1 Variability of Concrete Mix
1 Variability of Concrete Mix
1 Variability of Concrete Mix
(21CET-620) Advanced Concrete Technology
(ME Structures)
Causes of strength variability
Concrete is generally produced in in batches at the site.
Quantities of different materials added in concrete vary
from batch to batch.
Magnitude of variation depends on several factors.
Such as
1. Variation in the quality of the constituent materials.
2. Variation in mix proportions due to batching process.
Causes of strength variability
3. Variation in the quality of batching and mixing
equipment available.
4. The quality of overall workmanship and supervision
at the site.
Other Factors Causing Variation are:-
Other Factors Causing Variation
Concrete undergoes a number of operations such as
And curing
During these operations considerable variation
occurs partly due to quality of plant available and
partially due to difference in the efficency of the
of the technique used.
Causes of strength variability
So we can say that there is no unique attributes to
define the concrete in specific way.
Under such situation the concrete is generally
referred as good, fair or poor quality.
As a result it is necessary to define the quality in
terms of desired performance characteristics,
economics, aesthetics, safety and other factors.
Due to large number of variables influencing the
performance of concrete, quality control becomes
very important task very important task .
Causes of strength variability
As concrete has to serve the dual needs of safety
(under ultimate loads) and serviceability (under
working loads) including durability.
These needs vary from one situation and the type
of construction.
Therefore the uniform standards valid for the
general application to all the works may not be
Aim of Quality Control
To reduce the above variations as mentioned
above and to produce a uniform material providing
the characteristics desirable for the job envisaged.
Therefore the quality control is a corporate,
dynamic programme to assure that all the aspects
of the materials, equipment and workmanship are
well looked after.
The tasks and goals in the area are properly set
and defined in the specifications and control
Aim of Quality Control cont…
The specifications have to state clearly and
explicitly the steps and the requirements and
adherence to which would result in a construction
of an acceptable quality.
Construction procedures should therefore be
The probability based specifications containing
allowable tolerances on its attributes is more
rational and is preferred.
Aim of Quality Control cont…
Quality control is conformity to the specifications,
no more or less.
The most practical method of effective quality
control is to check what is done in totality to
conform to the specifications. As the owner has no
right to expect anything more what is in the
The builder on the other hand knows that anything
less than what is in the specification will not be
acceptable to the owner.
Quiz 2
1. Causes of variability of strength of concrete are due to
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