2psychopathy Out
2psychopathy Out
2psychopathy Out
Anna C. Salter
items scored from interview & file data item scored on a 3-point scale score 0-40
Each Total
Neumann, Hare, & Newman, 2007; NA Samples (male, female offenders, male forensic psychiatric : N = 6929
glib/ superficial .73 grandios e self-w orth pathological lying conning manipulative .73 .71 .80 .65 shallow affec t callous lack empathy fail to acc ept responsibility lack remorse or guilt
stimulation seeking impuls ivity .71 .60 irresponsible .58 paras itic orientation lack of realis tic goals
.65 .70
poor behavior controls early behavior problems juvenile delinquency revocation of cond. release
.67 .54
(Hare, 1996)
10% to 20%
(Hare, 1996)
Percentage of Sex Offenders with PCL-R Score of 30+ (Porter et al., 2000)
64 60
Incest Offenders
Mixed Molesters
Mixed MolestersRapists
Child Molesters
5 10%
Rapists Child/Adult
Subtypes of Psychopathy?
Prototypical (32%)
8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Facet 1
Facet 2
Facet 3
Facet 4
Prototypical (32%)
Macho (27%)
Macho (27%)
Facet 3
Facet 4
Prototypical (32%) Manipulative (25%) Macho (27%)
Prototypical (32%) Manipulative (25%) Macho (27%) Pseudo (16%)
Aspergers Syndrome
Murphy, 2007 13 Aspergers patients at Broadmoor PCL-R scores Mean = 15; varied from 11-22
Prototypical Manipulative Asperger's Macho Pseudo
Bjrkly, 2009
Table 2 Possible differences between characteristics of violence in Aspergers syndrome and psychopathy.
Characteristic Sensory reactivity Psychopathy Hypo Manipulative Proactive Positive Denial Aspergers Syndrome Hyper Nave Reactive Negative Confession
Interpersonal communication
Typical violence Reinforcement contingency Relating to violence
Findings from these comparisons indicated that there may be substantial differences between the two diagnostic disorders regarding these five criteria.
Psychopathic Aggression
crime of passion extreme provocation self-defense response to threat often relatively uncontrolled
Psychopaths capable of both reactive and instrumental aggression/violence But even the reactive aggression/violence is more controlled than in others
Percentage of Cases
100 90
Percentage of Cases
100 90
Percentage of Cases
Tengstrm, Hodgins,Grann, Lngstrm, & Kullgren (2004) Criminal history of patients with various combinations of schizophrenia, substance use, and psychopathy Swedish male patients who received pretrial assessments between 1988 and 1993, and were found guilty of violent offences 202 schizophrenics, & 78 offenders who met PCL-R criteria for psychopathy Lifetime convictions since age 15, per year at risk (free)
Among patients with schizophrenia, correlation between PCL-R and number of convictions per year at risk:
High ratings of psychopathy are associated with earlier ages of first conviction for a criminal offense and more convictions among the men with schizophrenia, just as among men with no mental illness (p. 385).
These findings suggest that among offenders with psychopathic traits, the traits, not substance abuse, are associated with criminal offending (p. 367).
Patients with schizophrenia and many psychopathic features are at high risk for violence
et al., 2000
et al., 2008
% Surviving
% Surviving
% Surviving
24 male patients with schizophrenia (DSM-IV) Secure psychiatric facility in England All convicted for violent offences PCL: SV scores Mean = 12.9 Median split: High, Low psychopathy fMRI while pictures viewed Neutral, anger, disgust, sad, fear Differences between neutral and emotional
Psychopathic traits in patients with schizophrenia are associated with dysfunction in the prefrontallimbic circuitry over and above that normally associated with schizophrenia alone.
A man thrown overboard from a sinking ship A man running from a monster A man surfing on a large wave A woman standing on a yacht A boy carrying a lamp into his room
1. 2. 3. 4.
A man thrown overboard from a sinking ship A man running from a monster
Rating Metaphors
6 Point Rating Scale -3 Very Negative +3 Very Positive Man is a worm that lives on the corpse of the earth Love is an antidote for the worlds ills (Herve, Hayes, & Hare, in press)
Attributing Emotions
Stories Design to Elicit Emotions Happiness Sadness Embarrassment Guilt (Blair et al., 1995)
Attributing Emotions
No Differences Between Psychopaths & NonPsychopaths Happiness Sadness Embarrassed
Attributing Emotions
Differences in Psychopaths & Nonpsychopaths Guilt Stories Psychopaths Little guilt to others Indifference or positive emotions, especially intentional harm Happiness for intentional harm
(Walsh, 1999)
(Walsh, 1999)
310 Male offenders: PCL-R non-sexual sexual: child molesters, rapists, mixed PCL-R predicted nonviolent and violent offenses, but not sexual offenses
But among child molesters, high PCL-R scores predictive of sex offenses Overall, psychopaths (PCL-R of 30 or more) 2 times more likely to receive parole than other offenders They also manage to remain out of prison following release for about half as long as other offenders
Not Deviant
Not Deviant
Psychopaths Deviant
0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Years of Opportunity
0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Not Deviant
Years of Opportunity
Sexual Recidivism Rate (%) as a Function of the PCL-R and Deviant Sexual Arousal
60 50 40 30 20 10 0 High/deviant High/nond Low/deviant Low/nond
Psychopathy: Treatment
Percent Reconvicted
Behavioral Genetics
Blonigen, Carlson, Krueger, & Patrick, Personality and Individual Differences, 2003, 35179-197
Blonigen, Hicks, Krueger, Patrick, & Iacono, Psychological Medicine, 2005, 35, 1-12. The interpersonal-affective (Fearless Dominance) and antisocial (Impulsive Antisociality) traits of psychopathy, are equally and substantially heritable with each accounting for roughly half of the total variance in both men and women.
Larrson, Andershed, & Lichstenstien, Journal of Abnormal Psychology, 2006, 115, 221-230.
Behavioral Genetics
Viding, Blair, Moffitt, & Plomin (2005). UK Twin study of 3687 7-year old twin pairs Rated by teachers and parents on items similar to those on the APSD (Frick & Hare, 2001) Assessed heritability: of antisocial behaviors; callous-emotional traits Concluded that genes account for 70% of the individual differences in callousunemotional traits
Genetic contribution was highest when callous-unemotional traits were combined with antisocial behaviors
Behavioral genetics Large-sample twin studies Evaluate heritability of traits that may be precursors to adolescent and adult psychopathy
General Findings
Consistent evidence of substantial heritability of CU traits Common genetic factor may underlie CU traits and antisocial behaviors
Emotionality of Words
Institutional Violence
N = 728 Males PCL-R Score >30 No. with Infractions 44%
Institutional Violence
At least 1 infraction
No infractions At least 1 violent infraction Mean PCL-R score: 19.2 14.6