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Atlanta May 2011 Static99-R

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Changes in Risk Assessment

1) Prior sexual charges or convictions

2) Victim gender

3) Age

4) Relationship to victim
RRASOR plus 6 items

1. Prior sentencing dates

2. Noncontact offenses
3. Index nonsexual violence
4. Prior non-sexual violence
5. Stranger victim
6. Single
Three Generations of Risk
•Clinical Judgment

•Actuarial Assessment

•Actuarial Plus Dynamic

Approaches to Risk Assessment
d Subjects Studies

Unstructured clinical .43 1,723 9

Structured professional
judgment .41 844 5

Actuarial (sex) .70 14,160 55

(Hanson & Morton-Bourgon 2007)
What Does Static99 Measure?
Who Gets Caught
Differential Disclosure
 Incest
When Did Child Rarely Disclose
Natural Parent

Immediately 17%

Later 30%

Never 55%
Differential Disclosure

 Abused and neglected children

 Skillful offenders
Decline in Crime 2008
Decline in Rape & Sexual Assault


Base Rates Matter

Reoffenders for each score
Multiple Norms
 Routine Sex Offenders (CSC)

 Treatment Samples

 Nonroutine Samples

 High Risk Samples

Which Norms to Use
Correctional Services of Canada
Routine Cases
N = 2406
No screening procedures
No pre-selection for tx, or civil commitment
Which Norms To Use?
Preselected for Treatment

Referred for sex offender specific

treatment during current or prior

Selected but no beds still selected

 Treatment sample

 High risk samples

 Preselected for other reasons, e.g.,

offense severi
Which Norms to Use
High Risk Sample

 Preselected for risk

 Factors external to Static-99

 SVP referral, mentally disordered, not

guilty by reason of insanity, referred for
intensive treatment
 “Most cases will use routine correctional
Scores Versus Recidivism
Original Norms
Score Risk Years
5 10 15

0,1 Low 6% 9% 10%

2,3 Med/Low 10% 14% 18%
4,5 Med/High 29% 33% 38%
6+ High 39% 45% 52%
New Norms 10 Years
Score Routine5 Routine Treatment High Risk
Observ11ed Adjusted Need
-3 1.4 1.8 3.2
-2 1.8 2.4 4.2
-1 2.3 3.3 5.4 9.8
0 3 4.4 7 12.5
1 3.9 5.7 9 15.7
2 5.1 7.6 11.5 19.7
3 6.6 10 14.5 24.3
4 8.4 13 18.2 29.6
5 10.8 16.9 22.6 35.5
6 13.7 21.7 27.6 41.9
7 17.2 27.8 33.3 48.6
8 21.4 35 39.6 55.3
9 26.3 43.3 46.2 61.9
10 68
High Risk Sample
 Bengtson, 2008
Pre-trial psychiatric eval in Denmark
Suspected of retardation or psychosis

 Bonta & Yessine, 2005

Dangerous Offenders-
Indeterminate sentences
Potential Dangerous Offenders
Violent Offense after MR
High Risk Sample
 Haag, 2005
All Canadian offenders released at MR

 Knight and Thornton, 2007

Massachusetts Treatment Center-
Assessed or treated between 1959 -
Sexually dangerous persons
High Risk Samples
 Nicholaichuk, 2001
Treated at Clearwater treatment
program – maximum security
forensic mental health facility

 Wilson & colleagues

Detained in prison until MR
Relative Risk vs
Absolute Risk

 Relative risk consistent across 22


 Absolute risk not consistent

Charges vs Convictions
13 samples used charges

15 used convictions
Reconviction Vs. Rearrest
Rearrest = 1.4 x reconviction

10 Years

Rearrest Reconviction
Static 5 24.5% 21%
Static 6 31.5% 27%
Child Molesters vs Rapists

53% child molesters

47% rapists
Rapists & Child Molesters
Tested separately

Both work with new item

Treatment %

Primarily treated samples

Only one untreated sample

N = 7878

21 samples

N = 8412
23 samples
Sample Size
Static99 = 8,893

Logistical regression 10 years

Samples Sizes
 Routine 2,406

 Non-Routine 1,642

 Treatment 866

 High Risk 722

Old Sample Size
Static-99 1086
Aging and Risk of Sexual
What Difference Does Age Make?
Recidivism & aging -.10
(Hanson & Bussiere, 1998)

Recidivism rates declined steadily with age

Extrafamilial child molesters – maintained
risk longer
N =3751
(Hanson, 2002)
Child molesters

20 Rapists
Recidivism 15
rate (%)
10 Incest offenders

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80
Age-at-release from custody
Age & Recidivism
Reanalysis of Hanson
All groups declined steadily

Own data – linear decrease with age

N = 468
(Barbaree et al., 2003)
Fitted Sexual Recidivism Rates by Age


One SA
30 Two SA
Three SA


25-29 30-34 35-39 40-44 45-49 50-54 55-59
 Each one unit increase in age was
associated with 98% of the
recidivism rate of the previous
(younger) age

 Recidivism rate of 32-year-olds was

98% of recidivism rate of 31 year-
Current age item did not adequately adjust
for age

Could have left old item and “fitted a

complicated curvilinear age adjustment”

Decided instead to create a new age item

With New Age Item
Age of release does not add significant
incremental predictive validity

With old age item –

Age of release does add predictive validity

Meaning: New item adequately controls

for age
Comparing Static-99 to Static-99R
Validation Sample
N = 2,392
5 Years 10 Years
Static-99 .713 .706
Static-99R .720 .710
New Age Item
Age Score

18 – 34.9 1

35 – 39.9 0

40 – 59.9 -1

60 + -3
Score Range
-3 to 12
Risk Categories
Score Risk Category
-3 through 1 Low
2,3 Low-Moderate
4,5 Moderate-High
6+ High
Do Over-rides Help?
Prediction of Recidivism (ROC)
Recidivism Static-99 Static-99 + Static-99 +
Type Over-ride Stable- 2007

Sexual .77 .75 .81

Any violent .74 .71 .77

Age 61

Attacked 73-year-old woman

Giving him a church tour

Stranger assault
Mr. Johnson

Age Offense History

29 “Has a history of sexual

46 Attempted molestation of
Mr. Johnson
Age Offense History

48 Violent rape of 17-year-old

boy – beat with chain

58 Molestation 6 yr old boy

59.5 Exposure to officer

No High Risk Aging Sex Offenders?
When to Over-ride?
 Recent Offense – within 5 years

 History of continuous offending

 No evidence of impact of aging

Static, Stable & Acute
 Static “Non-changeable life factors that
relate to risk for sexual recidivism,
generally historical in nature”
Static, Stable & Acute
 Stable “Personality characteristics, skill
deficits, and learned behaviours that
relate to risk for sexual recidivism that
may be changed through intervention

 Acute “Risk factors of short or unstable

temporal duration that can change
rapidly, generally as a result of
environmental or intra-personal
Static99R + Stable 2007
Static99R 3 Year Recidivism 5 Year
Score Recidivism
Stable = 5 Stable = 14 Routine High Risk
2 3% 7% 5% 12%
5 7% 18% 11% 25%
7 14% 32% 19% 38%

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