Predictores Esquizofrenia en PEP
Predictores Esquizofrenia en PEP
Predictores Esquizofrenia en PEP
DOI 10.1007/s00787-014-0593-0
Joost Janssen • Inmaculada Baeza • Francisco Del Pozo • Manuel Desco • Celso Arango
Abstract Identifying early-onset schizophrenia spectrum SSD classifier to select and rank the input variables with
disorders (SSD) at a very early stage remains challenging. the highest predictive value for a diagnostic outcome of
To assess the diagnostic predictive value of multiple types SSD. After validation with a test set and considering all
of data at the emergence of early-onset first-episode psy- baseline variables together, the SSD vs. non-SSD, SSD vs.
chosis (FEP), various support vector machine (SVM) HC and non-SSD vs. HC classifiers achieved an accuracy
classifiers were developed. The data were from a 2-year, of 0.81, 0.99 and 0.99, respectively. Regarding the SSD vs.
prospective, longitudinal study of 81 patients (age non-SSD classifier, a combination of baseline clinical
9–17 years) with early-onset FEP and a stable diagnosis variables (severity of negative, disorganized symptoms and
during follow-up and 42 age- and sex-matched healthy hallucinations or poor insight) and neuropsychological
controls (HC). The input was different combinations of variables (impaired attention, motor coordination, and
baseline clinical, neuropsychological, magnetic resonance global cognition) showed the highest predictive value for a
imaging brain volumetric and biochemical data, and the diagnostic outcome of SSD. Neuroimaging and biochemi-
output was the diagnosis at follow-up (SSD vs. non-SSD, cal variables at baseline did not add to the predictive value.
SSD vs. HC, and non-SSD vs. HC). Enhanced recursive Thus, comprehensive clinical/cognitive assessment
feature elimination was performed for the SSD vs. non- remains the most reliable approach for differential diag-
nosis during early-onset FEP. SVMs may constitute
promising multivariate tools in the search for predictors of
Electronic supplementary material The online version of this diagnostic outcome in FEP.
article (doi:10.1007/s00787-014-0593-0) contains supplementary
material, which is available to authorized users.
Eur Child Adolesc Psychiatry
Keywords Early-onset psychosis Schizophrenia and To date, numerous clinical and biological variables have
disorders with psychotic features Diagnosis Child and been studied during the FEP with regard to their diagnostic
adolescent psychiatry Support vector machines predictive value for SSD. For example, clinical variables
such as history of obstetric complications [12], the pre-
sence of negative symptoms [9, 13], or poor general
Introduction functioning [8, 14] at onset of the illness are good clinical
predictors of an SSD diagnostic outcome both in adult and
Psychotic disorders are among the leading causes of dis- adolescent samples. Among neuropsychological variables,
ease burden in adolescents and young people [1, 2]. The executive function impairments in FEP patients seem to be
rapid distinction between schizophrenia spectrum disorders good predictors of schizophrenia both in adult [15] and
(SSD) and other psychotic disorders such as bipolar dis- adolescent samples [16]. Regarding neuroimaging vari-
order is thus an important challenge for child and adoles- ables, prefrontal, cingulate, insular and cerebellar gray
cent psychiatrists, since it may enable early optimization of matter (GM) volume reductions have been associated with
treatment and accurate use of prognostic statements [3]. conversion to psychosis in individuals at high risk of
However, this could prove extremely difficult in patients psychosis [17], and GM deficits in the prefrontal cortex,
with first episodes of psychosis (FEP), particularly in early- insula, amygdala or hippocampus have been associated
onset cases, for a number of reasons. First, although the with a diagnosis of schizophrenia (but not bipolar disorder)
clinical approach to psychosis is evolving towards a both in FEP and chronic patients [18–20]. Lastly, low
dimensional model [4], symptom-based categorical classi- antioxidant status during early-onset FEP has been
fication of patients is still the basis for diagnosis during a described both in patients with schizophrenia and bipolar
FEP [5, 6]; however, differential diagnosis might be disorder, while reduced plasma levels of glutathione were
hampered by the lack of specificity of symptoms at this only found in those patients with schizophrenia [21].
stage (e.g. positive psychotic symptoms may be shared by Despite the increasing body of literature, the reported
SSD, bipolar disorder and other psychotic disorders). predictive weight of the above-mentioned variables has
Second, categorical classifications require a temporal cri- been too small to have diagnostic value for SSD [22, 23].
terion for a diagnosis of SSD or other psychotic disorders The main caveats of predictive studies to date include (1)
[5, 6]. Therefore, the initial diagnosis can shift during the use of relatively small samples of patients that do not
follow-up [7–9]. For these reasons, the stability of diag- allow for subdivision of patients into diagnostic groups
nosis in FEP patients is very low (around 60 %) [7–10]. within psychosis, (2) the inclusion of chronic (instead of
Third, SSD and other disorders such as bipolar disorder first-episode) patients, (3) the use of traditional multivariate
with psychotic symptoms share not only symptomatic statistical approaches such as linear discriminant analysis
features but also many cognitive and biological features (LDA) or logistic regression (LR), and (4) the fact that
and risk factors [11]. most studies have focused on a specific measurement or a
A. M. Gonzalez-Pinto M. Rapado-Castro
International Mood Disorders Research Centre. Hospital Melbourne Neuropsychiatry Centre, The University of
Santiago Apóstol, Universidad del Paı́s Vasco, CIBERSAM, Melbourne, Melbourne, Australia
Olaguı́bel 29, 01004 Vitoria, Spain
J. Janssen
I. Bombin Brain Center Rudolf Magnus, Department of Psychiatry,
Reintegra: Neuro-Rehabilitation Center, Eduardo de Fraga University Medical Center Utrecht, Heidelberglaan 100,
Torrejón 4, 33011 Oviedo, Spain 3584 CX Utrecht, The Netherlands
I. Bombin M. Desco
Department of Psychology, Universidad de Oviedo, University Department of Experimental Medicine, Hospital General
of Oviedo, CIBERSAM, Plaza Feijóo, 33003 Oviedo, Spain Universitario Gregorio Marañón. IiSGM, CIBERSAM,
Ibiza 43, 28009 Madrid, Spain
M. Graell
Section of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and Psychology, M. Desco
Hospital Infantil Universitario Niño Jesús, CIBERSAM, Av de Bioengineering and Aerospace Engineering Department,
Menéndez Pelayo 65, 28009 Madrid, Spain Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, Av de la Universidad 30,
28911 Leganés, Madrid, Spain
B. Paya
Child and Adolescent Mental Health Unit, Department of
Psychiatry and Psychology, Hospital Universitario Marqués de
Valdecilla, CIBERSAM, Av Valdecilla, s/n, 39008 Santander,
Eur Child Adolesc Psychiatry
specific source of measurements (e.g. clinical, neuropsy- study of 110 patients with an early-onset FEP and 98 age- and
chological, neuroimaging or biochemical data alone), and sex-matched healthy controls who were recruited from six
have relied on a limited number of variables (e.g. total different sites in Spain. The inclusion criteria for patients
scores or subscores of a particular clinical or neuropsy- were age between 7 and 17 years at the initial evaluation and
chological scale). Other fields of medicine have demon- a first psychotic episode following DSM-IV criteria [5] (the
strated that clinical prediction, especially in complex presence of positive symptoms such as delusions and/or
disorders, often requires a combination of multiple mea- hallucinations) of less than 6 months’ duration. The exclu-
surements from different sources [24]. To this end, pre- sion criteria were the presence of a concomitant Axis I dis-
diction methodologies based on high-dimensional order, mental retardation according to DSM-IV criteria [5]
multivariate statistical approaches and including a combi- (i.e. not only an intelligence quotient below 70, but also
nation of multiple clinical and biological data seem to be impaired functioning prior to onset of the disorder), pervasive
needed and could potentially improve prediction accuracy developmental disorders, neurological diseases, history of
[25]. One of these methods is support vector machines head trauma with loss of consciousness, and pregnancy. The
(SVMs), a multivariate pattern recognition approach that inclusion criteria for controls were similar age as patients,
emerges from the field of machine learning [26, 27], which residence in the same geographical areas, and the absence of
enables the following: (1) classification of two diagnostic psychiatric or neurological disorders, head trauma, mental
groups by considering high-dimensional qualitative and retardation, and pregnancy. Sample recruitment and meth-
quantitative variable information from each subject, from odology have been described elsewhere [29].
different sources and at the same time, and (2) description Diagnosis was made according to DSM-IV criteria [5]
of the combination of variables with the highest predictive using the Spanish version of the Kiddie-SADS present and
value for each diagnostic group (i.e. those that contribute lifetime version (K-SADS-PL) instrument [30] at baseline
the most to the discriminating pattern from each diagnostic and at years 1 and 2 by experienced child psychiatrists with
class). Compared to other multivariate pattern analysis specific training for the interview. For the purposes of this
techniques such as LR or LDA, SVMs require fewer study, patients were categorized as ‘SSD’ (diagnosed with
variables to achieve better prediction estimates, perform schizophrenia, schizoaffective disorder, or schizophreni-
better when high-correlation structures are observed in the form disorder during follow-up) or ‘non-SSD’ (diagnosed
data, do not need multiple comparison correction (e.g. false with bipolar disorder, major depressive disorder with psy-
discovery rate [FDR] or Bonferroni correction), and do not chotic symptoms, brief psychotic disorder, or psychotic
impose any a priori assumptions on single variable rele- disorder not otherwise specified during follow-up). Other
vance or data distribution except that they be ‘‘independent authors [9, 14] have grouped schizophrenia, schizoaffective
and identically distributed’’ (iid) [28]. disorder, and schizophreniform disorder together, as they
The aim of this study was to develop an SVM model to all have similar schizophrenia-like psychotic features.
assess the differential predictive values for a diagnostic Clinical and neuropsychological assessments, a mag-
outcome of SSD in a large set of clinical, neuropsycho- netic resonance imaging (MRI) scan and blood samples for
logical, neuroimaging and biochemical data at the emer- oxidative stress determinations were obtained at baseline at
gence of an early-onset FEP. Based on previous literature, all the sites. A complete description of the clinical, neu-
we proposed the following hypotheses: (1) a combination ropsychological, neuroimaging and biochemical assess-
of clinical variables (negative symptoms, premorbid func- ment procedures is provided as Online Resource 1.
tioning), neuropsychological variables (executive func-
tion), and neuroimaging variables (frontal volume) at Selected sample and dataset construction
baseline (i.e. during the FEP) will help us predict a diag-
nostic outcome of SSD, and (2) the SVM model that Subject selection
includes this combination of variables at baseline will
classify with high accuracy FEP patients who will even- Since the outcome variable of this study was a diagnostic
tually be diagnosed with SSD. outcome, only those CAFEPS patients with a stable
K-SADS-based diagnosis at follow-up [i.e. obtained at year
1 (N = 18) or year 2 (N = 63)] were included in the
Subjects and methods analysis. This was done to avoid the problem of diagnostic
instability. In fact, 15 patients (18.5 % of patients included
Procedure in this study) had a diagnostic category at baseline that
shifted during follow-up (Fig. 1).
The child and adolescent first-episode psychosis study Additionally, to include all the available information in
(CAFEPS) is a 2-year, multicenter, prospective, longitudinal the dataset on a subject-by-subject basis, only those
Eur Child Adolesc Psychiatry
Variable preprocessing
subjects with complete or almost complete ([95 %) data Table 1 summarizes the 1,050 baseline variables (747
for the four sets of variables (clinical, neuropsychological, clinical, 81 neuropsychological, 221 neuroimaging and 1
neuroimaging and biochemical variables) were included in biochemical variable) included in the dataset.
the analysis. Variables for which C15 % of the subjects had no
Out of the original CAFEPS sample of 110 patients, 10 information available were excluded from the dataset. The
were excluded because they did not have a stable K-SADS- following variables were therefore excluded: birth weight
based diagnosis at follow-up (since they were lost to fol- and Apgar score, puberal status, the Strauss–Carpenter
low-up before the visit at year 1), 18 were excluded outcomes scale (SCOS) (C15 % of the subjects had no
because they did not have baseline imaging data, and 1 was information available for item number 6), the teacher
excluded because of unavailable neuropsychological version of the strengths and difficulties questionnaire
assessment at baseline. The final sample comprised 81 FEP (SDQ), the parent–adolescent communication inventory
patients (70 % males) with a mean age of (PACI), the early adolescence, late adolescence, and
15.38 ± 1.90 years (range 9–17 years). Of these, 49 adulthood subscales of the Premorbid adjustment scale
patients were categorized as SSD [diagnosed with schizo- (PAS), duration of the disability in the World Health
phrenia (n = 39), schizoaffective disorder (n = 7), or Organization disability assessment schedule (WHO-DAS),
schizophreniform disorder (n = 3) during follow-up], and raw and z scores of the continuous performance test-II
32 as non-SSD [diagnosed with bipolar disorder (n = 20), (CPT), cellular glutathione peroxidase, catalase and
major depressive disorder with psychotic symptoms superoxide dismutase activities, lipid peroxidation and
(n = 5), brief psychotic disorder (n = 2), or psychotic levels of glutathione in plasma.
disorder not otherwise specified (n = 5) during follow-up]. Variables for which \15 % of the subjects had no
To include size-balanced groups in the SVM models, we information available were included in the dataset. For
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controls included in the test set, (4) patients included in the Jackknifing repeats Njackknife times the process of randomly
training set vs. patients included in the test set, (5) controls splitting N subjects into a test set with N/k subjects and a
included in the training set vs. controls included in the test testing set with (k - 1)N/k subjects. The estimation of the
set, (6) patients included and not included in the dataset classifier performance is the average of each repetition’s
and (7) controls included and not included in the dataset. result. This enables a reduction of the variance of the
For discrete categorical variables, Chi square or Fisher’s estimation. In this study Njackknife = 1,000 and k = 5. The
exact tests were used. For quantitative variables, when they performance of each classifier was estimated in terms of
showed a normal distribution (total PANSS score), Stu- accuracy (proportion of correct classifications), sensitivity
dent’s t test was used; when they showed a non-normal (proportion of true positives correctly identified) and
distribution (age, duration of illness and CGAS score), non- specificity (proportion of true negatives correctly
parametric tests (Mann–Whitney U tests) were used. Dif- identified).
ferences of p \ 0.05 were considered significant. All sta- After the training phase, the SVM classifiers were val-
tistical tests were two-tailed and were performed using idated with the previously unseen test dataset (formed by
SPSS for Windows, Version 18.0 [32].’’ the remaining 20 % of the original sample). The perfor-
mance estimates (accuracy, sensitivity and specificity)
Development of the SVM classifiers were again calculated.
Finally to rank all the variables by their predictive
Several SVM models were developed. Within each model, weight for a particular diagnostic outcome and to improve
the output variable was membership in each stable the generalization ability of the classifier, a feature selec-
K-SADS-based diagnostic group (SSD vs. non-SSD, SSD tion phase was performed after the validation phase. The
vs. HC, and non-SSD vs. HC). For the purposes of this feature selection phase enables the removal of irrelevant
study, we focused on the SSD vs. non-SSD model, as SSD and redundant (e.g. highly correlated) features in the
and non-SSD are clinically similar and unstable diagnostic dataset. By selecting those features which discriminate best
groups during the FEP. Thus, it makes sense to use this between groups, it increases the performance of the pre-
model to investigate the combination of variables at an FEP dictive classifier. Feature selection is particularly helpful in
that would help us to predict a stable diagnostic outcome of small sample classification problems, where the number of
SSD. As input variables, we entered a single vector with all available training samples is very small compared to the
the clinical, neuropsychological and biological variables at number of features, as was the case in our study. Specifi-
baseline concatenated (the ‘All variable’ classifier), or a cally enhanced recursive feature elimination (EnRFE), an
single vector with the different set of variables concate- RFE-derived technique, was applied to each of our previ-
nated (the ‘clinical’, ‘neuropsychological’, ‘neuroimaging’ ously validated classifiers. The basic principle of RFE is to
and ‘biochemical’ classifiers). rank and prune the available variables in the classifier using
First, during a training phase, only the training set was the weight of each variable in constructing the SVM
used to compute each SVM classifier. During this phase, decision hyperplane as a ranking criterion [34]. To do so,
the SVM learns from the training set and finds a discrim- standard RFE removes a feature if it is weak or redundant
inating pattern from each diagnostic class (e.g. SSD vs. at a particular step and retains independent and relevant
non-SSD). To do this, the SVM draws an optimal sepa- features. EnRFE is a RFE-derived technique which rede-
rating hyperplane that maximizes the separation between fines the criterion of removing features at each state of the
two groups. Such a hyperplane is based on the subset of training so that redundant or weak features that improve
subjects lying closest to it and hence the most difficult to performance estimates when combined between them or
classify, namely, the support vectors [26, 27]. To control with other relevant features can be retained [35]. In an
possible overfitting (i.e. the inability to generalize what has iterative scheme, the SVM-EnRFE classifier is trained until
been learned to novel data), several strategies were used. a core set of variables with the highest discriminative
First, only linear kernels were used [25, 33]. Second, we power remains. Performance estimates can be again cal-
performed a validation of the different classifiers using two culated for these SVM-EnRFE classifiers through valida-
techniques in the training set: leave one out cross-valida- tion procedures [34]. In our study EnRFE was performed
tion (LOOCV) and jackknifing. Both techniques estimate for all the previously validated SVM classifiers, with the
the ability of the classifier to reliably classify new cases. exception of the ‘Biochemical variable’ classifier, where an
LOOCV is an N-fold cross-validation method that esti- EnRFE technique could not be performed since there was
mates the performance of a classifier by training the only one input variable (total antioxidant status—TAS, see
algorithm with N - 1 subjects and classifying the Nth Table 1). All SVM-EnRFE classifiers were validated using
subject repeatedly for all N subjects. LOOCV is known to LOOCV, jackknifing and the test dataset and performance
provide almost unbiased estimates with moderate variance. estimates were calculated for each of them. Also to assess
Eur Child Adolesc Psychiatry
the statistical significance of the different estimates, per- clinical and cognitive variables at baseline made it possible
mutation testing was performed for each of the SVM and to classify patients into those who will eventually be
SVM-EnRFE classifiers validated with LOOCV and jack- diagnosed with SSD with an accuracy of 0.81, a sensitivity
knifing [36]. Although the development of a single SVM of 0.90, and a specificity of 0.67.
classifier does not require any correction for multiple
comparisons, given that multiple SVMs were generated in
our study (n = 45), critical p values were corrected for Discussion
multiple comparisons using false discovery rate (FDR) type
II (q = 0.5) [37]. All analyses were performed using In the present study, we found that SVMs could be helpful
MATLAB Version (R2011b) and the Statistic multivariate statistical tools in the search for predictors of
Toolbox Version 7.6 (R2011b) [38]. diagnostic outcomes in patients with early-onset FEP. By
grouping together a large amount of clinical, neuropsy-
chological and biological data at baseline (during the FEP),
Results we designed an SVM model that selected a combination of
clinical variables (higher severity of negative symptoms
Sample description at baseline and hallucinations or poorer insight) and neuropsycholog-
ical variables (higher impairment in attention, global cog-
Patients included in the dataset (n = 81) and patients nition, and motor coordination) as those with the highest
excluded from the dataset (n = 29) did not differ signifi- predictive value for a diagnostic outcome of SSD. This
cantly in age, sex, ethnicity, total PANSS score, CGI-S combination of variables classified child and adolescent
score, or CGAS score at baseline. The same was true for FEP patients who would eventually be diagnosed with SSD
the healthy controls included in the dataset (n = 42) and with an accuracy of 0.81. Total antioxidant status or neu-
excluded from the dataset (n = 56) (data available upon roimaging variables such as frontal gray volume were not
request). selected for the best SVM model as they did not provide
Table 2 shows the demographic and clinical character- additional predictive value. Therefore, the assessment of
istics at baseline of the 81 (49 SSD, 32 non-SSD) patients particular clinical and neuropsychological variables can be
and 42 healthy controls who were included in the dataset helpful for guiding differential diagnosis during an early-
and who were assigned either to the training set or to the onset FEP.
test set before the development of the SVM classifiers. SSD To our knowledge, this is the first study to use an SVM
and non-SSD, SSD and controls, and non-SSD and controls model as a multivariate statistical tool to identify particular
included in the original, training or test datasets did not variables from different sources that might predict a diag-
differ significantly in demographic or clinical characteris- nostic outcome of SSD in the early stages of an early-onset
tics (except for a higher CGAS score at baseline in the FEP. Despite the increasing application of SVMs in med-
control groups compared with both patient groups). Neither icine as tools for predicting diagnosis at early stages of
did patients and controls included in the training set nor disease [39–41], their application in psychosis has been
patients and controls included in the test set. limited (Orru, Petterson-Yeo et al. [42] for a review).
Table 3 shows the performance estimates of the SVM- SVMs have been used more as tools to investigate potential
EnRFE classifiers (SSD vs. non-SSD, SSD vs. HC and non- biomarkers for a specific diagnosis in cross-sectional
SSD vs. HC classifiers), considering all variables together studies that only included chronic, well-characterized
or the different sets of variables, and validated with patients. In addition, they have usually used a single source
LOOCV, with jackknifing or with the test set. Among the of data (mainly neuroimaging data) [19, 43–45]. SVMs
SSD vs. non-SSD models, the highest performance esti- have also been used to search for predictors of disease
mates were obtained with the ‘All variable’ classifier val- course in patients with FEP [46] and of transition to psy-
idated with the test set (Table 3). chosis in at-risk individuals [47–49]. However, no studies
For the ‘All-variable-SSD vs. non SSD’ classifier, after had previously used SVMs to search for predictors of
EnRFE and validation with the test set, 243 variables (213 diagnostic outcome in early-onset FEP.
clinical and 30 neurocognitive variables) were selected In our study, the selected predictive variables for a
because of their highest discriminative value for a diag- diagnostic outcome of SSD are to some extent consistent
nostic outcome of SSD. Table 4 shows the main first- with those described in previous longitudinal studies in
ranked variables within this SVM-EnRFE model. Bio- FEP patients using traditional multivariate approaches.
chemical and neuroimaging variables were all ruled out by With regard to clinical variables, history of obstetric
EnRFE, as they did not provide any additional predictive complications [12], the presence of negative symptoms [9,
value within the best SSD model. The combination of 243 13] and poor insight [50] have been described as good
Table 2 Baseline demographic and clinical characteristics of SSD patients, non-SSD patients and controls within the training and the test dataset
Whole dataset (N = 123) p values Training set (N = 99) p values Test set (N = 24) p values p values
(N = 49) (N = 32) (N = 42) vs. vs. HC SSD (N = 39) (N = 26) (N = 34) Non-SSD SSD (N = 10) (N = 6) (N = 8) vs. vs. HC SSD Training
non- vs. HC vs. HC Non- vs. HC vs. All
SSD SSD test seta
Age (years), 15.2 (1.9) 15.6 (1.8) 15.2 (1.5) 0.36 0.46 0.09 15.2 (2.1) 15.5 (1.9) 15.2 (1.5) 0.49 0.61 0.21 15.4 (1.7) 16.0 (1.3) 15.1 (1.2) 0.56 0.52 0.23 0.99
mean (SD) [9–17] [11–17] [12–17] [9–17] [11–17] [12–17] [12–17] [14–17] [13–17]
Male sex, 38 (77.6) 19 (59.4) 29 (69.0) 0.08 0.36 0.39 31 (79.5) 15 (57.7) 24 (70.6) 0.06 0.38 0.29 7 (70.0) 4 (66.7) 5 (62.5) 0.99 0.99 0.99 0.69
N (%)
Ethnicity 43 (87.8) 29 (90.6) 40 (95.2) 0.99 0.28 0.65 34 (87.2) 23 (88.5) 32 (94.1) 0.99 0.44 0.64 9 (90.0) 6 (100.0) 8 (100.0) 0.99 0.99 – 0.69
N (%)
PANSS total 89.4 90.4 – 0.83 – – 89.1 88.8 – 0.95 – – 90.6 97.3 – 0.67 – – 0.47
score, mean (17.8) (24.1) (18.6) (21.6) (15.4) (34.8)
CGAS score, 33.5 34.7 91.9 (4.5) 0.56 <0.001 <0.001 32.3 37.0. 91.8 (4.3) 0.16 <0.001 <0.001 38.2 24.5 92.4 (5.6) 0.15 <0.001 <0.001 0.78
mean (SD) (14.7) (14.9) (13.2) (14.8) (19.9) (11.8)
Duration of 70.9 54.7 – 0.20 – – 72.1 62.4 – 0.49 – – 66.7 21.3 (9.9) – 0.12 – – 0.25
illness (52.6) (47.0) (53.6) (48.9) (51.1) [10–30]
(days), mean [2–180] [5–180] [2–180] [5–180] [8–150]
(SD), [range]
Antipsychotic 47 (95.9) 32 (100) – 0.52 – – 37 (94.9) 26 (100) – 0.51 – – 10 6 (100.0) – – – – 0.99
treatment, (100.0)
N (%)
Subjects per 25/8/0/3/ 16/4/5/2/ 27/1/3/3/ 0.06 0.06 0.32 19/6/0/3/ 14/2/5/2/ 22/0/3/3/ 0.04 0.03 0.34 6/2/0/0/2 2/2/0/0/2 5/1/0/0/2 0.59 0.90 0.51 0.13
site, N Site 13 5 8 11 3 6 (1 < 2 at (1 > 3 at
1/2/3/4/5 site 3) site 2)
In all cells, % refers to percentages (within columns) of participants. For qualitative variable comparisons, Chi square test (v2) (Fisher’s exact test when needed) was used. For quantitative variable comparisons, when they showed a normal distribution
(total PANSS score), Student’s t test was used; when they showed a non-normal distribution (age, duration of illness and CGAS score), non-parametric tests (Mann–Whitney U tests) were used. Statistically significant p values in bold
CGAS children’s global assessment scale, PANSS positive and negative symptom scale
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Table 3 Performance estimates of the SVM-En RFE classifiers after validation with LOOCV, with jackknifing and with the test dataset
Baseline variablesa SSD vs. non-SSD (N = 49 vs. 32) SSD vs. HC (N = 49 vs. 42) Non-SSD vs. HC (N = 32 vs. 42)
acc sens spec acc sens spec acc sens spec
predictors of diagnosis outcome or diagnostic shift to with a diagnostic outcome of SSD, whereas a previous
schizophrenia both in adult and adolescent samples. Fur- study by our group did not find an association between
thermore positive symptoms such as hallucinations are family communication skills (assessed using the Parent-
usually more frequent and severe in SSD patients than in Adolescent Communication Inventory—PACI) and 1-year
patients with other psychotic disorders [51]. Lower severity diagnosis of schizophrenia or bipolar disorder [53]. Fur-
of depressive symptoms also predicted a diagnostic out- thermore, we found that being prescribed risperidone or
come of SSD in our sample, as it predicted change of aripiprazole at baseline was a good predictor of SSD
diagnosis to SSD in a previous study by our group which diagnostic outcome, in combination with a higher severity
used a clinically comparable sample of FEP patients from of negative symptoms and the rest of the selected clinical
the CAFEPS study [52]. Although other previous longitu- and cognitive variables, whereas another CAFEPS-derived
dinal studies in FEP patients using traditional multivariate study found that clinicians seem to prescribe olanzapine
approaches have reported an association between lifetime and quetiapine more than risperidone when negative
substance disorder and change of diagnosis to SSD [9], symptoms are prominent [54]. However, the above-men-
substance use or presence of substance disorder were not tioned studies (including previous CAFEPS-related stud-
selected in the best SSD vs. non-SSD predictive model, ies) used traditional multivariate statistical approaches (e.g.
which was also congruent with a previous CAFEPS-related logistic regression) and focused only on a specific source of
study [8]. Conversely with regard to family communication measurements (i.e. clinical) and a limited number of vari-
and environment, our study found that specific items from ables (e.g. total scores or subscores of a specific scale),
the family environment scale (FES) (e.g. higher percentage whereas our study relied on the simultaneous assessment of
of ‘true’ answers for item 20: having few rules at home or clinical, cognitive, biochemical and neuroimaging mea-
item 22: struggling with venting at home) were associated surements at a single-patient level instead of at a group
Eur Child Adolesc Psychiatry
Table 4 Main baseline variables with the highest predictive weight combining multiple inputs from clinical and neuropsy-
for a diagnostic outcome of SSD chological sources when predicting a diagnosis of psy-
Clinical variables (n = 213) chosis. It is also consistent with findings from studies
[Severity of negative or disorganized symptoms preceding and/ reporting that cognitive impairment is more severe, appears
or during FEP: flattened affect, social withdrawal, stereotyped earlier, and tends to be more independent of clinical
thinking and conceptual disorganization (medical records and symptoms in schizophrenia than in other psychotic disor-
items P2, N1, N4, N7 of the PANSS)
ders, especially at onset [15, 60]. Contrary to our expec-
[Severity of hallucinations (item P3 of the PANSS)
tations [15, 16], executive function impairment was not
\Insight (item G12 of the PANSS)
selected among the variables with the highest predictive
\Severity of affective symptoms (YMRS and HDRS total
weight for a diagnostic outcome of SSD.
Performance estimates of the EnRFE ‘SSD vs. non-
[Prescription of risperidone and aripiprazole
SSD’ model which included only neuroimaging variables
[Antipsychotic dose
were relatively low (and non-significant for those validated
[% of ‘true’ responses within particular FES items (e.g. item 20,
22) with LOOCV and jackknifing). Furthermore, within the
\Severity of somatic complaints (items G1 of the PANSS and 13
EnRFE classifier that considered all the baseline variables
of the HDRS) or hypochondria (item 15 of the HDRS) together, neuroimaging variables were not selected since
[Prevalence of obstetric complications (Lewis–Murray scale of they did not provide any additional predictive value for the
obstetric data) diagnostic outcome of SSD. These results were not con-
Neuropsychological variables (n = 30) gruent with those from previous studies including indi-
\Estimated IQ vidual neuroimaging data for diagnostic prediction of SSD
\Attention score and other psychotic disorders [19, 45]. GM deficits in
\Global cognition score prefrontal cortex, insula, amygdala or hippocampus have
[Motor coordination impairment (NES motor coordination been described as accurate predictors of an SSD diagnosis
score) both in first episode and chronic patients [18–20], and
Neuroimaging variables (n = 0) higher estimates (e.g. accuracies [0.75) for neuroimaging
None variables alone have been reported. However, since these
Biochemical variables (n = 0) studies are cross-sectional and based on samples of adult
None patients, their results are not comparable with ours.
Main first-ranked variables within the SVM-EnRFE ‘SSD vs. non- Moreover, studies in child and adolescent psychiatric dis-
SSD’ classifier after validation with the test dataset orders using neuroimaging data and SVMs for the predic-
EnRFE enhanced recursive feature elimination, FEP first episode of tion of diagnostic outcomes usually report lower
psychosis, FES family environment scale, HDRS Hamilton depression performance estimates than studies in adult samples [25].
rating scale, IQ intelligence quotient, NES neurological examination In addition, since only volumetric measures for various
scale, PANSS positive and negative symptom scale (P positive
symptom subscale, N negative symptom subscale, G general symptom
regions of interest (ROIs) were included in our model, our
Subscale), SSD schizophrenia spectrum disorder, SVM support vector findings are debatable, considering that the structural
machine, YMRS young mania rating scale abnormalities that have been described in brains of patients
with SSD and other psychotic disorders are subtle and
level at a very early stage of the illness. Our findings actually very distributed (Yu, Cheung et al. [18] for a meta-
reinforce the idea that clinical prediction in psychiatry analysis). Lastly this multicenter study had several limita-
requires a combination of multiple measurements from tions in terms of acquisition and processing procedures (see
different sources, especially in complex disorders [24]. Online Resource 1 for a detailed description of the neu-
A generalized deficit in the cognitive domain and the roimaging procedure). All this may have precluded finding
presence of neurological soft signs have been described in neuroimaging predictors of diagnostic outcome [25].
schizophrenia and other psychotic disorders such as Furthermore within the classifier that used all the
affective psychoses [55–59], thus potentially explaining the baseline variables together, total antioxidant status (TAS)
low performance estimates of the EnRFE ‘SSD vs. non (the only biochemical variable) did not provide additional
SSD’ models that included only neuropsychological vari- predictive value for a diagnostic outcome of SSD. Also
ables (and the non-significance for those validated with performance estimates of the ‘SSD vs. non-SSD’ models
LOOCV and jackknifing). However, within the model that which included only this biochemical variable were rela-
used all baseline variables together, the combination of tively low (and non-significant for those validated with
these and other neuropsychological variables with partic- LOOCV and jackknifing). These results are in line with
ular clinical variables easily predicted a diagnostic out- those from previous studies in FEP patients where bio-
come of SSD. Again, this finding supports the need for chemical markers such as decreased TAS seem to be more
Eur Child Adolesc Psychiatry
associated with severity and chronicity of psychosis than might lack statistical rigor, exploratory analyses make it
with a specific diagnosis [21]. This may also be due to the possible to find patterns in the data. These patterns can then
fact that the other sets of variables outnumbered the bio- be statistically tested (1) by permutation analyses, which
chemical set. Finally we were not able to study the pre- provide a significance value for each of the classification
dictive value of other biochemical variables such as and (2) by dividing the original dataset into the training
cellular enzyme activities, lipid peroxidation or glutathione dataset and the previously unseen test dataset, as we did in
levels, since they were excluded following our missing data this study.
strategy. Finally, since the clinical variables that conformed to the
The findings from this study should be interpreted in the DSM diagnosis were included in the classifier, and since
context of other important limitations. First, most of the they outnumbered the other types of variables, the perfor-
patients included had acute first episodes of psychosis mance of the classifier might be expected to be excellent,
while hospitalized, thus precluding generalization of the with clinical variables being obviously the most predictive.
findings. Second, during construction of the dataset, several Moreover, since the clinician is able to diagnose with 80 %
subjects were excluded (e.g. those who had not undergone accuracy at baseline (as around 20 % of diagnoses is
neuroimaging); consequently, the results could be biased, unstable at this stage) and the SVM model did this with the
since these patients could be the most acutely or severely same accuracy (81 %), one might wonder what SVM adds
ill and least cooperative patients. That said, patients to assist differential diagnosis. The answer may be that it
included in the analysis did not differ significantly from can be helpful as a statistical multivariate predictive tool in
those excluded in terms of demographic data, severity of the search for sensitive and specific predictors of diagnosis
symptoms or functional impairment. Third, several vari- rather than as a classification tool, which was the main aim
ables were discarded and zero and mean imputation were of this study. Description of these predictors could then
performed for treating missing data. This may have assist clinicians in terms of differential diagnosis at the
affected the performance of the classifier and the general- FEP.
izability of the results. Fourth, only 20 % of the sample that The main strengths of our study include the recruitment
came from the same dataset as the training set was used for of child and adolescent patients at first onset, which avoids
the testing phase. Fifth, there was a small imbalance in the the potential confounding effect of medication and other
sample size of the SSD (N = 49), non-SSD (N = 32) and factors related to disease progression; the relatively large
HC (N = 42) group. This may have artificially increased sample size, the use of a ‘previously unseen’ test dataset,
the accuracy of the SSD vs. non-SSD classifier, since it was the wealth of data and the number of different predictors.
biased toward the sensitivity estimate (Table 3). Sixth, the Moreover compared with other multivariate analysis
use of a larger sample size and a higher number or a dif- methods, SVMs offer several advantages, since they enable
ferent set of neuroimaging and biochemical variables could the assessment of high-dimensional datasets including
have increased classification accuracy and could have linearly and non-linearly highly correlated variables, and
revealed biomarkers with higher predictive value for a the selection of a combination of variables (even if
diagnostic outcome of SSD. Seventh, a longer follow-up redundant or with a weak predictive weight when sepa-
period could have enabled us to rely on more accurate rately considered) that may provide the best class separa-
gold-standard diagnostic outputs for developing the clas- tion between two groups, with no need for multiple
sifier, since there was a possibility that the diagnoses comparison correction, with minimisation of the problem
changed again after the 2-year observation period [61, 62]. of circularity and with reduction of the generalization error,
The stability of schizophrenia is very high even in follow- especially after using EnRFE. This in turn may help devise
up studies as long as 11 years (80 %) [61] or even 42 years more parsimonious clinical and neuropsychological bat-
(91 %) [62], but it is possible that the continuity with adult teries to assess patients at intake, when patients are clini-
schizophrenia is not total. There may be cases where this cally similar and their diagnoses are unstable, and thus help
change in diagnosis is not related to low accuracy of pre- clinical decision making at this stage.
vious diagnosis but to ‘‘true changes’’. An approach of In summary, using SVMs, we found that a combination
considering schizophrenia as one clinical manifestation of of clinical variables (severity of negative symptoms, hal-
long-life developmental abnormalities, with other possible lucinations or poor insight) and neuropsychological vari-
clinical manifestations at other times, may also be a valid ables (attention, global cognitive or motor coordination
one. Last, since we included all available baseline clinical, deficits) at the emergence of an early-onset FEP had the
neuropsychological, magnetic resonance imaging brain highest predictive value for a diagnostic outcome of SSD,
volumetric and biochemical variables in a multivariate as opposed to neuroimaging and biochemical variables
high-dimensional model, one could argue that the study which did not provide additional predictive value. Hence,
was not hypothesis-driven but exploratory. Although they clinical judgment based on comprehensive clinical and
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and their families. The study was supported by CIBERSAM, Instituto Psychiatry 159:1080–1092
de Salud Carlos III, the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Compet- 13. McClellan J, McCurry C, Speltz ML, Jones K (2002) Symptom
itiveness, Red Temática de Investigación Cooperativa Sanitaria factors in early-onset psychotic disorders. J Am Acad Child
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y Psicóticos Network); the Spanish Ministry of Health and Social 14. Schimmelmann BG, Conus P, Edwards J, McGorry PD, Lambert
Policy (Grants PI02/1248, PI05/0678, and G03/032); the CDTI under M (2005) Diagnostic stability 18 months after treatment initiation
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Conflict of interest The authors report no conflict of interest in Predictors of remission, schizophrenia, and bipolar disorder in
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