Asafoetida: Source: Veg. Kingdom
Asafoetida: Source: Veg. Kingdom
Asafoetida: Source: Veg. Kingdom
Source: veg. kingdom
FAMILY: umbelliferae
Scientific name : ferula asafoetida
Asafotida is dried latext prepared from the
rhizome or tap root of several species of ferula
Suitable for syphilitic individual who are
fat ,plethoric and hysterical
Anxiety starts in the stomach.
Fear of being alone, fear of closed rooms and fear
of crowded places
Absent minded, unable to think,difficulty in
Cold purple faces easily faints by slightest
exertion that is mental or physical
Stitching pains inner surface to outer that is bone
to surface
Numbness in unexpected parts, there is sensation
of deadness in suffering parts.
Slight infection develops into ulcer which has no
tendency to close
Discharges are watery with horrible offense and
Glands all over the body are hot ,throbbing with
shooting jerking pains.
Ill affects of skin eruptions or suppressed
Neuralgia of stamp ,after operations.
Headache as if nail or plug driven through the
Shooting stitching pain in left frontal eminence
Ulcers of eye ball and cornea with
< by open air
Dullness of vision seems as if looking through fog.
Carries of nasal and ear bones with foetid
Hysterical spasms of throat, sensation if ball
rising in the throat(globus hystericus).
Loud belchings, explosive eructations which are
horrible offense smelling like garlic.
Gone empty feeling in the stomach,pulsations
after eating.
Slight indigestion lead to diarrhoea,
Stools are liquid , offensive.
Bearing down pain in genitals< by riding in a
Indicative for deregulation of milk flow that is in
flow of milk in non pregnant women and sudden
diminished flow of milk in nursing women
Attacks of dyspnoea after coition(ambra.)
Hysterical asthama < night
Perspiration smells like garlic
Pungent smell of urine
Aching and drawing pains in wrist joints
Arthritic nodosites in toes
Cramps in toes alternating with spasms in glottis.
Awkwardness in fingers. discolouratin of finger
nails during chill.
Felon beginning in nail, panaritium.
Burning in roots of toe nails with numbness
<: night, by touch, during rest
>: by motion, open air, pressure
Relationships: similar to arg. Nit. (open air >),
aur.met. in bone diseases, hepar in sensitiveness
of ulcers, faints from pain, merc sol. In syphilis
Ignatia in hysteria(due to long concentrated grief)
Moschus in hysteria and spams of lungs ,fainting
Other hysterical remedies :
Lachesis: great loquacity, suspicious ,restless,
Mental labour best performed at night
Religious insanity
Left sided complaints starts first, ill effects of
suppressed discharges.
Remedy for climacteric conditions.
Valeriana : hysteria oversensitiveness, spams
Sensation as if thread hanging down in the
Sciatica pain worse by standing and sitting on
Pain in heels when sitting
Insomnia during pregnancy and menopause.
The patient has immoderate attacks of
uncontrollable laughter
Restless,trembling of limbs compelled to
continually move
Excessive hyper- aesthesia, the spine is
sensitive,the ovaries are sensitive.
Apt for hysterical epilepsy
Music >
It has different form of hysteria from animal
Characterized by haughty mental condition
Self esteemed she looks every one on down
There are also paroxysm of laughter, loud some
times maniacal
Sensitive genitalia, nymphomania is there
Melancholic conditions ,which in extreme
conditions makes the patient sleepless
Constriction of oesophagus and a suffocative
<by sitting and standing ,evening
Nux moschata:
Hysterical people who change rapidly from grave
to gay
Characterized by sleepiness ,bloating of abdomen and
dryness of mouth
Fainting attacks are prominent, least effort makes
them exhausted
Dry, hysterical cough, oppression of the chest and
fainting fits
< exertion, cold moist wind, cold food, cold washing
< warmth, dry weather.