WEEK 27 DLL basedonMELCS
WEEK 27 DLL basedonMELCS
WEEK 27 DLL basedonMELCS
CONTENT STANDARD: The child demonstrates an understanding of the sense of quantity and numeral relations, that addition results in increase and subtraction results in decrease.
PERFORMANCE STANDARD: The child shall be able to perform simple addition and subtraction of up to 10 objects or pictures/drawings.
MOST ESSENTIAL LEARNING COMPETENCY: Count objects with one-to-one correspondence up to quantities of 10 (MKC-00-7)
Count the crayons up to Count the pencils up to Count the coins up to quantity Count the paper or plastic Count the candies up to
quantity 10. quantity 10. 10. cups up to quantity 10. quantity 10.
ASSESSMENT The teacher will observe if the The teacher will observe if the The teacher will observe if the The teacher will observe if the The teacher will observe if the
INSTRUCTION learners can count correctly. learners can count correctly. learners can count correctly. learners can count correctly. learners can count correctly.
TEACHER-SUPERVISED Target Letter Vv Target Letter Vv Target Letter Vv Target Letter Vv Target Letter Vv
ASSESSMENT The teacher will observe if the The teacher will observe if the The teacher will observe if the The teacher will observe if the The teacher will observe if the
INSTRUCTION learners are able to name learners are able to produce learners are able to produce learners are able to name learners are able to make
each pictures, identify the the sound of letter Vv, and the sound of letter Vv and each pictures and write the Letter Vv collage.
beginning letter of each mold the clay. write letter Vv legibly. beginning letter to complete
picture words, produce the the word.
sound of letter Vv and spot
the letter Vv.
QUESTIONS/ACTIVITIES What is the sound of letter Show to the class the letter Vv What is the sound of letter Read the words that start with Show to the class the Letter
Vv? using the clay. Vv? letter Vv Vv Collage
STORY TIME Read the story entitled “Araw sa Palengke”
Sing the song: Oras na ng Kwentuhan by Teacher Cleo
ASSESSMENT The teacher will ask the learners questions related to the story.
INDEPENDENT ACTIVITIES Numerals 0-10 Numerals 0-10 Numerals 0-10 Numerals 0-10 Numerals 0-10
1. Counting objects 1. Counting objects 1. Counting objects 1. Counting objects 1. Counting objects
game: Number 0-10 game: Number 0-10 game: Number 0-10 game: Number 0-10 game: Number 0-10
2. Number Flashcards 2. Number Flashcards 2. Number Flashcards 2. Number Flashcards 2. Number Flashcards
0-10 0-10 0-10 0-10 0-10
3. Matching Name- 3. Writing Numerals and 3. Which Card is 3. Identifying the 3. Numeral 0-10
Numeral: (0-10) Number Names missing? Identifying numerals before, after Worksheet
the missing number in or between.
a series of numbers
ASSESSMENT The teacher will observe if the The teacher will observe if the The teacher will observe if the The teacher will observe if the The teacher will observe if the
INSTRUCTION learners are able to count 0- learners are able to count 0- learners are able to arrange learners are able to write the learners are able to answer
10. 10 and write the numerals in the numerals 0-10 in order. number before, after or the activity about numerals 0-
symbols and in words. between a given numbers up 10.
to 10.
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