Presentation1 Single Plate Clutch

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Topic – Introduction of single plate clutch
(AU- 503A)


• 1.

• 2.
• What is Single Plate Clutch
• Parts of a Single Plate Clutch:-
a. Flywheel,
b. pressure plate,
c. Clutch plate or disk plate,
d. friction lining,
e. and the spring.
• Working Principle of Single Plate Clutch
• Applications of Single Plate Clutch
• Advantages of Single Plate Clutch
• Disadvantages of Single Plate Clutch
Definition of single plate clutch
• A Single Plate Clutch is defined as a type of friction clutch,
which is made of a single clutch plate. The amount of frictional
force that generates within the clutch plate due to the contact
that takes place between the friction lining which is mounted
on the clutch plate.
• Also, the earlier component regarding the mechanism of a
clutch plate is the flywheel, which is fixed on the crankshaft of
an engine. Apart from that, the flywheel rotates with respect
to the rotation of the shaft. Every clutch plate’s basic working
principle depends upon the frictional force that arises within
the clutch plate.
• The main reason behind the frictional force is the
friction lining, which plays a significant role in regards
to the same. The friction lining can be mounted by
the manufacturer on both sides of the plate.
• Apart from that, a single plate clutch can also be
termed as a dry clutch due to which any sort of
lubricant is not needed for the seamless functioning
of the clutch. The coefficient of friction occurs due to
the contact between friction lining, which is very
high in the case of a single-plate clutch.
Parts of a Single Plate Clutch
Mainly, a clutch is made of several components like
Pressure plate, flywheel, disk plate, friction lining, and the
Therefore, the major components of
a clutch regarding its mechanism are stated below briefly.

a. Flywheel,
b. pressure plate,
c. flywheel,
d. clutch plate or disk plate,
e. friction lining,
f. spring
Fig.1 Single Plate Clutch
• The earlier part that can be utilized by a
manufacturer in order to develop a clutch is the
flywheel. The flywheel is the heaviest part among all
the parts that incorporated within a clutch.
• In regards to this, the flywheel is attached with the
crankshaft and another side of the flywheel made
contact with the grasp-plate. Apart from that, the
flywheel is the part that decides the amount of time,
should be taken by the entire mechanism, regarding
engagement and disengagement.
• Due to the contact with the grasping plate, a high
amount of torque oftentimes arises due to which the
engagement takes place within the vehicle.
Pressure Plate
• The main frictional force controlling part is the Pressure plate.
The pressure plate is usually attached to the plate of solid metal.
It takes the help of weight to maintain contact.
• In this regard, the pressure plate uses springs, which are joined
with the pressure plate to put the proper amount of weight.
Moreover, the pressure plate controls the contact between the
frictional surfaces of the grasp- plate and the flywheel to
maintain the amount of frictional force.
Friction Lining
• It is the main part of the contact from which the
frictional force produces. Friction lining is attached to
the grasp-plate, in the both of the sides of it. Along
with that, friction lining creates contact with the
flywheel and thus creates a frictional force at the time
of rotation.
• With the help of this force, the torque produces. The
frictional lining can also be termed as Frictional
Surface. Apart from that, the frictional lining is made of
some special type of metal which is the high coefficient
in nature and never slips and made by the friction
Clutch Plate

• The clutch plate is the most important part of a

clutch. It is the main part also. Apart from that,
the clutch plate is made of a thin plate of metals.
It consists of frictional lining on both sides of it.
• Moreover, the clutch plate fully depends on the
working principle of the friction lining. The clutch
plate only rotates and the attached friction
surface can be used to build the friction with the
flywheel to produce friction, as well as torque. A
clutch plate is also known as Clutch Disk.
• Springs are connected with the pressure plate with the help
of the bolts. These springs usually help the clutch plate to
make contact with the flywheel to produce friction and as
well as torque.
• Moreover, the pressure plate puts weight on the springs
that are attached to the pressure plate. Then the springs
maintain the flywheel to move forward or backward from
the clutch plate’s Frictional Surface to maintain the amount
of force that is created by the friction.
• So high coefficient friction is also maintained and the
proper amount of torque is produced. Apart from that,
these springs cannot be slipped.
Thrust Ball Bearing

• The thrust ball bearing is the main part that

helps in the rotation of the clutch plate and
the flywheel also. It is usually made of some
small bearing balls in a circular ring. It can be
used in low thrust. Moreover, it helps to
produce the rotation between two parts to
maintain the low axial loads as low thrust is
Working Principle of Single Plate Clutch:

• The entire working principle of a Single plate

clutch depends upon two distinct areas those
are disengagement and engagement.
Therefore, the below section briefly discusses
the two mechanisms, one is engagement and
another one is disengagement.
• Engagement
• Disengagement
Fig.1 Single Plate Clutch
1. At first, the clutch plate is placed in its proper position,
between the flywheel and the pressure plate.
2. The main three parts start to rotate with the help of thrust ball
3. The springs are connected with the pressure plate. In this
regard, the pressure plate puts the weight on the springs
according to the necessity.
4. Springs can control the contact of the friction lining of the
clutch plate and the flywheel.
5. The friction surface or friction lining turns to rotate with the
contact of the flywheel and thus friction can be produced.
6. The clutch becomes engaged.
7. The clutch plate is attached to the clutch shaft which is in
contact with the gear-box of a vehicle.
8. Hence, the power transfers to the gearbox from the shaft.
1. At first, the pressure plates remove its contact pressure
from the springs. As a result, the springs moved backward
from the clutch plate.
2. The flywheel also comes back from the clutch plate.
3. Hence, the clutch plate becomes free from the pressure
plate and the flywheel.
4. The friction surfaces are not in contact now with the
flywheel and pressure plate.
5. In this regard, the clutch shaft reduces its speed of
rotation as the weight reduced.
6. At last, the rotation of the clutch shaft is stopped.
7. Therefore, the clutch is disengaged.
Applications of Single Plate Clutch:
• Single Plate Clutches are used in various filed like:
• In the automotive industry, a single plate clutch can be used by most of the
vehicles around the globe. Due to the large radial shape of the single-plate
clutch, it is mostly used in large vehicles as compared to small ones, such as
buses, cars, trucks mainly use a single plate clutch.
• This type of clutch does not require any lubricant for cooling. But, behind this,
another reason is present. Due to the large size of a single plate clutch amount of
heat dissipation takes place significantly. Therefore, oil or lubricant is not needed
to cool the plate.
• Due to the high coefficient of friction, most of the vehicles use a single plate
clutch. The amount of the coefficient of friction is more than 0.3.
• Apart from that, the amount of torque generation is also very high as compared
to a wet clutch due to which this type of clutch can mostly be used in a big
• But, in regards to the application of a single plate clutch, the user has to prevent
the contamination. Also, the moisture that presents within the plate should be
prevented by the user through sealing the ports.
Advantages of Single Plate Clutch:
• In regard to the functions, the single plate clutch is very good. Because of its quick
response to the operation of the single-plate clutch, users should use the single-
plate clutch.
• The heat can be generated by the clutch due to the frictional force that damages
the other parts which help in the process of power transmission.
• As the single plate clutch creates less heat so no coolant medium is needed for
cooling the system. So, this clutch can also be termed as the dry clutch. No extra
charge for the coolant is required.
• In the case of the single-plate clutch, the torque is less as it can perform at a
certain range. In order to this limitation, if the input force exceeds the required
torque, then the slippage takes place between the contact surface and plate of the
clutch. Due to this incident, the single plate clutch performs like a safety
mechanism that works as safeguards and helps the other parts from being
• The performance of engagement and disengagement of the plate is smooth. So the
single plate clutch can perform its work smoothly.
• As the torque is low, so the loss of power is also less. Due to, less power loss, it is
safe for the engines to perform the work smoothly
Disadvantages of Single Plate Clutch:

• The single-plate clutch needs no cooling medium. So, this

clutch is dry. Due to this dryness, high maintenance is
also required. Due to the dryness, the moisture damages
the clutch. If any leakage occurs, then the moisture
damages the clutch plate. So, the lubricating oil is
required to prevent the damage of moisture.
• The diameter of the single-plate clutch is bigger in shape
and size. It is also bigger in regard to the transmission of
low torque that can be created by the single-plate clutch.
• The single-plate clutch has less capability of transmission
of torque. The capacity of low torque is also one of the
major disadvantages of the single-plate clutch.

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