2.0. Field Attachment Report: Makerere University

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Field Attachment Report

Every student shall be required to produce a field attachment report at the end of the exercise, which
report should be checked and signed by both the Field and University Supervisors. It should be well
written in good English and systematically organised following the format below:

2.1. Preliminary Pages

i. Cover page - should be neatly laid down and formatted taking the example below:




(Name of Place of Attachment)
Field Attachment Period (June - August .................)

Field attachment Report submitted to the School of computing and Informatics Technology
In Partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of (state your Programme) of Makerere
University Kampala
(Name & Signature of Student)

Name & Sign of Academic Supervisor .......................................................................


Name & Sign of Field Supervisor ........................................................................

(Stamp & Date)

ii. Declaration Page-the student should confirm the authenticity/ originality of the report and
own it as his/hers, with indication that due acknowledgement was accordingly done in form of
citations, quotations and references to other people’s ideas/work where used.
iii. Acknowledgement page - the student should acknowledge those who contributed the successful
completion of his/her field attachment/ internship
iv. Abstract - This provides the key issues of the students work and experiences,
lessons learnt challenges, conclusions and recommendations. This should be brief and to point,
but with the ability to highlight to the reader the picture of the main report.
v. Table of contents - This should show the contents of the report by chapters, sections and
subsections with the page numbers on which such content is found in the report
vi. List of Figures - Every figure in the report should have its caption at its bottom, and such
captions should be listed here with the page numbers on which the respective figures are found/
indicated. Such figures shall be numbered indicating their titles, and the numbering should
follow the chapter numbers e.g. Figure 2.1 meaning figure 1 in Chapter 2.
vii. List of Tables - All tables should be numbered and headed just like figures above, and listed on
the tables’ page reflecting the respective page numbers.
viii. List of acronyms/ Abbreviations - Abbreviations and acronyms used in the report should be
listed and their full meaning reflected/ given.

2.2. The Main Report

This should be arranged in chapters/ Sections and presented coherently with maturity in the way and
style of writing. The different chapters or sections should include:

2.2.1. Chapter One: Introduction

1.1. Introduction -Give a brief description of your field report indicating what it is about, place of
attachment and period, and what the report presents/ covers in order to give direction to the
1.2. Background of the Field Attachment - Try to give meaning to Field attachment and its intention
and thus your involvement
1.3. Objectives of the Field Attachment
1.4. Background of the Organisation of Field Attachment - Describe the company/organisation,
the nature of the business, its vision, mission, goal and objectives. Also describe the operations
of the organisation/ company
1.5. Organisational culture - describe the organisation’s values, beliefs and practices members
cherish and which define and give identity to the organisation
1.6. The structure of the organisation
1.7. The main activities of the organisation and ongoing IT projects

2.2.2. Chapter Two: Student’s Experiences

2.1. Title or Position occupied in an organisation

2.2. Duties and responsibilities
2.3. Supervision levels and relationship with Supervisor
2.4. Work Team and its composition - (by positions and not individual names)
2.5. Working Relationship among team members/ other staff

3.0. Chapter Three: Evaluation on Field Attachment

3.1. Level of Accomplishment of duties and responsibilities assigned

3.2. New knowledge and skills gained in each of the duties and responsibilities
3.3. Most interesting experiences
3.4. Relatedness of University’s taught programmes to the Field of work
3.5. Challenges faced and how managed - (both work related & organisational factors & from an
individual perspective)
3.6. Benefits derived from Field Attachment
3.7. Adequacy in University’s preparing the student for Field Attachment
3.8. Preparedness of the Agency to receive and manage Students for Field Attachment
3.9 Career Motivation

4.0. Chapter Four: Conclusions and Recommendations

1. Conclusions - emphasise your important points in the report including strengths and weaknesses
2. Recommendations - This part should include recommendations to strengthen the Field
Attachment/ internship programme as part of the curriculum at Makerere University; as well as
for improvement of service delivery at your place of attachment. Recommendations can also
focus on advising other students for future Internship/ Field Attachment.


All cited sources of information/ material used in the field attachment report should be listed using
academically acceptable style (either American Psychological Association (APA) or Harvard style of


Any other additional material providing further information to the report should be appended and
labelled accordingly. These could be tables, photographs, Charts.

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