Armor Magazine, November-December 1988
Armor Magazine, November-December 1988
Armor Magazine, November-December 1988
Liddell Hart wrote in Thouahts on (Avenue of Heroes) near the entrance to Ar-
War, "The spirit of discipline, as distinct from its lington Cemetery. Section 2 of Public Law 99-
outward and visible guises, is the result of as- 620 states, "The United States shall not pay
sociation with martial traditions and their living any expense of establishment of the memorial."
embodiment." Sponsoring organizations include the US.
Our Armored Force's body of martial tradition Armor and Artillery Associations; World Wars
began to take shape 70 years ago in the St. Tank Corps Association: Veterans of the Battle
Mihiel and Meuse-Argonne campaigns, when the of the Bulge: 1l t h ACR Association; Tank
first American tankers traded their horses for Destroyer Association: 1st, 2d, 3d, 4th, 5th,
primitive mechanical mounts on which they 6th, 7th, 8th, 9th, loth, l l t h , 12th, 13th, 14th,
would spearhead a new development in ground 16th Armored Division Associations: Council
warfare, leading inevitably to the creation of a of Armored Divisions Association; and the Na-
new combat arm. tional Association of Uniformed Services.
Subsequent generations took that budding The memorial will feature a panoramic evolu-
legacy and built on it in Tunisia, Sicily, Bas- tion of Armor and will honor all those "men of
togne. Pusan, Inchon, Operations Cedar Falls steel" who served in WWI, WWII, Korea and
and Junction City, and at Ben Het. The heritage Vietnam in armored divisions or separate ar-
we have received is rich in stories of courage mored battalions; tank destroyer battalions; ar-
under fire, comradeship, and audacity. mored mechanized infantry, artillery, engineer
Today, our regimental system, with its battalions; cavalry regiments and squadrons:
honorary colonels and sergeants major, retells and Marine Corps armored units.
those stories to yet another generation of The cost of this memorial is relatively inex-
tankers and cavalrymen who aspire to move pensive - $400,000. But time is running out.
down the same proud road. This is the associa- Funding must be completed by November
tion with martial traditions and their living em- 1989 if the monument is to be completed in
bodiment of which Liddell Hart wrote. time for the 50th anniversary of the Armored
While we work to see that these martial tradi- Force in 1990. The sponsoring organizations
tions and accounts of Americans in battle are have done their part, but appeals to industries
handed down to following generations and are that built our tanks and APCs over the years
thus not forgotten, perhaps it is appropriate that have netted next to nothing. The Armored For-
the American people have a visual reminder of ces Monument Committee needs help to avert
the accomplishments of our Armored Forces. falling short on this project. If you are inter-
Toward this purpose, the Armored Forces ested in seeing a monument to our Armored
Monument Committee formed in 1986 to erect a Forces of the past, which would serve as an in-
monument in our nation's capital. Its congres- spiration to armored soldiers of the present
sional liaison team successfully met its chal- and future, perhaps you can help. Please con-
lenge of securing Congressional approval, and tact
on 6 November 1986, the president signed Armored Forces Monument Fund
Public Law 99-620 authorizing the monument, P.O. Box 1146
which will be constructed on Memorial Drive Fort Myer, Virginia 2221 1 - PJC
Editor-in-Chief Features
8 Assault and Tactical Bridging for Armor Units
Managing Editor by Brigadier General Philip L. Bolt6 (Ret.)
13 Red Army Tank Commander
Commandant by Lieutenant Colonel Richard Armstrong
20 Cavalry Scouts at the Joint Readiness Training Center
by Captain Alan R. Horn
ARMOR (ISSN 0004-2420) is published
bimonthly by the U.S. Army Armor Center, 4401
Vine Grove Road, Fort Knox. KY 40121. 22 The Royal Armoured Corps Tank Museum
Disclaimer: The information contained in Has Expanded and Improved
ARMOR represents the professional opinions of by Richard M. Ogorkiewicz
the authors and does not necessarily reflect the
official Army or TRADOC position, nor does it
change or supersede any information
25 The Desert Training Center: Yesterday and Today
presented in other official Army publications. by Francis G. Blake
Official distribution is limited to one copy for
each heavy brigade headquarters, armored 30 Cavalry Missions and Structure
cavalry regiment headquarters. armor battalion by Colonel (P) Jarrett J. Robertson
headquarters, armored cavalry squadron head-
quarters, reconnaissance squadron head-
quarters, armored cavalry troop, armor com-
34 Armor Training 1997
pany, and motorized brigade headquarters of by Major H. Critz Hardy
the United States Army. In addition, Army
libraries, Army and DOD schools, HQ DA and 37 Soldier Training Publications:
MACOM staff agencies with responsibility for ar- Supporting Training in the 1990s
mored, direct fire, ground combat systems, or-
ganizations. and the training of personnel for by Major Albert E. Bailey
such organizations may request two copies by
sending a military letter to the editor-in-chief. Departments
Authorized Content: ARMOR will print only
those materials for which the US. Army Armor 2 Letters
Center has proponency. That proponency in-
cludes: all armored, direct-fire ground combat 2 Contacts
systems that do not serve primarily as infantry 6 Commander’s Hatch
carriers; all weapons used exclusively in these 7 Recognition Quiz
systems or by CMF 19-series enlisted soldiers; 40 Professional Thoughts
any miscellaneous items of equipment which
armor and armored cavalry organizations use
49 Recognition Quiz Answers
exclusively; training for all SC 12A, 128, and 50 Bustle Rack
12C officers and for all CMF-1Pseries enlisted 51 Armor Branch Notes
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November-December 1988, Vol XCVlI No. 6
The Lessons of Vietnam ly, ignoring of history and hard lessons Tung. It was clear at that time (1964), that
learned, have gotten our military estab- LIC demands thorough analysis and
Dear Sir, lishment into situations for which they doctrinal study on the part of every
were not prepared. More important, these branch and element involved. This is par-
Major Michael R. Matheny ("Armor in were situations for which the troops in the ticularly applicable to those arms in
Low Intensity Conflict," July-August 1988 tanks were not prepared. mutually supporting roles.
ARMOR) is to be commended for address- This is a fact, despite the vast resources
ing this sticky topic of Armor doctrine. His and documentation of LIC around the Vivid lessons in the application of
statement, "There is still little written world available for command and staff Armor/lnfantry teams to LlCs were avail-
doctrine on armor operations in Low Inten- utilization at the time of troop commit- able to us prior to our commitment of
sity Conflict," is not profound, but all too ment. And today, stacks of staff studies, armor and armored cavalry to the Viet-
factual, and references the post-WW11 fixa- combat journals and official lessons nam conflict. French use of limited armor
tion of our strategic and tactical planners learned appear to be gathering dust. resources in Indochina should have
with the great European land battle. provided glaring examples of how NOT to
Two deadly "non-wars" since the 1 spent nearly two years researching commit tankfinfantry elements. Bernard B.
Japanese surrender in Tokyo Bay clearly il- Low Intensity Conflict in its 1960s guise - Fall in his masterful work, Street Without
lustrate that ignorance, or more realistical- revolutionary war as defined by Mao Tse &, described the destruction in detail of
Groupement Mobile 100, a mixed lets and hedgerows of the coastal plain in diers and scholars to important primary
motorized infantry, armor, and artillery Binh Dinh Province. Too often. as Major sources.
group, on QL 19, east of Pleiku, in 1954. Matheny states, air and artillery assets Uninformed sceptics used to take cheap
were brought into a target, while ground shots at armor. ground cavalry, and
I refer to this, not only because it is stark elements pulled back. Result? A lot of mechanized infantry by citing one photo
testimony to failed doctrine, but because I blown-up hooches, blood trails, and the of a mired track as proof that our heavy
stood on that very spot in 1967, trying to bad guys melting into the jungles and tun- units did not belong in the Republic of
explain to my tank crew the monument nel complexes. Despite the addition of Vietnam. They should be reminded now
erected there. armor, the Cav's mission became even that:
more complex without adequate training
When all is said and done, the sum total of infantry/air cavalry troops in tank/in- 0The Hanoi victory came two years
of the experience and doctrinal lessons fantry operations in this particularly nasty -
afterthe departure of the last U.S.
learned of Korea, Indochina, Malaya. Viet- type of combat environment. maneuver and artillery battalions.
nam, etc., should be compiled in
geographic and situational scenarios, Working with COL Karhos and his staff, 0 The NVA force that achieved it was
suitably condensed and structured into we established an interim program of some 15 divisions, most of them what we
REQUIRED doctrinal studies at the com- familiarization and training with Cav ele- would now describe as motorized and
pany-grade officer level. ments rotating through LZ Uplift. This mechanized.
rudimentary training was designed to
I and my fellow lieutenants proceeded show company- and platoon-size in- 0 The first NVA soldiers to reach
through Armor Officer Basic Course 1-66 fantry/cav elements just how effective Saigon's presidential palace knocked
with barely a whisper of the armor role or close infantry-armor team operations down its gate with their tank before rais-
experience to date in Southeast Asia, could be in the village sweep, cordon and ing their flag on the balcony.
though I dare say that at least 75 percent search, and hedgerowbunker-busting mis-
of us wound up busting jungle in M48A3s, sions common to this area of operation. Robert P. Fairchild
ACAVs, or Sheridans. LTC, Armor, NYARNG
Even at this point in the "Vietnam Ex- True, these are basic tactics which HQDA. ODCSOPS
perience," there were a goodly number of should be known to every combat arms of-
officers and NCOs fresh from Vietnam ficer. But more important, they should
combat who might have made significant have been part of an overall combat Vietnam Remembrances
contributions to the development and first- operations and training doctrine common
hand communication of interim doctrine to both armor and infantry, because varia- Dear Sir.
to combat-bound officers and NCOs. tions on the basic theme were certainly
applicable in all of the RVN tactical zones. As a member of the United States Armor
Major Matheny is absolutely correct in Properly applied, these tactics fixed the Association since 1946, 1 have read with
his allusion to the fact that Vietnamera enemy in his holes and allowed destruc- great interest well over 200 issues of our
armor doctrine was, in essence, "play-as- tion of his forces in detail before he could excellent magazine. However, no issue
you-go" system. The tankers of my unit, A slip away. has really struck me as being as repre-
Company, 1st Battalion, 69th Armor, and sentative of what our association is all
our sister companies, participated in "OJT The European land battle always looms about than the May/June 1988 issue. In a
Doctrinairing." The grievous lessons of the as a dire possibility and should receive a word. camaraderie is the glue that binds
French disaster, and our own experience large share of doctrinal consideration. all men that engage in the profession of
up to that point, should have been in- However, the hard lessons of history must arms. "The Bugle Call Has Faded," by Ted
grained in our minds BEFORE we got to not be ignored. LIC, in all of its forms, is Browne, lieutenant colonel of infantry, un-
the bamboo-crunching stage. here to stay. The Combat Arm of Decision derscores this basic principle. I am indeed
must lead the way in developing and humbled and proud to be remembered
Armor has, since its inception as a com- maintaining flexible doctrine which can be by a splendid trooper in his own right.
bat branch, suffered in its effective ap- taught and understood at the lowest pos- Ted speaks to those of us who wore
plication due to a lack of study and under- -
sible level where crew and tank or APC tankers' boots, yet in my view it encom-
standing of its capabilities and use by in- meet the enemy. passes the entire Armored Force - the
fantry and other unit leaders. I refer very soldiers who are first to hear the
specifically to the parceling of armor bat- J. F. Walker sound of guns and to suffer the high
talions and companies to support other USAR Armor (Ret.) casualty rates that result from close com-
commands, usually infantry. This is not Roanoke, VA bat.
the singular malaise of the U.S. Army, but
it was particularly rampant in Vietnam. The greatness of our association
Low'lntensityConflict emanates from the cameraderie of
Between August 1967 and March 1968, FoIIow-UP legions of men who have answered the
my platoon was OPCON to no fewer than "Bugle Call." It may have been coinciden-
seven major commands, most of which Dear Sir, tal that this issue of ARMOR Magazine
were infantry. The one exception, attach- had a blue cover. If so, let me say that
ment to the 2nd Brigade of MG Jack In his article, "Armor in Low Intensity this blue is for you, Ted Browne, and all
Toleson's 1st Cavalry Division (Airmobile), Conflict the US. Experience in Vietnam," other infantrymen I have served with, espe-
allowed for the application of armored (July-August 1988 ARMOR), Major Michael cially the gallant men of my battalion task
force in at least platoon strength. The mis- R. Matheny describes well how lessons force in Vietnam. It was an armored force
sion of the 2nd Brigade, commanded by bought in blood led us to better techni- built around the more than 1,ooO men of
COL Fred E. Karhos, was to find, fix, and ques and procedures. In citing Starry, the mechanized 1st Battalion, 5th Infantry
destroy main force Viet Cong and infiltrat- Stanton, the 1967 MACOV study, and Ber- (Bobcats), 25th Infantry Division, whose
ing NVA units dug into the fortified ham- nard Rogers, Matheny directs other sol- exploits won the Presidential Unit Citation
The role of assault and tactical tember 1944, the 5th Inlantry to give up and wait fur construction
bridging has been an important one Division and its supporting en- of a treadway bridge. I n the 119th
throughout U.S. military history. gineers had to bridge three water- Inrantry Regiment sector, the cul-
That role is no less important today ways: the Moselle Canal, not only verts fcll apart while thc tanks
than it has been in the past. Be- deep but also 80 feet wide; the Rupt dragged them to the crossing site.
cause main battle tanks are not am- de Mad, a small Moselle tributary; Even when the engineers con-
phibious, bridging can have sig- and the Moselle River itself, ap- structed a treadway bridge. deep
nificant tactical impact on armor proximately 2.50 feet wide. Before mud halted attempts to get tanks to
operations. Is assault and tactical the operation was over, engineers the infantry.
bridging, though, getting the attcn- had erected two Bailey bridges, two
tion it deserves? treadway bridges, one double tread- During his 1960-6I assignment to
way bridge, and a heavy pontoon the US. Military Liaison Mission in
Waterways, both natural and man- bridge over the three obstacles. Potsdam, then-Lieutenant Colonel
made, are a major terrain feature in Clarke T. Baldwin observed War-
Europe and vary in size from minor In attacking the Siegfried Line saw Pact maneuvers in East Gcr-
streams and canals to rivers, such as near Aachen in late September many in which tanks crossed rivers
the Rhinc, Meuse, Moselle, and 1944, the 30th Infantry Division using snorkels. I n his next assign-
Danube. The planner who ignores counted on getting tanks into the ment at Fort b o x , he stirrcd up
European waterways imperils the bridgehead early by using culverts the armor community’s interest in
success of his operation. designed for bridging the stream. In developing such a capability for
the area of the 117th Infantry, the American tanks.
U.S. Army European operations banks of the stream became such a Study revealed that a stream un-
during WWll are replete with ex- quagmire that the tank do;.er crossable with normal tank fording
amples uC the criticality ofwaterway- charged with preparing the banks capability occurs in Europe ap-
crossing operations. became niired in the mud. Tanks proximately every 10 kilometers.
In its Moselle River crossing sent to assist also became bogged The end result was development
operation at Arnaville, 11-14 Sep- down, so that it became necessary and procurement of a deep water
I f
8 ARMOR - November-December 7988
fording kit for the MW-series tanks,
allowing the tanks to ford to a
"The frequent occurrence of unfordable waterways in
depth of 13-1/2 feet. Although the Europe remains a fact of life, and the importance of assault
Marine Corps has required develop- and tactical bridging has become even more important"
ment of a lording kit to allow land-
ing of its MLA1 tanks during am-
phibious operations, the Army has
shown no interest in this capability. create obstacles. Antitank ditches in the inherent advantages of such
In fact, the Army seems to have lost critical areas, particularly where vehicles are lost.
interest several years ago in the movement is canalized by terrain
deep fording capability of its forces fcatures, can slow the movement of Readily available, rapidly deploy-
in Europe. an armored lorce to a disastrous de- able bridging is a necessity. Even
gree. Readily available bridging of- where bridges exist, their number is
One can argue the practicalities ol fers one means to allow armored always limited, and they are subject
deep water fording in Europe. The forces to rapidly cross such ditches. to battle destruction. Assault and
many bridges available, the difficul- tactical bridging can provide t h e
ty in determining the depth at which AirLand Battle doctrine em- means to replace suddenly
a tank will find firm footing, and the phasizes seizing and holding the in- destroyed bridges, or provide a
requirement t o prepare ingress and itiative, and stresses maneuver and greater degree of flexibility in the
egress sites are among the reasons deep attack. The doctrine becomes selection ol crossing sites.
advanced for considering the meaningless without the battlefield
capability not worth the effort. mobility to implement it. With the Current U.S. assault and tactical
Nevertheless, the frequent occur- Abrams tank and the Bradley fight- bridging capabilities applicable to
rence of unlordable waterways in ing vehicle, the U.S. Army has the armored forces include the Ar-
Europe remains a fact of life, and armored vehicles lo capitalize on mored Vehicle Launched Bridge
the importance ol assault and tacti- the tactical advantages of rapid bat- (AVLB), the Rihhon Bridge, and
cal bridging has become even more tlefield movement, and to imple- the Medium Girder Bridge (MGB).
important. ment thc doctrinc of AirLand Bat- The first is assault bridging, and the
tle. However, obstacles to such other two are tactical bridging.
There are other reasons for the im- movement, in the form of waterways
portance to armor of assault and and manmade ditches, can severely The AVLB, mounted on an MCfl
tactical bridging. Warsaw Pact for- restrict the movement of armored tank chassis, provides heavy forces
ces have an impressive ability to vehicles, particularly tanks, so that with a bridge that can be emplaced
The Medium Girder Bridge can be deployed to span a wide body of water.
Corps has been pursuing a different
course in heavy assault bridging. Ex-
perienced in the challenge of cross-
ing antitank ditches, the Israeli
Dcfense Forces initiated develop-
ment, with IMI as the contractor, of
The Improved Ribbon Bridge, seen in an artist's
a 12-meter Towed Assault Bridge
rendering, above, as it prepares to deploy from its
(TAB). The USMC has tested the
bridge but has established no
procurement plans yet. The TAB is
mounted on a single axle, and a
tank or other vehicle tows it to the
crossing site. At the site, the vehicle
is reversed - or the bridge can be
switched to the front - and the
bridge is pushed across the gap.
Folding "horns" guide the bridge
onto the far bank. The crew discon-
nects the bridge from the towing
tank without exposure. The TAB is
Above, the Towed Assault Bridge, which rides on a a rapid means 0 1 providing an MLC
single axle, is shown being towed to a crossing site 70 bridge across gaps up to 10
by a tank, but other vehicles can be used. Below, the meters. The bridge easily separates
bridge in use spanning an antitank ditch. into two sections to allow transport
by C-130 aircraft. It is desiped to
I continue functioning at the MLC 70
level after losing up to 50 per cent
of its structural beams to mines, ar-
tillery, or direct fire. Deployment
takes less than one minute.
On 3 October 1943, the Red Army early by the Soviet High Command the Stidinwdd front that were ad-
tank corps commander did not as a fully capable and aggressive vancing north in an attempt to close
know how his day would end. He operational commandcr.' In those the noose around the extended Ger-
received an urgent call to the com- trying early times of 1941, if one man units. Meeting at 16OU hours
mand post of the Voronezh front. could show command ability, one on 23 November, only five days
advanced rapidly in position and after the offensive began, Krav-
General-Major Andrei Grigor- responsibilities. Kravchenko became chenko's tank corps met General V.
evich Kravchenko. who had been a rising star. In June 1942, he T. Volskii's IV Mcchanked Corps
fighting in Red Army tank forces received command of the I1 Tank near the small settlement of
since the beginning of the war, had Corps, and later, in October, was as- Sovietskii, just east of Kalach. With
come up through the ranks in the signed to command the IV Tank filled glasses of captured chani-
typical fashion. Hc joined the Rcd Corps. pagne, each excited corps com-
Army in 1Y18, got the right school- mander celebrated and toasted the
ing, and served as chief of staff for a Assigned to the Southwest Front, other's forces and fighting prowess.
motorized division, then a tank his IV Tank Corps played a
division in the Finnish War. Krav- dramatic part in the fight to save The swift, decisive action won
chenko commanded a separate tank Stalingrad from the encroaching Kravchenho's tank corps the
brigade during the hard, desperate German armies. On 19 November coveted "Guards" designation. Now,
fighting against the German in- 1942, Kravchenko's tank corps, as the seasoned and wcll-known com-
vasion in late 1941. part of the 21st Army, began the his- mander of the 1V Guards Tank
toric battle that culminated in the Corps had unexpectedly been sum-
He commanded a brigade of the encirclement at Stalingrad of the moned to appear before his
new T-34tanks, and like many of Germans' ill-rated Sixth Army notoriously stern front commander.
these new brigades, his played a under Colonel-General Friedrich
decisive role in battles to save Mos- von Paulus. His tank corps slashed Immediately upon arrival at the
cow and help stabilize the front through the defenders' line and front headquartcrs, General Krav-
against the advancing German for- moved rapidly to exploit success in chenko, a tall, well built, com-
ces. Although he earned a reputa- the rear area. Moving in a southern mander with broad shoulders,
tion as a quiet, almost reserved direction, Kravchenko's tankers reported to the front commander,
man, Kravchcnko was recognized sought to link up with the forccs of General Nikolai Vatutin. A short,
squat man, Vatutin was a no-non- To build a bridge across it to cover "In his usual quiet,
sense, hard-driving lighter; these our weight requirements would take muffled voice, Krav-
wcre the traits necessary to obtain no less than eight to 10 days. That chenko directed his
and hold a front-level command. wait will preclude any timely sup- staff to organize an im-
Kravchenko had been assigned to port to the 38th Army's fonvard mediate reconnais-
Vatutin's front since early 1943, and units, and it will be a diflicult battle sance of the Desna. A
fought on the southern face of the to support the bridgehead across tank platoon leader
Kursk salient as the Voronezh the Dnepr."' was about to earn his
front's armored reserve. extra pay and rations
At Vatutin's sidc sat his earthy, Thc Dncpr, the second largest as a "Guards" lieu-
but astute, political oKicer, Nikita Russian river, had concerned the
Khrushchev, a future premier of the Soviet tieneral Staff planners since
Soviet Union. On this occasion, early 1943. Anticipating success in
Gcneral Vatutin had good news to thc Kursk battlc during the summer,
share with Kravchenko. Vatutin, the Red Army leadership saw the west hank and rushed reinforce-
who had an amazing ability to ac- Dnepr as the retreating Germans' ments tu seal the area.
curately describe the situation and next likely line of defensive posi-
foresee developing events, told Krav- tions, and a difficult one to breach. The Voronezh front's first chance
chenko how lead elements of the The river was wide, with a west to breach the river had failed, but
38th Army fought to the banks of bank 100 feet higher than the east. given the 38th Army's mall
the Dnepr River and crossed north Dubbcd the "eastcrn rampart," it of- kridgehead, Vatutin's front had
or Kicv. Thcy forced the river with fered a very dcfcnsible barrier to a another chance to achicve SUCCCSS.
makeshift means. Using rafts from continuation of the Red Army's Showing his typical relentless style,
hastily fellcd trees, empty gas cans, westcrn advancc. Vatutin refused to Ict this oppor-
and small fishing boats, they tunity slip. German commanders
snatched a hold on the west bank of Hoping to preempt a strong dcfen- had learned to always count on
the wide river in the area of the sive line, advancing Soviet units on Vatutin to do the unexpected. Now,
small village of Lyutezh. Some 15 the left wing of Vatutin's front he raccd against time. Vatutin
kilometers north of the prized city raced the Germans to the river would have preferred to use the
of Kiev, the Red Army now early in September. Advanced ele- more powerful 3rd Guards Tank
breached a potentially difficult Ger- ments of the 3rd Guards Tank Army, but it was too far south in the
man defensive line. It was not an Army approached the Dnepr while Bukrin bend. and was engaged with
ideal bridgehead, but nonetheless, it German forces were still located on strong German forces containing its
was large enough to move more the eastern bank. The Soviets at- bridgehead. Generat Kravchenko's
Soviet infantry and tanks to the west tempted to cross the river south of IV Guards Tank Corps could move
bank. Kiev in the area of the Great Buk- faster, and appear unexpectedly in
rin, a large bend in the Dnepr. In a the new bridgehead - if Krav-
"These units," said Nikila Khrush- poorly coordinated effort, rhc Soviet chenko could get his tanks across
chev, sobering the momentary High Command attempted to assist the Desna.
euphoria, "are hearing great losses the Voronezh front with a hastily-
and resisting continuous German planned airborne operation using a With his knack for inspiring con-
counterattacks. It's unlikely that full airborne corps. fidence in his subordinates, Vatutin
they will be successful in securing directed Kravchenko, "You must
the captured bridgehead on the But in dropping paratroopers into look for a" ossible ford to get over
right bank if,they are not supported the Bukrin bend, everything went the Desna. l)
by our tanks.- wrong. The airborne drop scattered
jumpers on both sides of the river, Receiving his mission with full
"On the way to the Dnepr," con- some landing in the river itself. The awareness of his commander's ur-
tinued the front commander, "is a assault was a complete disaster. gency, General Kravchenko im-
serious obstacle, the Desna River. The Germans slipped away to the mediately left for his tank corps' as-
manders of the forward rifle
BROVARY divisions at Lyutezh. Thcy
reported that there were cur-
ROAD rently two German infantry
and one tank division in the
area. The Germans’ defensive
line consisted of three posi-
f MAP1
tions, each of which h i d
trenches, prepared machine
gun and mortar emplace-
ments, and earth and timher
ning to give way with the passage of A pleased General Kravchenko, in field obstacles. Forward of their
so many tanks. Three such tanks a fur waistcoat over his field shirt, positions were antipersonnel and an-
had to be towed to the opposite stood on the opposite bank with a titank mines. Crossing such a
hank. The engine compartments broad smile. He presented awards defense to expand the bridgehead
had lcaked and flooded. In many of for hcroic pcrsonal ethrts in the would be no small task for Krav-
the tanks that did make the cross- unique crossing. For the first time, a chenko’s corps. But, first, the 1V
ing, the drivers did it blindly, sitting Red Army armor unit had crossed a Tank Corps had to cross the Dnepr.
in a foot of frigid water. river underwater - a first time for
any army without specially designed The Dnepr River at this point was
underwater equipment. The Party 650 to 750 meters wide and hetween
Nonetheless, hy 0800 hours, 5 Oc- and the Mothcrland wcre grateful, 2.5 and 9 meters deep. With the
tober, 71 tanks had crosscd the hut none more than the waiting corps’ advance to the river, recon-
Desna. Although Soviet sources do front commander. naissance was again dispatched and,
not develop the point, the disparity with the help of local inhabitants,
in number of tanks making the After crossing the Desna, the 1V found two partially-damaged barges
crossing and the unit’s on-hand Guards Tank Corps rushed on- which the Germans had sunk when
strength indicates the Soviets did wards to the Dnepr River. Time withdrawing. They raised and
not drive the Churchill tanks under- was precious. The Germans had repaired these barges. Each barge
water, like the T-34s. Thcy left them long since lcarned to react quickly could carry three tanks across the
behind in the rush for the and strongly to Red Army Dnepr. In addition to the repaired
bridgehead. bridgehcads. No matter how small barges, the corps prepared two tank
change minds, but Vatutin himself bridgehead, within the range of Ger- redesignated on 20 October). began
reaflirnied his order to immediately man artillery. Vatutin clearly and a classic large-scale Red Army artil-
return to the Lyutczh bridgehead. laconically stated the operational lery preparation along the entire
Kravchcnko's tankers were still plan, and pcrsonally assigned the front south of Lyute7h. A powerful
necessary to hold the Red Army's army, corps, and division missions. strike from a full Artillery
grab on the west bank. Generally, the plan was to capture Breakthrough Corps at the disposal
Kiev from the north and, moving in of the 38th Army initiated the offen-
"With an ache in our hearts," a southwest direction, destroy ele- sive in the direction of the main at-
wrote Kravchenko after the wiir. ments o f the Fourth Panzer Army tack.
"we abandoned our gains, rushed and seize important population During the evening of 5 Novem-
back towards the River Irpen."' centers to the west of the Dnepr. her, Kravchcnko met with his staI'I'
None in his command regretted the "The Supreme Commander (Stalin) in the outskirts of Kiev. Leaning
withdrawal morc than Coloncl has ordcrcd us to launch the offen- over a map, Kravchenko indicated
Shutov. sive on 3 November," he said in con- the march routes of the tank
clusion. "The Ukrainian capital is to columns and the coordination re-
With the tank corps' arrival back he liberated not later than 6 Novem- quirements of the brigades. He
in the bridgehead, and in coordina- ber."' marked on the map the portion of
tion with 38th Army rifle units, they the city they would attack. He or-
repelled all the (ierman counterat- Kravchenho stood quietly in the dered the concentration of units
tacking forces and again expanded back, against the wall. He made no and preparations for the advance to
the bridgehead. Meanwhile, Vatutin comments. His tank corps, in coor- the final j u m p i n g 4 positions. And
worked to rush other I'orces to fully dinated tank and infantry tactics. then Kravchcnko addcd a surprising
exploit the Dnepr crossing. would fight as a mobile group for requirement, "The tanks must drive
the 38th Army. Attacking in the lirst in the at high speeds with
German aircraft dropped leaflets echelon, his corps would again cross headlights on."9
throughout the hridgehead area. In the lrpen River. He knew what was
an attempt t o demoralize the expected ol'him and he would get it His staff and commanders ex-
tankers and dash the hopes of the done. changed glances in disbelief. Noting
infantrymen, the leaflets read, the puzzled stares, Kravchenko con-
"(ieneral Kravchenko losl all his 240 While in the assembly area, 1V firmed his instructions. "Yes. all
tanks and now sits entrapped." G u d s Tank Corps became the tar- vehicles - tanks, self-propelled
Reading one of the lcallcts brought get of marauding German Stuka guns, transports - will move at a
to him. Kravchcnko remarked. "If I aircraft. Kravchcnko quickly high speed with headlights on and
had 2 4 ) kinks, I would drive those decided deception would be neces- sirens blaring."'"
Fascists all the way to Berlin."' sary for his unit's third crossing of
the Irpen. He had his engineers At 2 0 0 hours, 5 November,
With the arrival of additional for- huild false crossing sites over the General Vatutin gave the order to
ces - the 3rd Guards Tank Army- river and fabricate mock tanks from begin the final assault on Kiev. The
in the bridgehcad, Vatutin, on 30 plywood in the assembly areas. The tanks' rapid night advance, with
Octoher. held a war council with his dummy tanks drew the German headlights on and firing thcir main
army and corps commanders. The bombing strikes. guns on the move, stunned the Ger-
conference was conducted in the man defenders and created con-
cellar of a bombed-out school house At 0600, 3 November, the 1st Uk- fusion and panic. Fearing encircle-
in Novo-Petrot-tsy in the Lyutezh rainian Front (the Voronezh was ment, the Germans began to
withdraw from the city and, by 0400 tinued to fight through the Balkans 3' Ibid.
hours, 6 November, the German and Carpathian mountains to the Ibid.
resistance in Kiev ceased, Announc- end of the war in Europe, in May 5' Anna Stroeva, Komandarm Krav-
ing the capture of the city. Vatutin 1945. chenko (Army Commander Kravchenho),
phoned Stalin, who ordered salutes Polizdat Ukraine, 1984, pp. 63-64.
fired in Moscow and all Russia to After the war in Europe, Krnv- ''
Ibid., p. 70.
celebrate the victory. chenko and his tank army wcre Ibid., p. 70.
In the month's lighting, Krav- transferred to the Far East military 8' David Dragunsky, A Soldier's Memoir,
chcnko led his tank corps in cross- theater. In August 1945, his tank Progress, Moscow, 1983, p. 111.
ing the Desna, Dnepr, and - three army attacked across the Greater 9' Stroeva, p. 68.
times - the Irpen rivers, and his Khingan mountains and desert of "'lbid.
unit was the first to pierce to the western Manchuria against the
center of Kiev. Kravchenko's tire- Japanese Kwantung army. In a Bibliography
less, aggressive performance earned lightning campaign, forward ele-
him his country's highest decora- ments of his tank army ended the Carell, Paul, Scorched Earth, Ballantine,
tion, the star of the Hero of the Wilr on the shores of the Pacific New York, 1966.
Soviet Union. He became marked Ocean. Kravchenko for the second Dragunsky, David, A Soldier's Memior,
for advancement in command. time received his country's ultimate Progress, Moscow, 1983.
recognition. "Gody v brone," Voenizdat, Moscow,
In January 1944, combining the 1V 1975.
Guards Tank Corps and V Twice Hero of the Soviet Union, a Erickson, John, The Road To Berlin.
Mechanized Corps. the Red Army title earned by only a select few, Westview, Colorado, 1983.
created its last tank army during the General Kravchenko became one of Grechko, A. A., "V boyakh za stolitsu Uk-
war, and Kravchenko became its the major fighting heroes of the rainy," Voenno-istoricheskii zhurnal, No.
commander. His organization, the Great Patriotic War. Unfortunately, 11-1963.
new 6th Tank Army, was completrd his accomplishments, like like those Kravchenko, Andrei, "Tankisty forsiruyut
in time for participation in the Kor- of many of the other Red Army ryeki," Voenno-istoricheskii zhurnal, No. 4
sun-Shevchenko operation in tank commanders, have not been 1963.
January-February 1944. With his spotlighted in the West's poshvar Khrushchev, N. S., Khrushchev Remem-
tank army, Kravchenko now attack- literature, leaving a vague, and often bers, Little, Brown, Boston, 1970.
ed as the mobile group for the 1st incorrect, notion of the fighting on Mackintosh, Malcolm, British Military Ob-
Ukrainian Front. slicing through the the Eastern Front. server to the Soviet Army who met Krav-
German forward defense and encir- chenko, interview, 2 October 1986.
cling a salient of some 70,000 Ger- But as Kravchenko stood at the Stroeva, Anna, Komandarm Krav-
mans. The operation was a end of a long and hard-won triumph chenko, Polizdat Ukraine, 1984.
catastrophic defeat for the Ger- against the Germans and Japanese,
mans, forcing them to completely he understood, and represented
abandon the Dnepr River area. fully, the words of a traditional Rus-
sian warrior creed, "He who comes
In August 1944, Kravchenko led to us with a sword shall perish by
Lieutenant Colonel Richard
the 6th Tank Army in fighting in the the sword." N. Armstrong was comrnis-
Yassy-Kishnev operation. Executing sioned from West Virginia
a brilliant 11-day operation, Krav- Notes University in 1969. He has
chenko conducted operations at served in military intelligence
night, crossed water obstacles, as- Author's interview with Malcolm Mack-
in such posts as Department
sisted in the destruction of an army intosh, British Military Observer to the
of the Army, 1st Cavalry
group, and placed the German situa- Red Army, who met and knew Kravchenko
Division, the USAREUR staff
tion on the strategic flank in jeopar- and in the European,
dy. The army's actions in this opera- 2' A. Kravchenko, "Tankisty forsiruyut
Korean, and Vietnamese
tion won it the "Guards" designa- reki (Tankers Force the Rivers)," Voenno-
theaters. He is currently G2,
tion. The 6th Guards Tank Army, istoricheskii zhurnal (Military History Jour-
1st Cav Div.
under Kravchenko's leadership, con- nal), No. 9-1963, p. 63.
The impact of the National Train- Fort Chaffee, Arkansas. Though it Air Force and Army active and
ing Center (NTC) at Fort Irwin, is a new organization, the results reserve component contingency for-
California. on the U.S. Army is ob- have been extremely positive. The ces in deployment and tactical
vious. Tank and mechanized in- post covers a total of 50,UOO acres, operations under anticipated condi-
fantry units fight bctter because mostly heavy brush, marsh and tions of low- to mid-intensity com-
they now train to fight. With the ex- woods. Some scenarios call for all bat. The training includes the execu-
panding role and size of the light or portions of the exercises to take tion of sustained collective tasks
forces, the need for a "Light Train- place in othcr locations. under conditions beyond those nor-
ing Center" became obvious. Ac- mally possible at unit home stations.
cordingly, the Army created the Mission
Joint Readiness Training Center The JRTC mission is to provide an The mission of the Opposing
(JRTC) on 27 February 1987 at advanced level of unit training for Force (OPFOR) is to provide rota-
tional training units with a highly-
trained aggressor force that
employs Threat tactics and is
capable of operating at several
levels of combat, from insurgent for-
ces to mid-intcnsity mechanized
November-December 1988 27 I
Three famous German tanks of WWII, from left: Tiger I, Panther, and Tiger II on exhibit at RAC Museum.
The Tank Museum at the Royal decision to preserve some of the earliest Jays of tank development.
Armourcd Corps Centre at original WWI tanks. During the Little MSllic, the first tank ever, built
Bovington Camp - the British 1920s the collection grew, and ex- in 1915, is one such survivor.
equivalent of Fort Knox - is the panded in the 1930s with the addi-
oldcst tank museum in thc world. tion of experimental vehicles that Othcr examples of WWI tanks in-
Thousands of people have visited had completed their trials. During clude six of the original, trapezoidal-
the museum, including more than a the early days of WWII, when in- shaped British heavy tanks of the
few readers of ARMOR. However. vasion threatened Britain, museum 1916-1928 era. These range from
anyone who visited the museum a officials dispcrscd the collection, the Murk I, which was the first type
few years ago would hardly recog- and several of the WWI tanks took of tank to see action in September
nize it today because of its expan- up duty again as pillboxes at vital 1916, to the Anglo-American hlark
sion and improvcrnents. road junctions. Othcr priceless CIII and the Murk ZX, the latter rep-
vehicles were cut up to meet the na- resenting the first attempt to build
The nucleus of the museum's ex- lion's demand for scrap steel. Merci- an armored infantry carrier.
tensive collection of tanks and other fully, some of the most valuable
armored vehicles was created more vehicles survived and they now Post-WWI tanks housed in the
than sixty years ago with the provide a trcasured link with the museum's collcction include a V'ick-
(Photos by permission
of RAC Tank Museum.)
em Mcdiiiiii, which was the most Ve ry comprehensive collection of Students from the Royal Military
numerous tank built anywhere in wWII tanks, including the famous College of Science (See “Graduate
the world during the 1920s. The Ti)y r I& which, at 76 tons, was the Studies in Combat Vehicle Technol-
Royal Tank Corps used this tank in heaviest tank to see action in that ogy,” Sept-Oct 1087 ARMOR) are
its pioneer experiments in mobile ar- W2ir. also frequent visitors.
mored warfare.
1*he museum’s comprehcnsive col- Such visits uphold the original pur-
Another interesting tank on dis- IC(:tion of post-WW1 tanks and ar- pose of the museum, lo provide a
play is the bidepeitdeitt, an ex- mcxed vehicles includes the British basis of instruction for members o f
perimental heavy tank with five tur- CCncprcror of the 196Os, the heaviest the Royal Tank Corps and other
rets. This represents the most ex- P Ost-WII tank to see service, and components of British forces. In
treme example of a between-the- t hc: Chiefrun, still the most 1947, the museum opened to the
wars craze for multi-turreted tanks. nu merous tank in the British Army. public and has become one of the
Atnong the newer acquisitions is a most popular British museums, with
The WWII tanks and armored French-hilt Panhard AML 90 ar- more than 200,OW visitors each year.
vehicles have been assembled in a mtxed car captured by the British
new exhibit that includes not only in the Falkland Islands, and a During the past few years, the
British, but U.S., German, and Rus- Br,azilian-built Engesa EE-9 Cas- museum has undergone a con-
sian tanks, as well as French, cuvel armored car, used in the siderable expansion. Now, most o f
Italian, Japanese, and Swedish ar- reccent Iraq-Iran war. its vehicles are under cover. As far
mored vehicles. There are now as possible, each vehicle is dis-
more than 180 vehicles in this ex- 1h e inclusion of such vehicles in played against a contemporary back-
hibit, and it continues to grow as thc:museum makes it not only of his- ground. which helps visitors acquire
newer models are donated by the t0lrical but of current military and a better appreciation of its
British Army, or through exchanges tec:hnical interest. As such, the capabilities and characteristics.
o f duplicate machines with other mim u m is a source of general infor-
museums. miition about the development of ar- The museum owes much of its
mcIrcd vehiclcs and is visited military and public success to a suc-
In addition to the collection of the ‘el Fularly by Royal Armoured Corps cession of dedicated curators, all o f
earliest tanks and armored vehicles, CC:nlre personnel, as well as those whom have been retired olficcrs o f
the RAC Tank Museum houses a frc)m other military establishments. the Royal Tank Regiment. The
museum has recognized the present society’s several hundred members nical instruction on armor to the
curator, LTC George Forty, by assist in vehicle restoration and in British forces and educational
naming one of the new display halls their opcration on special oc- recreation to the gcneral public. I t
alier him. casions. The society is also in- is a prime point o f interest t o visit-
strumcntal in fund-raising activities ing tankers and one well worth
In addition to its great array of for the museum. seeing when you come to England.
tanks and armored vehicles, the
museum also contains other histori- Among the museum’s operational
cal and technical materials. These tanks is a Mark V o f 1918 vintage, Richard M. Ogorkiewicz
include medals won by tankers in ac- as well as several WWII tanks. is a professor at the Royal
tion, uniforms of different periods These vehicles frequently par- Military College of
of the Royal Armoured Corps, and ticipate in demonstrations of ar- Science and a consultant
the first gas turbine engine designed mored equipment. and provide a on armored vehicle tech-
and h i l t for tank use in 1954. The valuable historical perspective with nology. He is the author
museum also has an extensive later models. Other uses for these of two books and more
reference library and a hook shop, operilble tanks, especially the later than 300 articles on
which contains what is probably the models. includc support of such cur- armor, including 76 in
most extensive stock of books on rent defense technology activities as ARMOR. He is a consult-
armor. the study of tank seismic (sound) ing editor of International
signatures. Defense Review and presi-
For the past five years, the Society dent of the Society of
of Friends of the Tank Museum. a The Royal Armoured Corps Tank Friends of the Tank
voluntary organization, has backed Museum more than meets its dual Museum.
the cxpansion of the muscuni. The role of providing historical and tech-
The Desert
Training Center:
and Today
by Francis G. Blake
ARMOR - November-December 7988 25
Typical layout of DTCs tent
camps is shown above. Each
was about one by two miles "Seven armored divisions
in area. "FCI is the flag circle, and 13 infantry divisions
the center of the camp. trained there, but not one of
Below, the camps were
them ever fought in the
spread over a vast area of the
Mojave Desert. deserts of North Africa."
Francis G. Blake is a
paleontologist - a scien-
tist who studies fossils
and ancient life forms -
and an amateur his-
torian with particular in-
terests in motor
vehicles. He is a regular
contributor to Wheels
and Tracks and Army
Motors, the quarterly
journal of the Interna-
tional Military Vehicle
Collectors Club. He has
been studying the
Desert Training Center
This outdoor stoie altar, erected by the 183d FA Group at Camp Iron sites since 1983.
Mountain, is one of the few surviving landmarks from the DTC days.
squad would consist of M3 Brad-
leys. The other squad could he light,
perhaps mounted in HMMWVs, €or
more close-in reconnaissance.
H M W s - 5-MAN CREWS H31 - %MAN CREWS PLTJ Given people, equipment, and train-
SGT ing, this organization should be able
TOTAL: e to do the job.
5 H M W s
4 M35 Brigade Cavalry Troop
1 M2
54 PERSONNEL (Figure 2)
M2 BRADLEY Obviously, our divisional brigades
10 MEN
are especially bankrupt of any recon
or security capability. A brigade
Fig. 1 commander must rely on either sub-
ordinate battalion scout platoons or
divisional assets for help. Neither
regmental cavalry completed at the solution works. The NTC proves
NTC, it's too early to draw defini- Battalion Scout Platoon this with every rotation.
tive conclusions regarding ACR (Figure 1)
structure, but the need for some In contrast, the 194th and 197th
modification is apparent. We will At the NTC, we've clearly seen the brigades have organic cavalry
focus here on the need for an ade- need for scouts at the battalion task troops, consisting of scouts, tanks,
quate cavalry organization for the force level. The structure of the and mortars. While these two
maneuver heavy battalion, brigade, platoon is not far off. It should be brigades have only been allowed to
and the heavy division. Only passing capable of reconnaissance and bring their cavalry troops on recent
comment will be made concerning security missions (less guard, which rotations, the demonstrated poten-
regimental cavalry issues. brigade or division cavalry organiza- tial influence in reconnaissance.
tions should handle). The platoon security, and economy of force
Structural Recommendations should be capable of screening for operations has been significant.
the battalion and reconnoitering the
The types of organizations kind of units the battalion would The separate brigade commander
detailed here are those I feel are re- normally attack. I would add four has a great asset. Its use need not
quired for reconnaissance, security, vehicles to the platoon for a total of be confined to reconnaissance and
and economy of force missions from ten. One would transport an in- security operations. In fact, given
battalion through corps. Once fantry squad for dismounted recon- the organization of the troop, the
again, I emphasize that these are naissance/security. The othcr separate brigade also has an
personal opinions and are unjus- vehicles would form two scout economy of force asset, which
tified by empirical data. squads of four crews each. One enables the brigade commander to
Technological progress in training Embedded training subsystems familiar tanks from either pre-posi-
now offers exciting opportunities to can range from training subsystems tioned stocks (POMCUS) or war
improve the U.S. Army’s ability to added on to equipment to suhsys- reserve. Embedded training will
effectively employ modern, lethal tems that are built in. At the low also provide a readily available train-
weapons systems in combat. Advan- end or the scale are appended train- ing package for sustainment training
ces in computational capacity and ing subsystems, which can be quick- in units, and a training manage-
storage, interactive dynamic high- ly attached to existing mounting ment (record kccping) capability
fidelity imagerv, networking, hardware and datdelectronic con- that will relieve this t-ype of ad-
software and courseware, full-con- nections. At the mid-point are train- ministrative burden from unit
tent voice recognition and genera- ing subsystems that are permanently trainers. This capability may ul-
tion, and artilicial intelligence’ may mounted to the cornbat system, hut timately provide more objectivity in
make possible far more effective are ad,junct to the operational the readiness reporting system.
training subsystems than previously hardware. On the opposite end of
available. this continuum are training suhsys- Another advantage of embedded
tcms that are totally integrated into training is that it standardizes train-
The way we train and when we the operational hardware (subsys- ing across the force, regardless of
train may dramatically change by tems that share the same black box). the soldier’s geographic location or
the late I W s and into the 21st Cen- major Army command. The lesson
tury. Moreover, the potential to ac- Embedded training requires more content and performance standards
tually apply this new training tech- than the simple presentation of in- originate from one source and are
nology increases as our fighting formation. It must assess the part of the combat system?
vehicles become more technological- proficiency level of the user, feeding
ly sophisticated - solid-state fire this assessment back to the user to Embedded training is not without
control computers, very high-speed improve his performance or rein- its disadvantages. First, it is costly.
integrated circuitry, and electronic force correct performance. It must This cost includes not only the ac-
display screens are a few key ex- also keep records of the operator’s quisition price of the hardware and
amples. training proficiency progress. software to run the training subsys-
tcm, but also the cost of software
This same capacity to improve a Most available training technology development of each lesson and
vehicle’s onboard data processing has been fielded after the new com- changes to those lessons as doctrine
and storage capability permits a bat system has arrived at the using evolves ovcr the life of the combat
practical discussion of embedded unit, hut embedded training must system. These costs will drive up the
training in future combat systems. be designed into the combat system total procurement costs of the com-
at the earliest engineering stages. bat system - aggravated because
What is embedded training? This training subsystem must then the training system is often partially
Eiiibcddcd trairiirig is training “that be tested and produced at the same funded from sources usually not ear-
is proriiled by capabilities clesipied time as the combat system. Em- marked for combat system develop-
to he built into or added onto opera- bedded training will permit instruc- ment.
to enharice arid main-
tional .YVS~C~I~I.Y tion on how to operate the tank
tain the skill proJicieiiqv iiccessun’ to without the need for instructors. A second disadvantage is that em-
operate arid niuiiirairi that eqiriyrrient This capability will permit rapid bedded training requires more fre-
end item ’” trainup of soldiers who must use un- quent use of the combat system.
Therefore, there is more risk to the The first armor combat system teractive instruction on display
reliability, availability, and main- that possesses real potential for an screens at each crew station. Crew
tainability of the system. The parts embedded training subsystem is the gunnery procedures training will
of the system used for training must Abrams Block 111 tank. It will be provide "how to fight the tank" train-
be made just as rugged as the sys- developed according to the guide- ing through on-board, computer-
tem itself to ensure the system can lines of the Army policy on em- generated imagery presented on dis-
maintain its rcquired operational bedded training The Abrams Block play scrcens and direct view optics.
rate. For those parts of the training 111 is currently scheduled for field- This training will be similar to
subsystem that are fully embedded ing in the late 1990s. Its training sub- today's tank commanderlgunner
in the operational hardware, desig- system will integrate embedded training that occurs in the Unit Con-
ners must ensure that failure of the training applications into the four duct of Fire Trainer, but will in-
training subsystem does not affect areas of armor training: gunnery, clude t h e driver as well. Gunnery
performance of the operational sub- tactics, driving, and maintenance. sustainment training (as well as tacti-
system.'5 Embedded training will support cal table-type training) will also
unit sustainment, cross- and transi- occur during field training exercises
Finally, because ernbedded train- tion training. Instruction at the through the use of an embedded tac-
ing requires advanced technology, Armor Center will likely rely on tical engagement system that fully
there are technical risks associated separate stand-alone trainers (e.g., rcpresents the operational fire con-
with choosing a technology thitt will ICOV, driver trainer, close cornhat trol system. This capability may
be available in time for production. tactical trainer, and organizational share many of the components of
Failure to advance a key tcchnology maintenance traincr) to avoid re- the operational system, such as the
may dramatically change the em- quiring large numbers of the laser rangefinder and fire control
bedded training approach (of Abrams Block 111 at Fort Knox. cornputcr. The fire control and dis-
course, this is a risk to the opera- However, institutional training will tribution training that now occurs in
tional system as well, but in the include instruction on how to use Simulation Networking (SIMNET)
past, training developers frequently the ernbedded training subsystem will be provided by the embedded
relied on proven technology to on the tank. systems of single tanks networked to
develop training devices for existing three (platoon) or more (com-
systems).6 So, what is the potential applica- pany/team) tanks. These tanks will
According to a 1987 Army policy tion of embedded training to the be networked through a mobile
letter: Abrams Block Ill? Gunnery train- central processing unit, which can
ing will include individual and crew be located at a field or garrison site.
"Art embedded trairtirig capability "how to" training, crew gunnery pro-
will be thoroiigli!?~ewliiated arid con- cedures training, precision tactical Tactical training will employ many
sidered as tlic preferred alteniative engagement simulation, and largcr of the samc cmbedded training com-
ariiortg otlier approuclies to the incor- unit (platoon, company) fire control ponents used to support gunnery
poration of training siih~vsteritsin rite and distribution training. Individual training. Software will be added to
dervlopriierit arid follow-ori Prodiict and crew "how to" training will be the onboard computer (or provided
Iritproveriterit Pro anis of ull Amiy provided by artificially intelligent, from a central processing unit) to
ritateriel qrteriis.
It computer-assisted instruction - in- train the skills necessary for tactical
I 1
ARMOR - November-December 1988 35
proficiency. Artificially intelligent fault programs will train the use of
computer-assisted instruction will these systems, as well as provide Notes
provide leader instruction on the practical experience in the use of
tactical employment of the tank, sec- the ernbedded maintenance ”Armored Familv of Vehicles ( A M
tion, and platoon. Tank com- software, which provides remove, Training Studv, U.S. Army Project
manders and platoon leaders will be replace, and repair instructions. Manager for Training Devices, 30 Sep 87,
able to participate in tank TEWTs Training performance feedback pp 64-60 and 75-78.
or CPXs using doctrinally-correct will improve dramatically over what *“Embedded Training,” GEN M.R. Thur-
automated crewmembers (similar to is available today. This feedback man and Hon J. R. Ambrose, Army policy
ICOFT) and battle simulation capability, engineered from the letter, 3 Mar 87.
presented on display screens and beginning into the training suhsys- “Embedded Training as a Svstem Alter-
vision blocks. This will permit tcni. will provide audio, visual, and native. H. C. Strasel. F.N. Dyer, J.T. Roth,
leader-only training (other crew hard copy (disk or paper) records Dec 87, VOL 2, pg 6.
members would be able to conduct of individual, crew, and unit perfor- ImDlementina Embedded Training: In-
other mission-related activities) mance during the training exercises terim Overview, D.C. Finley, i.N. Alder-
under the physical constraints of his that occur on the tank. These exer- man, D.S. Peckham, H.C. Strasel, Mar 87,
tank crew position. Trained leaders cises include those that use em- VOL 1, pg 2.
will then be integrated with their bedded training subsystems, as well ’Armored Familv of Vehicles ( A F V Train-
crews to conduct battle simulation as training that uses the operational ing Studv, U S . Army Project Manager for
exercises, much like today’s SIM- system (e.g. live fire and FTXs). Training Devices, 30 Sep 87, pp 82-84.
NET. Leaders, crews, and units This training performance software “Trainina Svstems ConceDts for the Ar-
trained using this embedded battle will also do the analysis required to mored Familv of Vehicles with Considera-
simulation will then apply this enable trainers to provide im- tion of the Roles of Embedded Traininq
knowledge in field training exercises mediate after-action reviews. This and Stand-Alone Trainina Devices, J.T.
supported by the same embedded performance data will also be Roth, W.P. Cherry. H.C. Strasel, 31 Aug
precision tactical engagement linked (easy data transfer via floppy 87, PP 38-40.
simulation used during gunnery disk) to the Integrated Training ““Embedded Training,” GEN M.R. Thur-
training. Management System (ITMS) so man and Hon J. R. Ambrose, Army policy
that leaders can assess what addi- letter, 3 Mar 87.
Driver training will occur through tional training is required. 8’This discussion of ET applications for
individual “how to” training and the Abrams Block 111 was taken from the
driver simulation training. Driver Our goal is to provide the Armor draft requirements documents for the
knowledge and procedure training Force with an improved Abrdnis tank, the approved final draft of TC 17-12-
will occur using the same embeddcd that fully exploits the technological 7, Armor Training Devices Macrostrateav,
computer-assisted instruction with advantages we can bring to hear. and the views of the author.
driver-specific software. Unit driver This includes both maneuverability
training will occur through em- and lethal fircpower, as well as
bedded simulation using the same trained leaders and soldiers who
hardware interfaces that support can effectively apply this technology
the embedded gunnery procedure in combat. Embedded training will Major H. Critz Hardy is a
and tactical training. This unit provide the force a training 1975 graduate of the U.S.
driver training will Iwild upon the capability that will help us to under- Military Academy. He
driver proficiency gained from stand modern warfare better than served with the 1st Bn.,
driver trainers at the Armor School previously imaginable. Our chal- 37th Armor, and the 4th
and complement the driver training lenge over the next several years is Bn., 40th Armor. He recent-
that occurs as part of embedded to define the most effective mix of ly served as chief, Opera-
gunnery and tactical training, as training capabilities for the Abrams tions Research and Sys-
well as the driver training that oc- Block 111. It is this training tems Analysis Division,
curs as part of live-fire gunnery capability mix that will sustain our Directorate of Training and
training and vehicle-based Geld training proficiency - a key element Doctrine, U.S. Army Armor
training exercises. in our ability 10 provide a credible School, and is currently at-
Maintenance training will train detcrrence - until the next oppor- tending the U.S. Army Com-
crewniembers and organizational tunity to apply training technoloe mand and General Staff Of-
mechanics in the use of the onhoard advances - the Future Armored ficers Course, Fort Leaven-
embedded diagnostic and prognos- Combat system (Armored Family of worth, KS.
tic maintenance systems. Simulated Vehicles).
~ ~ ~
task to the standard established in quired for a given skill level. As receive that equipment. It just
the reference, normally a TM.) revisions take place in the future, makes sense to reduce the size of
These tasks do nothing more than confining these to one skill level will these manuals where possible.
take up space. ignoring the fact that enable training developers to con-
unit leaders will require manuals for centrate their efforts, resulting in a Change is inevitable. given the
such tasks as perform PMCS, more thorough product. This will state of continual equipment transi-
troubleshoot. This will lead to the mean that Soldiers Manuals for tion and evolving doctrine. The ef-
development of Soldiers Manuals higher skill level soldiers may in- fectiveness of our training will hinge
that are smaller and similar to the crease in size. As an example, the on our ability to provide the best
small unit ARTEP MTPs. recent revision of Armor ANCOC possible resources to trainers. The
has resulted in a significant expan- support of individual training must
To link our training publications sion of the skill level 4 Soldiers focus on products that support unit
and create stability, we must slow Manual. training and provide stability in the
the pace of revision. STPs should standardization of training. As we
follow a five-year cycle, allowing Other options to improve Soldiers look to the IWs, the question that
two years for development and Manuals include deleting low-den- we must answer now is:
three years for uninterrupted use in sity, system-specific tasks from the
the field. The two-year development basic manual and producing system- "Will we control the changes
cycle will ensure subsequent specific manuals to be distributed before us, or will the changes con-
revisions are linked with ARTEP only to units possessing that equip- trol us?" How we answer that ques-
MTPs. During this period, any chan- ment. For example, the tasks on the tion will shape individual traininE
ges due to errors, new equipment, M551 vehicle are found in every into the 21st Century.
or other factors can still be accom- copy of the current 19E and 19D
modated. TRADOC service schools Soldiers Manual.
are allowed to create SUT supple- Major Albert E. Bailey
ments to incorporate tasks omitted A separate manual for M551 sys- was commissioned in
from STPs. These supplcments can tem-specific tasks can easily be Armor in 1975 from ROTC
also provide tasks for training on produced and sent only to the one at the University of Geor-
new equipment, and serve as an in- battalion possessing the M551. Not gia. He has served as a
terim document, pending an STP only does this make training sense, cavalry platoon leader,
revision. The SUT supplements but it reduces the page count in all cavalry troop commander,
would be forwarded with the SQT other 19E and 19D manuals, there- and on various staff posi-
notice, minimizing distribution by saving money. Similar task sup- tions at battalion level. He
problems. plements can be applied to the units also was an ROTC instruc-
using the HMMWV. As we project tor at North Carolina State
In concert with the slower pace of the decreasing density of a certain University. He is currently
revision, publishing manuals by skill vehicle, we can pull it from the assigned as chief, Train-
level will allow service schools to main manuals and only target units ing Division, Directorate of
produce STPs that comprise the that will continue to have that Training and Doctrine,
largest complement of tasks re- vehicle, and the units designated to U.S. Army Armor School,
Fort Knox, KY.
When Armor Branch was the fair." I feel that we have taken a units can operate successfully in
proponent for air cavalry and attack giant leap backward. We no longer mid-intensity conflicts. There is no
helicopter units, the doctrine and consider aviation to be a maneuver known reason to believe that avia-
tactics those aviation units used asset and employ aviation units in tion units cannot operate over a
were basically similar to those of the same manner as we employed high-intensity battlefield. The
armor and armored cavalry ground them in the 1965-1970 time frame - mobility of the helicopter provides
units. The only difference was the as aerial antitank reinforcing fires. the commander his most responsive
means used to accomplish a given combat maneuver firepower on
mission. The Armor Center was in Where have the concepts and s u p today's battlefield. No other units
the forefront of pushing the rest of porters in the armor community can move to trouble spots in the
the Army to get aviation out of the gone that supported such novel close battle, rear battle, or deep bat-
"support" role and to fully integrate ideas as TRICAP, ACCB, attack tle, as quickly as attack helicopter
it into the maneuver scheme. Air helicopter companies and bat- units. With the more capable sens-
cavalry and attack helicopter units talions, air cavalry squadrons, ing systems for night- and limited-
are, alter all, maneuver units, not ACATs, and ACAB? What has visibility operations now available,
support units, possessing superior changed the thinking within the there is no other unit that can per-
mobility at the expense of armor Armor Branch to make us believe form area or zone reconnaissance
protection and the ability to that air cavalry and attack hclicop- and shift to screen missions morc
dominate terrain. The Armor ter units are incapable of conduct- quickly than air cavalry. It is time
Center stressed that air cavalry and ing independent operations and that we start to realize these facts
attack helicopter units were combat being employed as combat aerial once again.
units and should receive such treat- maneuver units? Is it the perceived
ment. When we gave air cavalry and threat? If so, then why do we think If we at the Armor Center truly
attack helicopter commanders that the helicopter is so vulnerable, believe in the combined arms con-
definite missions, they task-or- yet the tank and the Bradley are cept, then let us stop treating avia-
ganized to best accomplish the not? Why do we seem to believe tion like an ugly step sister and
ground commander's intent. What that Soviet helicopters are a tremen- make aviation units respond as
has happened to change that con- dous threat to close combat (heavy) equal partners in the missions of
cept? operations, but our helicopters are finding, fucing, and destroying the
not the same threat to Soviet for- enemy. We need to determine the
Since the proponency for air caval- ces? Maybe we ought to stop paint- missions, roles, and functions we
ry and attack helicopter organiza- ing the Threat as being nine feet tall want air cavalry and attack helicop-
tions went to Fort Rucker, the em- and reflect upon our capabilities ter units to perform. Once we have
phasis on their maneuver role has and experiences. done that, then Fort Rucker can
been lost. Fort Rucker is "systems"- design organizations, equipment,
oriented and continues to em- We know that air cavalry and at- and the personnel to accomplish
phasize the system (e.g., LHX, OH- tack helicopters can operate superb- those missions. We can then assess
58D, etc.) instead of the missions ly in a low-intensity conflict environ- the capabilities of aviation units to
those systcms must execute. In ment (50 to 70 percent of the com- perform those missions.
response to this changing nature of mitment of combat forces in Viet-
doctrinal employment of aviation, nam was as a direct result of air We need to define the roles, mis-
we at the Armor Center have cavalry reconnaissance). European sions, and functions of the Combat
adopted a position of "benign tests and exercises, as well as Aviation Brigade and decide
neglect," since Fort Rucker is now CONUS tests and Mideast after-ac- whether or not it should become a
the proponent and "it is not our af- tion reports, tell us that aviation fourth maneuver brigade. When the
I nteroperability:
Training Now to Fight with Our Allies
by Captain James F. Nolan
To fight alongside our allies will On the way to link up with the Ger- list offers some ideas that help
be a future battlefield reality. To man company commander, hun- make working with allies less
work the kinks out now is the key to dreds of questions race through traumatic for platoon- and company-
success. your mind. What are you going to grade leaders. These suggestions
do? are based on personal experiences
Your mission: Counterattack as during numerous training exercises
part of a West German-U.S. task Because it will be the platoons and with a German armor battalion, but
force. Your platoon is on the Ger- companies that fight the battle, our are applicable to other situations as
man flank, so you must coordinate armor leaders down to platoon level well.
to provide the German mechanized must be prepared to work effective- 0 Train your crews extensively in
infantry company with tank support. ly with allied units. The following vehicle identification. This helps out
The good commandcr is always or policy. The commander must con- ficers. This approach keeps the
teaching and training, and one ac- sider officer development as the training worthwhile and maintains
tivity complements the other.' goal of his overall mentoring the interest of the officers. The ini-
program. A fully developed tial challenge in developing a
An officer incurs a great respon- program goes far beyond generic program is to study what can be
sihility to develop subordinates. For classes in the officers club and trained. There are many suhjects,
the commander and staff officer, strives to develop the officer in all but they can be categorized into
the development of his subordinates areas. It is a comprehensive, in- four groups.
is a high priority for both training tegrated program tailored to the in-
benefit and professional develop- dividual officer and the needs of the The armor officer must have a
ment. Leader development pays im- unit. The Oflicer Professional thorough knowledge of gunnery and
mediate dividends and contributes Development Program encompasses tactical skills and techniques. He
to the success of an officer in that all activities that aid subordinate of- must be able to meet the same
he becomes more proficient and bet- ficers. standards as his soldiers and con-
ter undersbmds the goals and stand- tinually work to be an expert. Sub-
ards of his superior. As this officer The program that a commander in- jects can range from basic gunnery
continues on in the Army, he will stitutes aims to train the officers, techniques and individual tactics to
develop his own subordinates in better develop their standards, and advanced gunnery skills and coor-
turn. This education effort has the expand their horizons in many dination of complicated tactical
potential to affect many units and in- professional areas. To do this, the problems at any unit level.
dividuals over the years. leader who is directing an OPD
program must bring many elements Officers need constant develop-
Despite the clear advantages of into play. He must formally train his ment of professional and staff skills.
developing officers, there is a ten- officers, counsel formally and infor- These classes cover discussions on
dency to treat OPD classes as just mally, and constantly describe what ethics, professional values, planning
another requirement to be ac- he expects and wants to see. The skills, briefing techniques,
complished. Important subjects are overall program must allow those of- managerial skills, writing ability, in-
covered, but the overall program ficers who need more help to formation briefings on other
stops with the periodic classes, and receive greater assistance, while branches of the Army and the other
does not emphasize comprehensive, others headed in the right direction services, and classes meant to round
complete training of officers. Of- receive "attaboys" and positive rein- out the officers' training. This train-
ficers are expected to do well on forcement. The desired result is in- ing is meant to serve the officer
their own without assistance. Coun- formed, competent officers with a throughout his career.
seling only occurs under extreme cir- team perspective who know what
cumstances. Because OPD is often must be done. The great quantity of complicated
lightly treated, this article will con- weapon systems and associated
sider how to develop a thorough All officers are included in the equipment in armor and cavalry
program that best fulfills the needs Professional Development Program. units demands a detailed knowledge
of the unit and the officers themsel- This does not mean that every of- of supply and maintenance systems.
ves. ficer should be at each class. Tailor Our officers must know the system
classes to certain ranks or duty posi- in order to troubleshoot it when
Officer Professional Development tions in the unit. The oftkers par- things do not happen as Cas1 as
programs are much more than a ticipate in several concurrent clas- needed. Officers have to be profi-
weekly or monthly effort to "spread ses, or in classes at different times cient in maintaining their assigned
the word about some current issue which address specific groups of of- vehicle(s), and they particularly
I 1
3. T-64 MBT(USSR). Crew, 3; combat weight, 6. T-55 MBT(USSR). Crew, 4; combat weight,
38,000 kg; max. road speed, 70 km/hr; max. road 36,000 kg; max. road speed, 50 km/hr; max. road
range w/o auxiliary tanks, 450 km, w/auxiliary tanks, range w/o auxiliary tanks, 5 0 0 km, w/auxiliary
700 km; armament, 1 x 125-mm main gun, 1 x 7.62- tanks, 600 km; armament, 1 x 100-mm main gun, 1 x
mm coaxial machine gun, 1 x 12.7-mm AA machine 7.62-mrn coaxial machine gun, 1 x 7.62-mm bow
gun. machine gun, 1 x 12.7-mm AA machine gun.
Affiliation Certificates
For Ordnance Soldiers
17th Cavalry Activated
The Ordnance Corps has an-
The 17th Cavalry was activated nounced that its certificates of af-
under the Army's Regimental Sys- filiation are now available for all
tem in a ceremony at Fort Bragg Ordnance enlisted men, warrant
in July. officers, and commissioned of-
LTG Julius W. Becton, Jr., (U.S. ficers. To be eligible, the soldier
Army, Ret.) commander of the 2d must hold an Ordnance MOS or
Squadron in Vietnam, is Honorary LTG (Ret.) Julius W. secton, area of concentration.
Colonel of the Regiment, and Jr. inspects the troops at activa- Schools within the branch are
SGM Clifford Hart, who served tion of the 17th Cavalry. now issuing certificates. Certifi-
August 1944: The Campaign decisions made in spite. The outspoken how a massive two-pronged attack can
for France, by Robert A. Miller. Patton was no stranger to such controver- disrupt a centrally-located enemy's plans,
Presidio Press, Novato, CA, 1988. 255 sies, and his own statements broadcast operations, and logistics. OVERLORD cap-
pages. $17.95 his ridicule of the British and Canadians tured the imagination, but DRAGOON was
who faced the bulk of German armor. equally important.
This is reading for the historian, but the
layman will benefit much from this book, There was another, much less Miller has done his homework. This is
too. A day-by-day account of the historic publicized, invasion of France during that popular military history at its best. Profes-
and crucial month of August 1944, when historic month, Operation DRAGOON, sional or layman, if you have an interest
the Allies battled to establish and expand (originally ANVIL), the invasion of in the invasion campaign, this book is for
their Normandy bridgehead, this book is southern France. The book documents you.
telling in more ways than one. this campaign well, too, and illustrates ARMOR Staff
recovery series. LAVs, M60 AVLB often knows a lot about the small arms he
e ,,
I. L-.,_ .-_.. -.-- L. \_*.."
. 11,- 0 4 8, _. and counterobstacle vehicles. trained on, but has little perspective on
-.y.x~,.-c l..c.
c.-. 0.-
1-s .-.....
I-," *_._.I
what's been going on in the rest of the
-~ :::2==2:f3:Arms & Armour Press has estab- world. And pistols, after all, grew out of
. ~- -
I ....ll~,.l.-..-..-.~c.-- -_ . 1:
- lished itself
- publisher c"
as a
. military
the cavalry tradition. They may seem
small potatoes in the world of the U1-
Y ..._" ,..,a 7~l? - U.S. Mechanized Firepower timate Magnums - the high-pressure can-
Todav continues that reputation nons cavalry and armor soldiers work with
- and the authors enhance it. This every day - but there are more
L1.L Y
s I or<.-
E-rnc4.m.d 11/.* ld*_l.*.lll.w LW - is good material for the serious similarities than you might suppose. And
1 ".llI I *.. .m. armor buff, the armor pro, and with Hogg as your guide, this package
I rr4 M m nn-
- - 15,110 the serious modeler. tour is both informative and enjoyable.