Infographic - Ancient Period
Infographic - Ancient Period
Infographic - Ancient Period
The pantheon was completed
around 126-128 A.D. during the
reign of Emperor Hadrian. It
features a rotunda with massive
domed ceiling that was the largest
of its kind when it was built.
Stone chariot
Shrine built in the form of a chariot is among the three
famous stone chariots in India. The structure is
dedicated to Garuda who is the carrier of Lord Vishnu.
The carvings and sheer beauty of this structure make it
a 'must-visit' attraction of Hampi.
As early as 3000 B.C., Egyptians developed a
technique for making paper from the pith of the
papyrus plant. Long strips were woven together
and weighted down to bind them into a strong, thin
sheet. The Egyptians also invented pens made of
cut reeds and mixed soot with beeswax and
vegetable gum to make ink.
Stone tools
A stone tool is, in the most general
sense, any tool made either partially or
entirely out of stone. Most stone tools
are associated with prehistoric
(particularly Stone Age) cultures that
have become extinct.