Cognitive (Recall/ Nk Kh Lecture self SA I
with concepts of Comprehension) Online assessment
regeneration in Ayurveda teaching aids
CO 1 Study Ayurvedic aspect Cognitive Nk Kh Group Self- SA I
of dhatu sarata and its (Application) discussion assessment
application Seminar
Topic-2. Rasa Dhatu (5 hr) [Lecture: 4 hours, non-lecture: 1 hour]

38 Kriya Sharir, I BAMS(Ayurvedacharya), NCISM

CO 1 Explain the etymology, Cognitive Mk K Lecture Written/ F&S I
derivation, location, (Recall) Discussion Viva voce
properties, functions and
pramana of rasa-dhatu.
panchabhautikatva of
rasa dhatu.
CO 1 Describe the functions of Cognitive Mk K Lecture Written/ F&S I
rasavaha srotas & mula (Recall) Discussion Viva voce
of rasavaha srotas.
CO 1 Describe the process of Cognitive Mk Kh Lecture Written/ F&S I
formation of rasa dhatu (Comprehension) Discussion Viva voce
from aahara rasa, and
circulation of rasa-rakta
(rasa-rakta samvahana)
CO 1 Describe kshaya-vriddhi Cognitive Mk Kh Lecture Written/ F&S I
& rasapradoshaja vikara (Comprehension) Assignment Viva voce
CO 1 Description of Cognitive Dk Kh Lecture Written/ F&S I
functioning of hridaya (Comprehension) Discussion Viva voce
and physiological Flipped
significance of hridaya. classroom
CO 1 Description of sira, Cognitive Nk Kh Discussion Written/ F&S I
dhamani and srotas (Comprehension) Video show Viva voce
CO 1 Enumerate ashtavidha Cognitive Mk K Lecture, Role Written/ F&S I
sara (8 types of sara), (Recall) play, real life Viva voce
and describe the features experience,
of individuals belonging Discussion
to tvak-saara purusha. Brainstrorming
Topic-3. Rakta Dhatu (4 hr) [Lecture: 3 hours, non-lecture: 1 hour]

CO 1 Explain the etymology, Cognitive Mk K Lecture Written/ F&S I

derivation, synonyms, (Recall) Discussion Viva voce
location, properties,
functions and pramana
of rakta dhatu & explain
the panchabhautikatva of
rakta dhatu,
CO 1 Describe the physiology Cognitive Mk Kh Lecture Written/ F&S I
of raktavaha srotas, and (Comprehension) Discussion Viva voce
describe the mula of
rakta-vaha srotas and
mutual interdependence
of rakta and pitta.

39 Kriya Sharir, I BAMS(Ayurvedacharya), NCISM

CO 1 Describe the formation Cognitive Mk Kh Lecture Written/ F&S I
of rakta-dhatu, ranjana (Comprehension) Discussion Viva voce
of rasa by Ranjaka pitta,
features of shuddha
rakta, specific functions
of rakta
CO 1 Describe the Cognitive Mk K Lecture Written/ F&S I
characteristics of (Recall) Discussion Viva voce
raktasaara Purusha
CO 1 Describe the Cognitive Mk Kh Lecture Written/ F&S I Vikriti
manifestations of kshaya (Comprehension) Discussion Viva voce Vigyana
and vriddhi and name Assignment
pradoshaja vikara of
CO 1 Elaborate the concept Cognitive Nk Kh Discussion Written/ F I
about inclusion or (Comprehension) Brainstorming Viva voce
exclusion of rakta dhatu
as a fourth dosha.
Topic-4. Mamsa Dhatu (3 hr) [Lecture: 2 hours, non-lecture: 1 hour]

CO 1 Describe the etymology, Cognitive Mk K Lecture Written/ F&S II

derivation, synonyms, (Recall) Discussion Viva voce
location, properties and
functions of mamsa
dhatu, physiology of
mamsavaha srotas, mula
of mamsavaha srotas
CO 1 Describe the formation Cognitive Mk Kh Lecture Written/ F&S II
of mamsa dhatu and the (Comprehension) Discussion Viva voce
definition of peshi
characteristics of
mamsasaara purusha,
CO 1 Describe manifestations Cognitive Mk Kh Lecture Written/ F&S II Vikriti
of kshaya and vriddhi of (Comprehension) Discussion Viva voce Vigyana
mamsa Dhatu & describe Assignment
the physiological basis of
these manifestations.
Name mamsa
pradoshaja vikara.
Topic-5. Meda Dhatu (4 hr) [Lecture: 3 hours, non-lecture: 1 hour]

40 Kriya Sharir, I BAMS(Ayurvedacharya), NCISM

CO 1 Describe the etymology, Cognitive Mk Kh Lecture Written/ F&S II
derivation, location, (Comprehension) Discussion Viva voce
properties, functions and
pramana of meda dhatu.
CO 1 Describe the medovaha Cognitive Mk Kh Lecture Written/ F&S II
srotas, its mula, the (Comprehension) Discussion Viva voce
physiology of medovaha
srotas, formation of
medo dhatu
CO 1 Describe the Cognitive Mk Kh Lecture Written/ F&S II
characteristics of (Comprehension) Discussion Viva voce
medasaara purusha and Assignment
manifestations of kshaya
and vriddhi of meda.
Name meda pradoshaja

CO 1 Describe the clinical Cognitive Dk Kh Lecture Written/ F&S II Vikriti

features of sthaulya and (Comprehension) Discussion Viva voce Vigyana
karshya along with the
physiological basis of
these clinical conditions
CO 1 Record the properties of Cognitive Nk Kh Discussion Self F II
lipid & mamsa dhatu. (Comprehension) assessment
Topic-6. Asthi Dhatu (3 hr) [Lecture: 2 hours, non-lecture: 1 hour]

CO 1 Describe the definition, Cognitive Mk K Lecture Written/ F&S II

synonyms, classification, (Comprehension) Discussion Viva voce
properties (guna), and
formation of asthi dhatu.

CO 1 Describe the asthi dhara Cognitive Mk K Lecture Written/ F&S II

kala; relation with (Comprehension) Discussion Viva voce
purishdharakala and the
features of asthi sarata.

CO 1 Describe the applied Cognitive Mk Kh Lecture Written/ F&S II Vikriti

physiology of asthi dhatu (Comprehension) Discussion Viva voce Vigyana
(asthi vriddhi/ asthi Assignment
kshaya) and name asthi
pradoshaja vikara

41 Kriya Sharir, I BAMS(Ayurvedacharya), NCISM

Topic-7 Majja Dhatu (4 hr) [Lecture: 3 hours, non-lecture: 1 hour]

CO 1 Describe the definition, Cognitive Mk K Lecture Written/ F&S II

synonyms and location (Recall) Discussion Viva voce
(sthana) of majja dhatu.
CO 1 Describe the formation Cognitive Mk Kh Lecture Written/ F&S II
of majja dhatu (Comprehension) Discussion Viva voce
majjavaha srotas and its
CO 1 Describe majja dhara Cognitive Mk Kh Lecture Written/ F&S II
kala in relation with (Comprehension) Discussion Viva voce
pittadhara kala and the
features of majja sarata.

CO 1 Describe applied Cognitive Mk Kh Lecture Written/ F&S II Vikriti

physiology of majja (Comprehension) Discussion Viva voce Vigyana
dhatu (majja vriddhi and Assignment
kshaya) and name majja
pradoshaja vikara
CO 1 Comment on concept of Cognitive Dk Kh Discussion Self F II
majja dhatu and bone (Comprehension) Online assessment
marrow teaching aids
Topic-8. Shukra Dhatu (4 hr) [Lecture: 3 hours, non-lecture: 1 hour]

CO 1 Describe the etymology Cognitive Mk K Lecture Written/ F&S II

and derivation of shukra (Recall) Discussion Viva voce
dhatu, location, properties,
pramana functions of
shukra dhatu.
CO 1 Describe the formation Cognitive Mk Kh Lecture Written/ F&S II
of shukra dhatu, poshana (Comprehension) Discussion Viva voce
krama and its updathu Puzzle
and mala.
CO 1 Describe the mula of Cognitive Mk Kh Lecture Written/ F&S II
shukravaha srotas and (Comprehension) Discussion Viva voce
the properties of shuddha
shukra along with shukra
saara purusha
CO 1 Describe the features of Cognitive Mk Kh Lecture Written/ F&S II Vikriti
kshaya & vriddhi of (Comprehension) Discussion Viva voce Vigyana

42 Kriya Sharir, I BAMS(Ayurvedacharya), NCISM

shukra dhatu & shukra Assignment
pradoshaja vikara
CO 4 Identify histological Cognitive Mk Kh Demonstration Practical F&S
structure explain (Comprehension) Perform Skill
structure of different Psychomotor assessment
tissue (dhatu) OSPE
Topic-9. Ashraya- Ashrayi Bhava (2 hr) [Lecture: 1 hour, non-lecture:1 hour]

CO 1 Describe the concept of Cognitive Mk Kh Lecture Written/ F&S III Vikriti

ashraya-ashrayi bhava (Comprehension) Discussion Viva voce Vigyana
i.e. inter-relationship
among dosha, dhatu
mala and srotas.
CO 1 Describe the applied Cognitive Dk Kh Discussion Written F III
physiology of diseases (Comprehension) Seminar
affecting saptadhatu
enlisted under dhatu
pradoshaja vikara.
CO 1 Explain use of Ashraya- Cognitive Nk Kh Discussion Self- SA III
Ashrayi Bhava in laghan (application) assessment

Topic -10. Oja (4 hr) [Lecture: 3 hours, non-lecture: 1 hour]

CO 1 Recall etymological Cognitive Mk Kh Lecture Written/ F&S III

derivation, definition, (Recall) Discussion Viva voce
classification, and
pramana of oja
CO 1 Describe the process of Cognitive Mk Kh Lecture Written/ F&S III
formation of ojas along (Comprehension) Discussion Viva voce
with locations and
CO 1 Describe the concept of Cognitive Mk Kh Lecture Written/ F&S III
vyadhikshamatva, (Comprehension) Discussion Viva voce
explain bala vriddhikara

CO 1 Classify bala and Cognitive Mk Kh Lecture Written/ F&S III Vikriti

describe etiological (Comprehension) Discussion Viva voce Vigyana
factors (kshaya karan)
for oja visramsa, vyapat
and kshaya and elaborate

43 Kriya Sharir, I BAMS(Ayurvedacharya), NCISM

the manifestation of
these clinical conditions.
CO 1 Collect different Cognitive Nk Kh Discussion Written F III
opinoins on oja given by (Recall)
different aacharya and
try to understand the
logic behind it.
CO 1 Interpret your opinion Cognitive Nk Kh Discussion Self- SA III
about oja-bala-kapha in (Recall) assessment
its normal state.
Topic-11. Upadhatu (7 hr) [Lecture:6 hours, non-lecture: 1 hour]

CO 1 Describe the general Cognitive Mk K Lecture Written/ F&S III

introduction, (Recall) Discussion Viva voce
etymological derivation
and definition of the term
CO 1 Describe the formation, Cognitive Mk Kh Lecture Written/ F&S III
nourishment, properties, (Comprehension) Discussion Viva voce
location and functions of
each upadhatu.
CO 1 Describe the Cognitive Mk Kh Lecture Written/ F&S III Vikriti
characteristic features (Comprehension) Discussion Viva voce Vigyana
and methods of assessing
shuddha and dushita
CO 1 Describe the Cognitive Mk Kh Lecture Written/ F&S III
characteristic features of (Comprehension) Discussion Viva voce
vriddhi and kshaya of
CO 1 Describe characteristic Cognitive Mk Kh Lecture Written/ F&S III
features of shuddha and (Comprehension) Discussion Viva voce
dushita artava along
with enumerating the
differences between raja
and artava.
CO 1 Describe artava-vaha Cognitive Mk Kh Lecture Written/ F&S III Vikriti
srotas and its mula along (Comprehension) Discussion Viva voce Vigyana
with the common clinical
conditions related to
artava-vaha srotas

44 Kriya Sharir, I BAMS(Ayurvedacharya), NCISM

(kashtartava, vandhyata,
pradara etc).
CO 1 Describe the Cognitive Mk Kh Lecture Written/ F&S III
classification, thickness (Comprehension) Discussion Viva voce
of each layer and
functions of tvak
CO 1 Interpret the skin layer as Cognitive Nk Kh Discussion Written F III
per contemporary (Recall)
Topic 12. Mala (8 hr) [Lecture: 6 hours, non-lecture: 2 hours]

CO 1 Describe the Cognitive Mk Kh Lecture Written/ F&S III

etymological derivation (Comprehension) Discussion Viva voce
and definition of the term
CO 1 Enumerate aharamala Cognitive Mk Kh Lecture Written/ F&S III
and describe of the (Recall) Discussion Viva voce
process of formation of
CO 1 Describe the Cognitive Mk Kh Lecture Written/ F&S III
etymological derivation, (Comprehension) Discussion Viva voce
definition, formation,
properties, quantity and
functions of purisha.
CO 1 Describe the physiology Cognitive Mk Kh Lecture Written/ F&S III
of purishavaha srotas, (Comprehension) Discussion Viva voce
purish visarjana and
manifestations of vriddhi
and kshhaya of purisha.
CO 1 Explain the relation Cognitive Mk Kh Lecture Written/ F&S III
between purishdhara (Comprehension) Discussion Viva voce
kala and asthidhara kala.
CO 1 Describe the Cognitive Mk Kh Lecture Written/ F&S III
etymological derivation, (Comprehension) Discussion Viva voce
definition, formation,
properties, quantity and
functions of mutra.
CO 1 Describe the physiology Cognitive Mk Kh Lecture Written/ F&S III
of mutravaha srotas and (Comprehension) Discussion Viva voce
the process of urine
formation and mutra
visarjana in Ayurveda.

45 Kriya Sharir, I BAMS(Ayurvedacharya), NCISM

CO 1 Explain the Cognitive Mk Kh Lecture Written/ F&S III
manifestations of vriddhi (Comprehension) Discussion Viva voce
and kshhaya of mutra.
CO 1 Explain the urge of Cognitive Nk Kh Discussion Self- SA III
micturition & defecation (Application) assessment
in perspective of reflexes

CO 1 Describe and enumerate Cognitive Mk Kh Lecture Written/ F&S III

dhatumala and describe (Comprehension) Discussion Viva voce
the functions of each
type of dhatumala
CO 1 Explain the etymological Cognitive Mk Kh Lecture Written/ F&S III
derivation, definition, (Comprehension) Discussion Viva voce
formation and functions
of sveda.
CO 1 Explain the functions of Cognitive Mk Kh Lecture Written/ F&S III
svedvaha srotas along (Comprehension) Discussion Viva voce
with describing the
manifestations of vriddhi
and kshaya of sveda.
CO 1 Review Ayurveda Cognitive Nk Kh Discussion Self- SA III
compendia for several (Application) assessment
colour of purish and
mutra as per their
different diseased
Topic 13. Indriya vijnyana (2 hr) [Lecture: 1 hour, non-lecture: 1 hour]

CO 1 Describe the pancha- Cognitive Mk Kh Lecture Written/ F&S III Padarth

jnyaanendriya and (Comprehension) Discussion Viva voce vidnyan
physiology of perception Tutorial
of shabda, sparsha,
rupa, rasa and gandha.
CO 1 Describe the physiology Cognitive Mk Kh Lecture Written/ F&S III
of karmendriya (Comprehension) Discussion Viva voce

Topic 14. Manas (3 hr) [Lecture: 2 hours, non-lecture: 1 hour]

CO 1 Describe location and Cognitive Mk Kh Lecture Written/ F&S III

properties, functions and (Comprehension) Discussion Viva voce
objects of manas.

46 Kriya Sharir, I BAMS(Ayurvedacharya), NCISM

CO 7 Describe the physiology Cognitive Mk Kh Lecture Written/ F&S III Kayachikitsa
of dhee, driti, smriti and (Comprehension) Discussion Viva voce
manovaha srotas along Real
with the applied life experience
physiology of unmada
and apasmara.
CO7 Decribe kriyatmak Cognitive Dk Kh Lecture Written/ F&S III
(physiological) (Comprehension) Discussion Viva voce
importance of manas
Topic 15. Atma (2 hr) [Lecture: 2 hours, non-lecture: 0 hours]

CO 1 Describe properties and Cognitive Mk Kh Lecture Written/ F&S

functions of atma. (Comprehension) Discussion Viva voce
CO 7 Enumerate the difference Cognitive Mk Kh Lecture Written/ F&S III Padarth
between paramatma and (Comprehension) Discussion Viva voce vidnyan
jivatma, characteristic
features of atma in living
CO 7 Explain characteristic Cognitive Mk Kh Lecture Written/ F&S III
features of atma in living (Comprehension) Discussion Viva voce
CO7 Decribe kriyatmak Cognitive Dk Kh Lecture Written/ III
(physiological) (Comprehension) Discussion Viva voce
importance of atma tutorials
Topic 16. Nidra & Svapna (2 hr) [Lecture: 2 hours, non-lecture: 0 hours]

CO 1 Describe the process of Cognitive Mk Kh Lecture Written/ F&S III

nidrotpatti, classify (Comprehension) Discussion Viva voce
CO 1 Explain the physiological Cognitive Mk Kh Lecture Written/ F&S III
and clinical significance (Comprehension) Discussion Viva voce
of nidra.
CO 1 Describe svapnotpatti Cognitive Mk Kh Lecture Written/ F&S III
and types of svapna. (Comprehension) Discussion Viva voce
CO 1 Discuss about different Cognitive Nk Kh Group Team TA III
types of swapna among (Comprehension) Discussion assessment
your friends and try to
understand ralation of
swapna & prakriti.

47 Kriya Sharir, I BAMS(Ayurvedacharya), NCISM

Part B (40 Hours) –

Topic 1. Physiology of Hemopoietic System (7 hr) [Lecture: 5 hours, non-lecture: 2 hours]

CO 1 Describe the Cognitive Mk Kh Lecture Written/ F&S I

composition, functions of (Comprehension) Discussion Viva voce
blood and blood cells.
CO 1 Stages and development Cognitive Mk Kh Lecture Written/ F&S I
of RBCs, WBCs, (Comprehension) Discussion Viva voce
CO 1 Describe the composition Cognitive Mk Kh Lecture Written/ F&S I
and functions of bone (Comprehension) Discussion Viva voce
CO 1 Describe the process of Cognitive Mk Kh Lecture Written/ F&S I
erythropoiesis and (Comprehension) Discussion Viva voce
explain necessary facors
for erythropoiesis.
CO 1 Describe the formation & Cognitive Mk Kh Lecture Written/ F&S I
destruction of RBCs (Comprehension) Discussion Viva voce
CO 1 Describe the structure, Cognitive Mk Kh Lecture Written/ F&S I
types, synthesis and (Comprehension) Discussion Viva voce
functions of
haemoglobin along with
abnormalities of Hb.
CO 1 Describe the types of Cognitive Mk Kh Lecture Written/ F&S I
WBCs (Comprehension) Discussion Viva voce
CO 1 Describe the mechanism Cognitive Mk Kh Lecture Written/ F&S I
of hemostasis, (Comprehension) Discussion Viva voce
(coagulation of blood) Seminar
and blood clotting
CO 1 Describe the ABO & Rh Cognitive Mk Kh Lecture Written/ F&S I Medical
system of blood group (Comprehension) Discussion Viva voce Physiology
and explain the
physiological basis of
blood groups.
CO 1 Explain the concept of Cognitive Mk Kh Lecture Written/ F&S I
erythroblastosis fetalis (Comprehension) Discussion Viva voce
on the basis of Rh Seminar
CO 1 Describe the Cognitive Mk Kh Lecture Written/ F&S I
classification and (Comprehension) Discussion Viva voce

48 Kriya Sharir, I BAMS(Ayurvedacharya), NCISM

functions of plasma
CO 1 Describe the properties Cognitive Mk Kh Lecture Written/ F&S I
and hemostasis functions (Comprehension) Discussion Viva voce
of platelets.

CO 1 Describe the Cognitive Dk Kh Lecture Written/ F&S I

physiological basis of (Comprehension) Discussion Viva voce
manifestations of
different blood disorders
(anaemia, jaundice etc.)

CO 1 Describe the functions of Cognitive Dk Kh Lecture Written/ F&S I

spleen. (Comprehension) Discussion Viva voce
CO 1 Describe the functions of Cognitive Dk Kh Lecture Written/ F&S I
functions of lymph. (Comprehension) Discussion Viva voce

Topic 2. Immune System (2 hr) [Lecture: 2 hours, non-lecture: 0 hours]

CO 1 Describe classification of Cognitive Mk Kh Lecture Written/ F&S I

immunity (Innate, (Comprehension) Discussion Viva voce
acquired and artificial),
CO 1 Describe the different Cognitive Mk Kh Lecture Written/ F&S I
mechanisms involved in (Comprehension) Discussion Viva voce
immunity: Humoral (B-
cell mediated) and T-Cell
mediated immunity.
CO 1 Distinguish between the Cognitive Dk Kh Lecture Written/ F&S I
passive immunization (Comprehension) Discussion Viva voce
and active immunization
CO 1 Describe the applied Cognitive Dk Kh Lecture Written/ F&S I
physiology of immunity: (Comprehension) Discussion Viva voce
Immunodeficiency Seminar
diseases, Hypersensitivity
reactions, Auto-immune
diseases etc.
Topic 3. Cardiovascular Physiology (7 hr) [Lecture: 5 hours, non-lecture: 2 hours]

CO 1 Describe the mechanical Cognitive Mk Kh Lecture Written/ F&S I

and electrical properties (Comprehension) Discussion Viva voce

49 Kriya Sharir, I BAMS(Ayurvedacharya), NCISM

of heart muscles,
describe different phases
of the Cardiac cycle.
CO 1 Describe the Cognitive Mk Kh Lecture Written/ F&S I
physiological and (Comprehension) Discussion Viva voce
clinical significance of
heart sounds.
CO 1 Describe the physiology Cognitive Mk Kh Lecture Written/ F&S I
of regulation of cardiac (Comprehension) Discussion Viva voce
output and venous return.
CO 1 Describe the Cognitive Dk Kh Lecture Written/ F&S I
physiological basis of (Comprehension) Discussion Viva voce
CO 1 Describe the regulation Cognitive Mk Kh Lecture Written/ F&S I
of heart-rate and arterial (Comprehension) Discussion Viva voce
CO 1 Define and describe the Cognitive Mk Kh Lecture Written/ F&S I
regulation of systemic (Comprehension) Discussion Viva voce
arterial blood pressure
CO 1 Describe the physiology Cognitive Dk Kh Lecture Written/ F&S I
of fetal circulation. (Comprehension) Discussion Viva voce
CO 1 Define and describe the Cognitive Dk Kh Lecture Written/ F&S I
regulation of systemic (Comprehension) Discussion Viva voce
arterial blood pressure
CO 1 Describe the history of Cognitive Nk Kh Online Self SA I
the discovery of blood (Comprehension) assessment
Topic 4. Muscle physiology (2 hr) [Lecture: 2 hours, non-lecture: 0 hours]
CO 1 Compare and contrast the Cognitive Mk Kh Lecture Written/ F&S II
functions and properties (Comprehension) Discussion Viva voce
of skeletal muscles,
cardiac muscles and
smooth muscles.
CO 1 Describe the physiology Cognitive Mk Kh Lecture Written/ F&S II
of muscle contraction of (Comprehension) Discussion Viva voce
all types of muscles.
Topic 5. Skin, Adipose Tissue and circulating Lipids (3 hr) [Lecture: 2 hours, non-lecture: 1 hour]

CO 1 Describe the functions of Cognitive Mk Kh Lecture Written/ F&S II

the skin, sweat glands, (Comprehension) Discussion Viva voce
sebaceous glands and
subcutaneous tissue
50 Kriya Sharir, I BAMS(Ayurvedacharya), NCISM
CO 1 Describe the functions of Cognitive Mk Kh Lecture Written/ F&S II
Adipose Tissue including (Comprehension) Discussion Viva voce
CO 1 Describe the process of Cognitive Mk Kh Lecture Written/ F&S II
formation & metabolism (Comprehension) Discussion Viva voce
of lipoproteins like
and that of triglycerides.
CO 1 Describe the functional Cognitive Mk Kh Lecture Written/ F&S II
anatomy and physiology (Comprehension) Discussion Viva voce
of the male reproductive
CO 1 Describe the physiology Cognitive Mk Kh Lecture Written/ F&S II
of regulation of (Comprehension) Discussion Viva voce
functions of testosterone
and male sexual act
CO 1 Describe physiology of Cognitive Mk Kh Lecture Written/ F&S II
the female reproductive (Comprehension) Discussion Viva voce
system including
oogenesis, ovulation and
hormonal regulation of
the menstrual cycle
CO 1 Describe the functions of Cognitive Dk Kh Lecture Written/ F&S II
placenta (Comprehension) Discussion Viva voce
CO 1 Describe the physiology Cognitive Dk Kh Lecture Written/ F&S II
of lactation (Comprehension) Discussion Viva voce
CO 1 Describe the applied Cognitive Nk Kh Lecture Written/ F&S II
physiology of the (Comprehension) Discussion Viva voce
reproductive system of
male and female
Topic 7. Renal Physiology (6 hr) [Lecture: 4 hours, non-lecture: 2 hours]

CO 1 Describe the functional Cognitive Mk Kh Lecture Written/ F&S III

anatomy of kidney. (Comprehension) Discussion Viva voce
CO 1 Describe the functions of Cognitive Mk Kh Lecture Written/ F&S III
kidney, ureters and (Comprehension) Discussion Viva voce
CO 1 Describe stages of the Cognitive Mk Kh Lecture Written/ F&S III
mechanism of urine (Comprehension) Discussion Viva voce
formation. Semiar

51 Kriya Sharir, I BAMS(Ayurvedacharya), NCISM

CO 1 Describe control of Cognitive Mk Kh Lecture Written/ F&S III
micturition. (Comprehension) Discussion Viva voce
CO 1 Describe the role of Cognitive Mk Kh Lecture Written/ F&S III Medical
Juxta glomerular (Comprehension) Discussion Viva voce Physiology
apparatus in regulation of
blood pressure and pH of
body fluids.
CO 1 Describe the applied Cognitive Dk Kh Lecture Written/ F&S III
physiology of the urinary (Comprehension) Discussion Viva voce
system (urolithiasis,
acute and chronic renal
failure etc).
CO 1 Describe the physiology Cognitive Mk Kh Lecture Written/ F&S III
of special senses. (Comprehension) Discussion Viva voce
CO 1 Describe the visual Cognitive Mk Kh Lecture Written/ F&S III
process and visual (Comprehension) Discussion Viva voce
CO 1 Describe the mechanism Cognitive Mk Kh Lecture Written/ F&S III
of hearing and auditory (Comprehension) Discussion Viva voce
CO 1 Describe the taste, smell Cognitive Mk Kh Lecture Written/ F&S III
and skin sensation (Comprehension) Discussion Viva voce
CO 1 Describe the physiology Cognitive Mk Kh Lecture Written/ F&S III
of sleep and dreams (Comprehension) Discussion Viva voce

52 Kriya Sharir, I BAMS(Ayurvedacharya), NCISM

List of Practicals

PRACTICALS (Marks-100)
List of Topics Term Lecture Non-
1 Dhatu sararata parikshana I 0 10
2. Demonstrate laboratory equipment (spotting) I 0 1
3. Demonstrate blood collection I 0 1
4. Estimate haemoglobin I 0 2
5. Estimate bleeding time & clotting time I 0 2
6. Estimate blood grouping I 0 2
7. Prakriti parikshana II 0 20
8. Dosha vriddhi kshaya parikshana II 0 4
9. Dhatu vriddhi kshaya parikshana II 0 5
10. Nadi parikshana II 0 3
11. Pulse examination II 0 2
12. WBC estimation II 0 2
13. RBC estimation II 0 2
14. DLC estimation II 0 2
15. Measurement of Blood pressure II 0 2
16. Perform the procedure Inspection of respiratory system II 0 2
17. Perform the procedure Inspection of heart sound II 0 3
18. Agni parikshana III 0 6
19. Koshtha parikshana III 0 2
20. Urine examination III 0 2
21. Demonstrate ESR, PCV III 0 1
22. Observe the procedure of ECG III 0 2
23. Perform the procedure of examining the cranial nerves and reflexes III 0 2

53 Kriya Sharir, I BAMS(Ayurvedacharya), NCISM

Table 4: Learning objectives (Practical) of AyUG- KS

A4 B4 C4 D4 E4 F4 G4 H4 I4 J4
Course Learning Domain/ Must to Level T-L method Assessment Formativ Te Integratio
outcom Objective sub know/ Does/ e rm n
e desirabl Shows how/ /summati
(At the end of e to Knows how/ ve
the session, the know/Ni Know
Students should ce to
be able to) know
AyUG – KS Practical (100 marks) (Total 200 Hr)

Practical (100 marks) =(Kriya Sharir 50 + Physiology 30 + Non Lecture practical activities 20)

1. Assessment of prakriti parikshana (20 classes) [Lecture: 0 hours, non-lecture: 20 hours]

CO 3 Describe the Cognitive Mk Kh Lecture Demonstration Practical F&S II

procedure of prakriti Discussion Viva voce
parikshan of CCRAS Observe
portal. Tutorial
CO 3 Demonstrate prakriti Psychomotor Mk Sh Demonstration Viva voce F&S II
parikshan under the in practical room &
supervision of Bed side clinic
teacher. Discussion
CO 3 Determines prakriti Psychomotor Mk Dose Demonstration Practical F&S II
of a paerson in an in practical room & Viva voce
individual Bed side clinic Skill assessment
independently Discussion OSPE, DOPS,
Perform CBD, Simulation
CO 1 Recite verses of vata, Cognitive Dk Kh Discussion Viva voce F&S II
pitta & kapha (Recall Recitation
prakriti. Comprehe
2. Assessment of dhatusarata parikshana (10 classes) [Lecture: 0 hours, non-lecture: 10 hours]

CO 2 Describe the Cognitive Mk Kh Lecture Demonstration Practical F&S I

procedure of Discussion Viva voce

54 Kriya Sharir, I BAMS(Ayurvedacharya), NCISM

CO 2 Demonstrate Psychomot Mk Sh Demonstration Viva voce F&S I
dhatusarata or in practical room &
parikshana under the Bed side clinic
supervision of the Discussion
teacher. Assist
CO 2 Evaluates Psychomot Mk Dose Demonstration Practical F&S I
dhatusarata in an or Bed side clinic Viva voce
individual Discussion Skill assessment
independently Perform OSPE, DOPS,
CBD, Simulation
CO 1 Recite verses of ashta Cognitive Dk Kh Discussion Viva voce F&S I
dhatusarata. (Recall & Recitation
3. Assessment of agni parikshana (6 classes) [Lecture: 0 hours, non-lecture: 6 hours]

CO 2 Discribe the Cognitive/ Mk Kh Lecture Demonstration Practical F&S III

procedure of agni comprehen Discussion Viva voce
parikshana sion Observe

CO 2 Demonstrate agni Psychomot Mk Sh Demonstration Viva voce F&S III

parikshana under the or Bed side clinic
supervision of the Discussion
teacher. Assist
CO 2 Analyse agni in an Psychomot Mk Dose Demonstration Practical F&S III
individual or Bed side clinic Viva voce
independently Discussion Skill assessment
Perform OSPE
CO 1 Recite verses of agni. Cognitive Dk Kh Discussion Viva voce F&S III
(Recall & Recitation
4. Assessment of koshtha parikshana (2 classes) [Lecture: 0 hours, non-lecture: 2 hours]

CO 2 Discuss the procedure Cognitive Mk Kh Lecture Demonstration Practical F&S III

of koshtha Discussion Viva voce
parikshana Observe
CO 2 Demonstrate koshtha Psychomot Mk Sh Demonstration Viva voce F&S III
parikshana under the or Bed side clinic

55 Kriya Sharir, I BAMS(Ayurvedacharya), NCISM

supervision of the Assist
CO 2 Evaluate koshtha of Psychomot Mk Dose Demonstration Practical F&S III
an individual or Bed side clinic Viva voce
independently Discussion Skill assessment
rform OSPE

5. Assessment of dosha vrddhi kshaya lakshana (4 classes) [Lecture: 0 hours, non-lecture: 4 hours]
CO 3 Discuss the procedure Cognitive Mk Kh Lecture Demonstration Practical F&S II
of dosha vrddhi Discussion Viva voce
kshaya lakshana Observe
CO 3 Demonstrate dosha Psychomotor Mk Sh Demonstration Viva voce F&S II
vrddhi kshaya Bed side clinic
parikshana under the Discussion
supervision of the Assist
CO 3 Perform dosha vrddhi Psychomotor Mk Dose Demonstration Practical F&S II
kshaya parikshana in Bed side clinic Viva voce
an individual Discussion Skill assessment
independently Perform OSPE
CO 1 Recite verses of Cognitive Dk Kh Discussion Viva voce F&S II
dosha vrddhi kshaya. (Recall Recitation
6. Assessment of dhatu vrddhi kshaya parikshana (5 classes) [Lecture: 0 hours, non-lecture: 5 hours]
CO 3 Describe the Cognitive Mk Kh Lecture Demonstration Practical F&S II
procedure of dhatu Discussion Viva voce
vrddhi kshaya Observe
CO 3 Demonstrate dhatu Psychomotor Mk Sh Demonstration Viva voce F&S II
vrddhi kshaya Bed side clinic
parikshan under the Discussion
supervision of the Assist
CO 3 Perform dhatu vrddhi Psychomotor Mk Dose Demonstration Practical F&S II
kshaya parikshan in Bed side clinic Viva voce
an individual Discussion Skill assessment
independently Perform OSPE
CO 1 Recite verses of Cognitive Dk Kh Discussion Viva voce F&S II

56 Kriya Sharir, I BAMS(Ayurvedacharya), NCISM

dhatu vrddhi kshaya. (Recall & Recitation

7. Assessment of nadi parikshana (3 classes) [Lecture: 0 hours, non-lecture: 3 hours]

CO 5 Describe the Cognitive Mk Kh Lecture Demonstration Practical F&S II
procedure of nadi Discussion Viva voce
parikshana Observation Tutorial
CO 5 Demonstrate nadi Psychomotor Mk Sh Demonstration Viva voce F&S II
parikshana under the Bed side clinic
supervision of the Discussion
teacher. Assist
CO 5 Find out recent Cognitive Mk Kh Lecture Demonstration Practical F&S II
advances in nadi Discussion Viva voce
pariksha Observe OSPE

Part B 30 practical of 2 hr each

[Lecture: 0 hours, non-lecture: 30 hours]

CO 4 Explain the general Cognitive Mk Sh Lecture Demonstration Practical F&S I

laboratory etiquette Discussion Viva voce
Observe Skill assessment
demonstrate the use OSPE
of laboratory

CO 4 Discuss procedure of Cognitive Mk Kh Lecture Demonstration Viva voce F&S I

collection of a blood Discussion
sample – prick, Assist
method, use of
CO 4 Describe Observe Cognitive Mk Kh Lecture Demonstration F&S I
procedure of Discussion Viva voce
haemoglobin Assist
estimation, bleeding
time and clotting
time, blood grouping
and Rh typing,
57 Kriya Sharir, I BAMS(Ayurvedacharya), NCISM
Leukocyte Counting
CO 4 Evaluate Hb, Psychomotor Mk Sh Lecture Demonstration Practical F&S I
Bleeding time, Discussion Viva voce
clotting time, blood Perform Skill assessment
grouping & Rh OSPE
typing, sebveral
Leukocyte Count
CO 4 Describe the Cognitive Mk Kh Lecture Demonstration Viva voce F&S II
procedure of WBC Discussion
counting, RBC Assist
CO 4 Count WBC, Psychomotor Mk D Perform Practical F II
CO 4 Discribe the Cognitive Mk Sh Lecture Demonstration Viva voce F III
procedure of Discussion
ESR, PCV Assist
CO 4 Describe the Cognitive Mk Kh Lecture Demonstration Viva voce F&S III
procedure of physical Discussion
and chemical Assist
examination of urine.
CO 4 Identify physical and Psychomotor Dk Sh Lecture Demonstration Practical F&S III
chemical properties Discussion Viva voce
of urine. Assist Skill assessment
CO 4 Discuss the procedure Cognitive Mk Kh Lecture Demonstration Viva voce F&S II
of pulse examination Discussion
demonstrated. Assist
CO 4 Examine pulse Psychomotor Mk Sh Lecture Demonstration Practical F&S II
independently. Discussion Viva voce
Perform Skill assessment
CO 4 Describe the Cognitive Mk Kh Lecture Demonstration Viva voce F&S II
procedure of Discussion
measurement of Assist
blood pressure

58 Kriya Sharir, I BAMS(Ayurvedacharya), NCISM

CO 4 Measure blood Psychomotor Mk Sh Lecture Demonstration Practical F&S II
pressure Discussion Viva voce
(independently). Perform Skill assessment
CO 4 Discuss the procedure Cognitive Mk Kh Lecture Demonstration Viva voce F&S II
of inspection of CVS Discussion
and assessment of Assist
heart sounds
CO 4 Illustrate Psychomotor Mk Sh Lecture Demonstration Practical F&S II
inspection of Discussion Viva voce
CVS and Perform Skill assessment
assessment of OSPE
heart sounds
CO 4 Discuss the Cognitive Mk Kh Lecture Demonstration Viva voce F&S II
procedure of Discussion Spotting
ECG recording Assist
demonstrated by
the teacher.
CO 4 Discuss procedure Cognitive Mk Kh Lecture Demonstration Viva voce F&S II
of inspection of the Discussion
respiratory system Assist
demonstrated by
the teacher.
CO 4 Examine of the Psychomotor Mk Sh Lecture Demonstration Practical F&S II
respiratory Discussion Viva voce
system Perform Skill assessment
(independently). OSPE
CO 4 Discuss the Cognitive Mk Kh Lecture Demonstration Viva voce F&S III
procedure of Discussion Skill assessment
examining the Assist OSPE
cranial nerves and
(superficial/ deep
demonstrated by
the teacher.
CO 4 Perform the Psychomotor Mk Sh Lecture Demonstration Practical F&S III
procedure of Discussion Viva voce
examining the Perform Skill assessment
cranial nerves and OSPE

59 Kriya Sharir, I BAMS(Ayurvedacharya), NCISM

visceral) by

60 Kriya Sharir, I BAMS(Ayurvedacharya), NCISM

Table 5: Non-Lecture Activities Course AyUG- KS

Theory Non Lecture 50 (Paper I -25 & Paper II-25) No of Activity hours
1. Assignment - homework based 3
2. Brainstorming 2
3. Buzz group 1
4. Case based learning 1
5. Confusion technique 1
6. Debate 1
7. Demonstration 2
8. Direct observation skill (DOPS) 1
9. Flipped classroom 1
10. Group Discussion 3
11. Jigsaw or puzzle 1
12. Mnemonics 2
13. Model based learning 1
14. Online teaching aids 1
15. Panel discussion 1
16. Problem based learning 2
17. Real-life experience 1
18. Recitation 3
19. Role Play 1
20. Self directed learning 3
21. Seminar by students 5
22. Simulated condition 1
23. Skill assessment 2
24. Symposium 2
25. Team project work 1
26. Think-Pair-Share 2
27. Tutorial 3
28. Video show 2

Practical Non Lecture 100 (200 hours)

1. Ayurveda Practicals – 50 100

2. Modern Practicals – 30 60
3. Activity based learning – 20 40
Communication Skills, Small project / Experiment designing,
Task-based learning, Teamwork based learning, Team project,
Problem Based Learning (PBL)/(CBL), Group Discussion,
Workshops, Field visits, Preparation of charts 1, models and
computerized simulation models etc. , Seminar presentations by

Total Non Lecture hours 250

61 Kriya Sharir, I BAMS(Ayurvedacharya), NCISM

Additional Suggested topics for tutorials

Point No. Name of Topic

T – 1 CO 6 Atma lakshana
T – 2 CO3 Characteristics of Prakriti Eka doshaja, dwandwaja
and sama prakriti. Clinical importance of deha prakriti, anukatva.
T – 3 CO5 Nadi vigyan
T – 4 CO6 Anukatva
T – 5 CO6 Indriya panch panchak and physiological study of panchajyanendriya and panchakarmendriya.
T – 6 CO6 Meanings of terminologies used for dhatu poshana nyaya related to dhatu poshana
T – 7 CO1 Ahara dravya vargikarana
T – 8 CO1 Avasthapaka & Vipak

Suggested topics for seminar topics

Sr. No. Content

S – 1 CO8 Tridosha
S – 2 CO8 Agni
S – 3 CO8 Rasa rakta samvahan
S – 4 CO8 Pranavah srotas and shwasana prakriya
S – 5 CO8 Ashtavidh sara
S – 6 CO8 Trividh nyaya
S – 7 CO8 Prakriti
S – 8 CO8 Basic concept of nervous system
S – 9 CO8 Rh Incompatibility
S – 10 CO8 Digesion of Carbohydrates, proteins & fats
S – 11 CO8 Blood clotting mechanism
S – 12 CO8 Immune system
S – 13 CO8 O2-Co2 gasious exchange
S – 14 CO8 Hormones
S – 15 CO8 Renal system

Suggested topics for group discussion

Sr. No. Content

GD – 1 CO1 Dosha dhatu mala mulam hi shariram

GD – 2 CO1 Concept of agni
GD – 3 CO1 Concept of upadhatu
GD – 4 CO1 Role of ranjak pitta in formation of rakta dhatu
GD – 5 CO1 Concept of srotas
GD – 6 CO1 Physiology of purishadhara kala / asthidhara kala.
Pittadhara kala/ majjadhara kala
GD – 7 CO1 Generation of doshas
GD – 8 CO1 Ashraya-ashrayi bhava sambhadha of asthi and vata
GD – 9 CO1 Process of urine formation described in ayurveda compendia
GD – 10 CO1 Avasthapaka
GD – 11 CO1 Concept of shatkriyakala
GD – 12 CO1 Manas Prakruti

62 Kriya Sharir, I BAMS(Ayurvedacharya), NCISM

Table 6: Assessment Summary

6 A- Number of papers and Marks Distribution

Practical/Clinical Assessment
S.No. Subject Code Papers Theory Practical/ Sub
Viva Electives IA Total
Clinical Total
1. AyUG-KS 2 200 100 70 - 30 200 400

6 B - Scheme of Assessment (formative and Summative)

SR.NO. First Term Second Term Third Term
(1-6 Months) (7-12 Months) (13-18 Months)

1 First 3 PA & First TT 3 PA & Second TT 3 PA & UE

PA: Periodical Assessment; TT: Term Test; UE: University Examinations

6 C - Calculation Method for Internal assessment Marks (30 Marks)

Converted to Term Test Sub
1 (15 2 (15 3 (15 Average 30 (Marks Total
Marks) Marks) Marks) (A+B+C/3) Marks converted _/60
(D/15*30) to 30) Marks
Final IA Average of Three Term Assessment Marks as Shown in ‘H’ Column.
Maximum Marks in Parentheses
*Select an Evaluation Methods which is appropriate for the objectives of Topics from the Table 6 D
for Peroadic assessment. Conduct 15 marks assessment and enter marks in A, B, and C.
** Conduct Theory (100 Marks)(MCQ(20*1 Marks), SAQ(8*5), LAQ(4*10)) and Practical (100
Then convert to 30 marks.

63 Kriya Sharir, I BAMS(Ayurvedacharya), NCISM

6 D - Evaluation Methods for Periodical Assessment

S. No. Evaluation Methods for Periodical Assessment

1. Practical / Clinical Performance
2. Viva Voce, MCQs, MEQ (Modified Essay Questions/Structured Questions)
3. Open Book Test (Problem Based)
4. Summary Writing (Research Papers/ Samhitas)
5. Class Presentations; Work Book Maintenance
6. Problem Based Assignment
7. Objective Structured Clinical Examination (OSCE), Objective Structured Practical Examination
(OPSE), Mini Clinical Evaluation Exercise (Mini-CEX), Direct Observation of Procedures (DOP),
Case Based Discussion (CBD)
8. Extra-curricular Activities, (Social Work, Public Awareness, Surveillance Activities, Sports or
Other Activities which may be decided by the department).
9. Small Project
10. Other activities explained in Table 3 Column G3 as per indicated term and objective of the top]ic.

6 E- Paper Layout
Time: 3 Hours Maximum Marks: 100
INSTRUCTIONS: All questions compulsory
Number of Marks per question Total Marks
Q1 Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ)
20 1 20
Q2 Short answer questions (SAQ)
8 5 40
Q3 Long answer questions (LAQ)
4 10 40
Time: 3 Hours Maximum Marks: 100
INSTRUCTIONS: All questions compulsory
Number of Marks per question Total Marks
Q1 Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) 20 1 20
64 Kriya Sharir, I BAMS(Ayurvedacharya), NCISM
Q2 Short answer questions (SAQ)
8 5 40
Q3 Long answer questions (LAQ)
4 10 40

6 F- Disribution of Theory Exam

Paper I Type of Questions
Part-A (Marks-60) “Yes” can be asked.
“No” should not be asked.
List of Topics AyUG-KS Term Marks (1 Mark) (5 Marks) (10 Marks)
1 Sharir: I Yes Yes No
2 Basic principles of Ayurveda: I 8 Yes Yes No
3. Tridosha: I Yes Yes No
4. Vata Dosha: I Yes Yes Yes
5. Pitta Dosha: I Yes Yes Yes
6. Kapha Dosha: II Yes Yes Yes
7. Dosha Vriddhi-Kshaya: II Yes Yes No
8. Kriyakala: II Yes Yes No
9 Prakriti:
Deha- Prakriti: II Yes Yes Yes
Manasa- Prakriti:
10. Ahara: III Yes Yes Yes
11. Agni: III Yes Yes Yes
12. Aharapaka III Yes Yes Yes
Part-B (Marks-40)
1 Physiology Homeostasis: I Yes Yes Yes
2 Physiology of Respiratory system: II 23 Yes Yes Yes
3 Physiology of Gastrointestinal system: II Yes Yes Yes
4 Physiology of Nervous System: III Yes Yes Yes
5 Physiology of Endocrine glands: III Yes Yes Yes

65 Kriya Sharir, I BAMS(Ayurvedacharya), NCISM

Paper II Type of Questions
PART-A (Marks-60) “Yes” can be asked.
“No” should not be asked.
List of Topics AyUG-KS Term Marks (1 Mark) (5 Marks) (10
Part-A (Marks-60)
1 Dhatu: I Yes Yes No
2 Rasa Dhatu: I Yes Yes Yes
3. Rakta Dhatu:. I 18 Yes Yes Yes
4. Mamsa Dhatu: I Yes Yes Yes
5. Meda Dhatu: I Yes Yes Yes
6. Asthi Dhatu: II Yes Yes Yes
7. Majja Dhatu : II Yes Yes Yes
8. Shukra Dhatu: II 19 Yes Yes Yes
9 Concept of Ashraya-Ashrayi bhava II Yes Yes No
10. Ojas: II Yes Yes Yes
11. Upadhatu:
II Yes Yes Yes
12. Mala:
Mutra: III 23 Yes Yes Yes
13 Indriya vidnyan: III Yes Yes Yes
14 Manas: III Yes Yes Yes
15 Atma: III Yes Yes No
16 Nidra & Swapna: III Yes Yes No
Part-B (Marks-40)

1 Haemopoetic system: I Yes Yes Yes

2 Immunity: I 18 Yes Yes No
3 Physiology of cardio-vascular system: I Yes Yes Yes
4 Muscle physiology: II Yes Yes No
5 Adipose tissue: II Yes Yes No
6 Physiology of male and female reproductive II Yes Yes Yes
7 Physiology of Excretion: III 15 Yes Yes Yes
8 Special Senses, Sleep and Dreams: III Yes Yes Yes

66 Kriya Sharir, I BAMS(Ayurvedacharya), NCISM

6 G- Question paper blue print

Paper I


Question Sr. No Type of Question Question Paper Format
.Q1 Multiple choice MCQ no. Topic No
Questions 1. Topic number part A 1
(MCQ) 2. Topic number part A 2
3. Topic number part A 3
20 Questions
4. Topic number part A 4
1 mark each 5. Topic number part A 4
6. Topic number part A 5
All compulsory 7. Topic number part A 6
8. Topic number part A 7
9. Topic number part A 8
10. Topic number part A 9
Must know part -
11. Topic number part A 9
15 MCQ
12. Topic number part A 10
Desirable to know -
13. Topic number part A 11
14. Topic number part A 12
Nice to know part -
15. Topic number part A 12
16. Topic number part B 1
17. Topic number part B 2
18. Topic number part B 3
19. Topic number part B 4
20. Topic number part B 5
Q2 Short answer 1. Topic no. Part A 1/ Topic no. Part A 2/ Topic no. Part A 3
2. Topic no. Part A 4/ Topic no. Part A 5/ Topic no. Part A 6
Eight Questions 3. Topic no. Part A 7/Topic no. Part A 8
5 Marks Each
4. Topic no. Part A 9/Topic no. Part A 10
All compulsory
5. Topic no. Part A 11/ Topic no. Part A 12/
Must know - 7
6. Topic no. Part B 1/ Topic no. Part B 2/
Desirable to know - 7. Topic no. Part B 3
1 SAQ 8. Topic no. Part B 4/ Topic no. Part B 5
No questions on
Kice to know

Q3 Long answer 1. Topic no. Part A 4/ Topic no. Part A 5/ Topic no. Part A 6
2. Topic no. Part A 9/ Topic no. Part A 10/ Topic no. Part A 11/

67 Kriya Sharir, I BAMS(Ayurvedacharya), NCISM

Four Questions Topic no. Part A 12
10 marks each
3. Topic no. Part B 1/ Topic no. Part B 2/ Topic no. Part B 3
All compulsory
4. Topic no. Part B 4/ Topic no. Part B 5
All questions on
must know. No
Questions on
Nice to know and
Desirable to know

Paper II


Question Sr. No Type of Question Question Paper Format

.Q1 Multiple choice MCQ no. Topic no.

Questions 1. Topic number part A 1/2
(MCQ) 2. Topic number part A 3
3. Topic number part A 4/5
20 Questions
4. Topic number part A 6
1 mark each 5. Topic number part A 7
6. Topic number part A 8
All compulsory 7. Topic number part A 9/10
8. Topic number part A 11
9. Topic number part A 12
10. Topic number part A 13/14/15/16
Must know part -
11. Topic number part B 1
15 MCQ
12. Topic number part B 2
Desirable to know -
13. Topic number part B 3
14. Topic number part B 4
Nice to know part -
15. Topic number part B 5
16. Topic number part B 6
17. Topic number part B 6
18. Topic number part B 7
19. Topic number part B 7
20. Topic number part B 8
Q2 Short answer 1. Topic no. Part A 1/ Topic no. Part A 2/ Topic no. Part A 3/
Topic no. Part A 4/ Topic no. Part A 5
Eight Questions 2. Topic no. Part A 6/ Topic no. Part A 7/ Topic no. Part A 8/
5 Marks Each
Topic no. Part A 9/ Topic no. Part A 10
All compulsory
3. Topic no. Part A 11/ Topic no. Part A 12
4. Topic no. Part A 13/ Topic no. Part A 14/ Topic no. Part A 15
Must know - 7

68 Kriya Sharir, I BAMS(Ayurvedacharya), NCISM

Desirable to know - Topic no. Part A 16
1 SAQ 5. Topic no. Part B 1/ Topic no. Part B 2/ Topic no. Part B 3/
No questiona
on Nice to know 6. Topic no. Part B 4/ Topic no. Part B 5
7. Topic no. Part B 6/ Topic no. Part B 8
8. Topic no. Part B 7
Q3 Long answer 1. Topic no. Part A 2/ Topic no. Part A 3/ Topic no. Part A 4/
Topic no. Part A 5
Four Questions 2. Topic no. Part A 6/ Topic no. Part A 7/ Topic no. Part A 8/
10 marks each
Topic no. Part A 10
All compulsory
3. Topic no. Part A 11/ Topic no. Part A 12/ Topic no. Part A 13/
All questions on
Topic no. Part A 14
Must know. No
Questions on 4. Topic no. Part B 1/ Topic no. Part B 2/ Topic no. Part B 3
Nice to know and
Desirable to know

6 H Distribution of Practical Exam

(Practical 100 +Viva 70+ IA 30) = (Total 200 Marks)

SN Heads Topic Marks

A Practical
1 Spotting Spotting (including two problem-based test) 10 Marks
1. Histology slide
2. ECG report (counting heart rate etc.)
3. Blood report (normal-abnormal values and
4. Photograph of prakruti character.
5. Problem based sara/agni parikshan.
6. Case of vrudhhi kshay lakshan.
7. Aplicability of one spot used in haematological
8. Identify the difference between two things & use.
9. Model based
10. Human experiment related

2 Ayu. Practical Performance based components. (Take only one practical 40 Marks
separately OR make combination of few components of more
than one practical)
Ayurveda practical -
Prakriti parikshana (Self / volunteer / patients)

69 Kriya Sharir, I BAMS(Ayurvedacharya), NCISM

Sara parikshana
Agni & koshtha parikshana
Dosha vrddhi-kshaya lakshana/
Dhatu vriddhi -kshaya Lakshana
3 Lab. Practical Laboratory practical 30 Marks
(Hb, BT, CT, Blood group, Urine exam) Human physiology
practical (pulse examination, BP, heart sounds, reflexes)
4 Project work Project work (Activity based) 10 Marks
5 Practical Practical Record 10 Marks
Total 100 Marks
B Viva Voce General viva voce based on Ayurveda (20), 70 Marks
Viva on instruments (20),
Structured viva on Part B (refer Table 2)(10),
Recitation of verses (15), and
Communication skill (5)
C IA Internal Assessment 30 Marks
Total Marks 200 Marks

70 Kriya Sharir, I BAMS(Ayurvedacharya), NCISM

7. References / Resourses
• Ayurvediya Kriyasharir - Ranjit Rai Desai
• Kayachikitsa Parichaya - C. Dwarikanath
• Prakrit Agni Vigyan - C. Dwarikanath
• Sharir Kriya Vigyan - Shiv Charan Dhyani
• Abhinava Sharir Kriya Vigyana - Acharya Priyavrata Sharma
• Dosha Dhatu Mala Vigyana - Shankar Gangadhar Vaidya
• Prakrita Dosha Vigyana - Acharya Niranjana Dev
• Tridosha Vigyana - Shri Upendranath Das
• Sharira Tatva Darshana - Hirlekar Shastri
• Prakrita Agni Vigyana - Niranjana Dev
• Deha Dhatvagni Vigyana - Vd. Pt. Haridatt Shastri
• Sharir Kriya Vigyana (Part 1-2) - Acharya Purnchandra Jain
• Abhinava Sharir Kriya Vigyana - Dr. Shiv Kumar Gaur
• Pragyogik Kriya Sharir - Acharya P.C. Jain
• Kaya Chikitsa- Ramraksha Pathak
• Kaya Chikitsa Parichaya - Dr. C. Dwarkanath
• Concept of Agni - Vd. Bhagwan Das
• Purush Vichaya - Acharya V.J. Thakar
• Kriya Sharir - Prof. Yogesh Chandra Mishra
• Sharira Kriya Vijnana (Part 1 and 2) – Nandini Dhargalkar
• Sharir Kriya Vigyana - Prof. Jayaram Yadav & Dr. Sunil Verma.
• Kriya Sharir mcq – Dr. Kiran Tawalare
• Basic Principles of Kriya-Sharir (A treatise on Ayurvedic Physiology) - Dr. Srikant Kumar Panda
• Sharir Kriya – Part I & Part II – Dr. Ranade, Dr. Deshpande & Dr. Chobhe
• Human Physiology in Ayurveda - Dr Kishor Patwardhan
• Textbook of Physiology - Gyton & Hall
• Review of medical physiology – William Ganong
• Essentials of Medical Physiology - Sembulingam, K.
• Concise Medical Physiology - Chaudhari, Sujit. K.
• Fundamental of Anatomy & Physiology - Martini
• Principals of Anatomy & Physiology - Tortora & Grabowski
• Human Physiology - Richards, Pocock
• Samson Wrights Applied Physiology, Keele, Neil, joels
• Ayurveda Kriya Sharira - Yogesh Chandra Mishra
• Textbook of Medical Physiology - Indu Khurana
• Tridosha Theory - Subrahmanya Shastri
• Dosha Dhatu Mala vigyan – S. G. Vartak
• Purush Vichaya – Jayanad Thakar
• All Samhitas.
• Ayurvediya Shabda kosha.
• Vachaspatyam
• Shabdakalpadrum
• Monir Williams Sanskrit dictionary.

71 Kriya Sharir, I BAMS(Ayurvedacharya), NCISM

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